T-mobile Internet problems? - HTC Excalibur

I'm running the proxy hack and everything was running fine until earlier today. I can't seem to get network connectivity, though my signal strength is at full bars. I'm in the Toledo, Ohio area.
Anyone else having problems? I haven't changed any settings, so I'm thinking either it's a network issue or T-mo has closed access to this hack...?

It's normal.. These threads pop up frequently here and on other sites. I've had mine go down for a day or two then it's back up and running as normal. Can't really complain with how much you are getting for $5.99

Gee here is an idea, STOP MAKING MY DATA CHARGES HIGHER!!!!!! Its people like you that make me have to pay 20.00 a month for data because you're too cheap to pay for what you use.
I hope T-Mo finially blocks all those ports, finds the users (not that hard you know.. and they have been known to do it in the past few months) and charge them for past over usage so my bill can become lower. Let you thief's pay for a while

Bupahs said:
Gee here is an idea, STOP MAKING MY DATA CHARGES HIGHER!!!!!! Its people like you that make me have to pay 20.00 a month for data because you're too cheap to pay for what you use.
I hope T-Mo finially blocks all those ports, finds the users (not that hard you know.. and they have been known to do it in the past few months) and charge them for past over usage so my bill can become lower. Let you thief's pay for a while
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I knew that you would say this or another member and i totally agree.

stylez said:
I knew that you would say this or another member and i totally agree.
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Am I becoming that predictable lol
Its a major pet peeve of mine. I am perfectly capable of hacking the network for free service but choose not to, not because I have any higher morality then the next person but only because it ruins it for everyone in higher costs for data services. These morons don't think it through. When they (T-Mobile) finally do close all these back doors (and they will, many areas have already had them closed and penalties levied against the abusers of the service) they are going to want to recoup all that lost money.. which means even higher data charges for everyone. Including the idiots that stole it and drove it up in the first place.
I am paying 20.00 for a service that should be half that at most only because of idiots stealing the service.

Bupahs said:
Am I becoming that predictable lol
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I remebered your previous posts regarding the Hack (Thiefery) and totally understand where you coming from as it's all got to be recouped and people don't realize this, not only that i pay for my usage of which i have 500mb and with using Opera Mini that does me for a month, without streaming etc as when mobile the phone is used as a phone "Communication Device"
Lets just hope Tmo shut these down soon it'll also stop silly questions regarding the Hack (Thiefery)
Not sure Thiefery a word but sounds good

Thanks to the ONE person that replied. To the other off-topic ranters...if you have a problem with T-mo's holes...switch to another provider. Good luck finding any other that's cheaper even with T-mo's so called markup.

uansari1 said:
Thanks to the ONE person that replied. To the other off-topic ranters...if you have a problem with T-mo's holes...switch to another provider. Good luck finding any other that's cheaper even with T-mo's so called markup.
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Fist off we have an issue with users that make other users pay for the data you steal, so it wasn't off topic, like you can see i'm not in Tmo so your quote isn't to me and Bupahs is paying top notch for you....
Won't be long till Tmo cut these cheap ass hacks and i hope you get a bill to pay for the data you have stolen as it's not hard to trace.
So the issue is with users not the provider....

Always payed $19.99. I'm not a hack I'm a modder.

uansari1 said:
Thanks to the ONE person that replied. To the other off-topic ranters...if you have a problem with T-mo's holes...switch to another provider. Good luck finding any other that's cheaper even with T-mo's so called markup.
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LOL, is that supposed to be some kind of intelligent remark? You want me to switch providers so you can continue to steal? LOL thats almost cute.
Fact is T-Mobile in the past few months has started to charge people that steal data with proxy hacks, just wander on over to t-mo signal forum and read all the cry babies that got busted with a couple hundred dollars in past due charges for using the data. Theft of service is theft of service dude, just try to get out of it when T-Mobile bills your account, know a good lawyer? you'll need him. so please do continue to hack the system, just remember your IMIE, phone number and model get logged each and every time you do.

To me the first priority when I got my phone was to make sure I had unlimited internet(data) service, cause I knew it was going to cost me more in the long run in any other way. I had heard about the proxy hacks since before I bought my dash and to me is not worth it , with the problems that come with it , from not getting the proper connection to getting caught by the providor and ending up paying hundreds upon hundreds of dollards for how long you hacked the system. Not worth it.

pfunkside said:
Always payed $19.99. I'm not a hack I'm a modder.
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as only the best are

i had the 5.99 hack for about two months & (like you guys said) realized it's not worth it. i really didn't feel like getting stuck with a huge bill, the service for the t-zones was horrible (you could never use it roaming). to me, it's worth paying the $15 more / month.


New Tzones Hack

It looks like not every knows this.
In settings on connections on GPRS:
1- If you have the tzones Hack 5.99:
And you still using proxy hack try to change your acces point from " wap.voicesteam.com " to " epc.tmobile.com " you should get a better connection and better speed also get skyfire working !
PS: don't forget to delete your proxy and change from " connects to the wap network " to " connects to the internet "
If YOU have the new web2go 10.00:
1- Or you miss out on the tzones you will need to get the web2go T-mobile its not offering it anymore so if YOU have the 5.99 and remove it and then want it back you will have to pay 10.00 instead of the regular 5.99.
2- However t-mobile its doing IMEI checks on your phone if YOU have a pocket Pc or Smartphone the will deny the service and tell you to put the 20.00 EDGE internet (and thats not a hack) so get a friend that has a regular t-mobile phone and ask him to let you borrow his phone for a second call T-mobile ask for the web2go 10.00 they will tell you tzones 5.99 its not longe available and they will ask you for the brand of your phone (tell them the model of your friends phone NEVER TELL THEM ABOUT YOUR PHONE or they will cought you on the lie) they will also ask, I think its only the first 4 or 6 digits of the IMEI number give them your friends phone IMEI N#
3- once you have the web2go on your acct you just usually have to wait 2H. On your GPRS setting you should have " wap.voicesteam.com " and NOT! " epc.tmobile.com " as an acces point or else you will get a different page and not connect to the internet at all.
4- and most important (PS: don't forget your tricking t-mobile customer service in thinking you have a regular phone and NOT a PPC or a SP so its up to you if you want to lie and just DON'T blame it on ME! )
~~~Edited 3/26/2009 9:45 pm~~~
Ok So I didn't found this anywhere else so I'm adding it to this old post.
1$ a day for unlimited TxT, IM, WEB and 00.15C a min.
1- Get a Prepayd sim card from T-mobile (yes on prepay)
2- activate your sim card and ask for the "sidekick plan" they might ask you for a sidekick IMEI number so find a friend or something!! (I got lucky and didn't got asked for one.)
3- Once activated, get into your "Connection Setting" and on "GPRS" find "T-mobile Data"
4- Edit the "Access point" from whatever you have (usually: wap.voicestream.com) to hiptop.t-mobile.com
ENJOY!!!! ^_^ ENJOY!!!!
PS: BTW regular Internet Explorer does not work for me but email and Skyfire does.
Known Access Points:
Tzones Proxy:
ENJOY!!!! ^_^ ENJOY!!!!
I used this epc.tmobile.com for a while. It's certainly better than the wap.voicestream.com. However, a month later I noticed an entry on my monthly bill, something like "Internet Data Usage xxMB". There's no extra charge. But I switched back to wap.voicestream.com just to be on the safe side.
With the new proxy I believe that they will be charging you, so its better to stay with wap if anything.
No! this already has been discussed before NO! extra charges with the new APN check post N#5 on this forums for more details http://www.modmyi.com/forums/t-mobile/400961-tmobile-bill-after-using-epc-tmobile-com.html
tuppaacc said:
No! this already has been discussed before NO! extra charges with the new APN check post N#5 on this forums for more details http://www.modmyi.com/forums/t-mobile/400961-tmobile-bill-after-using-epc-tmobile-com.html
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Well I am just advising you that there will be a charge fairly soon... Haha I work for T-Mobile so I should know
jdoggraz said:
Well I am just advising you that there will be a charge fairly soon... Haha I work for T-Mobile so I should know
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I was waiting on that response Was even going to say jdog should know he one of there dangmen
what kind of charge we looking at jdog, will bump us out of 5.99 to 10 or 20$ internet, or per useage kind of thing?
psylink said:
what kind of charge we looking at jdog, will bump us out of 5.99 to 10 or 20$ internet, or per useage kind of thing?
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You will see a 20 dollar charge pretty soon... Haha this is going to be hilarious for all the people running the 5.99 hack... they will get that 20 dollar charge in no time... lol...
I'm still using the old APN...
I'm curious jdogg... how can T-mobile charge anyone without their authorizing the change to their plan? I would think that they would have to contact their customers beforehand...?
I have a really old phone and I can get 5.99 T-mobileweb on it, and i'm thinking of buying a T-mobile shadow or other phone and just put in my SIM, so I can take advantage of this hack.
Can someone confirm if any of this is still working?? I really need to know before I buy anything. Thanks!
odnan89 said:
I have a really old phone and I can get 5.99 T-mobileweb on it, and i'm thinking of buying a T-mobile shadow or other phone and just put in my SIM, so I can take advantage of this hack.
Can someone confirm if any of this is still working?? I really need to know before I buy anything. Thanks!
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Still working for me haven't any extra billing on my bill
jdoggraz said:
Well I am just advising you that there will be a charge fairly soon... Haha I work for T-Mobile so I should know
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u should make that a quote i swear to god u know how hard it makes me laugh when u do tht lol
uansari1 said:
I'm still using the old APN...
I'm curious jdogg... how can T-mobile charge anyone without their authorizing the change to their plan? I would think that they would have to contact their customers beforehand...?
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If someone is stealing the service through the 'hack' T-Mobile has every right to charge for the use of it. If you are accessing the service it is obvious that you want it or you would not have 'hacked' your device to use it. Just be thankful T-Mobile has not decided to charge for unauthorized use and make that new 20.00 charge a few hundred dollar charge. Its not like your device is accidently connecting to the network, you have to actually edit device settings to do it, thats called premeditation.
What would be the correct settings for this on t-mobile dash
i don't agree
Bupahs said:
If someone is stealing the service through the 'hack' T-Mobile has every right to charge for the use of it. If you are accessing the service it is obvious that you want it or you would not have 'hacked' your device to use it. Just be thankful T-Mobile has not decided to charge for unauthorized use and make that new 20.00 charge a few hundred dollar charge. Its not like your device is accidently connecting to the network, you have to actually edit device settings to do it, thats called premeditation.
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Even if it is premeditation, its your phone. I basically consider premeditation an erroneous assertion and I really don't think it has anything to do with this issue. If they put features on your phone that you can access, I don't think they can simply charge you for using them w/out reasonable notification. Since its t-mobiles responsibility, not the consumers to keep features out of phones (which we see they do often like no 2nd camera in htc phones), it is unreasonable to charge w/out notice for a defect or oversight that can be best prevented by the seller since he/she is in a superior position to ensure it is not available or exploitable. If they do, just say no and I'm sure they will 1) say ok, but don't do it again or 2) charge you once for unlimited data if you've used a significant amount of it.
In either case; be skeptical of what t-mobile sales people say about this stuff unless you know them personally and well. They get told all kinds of stuff in a disinformation dissemination effort to get the "fear" out on forums such as these.
audiobastard said:
Even if it is premeditation, its your phone. I basically consider premeditation an erroneous assertion and I really don't think it has anything to do with this issue. If they put features on your phone that you can access, I don't think they can simply charge you for using them w/out reasonable notification. Since its t-mobiles responsibility, not the consumers to keep features out of phones (which we see they do often like no 2nd camera in htc phones), it is unreasonable to charge w/out notice for a defect or oversight that can be best prevented by the seller since he/she is in a superior position to ensure it is not available or exploitable. If they do, just say no and I'm sure they will 1) say ok, but don't do it again or 2) charge you once for unlimited data if you've used a significant amount of it.
In either case; be skeptical of what t-mobile sales people say about this stuff unless you know them personally and well. They get told all kinds of stuff in a disinformation dissemination effort to get the "fear" out on forums such as these.
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i want the faster internet, i might do this. if i dont get a g1 first,.
No! way man
Bupahs said:
If someone is stealing the service through the 'hack' T-Mobile has every right to charge for the use of it. If you are accessing the service it is obvious that you want it or you would not have 'hacked' your device to use it. Just be thankful T-Mobile has not decided to charge for unauthorized use and make that new 20.00 charge a few hundred dollar charge. Its not like your device is accidently connecting to the network, you have to actually edit device settings to do it, thats called premeditation.
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T-mobile will not charge you $20.00 for one simple reason because its not good marketing... They rather keep you paying your cheap ass $5 or 10 dlls per month for more than 2 months than charge you $20.00 dlls for that one time and then you decide to cancelled the service because you think their assholes, they won't charge you hundreds of dlls because you know you will cancelled your service and its simply not a money making idea for Tmo.
(If T-mobile be thinking the way you were thinking I bet they actually lost more money than they would make from those $20.00 dlls, so the worst it could happened its just that the port gets blocked and that's it.)
It doesn't affect T-mobile as much as you would think only the smallest percentage of people that actually pay for internet do this so called "Hack" therefore Tmo has nothing to worried about and even so people that don't want to pay for internet suddenly came across something like "$5.99 Tzones Hack" they suddenly decide to get the web so therefore you have a person who wouldn't pay $20.00 bucks for web but suddenly its paying 5 bucks for it. T-mobile wins whether its a small profit out of someone who wouldn't pay for something like $20.00 bucks.
And its not that I work at T-mobile like that one (lame) guy from previous post said that we were going to get charge, so theres nothing to be thankful for.
Its just simple marketing strategy that's all... Duh!
tuppaacc said:
T-mobile will not charge you $20.00 for one simple reason because its not good marketing... They rather keep you paying your cheap ass $5 or 10 dlls per month for more than 2 months than charge you $20.00 dlls for that one time and then you decide to cancelled the service because you think their assholes, they won't charge you hundreds of dlls because you know you will cancelled your service and its simply not a money making idea for Tmo.
(If T-mobile be thinking the way you were thinking I bet they actually lost more money than they would make from those $20.00 dlls, so the worst it could happened its just that the port gets blocked and that's it.)
It doesn't affect T-mobile as much as you would think only the smallest percentage of people that actually pay for internet do this so called "Hack" therefore Tmo has nothing to worried about and even so people that don't want to pay for internet suddenly came across something like "$5.99 Tzones Hack" they suddenly decide to get the web so therefore you have a person who wouldn't pay $20.00 bucks for web but suddenly its paying 5 bucks for it. T-mobile wins whether its a small profit out of someone who wouldn't pay for something like $20.00 bucks.
And its not that I work at T-mobile like that one (lame) guy from previous post said that we were going to get charge, so theres nothing to be thankful for.
Its just simple marketing strategy that's all... Duh!
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they won't charge you hundreds of dlls because you know you will cancelled your service and its simply not a money making idea for Tmo
Not so easy if you signed a contract.
It doesn't affect T-mobile as much as you would think
No one said it would it's the users who pay for it.
And its not that I work at T-mobile like that one (lame) guy from previous post said that we were going to get charge
Maybe not a good idea to speak about a mod like that?
audiobastard said:
Even if it is premeditation, its your phone. I basically consider premeditation an erroneous assertion and I really don't think it has anything to do with this issue. If they put features on your phone that you can access, I don't think they can simply charge you for using them w/out reasonable notification. Since its t-mobiles responsibility, not the consumers to keep features out of phones (which we see they do often like no 2nd camera in htc phones), it is unreasonable to charge w/out notice for a defect or oversight that can be best prevented by the seller since he/she is in a superior position to ensure it is not available or exploitable. If they do, just say no and I'm sure they will 1) say ok, but don't do it again or 2) charge you once for unlimited data if you've used a significant amount of it.
In either case; be skeptical of what t-mobile sales people say about this stuff unless you know them personally and well. They get told all kinds of stuff in a disinformation dissemination effort to get the "fear" out on forums such as these.
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Are you in law school too man? Your argument sounds like one based on contracts principles...
Anyway, don't worry about that guy... he likes to take a holier than thou attitude on the Tzones hack because he opted to pay 4 times as much and feels that we're the reason his data costs are so high (which he has yet to prove), while at the same time, he shares hacked software with everyone on his mediafire account. Pot calling the kettle black.
i'm a bit confused if somebody could just clarify. I'm running WM 6.1 on a Dash with Kavana's ROM through Tmobile. I just got the web2go offer online for the 100 mb+unlimited texting for $19.99 by switching out my dash for some generic motorola phone.
My GPRS settings are for wap.voicestream.com under T-Mobile Data. After doing a bunch of searching and reading, especially after this thread I can't determine if this unlimited data usage hack is still applicable to the currently offered web2go system. I missed out on the tzones hack, but this thread mentioned using the web2go for a similar function. Do I have to change any of the settings or place any proxys or will tmobile somehow just forget to monitor my data usage through this plan?

Need help canceling without etf

I posted about a week ago, and was told to just call and ask. I was told I have good coverage in my area(b.s) and that i use to much data to possibly complain about my service. Can anyone give me some tips, I get horrible coverage, I already received an airwave, which only works when i'm at home. I want to switch to verizon cause lte is in my area unlike wimax, but etf fees kill it having 3 lines.
redsoxfan320 said:
I posted about a week ago, and was told to just call and ask. I was told I have good coverage in my area(b.s) and that i use to much data to possibly complain about my service. Can anyone give me some tips, I get horrible coverage, I already received an airwave, which only works when i'm at home. I want to switch to verizon cause lte is in my area unlike wimax, but etf fees kill it having 3 lines.
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Call them back up, explain that the speeds ARE slow and tell them you can send screenshots of proof if they need you to prove it.
mattykinsx said:
Call them back up, explain that the speeds ARE slow and tell them you can send screenshots of proof if they need you to prove it.
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I'll try that, do you think they make notes that i already called and what they told me.
redsoxfan320 said:
I'll try that, do you think they make notes that i already called and what they told me.
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They notate the account but that's not really relevant here.
If you can prove that your speeds have been terrible with screenshots, they can't really argue with that.
redsoxfan320 said:
I posted about a week ago, and was told to just call and ask. I was told I have good coverage in my area(b.s) and that i use to much data to possibly complain about my service. Can anyone give me some tips, I get horrible coverage, I already received an airwave, which only works when i'm at home. I want to switch to verizon cause lte is in my area unlike wimax, but etf fees kill it having 3 lines.
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I get terrible connection speeds on my EVO everywhere...except when I am roaming on verizon!
I see you have a 2011 Macbook Pro 2011....I love mine, I have the 15".
mattykinsx said:
They notate the account but that's not really relevant here.
If you can prove that your speeds have been terrible with screenshots, they can't really argue with that.
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Okay thanks, just wondering do you have any experience doing this or maybe know someone? Just looking for something assuring. But i guess i call them back now.
redsoxfan320 said:
I posted about a week ago, and was told to just call and ask. I was told I have good coverage in my area(b.s) and that i use to much data to possibly complain about my service. Can anyone give me some tips, I get horrible coverage, I already received an airwave, which only works when i'm at home. I want to switch to verizon cause lte is in my area unlike wimax, but etf fees kill it having 3 lines.
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"if a change we make to the Agreement is material and has a material adverse affect on you, you may terminate each line of Service materially affected without incurring an Early Termination Fee only if you: (a) call us within 30 days after the effective date of the change; and (b) specifically advise us that you wish to cancel Services because of a material change to the Agreement that we have made. If you do not cancel Service within 30 days of the change, an Early Termination Fee will apply if you terminate Services before the end of any applicable Term Commitment."
If you were just switched from premier gold to silver like many people were, you might be able to use this clause to get out of your contract.
redsoxfan320 said:
Okay thanks, just wondering do you have any experience doing this or maybe know someone? Just looking for something assuring. But i guess i call them back now.
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Although I am not currently interested in actually switching from Sprint [not really any companies with comparable rates nor a business philosophy that I could justify giving money to], they did extend a removal of any ETF fees to all my lines for this slow data issue, just in case.
ausch30 said:
"if a change we make to the Agreement is material and has a material adverse affect on you, you may terminate each line of Service materially affected without incurring an Early Termination Fee only if you: (a) call us within 30 days after the effective date of the change; and (b) specifically advise us that you wish to cancel Services because of a material change to the Agreement that we have made. If you do not cancel Service within 30 days of the change, an Early Termination Fee will apply if you terminate Services before the end of any applicable Term Commitment."
If you were just switched from premier gold to silver like many people were, you might be able to use this clause to get out of your contract.
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No because the Sprint Premier program is an added benefit not a requirement.
anthonyandrews said:
I get terrible connection speeds on my EVO everywhere...except when I am roaming on verizon!
I see you have a 2011 Macbook Pro 2011....I love mine, I have the 15".
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I have the 13' only because i don't really need the additional specs. I just browse, email, some facebook and forums. The only thing i've seen on here this beauty that used a lot of power was video converting for my ipad. It still went faced just made the fans run.. Gotta love it
mattykinsx said:
Although I am not currently interested in actually switching from Sprint [not really any companies with comparable rates nor a business philosophy that I could justify giving money to], they did extend a removal of any ETF fees to all my lines for this slow data issue, just in case.
No because the Sprint Premier program is an added benefit not a requirement.
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Thanks, and i've read the same about the premier program..
If you don't have many months left on the contracts the 3 etfs could be $300 total and sell the phones.
rushco said:
If you don't have many months left on the contracts the 3 etfs could be $300 total and sell the phones.
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Yeah but let's keep in mind that when you're switching not only are you getting a new plan but you're also buying all new phones which can cost around $1000.
The total to cancel my 3 lines would be $420 and I could sell the phones for $900 obo. Which wouldn't leave enough to buy 3 thunderbolts, but they did give me a $50 discount for this month only.
Sent from a Steeler fans phone!
Why don't you drive to a local Starbucks that's close enough with 4G/3G. Flash the Verizon prl and for like a week or two just sit in Starbucks and say you're doing a survey to test sprints 4G/3G and offer 8 people to connect to your evo. Each day you go just keep letting users connect to your 4G claiming you're a sprint Rep and watch your data sky rocket!!!!! Lol Then sprint will have no choice but to let you off since you'll be roaming on Verizons network. Get back at those a$$holes.
You're welcome!
~ d3rk
dirkyd3rk said:
Why don't you drive to a local Starbucks that's close enough with 4G/3G. Flash the Verizon prl and for like a week or two just sit in Starbucks and say you're doing a survey to test sprints 4G/3G and offer 8 people to connect to your evo. Each day you go just keep letting users connect to your 4G claiming you're a sprint Rep and watch your data sky rocket!!!!! Lol Then sprint will have no choice but to let you off since you'll be roaming on Verizons network. Get back at those a$$holes.
You're welcome!
~ d3rk
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Because that's wrong?
mattykinsx said:
Because that's wrong?
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Who gives a ****. Who does the right thing 100% of the time. Sprint surely isn't doing the "right" thing by not expanding 4G fast enough not to mention terrible data speeds across the board. So don't come at me with this right from wrong b.s were not in elementary.
~ d3rk
dirkyd3rk said:
Who gives a ****. Who does the right thing 100% of the time. Sprint surely isn't doing the "right" thing by not expanding 4G fast enough not to mention terrible data speeds across the board. So don't come at me with this right from wrong b.s were not in elementary.
~ d3rk
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First of all, it's not across the board.
Some cities are having the problem, most are not.
Second of all, the 4g expansion is a matter of money issues.
The suggestion that Sprint is taking their time fixing these issues and taking their time expanding 4g because they want to is just ridiculous.
And by the way did you just suggest that doing the right thing is an elementary school quality?
How pathetic, man, seriously.
mattykinsx said:
First of all, it's not across the board.
Some cities are having the problem, most are not.
Second of all, the 4g expansion is a matter of money issues.
The suggestion that Sprint is taking their time fixing these issues and taking their time expanding 4g because they want to is just ridiculous.
And by the way did you just suggest that doing the right thing is an elementary school quality?
How pathetic, man, seriously.
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First of all dont act like youre a saint, second Yes! I did lol, third, I said this isn't elementary in the sense of a grown man telling another grown man what's right from wrong(thanks dad). Anyways, I say you take my advice. Sprint isn't holding up their end of the bargain they should let you off without the fees man. Eff all that noise.
~ d3rk
dirkyd3rk said:
First of all dont act like youre a saint, second Yes! I did lol, third, I said this isn't elementary in the sense of a grown man telling another grown man what's right from wrong(thanks dad). Anyways I say you take my advice. Sprint isn't holding up their end of the bargain they should let you off without the fees man. Eff all that noise.
~ d3rk
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It is wrong to abuse something for the sake of abusing it.
Especially when sprint will and is required to waive the fees for this issue.
And I seriously hope that people that abuse in this matter are held to some sort of legal consequences.
And as far as your not needing to be told what's right and wrong...maybe if you KNEW what was right and wrong you wouldn't have to be told.
mattykinsx said:
It is wrong to abuse something for the sake of abusing it.
Especially when sprint will and is required to waive the fees for this issue.
And I seriously hope that people that abuse in this matter are held to some sort of legal consequences.
And as far as your not needing to be told what's right and wrong...maybe if you KNEW what was right and wrong you wouldn't have to be told.
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This is you talking right here..................................... <~~~~ see that, that's me actually giving a ****(I don't)
~ d3rk

Unlimited Data for AT&T loophole using Iphone 2G?

So for those who upgraded to the Nitro HD and had to sacrifice their unlimited plans, have you guys tried this little loophole? It was brought up in the Atrix forum and it seems many people have tried it and succeeded. I'd love to try it but nobody around me has an Iphone 2G so I can't do it yet.
Btw, if it works for you, please thank the appropriate people, and I mean the original poster on the link above. I am merely bringing this here so people who didn't know about it can give it a try. This is not my work in any ways.
EDIT/NOTE! To all newcomers/readers of this thread, please be informed that this loophole is no longer available! The very loophole that has been used for years by many has been permanently patched by AT&T as of December 2011. As such, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can provide their services to upgrade your data plan to Unlimited anymore. Please avoid reaching to ebay sellers who used to provide such services, for example, lordofthereef, since they can no longer help you. Your only real option right now is to plea your case to AT&T in hopes they will somehow provide you with unlimited. Thank you for your interest with this thread.
I don't think that's going to work for an LTE area. I still have Unlimited Data with my Nitro, but I don't have LTE over here.
It works. I know because I did it. Actually I didn't DO it myself. I paid a guy on ebay to do it. I have a friend who also paid him and got it done. Last summer I was tethering with my iphone before I knew I wasn't "allowed" to and they cancelled my Unlimited plan. Since I couldn't get ahold of an iphone 2G I paid the guy on ebay. His seller name is lordofthereef. Don't use anyone but him (I've heard people have problems with the other sellers).
I don't know why anyone would lose their Unlimited plan switching to the Nitro. Whatever AT&T rep told you that you couldn't keep Unlimited LIED to you.
AllstarE4 said:
It works. I know because I did it. Actually I didn't DO it myself. I paid a guy on ebay to do it. I have a friend who also paid him and got it done. Last summer I was tethering with my iphone before I knew I wasn't "allowed" to and they cancelled my Unlimited plan. Since I couldn't get ahold of an iphone 2G I paid the guy on ebay. His seller name is lordofthereef. Don't use anyone but him (I've heard people have problems with the other sellers).
I don't know why anyone would lose their Unlimited plan switching to the Nitro. Whatever AT&T rep told you that you couldn't keep Unlimited LIED to you.
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Allstar, can u describe wat needs to be done with this seller in order to get the unlimited to work? And how much did u have to pay him? I searched for him on ebay, found him but he has no postings that show him offering to get unlimited for you. If he doesn't charge an exorbitant amount of money to do it, I am willing to pay him for it.
Edit: Nevermind Allstar, found it through his old feedbacks...It seems he is saying it is currently unavailable though hmm.
aquariuz23 said:
Allstar, can u describe wat needs to be done with this seller in order to get the unlimited to work? And how much did u have to pay him? I searched for him on ebay, found him but he has no postings that show him offering to get unlimited for you. If he doesn't charge an exorbitant amount of money to do it, I am willing to pay him for it.
Edit: Nevermind Allstar, found it through his old feedbacks...It seems he is saying it is currently unavailable though hmm.
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Oh that sucks. I wonder if AT&T killed it or he is too busy. He's in school and was being hounded by idiots to do that for them (people from forums trying to go around ebay). I paid him $40, but I saw his price go down to $35. Maybe message him and see if he knows of someone else trustworthy that can do it.
Fudge!! He said the AT&T unlimited data plan that he is doing is down for good! I don't know if it's just with him or AT&T finally got rid/patched the loophole, but this is looking grim
Oh man. I guess it was just a matter of time before AT&T caught on. If you can get ahold of an iphone 2G for little or no cost I would still try it.
AllstarE4 said:
Oh man. I guess it was just a matter of time before AT&T caught on. If you can get ahold of an iphone 2G for little or no cost I would still try it.
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I don't think it's possible anymore, without actually escalating the issue to their claims team. This guy confirmed it over at the atrix forum:
ajdrausal said:
The loop hole no longer exists, I called 611 (customer service) and the rep had to do an escallation, they ended up giving my friend the 30$ a month unlimited but it wasnt something they could do from the get go. What you can do to get it is call them up and if u never had a smart phone before but had a regular messaging phone is.
add unlimited data
wait a billing cycle
aquire iPhone 2G
try to activate it
call 611 and complain that u had unlimited and since iPhone 2g is older they should allow it, have them send a email to the team that takes care of feature and have them add the unlimited 30$ plan (since the 20$ doesnt exist)
That is basically what happened with my friend, but he had unlimited on his messaging phone for a year.
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The seller also said that the loophole is what he used and is now no longer functioning.
Fudge! I should have moved faster or did it back when I was on the atrix!
Not sure why you're having to jump through hoops. The guy just offered to keep the unlimited plan that I've had the whole time.
If you have the Unlimited at the time of upgrading you can keep it. Some have been told you can't, but that is a lie. I've heard several reason people are given, but they are all false. This trick is for those that either never had unlimited or lost it at some point. Unfortunately it looks like it's a closed loophole.
aquariuz23 said:
So for those who upgraded to the Nitro HD and had to sacrifice their unlimited plans, have you guys tried this little loophole? It was brought up in the Atrix forum and it seems many people have tried it and succeeded. I'd love to try it but nobody around me has an Iphone 2G so I can't do it yet.
Btw, if it works for you, please thank the appropriate people, and I mean the original poster on the link above. I am merely bringing this here so people who didn't know about it can give it a try. This is not my work in any ways.
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Umm thats not the case. Switching to the LTE plans is still unlimated if your grandfathered in. As I did not have a problem doing so. I got the unliamted plan on a brand new line 3 months ago. bought a good shape iPhone 2g localy. PAIN to activate cause iTunes. Then after that sold it and made 10 dollar profit
I never lost my unlimited due to an upgrade. I let go of it back when I was on a BB Curve and did not need data plan on the phone. Didn't realize they were gonna cancel unlimited from their roster of data plans, so now i'm stuck with a 2GB (well 3GB with their new data plan). That's why I'm dying to get back my unlimited.
I think the only way to get it now is to know someone on the inside with the ability to manipulate the plan features.
Sent from my LG-P930 using XDA App
I am posting here because I am getting quite a few people asking about unlimited data through eBay. Unfortunately this has been shut down completely by AT&T (read neither myself or any other private party can do this any longer). I am posting here in hopes that people read this and stop trying to contact me for this over eBay message. I have been getting half a dozen or more requests weekly, and will likely just start not responding sepparately to each and everyone.
To those I have helped, enjoy!
To those I could not, so sorry.
lordofthereef said:
I am posting here because I am getting quite a few people asking about unlimited data through eBay. Unfortunately this has been shut down completely by AT&T (read neither myself or any other private party can do this any longer). I am posting here in hopes that people read this and stop trying to contact me for this over eBay message. I have been getting half a dozen or more requests weekly, and will likely just start not responding sepparately to each and everyone.
To those I have helped, enjoy!
To those I could not, so sorry.
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Lordofthereef, Thank you for stopping by and informing everyone that this loophole is no longer available. It is very unfortunate for us who are limited to a few GB of data but I guess there is nothing we can do anymore at this point. It is now too late. I will update my initial post to inform readers that this is no longer available and to please avoid any attempts to reach out to you in hopes of getting the unlimited data. Thanks again and You've done a great service to those who have received your help
Chris, please close this thread to avoid further discussion. Thank you.
aquariuz23 said:
Lordofthereef, Thank you for stopping by and informing everyone that this loophole is no longer available. It is very unfortunate for us who are limited to a few GB of data but I guess there is nothing we can do anymore at this point. It is now too late. I will update my initial post to inform readers that this is no longer available and to please avoid any attempts to reach out to you in hopes of getting the unlimited data. Thanks again and You've done a great service to those who have received your help
Chris, please close this thread to avoid further discussion. Thank you.
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closed as requested

My T-Mobile story

I've had T-Mobile & a GS3 for 30 days. Works great in the city. This last weekend I went to my wife's family's house to do some hunting and spend time at their cabin. We go there a couple times a month... which I would consider to be quite often. T-mobile was basically nonfunctional. Couldn't even send a text. Phone didn't say "No Signal"... but nothing would even work, network wise. According to the coverage map, it should work. So today on my lunch I speak with a woman over T-mobile support chat. She sounded pretty optimistic that they would take care of me, but I had to call in.
I got home from work and called in... the lady understood my issues and got me over to retention. The lady in retention wanted to know where it was I was struggling with service... so she looked it up on her end. She looked it over using words like "sketchy" and "I can see it probably wouldn't work indoors" and "well, Sir, it's a cell phone... it's not going to work everywhere." She was almost snippy with me... despite the fact I was 100% calm and overly polite. She would give me no leeway since I was outside the 14 day return policy. She only offered paying full term fees or transferring to a family member. CDMA providers in the area have pretty good service. I simply want to return everything and jump over to CDMA. No hard feelings!
Does anyone have any advice or know someone with a little clout within T-mobile? This is going to be a rough two years if not....
I think if it's such an issue pay the 250 termination fee and move on. Research should have been done prior to signing up or test signal issues within the 14 days you had. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
fatboy547 said:
I think if it's such an issue pay the 250 termination fee and move on. Research should have been done prior to signing up or test signal issues within the 14 days you had. Good luck
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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I hear ya. As mentioned I did check the maps. In reality what is a person supposed to do? Take a car tour of everywhere they might go within their 14 day "trial period"?
There are two biweekly periods in a month you said you go there a few times a month which is at least 3....
Does the place have internet? Wifi calling is awesome. Every single carrier map shows my house having service but it doesn't. Only wifi calling can work here.
I'd try calling again. If a supervisor refuses, then get the unlock code and sell your phone to someone with ATT. You'll probably make money.
To be honest there is nothing you can do. For starters that's not your home address so T mobile does not care because that's not your address on your bill, secondly and very sad to say say you're out of your 14 days even if that was your home address T Mobile would not let you out of a contract without paying the ETF. That's one ****ty thing about T Mobile they are notorious for things like that, once you're outta your 14 day trial if you have no service at your house the only way to get out of the contract is pay your ETF.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
How much did you pay for the phone? If it was 199, see if you can sell it for like 500. Use 250 towards termination fee and the rest towards a new phone on cdma.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
sipple31 said:
I've had T-Mobile & a GS3 for 30 days. Works great in the city. This last weekend I went to my wife's family's house to do some hunting and spend time at their cabin. We go there a couple times a month... which I would consider to be quite often. T-mobile was basically nonfunctional. Couldn't even send a text. Phone didn't say "No Signal"... but nothing would even work, network wise. According to the coverage map, it should work. So today on my lunch I speak with a woman over T-mobile support chat. She sounded pretty optimistic that they would take care of me, but I had to call in.
I got home from work and called in... the lady understood my issues and got me over to retention. The lady in retention wanted to know where it was I was struggling with service... so she looked it up on her end. She looked it over using words like "sketchy" and "I can see it probably wouldn't work indoors" and "well, Sir, it's a cell phone... it's not going to work everywhere." She was almost snippy with me... despite the fact I was 100% calm and overly polite. She would give me no leeway since I was outside the 14 day return policy. She only offered paying full term fees or transferring to a family member. CDMA providers in the area have pretty good service. I simply want to return everything and jump over to CDMA. No hard feelings!
Does anyone have any advice or know someone with a little clout within T-mobile? This is going to be a rough two years if not....
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I'm actually in the same situation. I hate there coverage but love the speeds and plans. I was looking for a pay as you use it SIM card to use whilst in no coverage areas.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
jaytxvo said:
How much did you pay for the phone? If it was 199, see if you can sell it for like 500. Use 250 towards termination fee and the rest towards a new phone on cdma.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Not a bad idea......... may look into this.
elesbb said:
I'm actually in the same situation. I hate there coverage but love the speeds and plans. I was looking for a pay as you use it SIM card to use whilst in no coverage areas.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah... the Wi-Fi calling is nice if there's good Wi-Fi around. I spend a lot of time in the outdoors, though.
The only other option which might not help for your situation is that they can provide indoor cell phone repeaters. If you ask nicely I think they might even comp one for you. That would help if you were having trouble in the cabin, but not outside but I don't think that's the case from some of the comments you made. On the other hand, a cell phone repeater with remote antenna mounted on the roof might be just enough to bridge the gap at least while you're in the cabin itself.
And when you're outside - shouldn't you be communing with nature?
flarbear said:
The only other option which might not help for your situation is that they can provide indoor cell phone repeaters. If you ask nicely I think they might even comp one for you. That would help if you were having trouble in the cabin, but not outside but I don't think that's the case from some of the comments you made. On the other hand, a cell phone repeater with remote antenna mounted on the roof might be just enough to bridge the gap at least while you're in the cabin itself.
And when you're outside - shouldn't you be communing with nature?
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Funny you say this! We actually just put in a Wilson repeater system at the cabin. Works excellent when your inside... but that isn't very often! Even then the CDMA rocks the GSM.
When we're hunting we use cell phones as a primary mode of communication. The Wisconsin DNR makes two way radios illegal while hunting... but you can text or make phone calls legally. Kind-of a dumb rule this day and age, right? :silly:
That's the stupidest rule I've heard of lol. I wonder if you can use wifi calling while tethered to a friends phone. You should use the buddy system anyways
Maybe you can build a pringle can antenna?
Before you go paying EFT.. try posting on a cell swapper site and see if someone will take your plan, maybe even pay something for your phone.
papabear said:
Before you go paying EFT.. try posting on a cell swapper site and see if someone will take your plan, maybe even pay something for your phone.
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Didn't know these kind of sites existed... thanks!
One of the bad things about T-Mobile is their spotty coverage. In a big city its great and so-so in a smaller city. You get out in the boonies and is very hit or miss, mostly miss....
Sorry man.
Sent from a galaxy far away!
JesseMT4G said:
One of the bad things about T-Mobile is their spotty coverage. In a big city its great and so-so in a smaller city. You get out in the boonies and is very hit or miss, mostly miss....
Sorry man.
Sent from a galaxy far away!
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My thoughts exactly. And I definitely spend time in the boonies.
Anyhow... my phone sold on Craigslist for $400. Had a ton of interest. $200 to ETF and $200 towards what I paid for the phone. All in all i'm only out $50 and the service for the month. Ordering Verizon today. I definitely don't like their new plan structure... but in my case you just have to go with what works best in your next of the woods. Looked at Sprint because of their better plans... but they are like the roaming Nazis. If you go over 300 meg of data or a certain fraction of your plan's minutes on someone else's network they will drop your a$$. Happened to my brother. One day they just called and said were turning off your service tomorrow. You roam too much... get a different carrier.
Thanks for all the tips guys. I'll be around... just in a different section of the forums. Still going to get a GS3! :good:
This happened to me with Verizon a few years back. About a month into service problems started to occur. Even the sales reps verified the issues. I called corporate every 5 or so days to report dropped calls and no data signal issues. After about 6 months of swapping phones they offered to let me go without an ETF.
sipple31 said:
My thoughts exactly. And I definitely spend time in the boonies.
Anyhow... my phone sold on Craigslist for $400. Had a ton of interest. $200 to ETF and $200 towards what I paid for the phone. All in all i'm only out $50 and the service for the month. Ordering Verizon today. I definitely don't like their new plan structure... but in my case you just have to go with what works best in your next of the woods. Looked at Sprint because of their better plans... but they are like the roaming Nazis. If you go over 300 meg of data or a certain fraction of your plan's minutes on someone else's network they will drop your a$$. Happened to my brother. One day they just called and said were turning off your service tomorrow. You roam too much... get a different carrier.
Thanks for all the tips guys. I'll be around... just in a different section of the forums. Still going to get a GS3! :good:
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Did not realize they still did that crap. Almost a decade ago, if you roamed 50% or more they dropped you, and made you pay eft.
papabear said:
Did not realize they still did that crap. Almost a decade ago, if you roamed 50% or more they dropped you, and made you pay eft.
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Every carrier still does this. You might not have to pay the ETF but they will drop you.
Sent from my SGH-T999
joshnichols189 said:
Every carrier still does this. You might not have to pay the ETF but they will drop you.
Sent from my SGH-T999
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yeah I don't doubt that! This is the sole reason I didn't get sprint. 300 meg?! That's nothing in today's world. A good carrier needs to be a little bit lenient on the roaming business in order to provide adequate coverage.
Sorry to say but the cabin sound like its in the middle of nowhere. Any mountains around, that will make it worse? My gf parents live in the "boonies" and neither of us get a signal (she has Verizon, I have Tmo).

Sprint sent me a no-no letter

So after over 2yrs of using my unlimited data plan anyway I chose to do so, I got a letter last week basically saying I need to stop tethering. I've been using WiFi Tether - TrevE Mod for as long as I've had my phone to connect anything from my laptop at home or occasionally at work I'll connect my work laptop or let a coworker (good ol' AT&T throttling him) during lunch. I read this on Sprint forums, which makes complete sense to me:
The contract you signed also is for a specific plan, that states you have UNLIMITED DATA. Dan Hesse himself even stated that UNLIMITED means "no limits, no throttling and no data caps" - meaning you legally couldnt limit data, based on the actual plan a subscriber signs on a contract.
Sprint also states that as part of the Android platform being Open, one is able to download and use any apps the customer sees fit. That would include tethering apps. Part of Net Neutrality that Sprint also agrees with the FCC on is that customers can not be limited what they access or how they access the internet, this would include using the phone as a modem as a device how they access internet.
Also if you want to discuss morals and ethics on contracts, Sprint also states that any materially adverse charge/change in the contract will result in waivers of early termination fees, so not only is limiting someones data a materially adverse change/charge, but so is raising the Administrative Fee like just happened, to which Sprint breaches their own contract. With that being said, if Sprint can breach the contract so can a customer, because in order for a contract to be legal, BOTH PARTIES MUST AGREE TO ALL CLAUSES, and since one changes it on a whim, the contract isnt agreed to by both parties, thus, the contract isnt legal and is null and void.
Im sure the customer who decides to bring this to small claims or arbitration would win the case.
It not as if using my laptop will somehow make my phone pull faster internet speeds, so WTF is their issue?! I stream music for a better part of my 10-12hr day, 7 days a week...I'm a heavy data user no matter what! I get great 4G signal at work, I get **** 3G service at my home, so it's a slap in the face that they're not holding up their end of the contract, yet spent the postage to send me a thread letter before Christmas.
Not to be a jerk, but come on now. It's a **** move by Sprint to send that letter, but they are not completely in the wrong. You are and have been aware that tethering is treated as a separate paid service outside of the unlimited data included with your phone, and for 2 years you have failed to live up to the terms of your agreement.
They could handle the situation with a little more grace, but you are not a martyr.
Actually like most, I didn't read the actual contract...I just said yes and keep paying. I know they wanted $30 to use their tethering app, but just like stocks apps on an unroored phone, I've rooted it to remove and add apps as I see fit. BMW doesn't tell me they're going to take my M5 back because I took out driving down a dirt road vs only keeping it on pavement, so Sprint shouldn't worry about how I use my crappy signal. Splitting my water hose with the neighbor doesn't mean I get twice the pressure, it means I'm splitting that same pressure twice, but ultimately it's still the sanme pressure. My signal is no different. I can't get 4G at home, isn't that breach of contract? They tried getting me to sign contracts for free tablets, but when I told her I get **** service at home, why would I pay $20 per month for something I can hardly use...silence on her end until I said no thanks.
So just like using an IP annoymizer when I used to download movies, is there a way to prevent them from seeing what I'm streaming from and/or two?
m5james said:
Actually like most, I didn't read the actual contract...I just said yes and keep paying. I know they wanted $30 to use their tethering app, but just like stocks apps on an unroored phone, I've rooted it to remove and add apps as I see fit. BMW doesn't tell me they're going to take my M5 back because I took out driving down a dirt road vs only keeping it on pavement, so Sprint shouldn't worry about how I use my crappy signal. Splitting my water hose with the neighbor doesn't mean I get twice the pressure, it means I'm splitting that same pressure twice, but ultimately it's still the sanme pressure. My signal is no different. I can't get 4G at home, isn't that breach of contract? They tried getting me to sign contracts for free tablets, but when I told her I get **** service at home, why would I pay $20 per month for something I can hardly use...silence on her end until I said no thanks.
So just like using an IP annoymizer when I used to download movies, is there a way to prevent them from seeing what I'm streaming from and/or two?
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I'd like to apologize for coming off harsh and unfeeling earlier, it was a ****ty thing to say on a day where the whole world could benefit from a little bit of understanding and goodwill. Charging for tethering is a crappy business model and I empathize with your position. Unfortunately Sprint (and frankly just about all cell carriers) doesn't feel the same and they have the legal contract to back it up.
I'm not sure what you can do to mask your usage as I'm not sure what behaviour it was that brought you to their attention in their first place. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable of Sprint's network monitoring capabilities can chime in with some advice.
No need to apologize, I'm just annoyed by the hypocrisy of it. I've lived in my current home for a year w/ such bad signal at home that I installed an app/widget called "Signal Boost 3G 4G" that basically cycles airplane mode quickly in an effort to acquire a better signal. Inside of the year, in one the past month or so have I gotten 4G, but it's not getting signal...like it says 4G on my screen, but NOTHING connects, so now I'm forced to make my phone stay in CDMA mode at home (which requires a reset) and then switching back to LTE/CDMA when I leave my home (once again requiring a reset)...but they can detect that I'm streaming and have the audacity to send me a letter telling me that I can't use their ****ty signal anywhich way I chose and threatening me w/ termination, yet if I wanted to leave early I either have to threaten to contact the FCC and/or pay an ETF. They can go **** themselves.
m5james said:
Actually like most, I didn't read the actual contract...I just said yes and keep paying. I know they wanted $30 to use their tethering app, but just like stocks apps on an unroored phone, I've rooted it to remove and add apps as I see fit. BMW doesn't tell me they're going to take my M5 back because I took out driving down a dirt road vs only keeping it on pavement, so Sprint shouldn't worry about how I use my crappy signal. Splitting my water hose with the neighbor doesn't mean I get twice the pressure, it means I'm splitting that same pressure twice, but ultimately it's still the sanme pressure. My signal is no different. I can't get 4G at home, isn't that breach of contract? They tried getting me to sign contracts for free tablets, but when I told her I get **** service at home, why would I pay $20 per month for something I can hardly use...silence on her end until I said no thanks.
So just like using an IP annoymizer when I used to download movies, is there a way to prevent them from seeing what I'm streaming from and/or two?
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Just cause you did not read the contract it does not mean you get to do what you want. You have failed to uphold your end of the and they can terminate you.
It is like shooting someone and telling the judge you didn't know it was illegal. Ignorance does not give you free rein to do what you wish. So now you have a couple options.
1. Ignore it and get your contract terminated (hey no ETF)
2. Stop tethering
3. Pay for the tethering service
This site (xda) is not here to help you perform illegal acts. Keep going this route and moderators will lock the thread.
Sent from my XT1045 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
My thread is one of MANY I've seen here, other forums, even on SprintUsers itself...if I get banned for asking what others have years ago, I'm just asking more specifically for my phone, then so be it. In the meantime I'm sure there are bigger fish to fry. I don't need you getting on your moral soapbox, a guy can vent...you're treating my "Illegal activities" as I'm trying to hide from being able to watch child porn or something - calm down. Just like others have voiced, it's BS that Sprint wants me to pay for something I'm already getting...unlimited data. My city charges water at 1000 gallon increments. If I wanna water my lawn, my neighbors lawn or install a splitter and water both, the city doesn't care because at the end of the day my water flow is still something I'm paying for in said increments. Apparently unlimited isn't so unlimited, because at the end of the day whether I'm watching porn on my phone or tethered to my laptop, it's still the same stream. Keep backing corporations...I'm sure they need the money. In the meantime, they have my number.
1) My money is just as green somewhere else
2) I pay for unlimited, I'm going to use unlimited
3) See 2
Calm down, internet warrior. You and I both know the illegal activities that happen in varying forms and levels even on these boards ranging from hacked software, removing stock apps, removing factory installed spyware, apps I used to in order to get free tethering, hell even rooting is against the rules, etc...why are you even here on these boards, hypocrite.
Back to my topic. I've read something about PDANet having an option to block/spam the activities that Sprint used to see that I'm tethering (jlmancuso, I'll let them know you're coming to get onto your soapbox if I ever have to write tech support) but it seems the app is mostly for hardwire or bluetooth tethering, neither of which I've ever done before. At the moment I simply click the TrevE mod widget and I'm putting signal out to whatever devices I've given permission to. I'm not the first nor the last Sprint user who's tethering for free, I'm just trying to find out how to continue doing what I pay for already.
m5james said:
My thread is one of MANY I've seen here, other forums, even on SprintUsers itself...if I get banned for asking what others have years ago, I'm just asking more specifically for my phone, then so be it. In the meantime I'm sure there are bigger fish to fry. I don't need you getting on your moral soapbox, a guy can vent...you're treating my "Illegal activities" as I'm trying to hide from being able to watch child porn or something - calm down. Just like others have voiced, it's BS that Sprint wants me to pay for something I'm already getting...unlimited data. My city charges water at 1000 gallon increments. If I wanna water my lawn, my neighbors lawn or install a splitter and water both, the city doesn't care because at the end of the day my water flow is still something I'm paying for in said increments. Apparently unlimited isn't so unlimited, because at the end of the day whether I'm watching porn on my phone or tethered to my laptop, it's still the same stream. Keep backing corporations...I'm sure they need the money. In the meantime, they have my number.
1) My money is just as green somewhere else
2) I pay for unlimited, I'm going to use unlimited
3) See 2
Calm down, internet warrior. You and I both know the illegal activities that happen in varying forms and levels even on these boards ranging from hacked software, removing stock apps, removing factory installed spyware, apps I used to in order to get free tethering, hell even rooting is against the rules, etc...why are you even here on these boards, hypocrite.
Back to my topic. I've read something about PDANet having an option to block/spam the activities that Sprint used to see that I'm tethering (jlmancuso, I'll let them know you're coming to get onto your soapbox if I ever have to write tech support) but it seems the app is mostly for hardwire or bluetooth tethering, neither of which I've ever done before. At the moment I simply click the TrevE mod widget and I'm putting signal out to whatever devices I've given permission to. I'm not the first nor the last Sprint user who's tethering for free, I'm just trying to find out how to continue doing what I pay for already.
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Wow a man who is truly confused. Just cause you paid for unlimited internet doesn't mean you paid for tethering. Which you did not. You chose to enter the agreement with sprint so if you dont like it leave. As you say your money is just as good somewhere else. You know there are companies that dont charge for tethering. Go with one of them and stop whining like a little kid. Heck you could even step up and be a man by actually paying for the service you want.
You say rooting and removing stock software is illegal. Well guess what it is not. You must be a little confused by terminology. Modification of a device that belongs to your provider is against your contact conditions. Unlike most suckers I own my device (bought and paid for) and also while I have a sprint phone I am not on sprint. So since I ACTUALLY own my device I am not breaking my contract. Heck I dont even have a contract to break. I am not enough of a fool to pay those outrageous rates for my service.
So go on talk about me being a morally correct person. I just happened to be raised be decent parents who taught me to be a decent person. Just like I teach my children to be decent people.
Sent from my XT1045 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Really guy?
jlmancuso said:
Wow a man who is truly confused. Just cause you paid for unlimited internet doesn't mean you paid for tethering. Which you did not. You chose to enter the agreement with sprint so if you dont like it leave. As you say your money is just as good somewhere else. You know there are companies that dont charge for tethering. Go with one of them and stop whining like a little kid. Heck you could even step up and be a man by actually paying for the service you want.
You say rooting and removing stock software is illegal. Well guess what it is not. You must be a little confused by terminology. Modification of a device that belongs to your provider is against your contact conditions. Unlike most suckers I own my device (bought and paid for) and also while I have a sprint phone I am not on sprint. So since I ACTUALLY own my device I am not breaking my contract. Heck I dont even have a contract to break. I am not enough of a fool to pay those outrageous rates for my service.
So go on talk about me being a morally correct person. I just happened to be raised be decent parents who taught me to be a decent person. Just like I teach my children to be decent people.
Sent from my XT1045 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Dude, get off that imaginary high horse.. There are so many annoying things in that last sentence it makes me want to barf. All your "decent" parents taught you to be was a judgmental self righteous prick. Just like I'm sure you're teaching your kids.
Thanks, operator080...I thought much of the same thing but I wasn't going to feed the troll. I'm sure much to his chagrin though, they did end my service about two weeks ago. One morning it stopped working but my GF and mother's phones still worked. I called to talk to Sprint, which is when I found out they group roaming and tethering under the same reason to cancel if you go over 500 min a month, which I had. The woman on the phone said a couple times that I'm no longer allowed to keep that phone number on Sprint and then turned it on for a week to have it ported over.
I hit the Sprint store on the way to work one day and they suggested to either change it myself, then wait and see what happened or come back if it gets cut off....he said that at that point aother slot will be opened in my plan, so I waited it out for a week. I read inbetween the lines of what the woman said repeatedly, waited until the last day, went to Sprint's website and manually changed my number myself...which lasted another week. Ultimately they shut off that line as well, so I ran by the store again and they simply added a line to the account that's in my name but only had my GF and mom on it, kept my phome and nothing has changed.
Screw them, I still circumvented a bull**** $30 fee for 2+yrs to use something I'm already paying for. In the meantime I'll stream via Bluetooth until I can figure out how they can see other devices (Chrome has some very interesting tools for this) and I'll be back to using what I already pay for...a slow 3G internet at my home (just enough to check email) and 4G to my car stereo/tablet in my truck.
m5james said:
Thanks, operator080...I thought much of the same thing but I wasn't going to feed the troll. I'm sure much to his chagrin though, they did end my service about two weeks ago. One morning it stopped working but my GF and mother's phones still worked. I called to talk to Sprint, which is when I found out they group roaming and tethering under the same reason to cancel if you go over 500 min a month, which I had. The woman on the phone said a couple times that I'm no longer allowed to keep that phone number on Sprint and then turned it on for a week to have it ported over.
I hit the Sprint store on the way to work one day and they suggested to either change it myself, then wait and see what happened or come back if it gets cut off....he said that at that point aother slot will be opened in my plan, so I waited it out for a week. I read inbetween the lines of what the woman said repeatedly, waited until the last day, went to Sprint's website and manually changed my number myself...which lasted another week. Ultimately they shut off that line as well, so I ran by the store again and they simply added a line to the account that's in my name but only had my GF and mom on it, kept my phome and nothing has changed.
Screw them, I still circumvented a bull**** $30 fee for 2+yrs to use something I'm already paying for. In the meantime I'll stream via Bluetooth until I can figure out how they can see other devices (Chrome has some very interesting tools for this) and I'll be back to using what I already pay for...a slow 3G internet at my home (just enough to check email) and 4G to my car stereo/tablet in my truck.
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Wow a thief wins for the moment. Enjoy your victory while it lasts. In the end you will still lose.
operator080 said:
Dude, get off that imaginary high horse.. There are so many annoying things in that last sentence it makes me want to barf. All your "decent" parents taught you to be was a judgmental self righteous prick. Just like I'm sure you're teaching your kids.
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Yes sir go the low route talk your trash. I am sure know that people with real morals does make you sick. Maybe if you took a little time to better understand yourself you could see how sick you are. Hopefully you have not been allowed to breed. We really don't need more like you running around.
Sent from my XT1045 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
m5james said:
Screw them, I still circumvented a bull**** $30 fee for 2+yrs to use something I'm already paying for. In the meantime I'll stream via Bluetooth until I can figure out how they can see other devices (Chrome has some very interesting tools for this) and I'll be back to using what I already pay for...a slow 3G internet at my home (just enough to check email) and 4G to my car stereo/tablet in my truck.
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You, sir, are being very childish. Sprint's prices are low because they provide ****ty service compared to the rest. So if you want to tether, you can either man the **** up and pay for the service, or continue what you're doing and enjoy your early termination. Sprint is not losing any money by giving you the boot. They're already making a killing off their MVNO companies.

