application file cannot be opened .either it is notsigned with trusted certificate - Windows Mobile Software Development

I am having problems with applications under Windows Mobile 5.0. When i try to run them i get the following error.
The file 'foo' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
1)Is there anyway of disabling the checks for trusted applications in Windows Mobile 5.0 on the Wizard?

I think this error becuz u r trying to run wm6 applications under wm5

vodovodo said:
I think this error becuz u r trying to run wm6 applications under wm5
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I have same problem for BA wm 6.1 5.2.19199.1.0.0 PV DVH. Some people offered solution of HR. I don't agree with this. because we have to lose what we've been installing and spend more time re-installing them. so much time-wasting?
Any other solutions, please?!
Thanks in advance.

Problem may be cause of your SD card if u r using WM6. SD card PowerManagment value is set("DisablePowerManagment") to 0 in your registry. This means after a while your device will set your SD card power off for savg batttery. This cause to unread your program files etc while u start any program on your form your SD card device.
I fixed this problem like that;
By any registry editor:
Find the Path:
"Hkey_local_machine>drivers>sdcard>clientdrivers> class >SDMemory_Class"
after that find;
""DisablePowerManagement"" key and set its value to "1" than save and exit. Than soft reset your device. Problem will be fixed.
Sorry for my bad english.

Windows Mobile powered devices are shipped with default security settings.
The security model enables Mobile Operators to make post-production changes to security settings.
This can place significant restrictions on software which has not been signed and approved.
However you can change the default settings.
Take control of applications on your phone.
"All listed settings are decimal"
1. Connect the phone through ActiveSync.
2. Run your favorite remote registry editor "CeRegEditor (Download)" "Mobile Registry Editor (Download)" on your PC.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
Unsigned Prompt Policy:
This policy indicates whether the user is prompted to accept or reject unsigned .cab, theme, .dll and .exe files.
DWord = 0000101a Data = Use the following-->
0 = Indicates user will be prompted.
1 = Indicates user will not be prompted.
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem

I have a HTC Tytn II and i get the same error. However, When trying to alter data using the reg editor you recommended, i found the 0000101a was already set to 1. Any other ideas?

Hi All,
Would someone be so kind to me a explain how I can move a package from the EXT directory or one Kitchen to the EXT directory on this version of kitchen.
I thought I could just simply copy the directory? So I had a go compiling a version of youtube from a different kitchen It would seem mot to work thou as I get the dreaded The file 'xx' cannot be opened. Ether it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
Any ideas how to get this to work?

Or look for the tool MsSigner, it can be found in most kitchens.
You'll be able to sign it with a signature that is accepted after you aply the enablyRapi and SPCCerts policies.

You're probably missing a key dependency package like dshow (mshow?) or concurrence manager. Also, make sure the shortcut path is valid. Lord knows why, but that's the message you get for bad shortcuts.

josephwsl said:
I am having problems with applications under Windows Mobile 5.0. When i try to run them i get the following error.
The file 'foo' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file.
1)Is there anyway of disabling the checks for trusted applications in Windows Mobile 5.0 on the Wizard?
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maybe .NET CF is missing or not up-to-date?

maybe .NET CF is missing or not up-to-date?
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ahh i love you bro, u saved me an hassle i tried everything and it was the

damii said:
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
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When I try that, I'm told I don't have the authority to access that. :-(
now what?

Yeah, me too!!!
All of a sudden too. Everything was fine then I got these certificate errors every time I try to run Haret.exe to run android. This happened last night. Did my provider change something on me?
I try to change that registry key and it won't let me.

Re:this post
I have same problem for BA wm 6.1 5.2.19199.1.0.0 PV DVH. Some people offered solution of HR. I don't agree with this. because we have to lose what we've been installing and spend more time re-installing them. so much time-wasting?

You need hard reset!

Same problem "certificate errors" and a hard reset wont work
Plz help

damii said:
Windows Mobile powered devices are shipped with default security settings.
The security model enables Mobile Operators to make post-production changes to security settings.
This can place significant restrictions on software which has not been signed and approved.
However you can change the default settings.
Take control of applications on your phone.
"All listed settings are decimal"
1. Connect the phone through ActiveSync.
2. Run your favorite remote registry editor "CeRegEditor (Download)" "Mobile Registry Editor (Download)" on your PC.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies
Unsigned Prompt Policy:
This policy indicates whether the user is prompted to accept or reject unsigned .cab, theme, .dll and .exe files.
DWord = 0000101a Data = Use the following-->
0 = Indicates user will be prompted.
1 = Indicates user will not be prompted.
you will set that register decimal 1. that is solved problem
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Thanks! That really helped me. You literally saved me a good night sleep. I was already desperate.

Wow, it works Thank you!!!

This worked perfectly. Thanks so much for the help. I've been racking my brain about this for over an hour now, then found this through a search.

I have the same problem and I tried :
1/ Hard Reset
2/ Rom Update
3/ installed NetCFv3.5
4/ editing values in the registry
what els ????!
plzz i need your help


Is it possible to Upgrade my Enligsh Jasjar to Chinese?

I just found a Cheinese Rom in the FTP, and using the "MaUpgradeUt_noID" it seems can detect my rom version, but i did not continue because i can not afford to "Fail", DID anyone know how to upgrade my english ROM to chinese???
ericcc said:
I just found a Cheinese Rom in the FTP, and using the "MaUpgradeUt_noID" it seems can detect my rom version, but i did not continue because i can not afford to "Fail", DID anyone know how to upgrade my english ROM to chinese???
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should be no problem for that , you can look at FTP again there had new ROM 11336_11334_10402 that's same as I had Dopod 900 , I already try to flush WEE i-mate ROM and flush back Dopod ROM twice no problem for flush ,
how can you upgrade it? need to enter serial mode? ( how to enter for universal) what tool did you use?
ericcc said:
how can you upgrade it? need to enter serial mode? ( how to enter for universal) what tool did you use?
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See here maybe help
I did the upgrade from Jasjar WWE to Dopod CHT. Here is how I did it:
1. Connect JJ to ActiveSync thru USB and wait till the sync session is completed.
2. While the sync is still active, I ran MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. After a few steps of checking, it will disconnect ActiveSync and put the JJ into the bootloader mode.
3. The upgrade will halt with a country code error. No upgrade has been performed yet.
4. Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe again while the cable is still connected and JJ still in bootloader mode. I was prompted that I am upgrading from [Blank] to [NewVersionNumber]. Click "Next".
5. The ROM will be upgraded this time till it's done. It took about 20 minutes.
6. I pressed both softkeys and reset. When the reset prompt comes up, I pressed "0" to reset to default factory settings. After some booting time, JJ starts to speak Chinese.
I upgraded to Chinese ROM because the Chinese plug-in I used to use for English ROM is kind of buggy on WM5. Thanks to everyone on this forum.
There are a few things I did after I upgraded to CHT ROM:
1. Changed the system font to the more artistic Kai font (from KAIU.ttf on a Windows machine). The original system font was MingLiU, which looked kind of scrawny on a VGA screen.
2. Re-enabled ClearType for the system and PIE. For some reason, Dopod disabled ClearType settings so the user cannot turn on ClearType from the user interface. I used a registry editor and modified a few keys to get the ClearType feature back.
With the Kai font and ClearType, the screen becomes a lot more readable and very pretty! If someone is interested in step-by-step instructions, let me know, and I will post them.
By the way, I was so excited when I discovered the site actually works for me in USA. I was able to watch the TV news in Taiwan in full VGA screen.
One difference I noticed is that with the WWE ROM, I can very easily set up Bluetooth ActiveSync. With the CHT ROM, the device can only discover the serial port service on my computer, but not recognize its ActiveSync capability. If someone knows how to correct this, please let me know.
Also, in case you don't know, the keyboard mappings between WWE and CHT ROMs are slightly different. The SYM key is swapped with the ";" character, probably because SYM is hardly used in Chinese input. The shortcut "FN + ;" can toggle the English and Bomopofo modes. Note the ";" character is now on the SYM key of JASJAR.
yyl said:
There are a few things I did after I upgraded to CHT ROM:
1. Changed the system font to the more artistic Kai font (from KAIU.ttf on a Windows machine). The original system font was MingLiU, which looked kind of scrawny on a VGA screen.
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Hi yyl :
Can you tell me how to change system front to Kai ?
1. Copy KAIU.ttf from a Windows machine. Paste it into the Pocket PC's "Windows" directory thru ActiveSync.
2. Using a registry editor (like PHM RegEdit), BACK UP your registry first! Then go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FontLink\SystemLink\". Change the data of "Courier New" and "Tahoma" keys to "\windows\KAIU.ttf,DFKai-SB".
3. Soft-reset your device. Now all the Chinese characters become Kai font. It is not very smooth, because ClearType is still disabled.
4. To enable ClearType, this is how I did it. Maybe some steps are not really necessary.
5. Using the same registry editor, search for the keyword "cleartype" in all the keys and values. I found three matches. I set ClearType=1, NoClearType=0, ClearTypeText=1 respectively.
6. Soft-reset your device. You will see that the system ClearType is still disabled. Go to "Settings -> System -> Screen -> ClearType" to enable ClearType. This option was originally hidden from end users. Now it's visible. Once you check the "Enable ClearType" box, the font will immediately smooth up.
That's it. One thing worthy of note is, KAIU.ttf seems to only have traditional Chinese characters, not simplied Chinese. I am not sure.
Thanks yyl , I will try it today
yyl said:
I did the upgrade from Jasjar WWE to Dopod CHT. Here is how I did it:
1. Connect JJ to ActiveSync thru USB and wait till the sync session is completed.
2. While the sync is still active, I ran MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. After a few steps of checking, it will disconnect ActiveSync and put the JJ into the bootloader mode.
3. The upgrade will halt with a country code error. No upgrade has been performed yet.
4. Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe again while the cable is still connected and JJ still in bootloader mode. I was prompted that I am upgrading from [Blank] to [NewVersionNumber]. Click "Next".
5. The ROM will be upgraded this time till it's done. It took about 20 minutes.
6. I pressed both softkeys and reset. When the reset prompt comes up, I pressed "0" to reset to default factory settings. After some booting time, JJ starts to speak Chinese.
I upgraded to Chinese ROM because the Chinese plug-in I used to use for English ROM is kind of buggy on WM5. Thanks to everyone on this forum.
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Can anyone give me more detailed information about how to use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe? When I run it, I get an error message: "This application has failed to start because RUU.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem", any help will be appreciated! I'm trying to update my Jasjar to CHT ROM.
yyl said:
I did the upgrade from Jasjar WWE to Dopod CHT. Here is how I did it:
1. Connect JJ to ActiveSync thru USB and wait till the sync session is completed.
2. While the sync is still active, I ran MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. After a few steps of checking, it will disconnect ActiveSync and put the JJ into the bootloader mode.
3. The upgrade will halt with a country code error. No upgrade has been performed yet.
4. Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe again while the cable is still connected and JJ still in bootloader mode. I was prompted that I am upgrading from [Blank] to [NewVersionNumber]. Click "Next".
5. The ROM will be upgraded this time till it's done. It took about 20 minutes.
6. I pressed both softkeys and reset. When the reset prompt comes up, I pressed "0" to reset to default factory settings. After some booting time, JJ starts to speak Chinese.
I upgraded to Chinese ROM because the Chinese plug-in I used to use for English ROM is kind of buggy on WM5. Thanks to everyone on this forum.
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Can you give me more detailed instruction about how to use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe? Every time I run it, I get an error message as follows: "This application has failed to start because RUU.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
yyl said:
I did the upgrade from Jasjar WWE to Dopod CHT. Here is how I did it:
1. Connect JJ to ActiveSync thru USB and wait till the sync session is completed.
2. While the sync is still active, I ran MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe. After a few steps of checking, it will disconnect ActiveSync and put the JJ into the bootloader mode.
3. The upgrade will halt with a country code error. No upgrade has been performed yet.
4. Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe again while the cable is still connected and JJ still in bootloader mode. I was prompted that I am upgrading from [Blank] to [NewVersionNumber]. Click "Next".
5. The ROM will be upgraded this time till it's done. It took about 20 minutes.
6. I pressed both softkeys and reset. When the reset prompt comes up, I pressed "0" to reset to default factory settings. After some booting time, JJ starts to speak Chinese.
I upgraded to Chinese ROM because the Chinese plug-in I used to use for English ROM is kind of buggy on WM5. Thanks to everyone on this forum.
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Thanks! I am Upgrading my ROM now, May the God bless me!
Upgrade Success! thx everyone's help!
yyl :
Can you upload KAIU.ttf which I can't find in my window machine, Are you used Chiese window system ? mine was English + language pack
The KAIU.ttf comes with many versions of Microsoft Office of many languages. When the Asian character support is selected during installation, Office will install some extra Asian fonts for you. This is one of them.
Anyway, I uploaded this font to ftp://xdaupload:[email protected]/Universal
I don't know if this upload is appropriate. If it is not, the board moderators, please feel free to delete it. Thanks.
The principles that I outlined above should work with any TrueType Chinese font that you like.
johnney said:
Can you give me more detailed instruction about how to use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe? Every time I run it, I get an error message as follows: "This application has failed to start because RUU.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
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Download "(Open_ch)UNI_DOPOD_11336_134_10402_Test.exe" from the "Universal" folder of this site (see the link in my previous post). Use Winzip to extract all the content from this EXE file into a folder on your hard drive. Place "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe" into the same folder. Then perform the steps I mentioned above.
I have Modify the font to KAIU , But it does not suppurt Simpfy Chinese, it only support tradition chinese, does any font will fit Both?
I did it!
yyl said:
johnney said:
Can you give me more detailed instruction about how to use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe? Every time I run it, I get an error message as follows: "This application has failed to start because RUU.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
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Download "(Open_ch)UNI_DOPOD_11336_134_10402_Test.exe" from the "Universal" folder of this site (see the link in my previous post). Use Winzip to extract all the content from this EXE file into a folder on your hard drive. Place "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe" into the same folder. Then perform the steps I mentioned above.
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Thanks for your help! Now I did it! My mistake was that I copyed the whole exe file to the folder!
Do you guys have Wisbar Advance 2 installed? How's it work? It really slowed my system down on my previouse english ROM.
Re: I did it!
johnney said:
Thanks for your help! Now I did it! My mistake was that I copyed the whole exe file to the folder!
Do you guys have Wisbar Advance 2 installed? How's it work? It really slowed my system down on my previouse english ROM.
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I use Magic Button to "truly" close applications. It also shows battery meter and the icons of currently running apps.
ericcc said:
I have Modify the font to KAIU , But it does not suppurt Simpfy Chinese, it only support tradition chinese, does any font will fit Both?
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Yes, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, KAIU.ttf seems to include only traditional Chinese. The MingLiU font that came with the Dopod ROM has both traditional and simplified. I presume there are many third-party fonts on the market that support both. Note that fonts supporting both styles tend to occupy a lot more space.

Licenced Software CAB conversion

Does anyone know if you can take a piece of software that you have purchased in CAB format, with a Licence Key and change it into a package?
Since the software isn't OEM is it still the same method to create a package?
Any Takers?
This cant be to much of a hard question!!! can anyone answer? please
Tried it with Phone Alarm. sort of worked at the second attempt. But not quite. If I spent more time on it I reckon I could have got it to work but just don't have the time.
crazyC said:
Tried it with Phone Alarm. sort of worked at the second attempt. But not quite. If I spent more time on it I reckon I could have got it to work but just don't have the time.
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but you can actually do it? what do you do about the activation codes etc?
The code is probably just stored in the registry or a config file after you enter it, in which case just make an RGU in the package putting the right data into the right place.
Some software might encrypt the code.. but even then usually putting the right encrypted string in the right place will work.. You may have to have the owner information set exactly the same each time (as this may be hashed into the generated key) but this isnt a problem as you can set the owner information in the RGU as well.
If you get a program where you cannot track the installation to see what happens when entering serials etc.. try SKTracker.. you can use it to watch the ppc for changes to files, databases and registry and dump those changes for analysis... so you install it.. make a reference dump.. then install/register the app.. then dump again.. then compare to see what has changed.
Some apps it wont work with of course.. but i'd imagine for most it will be possible yes. The worst that happens is you have the app installed in trial mode.. and a text file burned to the ROM with the serials you have bought in it to re-register it when needed after a hard reset.
Yeah - SK tracker is fantastic. Generally it just involves exporting a reg key from your PPC and then putting it into the cab/package along with your owner name (in some cases).
All my licensed software has been set to install via cabs including the keys. Not found any that cannot be done this way.
Problems arise with more complicated installs that involve interfacing with the system. Just using the normal conversion process with the PA cab did not work, needed to run SK tracker and fix a load more reg entries that were changed by the instll prcess. Improved it but still had issues with no sounds etc. I must have missed something, and have temporarily given up. The cab only takes a minute to install anyway.

[APP] Windows Mobile SenseTimeTracker

On CodePlex I have published my app for tracking working time.
It is based on the SenseUI SDK.
For furter feature development either this thread can be used or the discussions in CodePlex.
After getting some feedback according to installation problems, I figured out, that the deployed .cab file does not contain the SQL Server Compact 3.5.
This has to be installed manually until I do not provide a msi-setup.
Explanation on how to install the .NET Compact Framwork 3.5 and/or the SQL Server Compact 3.5 has been added on the CodePlex page.
Version history:
Version 1.3
* Length checking of input fields
* Bug fixed with reports when first time card has date in january
* Issue with localization fixed
* Category edit form localized
* Creating new category did throw an excexption
* Default category is hidden in category list
Version 1.2
* cab file now creates a shortcut
* new version detection added
Version 1.1
* Initial release after UI redesign
Installation Procedure
Hi, Could you explain the Installation procedure, other than download and install is there any other additional requirement to get this program up and running?
Download the cab file, copy to your mobile device and run it from there.
This shall install SenseTimeTracker on you mobile device.
Let me know if it doesn't, since it is my first publishing. I only installed it on my device or the emulator.
OK! I downloaded you app, installed and found the following problem, btw I am on a Blackstone using G10 Dusk Ultimate 2 v 8.31
1) There is no icon present for your apps in the programs menu.
I went to programs found the your app and try starting it from there, I got the following error
Ok, SQL server was not deployed. I will try to fix this and provide an update.
On my devices there has been SQLCE installed, so I didn't recognize it.
Thanks for the hint.
wesch00 said:
Ok, SQL server was not deployed. I will try to fix this and provide an update.
On my devices there has been SQLCE installed, so I didn't recognize it.
Thanks for the hint.
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No problem was glad to help, I was looking for a program like that for sometime now , I will test again when you update
You have to install the SQL Server Compact manually, sorry.
See my explanation in CodePlex.
zjxpot said:
OK! I downloaded you app, installed and found the following problem, btw I am on a Blackstone using G10 Dusk Ultimate 2 v 8.31
1) There is no icon present for your apps in the programs menu.
I went to programs found the your app and try starting it from there, I got the following error
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wesch00 said:
You have to install the SQL Server Compact manually, sorry.
See my explanation in CodePlex.
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Hi I downloaded and follow your instructions regarding the installation process and got the top half of the error I posted above when I tried starting the apps also no icon was installed in programs menu I tried it on G10 Ultimate 2 v8.40 release today
The icon issue I couldn't check yesterday, will do that asap. Did a lot of research how to deploy SQL Server Compact.
But could you run the app?
wesch00 said:
The icon issue I couldn't check yesterday, will do that asap. Did a lot of research how to deploy SQL Server Compact.
But could you run the app?
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No, its not running, when I try runnunig it I get the same error box but only the top half of the message the bottom half is gone.
That makes no sense since allways an explanation of the exception is displayed.
If you installed the SQL Server Compact, can you try to delete the whole SenseTimeTracker folder in the program as well as in the documents directory (if there is one) and reinstall the cab again.
I checked this yesterday on a clean emulator and it worked. So without any further hints I cannot guess the problem.
Are you familar with developing smart device aps. Then I can send you the project for visual studio and you can try to deploy it from within VS. That shall work. Let me know.
I suggest to contact me via pm, I will help you to fix your problem.
wesch00 said:
That makes no sense since allways an explanation of the exception is displayed.
If you installed the SQL Server Compact, can you try to delete the whole SenseTimeTracker folder in the program as well as in the documents directory (if there is one) and reinstall the cab again.
I checked this yesterday on a clean emulator and it worked. So without any further hints I cannot guess the problem.
Are you familar with developing smart device aps. Then I can send you the project for visual studio and you can try to deploy it from within VS. That shall work. Let me know.
I suggest to contact me via pm, I will help you to fix your problem.
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Hi, I flashed an orginal HD rom, installed net, sql and then your apps went to programs and started timetracker and it worked, I reflashed a cooked rom did the installation and it also worked I tried entering some information I got some error that require me to restart timetracker one of the error is attached, I will flash G10 rom again as this is my rom of choice and I will let you know how that went
I must say thanks for what I have seen so far if I get it working on G10 rom I will do some more in dept testing.
Thanks again for sharing
Ok, I see, it has nothing to do with your ROM.
I think there is a bug with the categories which only occurs on an empty/fresh database. On my tests I've had everytome a filled one, since I implemented category support later on.
I had some minutes to try it on a fresh installtion. Unfortunatly I cannot reproduce this bug. Can you plz provide more info, what in which order you entered for getting this error. I first created a user which is mandatory. Then created a client, then a project for that client and then a task for that project. Now entering a timecard did work, since the default category ("unknown") was used. The error you've got is a key violation between task and category. This should not occour, but I need to know in what order you entered the data.
wesch00 said:
Ok, I see, it has nothing to do with your ROM.
I think there is a bug with the categories which only occurs on an empty/fresh database. On my tests I've had everytome a filled one, since I implemented category support later on.
I had some minutes to try it on a fresh installtion. Unfortunatly I cannot reproduce this bug. Can you plz provide more info, what in which order you entered for getting this error. I first created a user which is mandatory. Then created a client, then a project for that client and then a task for that project. Now entering a timecard did work, since the default category ("unknown") was used. The error you've got is a key violation between task and category. This should not occour, but I need to know in what order you entered the data.
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Sorry for not replying sooner, I was trying some other roms but no luck getting this app to work on those other roms that I flash, for me its only working on stock and Energy GTX I am presently downloading a 6.5 rom to test all others has been 6.5.x.
I have been able to reproduce the error again and again, try this
Go to category select new and create a new category everything should be ok, create another one and it should crash, also I am unable to edit the category "unknown"
More Crashes
Hi, I did some more test and I got more errors I have attach one picture, let me try to explain
1) If I try to copy the TimCard it crashes
2) TaskName is to long it crahes
I got a couple more crashes but I forgot where in the apps they occour however it seems that is not handling user input error well maybe a dialog box should appear and tell the user that the TaskName is to long or something like that I also think you should try and test if all but most of the option like copy, remove, edit, maybe it my rom related but you could still check just to be sure.
Thx again for the responses.
Couls get it allready run with the other ROMs? I have no opinion about these ROMs. I do not use any special functiuons, it is only .Net-code. The only explanation I have would be that there are problems with drawing. Bit this is done by the SenseUI framework which I cannot modify or debug.
Now to the issues.
The Category issue I could allready fix for me, will update it soon. Dont use categores for the mean while, use only "Unknow". You can change it later when it works. The "Unknow" category should not be editable, I will hide it in the next release.
The issue with the task names beeing too long is a bit more difficult to fix, I'll try to find a solution (need a common one since this will be happen with all inputs).
For the issue with copying a time card, I need a screendum of the error. I use copying of time cards allmost every day and never had problems. So it should be some special in your entries. If I have the error output, I hope to have an idea.
wesch00 said:
Thx again for the responses.
Couls get it allready run with the other ROMs? I have no opinion about these ROMs. I do not use any special functiuons, it is only .Net-code. The only explanation I have would be that there are problems with drawing. Bit this is done by the SenseUI framework which I cannot modify or debug.
Now to the issues.
The Category issue I could allready fix for me, will update it soon. Dont use categores for the mean while, use only "Unknow". You can change it later when it works. The "Unknow" category should not be editable, I will hide it in the next release.
The issue with the task names beeing too long is a bit more difficult to fix, I'll try to find a solution (need a common one since this will be happen with all inputs).
For the issue with copying a time card, I need a screendum of the error. I use copying of time cards allmost every day and never had problems. So it should be some special in your entries. If I have the error output, I hope to have an idea.
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Hi, I have flashed back to my rom of choice as I need it for work, I also used an apps name Pocket Time, I was hoping to get your working as your is mor mordern and has more options, anyway I will be able to test your program again this weekend and I its working for me I will change my rom and start using your apps I like it.
I have attach the detail section or the Task Name error for you to look at also I have attach the error and the error detail section of G10 rom maybe from those pictures you can figrue why it dosent start
The last five is from G10
Thx for the dumps.
As I allready wrote, the problem with the length of the description is a common problem. I did know, that it wasn't checked. I will release a new version today (1.3) which supports those checks.
The other problem has something to do with the serialisation/deserialisation of the user settings. These are stored in an XML-file in the application directory. And it seems, that the existing date time format has problems.
Is the language of your G10 ROM a different than the default ROM? I assume, you have created the XML the first time with on ROM and now trying to read it with another on. And the DateTime format of both are different and cannot be parsed.
Try to delete the xml-file in the app directory and start the app again with the G10 ROM. Let me know, if this solved the problem. May be I can then find a solution therefor. If you delete the xml-File, you will be asked for selecting a user. Select you previous eneterd user. If you navigate away from the user panel, you will be asked for the password you entered previously.
If you not allready entered sensitive data, you can send my the database (sdf-file) and the xml-file. Then I can try to debug it. I've had a lokk into the xml-file and saw there are only two time fields where the time is entered as 8:00:00 and 17:00:00. If this format is not valid on your ROM due to another culture, then this may cause the error you posted. What is the usual time format on your country?
Then I have a question according this ROM. The error occurs in Deserialize while reading a DateTime value. I have a try-parse in the deserializing section. So no exception should be thrown by the app. If there is an error in the XML file, defaults are used. I did try this on my device and ti worked that way. So I really do not know, why the exception is thrown. Ist there any special in your ROM handling exceptions?
wesch00 said:
Thx for the dumps.
As I allready wrote, the problem with the length of the description is a common problem. I did know, that it wasn't checked. I will release a new version today (1.3) which supports those checks.
The other problem has something to do with the serialisation/deserialisation of the user settings. These are stored in an XML-file in the application directory. And it seems, that the existing date time format has problems.
Is the language of your G10 ROM a different than the default ROM? I assume, you have created the XML the first time with on ROM and now trying to read it with another on. And the DateTime format of both are different and cannot be parsed.
Try to delete the xml-file in the app directory and start the app again with the G10 ROM. Let me know, if this solved the problem. May be I can then find a solution therefor. If you delete the xml-File, you will be asked for selecting a user. Select you previous eneterd user. If you navigate away from the user panel, you will be asked for the password you entered previously.
If you not allready entered sensitive data, you can send my the database (sdf-file) and the xml-file. Then I can try to debug it. I've had a lokk into the xml-file and saw there are only two time fields where the time is entered as 8:00:00 and 17:00:00. If this format is not valid on your ROM due to another culture, then this may cause the error you posted. What is the usual time format on your country?
Then I have a question according this ROM. The error occurs in Deserialize while reading a DateTime value. I have a try-parse in the deserializing section. So no exception should be thrown by the app. If there is an error in the XML file, defaults are used. I did try this on my device and ti worked that way. So I really do not know, why the exception is thrown. Ist there any special in your ROM handling exceptions?
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Hi, I am using the original G10 WWE Ultimate 2 v8.31 rom out of the box in fact all the ROM I have tried this app on has been out of the box, will try flashing and trying your app again this weekend.
Are you using your app on an original stock rom or a cooked rom?
I'm using the app on the updated but original HTC ROM. But it did also work on the nonupdated.
The description of you exception shows me, that the problem has something to do with the localized date time format. What localizaion do you use. And I think you've got it allready running with another ROM. What localization do you have there?
What I totally do not understand, in my opinion there should not be thrown an exception, since serialization is done within a try/catch block. If there is an deserialization error, it should be catched and defaults should be used, which I have testet.

[PROJ] Prescription Medicines Manager v0.9.0 17-03-2011

This app is designed so that you can keep track of any medications you take on a regular basis.
When you last ordered a particular drug, how many you currently have to hand, which surgery the repeat was requested from and which pharmacy filled the prescription.
It is designed to be used for multiple patients, surgeries, pharmacies and doctors.
It was initially an Access database but I thought that migrating it to my PPC was a challenge I might be able to complete.
There will also be the ability to log doctor's appointments as well, hopefully.
All data is currently stored in an SQL-CE database.
For reasons I am currently trying to solve, when you open any secondary form with a data table and then return to the main menu you are unable to go back into any other form again.
Changed to a tabbed layout, screen shots attached.
New version attached with new format SQLCE.
Latest version attached
All data entry and editing working - I hope.
Latest version, autoscroll and popup SIP.
Possible dependant files.
I am coding for CF2.
[Reserved] - For Comments
deedee said:
[PROJ] Prescription Medicines Manager
...medications you take on a regular basis.
When you last ordered a particular drug, how many you currently have to hand, which surgery the repeat was requested from and which pharmacy filled the prescription...
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Thank you!
These records can be life-saving if you have them with you at the right time. I have tried many systems of keeping track, but rarely managed to have anywhere close to this much information on hand.
I have not had time to try it out properly so I do not yet have any comments or suggestions. For now, I just wanted to say THANKS!
Glad it's going to be if use to someone.
Hopefully by the end of tonight I will have a new version up with the ability to add records to each of the tables. No interlinking yet and at the moment editing is also broken but I am getting there.
deedee said:
Glad it's going to be if use to someone.
Hopefully by the end of tonight I will have a new version up with the ability to add records to each of the tables. No interlinking yet and at the moment editing is also broken but I am getting there.
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Don't feel rushed on my account. It's great that you're interested in this project, whenever you finish will be soon enough.
Meanwhile, I'll play with it and start planning how to "feed" it my information.
Have you considered some sort of encryption? It just occurred to me that it will hold a lot of very personal information.
Again, thank you.
deedee said: the moment editing is also broken...
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I know next to nothing about programming, but would the PC editor you wrote for the W Watcher calc work for this project? That might make it easier for the user to input the information AND save you some programming...
(BTW: I was very impressed with how quickly you developed those applications! Very usable and no charge for fast delivery!)
Jesterfell said:
I know next to nothing about programming, but would the PC editor you wrote for the W Watcher calc work for this project? That might make it easier for the user to input the information AND save you some programming...
(BTW: I was very impressed with how quickly you developed those applications! Very usable and no charge for fast delivery!)
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Unfortunately the WW editor is designed for an XML file and this app keeps everything in an SQLCE database. I am trying to find a nice, useable and, more importantly, free desktop app to edit these files and am trying a couple out at present.
While a purely PC based editor would be easier from a WM coding point it would stop the app being completely mobile and standalone.
New version added to post 1.
You can now add records.
For desktop managemnent try
SQLCE Desktop Manager
FlyHoward SDF viewer
Neither of these seem to be free though the second one does have a 14 day trial.
deedee said:
... While a purely PC based editor would be easier from a WM coding point it would stop the app being completely mobile and standalone...
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Of course!
Sorry, I got tunnel vision and forgot the project's purpose.
What am I missing?
I have been unable to run Prescription Medicines Manager on my HTC 8925 (Kaiser) with WM 6.5.x.
When I run the EXE all that happens is that the WM wait animation plays indefinitely until I switch to another application.
Since I play with this phone a lot, I hard reset it to clear any lingering results of my modding (it's a spare phone, so no great loss). Before installing other programs, I ran PMM again, but the same thing happened.
I got the same results with an even older HTC phone running WM 6.1.
SQL desktop applications
I found some free SQL desktop apps. I was only able to get one, SdfBrowser, to read MedicalRecords.sdf and all it allowed was viewing the structure and creating a query.
I'll keep looking, but I agree with you that being totally portable is very important for this project.
LINKS: SdfBrowser --- Resources link
Jesterfell said:
I have been unable to run Prescription Medicines Manager on my HTC 8925 (Kaiser) with WM 6.5.x.
When I run the EXE all that happens is that the WM wait animation plays indefinitely until I switch to another application.
Since I play with this phone a lot, I hard reset it to clear any lingering results of my modding (it's a spare phone, so no great loss). Before installing other programs, I ran PMM again, but the same thing happened.
I got the same results with an even older HTC phone running WM 6.1.
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Completely forgot to say, you will need to install SQL CE on your HTC.
I do not usually resort to smileys, but my lack of knowledge is frustrating!
deedee said:
Completely forgot to say, you will need to install SQL CE on your HTC.
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I installed SQL CE with no errors but got the same lack of results. The phone did become VERY sluggish and Task Manager still showed "prjMedicalRecords" running as a process.
Does prjMedicalRecords.exe need to be installed?
I just executed it from the SD card, and then tried it from the device memory. I placed MedicalRecords.sdf in the same directory each time.
Update: After about 5 min of the WM wait animation spinning, got the following error message:
"File or assembly name 'System.Data.SqlServerCe,Version 3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3BE235DF1C8D2AD3', or one of its dependencies, was not found."
I opened the SQL CE .CAB file and it DOES contain "" it is meant to be installed to "%InstallDir%" and the rest of the DLLs go to "%InstallDir%\v3.5". I used file explorer to look in those directories (%InstallDir%="Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition") but did NOT find "" in either dir.
I copied the DLL to "%InstallDir%\v3.5" and ran the program again. The same results occurred.
After soft reset, copied the DLL to "%InstallDir%" and ran PMM again. The same thing happened, long wait, then error msg.
I am falling asleep now, but will try re-installing .NET 3.5 and running PMM again. I'll let you know what happens.
I had gotten the same error before installing SQL CE but did not connect the error to PMM so I ignored it. This time nothing else was happening on the phone.
Apologies for not giving the initial steps, I am new to development and forget others need to be given the assumptions.
SQLCE needs to be installed, as you have done. PMM is just an exe, copy it to the device.
PMM and the SDF file need to be placed in \Program Files\prjMedicalRecords on the device itself. At the moment this location is hard coded and is on my list of things to do to make it "moveable". HTH
New version in post 1 that is now independent of location, just make sure both exe and SDf are in thhe same place.
deedee said:
New version in post 1 that is now independent of location, just make sure both exe and SDf are in thhe same place.
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Sorry, Deedee. It still does the same thing.
.1. I put both files in device memory (just in case): \Program Files\prjMedicalRecords\
.2. Tried to re-install NET framework 3.5--it refused to install in either device or card memory, saying the same version was already in ROM.
.3. Re-installed
.4. Ran prjMedicalRecords.exe
After the same delay, it gave the same error.
It also gave a NET error that, because of the delay between program launch and errors, I did not associate with Medical Records before, but it only occurs after I have launched prjMedicalRecords.exe:
"The application failed to load required components. If the .NET Compact Framework is installed on a storage card, please ensure that this card is in place and launch the application again. If this fails, a re-installation of .NET compact Framework is recommended. Support info: -2147483643 (80000005)"​
Thank you for your continued interest.
Not sure what the error is pointing to but I am coding for .Net CF v2, CAB in post 2, try installing this.
OK, finally tried this on a virgin device, without using the "debug" option in VS2005 to copy the files and discovered that .NET CF2, along with SQLCE 3 and SQL CE 3 replication is needed.
All CABs are in post 2.
There is a new version hopefully out this weekend with the ability to log patient medications and doctors appointments.
Editing is still on the road map, as is deletion.
New version in post #1, CAB format as well.
Make sure all the dependencies are installed, for me this has been .NET CF2 and the SQLCE cabs.
There are bugs I am aware of but please list anything and everything. As this is my first real App any feedback is welcome.

Enabling Reset Protection on non-american W10M devices

Seems that there's a way to enable reset protection feature on non-american devices.
I do not bear any responsibility for what may happen to your phone.
It works only on devices with WP 8.1 GDR2 and later firmware! It's, for example, Lumia 640. You can check firmware version using WDRT or
Actually, trick is only for Lumia 640, Lumia 550, Lumia 650, Lumia 950 and, possibly, Lumia 735.
Do not turn on reset protection and phone encryption at the same time. There's a bug in Windows, which can give you Bitlocker recovery screen after that.
One more warning: reset protection writes some stuff to UEFI. That can't be undone or changed neither by Windows Device Recovery Tool nor by the other flashers. So, it's most likely, that you won't be able to "delete" reset protection. But if can be turned off on supported phones just in Settings.
1) Download and install the program.
2) Download the necessary CAB file from Microsoft Update Catalog. Type in search, for example, 000-RU, then choose your build and click 'Download'.
Press Ctrl + F, type ‘reset’. 2 files will be found. You need file with the ‘CBS’ signature (not ‘CBSU’). Download it.
Here's a link to 14393.693 file.
3) Connect your phone to the PC.
4) Press Win + X and run Command Prompt (Admin).
5) Depending on your OS type, paste and run one of these commands.
32-bit: CD C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\Tools\Bin\i386
64-bit: CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\Bin\i386
6) Don’t close Command Prompt window.
7) Copy the address of the folder where downloaded CAB file is located. Important note: file must be in the separate
folder without any other files. The name of this folder mustn’t contain non-English characters or spaces.
8) Go back to the command line and paste the next command (without square brackets):
iutool -v -p [address of the folder with CAB file]
9) Your phone will restart and begin to install updates. It will take about 10 minutes. Do not disconnect the phone
from the PC during this operation.
After that you'll have reset protection button in 'Find my phone' settings.
Please, write here, if the operation will finish successfully for you.
I'll be thankful to anyone who will try make hard reset after that and reply, if reset protection is working for him.
To delete.
DilanChd said:
Work, but it must be send a OS update (just cbs cabs of device's packages), not just send this cab. @gus33000
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IUTool installs this CAB.
To delete.
DilanChd said:
I know that. I means that you must also download and install all cbs cabs (of 10.0.14393.693 in your example) that corresponding to the packages installed on the device (GetDULogs).
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We installed only selected CABs, when made Continuum or LED work. Why now we should install all the CABs?
To delete.
DilanChd said:
No idea, it's @gus33000 that said it, to enable reset protection.
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Interesting. Let's wait for him.
working fine on my 950XL
To delete.
DilanChd said:
He told me that maybe for that the cab be in the same version as the OS. So, if that's it, if it's 14393.693 that is installed, install effectively only the ms_rs_protection 14393.693 cbs cab.
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We do it in this way. We install only ms_rs_protection CBS CAB for 14393.693. No other CABs. Or you mean something else?
To delete.
DilanChd said:
Yes, that's what I mean.
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So, no problem with that?
To delete.
Successfuly acivated Reset Protection for both my Xiaomi MI4 w10m for russian region. Got an email wich confirms this action. Also see the proove on my devices page.
Havent tried to reset it yet cause ive just spent alot of time to set my phones up perfectly)
what is the difference between CBS cab and CBSU cab? What happen if CBSU cab is flashed? Someone activate the Reset Protection from Settings, then he reboots the phone, then he got BitLocker Blue screen. I am wondering if he flashed CBSU cab?
HTC_FUZE said:
what is the difference between CBS cab and CBSU cab? What happen if CBSU cab is flashed? Someone activate the Reset Protection from Settings, then he reboots the phone, then he got BitLocker Blue screen. I am wondering if he flashed CBSU cab?
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I think, it looks so, that CBSU is Update file which includes only changes, CBS is full package. - 43 KB
microsoft.ms_reset_protection.mainos.cbsu - 28KB
So incomplete installation (of CBSU file) may take unpredictable effect
Can I do it on my l535 DS ?
The_Andro-geek said:
Can I do it on my l535 DS ?
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to all W10M devices with current build (not insider)
dxdy said:
(not insider)
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it will work even for "Release preview" insider branch when it have the same build with Release. Have tested on my second MI4.
I've just tried to reset phone with "reset protection" enabled. so, how does It work (for me)
- reset of the phone by menu (settings - about - reset) require an account password
- after entering the password phone will be shown with "Reset protection" option turned to OFF (was obvious)
- during initial settings (right after setting up network) phone have checked reset protection state
- also "Reset protection" option is available (and turned ON by default) on quick parameters settings page

