I have been trying to find an answer for the last several hours. But I can't seem to get anything to work.
I have the AT&T GS3 and I was able to flash AOKP but then I wanted to revert back to stock. I tried the toolkit and followed the steps and what might of happened is that AOKP did not get wiped completely when I flashed the stock image. Now after successfully flashing the stock image (I get the PASS! on Odin), my phone is stuck while booting. It goes past the AT&T boot image but gets stuck on "SAMSUNG". I tries flashing through ODIN, another downloaded version of the stock image but it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Another problem with being stuck in bootloop is that since I flashed the stock image; I think I no longer have CWM. I can't find a way to get to recovery.
I'm not really sure how to help but if you can get to the boot animations you aren't bricked. I know you're not on verizon but in this thread: it says when coming from an AOSP rom back to the stock rom you have to flash a stock boot.img before flashing the stock rom. Hope you can get it working again
Did you make a nandroid backup before you flashed the Rom...if you did you can restore from cwm recovery...hold power, volume up, and home...after the screen goes black let go of the power...hope this helps
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
If you can get into download mode , just flash recovery from odin.
And how long have you waited at samsung logo , it might take few minutes to bootup.
I don't have CWM recovery. It got stuck on the Samsung logo for 20 minutes before I gave up and did a battery pull.
What do I flash through odin to get it working again. Which recovery file?
Ok, I just used the method described in this article and I am still stuck at the SAMSUNG logo.
Tried that. Still same problem. Noticed that the boot-stock-att-sgh-i7.tar is only 10.5 mb. I don't know much about this, but is that tar file enough to get me unbricked?
usually the .tar file should be much larger than that. It's possible that the file you downloaded got corrupted. Try re downloading the file and than flashing it again.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
If you look in the mediafire link inside ths artivle, you will notice that the download is only 10 mb
try this
VJKotts said:
I have been trying to find an answer for the last several hours. But I can't seem to get anything to work.
I have the AT&T GS3 and I was able to flash AOKP but then I wanted to revert back to stock. I tried the toolkit and followed the steps and what might of happened is that AOKP did not get wiped completely when I flashed the stock image. Now after successfully flashing the stock image (I get the PASS! on Odin), my phone is stuck while booting. It goes past the AT&T boot image but gets stuck on "SAMSUNG". I tries flashing through ODIN, another downloaded version of the stock image but it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?
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Get into download mode
clear cache option
factory reset phone option
That should fix it
How do you factory reset/clear cache in download mode?
VJKotts said:
How do you factory reset/clear cache in download mode?
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just re flash stock in odin flash Flash this file
I recently obtained my Note 2 from Wind, however my IMEI was switched to null/null by a failed attempt at flashing a rom. I have tried flashing the Stock rom from sammobile for the SGH-t889V/Wind using Odin, however bootloops still persist.
I can get the phone running in a custom ROM such as JediX, however than the issue with the IEMI pops up and it seems I need a stock rom to have any attempt to fix it.
As of now, I have reverted the phone back to stock/unroot and it is in bootloop. Any help would be appreciated.
GaidenX said:
I recently obtained my Note 2 from Wind, however my IMEI was switched to null/null by a failed attempt at flashing a rom. I have tried flashing the Stock rom from sammobile for the SGH-t889V/Wind using Odin, however bootloops still persist.
I can get the phone running in a custom ROM such as JediX, however than the issue with the IEMI pops up and it seems I need a stock rom to have any attempt to fix it.
As of now, I have reverted the phone back to stock/unroot and it is in bootloop. Any help would be appreciated.
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You need to go into recovery and do factory reset.
Factory reset has also been attempted several times.
GaidenX said:
Factory reset has also been attempted several times.
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After flashing factory image via odin right ?
Yep, factory reset after installing stock rom for the T889V. I rooted it afterwards to get into recovery and wiped everything but still no change, stuck in bootloop.
I sincerely hope "never flash any t889 custom rom on your t889v" could appear somewhere obvious in t889 forums to avoid such tragedy happening again
Sent from my SGH-T889V using xda app-developers app
GaidenX said:
Yep, factory reset after installing stock rom for the T889V. I rooted it afterwards to get into recovery and wiped everything but still no change, stuck in bootloop.
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No. Don't root it yet. Flash factory image. Reboot (should result in boot loop). Go into FACTORY RECOVERY (vol up+home+power). That will have a option to do a factory reset. Do that. Reboot again. This time you should be able to boot successfully. After that you can root and stuff.
Did it word for word as you said. Flashed the stock image via Odin, and then did factory reset using your method. Still in bootloop.
In Odin my phone says it is SGH-T889V_NA_VTA
Custom Binary Download: Yes (9 Counts)
Current Binary: Samsung Official
System Status: Custom
I am using the T889VVLALJ4_T889VYVLALJ4_GLW image, retrieved from Sammobile Am I supposed to be using GLW with a VTA as it says in Odin, or should my phone be saying it is a GLW?
GaidenX said:
Did it word for word as you said. Flashed the stock image via Odin, and then did factory reset using your method. Still in bootloop.
In Odin my phone says it is SGH-T889V_NA_VTA
Custom Binary Download: Yes (9 Counts)
Current Binary: Samsung Official
System Status: Custom
I am using the T889VVLALJ4_T889VYVLALJ4_GLW image, retrieved from Sammobile Am I supposed to be using GLW with a VTA as it says in Odin, or should my phone be saying it is a GLW?
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hmm. What did your phone come with? GTW or MCT or VTR? Use the correct tar and see if that clears it up.
Don't worry about system status saying custom and binary saying 9. you can clear all that up later once you get a stock image.
My phone is saying VTR in Odin, would I be able to used the Odex Rom you provide in your post?
GaidenX said:
My phone is saying VTR in Odin, would I be able to used the Odex Rom you provide in your post?
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You can, but that's rooted and need CWM or TWRP to flash it.
My phone is a GLW phone, however the GLW Stock ROM doesnt seem to work my phone. To reiterate, I'm still experiencing the same problem regardless of reboots/wiping.
GaidenX said:
My phone is a GLW phone, however the GLW Stock ROM doesnt seem to work my phone. To reiterate, I'm still experiencing the same problem regardless of reboots/wiping.
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Here is the factory image for GLW
VTR still isn't working. I'm pretty sure this phone is a GLW, however anything stated in this thread has not worked to assist me in getting my phone to work.
GaidenX said:
VTR still isn't working. I'm pretty sure this phone is a GLW, however anything stated in this thread has not worked to assist me in getting my phone to work.
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Well in that case not sure what to tell you. Factory Image should at the very least let you boot.
GaidenX said:
VTR still isn't working. I'm pretty sure this phone is a GLW, however anything stated in this thread has not worked to assist me in getting my phone to work.
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Just wanted to let you know that I am in the same boat as you are.. I worked with ptmr3 for about 3 days trying to fix it.. but to no avail..
I sent it away through wind. Which they tried to charge me 350 $ to have it fixed since there is no way to remove the flash counter without being on stock rom.. I can also install jedi x roms on my t889v but the bootloop still persists after about 2 or 3 minutes of being on the home screen.. my signel also is gone.. according to the service center that wind sends their phones away to they stated. Faulty motherboard.. motherboard modified.. root access found.. so in other words I am sitting here with a 729 $ paperweight with no way of fixing it..
I am looking into a company called jtag repairs.... but they have been reluctant to send me an email back about it..
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium HD app
Hi, I had the same problem after flashing a T-Mobile ROM, after flashing the T-Mobile ROM I was stuck in a bootloop.
To get out of the bootloop
1. I flashed the stock WindMobile ROM
2. Flashed cwm recovery V6.0.2.5 .tar:
3. Flashed the T-Mobile modem through the recovery
4. I was back up using the phone, however no signal. To fix this i used nv-writer tool
5.I flashed this file ( through the nv-writer tool and voila, signal was back!
fireboy12345 said:
Hi, I had the same problem after flashing a T-Mobile ROM, after flashing the T-Mobile ROM I was stuck in a bootloop.
To get out of the bootloop
1. I flashed the stock WindMobile ROM
2. Flashed cwm recovery V6.0.2.5 .tar:
3. Flashed the T-Mobile modem through the recovery
4. I was back up using the phone, however no signal. To fix this i used nv-writer tool
5.I flashed this file ( through the nv-writer tool and voila, signal was back!
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Okay man I just wanna say I LOVE YOU IN A NON homosexual WAY!!!!!!! You just saved me 600 $ omg ty ty ty ty ty
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium HD app
Sure Bro no problem, hope your phone is working flawlessly now
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
fireboy12345 said:
Sure Bro no problem, hope your phone is working flawlessly now
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
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Well I just need to restore the imei now. But to be honest with you I dont even care about that right now.. im just happy the bootloops have stopped..
Sent from my SGH-I317 using XDA Premium HD app
I am flashing this for my cousin. She woke me up out my sleep because she wanted her phone upgraded from 4.1.2 to 4.3 or kitkat. I downloaded a 4.3 ROM and didnt flash it correctly because Wifi nor data was working. It could be because I didnt flash the OTA first and/or didnt install the devil kernel.
Anyways I was walking her through how to restore the backup I made but she went into Download mode and here is when the problems started. i told her to battery pull and to go into recovery. There was already a backup ROM on her SD card, she flashed and it failed. Had her wipe twice and it failed again. Had her wipe again and restore and it failed. After 10 minutes of it failing I had her send me the phone.
I was unable to flash any ROM so i factory reset through recovery and still nothing. I then started flashing through ODIN the latest stock, deoxed stock, the MD4, I even flashed LJ1. Some of the ROMs will fail to flash and if a ROM does flash successfully I get no further than the Galaxy Note 2 screen.
So is this an indication that the phone is bricked or am I missing a step or two to finally get this phone to finally boot all the way up?
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Most likely the phone is on 4.3 bootloader which is why flashing 4.1.2 ROM via pc odin does not work.
You can either flash 4.1.x stock ROM via mobile odin pro or flash 4.3 stock ROM via pc odin.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
ciphercodes said:
Most likely the phone is on 4.3 bootloader which is why flashing 4.1.2 ROM via pc odin does not work.
You can either flash 4.1.x stock ROM via mobile odin pro or flash 4.3 stock ROM via pc odin.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
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Ok thanks didn't even think of that. I'm going to give that a shot
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Unable to flash stock ROM via PC odin
I am in almost the same situation as mo2002. I had original ROM that came with my note2 running android 4.3 then decided to try jedi master x2 also 4.3. After trying it out for a while I noticed poor battery performance and when phone was locked I had to press the menu button several times to see the screen. That was getting on my nerves. Yesterday my phone was booting up by itself. It did a couple times then got stuck with the samsung logo. Reboot again and again and the same stuff happened that's when I decided to flash stock rom from samsung.updates/device site using odin3 v3.09 however, I have not been successful. After it checks the md5 OK, it fails on the NAND write. Is it the case that the NAND memory is not unlocked? I am still able to boot into recovery though.
gferreri said:
I am in almost the same situation as mo2002. I had original ROM that came with my note2 running android 4.3 then decided to try jedi master x2 also 4.3. After trying it out for a while I noticed poor battery performance and when phone was locked I had to press the menu button several times to see the screen. That was getting on my nerves. Yesterday my phone was booting up by itself. It did a couple times then got stuck with the samsung logo. Reboot again and again and the same stuff happened that's when I decided to flash stock rom from samsung.updates/device site using odin3 v3.09 however, I have not been successful. After it checks the md5 OK, it fails on the NAND write. Is it the case that the NAND memory is not unlocked? I am still able to boot into recovery though.
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Mines corrected itself so I can't give the exact instructions but I just kept flashing stock ROMS via odin but I used 3.07 I believe. Idk if that makes a difference but after X amount of attempts I power cycled (after it being stuck at the same galaxy note 3 screen) it booted successfully
Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Hi guys, I managed to do something I've never heard of. To be fair, I try to follow directions pretty well, so I don't screw things up too often, and I'm not sure what to do now. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
The symptom is that the phone will boot witht eh Samsung boot animation, I will see the Clockworkmod icon at the bottom, some Clockworkmod version information, then the phone will reboot. This will happen presumably indefinitely. I have watched it do it 3 times in a row and then pulled the battery. Post Philz, I get Android tablet icons instead of Clockworkmod icon and version info.
I loaded Whompasaurus to my phone yesterday and I was about to load Venom to my phone this morning (I had just copied it to the SD card). I told the phone to reboot into recovery by pressing the power button and selecting the option "reboot, recovery". The phone is now stuck rebooting attempting to enter recover and failing, or so it appears. I upgraded the Clockworkmod version to yesterday, and that did act a little weird in my opinion, but since I had never done that before, I wasn't sure what to expect.
When I told it to upgrade in the Clockworkmod app, the phone powered off and I had to remove the battery to turn it back on. I booted to recovery and it said it was now at, so I booted normally. Back in the app it said it was 5.something. I kept poking around and it eventually asked for root access, which it hadn't before, and when I told it to upgrade the recovery this time, it actually rebotted the phone rather than turn it off.
I reflashed the CWM recovery with Heimdall per these instructions (why aren't there proper instructions for Odin?!?!?! ermahgerd!!) via this link
That was successful but did not affect the symptoms.
I upgraded to Philz recovery thinking maybe I had to use a different recovery to reset the "boot to recovery" flag. I used this file and Odin, after resetting the Samsung driver:
The process was successful, but did not change the symptoms. Instead of seeing a Clockworkmod icon and version info at the bottom, I see what looks like android icons at the bottom, and then the phone reboots.
What can I do to fix my phone? I can boot to downloader mode fine. I would prefer to use Odin, but it seems I have Heimdall set up and working too.
Try using Odin to glad twrp 2.6.x then if it works try flashing your desired recovery from recovery
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Team Win FTW!!! That fixed it!
jlmancuso said:
Try using Odin to glad twrp 2.6.x then if it works try flashing your desired recovery from recovery
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Is there something special about 2.6.x? I saw that there's a 2.7.x available now. 2.6.x doesn't seem to like my 64GB SD card, or maybe something else is going on. I factory reset a few times and will upgrade to the latest TWRP and try to flash that latest Venom ROM now and see what happens.
*Edit* No, there's SDCARD, SDCARD1, and EXTERNAL_SDCARD and I didn't check all of them, that's all. Oy, oy, oy.... But I'm up to 2.7 and installing Venom now....
Are asking for ROM recommendations still a no-no?
Yeah still pretty much a no no. I have used all the roms here and they are all pretty good.
Now I do suggest that you flash philz 6.07.9 for your recovery. First is that it properly flashes 4.4 and TW 4.3 roms. Second it makes proper backups. Twrp still has issues with aosp 4.4 and TW 4.3.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hi guys. Brand new to this whole rooting thing. Long story short, I rooted my device (Galaxy S3 sgh-t999) a while back and was just living off stock touchwiz just with all the bloatware deleted. I had the most recent version of TWRP installed and my recovery was based on that. I then downgraded TWRP to It asked me to reboot and I did so. Now I'm stuck at the Samsung logo screen but it doesn't get past that. The device seems to boots up, but the moment the little Samsung jingle starts to play (you know the swirly blue mist that encompasses the Samsung logo), it stops in the middle of the jingle and the phone won't get passed it.
I tried rebooting back into TWRP via up, home, power and was able to get into TWRP recovery good enough, I can access everything in the menu and tried wiping dalvik, cache, factory reset and system and restored from my backup, but upon trying to restore from my custom backup, it just stalls on the Samsung logo screen. Any ideas if this is fixable? Sorry if this is in the wrong forum guys.
Also, I should make mention that whenever I try to hard power off my phone by holding down the power button, it turns off for a moment then boots back on again. I actually have to remove the battery in order for the phone to turn off. Don't know if that helps.
That's normal when you hold the power button down. It's a hard reset so it's supposed to boot back up.
As for your other issues, why did you downgrade twrp? If your backup was made with another version I suggest using the same to restore it.
Most of the time a factory reset will fix this type of problem, but it sounds like we are beyond that now. If the restore and another reset don't work, go to my firmware thread (sticky in development) and download the same or newer firmware as what you had before. Flash via Odin and factory reset from the stock recovery. ( This will wipe the internal sd)
That should get you going again.
For the future, please do not ever manually wipe /system. You could end up with no O/S to boot into and a hell of a headache! There is simply no benefit to doing so. Only risk.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Good luck!
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
I downgraded TWRP because I was having issues flashing a new ROM. Every ROM I tried flashing came up with an error and people said they were most successful with so I tried it out. I suspected it might have screwed something up but stupid me always has to be sure. I would try and re-use an upgraded TWRP version if possible but I don't think I can access that from the TWRP menu itself and that's just about the only function my phone has at this point. Just booting into TWRP and playing around with the menu.
Do you have a link to your thread? Thanks for the time by the way.
The link should be in my sig. But it's stickied at the top of the development section. Can't miss it.
If you go to twrp's Web page you can download a newer one in .zip format and flash from your current version.
Or get the .tar.md5 one and flash from Odin.
In the newer versions you can actually flash the .img file itself. After choosing install and are browsing for the file, look for a button to use the .img.
I don't believe this is available in the older ones though.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
DocHoliday77 said:
The link should be in my sig. But it's stickied at the top of the development section. Can't miss it.
If you go to twrp's Web page you can download a newer one in .zip format and flash from your current version.
Or get the .tar.md5 one and flash from Odin.
In the newer versions you can actually flash the .img file itself. After choosing install and are browsing for the file, look for a button to use the .img.
I don't believe this is available in the older ones though.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
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You are a LIFESAVER! I was sure I messed something up permanently that would cause me to have to get a new phone. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
You're welcome! Glad I could help! So I take it you've got it up and running again?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
DocHoliday77 said:
You're welcome! Glad I could help! So I take it you've got it up and running again?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
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Yup! It was really a simple matter of updating TWRP via Odin. I don't know why it never crossed my mind to use it. Maybe I'll have more luck using different ROMs through Odin instead of TWRP as well.
Odin is really only just for flashing full firmware for updates and returning to stock, and for flashing recovery. Pretty much everything else (all custom roms, for example) is meant to be flashed in a custom recovery like twrp. If you're ever unsure, reread the op of whatever you're flashing, and if your answer isn't there feel free to ask about it.
In a nutshell: Odin only flashes .tar and .tar.md5 files. Recovery flashes .zip.
I do highly recommend an app called Mobile Odin by chainfire. Search xda for his thread and make sure you read all the info if you're interested. It can make flashing super easy!
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
I am having a similar issue. I have never modified any of the original specs and this is a new issue as of 48 hours ago. In short, my device was on, auto shutdown and then froze on the Galaxy S3 load screen. Attempts to boot in recovery,safe, and soft/hard reset have not worked. I can access Odin mode. After reading the above thread I went to the link you suggested and went directly to the firmware my SGH-T999 started with(T999UVDLJA) and worked my way up the list to see if any of them would take. Unfortunately none achieved a 'PASS' via Odin. So, my question is, what do you do when all the steps have been followed and the firmware doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What error are you getting in Odin?
Do you see anything about warranty bit on the download screen? If you are, the flash is probably failing because you are trying to flash old firmware over new firmware. I suggest flashing the latest firmware for your T999 from here: