Config failed (0x80070005): Access is denied - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Hi there,
I have a new Q9h (my 3rd). It arrived yesterday with WM6.1. As I have in the past, I did a regiedit to remove file size limits for ring tones and alarms; then I used enableRAPI to organize my start menu.
Today, I connected my phone to my computer and figured I'd try Motorola Software Update. It found and update and didn't give me an option to back out. It seems to have applied a security patch making external registry edits through activeSync impossible and doesnt allow enableRAPI to connect.
I used RESCO registry editor on my Q and took care of the file size limit... but I am EAGER to modify my start menu.
When I run enaableRAPI (it's from the zip file with the .bat, xml and .exe files) i get this:
Config failed (0x80070005): Access is denied.
I called Moto.. they said if ActiveSync is working (which it is) this is likely something put in place to prevent hacks and means that the software is not compatible.
I am SOOOO annoyed! I spent my money on this darn phone and some a$$hole programmer at M$ or AT&T or MOTO gets to decide how I can access my stuff.
Please help. =(

Solution.. sorta
Resco Explorer... slower than other ways.. but it works..


How to access the registry ?

When starting my 9090 I get a message "Impossible to find SmartFilter.exe check the file or the access path..." and the Pocket remains stuck for a while.
I suppose the uninstall process of the trial version of this programm did'nt run complete, and left an entry somewhere.
Searching for 'smartfilter' doens'nt give any result.
Where to search for autorun/autoload folder or key in the registry ?
Thanks for any help.
Go to \windows\startup\ and delete the shortcut for that program. I'm not sure that's your problem, but it sounds like it to me.
If not, then go to
or search around. I know there are two versions floating on this board. I think the previous is the one I use/prefer. Also, I've been told that when connected via activesync, you can use windows regedit to access your device???? Not sure though.
Good luck, and if you muss up your device, it's NOT MY FAULT!!!!
No way :-/
Thanks, but it's a glue... :?
Neither Windows/startup nore deleting entries of NOVOSEC/Smartfilter helped.
I'm going to reinstall the trial version, and uninstall again :twisted:
Gone !
go to a company called soti - they have a remote regsitry explorer that is very good..

How do I change the Bluetooth file received location

Ok im going nuts, normally i can find, or figure it out myself, but on this one i need help.
How do I change the Bluetooth file destination (to my memoy card) when "beaming" or sending a file from device to device.
It is in none of the settings on the actual device (that i can find), i have downloaded a registry editor onto the phone but despite my efforts i still cant seem to find where the default path is stored in the HKEY's.
Does anyone know, whether there is a program to do it, a HKEY to modify or simply a setting to change. Any help would be greatly appreciated, by me and my hair.
Device : O2 XDA Atom
OS: Window Mobile 2005
Owner: Loosing hair rapidly

Licenced Software CAB conversion

Does anyone know if you can take a piece of software that you have purchased in CAB format, with a Licence Key and change it into a package?
Since the software isn't OEM is it still the same method to create a package?
Any Takers?
This cant be to much of a hard question!!! can anyone answer? please
Tried it with Phone Alarm. sort of worked at the second attempt. But not quite. If I spent more time on it I reckon I could have got it to work but just don't have the time.
crazyC said:
Tried it with Phone Alarm. sort of worked at the second attempt. But not quite. If I spent more time on it I reckon I could have got it to work but just don't have the time.
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but you can actually do it? what do you do about the activation codes etc?
The code is probably just stored in the registry or a config file after you enter it, in which case just make an RGU in the package putting the right data into the right place.
Some software might encrypt the code.. but even then usually putting the right encrypted string in the right place will work.. You may have to have the owner information set exactly the same each time (as this may be hashed into the generated key) but this isnt a problem as you can set the owner information in the RGU as well.
If you get a program where you cannot track the installation to see what happens when entering serials etc.. try SKTracker.. you can use it to watch the ppc for changes to files, databases and registry and dump those changes for analysis... so you install it.. make a reference dump.. then install/register the app.. then dump again.. then compare to see what has changed.
Some apps it wont work with of course.. but i'd imagine for most it will be possible yes. The worst that happens is you have the app installed in trial mode.. and a text file burned to the ROM with the serials you have bought in it to re-register it when needed after a hard reset.
Yeah - SK tracker is fantastic. Generally it just involves exporting a reg key from your PPC and then putting it into the cab/package along with your owner name (in some cases).
All my licensed software has been set to install via cabs including the keys. Not found any that cannot be done this way.
Problems arise with more complicated installs that involve interfacing with the system. Just using the normal conversion process with the PA cab did not work, needed to run SK tracker and fix a load more reg entries that were changed by the instll prcess. Improved it but still had issues with no sounds etc. I must have missed something, and have temporarily given up. The cab only takes a minute to install anyway.

application file cannot be opened .either it is notsigned with trusted certificate

I am having problems with applications under Windows Mobile 5.0. When i try to run them i get the following error.
The file 'foo' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
1)Is there anyway of disabling the checks for trusted applications in Windows Mobile 5.0 on the Wizard?
I think this error becuz u r trying to run wm6 applications under wm5
vodovodo said:
I think this error becuz u r trying to run wm6 applications under wm5
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I have same problem for BA wm 6.1 5.2.19199.1.0.0 PV DVH. Some people offered solution of HR. I don't agree with this. because we have to lose what we've been installing and spend more time re-installing them. so much time-wasting?
Any other solutions, please?!
Thanks in advance.
Problem may be cause of your SD card if u r using WM6. SD card PowerManagment value is set("DisablePowerManagment") to 0 in your registry. This means after a while your device will set your SD card power off for savg batttery. This cause to unread your program files etc while u start any program on your form your SD card device.
I fixed this problem like that;
By any registry editor:
Find the Path:
"Hkey_local_machine>drivers>sdcard>clientdrivers> class >SDMemory_Class"
after that find;
""DisablePowerManagement"" key and set its value to "1" than save and exit. Than soft reset your device. Problem will be fixed.
Sorry for my bad english.
Windows Mobile powered devices are shipped with default security settings.
The security model enables Mobile Operators to make post-production changes to security settings.
This can place significant restrictions on software which has not been signed and approved.
However you can change the default settings.
Take control of applications on your phone.
"All listed settings are decimal"
1. Connect the phone through ActiveSync.
2. Run your favorite remote registry editor "CeRegEditor (Download)" "Mobile Registry Editor (Download)" on your PC.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
Unsigned Prompt Policy:
This policy indicates whether the user is prompted to accept or reject unsigned .cab, theme, .dll and .exe files.
DWord = 0000101a Data = Use the following-->
0 = Indicates user will be prompted.
1 = Indicates user will not be prompted.
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
I have a HTC Tytn II and i get the same error. However, When trying to alter data using the reg editor you recommended, i found the 0000101a was already set to 1. Any other ideas?
Hi All,
Would someone be so kind to me a explain how I can move a package from the EXT directory or one Kitchen to the EXT directory on this version of kitchen.
I thought I could just simply copy the directory? So I had a go compiling a version of youtube from a different kitchen It would seem mot to work thou as I get the dreaded The file 'xx' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
Any ideas how to get this to work?
Or look for the tool MsSigner, it can be found in most kitchens.
You'll be able to sign it with a signature that is accepted after you aply the enablyRapi and SPCCerts policies.
You're probably missing a key dependency package like dshow (mshow?) or concurrence manager. Also, make sure the shortcut path is valid. Lord knows why, but that's the message you get for bad shortcuts.
josephwsl said:
I am having problems with applications under Windows Mobile 5.0. When i try to run them i get the following error.
The file 'foo' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
1)Is there anyway of disabling the checks for trusted applications in Windows Mobile 5.0 on the Wizard?
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maybe .NET CF is missing or not up-to-date?
maybe .NET CF is missing or not up-to-date?
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ahh i love you bro, u saved me an hassle i tried everything and it was the
damii said:
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
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When I try that, I'm told I don't have the authority to access that. :-(
now what?
Yeah, me too!!!
All of a sudden too. Everything was fine then I got these certificate errors every time I try to run Haret.exe to run android. This happened last night. Did my provider change something on me?
I try to change that registry key and it won't let me.
Re:this post
I have same problem for BA wm 6.1 5.2.19199.1.0.0 PV DVH. Some people offered solution of HR. I don't agree with this. because we have to lose what we've been installing and spend more time re-installing them. so much time-wasting?
You need hard reset!
Same problem "certificate errors" and a hard reset wont work
Plz help
damii said:
Windows Mobile powered devices are shipped with default security settings.
The security model enables Mobile Operators to make post-production changes to security settings.
This can place significant restrictions on software which has not been signed and approved.
However you can change the default settings.
Take control of applications on your phone.
"All listed settings are decimal"
1. Connect the phone through ActiveSync.
2. Run your favorite remote registry editor "CeRegEditor (Download)" "Mobile Registry Editor (Download)" on your PC.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
Unsigned Prompt Policy:
This policy indicates whether the user is prompted to accept or reject unsigned .cab, theme, .dll and .exe files.
DWord = 0000101a Data = Use the following-->
0 = Indicates user will be prompted.
1 = Indicates user will not be prompted.
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
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Thanks! That really helped me. You literally saved me a good night sleep. I was already desperate.
Wow, it works Thank you!!!
This worked perfectly. Thanks so much for the help. I've been racking my brain about this for over an hour now, then found this through a search.
I have the same problem and I tried :
1/ Hard Reset
2/ Rom Update
3/ installed NetCFv3.5
4/ editing values in the registry
what els ????!
plzz i need your help

Provxml does not work on HD7 (I think it did before).

So last week after unexpected regedit failure I had to hard reset the phone.
Since then I can put chevron on, use regedit and even permanently unlock it so it does not relock after zune.
I unlockit.xap as that is the only way I can do it, it simply copies custclear.provxml to windows folder and runs it. It sets max sideload apps and prevents from relocking when connected to zune.
However after that one my provxml does not work. I know that as I have created a custom one that changes reg entries for some unavailable locations but also simple things like number of tabs in IE or search provider. It does not do it no matter what. If I e-mail it as custclear.xml and run advanced config picks it up but states unable to run.
Any ideas why I can not provxml anything no more? It happend way before update came and I only updated the phone today. Still no luck

