[Q] Problem restoring Nandroid backup - G2 and Desire Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I cannot restore my original backup of my stock ROM. I cannot flash a CM6.1 either.
I am reverting because I need to run gfree again to obtain SuperCID. I have CWM3.0 and previously ran CM7RC2. Any ideas?

Found the answer. Thread no longer needed!


[Q] Unroot Desire / Temp Root

I was looking into unrooting and didn't really want to go down the route of using an RUU as you can't restore app settings that way - then I saw a thread about a temp root...
backup with titanium
flash the device with the official RUU
Temp root so titanium works
restore files
is that possible with the desire?
I am thinking it'd be useful to be able to restore to factory default but still be able to restore app settings afterwards...
or even if you just flash on an official recovery file?
In theory that would work, however on my desire i had problems installing busybox so titanium back up wouldnt work properly.
The thing is, if you did it and it didnt work, recovering all apps would be difficult
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Unroot is RUU only, you can backup with Titanium and once you're unrooted you can use VISIONary to restore the data

[Q] Backup HBOOT

Hi all,
I've been going through the threads and have yet to find a solution to this.
Before I root + flash my DHD, I would like to make a backup of the original ROM and HBOOT for warranty purposes.
Since there are no RUUs for 3 Mobile(AU) DHDs, these would not be feasible.
My Question is how do I make a copy of the stock ROM and HBOOT from my phone? I understand with a nandroid backup this would not include the original HBOOT. Since people are able to post their stock ROMs/HBOOT surely this must be possible??
First you have to root then you should use the "one click s-off tools" one of them will make a Backup of you original hBoot (don't know witch of the two but you will find it in the threads). After this you have too flash CWM and can make a Backup of your rooted Stock Rom. To bring it back to stock you must flash your Rom backup then you flash the original recovery, make s-on (with the correct CID) again and then unroot.
I don't know if there is an easyer way if there is no RUU.
But normaly you can flash an unbranded Ruu and tell them you got it like this when you bought it.
Sent from my Revolver powered Asus Transformer

Restore Desire HD to stock rom..

I had a gingerbread 2.3.3 rom in my desire HD.
I downgraded, rooted, took clockwork (Nandroid ) backup and did s-off, eng soff, and now it is running revolution HD 6.1.2.
[I did took clockwork (Nandroid ) backup in sd card]
I wanted to restore it to original gingerbread state and all s-on.
How can I do it? when to restore backup?
I am unable to understand the correct order.
Please help me or direct me.

[Q] Restore back to factory default...

I am currently running ARHD 17 with hboot 1.36 and I need to restore my phone back to it's factory default for warranty purposes. I have been reading that I cannot run the RUU because the 1.36 hboot isn't compatible with ICS so how am I supposed to restore everything?
Any help would be appreciated.
Restore a backup. If you don't have one, run
fastboot get version-main
To find out your version and then see if you can find it in the thread with backups in it.

[Q] Wanted stock rom

Hi there,
I accidently deleted my stock rom backup that I made before going custom. Whilst trying to get s-off I changed to a few different roms thinking that my stock backup was on my ext sdcard but it wasn't My Cid is OPTUS001. Could anyone point me in the right direction as I would like to go back to stock to update firmware.
That's why i opened this thread

