Restore Desire HD to stock rom.. - Desire HD Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I had a gingerbread 2.3.3 rom in my desire HD.
I downgraded, rooted, took clockwork (Nandroid ) backup and did s-off, eng soff, and now it is running revolution HD 6.1.2.
[I did took clockwork (Nandroid ) backup in sd card]
I wanted to restore it to original gingerbread state and all s-on.
How can I do it? when to restore backup?
I am unable to understand the correct order.
Please help me or direct me.


Nand backup noob question

Im currently running the following...
3.75 fps fix kernel
Rooted through unrevoked3
1.47 ota unrevoked update.
Im wanting to try cm6. So im going to have to reroot through simpleroot for cm6. My question is if I take a nand backup of my current running system , is restoring it as simple as running recovery and selecting restore? I've rooted devices before just never have ran diffrent roms than stock ones.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
Yes it is. You probably want to do a data and cache wipe before restoring, just to be safe.
Yes and no. If you do a nand of your unrevoked rooted phone then do full root then decide to restore your old rom you will wind up with unrevoked back instead of a full root rom running on top of the engineering hboot which allows for unlocking nand. You would probably be better off flashing another 2.1 based rooted rom even if it's a stock rooted ver rather than going back to unrevoked.

how to make a full backup with nandroid (HTC not rooted) ?

I want to root my phone to 2.2 but before upgrade, I want to do a full backup but I don't know how, I don't see the option nandroid under recovery, could you help me?
HTC bootloader 0.83 , 2.1...I'm on Telus carrier so which rom should I take ?
U need to downgrade the bootloader, with a custom before nandroid is available...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
yes but i guess if its a SLCD it will Brick the phone

[Q] Going back to stock rom - questions

I rooted my desire with unrevoked a while back, used alpharev to get s-off then flashed oxygen rom with data2ext then added on top.
I want to go back to the stock rom, for which I have a nandroid backup taken after originally rooting. Can I simply use clockwork recovery to restore? Will I still have s-off and can I reflash data2ext back on top of the restored backup?
First you need to change back to the bravo 1.5 partition layout. Then you should be able to restore the nandroid, you won't lose S-off. No idea if data2whatever is gone work.
Technically you don't have to change the MTD as this will be reset when you flash the RUU. Best to do it in case, though
EddyOS said:
Technically you don't have to change the MTD as this will be reset when you flash the RUU. Best to do it in case, though
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The way I read his post he does not want to run a RUU but just nandroid back to a stock rom. Then you do need to change back other wise the nandroid won't fit.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Thanks for your comments so far - can you explain (or give me a suitable link) that explains what I need to do to 'change back'?
Never mind,I thought you flashed the oxygen hboot, which you didn't. You can just restore the nandroid.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

[Q] Insertcoin S-OFF needed and other questions

Im running an unbranded, unlocked desire with Froyo currently. Its rooted using unrevoked.
I want to flash to Insertcoin latest but got some confusion from reading the docs.
Do i need to run "revolutionary" to turn my current S-ON desire into S-OFF or will it install just fine without changing?
If so, will it work with the existing revoked/cm/root mod or not or do i have to remove that first?
Once im on the ROM how easy is it to go back to stock 2.2 ? Can i just take a nandroid backup from CM recovery and then restore that or will that not work?
Help with the above is appreciated, especially if i need to be S-OFF or not to install!
All your questions can be answered by using the search.
S-OFF is not required to flash other ROM (as long as ROM has a Stock hboot version). Suggest reading this excellent FAQ (courtesy RootSU):

[Q] Want to try ROM with option of restoring everything

Hi. I am currently using Supernova Rom but want to try Runny 3.5. I was thinking I would use a completely new memory card for Runny so I can leave my current memory card untouched (thought this would be best because Supernova uses Data2SD). I will obviously perform a nandroid backup.
1. When going to CM7r2 hboot for Runny is there a way to backup my current hboot to flash when going back to Supernova? Am I correct in saying the hboot is modified when you s-off so to remain s-off if going back to Supernova I can't just flash a stock hboot or I will be s-on?
OR would I have to go back to a stock RUU ROM and root and s-off again and then restore nandroid backup?
2. What exactly does a nandroid backup backup on your phone? Does it backup hboot and kernel?
In response to my own question. At is says if you are already s-off just flash a hboot from the website so would this be "Bravo Stock"? Also when flashing CM7r2 hboot will I remain s-off?
If you flash a different hboot, you will remain s-off. This will not put you back to s-on. So you could flash CM7r2 try any amount of rom's you wanted, then flash a different hboot and try a rom that requires that hboot. You will remain s-off unless you flash a RUU.
A nandroid backup will backup your kernel and everything on your phone at the time of backup.
Hope it helps.
Thanks. Seems reasonably simple then. I will probably have a look at Runny tomorrow i reckon.

