I know its been asked but the answers are very fragmented, so my question is:-
If I'm on Orange, and I've not rooted or unrooted or whatever, do I have to wait for the Desire update, then HTC to play, Then Orange to play?
If so how long is this gonna take from when the Froyo for Desire update is released?
Please dont drag this thread into a when is Froyo gonna be released debate as thats why I'm hvaing to create a new thread in the first place.
marmin said:
I know its been asked but the answers are very fragmented, so my question is:-
If I'm on Orange, and I've not rooted or unrooted or whatever, do I have to wait for the Desire update, then HTC to play, Then Orange to play?
If so how long is this gonna take from when the Froyo for Desire update is released?
Please dont drag this thread into a when is Froyo gonna be released debate as thats why I'm hvaing to create a new thread in the first place.
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as a rule HTC generally dont release there standard update in a region untill all of there branded roms are ready too atleast that was one of the reasons htc gave for the late hero eclair update
I am in exactly the same position as you. I have a unrooted, Ornage branded Desire and I really want Froyo asap.#
Will I get it OTA or will I have to wait for Orange or should I just de-brand and get it OTA?
I have no idea..
roscoe141 said:
I am in exactly the same position as you. I have a unrooted, Ornage branded Desire and I really want Froyo asap.#
Will I get it OTA or will I have to wait for Orange or should I just de-brand and get it OTA?
I have no idea..
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That makes no sense to me. All firmware updates are ota, regardless on branding. Non branded phones tend to get sent first. All depends what your carrier has added to the phone.
Prime example: T-Mobile delayed the initial release of Desires because they fecked up their phones with **** they added.
Sent from my Desire using XDA App
That makes no sense to me. All firmware updates are ota, regardless on branding. Non branded phones tend to get sent first. All depends what your carrier has added to the phone.
Prime example: T-Mobile delayed the initial release of Desires because they fecked up their phones with **** they added.
Sent from my Desire using XDA App
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The point is, even if there is an Froyo OTA update for our phones I might not get mine as it's branded to Orange for another few months...
Here is a another thing - as I have an Orange Desire (no modifications - i.e. not flashed and no custom rom), can I unlock the phone from something like HTCCODE and update to Froyo using the official HTC OTA sometime this weekend?
.....but I'm guessing it's not as simple as that?
rockykabir said:
Here is a another thing - as I have an Orange Desire (no modifications - i.e. not flashed and no custom rom), can I unlock the phone from something like HTCCODE and update to Froyo using the official HTC OTA sometime this weekend?
.....but I'm guessing it's not as simple as that?
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You'd only have to make a goldcard and flash with a WWE ROM. It'll take about 30 minutes all told.
Question what do you guys understand by branded Orange phone? My Orange Desire has an official HTC ROM if I'm not mistaking, when I open my phone it's load screen says HTC and I don't have any Orange menus or **** on it, it's only network lock. Now the real question will I get the update or not? THX.
Echinox said:
Question what do you guys understand by branded Orange phone? My Orange Desire has an official HTC ROM if I'm not mistaking, when I open my phone it's load screen says HTC and I don't have any Orange menus or **** on it, it's only network lock. Now the real question will I get the update or not? THX.
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1) Your phone isn't branded
2) Everyone will get the update.
Sent from my Desire using XDA App
My phones locked to orange using a custom 2.1 Rom. Ive avoided changing to 2.2 as it is locked to orange so cant flash the radio. Does the OTA release upgrade the radio and as such will this activate the sim lock?
oh not bad!
Hopefully this should make it clear to everyone....
If you're on an Orange branded ROM, you will not get this update until Orange has fannied around making all of its useless, proprietary junk applications compatible with Froyo. That could take weeks, but will likely take months.
To get this OTA update as soon it's released:
Make a goldcard and insert it into your phone.
Flash a stock rom using an RUU executable (1.15 NOT 1.21)
Wait for HTC to release the update.
In theory, it should be possible to get hold of the new ROM before the mass rollout once someone has captured the link to the file on HTC's servers. This is work in progress (See dev section). As soon as that is found, it will be rooted and posted for mass consumption on this forum.
langers1 mentioned flashing radios causing a simlock on Orange devices. Flashing the 5.09 radio does not cause this problem. I and many others have shown this to be the case.
bedeabc; said:
langers1 mentioned flashing radios causing a simlock on Orange devices. Flashing the 5.09 radio does not cause this problem. I and many others have shown this to be the case.
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If I updated my radio and for whatever reason it did simlock, could I flash my radio back to an older one to unlock it, or would I need to pay to get an unlock code?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
just reflash an older radio
bedeabc said:
Make a goldcard and insert it into your phone.
Flash a stock rom using an RUU executable (1.15 NOT 1.21)
Wait for HTC to release the update.
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This is what I have done, but I don't think I will be able to update to FroYo before I first update to 1.21.
What will happen if i try to update to the latest OTA 1.21?
Just flashed ..5.09 radio and can confirm my Rooted Orange branded didn't simlock. Going to flash my Rom a lot for the first time in weeks
Good thread, clears up confusion
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
OMG thanks bedeabc, Ive been wanting to use Froyo with sense since it came out but thought I couldnt cos my phone was not unlocked, u r the man, thanks so much flashing in a few .
dallholio said:
Just flashed ..5.09 radio and can confirm my Rooted Orange branded didn't simlock. Going to flash my Rom a lot for the first time in weeks
Good thread, clears up confusion
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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What do these different radio versions mean?
By the power of Grayskull......
I will have the (FroYo) Power!!!
I am planning to root my Orange branded Desire, cos I am not prepared to wait for Orange to release the OTA for Froyo in their own sweet time.
There is just one thing I dont understand. If I root, my version stays at 2.1.
I plan to then load a custom ROM, with A2SD, etc as Android 2.2.
But what if I decide I dont want it any more and I want to go back to my original software?
I have seen stock ROM's but Orange's ROM isnt there. How do I turn my own ROM into a recoverable ROM?
I have spent all day looking through XDA, modaco and google for answers....
Or am I missing something really obvious?
I made a slight oversight in my post above. We're not yet sure, but it could be the case that you have to be running a 1.21 ROM in order to receive the Froyo update. However, the 1.21 OTA update comes with a radio which DOES cause a simlock on Orange devices.
However, I believe that there are 1.21 ROMs available in stickies on this forum that don't have a radio update bundled. Flashing one of these would be the best option for unrooted Orange users to get the update ASAP. It's unlikely that the 5.09 radio will cause problems for those with rooted Desires, so that should be ok too.
However, it's likely that the update will be bundled with a new version of HBOOT which could make rooting impossible. Only get the update OTA if you're sure you'll never want to root your Desire. I for one will be waiting for someone here to patch the update with SU permissions
Radios are software packages that interface between your specific phone's hardware and Android OS. Think of them as driver bundles.
Glad to be of help
I downloaded the most recent update from Vodafone which included the splash screen, added bookmarks and apps, none of which I want.
I want to debrand the phone and have created a gold card but when I try to run the rom program (RUU_Bravo_HTC_WWE_1.15.405.4_Radio_32.30.00.28U_4. 05.00.11_release_122704.exe and
RUU_Bravo_HTC_WWE_1.21.405.2_Radio_32.36.00.28U_4. 06.00.02_2_release_126984_signed.exe) I get a "error 140, bootloader error". My phone has hboot 0.80 on it.
Is anyone else having this problem or have a solution to it? It seems like the latest Vodafone update ( has stopped this method from working.
Latest update, so Froyo 2.2 yes??
if so then your going to have to site tight for a while and keep an eye on the Dev section
also see this for info
No, the latest Vodafone update isn't to 2.2, it's still 2.1.
JagSem said:
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Thanks, although I don't want to root, I want to debrand the phone and use the stock HTC firmware.
got vodafone NL, and i want te same things. Just stock HTC froyo and no vodafone bull****
I would just root it as I have detailed here i as the OTA updates people are getting are updating their bootloaders to locked ones and can you really see Vodafone releasing Froyo WITHOUT all this new crap they have added?
AndyChecker said:
I would just root it as I have detailed here i as the OTA updates people are getting are updating their bootloaders to locked ones and can you really see Vodafone releasing Froyo WITHOUT all this new crap they have added?
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Is it possible to root the phone and flash with a custom rom, and then from that rom flash to the stock htc rom? I'm new to this so not entirely sure how it all works to be honest.
Yep can do that but when flashing to a stock ROM you loose root
DanTehManUK said:
Yep can do that but when flashing to a stock ROM you loose root
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Oh okay, but it would be possible to re-root in the future if I wanted to? or not?
It would be but it depends on the ROM, ive been hearing stories about peeps on 2.2 and being stuck there (for now)
DanTehManUK said:
It would be but it depends on the ROM, ive been hearing stories about peeps on 2.2 and being stuck there (for now)
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okay, I guess I'll wait a bit and read up on it some more in the mean time. Thanks for your help
Hi everyone,
as can be seen in the title I got a branded Desire although i bought it as unbranded.
Long story short: I am now undecided what to do and it depends on the following:
So after hours of reading I am still not sure if it is possible and safe to completely remove the branding and have a permanently unbranded desire with official european rom and radio with which I can receive further updates from google/htc OTA at no risk AS IF I HAD BOUGHT AN UNBRANDED ONE. (I am not interested in custom roms etc since I have that with an earlier htc winmo device and ended up with backupping, restoring, flashing every second day and it costs me a lot of time)
The warranty is not so much an issue. But as far as I know I can completely revert the debranding process through nandroid... (?)
I would really appreciate any answers to wether it is possible to turn my desire into a "official/original" unbranded one.
Yes. Root & apply a stock (rooted) ROM. Problem solved. But if you accept any OTA update, you lose root.
You don't have to root but then you'll not be able to go back unless you can find the ROM that's on your device. Just make a goldcard and flash with a WWE or Europe ROM.
Thx for the answers.
A few more questions came up for both methods though.
in general:
where can i find a pure stock rom? in the wiki there is only a link to a 1.15 one.
for johnstevedoe's method:
loosing root is no problem since i dont need it. as i said i want to use it like a stock one and be able to recieve updates without having to wipe the phone.
i cant remember where but i read that ppl who had branded desires (i think orange) and used the ota update got further problems with their wifi etc. so it seems that there is still provider specific software (or hardware??) in the phone and it is therefore not behaving like a unbranded one. i guess if i dont encounter problems with the 2.2 update i might get some with future updates.
for steve228uk method:
do ihave to leave the gold card in the phone?
do i have to put it in for the ota updates?
and lastly, is there any resource for the original shipped branded roms? the xda wiki only links to one unbranded stock rom.
Thx for ur help
There was shippedroms.com but HTC asked the guy not to release the ROMs. You only need the one update: WWE 1.21 or 1.15 and then OTA up to 2.2 Froyo. You don't have to leave the goldcard in there but it's definitely safer if you shove it in for OTA updates as some people have had issues when they hadn't used it.
steve228uk said:
There was shippedroms.com but HTC asked the guy not to release the ROMs. You only need the one update: WWE 1.21 or 1.15 and then OTA up to 2.2 Froyo. You don't have to leave the goldcard in there but it's definitely safer if you shove it in for OTA updates as some people have had issues when they hadn't used it.
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so that means that it is not possible to fully debrand with this method in some cases?
do you know anything about the method using unrevoked? is this capable of turning the desire into a unbranded one since it replaces the whole rom and parts of the boot etc. how can there still occur problems with ota when all branded software was replaced?
My HTC desire was originally T-mobile UK Branded. After rooting and messing about with a few custom ROM's I returned it to Stock using:
Downloaded from xda
It's now clean unrooted, unbranded, stock hBoot HTC Sense 2.2, nice and stable apart from a few problems with text messages.
Will this phone update to Gingerbread (if it ever does actually appear!!) in it's current state, or will I have to try and find the original T-mobile branded ROM? Which I don't have by the way; anyone got it???
johnroberts said:
My HTC desire was originally T-mobile UK Branded. After rooting and messing about with a few custom ROM's I returned it to Stock using:
Downloaded from xda
It's now clean unrooted, unbranded, stock hBoot HTC Sense 2.2, nice and stable apart from a few problems with text messages.
Will this phone update to Gingerbread (if it ever does actually appear!!) in it's current state, or will I have to try and find the original T-mobile branded ROM? Which I don't have by the way; anyone got it???
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Why did't you just say Rooted and use you best RoM, and wait for the XDA Devs to use official RoM? imo A leaked version will come out before OTA.
since you debranded it i see no reason to not recive OTA
so you should be ok
Does stock Desire have sense 2.1 or 2.2 ?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Also wouldnt bother re-branding it as the unbranded version will be out MONTHS before the network versions - if they ever bother to bring one out that is !!
johnroberts said:
My HTC desire was originally T-mobile UK Branded. After rooting and messing about with a few custom ROM's I returned it to Stock using:
Downloaded from xda
It's now clean unrooted, unbranded, stock hBoot HTC Sense 2.2, nice and stable apart from a few problems with text messages.
Will this phone update to Gingerbread (if it ever does actually appear!!) in it's current state, or will I have to try and find the original T-mobile branded ROM? Which I don't have by the way; anyone got it???
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To get OTA updates from your carrier you will need the official rom, the t-mobile roms are listed with the other RRUs in the Dev forum here (look for the TMO RRUs) - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=695667
a direct link to the latest t-moble RRU i beleave is this one here - http://shipped-roms.com/shipped/Bra...00.28U_4.06.00.02_2_release_127570_signed.exe
hope this helps
OTA on debranded handsets (with a gold card) stopped working with the last OTA update - chances are you'll need to use an RUU (assuming it leaks) OR a custom ROM
I found RUU to make the phone more stable than an OTA to be honest.
When I had 2.1 -> 2.2 the bluetooth was all over the place, kept dropping out etc., and a few other minor niggles.
Flashed 2.2 RUU from scratch and it seemed to 'fix' some of the issues I was having.
Friend of mine tried same but had been factory resetting to try and fix things and I suggested running RUU and he said his phone seemed more stable after that too (rather than the factory reset option)
Not sure how much of the above is just a placebo effect - or the reinstall completely did fix some possibly dodgy files?
Lothaen said:
I found RUU to make the phone more stable than an OTA to be honest.
When I had 2.1 -> 2.2 the bluetooth was all over the place, kept dropping out etc., and a few other minor niggles.
Flashed 2.2 RUU from scratch and it seemed to 'fix' some of the issues I was having.
Friend of mine tried same but had been factory resetting to try and fix things and I suggested running RUU and he said his phone seemed more stable after that too (rather than the factory reset option)
Not sure how much of the above is just a placebo effect - or the reinstall completely did fix some possibly dodgy files?
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Maybe the OTA update didn't clear cashe correctly when it installed to make a bug. At the end of the day RRUs contain all OTA updates up to a certen point, the reinstall would wipe cashe and data so it would fix the bug you had.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
Will the GB be sent out ota?
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
[email protected] said:
Will the GB be sent out ota?
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
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Highly likely.
Sent from my HTC Original Desire using Tapatalk
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA Premium App
desire gingerbread
Hi all
Do unlocked to any network phones receive OTA updates before branded ones?, and if that is the case if I unlocked my phone would I receive the OTA update earlier even if I am still running the orange UK android 2.2.
howjord said:
Hi all
Do unlocked to any network phones receive OTA updates before branded ones?, and if that is the case if I unlocked my phone would I receive the OTA update earlier even if I am still running the orange UK android 2.2.
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I doubt it, because carriers have to do their own testing of the firmware then distribute it, so even though htc will release it this week we might not get it during this week or the week after maybe.
No. You still have to wait for Orange to mess around with it. You'll be waiting at least another month after gb gets released.
Unbranded phones will most likely get updates before anyone else. If your phone is branded you will have to create a gold card then you can install the official HTC unbranded ruu, then get the OTA earlier.
howjord said:
Hi all
Do unlocked to any network phones receive OTA updates before branded ones?, and if that is the case if I unlocked my phone would I receive the OTA update earlier even if I am still running the orange UK android 2.2.
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To answer your question as noone else cared to read it, no unlocked phones won't get it earlier. The locking is completely separated from the rom itself.
But branded phones(the ones with apps and stuff from orange etc. on it) will have to wait for the carrier to add their branding and deploy it. So you can get it quicker by unbranding(installing a stock wwe htc rom), however you might get issues when trying to install the update.
thanks all for your replies. Thought about installing the stock htc rom with no orange branding but heard it can cause problems so will just have to wait.
Will I lose root, sim unlocked and s-off when the update comes through?
dunno how bout sim-lock
but you NEVER should apply an OTA on rooted rom
and yes you will lose root and s-off (if it works well, the ota)
just wait until it gets released, devs will root it and post here, and you just download stock rooted gingerbread and flash it.
Hi all, I've now a Vodafone branded phone, as for now I only have to wait for official updates (I'm no rooted and locked bootloader), I was thinking of what will happen when no more official updates are released, will I be able to install custom ROMS with the latest Android distribution or will I be stuck on the last one I will have officially received?
Because as for now I can't update to custom jb ROMS due to the incompatible hboot, bus as far as htc doesn't release more official updates shouldn't the hboot be the same for everyone?
I know this couldn't be a clear explanation, sorry for that, but I need to know if I've to sell my phone to get an unbranded one or not... I'd like to be able to use this phone as long as I don't break it, so this is so important to me,
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
you just have to wait longer, you will get your JB update. Every hox will get it. Unbranded have it earlier because the provider don't need to add bloatware !
If HTC pushes out a update you will also get it, doesn't matter if you have vodaphone or any other provider.
This also counts for future updates.
Yes, i know that, my thoughts were for when htc will not release updates anymore, what will happen then? Will we be able to flash custom ROMS based in aosp builds or not because of the hboot?
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MarcelHofs said:
you just have to wait longer, you will get your JB update. Every hox will get it. Unbranded have it earlier because the provider don't need to add bloatware !
If HTC pushes out a update you will also get it, doesn't matter if you have vodaphone or any other provider.
This also counts for future updates.
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I think he wanted to know if he will get his JB update, will he be able to flash custom roms which need a newer hboot.
So as far as i know, if you get your OTA update, your hboot will also be updated to the new hboot and then you will be able to use all the custom roms which need the new hboot.
But nobody knows what will be if newer versions of Android will come out, maybe they will need again a newer hboot version. And as long as you have a carrier branded device you will always need to wait for your carrier update.
If the Dev's could achieve S-Off there wouldn't be a problem, but so far nobody has made it.
AOSP works better with older hboot (under 1.23), for some reason the gps and some things are broken on newer hboot (over 1.23) and they often need a seperate kernel (boot.img) to work.
But there are also a lot of custom roms for the newer hboot in the other developement section.
However i don't know if dev's will decide to work only with the never hboot in the future.
Thanks, then as I thought there is no clue of what will happen for branded phones, so going for an unbranded seems the best choice, wouldn't it?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Involved said:
Thanks, then as I thought there is no clue of what will happen for branded phones, so going for an unbranded seems the best choice, wouldn't it?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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It's always the best choice.
But much likely if HTC releases a update, the carriers will / should follow, even though they will need more time.
Also if HTC won't release any more updates we will all be stuck on the latest version and maybe devs won't be capable of developing the newest android version for our device.
And even unbranded devices need the right CID for the right update unless we have achieved S-Off.
However i think there will always be enough experimental and also stable versions for any hboot version - thx to all the devs.
I didn't consider that even unbranded phones would need the right CID and hboot, so we're all in the same boat, branded and unbranded... Won't definitely buy another phone with locked bootloader, unless the s-off has been already achieved..
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Because of the above I will NEVER go to a carrier store for a phone again!!
I think in a way we got unlucky this time round, since the hboot is not forward compatible with the sense ROM. Let's hope it's a one off rather than a new sinister plan, and future updates do not require an updated hboot.
Let's hope that, seriously.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
The very ....very best thing that could happen now is S-OFF so we can downgrade the hboot at any time so we can flash newer and older hboots in an instant !
But this is still very unlikely ! :thumbdown: