I tried different roms and a common problem is that I lose my alarm sound! I just make an alarm, and at the alarmtime there is a 'reminder' but it doesn't make any noise nor vibrate.
I go into settings, 'sounds and noitifications', I turn on the sound and vibrate, test the sound with the play button (it works) then I set an alarm. It reminds me on-screen but makes no sound nor virbrate!
I hate it! Because of this simple thing I can't use any cooked rom, also the one from pistonripper (new 2.0 test) has the same problem!
I have 1.40 olinex, I flash, after flash i always do a full hard reset (including storage format). When I do a reset again it doesn't matter, it just doens't work!?
Anybody has an idea? I think there must be some missing files or links I don't know!
dont know why. can only say that i am using pinstonripper's too, and have no prob with the alarm. works like it should.
best of luck
Thom4s said:
I tried different roms and a common problem is that I lose my alarm sound! I just make an alarm, and at the alarmtime there is a 'reminder' but it doesn't make any noise nor vibrate.
I go into settings, 'sounds and noitifications', I turn on the sound and vibrate, test the sound with the play button (it works) then I set an alarm. It reminds me on-screen but makes no sound nor virbrate!
I hate it! Because of this simple thing I can't use any cooked rom, also the one from pistonripper (new 2.0 test) has the same problem!
I have 1.40 olinex, I flash, after flash i always do a full hard reset (including storage format). When I do a reset again it doesn't matter, it just doens't work!?
Anybody has an idea? I think there must be some missing files or links I don't know!
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Sounds wired.. What about flashing to the officel 1.97 ? And see if it works ? If it don't, I maybe can find some of the files out of my diamond..
I have used official 1.37, 1.93 and then 1.96 (i like to stay up to date, especialy with official roms) and none of them gave any problems.
Just yesterday I tried the 2.0 official test rom and it gave me the alarm problem (it's a test so ok). But then I figured while i was flashing anyway I might as well try some other roms.
AZTOR: alarm works
CT or something like that (which has more a philosphy that i like): alarm does NOT work
Thom4s said:
I have used official 1.37, 1.93 and then 1.96 (i like to stay up to date, especialy with official roms) and none of them gave any problems.
Just yesterday I tried the 2.0 official test rom and it gave me the alarm problem (it's a test so ok). But then I figured while i was flashing anyway I might as well try some other roms.
AZTOR: alarm works
CT or something like that (which has more a philosphy that i like): alarm does NOT work
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Hmm. Will upload them later.
The 2.0 is really good, it's omg superfast! So i download some alarm program which does the trick (temporary). I hope 2.0 will get released officialy very fast.
known bug unfortunately...
you may want to check this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=473833
can you please describe there your problem in details (eg: what tipe of reminders do have this problem, which OS builds you've tried showed this behaviour, etc...)
Thom4s said:
I tried different roms and a common problem is that I lose my alarm sound! I just make an alarm, and at the alarmtime there is a 'reminder' but it doesn't make any noise nor vibrate.
I go into settings, 'sounds and noitifications', I turn on the sound and vibrate, test the sound with the play button (it works) then I set an alarm. It reminds me on-screen but makes no sound nor virbrate!
I hate it! Because of this simple thing I can't use any cooked rom, also the one from pistonripper (new 2.0 test) has the same problem!
I have 1.40 olinex, I flash, after flash i always do a full hard reset (including storage format). When I do a reset again it doesn't matter, it just doens't work!?
Anybody has an idea? I think there must be some missing files or links I don't know!
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i also had the same problem and tried all sorts of roms and couldnt get it to work
However, i dont think i was looking in the right place like you are and here is why: the alarm sound is not actually in the sound settings (as you were looking at Reminders). I noticed that when you are on the alarm options, click the alarm and you can set all the sound properties etc there (different to Sounds and Notifications)
Alarm is confirmed working on Dia Duit pre9,
Which is also a blazing fast ROM with good battery life (2-4 days at least)
Hope this helps!
Anyone have problems with phone alarm and wm6. Everytime I soft reset since install in wm6 I get a missed call from (000)000-0000?
Which version are you using (of phonealarm)
No problems here with version 1.58 build 100. Using latest LVSW.
Try running the latest beta version (available on the pocketmax forum)
000-000-0000 is a skype. Unfortunately some networks still allow that number to come in. I got one myself today. Ridiculous because if you block it no one from skype will be able to call you.
I have pa 1.58 (build 100). Can you get a skype number if you don't use skype or have there software installed.
Still getting the missed calls from (000)000-0000. The phone doesnt ring just a notification of missed call. Happens 3-4 time a day now. Anyone have any ideas.
chrisryn said:
Anyone have problems with phone alarm and wm6. Everytime I soft reset since install in wm6 I get a missed call from (000)000-0000?
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I am having problems with PhonelAlarm and WM6 as well. I'm running the LSVW 26-3 edition without any problems except for PhoneAlarm.
I've tried PA 1.58 (full/lite) and 1.6B9 + 1.6B10 (full/lite) and i've no reminders for missed calls and missed sms (the others i don't use).
I also tried the new app alarmPal 0.3 (which is exactly what i need), but also no luck...
(you find alarmPal (still beta) here: http://www.pocketmax.net/smf/index.php?topic=4030.0 )
No notification, no sound ;(
I've searched allready and it seems that a lot of people are running PhoneAlarm on their LVSW Phones without problems. I also made a clean install follwing mrvanx guide and installed PA as my only app, no luck.
Maybe someone running PA could point me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot,
Am using PA 1.6 b9 on black 2.0 no problems.
How long does the Beta version last for?
I used 1.58 before and it has "tearing" screen refresh issue. I.e. when I open another program and go back to Today screen, PhoneAlarm graphics are messed up.
lanwarrior said:
How long does the Beta version last for?
I used 1.58 before and it has "tearing" screen refresh issue. I.e. when I open another program and go back to Today screen, PhoneAlarm graphics are messed up.
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Same as the final release, 30 days.
Have you tried a different skin? I've read that there are some skins that will work with WM6 and some not, i just can't remember the name ;(
Some people also reported that if you set the startupdelay in the pa-config (~10sec.) helps, followed buy one two or sometimes even three reboots....
crazyC said:
Am using PA 1.6 b9 on black 2.0 no problems.
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I just tried 1.60B9 again and still no luck.
but i am sure i saw some post, where people stated that PA works fine with LVSW. Please can someone confirm that?
Starting to feel like a stupid easter lamb.
chaos42 said:
I am having problems with PhonelAlarm and WM6 as well. I'm running the LSVW 26-3 edition without any problems except for PhoneAlarm.
I've tried PA 1.58 (full/lite) and 1.6B9 + 1.6B10 (full/lite) and i've no reminders for missed calls and missed sms (the others i don't use).
I also tried the new app alarmPal 0.3 (which is exactly what i need), but also no luck...
(you find alarmPal (still beta) here: http://www.pocketmax.net/smf/index.php?topic=4030.0 )
No notification, no sound ;(
I've searched allready and it seems that a lot of people are running PhoneAlarm on their LVSW Phones without problems. I also made a clean install follwing mrvanx guide and installed PA as my only app, no luck.
Maybe someone running PA could point me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot,
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Have you revised the profiles for the notifications configuration?
I noted that the default sounds for notifications dosn't are the corrects WAV and WMA in LVSW cause PA came preconfigured to expecific WAVs and VMA . Perhaps this files dosn't exist in the ROM version you are trying, and must to modify to select the correct audio files.
Hope this helps you.
jcespi2005 said:
Have you revised the profiles for the notifications configuration?
I noted that the default sounds for notifications dosn't are the corrects WAV and WMA in LVSW cause PA came preconfigured to expecific WAVs and VMA . Perhaps this files dosn't exist in the ROM version you are trying, and must to modify to select the correct audio files.
Hope this helps you.
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Tried, and it seems to work. the Problem seems to be that PA and alarmPal can not play sounds from the memorycard. What got me confused, is the fact that if you select the specific sound in the pa-settings the sound files are all playing fine, but you can not use them for your reminders...
I fell a little ashamed now, because this was actually the first thing i tried but did not invetigated it deeper, because the sounds were playing fine during setup.
Thanks for your help
Now it is even working with alarmPal
love it!
chaos42 said:
Tried, and it seems to work. the Problem seems to be that PA and alarmPal can not play sounds from the memorycard. What got me confused, is the fact that if you select the specific sound in the pa-settings the sound files are all playing fine, but you can not use them for your reminders...
I fell a little ashamed now, because this was actually the first thing i tried but did not invetigated it deeper, because the sounds were playing fine during setup.
Thanks for your help
Now it is even working with alarmPal
love it!
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I am charmed with having been of help.
This one is the spirit of this forum, and we all must to preserve it.
jcespi2005 said:
I am charmed with having been of help.
This one is the spirit of this forum, and we all must to preserve it.
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and exactly this spirit was preventing me from throwing my tytn out of the window back in august'06 when i bought it
I was a palmOS user for almost 10 years before, and without the help of this forum and all the people here i'am pretty sure i would have gone mad about my ppc phone.
xda-developers you rock!!!
i have no issue until v1.60 beta 6.
beta 7 > got problems. pain. pain.
couldnt get it to play nice with cingular black 2.02. WOn't install at all...
Hi guys..
I did do a search for this on the forum, with no result.
Since the flash of WM6 to my HTC TyTn, there was a big drop in received call volume.. Even when i increase the volume to max its sometimes hard to hear what the other person is saying, and compaired to a wm5 rom its a little softer.. Is there a registry tweak to maybe increase received call volume?
This is mainly coz in some noise filled areas i use to be able to hear the other person, but since wm6, not so much anymore..
Thanx guys..
*PS, if this is in your eyes another lame post, feel free to delete! no cares!*
Ok, im just another noob now.. Just went on searching on google and found the answer on this forum through google.. Why didnt it show up on the forum search????????
I couldn't agree more and the speakerphone volume is pathetic..
If theres a fix then I have obviously missed it..
look at the link.. there is a little registry tweak.. i tested it.. it works, but not to the best, its a little louder..
Also looks like the setting will be lost during softrest or hardrest...
Just curious .. what ROM are folks using? It seems to me that the new CUSTEL ROM is a bit louder than the other WM6 ROMS I have tried (though it may be my imagination).
I most recently came from Black 3.01 ... then to LSVW 05/07 ... now am using CUSTEL 2.0. All have their pros and cons ... but I think CUSTEL's may not have this volume issue.
or, it is all in my imagination?
I agree with the initial premise, however, that the upgrade to WM6 seems to have degraded incoming call volume.
Hey, I've used Custel's V1.3 and am currently using a modified LVSW. I've noticed Custel's has a louder incall volume - had to keep the phone away from my ear! It seems to be this setaccusticsparam file - it was mentioned before with people that had Hermes that were TOO loud. I *Think* the file is in the ExtRom portion of the ROM.
BorisTheSpider said:
Hey, I've used Custel's V1.3 and am currently using a modified LVSW. I've noticed Custel's has a louder incall volume - had to keep the phone away from my ear! It seems to be this setaccusticsparam file - it was mentioned before with people that had Hermes that were TOO loud. I *Think* the file is in the ExtRom portion of the ROM.
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Is this file in all ExtRoms?
Anyways, i tryed the fix in he first post that i updated in the link.. Now my phone is nice and loud, had an hour long talk with one of my friends last night and i had to either keep the phone away from my ear or make it softer.. The registry tweak worked.. will see if it sticks on the next softrest i have to make.. Rom is very stable, havent rest in over a week now..
which tweak?
the posting cited has two diff tweaks in it. Which one helped? Or did you do both?
oh man.. sorry.. i used this one..
\HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\InCall\AttenuationCategory = 0
The setting was on "2", changed it to "0" and this worked for me.. Thing is damn loud again..
I checked out the other tweak aswell but that was standard on my phone.. So no change on the second one..
I'm using Black 3.0.1 now, it's the only one I can use. The others were all way too loud.
Thanks for posting this. before the newest Cingular release of their new WM5 rom I had to go to bluetooth because I couldn't hear much of anything on the phone. I did with the newest rom, but it seems to have gone away with black, so I will welcome Custel's rom even more since it does this.
This has worked for me also, changing to 0 from 2 is the trick. What about the bluetooth volume? i have a JX10 and i would love it to be louder thou
This worked for my in call volume too.
Anyone know of a fix for the bt headset low volume issued?
[email protected]_4ngel said:
oh man.. sorry.. i used this one..
\HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\InCall\AttenuationCategory = 0
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I also suffer from this problem so grateful for the fix. Can anyone tell me how to change the registry on my TyTN? Thanks.
bobbyelliott said:
I also suffer from this problem so grateful for the fix. Can anyone tell me how to change the registry on my TyTN? Thanks.
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use a registry editor like resco or commander. easy to find with a search.
part 1
part 2
http://www.pdaviet.com/attachment.ph...d=1187 871164
one more rom from pdaviet
this rom still have bt bug
with wireless audio??
whats the bt bug?
tsaurus said:
whats the bt bug?
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the problem is the stops when you listening music
the sounds via bluetooth disapears in 1 minute song u have 2 times or more of drops
mmm ?
Never had this kind of bug yet with ROM v3.00.07.14... BT stéréo (a2dp) works perfectly for me.
Moreover, I had more sound cut with lwsv rom.
i dont see anything in the changelog relating to the many bugs i found in 15, to my count there are now about 6 or 7 reported bugs of which 3 require hard-reset to recover from. i have stepped over to Bepe's builds and have no problems so far.
yape me to change to bepe
Me too. I have no time to try it out without changelog just to see the "hanging at boot bug requiring hard reset" again :-(
Sorry, I love PDAVIET Roms (really complete and nice programs included) but without changelog its difficult to convince me to switch away from Bepe.
kind regards
wondering if this version is any faster?
Translated the changelog with some help from vietnamese freinds(still needed to geuss some stuff)
PDAVIET says, this is a clean rom, they hope this fixed the reported problems with the software
CE OS 5.2.1620 Build 18125.0.4.2
uses the WM6.0 classic theme
updated to HTC_Touch_UI_HOME_2_0_720719_Kaiser (extracted from the kaiser ROM)
PP=6Mb, free RAM on boot 25-26Mb
Judging from the screenshots this version could actually fix all the previous problems (it looks like batterystatus was removed for now)
I advice everyone who is willing and was having problems to run some tests
I would be willing to try this rom out to test whether probs are fixed, IF, it didnt have the 3g dialer that is on it at the moment. The problem with this dialer skin and some of the others like this is that even if you disable the 3g dialer the standard dialer is still mucked up with the logo and stuff.
The reason i like to use the original dialer is that i like to be able to scroll and click on a contact and then choose which no to phone them on. The 3g dialers when you click the name it dials the last dialed no for them and does not give you the option.
Anyone know if the phone pad in landscape bug its ok know?
MJRL said:
Anyone know if the phone pad in landscape bug its ok know?
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Yes. From "HTC_Trinity_3.00.07.13.PV" until now "HTC_Trinity_3.00.07.16.PV", it's ok.
jotam said:
Yes. From "HTC_Trinity_3.00.07.13.PV" until now "HTC_Trinity_3.00.07.16.PV", it's ok.
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I've tried 13 and have bug. Was the last pdaviet rom that i've tried.
Maybe someone need to upload it to rapidshare or else. Can't download from the 1st post.
color is blue, theme sux
when I try to set background image, the image is waaaaay to bright and transparent than it should be...
Any idea how to fix it?
Can someone confirm if the bug of hanging screen at boot still exist if Calender is synced?
rjefferis said:
The reason i like to use the original dialer is that i like to be able to scroll and click on a contact and then choose which no to phone them on. The 3g dialers when you click the name it dials the last dialed no for them and does not give you the option.
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Just for info, the 3G Dialer from Duronmarcel http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=321605 works fine.
You start typing the name, click on the name to see the number (2 line display) and can then change the number to be called using left and right key of D-Pad. I've cooked it into my ROM and at least with my ROM it works that way. Nice design and also working in landscape mode.
no more calendar BUG!!!
can anyone put the links of the ROM v3.00.07.16 PDAVIET, because the links of the first page are broken.
I tried to mess around with advanced config tool but had no success listening to music on headset without blanks or skips every time i moved my head...
then i did the HT280 firmware update i just found in the forum but its worst
any of u guys using HT820 and happy with it ?
i remember having to struggle on every HTC to get this working...
seems like this will be never fixed by htc
hope some of you have same material and can post your settings and feedback on your situation
Yep have the Moto too, great headset (a little uncomfortable at times but great audio and features)
No issues here with mine, though I manually changed bitpool settings.
I have found that Advanced Config can cause issues on the Rhodium so adv ise not using it for now, just change your required settings manually.
I'll try and dig out my settings during the week and post back.
If you have manually installed AC then try un-installing and testing.
thx for your answer mate, thx for your time to post yours settings eventually
actually i cant uninstall Advanced Config : it s in the custom ROM im using...
i just flashed latest version and didnt install tom tom yet in case it was the problem
but seems like it isnt...as usual with HTC : stereo BT out the box is ****
tnt23 said:
thx for your answer mate, thx for your time to post yours settings
actually i cant uninstall Advanced Config : it was in the custom ROM im using...
i think i got a problem with BTstack since tomtom 7install
i renamed or recopied older versions of those corrupted files...but still i cant add a new device anymore...
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I am also using NRGZ build, but have not launched AC.
Once I dig out my settings (2moro if I get a chance) I'll post, you may have to hard reset though. I advise not running AC untill we have an updated version.
Also TT7, my version does not replace the BT files, I post the version number for that 2 moro too.
ok man ill wont start AC on this new flash yet...
how about WGVA Tweak ?
I am using that headset on my stock Telus TP2 with no problems and have not done any regestry edits to Bluetooth.
tnt23 said:
ok man ill wont start AC on this new flash yet...
how about WGVA Tweak ?
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Current Bitpool and MaxBitpool I have set to 1e (30) which is the same setting I used on my Universal for years without issue.
Have played 3 songs this am without any lag or skipping using Touch Flo Player. CorePlayer also works flawlessly, haven't tested and don't use M$ Media Player.
HDTweak and other tweak tools I don't like to use so can not comment as most will apply a default setting for certain items. I prefer to only modify what "I" want.
how to disable the bug in the middle of the watch,I'm interested in just a bug on the clock, sorry for my English, it is not my native language
another question:
wm default alarm clock wont go off at the time it should. when i turn the device on,then it start alarming .
i had this bug even in my stock 6.1 rom.and kwbr4.any ideas????????
Warzone-sev said:
how to disable the bug in the middle of the watch,I'm interested in just a bug on the clock, sorry for my English, it is not my native language
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This is NOT BUG its is how is designed to BE this is a FLIP CLOCK this mean the Numbers must to FLIP and that is the reason why htey look like this!!!
YOU cannot fix it.. as far i remember befor long long time.. there is Dusk Clock for the Old Touch Flo 3D with is without this in the midle.. but the clock use some patch and etc... and is designed only for the OLD Touch FLO... search here about Dusk and will see what i mean.
marcuscather1358 said:
another question:
wm default alarm clock wont go off at the time it should. when i turn the device on,then it start alarming .
i had this bug even in my stock 6.1 rom.and kwbr4.any ideas????????
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Honestly i think this is not Bug too but I NEVER USE the default Alarm Clock just never... from 2 years i use G-alarm and all is perfect.
Maybe try to flash another ROM
tsalta said:
Honestly i think this is not Bug too but I NEVER USE the default Alarm Clock just never... from 2 years i use G-alarm and all is perfect.
Maybe try to flash another ROM
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tnx for yr respond my friend.
its a simple alarm.its supposed to work correctly.its not opinion or taste oriented.so i think its a malfunction or bug ,i dont kow the technical term.
klaxon messes up with auto device lock and galarms too heavy and commercial.just dont want to c another program is added to the long list of installed apps.
a fix for this simple alarm is very appreciated.
marcuscather1358 said:
tnx for yr respond my friend.
its a simple alarm.its supposed to work correctly.its not opinion or taste oriented.so i think its a malfunction or bug ,i dont kow the technical term.
klaxon messes up with auto device lock and galarms too heavy and commercial.just dont want to c another program is added to the long list of installed apps.
a fix for this simple alarm is very appreciated.
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Explain me what the Alarm did exactly and i will test my default Alarm and let you know do i have the same Bug if not this mean is ROM problem or if i have it will know for what to looking to fix it.. so write me here example what the Alarm doing exactly and will tell you with sure
wm6.5 alarm bug
this happens 60-70% of the times, not always:
alarm is set at 6:30 am and everything looks fine.
bad part: i wake up late at say... 7:15 and find out that the alarm hasnt worked and im gonna get fired .as soon as i turn on the device at that 7:15 it starst alarming and making noises which adds insult to the injury.
i saw this on wm6.1 stock frst which brought me to rom flahsing world.im using kwbr4 titanium rom.
if the fix is t0o time consuming,naming a light alarm clock which doesnt mess up with lock device would be appreciated too.
tnx alot
Now i test this in my device 3 times and the Alarm Always start exactly on time and i do not need to wake up the device the Alarm to Start all is fine like it must to be for this reason is called Alarm to wake you UP not you to wake Up the Device
So what can do now is to flash your device with the ROM im using now.. because like i say its already tested and all work. Also the ROM im using is very fast and clean... im using it because after years of EYE CANDY im tired and just want fast device for everyday use so i can recomend to flash the ROM from my signature.. here is the link:
Its 6.5 with Core Manila 2.1.38411.0 witch mean ROCKET.
Befor to Flash it i RECOMEND you .. DO a task29 to Clean the whole device and when you flash the new ROM to know that all is NEW and FRESH free of Bugs.
Im Using this ROM from few mounths and there have only ONE BUG.. you cannot ADD NEW CONTACTS from the Dialer itself but you can do it without problem Under Contacts.. so i think this is not a big problem because all other work Perfect and worth trying it.. also consume less power.
The other variant is.. if you do not want to flash a new ROM is to install 3rd Party Software for Alarm etc.. like i say i recomend G-Alarm
tsalta said:
Now i test this in my device 3 times and the Alarm Always start exactly on time and i do not need to wake up the device the Alarm to Start all is fine like it must to be for this reason is called Alarm to wake you UP not you to wake Up the Device
So what can do now is to flash your device with the ROM im using now.. because like i say its already tested and all work. Also the ROM im using is very fast and clean... im using it because after years of EYE CANDY im tired and just want fast device for everyday use so i can recomend to flash the ROM from my signature.. here is the link:
Its 6.5 with Core Manila 2.1.38411.0 witch mean ROCKET.
Befor to Flash it i RECOMEND you .. DO a task29 to Clean the whole device and when you flash the new ROM to know that all is NEW and FRESH free of Bugs.
Im Using this ROM from few mounths and there have only ONE BUG.. you cannot ADD NEW CONTACTS from the Dialer itself but you can do it without problem Under Contacts.. so i think this is not a big problem because all other work Perfect and worth trying it.. also consume less power.
The other variant is.. if you do not want to flash a new ROM is to install 3rd Party Software for Alarm etc.. like i say i recomend G-Alarm
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tnx alot.ill give it a try.u have a pm from me
problem almost resolved using g-alarm now.
but ill keep lookin for a fix for defult wm alarm .
tnx tsalta