Really hoping that someone can help as I've read all over the net and not been able to get an answer.
Basically I can't get my Desire to connect to HTC sync which is a massive issue as I need to get my contacts from Outlook.
I have installed the latest version of HTC Sync and the disk drive function works fine but the phone simply won't connect to HTC sync.
I've tried all usb ports, reinstalled the software, restarted phone and computer, tried updating drivers.....
All I get is a message on the phone saying "Unable to find HTC sync on your PC. Please make sure that HTC is installed and open on your computer".
Anyone got any ideas at all how to fix this?!
Any help would be really appreciated.
I would check your firewall.
I have just setup HTC Sync and it works fine windows 7 x64
only problem i had is that outlook has to be close for the sync to work.
did u install the HTC sync version from the memory card that came with the desire? it newer than the latest release on the HTC website.
I have Win 7 and it works fine for me with new version, couldn't get it to work with the old one though.
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
For me work normaly on Win7 x64 ultimate...
Im install it from SD card when notify me about AV(NOD) Im disable it and continue with installation. After installation Im enable AV, setup some sync settings and normaly sync contacts and calendar.
I don't need close Outlook to sync items.
try disabling your anti virus/ firewall
Works fine on my W7 x64 Ultimate rig syncing with Outlook 2007
I have the same problems...firewall is off, the newest winmobilecenter 64bit software is installed but i canĀ“t sync with outlook 2007.. can you help me??
I had a similar problem and now I have a Google account (contacts, email, calendar etc) and am much happier than trying to get MS products to work...
I'm having the same problem with a thunderbolt, can anyone
help? Indeed when I connect the win7 box can see the phone.
It sees the drv and img dirs etc..
HT Sync (from the phone) can't see HT sync on the other side. Win7 also sees the device as a CD Drive. Funny old business innit?
Try uninstall HTC Sync and all other HTC* drivers in system. Then connect your phone and install HTC Sync. Worked for me.
I had big problems with this too. Later i gave up trying to fix it and found an old CD with Windows XP x86 and installed it on a VM. Works perfect.
As someone else has touched on, how about exporting contacts to a Google account and syncing that way?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Try running the install of HTC Sync and the program itself as Administrator.
Right click>Run as Administrator
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
I have the same problem. I think it is because i use custom ROM.
HTC Synch fails on Windows 7
Navigate to the exe and right click. Select proporties and choose 'run in compatibility mode'. Worked for me
Yes, don't think its custom ROM related - I use Runnymede AIO adn RSK 6, both sunc with Win7 Ultimate x64 fine.
I can recommend MyPhoneExplorer as an alternative to HTC Sync. It is free and in my experience more reliable and has lots of extra features.
The new version of HTC sync (ver 2.0.33) installs but won't run with a message about the application launcher not being properly configured. Several re-installs also fail as does a reversion to 2.0.28 which was working before. Any clues?
(Windows XP servicepack 3 by the way)
Works OK here on Windows 7 64bit.
REB1 said:
Works OK here on Windows 7 64bit.
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+1 as above
install previous and then use the update utility in the 28 to update to 33. Only update to 33 if you have issues with 28, dont update for the sake of updating. says
* If you have installed older version HTC Sync on your PC or NB, please uninstall the older version first.
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Thanks for the help, people but the problem is I can't install either ...28 or ...33 since I followed HTC's own instructions to uninstall the former before adding the latter - so no way to use either. (And yes I did turn off firewall and anti-virus before the upgrade)
Win7 64 here, no prob installing but NO SYNC at all.
With Outlook opened: error because Outlook does not repsond.
With Outlook closed: runs, but it says 0 contacts sync'ed
For me on Win7 x64 Ultimate work both versions ok.
would you guys (you who got the syncworking) tell me if you do so with Outlook open or closed and if you have subfolders in contacts?
thank you
i had my outlook open, it doesnt really matter if its open or closed it will still sync. When you install the htc sync it installs the drivers, when you connect your phone your pc should find the device. Is your PC finding hte device? the next step is to sync your pc with your phone.
Did you clear the settings or are you still using your old ones? you might have to clear the settings of sync and then try again (start from beginning after your pc has installed drivers).
Your phone also needs to be in sync mode not charge mode
Thanks A|ex,
of course the phone is in sync mode, and yes all the drivers are installed.
Phone finds HTC Sync, starts the sync... then if Outlook is opened it returns me an error (impossibile to contact Outlook, or something similar), if Outlook is closed it ends up with no errors, but with the log saying "0 contacts sync'ed"...
having major problems with desire>pc.
not just htc sync, but the device in not even showing in device manager.
(win 7 32bit)
any ideas?
i have tried older htc syncs, drivers etc but i cannot even get the device to show
i would like access to sd card for music photos etc
JapanLover said:
would you guys (you who got the syncworking) tell me if you do so with Outlook open or closed and if you have subfolders in contacts?
thank you
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the first version .28 i installed i had to have out look closed or i sync would fail, to get HTC sync to alow me to select out look on install again outlook had to be closed.
i have upgraded to .33 and now i can use sync with outlook open or closed and it syncs fine.
i uninstalled ver .28 before installing ver .33 also i had outlook closed when installing htc sync this time and the viruscheck disabled.
maybe the fact outlook was open first time round caused my problems.
Started a new thread rather than reactivate an old one (sorry if this is poor behaviour)
The new version of HTC sync (...33) appears to install fine on my PC (WinXP SP3) but will not run. I get a message that the application launcher is not properly configured.
I have followed ALL the instructions regarding uninstalling old versions, turning off firewall and AV protection etc to no avail. Now getting the same message if I try to reinstall the old version - which previously worked fine.
HTC support were no help whatsoever so a further appeal to the generous folk on this forum for help?
PLEASE don't tell me to uninstall and reinstall or turn off my firewall and AV or go back to the old version - see above - but any other suggestions gratefully received!
Similiar Issue with HTC Sync 2.0.33
I experience a similar issue today.
I create an new appointment on the Desire with the "Calendar" set to "My Calendar", connect with PC, it sync fine but the newly created appointment does not show up in Outlook.
So I delete the appointment in Desire and recreate the same appointment with "Calendar" set to "PC Sync". HTC Sync did not pick up the change automatically, try "Sync now" and it gives error saying cannot sync.
Discount the USB cable and try again, still say it cannot sync.
Power cycle the Desire and connect to PC again, HTC Sync takes a minute or so and report "Unable to find HTC Sync on the PC"
Suspect some bug in the HTC Sync software.
Any comments/ suggestion?
Rather a different problem I think
Any solution?
I have the same problem with HTC Sync application. I uninstalled it several times and tried different versions but still not working.
It actually was working without any problem, but after changing my desire Z ROM to a new one, the problem started on my PC !!!
Even before connecting my phone to the PC, the HTC Sync application cannot start. It flashes an error message very fast that I cannot read what it says and there's no log file to check this error offline.
Can someone help please?
Same problem here
i tried to install several versions; but on win7 64 with no luck. Latest version 3.05551, still the same. Flashes some message, so quick that is impossible make screen, and is gone.
Still the same and it desnt matter if im logged as admin or common user...
BUT - when i try start synchronization from trayicon with phone connected - it appeares that sync is working; but nothing is set to tynchronize.
Now i got idea. Ill try make video of that flashing message with phone, mayby we find some clue...
OK. To start:
HTC Desire (that's why I'm here)
Unrevoked root
LeeDroid V2.1 (2.2)
That should give all the information needed for my query (I hope).
I have been running LeeDroid for 3 days now and using PandaApp PC Suite to connect/clean up contacts.
This morning I went to finish off my contact cleaning task, opened PandaApp, did the requested update then went to work with contacts. PandaApp wants to install Phone Daemon (OK I think, maybe there is an update to the phone driver). Keep getting "fail to install" (or something like that).
Go through standard PC troubleshoot flow. Uninstall, clean reg, re-install. Same problem. So I uninstall HTC driver in Device Mangler, reboot, reattach, reinstall. Same problem.
Uninstall ALL. Install HYC Sync 3 (to test). HTC Sync 3 won't complete sync (unknown error).
Upon checking phone I see that the 91 mobile assistant app is missing.
So, now I can't do any syncing. Any ideas....anybody. Please
This may be stupid, but couldn't find any cure...As title says - anyone knows how to disable the thing from auto-starting when I plug in my One X into the PC? Thanks
Do you use it HTC Sync Manager or did you install it just because of the drivers? If only because of the drivers, uninstall the whole thing and leave the drivers installed. Here's only the drivers if someone needs them: (someone posted this on another thread, I take no credit).
If you do use HTC Sync Manager, one quick and easy way I found was to disable the HTCMonitorService.
Thanks for the input.
It is uninstalled and I don't use it. The thing is that the moment I plug in my phone, either of these happens:
- The setup of the Sync Manager starts automatically (if not installed), so I have to cancel it manually every time;
- The Sync manager itself launches (if installed).
There's no windows service or entry in the registry, nothing. It's obviously in the phone itself as an image, as the installation appears in my PC as a virtual drive the moment I plug in my phone.
I'm using JB.
You can try the auto-run settings in windows, or if you feel brave about it (and if rooted or maybe not, since i didnt try this) remove the htc stuff from your phone
Auto-run settings seems to be ignored, phone not rooted yet, but I was hoping to resolve this on Windows level...
lyubohar said:
Auto-run settings seems to be ignored, phone not rooted yet, but I was hoping to resolve this on Windows level...
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I changed the auto-run settings and i dont get any messages anymore
Also did it but setting is ignored for some reason. Will try again, thanks. Now at least I know this *should* normally work
The autorun settings is one way to solve the problem but you'll still see a "cd drive" in Explorer when the phone is connected and I, for one, don't like that. If you want to "fix" that, connect your phone to the PC and press "Windows Key + Pause/Break", open "Device Manager" and under "DVD/CD-ROM drives" disable the one relevant to the phone.
You'll still be able to browse the files in the phone within Explorer, it's just the "cd drive" with HTC Sync Manager installation that won't appear anymore.
But of course! Can't believe I didn't think of that, thanks man! :good:
try disabling "HTCMonitorService" thru Computer Management>>Services and Applications>> Services
samhill22 said:
try disabling "HTCMonitorService" thru Computer Management>>Services and Applications>> Services
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Worked like a charm, thanks @samhill22
You can also do what I do, go into your phone settings, apps, all, then scroll down to you see HTC Sync Manager and disable that. That'll prevent the installer from running on any computer. I havent seen any problems with my phone by doing this either, I still auto sync to drive and cloud services, all sync's work on my phone still like weather and account, and syncing music to say SongBird still works.
Nazgulled said:
The autorun settings is one way to solve the problem but you'll still see a "cd drive" in Explorer when the phone is connected and I, for one, don't like that. If you want to "fix" that, connect your phone to the PC and press "Windows Key + Pause/Break", open "Device Manager" and under "DVD/CD-ROM drives" disable the one relevant to the phone.
You'll still be able to browse the files in the phone within Explorer, it's just the "cd drive" with HTC Sync Manager installation that won't appear anymore.
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Hey mate - sorry to be dragging up an old post of yours - but i did this and it worked - but how do i reverse it? as i cant get my htc m8 to recognise my phone now at all?
donegalboy said:
Hey mate - sorry to be dragging up an old post of yours - but i did this and it worked - but how do i reverse it? as i cant get my htc m8 to recognise my phone now at all?
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your phone does not recognize your phone? you mean your computer doesn't recognize the phone?
also i face same problem in win 8.1