[Q] Working device, dead screen - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note II

A friend recently sent me her "retired" Galaxy Note II. She replaced it because at some point the screen stopped turning on altogether, but she still wanted me to see if I can salvage it somehow. I've tried, with no luck, and searches on the topic don't seem to suggest any solutions other than the fact that it may be a hardware issue. While I can accept this possibility, I'm really hoping that it is not the case because at this point I don't think it would be worth investing the time and money to buy the parts, learn how to replace them, and attempt it. If anyone has any ideas I'd be very grateful. Here are the symptoms:
The display NEVER turns on. It is in a constant state of pitch black.
The sounds are working fine. When I get an email, for example, it notifies me.
The hardware button works
The software buttons do not work
Upon connecting the device to a monitor, keyboard and mouse, the monitor works, however the keyboard and mouse do not. (I use the same monitor, keyboard and mouse with my Galaxy S4 and they all work fine.)
Touch interaction with the screen is working properly. Using the monitor, I am able to use the device, but it is very tricky, as it is simply a matter of trial and error. I tap on a black screen and have to look on the monitor to see if I hit my target.
The device is on the stock TouchWiz that came with it, and is not rooted. Since I am pretty sure that doing any mods without a working display would be more difficult than I could tolerate, I opted to take an OTA instead, despite the fact that it may make rooting and flashing ROM's impossible in the future. I hope I didn't screw myself by doing that but I had to make an executive decision. Here is what I've tried so far:
Factory reset
Update to the latest software (Android 4.3)
Pulled battery, held power button for 10 seconds while battery was out, replaced battery and powered device on.
I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions. Ideally, here is what I'd like to happen: get the display to turn on and restore functionality to the software buttons. This may not be possible without replacing some hardware components, which as I mentioned is not an option, but if it is I'd really like to give it a shot. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

My initial guess would be a digitizer failure...
A phone drop or water damage can easily render a phone dead...
You have the option of replacing the screen and digitizer at a cost of about $225.00 for the needed parts...but it's still no guarantee that the fix would be 100% successful...
My honest opinion is this...
Given the unknown history of the device...you are taking an expensive chance in attempting a repair...
And given the age of the device....the repair if performed by a qualified repair service would push the cost very near to the overall value of the device...
For the same dollars spent...you can obtain any number of working devices and save yourself the hassle...and the unknowns associated with a repair that will likely work...but again may not...
You are of course free to attempt the repair...but....
The skill level needed to perform a "proper" repair of the device is high...and you would need to study up on the process extensively before cracking open that case...
If I were in your situation...the choice would be to sell the device for parts....and put that cash back into a working device...
Others will chime in I'm sure with their recommendations....but I would choose to move on...g
Sent from my NOTE 2.750...
Courtesy of our amazing developers...

gregsarg said:
My initial guess would be a digitizer failure...
A phone drop or water damage can easily render a phone dead...
You have the option of replacing the screen and digitizer at a cost of about $225.00 for the needed parts...but it's still no guarantee that the fix would be 100% successful...
My honest opinion is this...
Given the unknown history of the device...you are taking an expensive chance in attempting a repair...
And given the age of the device....the repair if performed by a qualified repair service would push the cost very near to the overall value of the device...
For the same dollars spent...you can obtain any number of working devices and save yourself the hassle...and the unknowns associated with a repair that will likely work...but again may not...
You are of course free to attempt the repair...but....
The skill level needed to perform a "proper" repair of the device is high...and you would need to study up on the process extensively before cracking open that case...
If I were in your situation...the choice would be to sell the device for parts....and put that cash back into a working device...
Others will chime in I'm sure with their recommendations....but I would choose to move on...g
Sent from my NOTE 2.750...
Courtesy of our amazing developers...
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Thanks for the reply, and sorry I didn't see it sooner (I always forget to subscribe to threads). I figured this was probably not a fixable problem (at least not easily/economically fixable). But I wanted to see if there were any quick fixes I could try, and it sounds like there aren't. With that said, if anyone does want it for parts I'd let it go for a reasonable price (considering the damage and lack of functionality) through Swappa. (Sorry if I'm not supposed to make these kinds of offers here, if that is the case I'll gladly remove it.)


HTC warranty not being honoured.

Hi guys, any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
Last week I plugged my touch pro 2 in to charge. The phone was on and working fine, but the charging light would not come on.
So HTC collected my phone for repair...
Today I phoned to get the latest information and they want £160 to replace the motherboard or £11 to have the phone returned to be unrepaired. Apparently I have been running an illegal firmware and this has voided my warranty. I updated by firmware many times before settling on the one I was happy with, but it seems the one I settled with wasn't the official one. The guy quoted me SPL - 0.85.0-x.......... and said that it was a bit weird but that was why I had to pay.
So I told him that the firmware had been running fine for many months and I wanted to know the exact registry tweak that had broken the motherboard. Anyway I said I didnt accept that the firmware had anything to do with the hardware failure and would be refusing to pay.. I also gave them the sob story that I have had a new HTC phone every year for the past 7 years and have recommended many customers to them.
Where do I stand with this? I have threatened to go to the small claims court, but really just want my phone fixed for free as soon as possible.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
Honestly you asked for this. You are going to have to pay for the repair. You sent in a phone with a cracked ROM and expect them to fix anything? No way in hell will they do it for free.
when you say a cracked rom do you just mean a rom that is available on this forum?
I accept that it isn't an official rom. but it is unrelated to the issue of a phone not charging.
Unfortunately this is the norm... They can't prove your cooked ROM caused it, you can't prove it didn't. What they can prove is that you are not running the ROM they gave you and I'm sure somewhere in the T&C there's legalese about that voiding the warranty.
COULD someone write a program which interferes with charging? I'd bet so, people around here write some amazing stuff. This is not to make any accusations that someone has written any malicious code, simply that it COULD likely be done, therefore I seriously doubt you have much recourse. You could get lucky, but I suspect you're just hosed.. Sucks.
And in reality, you could send the phone in for ANY failure and they discover such things and void the warranty.
I guess you could buy extra/larger batteries and charge them in a charger and swap them as they die. Not the best solution, but at least you don't have to shell out lots of money.
well i've just sent a very professional email to customer services.
tweiss 3, you have a very negative outlook. HTC market their phones on being individual, and indeed this is why so many of us buy them over Iphones. However I took the individuality to the limit by installing a custom firmware. I am extremely confident that a ROM from this forum and a respected chef at that, would not include a registry hack that has any effect upon the charging system of the phone. And have asked them for the evidence that this is the cause of the hardware malfunction.
Positive thinking goes along way as well I feel.
Season's greetings to all of you.
Take them to court. The whole thing rediculous. Depending on your country this might actually be illegal.
I lawyered up when they tried to pull this on me, and guess who got his phone back fixed for free?
Its not that i'm negative, but there are 2 things everyone should know about warranty electronic work.
1) Always go back to stock. Will this cause you to loose all your data and settings, yes, but that leads me into step 2.
2) It is never a guarantee to come back with the settings or OS the way you sent it out. In fact, most companies have a policy of the first step being just reflash/reinstall the OS to stock default out of the box settings to see if that fixes the problems. So knowing this, spend the few extra minutes to reflash back to stock.
That being said, you could possibly win in a court to get it warrantied, but you are only going to screw yourself out of a lot of money and time. HTC knows this and will let you waste it if you really feel the need to. Their warranties are written very well, with a lot of fine print. Also most of them say "Limited" meaning almost they have all the discretion the care to use.
I agree with tweiss3. You can't send HTC a phone with a modified ROM and expect them to fix it. I'm sure these SOB's will do anything possible to get out of fixing your phone. Once they saw that you had a different SPL that was the red flag they needed to void the warranty. I hope you can convince them to fix your phone. Maybe if you were very persistent and demanded to speak to several managers, told them how you and your friends all own HTC product, inform them you will no longer buy their products and possibly take them to court, etc.
With all this in mind I'm even more hesitant to flash my phone to a modified ROM.
I kind of expect it, to be honest. As soon as they see anything not stock, they can void the warranty. Just like with a car with the manufacturer's warranty. You modify it and something breaks, and they will attempt to void the entire warranty regardless of if it caused the problem or not. When I send my car in for warranty work, I take all of the mods off and put it back to the stock parts (the air intake, etc).
It's a crappy deal, I know. But it's something you should plan for if you ever need warranty work done.
Either way, I hope everything works out for you
Its just a rule of thumb when it comes to warranty repair with electronics, always restore stock first!!! As soon as HTC discovered that your phone software was modified, it's no longer an issue to them of what caused the problem with your phone, it is now an issue of this phone is no longer under warranty because of the physical proof of the software tamperment! honestly it would be by the grace of god if they were to reinstate the warranty!
Unfortunatly due to the phone not powering on, or connecting via usb it would have been impossible to restore the firmware.
Thanks for the advice and well wishers.
Worse come to the worse is it worth repairing the phone for that price or is their anyone else who could replace the mainboard for cheaper than £160?
Dude, I totally know what you're going through. I hacked the ECU on my car, and now Mazda won't honor the warranty on my engine. It's total bull...I mean, I should be able to customize it how I want with no repercussions for myself. Why should I have to take the financial hit just because I put on a different software that controls the entire thing that may or may not have screwed it up?
If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic. You changed the core controlling software and didn't bother to change it back to the stock one. They have no responsibility to repair it for you.
andypa1 said:
Positive thinking goes along way as well I feel.
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I honestly wish you luck. Other readers seeking warranty repair should save themselves the risk and the effort and think positively about returning the phone to stock prior to sending it in.
Last week I plugged my touch pro 2 in to charge. The phone was on and working fine, but the charging light would not come on.
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Unfortunatly due to the phone not powering on, or connecting via usb it would have been impossible to restore the firmware.
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Eh? Obviously if you can't flash it back, you're stuck. Other posters might not have been as hard on you if they had known the phone couldn't be flashed.
Now you know what needs doing I bet you can find someone to do it for less. Worth a look.
Also worth asking for it back and re-flashing and returning to see how their records work.
Do they really have a database of products they don't want to work with or do they just look at the serial, look at the device and decide ? Only one way to find out ! For £11 it might be worth the gamble.
(Plz ignore the previous any post made here earlier, I think it was the equivalent of a pocket call )
I don't think he ever said they fixed it without asking him. They gave him two options:
1) Fix it
2) Return it without repairing it
Unless I missed a post somewhere, he never chose to fix it. In fact, I don't even think he chose to take it back yet.
Just an update... They decided not to replace it for free, and still ask for £160.
You guys are quite right I should have restored it to factory before sending it back. It was sent to HTC running the official upgraded rom so I thought it would be fine, however I had forgotten that it would still be unlocked for unofficial roms and they would check this.
Even if I had remembered it wouldn't have been possible because the phone usb connection was not working..
dik23 thank you for your suggestion! Is there anyway of restoring the spl and all of the phone to stock settings without a usb connection? e.g. micro sd? or wifi?
I think i'm going to ask for the phone back for £11.. However the £11 fee is for an assesment, so there is a chance they will pick up. However I believe having the phone in perfect working condition would give me a stronger standing.
did you ever try a different USB cable? that would be my first thought after it broke....
also, do you have phone insurance? if so, is there any chance in the future it could be "stolen" under the insurance policy, and at worst you would get a working refurb?
I don't have phone insurance but it might be worth while getting it soon incase of any future loss ;-)
madman1520 said:
also, do you have phone insurance? if so, is there any chance in the future it could be "stolen" under the insurance policy, and at worst you would get a working refurb?
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andypa1 said:
I don't have phone insurance but it might be worth while getting it soon incase of any future loss ;-)
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Even setting morality aside (which you shouldn't), reporting a phone as having been stolen shortly after having a warranty claim rejected is maybe not the smartest move.
i cant believe people from the US are telling you youre in the wrong. idunno about other countries, including the one you're at, but here in the US warranties are made to protect the CONSUMER not the big company. "minidevil"s comparison about a car manufacturer having the right to void your warranty is so wrong its unbelievable. so called "shrinkwrap warranties" arent even legal here in the US. i had a yamaha R1 which i used as a track bike. regardless of what the warranty said or what the dealership try to claim the minute i lawyered up they fixed my bike. simply because they knew what they hoped i didnt. that warranty laws are here to protect me not them. i didnt have to prove that the racing mods didnt fry my clutch hub. THEY had to prove it did. and like it has been said, you cant prove one way or another. here in the US i couldve asked for costs of repairing my bike and court costs for suing them. they knew this and just fixed my bike. again, idunno the laws in your country. its VERY likely youll win in a court, though. but wether or not your court system allows you to also recoup loss monies for court costs from HTC, i dont know.. it may just be cheaper to pay for the repairs.

[Q] Broken Galaxy SII screen

Just as bad as it sounds
I went to close my laptop and my laptop fell off my stand and the corner landed on my phone's screen and it cracked the screen significantly. (If my phone worked I would have taken a picture)
I do not have insurance and I'm in my 4th month of having it, what should I do? I figured I could attempt to do a repair myself and ordered a new screen for 179.99. I've looked up tutorials but really only found stuff relating to the I900 and not my t989.
Does anyone know if this process will be difficult? Or is there any hoops I can jump through for Samsung or T-mobile to help me out?
Honestly, just look trough google for a repair shop.
Most places will only charge an additional 30-40 bucks on top of the cost of the screen but this way you don't have to worry about breaking anything as they will take responsibility.
After this, get insurance if you still can. Most people see those "We repair any phone for 50$" and don't realize that does not apply to Samsung owners.
Yeah I thought about that but considering that amount of time it would be between me sending out the phone and then waiting to get it back I figure I could do the repair myself without spending the extra $30-$50 and it would be a learning experience
I would like to know however if there is anything that samsung or t-mobile would do to help out or if there were some t989 tutorial
fmartine said:
Yeah I thought about that but considering that amount of time it would be between me sending out the phone and then waiting to get it back I figure I could do the repair myself without spending the extra $30-$50 and it would be a learning experience
I would like to know however if there is anything that samsung or t-mobile would do to help out or if there were some t989 tutorial
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You can send it to Samsung and they will fix it for a price, but your better off having it fixed locally at a shop as recommended above.
T-mobile can't do anything for you at this point.
I wouldn't recommend you do it yourself....This is an extremely risky and difficult procedure, in particular on this phone. Even if you have done this before on another device, this is one of the toughest, so be prepared to bring your A game.
You could end up breaking the phone all together....that would be one expensive learning experience. I would just take it to somewhere local and have them do it.
I heavily researched replacing the chrome bezel on this phone and looked at tear down documentation. Discovered this phone is very hard to replace things on yourself. I have done repairs on G1's G2's but this is a whole different ball game.
I found this tutorial and figured I'll try this out in the meantime
If anyone has any advice on It would be appreciated
Fixed my galaxy s ii
Just reporting in, I received my new screen and successfully performed the transplant. I have some pics but not all of them on the screen removal I will post them ASAP.
FYI it is a fairly simple process not nearly as complicated as I feared but you have to make sure you have a fine touch and don't force any of the connections in.
In the meantime I have these two tutorials to thank

What do i do now that HTC has screwed me over?

Just to give you a brief rundown of everything that's happened..
I'm 17 and saved up for a few months to buy a HTC One X. Needless to say, it's probably the most expensive phone i've ever owned, since all my other phones were hand-me-downs and old phones from eBay.
This morning i wake up and go to work as usual. Just to find my phone's display won't switch on. As you can imagine, I'm tirelessly panicking and try the 3 button combo.. to no avail.
Using Fastboot to reboot didn't work either.
This phone turned into a brick overnight, and i have no idea what happened??
Just before i left for work, i did check my phone and it was working alright.. Then five minutes later, it won't display anything.
The thing is, I can't take it back to HTC either because this is my 5th replacement phone!
First one had black glue smudged on the LCD it's self,
Second one had the screen not glued down and wasn't aligned,
Third one didn't even have any glue applied and the case wasn't even attached properly,
Forth one had this problem where the screen's LCD would dilate if i touched it - even lightly,
and this one is my 5th, the antenna wasn't properly connected and now the screen doesn't work.
I've had terrible luck, and i don't know what i can do?
If you can give me any information to get me out of this, it would be much appreciated.
Although i still can receive text's and calls fine, it's just the display..
Since you’re unlocked and running a non-stock kernel and ROM, maybe some of the dev-ish folks can help you resuscitate it if it’s indeed a s/w problem.
If it’s a h/w problem, what to do depends on where you bought the phone and how old it is. If it’s within the remorse/DOA period maybe you can exchange it. It’ll be hard for whoever you bought it from to see you’ve unlocked it if nothing’s showing on the display.
If it’s outside of the exchange period you’ll have to send it in for repair. If you can’t bring it back to life to flash it back to stock you’ll have to throw yourself on the mercy of HTC Asia in getting it fixed unlocked. HTC's different repair centers seem to all have different policies related to warranty coverage for h/w faults on unlocked phones. If it is a dead display maybe you’ll get lucky.
You might want to put a note in with it telling your “I’m 17” story and how devastated you are something you’ve worked so hard for has failed. Repair techs are people too. Good luck.
BarryH_GEG said:
Since you’re unlocked and running a non-stock kernel and ROM, maybe some of the dev-ish folks can help you resuscitate it if it’s indeed a s/w problem.
If it’s a h/w problem, what to do depends on where you bought the phone and how old it is. If it’s within the remorse/DOA period maybe you can exchange it. It’ll be hard for whoever you bought it from to see you’ve unlocked it if nothing’s showing on the display.
If it’s outside of the exchange period you’ll have to send it in for repair. If you can’t bring it back to life to flash it back to stock you’ll have to throw yourself on the mercy of HTC Asia in getting it fixed unlocked. HTC's different repair centers seem to all have different policies related to warranty coverage for h/w faults on unlocked phones. If it is a dead display maybe you’ll get lucky.
You might want to put a note in with it telling your “I’m 17” story and how devastated you are something you’ve worked so hard for has failed. Repair techs are people too. Good luck.
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I shook the device out of frustration.. and it started working for a few seconds.
What's going on here? Is it a faulty display/connection? Is there a way to possibly just send it to a nearby phone shop and get it fixed?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm shocked, happy, and devastated all at the same time.
Are HTC refusing then? That seems a bit off/ illegal... Surely under the faulty goods act (I assume the law isn't THAT different in Australia to UK) they have to take it back as it CAN'T be a year old and they can't prove the issue was caused by your mistreatment. It doesn't matter how many phones you've had... Also, where did you buy the phone from? I think you should be able to return it through the shop as THEY sold you the phone, not HTC... They are still under an obligation as they sold you the thing.
Plus, the 'I'm a 17 year old and saved up for ages thing' might work too! I'd try not to get too technical with the law if you go down this route though!
Best of luck sorting this out. It's within your rights to get a replacement (you bought the phone new, I assume?) so I'm sure this will eventually work out. Don't give up! You just need to speak/ write to the right person...
sent from my internet
What rom were you on?
I remember my One X not charging at all while it was turned off completely although it showed Orange charging led.
It could be that you ran out of battery and phone not turning on. Due to no charging effect.
Reading your story there's one thing that's crossing my mind.
Could it be possible the battery run dry during the night?
It sounds stupid but those things you forget easy when you're in a hurry or stressed.
I don't read anything in your post you tried to charge.
Atrixx said:
Just to give you a brief rundown of everything that's happened..
I'm 17 and saved up for a few months to buy a HTC One X. Needless to say, it's probably the most expensive phone i've ever owned, since all my other phones were hand-me-downs and old phones from eBay.
This morning i wake up and go to work as usual. Just to find my phone's display won't switch on. As you can imagine, I'm tirelessly panicking and try the 3 button combo.. to no avail.
Using Fastboot to reboot didn't work either.
This phone turned into a brick overnight, and i have no idea what happened??
Just before i left for work, i did check my phone and it was working alright.. Then five minutes later, it won't display anything.
The thing is, I can't take it back to HTC either because this is my 5th replacement phone!
First one had black glue smudged on the LCD it's self,
Second one had the screen not glued down and wasn't aligned,
Third one didn't even have any glue applied and the case wasn't even attached properly,
Forth one had this problem where the screen's LCD would dilate if i touched it - even lightly,
and this one is my 5th, the antenna wasn't properly connected and now the screen doesn't work.
I've had terrible luck, and i don't know what i can do?
If you can give me any information to get me out of this, it would be much appreciated.
Although i still can receive text's and calls fine, it's just the display..
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privatetrousers said:
Are HTC refusing then?
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Yes. But not in every region (yet). Do a search. It's been disucssed. Also, it appears Samsung's going down the same path.
BarryH_GEG said:
Yes. But not in every region (yet). Do a search. It's been disucssed. Also, it appears Samsung's going down the same path.
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Aware of the discussion... Using the xda app and didn't pick up that the phone's been 'HTCdev'd (my fault for not reading properly - sorry, folks!). Still not sure HTC/ Samsung can legally 'sign your rights away' though. Still, not a discussion for here...
Hope you got the phone sorted anyway.
sent from my internet
Atrixx said:
I shook the device out of frustration.. and it started working for a few seconds.
What's going on here? Is it a faulty display/connection? Is there a way to possibly just send it to a nearby phone shop and get it fixed?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm shocked, happy, and devastated all at the same time.
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How or who fixed ur antenna problem, could be related if handset wasnt but back together properly.

[Q] Samsung Captivate Blank Display

Captivate Glide i927 replaced cracked screen
I replaced the cracked screen assembly and installed a new ribbon. The lower lights (home, search, back button etc) work and also the keyboard lights. The ATT chime sound works too but the display does not light up when powered on.
Connected the phone after replacing ribbon/ screen to the comp for Kies to back up and it is saying the phone is locked. It is the lock code that you set to keep others from accessing. Since the display does not light, the correct code can not be placed in. Can someone please place a picture of the unlock screen mode here? The display touch pad works so if the position of the numbers can be acquired, this may help me to get the phone files accessed and reset hoping to get the display working.
The phone is not rooted and upgraded to the ICS as of October 2012.
Up $86 for the ribbon and new screen and the repair shops want $100 plus the cost of possible parts needed. Would like to try my best so this route can be avoided.
By now the phone SIM is locked out. I believe there is a way to reboot the phone through a computer?
mer80cedes said:
By now the phone SIM is locked out. I believe there is a way to reboot the phone through a computer?
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The only way I can think of is rebooting via adb. If you're not rooted (the "reboot" command in shell requires root, i don't know if "adb reboot" wants it), or haven't even turned on USB Debugging at all, then you're doomed.
However, since Odin-ing is not that hard (only requires several key pressing), you could try Odin in a custom recovery (or not, if you already have one), back your system up to external SD in tar or other formats, and then extract the data you want from the backed-up packages (I've done this with tar packages). If you ever need the screenshot of a particular version of recovery, ask again in this thread and I think we'll be more active (and easier) to help.
Sent from Samsung Captivate Glide @ CM10.1.2
AndyYan said:
The only way I can think of is rebooting via adb. If you're not rooted (the "reboot" command in shell requires root, i don't know if "adb reboot" wants it), or haven't even turned on USB Debugging at all, then you're doomed.
However, since Odin-ing is not that hard (only requires several key pressing), you could try Odin in a custom recovery (or not, if you already have one), back your system up to external SD in tar or other formats, and then extract the data you want from the backed-up packages (I've done this with tar packages). If you ever need the screenshot of a particular version of recovery, ask again in this thread and I think we'll be more active (and easier) to help.
Sent from Samsung Captivate Glide @ CM10.1.2
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Thank you AndYan.
This Captivate has only been upgraded to the Sandwich version. Non-rooted nor modified in any other way. The only reason to remove the files is due to it having solar cell module prototype designs and concepts on it (Reason why it can not be shipped out for professional repairs). Since most of the information was wrote on paper, it's best to just wipe the phone out completely to get it back to working condition for use again.
This is quite interesting learning about programming and such since I have never done this before. Just like building cars, took many many years to do and this programming is just another cool thing to learn about
It takes a special knowledge and experience to understand the programming of Odin and phones which I do not comprehend, I will be destroying the motherboard with a hammer and tossing it out. It is way too much to understand how to set coding and such. Best off investing in another phone and moving on.
The parts that will be saved if anyone can use will be the ribbon strip and also brand new display screen.
Paid $86 for the display and will sell for $75 free shipping with insurance.
Ribbon strip will be $20 free shipping with insurance. If both are wanted $95 free shipping.
Since I do love the Captivate so much another will be purchased.
mer80cedes said:
It takes a special knowledge and experience to understand the programming of Odin and phones which I do not comprehend, I will be destroying the motherboard with a hammer and tossing it out. It is way too much to understand how to set coding and such. Best off investing in another phone and moving on.
The parts that will be saved if anyone can use will be the ribbon strip and also brand new display screen.
Paid $86 for the display and will sell for $75 free shipping with insurance.
Ribbon strip will be $20 free shipping with insurance. If both are wanted $95 free shipping.
Since I do love the Captivate so much another will be purchased.
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You mean you smashed your Glide?! God, I just had mine 5 days ago. Anyway, hope my tip still helps when you're in any smaller trouble next time.
AndyYan said:
You mean you smashed your Glide?! God, I just had mine 5 days ago. Anyway, hope my tip still helps when you're in any smaller trouble next time.
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No way lol! Only the mother board will be smashed to save the data on it from being used again. All of the other parts will be saved since another Captivate will be getting purchased.
mer80cedes said:
No way lol! Only the mother board will be smashed to save the data on it from being used again. All of the other parts will be saved since another Captivate will be getting purchased.
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That's still sad to see. Why not just solder off the storage chip, somehow destroy it, and find a similar model chip to replace it?
EDIT: I guess the Samsung-proprietary partition table and some data on special partitions like EFS are not reconstructible on a blank new chip. Then you did the easiest choice possible.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM10.2
Is it cool for someone to take a photo of their Captivate i927 when it is at the display for the personal unlock code (PIN). It will make a good reference point enough to possibly use my touch screen to unlock my cell to reboot. Just have to get the location of the numbers and also the OK button.
After many hours research (great learning experience), the phone was done on master reset without needing to see the screen. At least now it can be sent out to get repaired without the personal information being potentially taken by another.
mer80cedes said:
After many hours research (great learning experience), the phone was done on master reset without needing to see the screen. At least now it can be sent out to get repaired without the personal information being potentially taken by another.
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Woohoo, so no need to smash anything? You did an awesome deed to keep a nice phone alive

Severe brightness issue (screen largely unusable)

Hi all, I have a problem with my stock T-Mobile US S9. A few months ago this weird thing happened where if I turned on my screen immediately after it turned itself off, only the top few lines would be visible. The whole screen would take input, but you could only see a little below the status bar, maybe. If I waited a bit and then turned the screen on, it would work normally, with the whole screen visible and looking fine.
It's gotten progressively worse to the point where this happens most of the time I turn the screen on. However, I've found two workarounds:
1) My Always On Display is set to turn on when I tap the phone. If I do that, the AOD works as normal, and if I then turn on the phone screen the phone screen works fine. This only works when Always on display is set to turn on on tap. It does not work if AOD is set to always be on.
2) If, when my screen is glitching out I hold the screen up to a reeaally bright light (like inches from a lightbulb), the rest of the screen turns on. It's weirdly green tinted and kind of stuttery.
Turning off automatic brightness does not fix this issue. If tried booting in safe mode and even factory resetting the phone. Issue still persists, including on screens like when the phone enters recovery mode.
The fact that I can get the screen working normally using workaround #1 makes me think this is a software issue, but the fact that it happens on the recovery screen makes me think it's pretty low-level. Any ideas? Anyone else had a similar issue?
I gave Samsung tech support a call and the level 1 tech I spoke with seemed to think that it was a software issue and that I should bring it in to be looked at by a technician. I'm in Maine at the moment and there's no Samsung or UBreakIFix stores within two hours, so she suggested taking it to Best Buy to look at. Not amazingly helpful or surprising.
If it's a software issue though... I mean this is my fourth Android phone and I've rooted and flashed ROMs on all the previous phones anyway. I don't want to lose Samsung Pay, so I'd rather not unlock the bootloader, but is there a way to flash the stock operating system or something? The exact model number is SM-G960U
It's a firmware or hardware issue not software as a reload* would have fixed it.
The firmware has been corrupted (needs reflashed) or there's been a hardware failure.
Best to send it in for repair or take it the a Samsung Experience Center as they can reflash the stock rom and have advanced diagnostic tools.
*make sure all system apks are running on factory load and have not been updated after the reload.
Updates, destroyers of worlds...
blackhawk said:
It's a firmware or hardware issue not software as a reload* would have fixed it.
The firmware has been corrupted (needs reflashed) or there's been a hardware failure.
Best to send it in for repair or take it the a Samsung Experience Center as they can reflash the stock rom and have advanced diagnostic tools.
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If that’s really necessary I’ll do it. But the closest place is out of state and when I called them said it would take 4 hours just to do a diagnostic. That plus the round trip... if there’s a way I can save some time, I’d like to.
For example, if one possibility is a stock firmware reflash, that’s something I’ve never done before on a Samsung device, but not very different from things I feel comfortable doing. I've flashed roms and rooted many android devices in the past. From a preliminary search , it looks like there's even a leaked tool online to do so from Samsung called Odin and that I just need to find the latest SM-G960U image with the right "csc" code for my carrier (I think TMB for T Mobile US). What would be even better is if one of those diagnostic tools you mentioned leaked the same way that Odin did.
Any recommendations on either diagnostic software or firmware reflashing? Or would you strongly advise leaving that kind of thing alone? I would like to still use things like Samsung Pay at the end of all this.
jptiger said:
If that’s really necessary I’ll do it. But the closest place is out of state and when I called them said it would take 4 hours just to do a diagnostic. That plus the round trip... if there’s a way I can save some time, I’d like to.
For example, if one possibility is a stock firmware reflash, that’s something I’ve never done before on a Samsung device, but not very different from things I feel comfortable doing. I've flashed roms and rooted many android devices in the past. From a preliminary search , it looks like there's even a leaked tool online to do so from Samsung called Odin and that I just need to find the latest SM-G960U image with the right "csc" code for my carrier (I think TMB for T Mobile US). What would be even better is if one of those diagnostic tools you mentioned leaked the same way that Odin did.
Any recommendations on either diagnostic software or firmware reflashing? Or would you strongly advise leaving that kind of thing alone? I would like to still use things like Samsung Pay at the end of all this.
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If it's under warranty let Samsung deal with it. A good tech with experience is invaluable.
Rather then waste time the extra ride might end up being the easiest solution. You could also next or 2nd day it to the center and back, make sure it's insured and packaged well.
blackhawk said:
If it's under warranty let Samsung deal with it. A good tech with experience is invaluable.
Rather then waste time the extra ride might end up being the easiest solution. You could also next or 2nd day it to the center and back, make sure it's insured and packaged well.
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That makes complete sense for something under warranty, but unfortunately my phone isn't. The S9 is about three years old now, and the Samsung rep was quick to tell me that the device was no longer covered. It looks like a mail-in repair service would cost about $175, which I'm theoretically willing to pay, but not if I can just handle on my own for free.
jptiger said:
That makes complete sense for something under warranty, but unfortunately my phone isn't. The S9 is about three years old now, and the Samsung rep was quick to tell me that the device was no longer covered. It looks like a mail-in repair service would cost about $175, which I'm theoretically willing to pay, but not if I can just handle on my own for free.
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In that case you have nothing to lose by reflashing it. Hopefully that gets it.
Otherwise it be hardware... probably a good chance this actually the cause.
The good news is the 9's are available for a couple hundred in good condition if need be.
I was considering getting the 9 as a second phone (have the 10+) as the 10+'s haven't come down much in price.
Samsung current lineup sucks.
Huh. Well, before reflashing, I tried something I found other people suggesting for a related problem: https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5...t-bars-black-screen-issue/td-p/1745470/page/7
It's an app called OLED Saver. It's not perfect, the screen still has an odd green tint to it unless I use one of the tricks I was describing above. But I no longer have the issue where most of the screen isn't visible.
I might try reflashing anyway, will post results if I do.
Yeah, no joy. Reflashed by downloading the latest firmware using Frija for SM-G960U with TMB as the CSC, and flashed using Odin v3.13.3. If anything the problem is slightly worse now, but OLED Saver still mostly seems to fix it. I guess it's just a hardware issue with a weird software workaround...
Same type of brightness problem here as you describe, on my new S9 (G960U) - - Model starqltesq - CSS XAA
The product is under guarantee, but as it is imported from Hongkong to France, I don't have accesss to the Samsung local representatives and have probably to send it back to Hongkong ...
I will keep you updated if I learn something about the problem and the solution ....
Wiping the cache partition stopped this happening for me for around 24 hours but it came back this morning. On the Note9 forums someone posted that setting animations to .5 in dev options fixes this. I will try it.
Bhonka said:
Wiping the cache partition stopped this happening for me for around 24 hours but it came back this morning. On the Note9 forums someone posted that setting animations to .5 in dev options fixes this. I will try it.
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Disable animations instead. It wastes resources. Personally I like seeing a fast, snappy OS do it's thing with no middle man needed. Lol, you end up waiting for the animations rather than the OS.
I've heard of people flashing custom roms and that resolved the issue permenetly, but can't find anyone willing to give some real feedback. I posted a topic asking this question, but haven't gotten any replies..
Not very helpful, but a work around could be to use Screen Filter
I temporary fixing my S9+ green screen issue by uninstalling the NFC module.
Unfortunately, this option make us cant charging the phone.
Maybe some one expert in hardware mod can do better.
Eve&Me said:
I temporary fixing my S9+ green screen issue by uninstalling the NFC module.
Unfortunately, this option make us cant charging the phone.
Maybe some one expert in hardware mod can do better.
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Hey could you explain what exactly did you uninstall and how?
After uninstalling it wireless charing stopped working or what did you mean by cant charge the phone?
Did it fully resolve the green screen issue?
Some people noticed that problem after upgrade Android 9 to 10.
At this moment we have some facts:
1) OLED saver temporary solves problem
2) disconnect NFC module solves problem, some people on xda and on the yt confirm that
3) heating back cover using heat gun can help - I Discovered that some weeks ago
Interesting comment from the yt:
Sour Words
Sorry to say this, but green screen issue is a hardware fault not something an update can fix. One of the updates from Samsung is causing the CPU to over heat and in return permanently damaging the oled screen. Not only that but also compromising the battery as well. The only fix is the replacement of both the oled screen and battery. This repair is entirely the fault of Samsung due to a faulty update that over works the CPU capacity. Therefore my advice is for you to return your device back to Samsung and lodge an assessment request. They charge a small fee for the assessment, but the entire repair should be compensated by Samsung. Be firm and keep the pressure via emailing them to insist on Samsung covering the repair costs. My Note 9 is almost 3 years old when green screen issue happened. They fixed the entire thing free of charge. But I kept firm and didn't let them bully me into charging me for the repairs, which was their fault in the first place. I must admit, my phone despite its age, is in perfect condition. Not a scratch on it. Which I know contributed winning my argument for the repairs. So if you have psychical damage, I doubt you will have a chance. Good luck to all who will give this successful method a go.
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mreminemfan4ewver said:
Hey could you explain what exactly did you uninstall and how?
After uninstalling it wireless charing stopped working or what did you mean by cant charge the phone?
Did it fully resolve the green screen issue?
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When we disassembly NFC Module, the phone will give LOW TEMPERATURE warning. And make us cant charge the phone

