One of those what if... questions - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

I love my TP2, especially as it's now running Windows 6.5. But I'm a sucker for a new toy, and HD2 comes out in a month.
So this isn't a serious question really, but is there any *good* reason for changing my device? Is a capacative screen that good?


Rhodium vs Hero

Guys and gals,
Being a WM user since probably 5-6 years, i am having a "faith crisis" :-(
I am a proud owner of TP2 running wm6.5, and am loving all the development, hacking and customisability you get with WM (thanks to this great community obviously).
Problem is i am being more and more drawn to android OS, and its rapid development, applications, net integration etc.
was wondering if there's anyone out there with rhodium having the same doubts??
Rhodium is bloody good piece of hardware, and its a shame to let it go, but looking at Hero....
well, its tempting. cant have both :-(
Well, my single biggest reason for buying a TP2 was the keyboard, so....
ditto, Keyboard is the main reason.
Keyboard Keyboard keyboard... and more customization and hacking then any other Mobile OS.
svyatko said:
Guys and gals,
Being a WM user since probably 5-6 years, i am having a "faith crisis" :-(
I am a proud owner of TP2 running wm6.5, and am loving all the development, hacking and customisability you get with WM (thanks to this great community obviously).
Problem is i am being more and more drawn to android OS, and its rapid development, applications, net integration etc.
was wondering if there's anyone out there with rhodium having the same doubts??
Rhodium is bloody good piece of hardware, and its a shame to let it go, but looking at Hero....
well, its tempting. cant have both :-(
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Why not just run Andriod on your Rhodium..........................
Hero has no keyboard and can not run WinMo (Not without a great deal of Dev work anyway) Rhodium can run Android with very little work required and you could still run WinMo too.............
Hope that helps persuade your reasoning...........
Rhodium looks way better too
Agree with beasty.
Rhodium has keyboard that for some (like me) is a must!
Also Android is a young and unmature OS, perhaps in the future can be an option but not for now.
Just my 2 cents,
The TP2 because of WM customization, flexability, business use, rom flashing, tweeks, etc......
ok well w eneed someone to get started on androiid for the tp2 n now doghnut has native cdma
iPhone is 100% toy, Android phones are 90% toy, WM phones are 50% toy. Some of us have to do real work sometimes, and we're not buying our phones for the fart noise apps.
godefroi said:
iPhone is 100% toy, Android phones are 90% toy, WM phones are 50% toy. Some of us have to do real work sometimes, and we're not buying our phones for the fart noise apps.
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I wonder how many are using that on WM though, I know it is available..........
You are correct though, WM is purely for business use as its main function.
Android is coming up fast but still needs a lot of work to convince me to be my main PDA OS.
IPhone, so far behind, the kids can keep it.
According to the Engadget review of Hero, the Sense UI is quite sluggish. So all that glitters is not gold.

Thinking to get TP2. Please help me.

A local guy here is selling his used but excellent condition AllTel TP2 for $150. 1. Can AllTell TP2 be unlocked and used on Sprint network? I have SERO.
2. What's the best Android ROM for TP2 out right now? What's not working?
3. I have Myn's ROM on my touch (vogue) and love it very much. Will Android TP2 give me much better phone than the one I have?
Sorry I haven't had much time to research this. I need to make decision to buy quickly before he sells it to someone else. Please help. Thanks a lot!! Hoping to join TP2 community soon.
Android is not completely working on the TP2, not flawlessly .. so if you want to buy this phone so you can run Android flawlessly on it, than you should reconsider
I used an Touch Vogue for a few weeks before getting a TP2. I ran Android on the Vogue, in my quest to make the device halfway modern and usable. I don't miss Android at all on the TP2, because HTC has done a good enough job providing their own interface layer on top of WM 6.5. It's not perfect, but it's good enough that I don't feel like I need to hack the device to death, like I did with the Vogue (ended up with WM 6.5 and TouchFlo 2D on the Vogue, which was okay, but the hardware sucked too bad). I've been following Android development on the TP2, and it's way too alpha right now for real day to day use. Last I checked they didn't have data going yet. They're making good progress, but it will probably be months before it's really stable and robust.
As far as the hardware goes, the TP2 is so far ahead of the Vogue it's insane. Granted, there is still better hardware than the TP2, but you'll feel like you went from the 1990s to 2000s when you upgrade. It's hard to believe the Vogue was released within months of the iPhone, because the comparison is laughable.

TP2 or HD2 or wait...

Man... my TP2 is Resting in Pieces...
im happy with what i got to do with it thx to xda devs...
but had issues with stereo bluetooth...with video playback.... and more generally with slow speed of the machine...
im wondering if i should go to HD2 but that baby lacks a keyboard...
or maybe wait on a TP3 ...
Ive been a htc guy for almost 6-7 years...but there was always something to complain about with them...
before buying the TP2 i thought it was the perfect machine...until i saw how slow the cpu was...and that the HD had twice its speed....that the wm system still needed rebooting often...
I hate apple, i dont feel like trying android...i think i will hate windows 7....
like i hated vista after XP...
i like my NRG romd on TP2 and now beeing able to run Rhobuntu feels amazing...especially with a real keyboard...
but after a year with the same doesnt feel right to put 300€ in another new TP2...
i know this thread is completly pointless... unless i get some good advice...
but i just had to let it out to my fellow TP2 owners cant wait to see this in the stores
No go on spending 300 euro on a new TP2. So, how about spending 193 euro on a used TP2?
as much as i love my TP2, compared to what they have out there now, the TP2 is outdated and slow. I'd try to pick up a snapdragon device if you're putting in 300 euros...seems worthless to buy outdated equipment.
Do you want to stick with WM6.5? or is there any chance you'd be willing to jump ship to android? I know this is semi-blasphemous in this forum, but i wouldn't mind a nice desire for myself (stupid ATT doesn't have any good phones. damn them!).
either way, good luck!
No offense, but you're likely making an unfair comparison.
The TP2 came with Sense 2.1. Thats what it was designed to use. Putting Sense 2.5, which was designed for another phone on the TP2, and expecting it to still perform well is unfair. It's like me putting Win7 on a computer thats 3 years old and originally shipped with WinXP. It might run, but its not gonna be pretty.
I spurned Sense altogether and went with SPB Mobile Shell. My phone FLIES. No lockups ever, better battery life, and I've grown to actually prefer the interface over time and with a lot of tweaking.
This aside, I agree with others that if I was in the market to buy a new phone right now, the TP2 is obviously outdated. Unless I was getting a crazy good deal (under $150), I'd go for something else.
Also dont forget that WM7 is likely coming out by year's end.
thx for everybody"s feedack...i actually went n bought a new TP2 for 220€ from a local ad...hoping insurance will upload me some $$
i did my unlocking with olipro app : thx for the great job on that
even though im having issues with the tp2...its a love hate relationship
i love what i can do with it...but i hate what the slow proc and maybe wm system does to me...
i really like the sense 2.5 interface but i started testing android and it seems promising... but i wouldnt go for a device with android only...i hope the port will be fully functionnal one day.
from the screens i see wm7 looks ugly so i doubt i will go for it...
i guess ill just have to keep this one clean for sale when the tp3 come out
its a shame windows/HTC are loosing the smartphone battle when they were the first ones on it...
most apps and games look like they are from the 80s compared to a iphone...
but i prefer by far sense 2.5 NRG rom with cookiemonster than than apple's interface.

Goodbye Windows Mobile... Hello Android

Retiring my TP2 today. Just had to get that out of my system.
Another unsatisfied customer.
You are darn right I am a quitter! And proud of it! I just can't believe I lasted this long.
lame. though i would love an android phone with the form factor of the tp2. the keyboard and tilty screen has made every iphone user i know impossibly jealous. but its not a phone i can recommend because of windows mobile. windows mobile works well, with a custom rom, registry hacks, and custom installed programs. android is just easier out of the box. i look forward to htc releasing an android phone with a good slide out keyboard.
Nobody can blame you for leaving this device. You're the third person who's posted a thread about abandoning the Rhodium, and I doubt you're the last. I'm personally holding out for the HTC Vision and it's beautiful looking QWERTY, but there are so many great options out there it's extremely tempting just to sell my Rhodium on eBay and buy a Desire or some other decent phone right now.
Yeah dude I was originally going to hold out for that HTC Vision also, but I just can't take it any longer. Flashing custom WM ROM's and installing certain cabs and reloading all my tweeks and stuff is just too time consuming. Holy cow do I waste a lot of time reading xda! When you see how fluid some other devices are out there, at some time you have to ask yourself what the point of all this is? There is nothing WM can do that Andoid can not do and better (for me that is). I have tremendous respect for the developers on this site but I think WM is a dying breed. The TP2 should not have been as crippled as it is either.
I dunno, I have to wonder if there's a big difference between your TP2 and my Tilt 2 because I am having very few issues with mine even after modding the hell out of the stock ROM (no compelling reason to go to a cooked one yet). Yeah, WinMo has its issues, but I've been using it since WM2003 on a Viewsonic PDA, so I'm pretty familiar with it. My Tilt 2 does everything I need it to, much like My Incite did. The only reason I upgraded was because I needed a larger screen for my failing eyes. Anyway, I was just ribbing you. I might go to an Android at some point, but for now, my Tilt 2 has me covered. The honeymoon isn't quite over just yet.
I left the party and went over to Android. For me, it was more of a preemptive thing -- WP7 is an abhorrent POS and while I probably would have stuck around if a 4.3" device with WinMo 6.5 was being released, it looks like the TP2 is all she wrote for WinMo.
XDA was absolutely crucial to my being able to use and enjoy my TP2. But I don't have to live with buggy software anymore (actually, the things I got from XDA were stable, but the commercial products were certainly not).
If anyone is interested, Sprint in coming out with the Samsung Epic, a 4" SAMOLED 4G Android device with a slide out keyboard. But I've moved on to the Evo. I've coveted the HD2 and its Snapdragon processor and 4.3" screen for ages.
In the end, MS finally killed whatever enthusiasm I had for the platform.
You know I tried everything. I too modded the stock and still this thing lagged. The best I could do was cooked ROMs but still it was one thing after another that just got me to the point where I was milliseconds away from shattering my phone into a thousand pieces for some gratitude. Talk about rage! I honestly think I have worn out the reset button. And as far as WP7, give me a break. I can't believe that Microsoft is so far behind the game and now they are trying to reinvent the wheel. Cell phones and cell phone technology are a crazy booming and growing business. It's sad when a technology company tries to reverse engineer something because in this day and age by this time it's just too late.
tbh ever since Android came out, i always wanted one but since it started hitting the market, every damn person i know has an Android and it ticks me off because it totally reminds me of how iPhone got all popular, now Android is in that stage, teens are having the Droid incredible, EVO 4Gs its insane because i bet you 95% of them dont even know how to operate it, thats why right now im sticking to my roots by staying with WM because no one knows what the heck it is(except XDA ), i rather have something different from the crowd.....i started with WM and ill hang on to WM until the whole WM thing just dies which probably wont happen for awhile you never know
man thats a tiny slide out keyboard on the vision. im not so sure about that one.
If different is what you are going for then I say stick to WM. Personally for me, I need function and ease of use. To me, Microsoft is their own worst enemy for not delivering without making us spend hours on xda fixing their mistakes. Although it can be fun here on xda, it can be really frustrating as well.
To me, WinMo seems designed by the same people that design the desktop platform and not by people who actually use it every day. Too many things that just don't make sense (but easily fixed by others, fortunately). I think M$ needs to hire a few XDA developers and put them into the development cycle for WinMo. If WinMo 7 isn't a significant improvement it will be the last WinMo version because once the phone manufacturers stop supporting it in favor of Droid and others, death will be imminent.
And when you see Microsoft developing apps for iPhone and Android yet still plug away at their own software ala "Kin the spectacular failure" I can't help but be embarassed to be a part of this. Playing catchup in the tech world is just plain silly to me. Here is an article about it posted 3 days ago:
Don't know if everyone's already seen this:
"The developers at Mobile Beat quickly recognized the labor-intensity of this UI method and one asked the Microsoft rep if anyone had bothered to test it with users. The answer was essentially "no" -- a scary thought indeed."
Sounds just like what I said earlier.
Hanson68 said:
Don't know if everyone's already seen this:
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Then, be sure to read this as well.
I dunno, maybe it's because I've been using WinMo since 2003 but I'm comfortable with it. The biggest problem is there are still remnants in the 6.x versions being used on phones from when it was ported from PDAs back with version 5. Too much stuff designed for a stylus and not a finger. Another problem is that WinMo is not designed for idiots like iPhone users who have no concept of the level of customization that WinMo allows. I like that I have to be more knowledgeable to get the most out of my WinMo phone. It means I can more readily identify when something doesn't work right and why and fix it myself. I also love that I can make my phone more personal and not look like anyone elses. Every iPhone I've ever played around on, with the exception of what apps were on it, was identical to every other one in looks and function. Maybe this is OK for those with limited ability to mod their own phone, but I'm a tinkerer by nature and it would drive me crazy. Been modding my phone since my first RAZR way back in 2006 and wouldn't have it any other way.
I also like that I'm not tied to any one company for apps. For all the complaints I hear about so few developers writing for WinMo I have yet to not find an app for my needs. In fact, there are usually about 4-5 apps that do the same thing and almost always at least one is free. Sure, some are crap, but choice is a good thing. Certainly much better than limits.
I love my Windows Mobile phone and if WP7 improves on it even just a little, I'll probably stick with it.
Personally, I am really liking my WinMo 6.5 tilt 2. Yes, it has a cooked ROM and a few other tweaks, but so did my iphone that I had before this Tilt2. IMHO, as far as useability, and business is concerned, the Tilt2 is all business and not so much a toy (which is what I look for in a phone, since I run a home business from it.).
I think anybody who has taken the time to flash a custom rom for themselves here can be considered a power user. Everybody on this board wants more than the next guy. But what do you do when you've been let down and this place just isn't enough anymore? I have had Windows CE devices since 2002 and as silly as this sounds, my favorite device was my old T-mobile MDA with WM 5.0. Why? Because it worked. Now I realize that we are trying to do a lot more with our devices, but even simple tasks like text messaging and the actual phone part seems to get worse with each new OS. When I watch the videos for WP7 I am very let down. Customization is key to the MS fanbase. So the things that I would like are either getting worse or going away. Why MS didn't just turn over the whole program to XDA is a real mystery isn't it? Since I honestly think that we are the only ones who really care.

[Q] Life after 6.5?

There appear to be a number of folk here who feel that WP7 is a step backward from WM6.5 in terms of feature set, customisability, hackability etc. What then would people propose as an alternative once WM6.5 is finally dead and buried, Android? Iphone? Symbian/ Maemo? or will you give WP7 a chance?
adesonic said:
There appear to be a number of folk here who feel that WP7 is a step backward from WM6.5 in terms of feature set, customisability, hackability etc. What then would people propose as an alternative once WM6.5 is finally dead and buried, Android? Iphone? Symbian/ Maemo? or will you give WP7 a chance?
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So much fight here about it.....
Well I'm still not decided.
But I know I want to give WP7 a go.
Looks great and I would be happy to have clean, unified UI.
Limitations which are apparent on WP7 make it unusable at this point.
Android is the most complete but I just really don't like it's interface...
Probably staying with 6.5 for some time....
i personally cant be bothered to hack my my phone and look for custom ROM to flash. surely people only do this if they are not happy with their phone.if you dont like the OS. dont get it. its the reason why im not getting android, or an iphone. all phones have great features missing from them. and wp7 is only in its first phase improvement like copy and paste will come. ive only got 1 complaint, and that is that i cannot use it as a flash drive but then again, if i did that, would it slow down to a crawl??? wp7 is dead easy, i dont have time to muck around like i used to with wm6.5 on my touch diamond 2. i want it all, and i want it all now. so im sticking with wp7.
davidebanks said:
i personally cant be bothered to hack my my phone and look for custom ROM to flash. surely people only do this if they are not happy with their phone.if you dont like the OS. dont get it. its the reason why im not getting android, or an iphone. all phones have great features missing from them. and wp7 is only in its first phase improvement like copy and paste will come. ive only got 1 complaint, and that is that i cannot use it as a flash drive but then again, if i did that, would it slow down to a crawl??? wp7 is dead easy, i dont have time to muck around like i used to with wm6.5 on my touch diamond 2. i want it all, and i want it all now. so im sticking with wp7.
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Same thoughts here. Was cooking my own 6.5roms to get a slim and working OS but sinceI got my HD7, I've stop cooking totally because WP7 is very fast and stable for me. Sure there are areas I'm not happy with, but at least, I have more time to live my life now since I stopped cooking roms.
I'm not here to convince anyone to go WP7, each OS has it's pros and cons, and each of us are completely different and see things and have different needs, so we go for different phones, something that works for us.
zard said:
Same thoughts here. Was cooking my own 6.5roms to get a slim and working OS but sinceI got my HD7, I've stop cooking totally because WP7 is very fast and stable for me. Sure there are areas I'm not happy with, but at least, I have more time to live my life now since I stopped cooking roms.
I'm not here to convince anyone to go WP7, each OS has it's pros and cons, and each of us are completely different and see things and have different needs, so we go for different phones, something that works for us.
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LOL , you just made a lot of people angry by stopping with cooking rom's .
I think I will stick with wm 6.5 for awhile. I use it as a Mass storage device & tether with it often. I also am really used to using smart dialing which I can't understand why it wasn't added to WP7. I'll wait to a few months after WP7 lands on Sprint to see what the updates have brought & what hackers have opened. If more functionality is available on WP7 I'll get it, if not I'll go with Android when I want to upgrade because of hardware
shouldn't this be in the winmo section???
adesonic said:
There appear to be a number of folk here who feel that WP7 is a step backward from WM6.5 in terms of feature set, customisability, hackability etc. What then would people propose as an alternative once WM6.5 is finally dead and buried, Android? Iphone? Symbian/ Maemo? or will you give WP7 a chance?
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I'm going to wait for the 2nd generation of WP7 phones and OS (or at least an OS update or two). I was ready to get a focus, then I realized I'd be losing some features I enjoy on my TP2 (multitasking, tethering, call manager) just to gain a newer OS.
I also want premium hardware and design which the first generation doesn't seem to offer. DVP comes close though.
i switched to android, never looked back
WhyBe said:
I'm going to wait for the 2nd generation of WP7 phones and OS (or at least an OS update or two). I was ready to get a focus, then I realized I'd be losing some features I enjoy on my TP2 (multitasking, tethering, call manager) just to gain a newer OS.
I also want premium hardware and design which the first generation doesn't seem to offer. DVP comes close though.
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wait, you are using a plastic phone with a plastic resistive screen and are talking about premium hardware???
There should be another choice "I would celebrate with Dom Perignon!" Please put the 6.5 out of it's misery already!
One thing is sure for me, I will not be joinging the iPhone family.
Possibly Maemo or Androd. Depends what kiind of devices will be out by then.
W7 only if there has been lots of needed updates and/or hacks/roms and such.
Any poll in a specific device forum will always have support for that device.
Poll threads should be in common forum to get a neutral response from ALL, IF the thread starter wants to know EVERYONE's opinion.
Just my 2C
nrfitchett4 said:
shouldn't this be in the winmo section???
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Life after WM6.5 to which he refers is precisely WP7. then the correct section!
A little off-topic, but correct!
I found that I was having to flash new ROMs etc to my 6.5 because the UI and features available to a standard WinMo was rubbish. I never liked the 6.5 OS much, I just liked the ability to customise and look deeper into the phone
I am now on WP7 and would never look back on 6.5.
At the moment I don't see I have much choice - Android here I come I think.
The gains in slick simple UI are insufficient in my case to outweigh the loss of functionality vs 6.5.
Many of the other advantages (gaming for example) are of no interest to me on my phone (I am not the target market).
I will stick with 6.5 until at least Phone Alarm is released for Android, then it will become viable for me. Hopefully this will be early 2011.
nrfitchett4 said:
wait, you are using a plastic phone with a plastic resistive screen and are talking about premium hardware???
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:lol: My premium phone standards were set by my SE X1, not the TP2. I would really love to see a WP7 version of the X1. Hopefully the X7 will deliver. But knowing SE, it won't be released until next November.
WhyBe said:
:lol: My premium phone standards were set by my SE X1, not the TP2. I would really love to see a WP7 version of the X1. Hopefully the X7 will deliver. But knowing SE, it won't be released until next November.
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Ditto. X1 was excellent.
Currently on X2 which is actually better in many regards.
Anyway, I just hope SE will make it around Feb/March.
So it will catch upgrades which are for me necessary.
And until core apps I use on WM 6.5 will be functional/supported
I can just wait for some time....
I find it hard to believe anyone speaks of the death of WinMo in the present tense. It died for me like 2 1/2 years ago and since then the iPhone has taken over the smartphone market, Android has taken over the spot WM6.5 used to occupy and Microsoft has done practically nothing until very recently. I bought a Focus and I like it, it's a magnitude nicer and easier to use than my old Fuze with WM6.5 and while it's lacking a lot of the functionality, that will come with time and, in the meantime, I don't need to take out my reading glasses and itty bitty cramp inducing stylus to use it. The Fuze is still sitting on my desk, unused, with a noticable layer of dust on it. And there it will sit until I finally tire of looking at it and throw it away. And good riddance!
I cannot speak for anyone but for me, I have been windows mobile user ever since palm treo with windows on it. Before making switch to WP7, my device was Tilt2 and I tweaked the crap out of it putting custom roms and radio to fit my taste. Although having the capability was great but my user experience was not all that great. Something was always wrong and the hardware and software wasn't working correctly, so I was constantly tweaking and tell you the truth I got tired.
I was ready to jump ship to Android with Samsung Captivate but as soon as the WP7 was arriving I decided to wait. Boy I am glad that I did, I am happy with my samsung focus. Although it's missing some functions now but I am sure it's on it's way, the stability and the fact that it just works and I do not have to tweak anything makes my life a lot easier. Could not be more happy with OS. At least so far.
My wife has iphone and looked at android and both are not really appealing to me. Android is not all that great even if with all the customization and tweaking.

