[Q] Restore back to factory default... - HTC One X

I am currently running ARHD 17 with hboot 1.36 and I need to restore my phone back to it's factory default for warranty purposes. I have been reading that I cannot run the RUU because the 1.36 hboot isn't compatible with ICS so how am I supposed to restore everything?
Any help would be appreciated.

Restore a backup. If you don't have one, run
fastboot get version-main
To find out your version and then see if you can find it in the thread with backups in it.


[Q] cid

can i restore CWM backups from TWRP and vice versa??
if i want to get my cid, is it necessary i download cid getter or only the command-"fastboot getvar cid" is sufficient??
mihirengg19 said:
can i restore CWM backups from TWRP and vice versa??
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No. Both use different format.
mihirengg19 said:
if i want to get my cid, is it necessary i download cid getter or only the command-"fastboot getvar cid" is sufficient??
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Not necessary when you are comfortable with fastboot command.
fastboot getvar cid is better.
soundhound,teeter,twitter.-cant these and other system apps be restored in another rom if backed from other rom???
A nand backup can be use for other device if they share a same CID.
So depends on what purpose. If the CID is same and those apps are needed to make the OTA work, then yes.
If those are needed just to make it runs, you can take from any other backup. This is the basis of a custom rom. But not all system apps can be use. Only the user apps that reside in system.
i have backed up the 3 system apps mentioned above using TB from stock rom. when i restore them, it says restoring but it stays there forever...i have to FC TB....
also, once i installed a rom,went to advanced in CWM and selected a previous backup of other rom and selected restore data. restore data was complete...then i rebooted....bam!!!my phone's screen looked like a kaleidoscope!!!!!why did this happen???
I never use TB so do not know how it work. What I will do is copy that 3 system apks and its odex files, and manually put them in current stock ROM and put the right permission. Or make a flashable zip for those files and flash it in recovery.
Restoring data from other ROM is not a good idea. It will not only restore user apps but also all other data such as property & etc which usually will not work in other ROM as these ROMs may have different kind of data.
is cid useful for getting one's RUU???i am not able to find my RUU. there is such a long list in cid getter...??
If your CID is HTC_038 with hboot 1.18 then there is no available RUU for your device yet.
cid: HTC_38
primou pvt ship s-on rl
Mar 13 2012,20:17::28
how to get RUU???
the RUUs have long complicated names...... so i dont understand how to select the right one....
is this the right RUU for me-
Yes... it will upgrade your hboot to 1.17 and radio too.
....i have a backup of stock rooted rom with a kernel,something like- root PREEMPT-is this the stock kernel???? if i have the backup of stock rooted rom with this kernel, then should i do the RUU procedure?? if the function of RUU is to give the stock rom and kernel, which i already have through a stock rom backup, should i apply the RUU??
what i mean basically is-
what is the function of these RUUs???are these only for those who have forgot to make a backup of their stock rom after rooting and want to go back to stock but dont have a stock rom backup???
if i have a stock rooted rom backup,the stock recovery and stock kernel,then is there a need of RUU for reverting to stock???

[Q] HBOOT 1.31 get to Stock

Hey guys, I got a problem.
I'm on HBOOT 1.31 right now.
Version: 3.14.401.619
I want to flash a Stock RUU and lock the device again.
I found this RUU:
In the thread was a hint that these is for HBOOT 1.36
So i can't install this. If I try, I get an 155 error message.
I thought if I'm on a lower Hboot I could flash RUU's with higher Hboots without problems?!
What can I do? Update Hboot to 1.36 and try to flash the RUU again?
Or is there another way?
I trying for hours now and don't now what to do anymore.
Fastboot oem readcid
What comes out of that ?
I got
Well what you can try is to fully restore a 2.17.401 nandroid backup and flash back the stock 2.17 recovery and update again to 3.14 ! Its the last 3 digits that are off. Think that's the reason why a ruu won't work in this case !
Link to nandroid
Link to stock recovery
Unpack the nandroid to the sdcard. Flash the boot.img from the nandroid, make a full wipe in recovery and restore the nandroid. Then flash back the stock recovery and boot into android OS and update via official ota.....
Do NOT relock the bootloader !!!
Mr Hofs said:
Well what you can try is to fully restore a 2.17.401 nandroid backup and flash back the stock 2.17 recovery and update again to 3.14 ! Its the last 3 digits that are off. Think that's the reason why a ruu won't work in this case !
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thanks for you help! the problem was, I got no backups anymore.
I solve my problem: Updated the hboot to 1.36 and flashed the ruu. That worked for me!
Oke thanks for the info

HOX Will not OTA plus No Imei

Hi i have been given a HOX to look at and it's had me stumped for the last 24 hours so now i'm asking for help. Here we go.
The phone has no IMEI/Baseband. The fasboot getvar all command returns the correct IMEI to the box but it just doesn't show in android so no signal at all stuck on airplane mode etc. It's a TMOB005 cid.
Tried loads of custom roms and methods no signal.
Tried to return to stock to flash stock RUU. My main so try RUU RUU_ENDEAVOR_U_ICS_40_S_TMO_UK_2.17.110.5_Radio_2.1204.137U.21_release_284360_signed.exe it fails with script error and all other RUU fail at bootloader version.
I downloaded recommended nandroid for my main. 2012-10- from thread on here. Flashed boot img in fastboot. Flashed stock 1.29 recovery. Got the small 1.25mb OTA but then nothing after that and still no signal.
Tearing my hair out now. HBOOT is 1.39. Let me know if i've missed any info please any ideas now will help.
Oke i will give it a go !
You restored a 2.17 nandroid backup ? And flashed back a 1.29 stock recovery ?
In this case your rom won't respond to touch on screen ! You say your main version is 3.16 then you need a nandroid backup with at least that number....and a stock 3.16 recovery and not a 1.29 one
So.....enlighten me ?
Now you have me all confused?! The touch screen works fine with the stock recovery i flashed. It's one you recommended to someone else in a TMOB005 thread i saw. I'm not sure recovery is the real issue here anyway. The issue is not being able to flash an RUU, stock not doing the OTA it only reports the small one 1.25MB. Never asked for Jellybean OTa it just doesn't want to work.
The nandroid should be correct too as it's a TMOB005 one too.
If you can help let's start from my main as we know that's 100% right.
So what nandroid stock rom do i need, what recovery and anything else required?
Thanks for reply so far.
Oke you need a stock nandroid backup 3.16 if you have it (or already restored it) that's good then. Now we need your stock 3.16 recovery and not the 1.29 one.....
Is your 3.16 number matching this command ?
Fastboot getvar version-main
Ok I'll check when I'm at home next, I'll still appreciate any help/ideas/input from anyone. I'm sure my version matches the one with the version main command.
Does the recovery version have to match too? Where would I find the relevant one?
Try this one
Mr Hofs said:
Try this one
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Thanks and is the nan droid I mentioned the correct one at all? Like I say it offers the small OTA does that have any significance?
Is there no possible way to flash ANY RUU?!
If the nandroid matches the main version number 3.16.110 then you have indeed the correct one. And no a ruu is not available so that's not possible atm.
I saw something about an RUU hack where it makes it think you have an older version or is that not possible any more? The custom RUU file isn't available for download any more.
Well its probably possible for some, but if the phone has updated touch drivers then its of no use. Ics and lower roms don't work because touchscreen doesn't respond !
And the OP is on 3.16 so that's a no go.
From 3.14 and lower it could work.
"fastboot getvar version-main" returns that my main is definitely So what nandroid for definite matches and what recovery? Can anyone provide links please? Is supposed to be Jellybean?!
Yes 3.16 is Jellybean. And the recovery will be in the nandroid backup, as well as the boot.img.
Will the nandroid backup not have clockwork mod recovery in it as that is required to make the backup?!
Hold on....
you have the 3.16.110 nandroid backup ?
No i have a main of I have the nandroid as i understand this should work for OTA as i read in another thread. As long as the red part matches. I have installed a 3.16 stock recovery too yet STILL not being offered the proper OTA (still get the 1.25MB one) plus the phone is still stuck without IMEI or baseband.
This guy you helped here... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2204955 was offered the OTA after using the same nandroid as me so what's going on?!
Well give it a go then !!!
Here is the 2.17 stock recovery......trying to recall what i missed/forgot.
Mr Hofs said:
Well give it a go then !!!
Here is the 2.17 stock recovery......trying to recall what i missed/forgot.
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Still no offer of the OTA hmm. It's such a shame we can't change CID or flash any RUU as I'm sure that would help me. I'm just stuck and this phone is useless.
What ota are you talking about anyway ? Restore the 2.17 nandroid and the 2.17 stock recovery and then ota up to JB !
Mr Hofs said:
What ota are you talking about anyway ? Restore the 2.17 nandroid and the 2.17 stock recovery and then ota up to JB !
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That's exactly my aim but it's not happening.i've restored the correct nandroid (100% certain) unless there is a 3.16 nandroid? Then i've tried with stock recovery 3.16 and 2.17 both times. The only OTA i get offered is the first 1.25MB one and that's it nothing after it. Tried with bootloader locked and unlocked although this shouldn't matter.
Do you need GSM signal to be offered the OTA? As if you do i'll never get offered it as i don't have an IMEI or baseband etc.
I appreciate all the help you are offering Mr Hofs i see you have helped a LOT of people on here.
Just tried the recovery 2.17 that you uploaded as it's a diferent size to the ones i've previously tried but still no luck. No OTA at all.
Is stock recovery supposed to just show a red triangle? It's shows green first then changes to a red triangle ni'm not sure this is right even with bootloader locked.
Does recovery have to match as in 2.17.110?
No this stock 2.17 recovery works on branded phones too, its weird but indeed it could be related to no baseband and imei !

Unable to RUU back to stock

I had a lot of challenges getting venom onto my one x, now I'm looking to put it back to stock and OTA update for blinkfeed etc.
I don't have a nadroid backup to use. And everything I download doesn't work RUU wise.
My CID is VODAP001 and the version stated in fastboot is
So I downloaded RRU signed from xda but if fails with error 140 boot loader version error.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately not, you cannot downgrade, and the RUU for is not leaked. Unless you can find a nandroid backup of, you are bound to custom ROMs. Maximus and Android Revolution HD are close to stock.
I see a nandroid backup for CID VODAP102 ( in the nandroid collection, but unfortunately no CID VODAP001 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1975140
I have the same problem as i didnt backup my stock rom and my version main is and there is no RUU or nandroid i can find for this version and CID VODAP102
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4
On the collection of nandroid backups thread there is a nandroid you need on page 163. I restored mine with that nandroid too. Go ahead and try
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4
How do I use the nandroid backup?
crsnwby said:
How do I use the nandroid backup?
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the instructions to use the nandroid backups are in the first post at the end of the nandroid list, look and ye shall find!
nogotaclue said:
the instructions to use the nandroid backups are in the first post at the end of the nandroid list, look and ye shall find!
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Tried those but it didn't work, fails to install.
I cant mount any storage in CWM either so had to use ADB push to send the zip.
Any ideas what im doing wrong?
Try Philz touch recovery and see if you can mount storage with that
Might have it sorted. Changed the driver on the pc can now see storage. I also messed with the folder name of the nand trying to make it easier as I had loads. It now seems to be doing the restore in cwm.
yes restore worked now on very old software...
can I install the OTA its downloading now or do I have to do something else first? flash a stock recovery etc?
for in 6 months time when I get stuck on this again yes you need the stock recovery installed to apply OTA updates.

[Q] HBOOT for J_15

My Hboot is 1.39
and i wanted to know what is the latest Hboot for this CID
as i saw some guys here having the same CID and have Hboot v1.73
So can someone help before i screw up my phone ?
BTW i am currently with ARHD 31.3
Also , My stock backup is gone , so thats an issue and i didn't find a ruu for my phone.
Some hints :
Fastboot getvar version-main
That command gives you the nand number you need. Check in the general section for the nandroid backup collection. And restore the one you need if it's available for download. After restore you need to flash back the stock recovery and update. How to is described there too.
And yes there are updates waiting for you.
Ruu is not available indeed. And if there is no nand available just keep on using a sense 5 rom if you want. All current roms work on your 1.39 hboot.
oRmA2 said:
My Hboot is 1.39
and i wanted to know what is the latest Hboot for this CID
as i saw some guys here having the same CID and have Hboot v1.73
So can someone help before i screw up my phone ?
BTW i am currently with ARHD 31.3
Also , My stock backup is gone , so thats an issue and i didn't find a ruu for my phone.
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If you wish to update the hboot, all u need to do is do a nandroid restore to 4.0.4 (which is available in this forum)..fastboot flash stock boot.img, and fastboot flash stock recovery.img and lastly relock the bootloader..then update your phone normally via OTA to get the latest rom and hboot..unlock and install custom roms...that's it...
And do NOT loose another stock backup again !
Edit :
Relocking the bootloader is not needed. The 1.29 and the 3.16 are available. The 1.29 is probably of no use because i don't think you find official ota with that anymore. The 3.16 may be of use but therefore we need your main. If your main is lower you cant use it either !
You can find them here
@amirage where is the 4.0.4 ? I can't see it at this moment.....another thread ?
1.29 = 4.0.3
3.16 = 4.1.1

