Multi Slider Incoming Call Screen (MSICS for short) - Windows Mobile Software Development

Multi Slider Incoming Call Screen (MSICS for short)
MSICS comes with three sliders instead of one.
The bottom slider is the usual one. No need to elaborate on that one.
The middle slider is the one I have been missing, is allows you to answer with the speaker on in one slide. (Instead of three actions in the original dialer: slide to answer slide down that black thing and pressing on the speaker icon.)
The top slider is the real interesting one it allows you to ignore the incoming call and send the caller a SMS massage with a predefined text (slide right).
Slide left on the top slider to send your location (as Google Maps link) to the caller.
This option is a very convenient way to reply to calls that usually say: "you're late! Where are you?".
MSICS is an idea for an incoming call screen. I need someone to create it.
The picture was made with Photoshop, this is not real (YET!)
If you want to help making MSICS real, please contact me.

Gr8 idea!!!
This would be very useful! Simple and brilliant idea!
The "preview" is fine too..
I wish I would be such kind of application developer that I could implement this through coding (not through PS )
Summa summarum, you've got +1 vote from me...
Hope that somebody with enough coding/HD2/Sense experience would take care about this project.

Szior said:
This would be very useful! Simple and brilliant idea!
The "preview" is fine too..
I wish I would be such kind of application developer that I could implement this through coding (not through PS )
Summa summarum, you've got +1 vote from me...
Hope that somebody with enough coding/HD2/Sense experience would take care about this project.
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thanks Szior, looks like your the only one liking this one...

I liked too, but I think that, only the ones that can help making this should answer, otherwise you'll receive dozens of replys saying "I would love to have this...", " I need this...", " I want this..." and in the end you'll get no positive answer.
Let's wait that someone can make this.

Up, up, up!

2 words.
inesoft phone 5/6

+1, great modification!
Very useful

inesoft phone capabilities
baam2k said:
2 words.
inesoft phone 5/6
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I can't find where inesoft phone does some of this. Can you point us in the right direction with a link showing it.

Seems like overkill. Mute is already an easy option with the volume buttons, speaker is only 1 tap after answering, S2U2 offers an sms option which is just 1 tap after ignoring.
I do like the map option. I would suggest hopping over to S2U2 and suggesting it to AC. The S2U2 option pops up the choice of sending an sms or not after you slide to ignore and I would think it could easily be changed from 2 buttons to 3 buttons adding a send map button in addition to the send sms and cancel buttons.
The question is how hard is it to incorporate finding your gps location, mapping it and sending that map when you do hit that new button. I'm sure it can be done, but how much work will it be and is anyone willing to do it. Adding it to an existing similar app already in use rather than yet another new app eating up more memory makes more sense to me. Just my opinion.

One person thinks of an idea... shares it...and another idea is born.
What about a 4 way slider in the shape of a cross instead? Each direction could have a separate action associated with it:
Push UP: Answer call and start speaker phone
Push LEFT: Answer call in phone
Push RIGHT: Reject call
PUSH DOWN: Reject call and send SMS message.

gr8 idea
its look like gr8 idea, so hope someone clever will make it

ya this looks awesome. will be awaiting this mod

Please UP....up

Great idea. I'm in !

For a while, when reading, I was hoping it was indeed real.
I have no skills to implement on the WM side, yet I think the top slider is on you'd want to potentially disable/make harder to activate, if you do slide on the wrong one among the lower two everything is alright anyway, if you slide by mistake on the top one it could have bad effects

shkedi said:
Multi Slider Incoming Call Screen (MSICS for short)
MSICS comes with three sliders instead of one.
The bottom slider is the usual one. No need to elaborate on that one.
The middle slider is the one I have been missing, is allows you to answer with the speaker on in one slide. (Instead of three actions in the original dialer: slide to answer slide down that black thing and pressing on the speaker icon.)
The top slider is the real interesting one it allows you to ignore the incoming call and send the caller a SMS massage with a predefined text (slide right).
Slide left on the top slider to send your location (as Google Maps link) to the caller.
This option is a very convenient way to reply to calls that usually say: "you're late! Where are you?".
MSICS is an idea for an incoming call screen. I need someone to create it.
The picture was made with Photoshop, this is not real (YET!)
If you want to help making MSICS real, please contact me.
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It's going to be very handy if you manage to develop it man

i would love that, too.
it would be better if it were real~~~~

wow nice idea, and pretty useful too

krowdrah said:
One person thinks of an idea... shares it...and another idea is born.
What about a 4 way slider in the shape of a cross instead? Each direction could have a separate action associated with it:
Push UP: Answer call and start speaker phone
Push LEFT: Answer call in phone
Push RIGHT: Reject call
PUSH DOWN: Reject call and send SMS message.
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This would be awesome!!

u guys are making me lazy now.... ha ha
nice idea bro! keep it up


dialing from contacts

I've been using my Artemis for a week right now, and I must say I love the overall system !
One thing looks crappy to me: contacts.
I find it very difficult to dial using one hand only (expecially when driving).
I have hundreds of contacts (will be thousands in the near future)... figure it out using it from my car with no stylus looking for Doe, John:
- tap on contacts
- tap twice on "CDE" ... oh.. why is so damn small ?
- use the wheel to reach Doe, John
- press the blue button twice ... oh again ... this thing works as a joystick, and if not pressed correctly you will call your old aunt Dorothy in place of mr Doe !
So, I'm kindly asking to you WM5 gurus:
- is there an alternative way of doing all this process (keep in mind thousand contacts, so dont't tell me to use voice recognition)
- is there a way to make the "#ab","cde","fgh" buttons bigger ?
- disable the joystick feature and use just the wheel ?
Thanks in advance,
There is the "Intellidial" on the phone pad that allows you to dial Doe with just 3 presses of the phone keys Press the green button to go into phone function. Press on 3,6,3 successively. Even before you complete this, the name would be shown on the screen. If there are more than one number stored under this name you can use the scrollball left-right to see them. After this just press the scroll ball to dial. Simple.
It would save you a lot of heartache (and less "spam"onthis site) if you would take some time to search and read this and other forums
Merry X'Mas
wow ! Simpler than expected
Thanks !

Call, End Call, Call Ending, Balance and SMS Delivery Report sounds

I'm wondering if anyone can knows how to disable some (anoying for me) system sounds. I was searching and searching again with dif keywords and never had a sure response.
So.... Here it goes:
First ones: Done
The call and end call button sounds. When we press this buttons there is a "beep" that i want to get rid...
Red Button: HKLU\\ControlPanel\Sounds\Ending\Sound = *none*
Green Button: HKLU\\ControlPanel\Sounds\Dialing\Sound = *none*
Second: Done
When the call ends there is also a sound. A anoying "beep beep beep"...
Registry: HKLU\\ControlPanel\Sounds\CallDrop\Sound = *none*
Registry: HKLU\\ControlPanel\Sounds\NetWorkDrop\Sound = *none*
Third: Done
After a outgoing call ends there is a network message with the account ballance. Does anyone knows how to disable the sound of it?
Registry: HKLU\\ControlPanel\Sounds\USSDBuzz\Sound = *none*
Registry: HKLU\\ControlPanel\Sounds\InCallBuzz\Sound = *none*
Fourth: Done
Does anyone knows if there is the possiblity to remove the SMS delivery report sound? (Only sound, not disabling delivery report)
Resolution: Not a registry key, but this wonderfull freeware program will do the job: Sms Report Eraser
Finally everything is ok has i want.
Thanks to all
This might help it might not
If you go to Start>Settings>Personal>Sounds & Notifacations
you can uncheck the "Enable sounds for Events" Box
This got rid of that annoying Bong everytime you use hibernate or delete something
Thanks for the post, but is not what i am looking for!
No worries
I wasn't sure it would be but thought it may help
you can use "SchapsAdvandcedConfig" for disabling the delivery notification, theres also a registry key to change.
i´ve added a screenshot with the right line for the configuration your looking for.
I hope it may help you
Ok... Just found out some...
Only two to go...
HorsT_ said:
you can use "SchapsAdvandcedConfig" for disabling the delivery notification, theres also a registry key to change.
i´ve added a screenshot with the right line for the configuration your looking for.
I hope it may help you
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I don't want to disable the delivery notification.. Just want to disable it's sound! And continue with normal SMS notification. Don't know if it's possible.
Thanks anyway!
OK... Just found out allmost erveryone...
Only one more to go.
I been checking registry try to find if it's possible to disable the SMS delivery report sound, but can't find anything.
I think it uses the same registry has normal SMS.
But... Does anyone knows or can give me a hint, if i can make a workarround of this?
To filter if a received sms is delivery report or normal?
Hope someone can help.
Finaly i've got it everything has i want.
Updated first post with all the answers to my questions.
Thank you all who tried to help.
Good job! Thanks for sharing it!
how to add battery status in a bar which shows sound and network connectivity. the top bar
I'm curious... I'm about to install TotalCommander right now, but I've got a quick question:
I don't want to delete the dropped call/dialing/end call tones entirely, but instead I want to replace them. Would I just input the name of the file I want to replace it with within the registry, or...? How would that work?
I've reeaallly been wanting the Metal Gear codec open/close noise as those tones for a while... >3
Zecanilis said:
Fourth: Done
Does anyone knows if there is the possiblity to remove the SMS delivery report sound? (Only sound, not disabling delivery report)
Resolution: Not a registry key, but this wonderfull freeware program will do the job: Sms Report Eraser
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This software is no longer freeware, do you maybe have the freeware version of it and could you upload it somewhere.

Call progress plugin using the Sliding Panels Homescreen

I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I couldn't find, or at least I didn't see the answer for this.
I would like to know if it is possible to add the callprog plugin to the Sliding Panels Homescreen. The reason I ask is because there is times when I need to send a text or get some kind of information from my phone while I'm on talking on my phone and once I close the window that shows the call in progress I cannot go back.
Thank you in advance!
Sure you can.... just click the "back" key until it goes back to the dialer application. And no, regular homescreen plugins cannot be added to the sliding panels homescreen
also if you press the green "dial" key, that will also take you back to the call progress screen.
Yep that too....!
Thank you very much for all the info, appreciate it.

Any way to review all messages in Message Tab?

hi Guys
I was wondering whether there is a way to review all messages in the Message Tab?
It shows the last message that was received and i have to finger scroll up and down to see all the messages. Moreover, it doesn't show me all the sent messages too, so trying to figure out what the message was related to has led to some confusing conversation.
Is there a way to show all the messages in the tab ? Tried looking for it on this search forum, but I wasn't able to find any, possibly due to the wrong keywords.
Thanks !
I'm assuming you mean in the TouchFlo 3D interface... It took me a while to stumble on this one myself (but it made sense thinking about the interface with other tabs), but you can go through the messages by dragging your finger up and down on the message on-screen. Dragging bottom-to-top goes backwards chronologically, and top-to-bottom goes forward.
Hope that helps.
thanks for the post.
Yeah i know that is how to go through the messages.
I was hoping i could see all messages displayed on the tab, instead of one message.
Is there a way to do this ?
I don't think that's possible, but you can tab on the message to open up the TF3D interface to view the conversation thread with the recipient, or click on All Messages (left softkey menu) to open the Windows Mobile interface to see the list of messages with various recipients.
Thanks for the reply.
That kinda is inconvenient. i would like to see all the new messages from different people, and i had already missed a few messages without thinking of going through the All Messages tab.
Wished there was a way to see all incoming new messages from different people at least.
Seeing as how it's still WM 6.1, I figured I'd just reuse all the old programs from my Wing. So I reinstalled the 750v palm threaded SMS program (which overwrites the current messaging app) and all was good in the world. Well, only somewhat...
Unfortunately, MMS no longer works which is really weird because it worked perfectly fine on my Wing. Now when I try to send a MMS, I keep getting the "Out of Memory" error. Oddly enough, I never got that error on the Wing... and it had a fraction of the memory compared to this beast.
Hopefully when 6.5 comes out, this can be resolved (or a program that automatically marks all your SMS's as read). Until then, the only solution I have been able to find has already been mentioned... and that's to manually swipe through each message. Sucks if you're a big texter since you can easily rack up tens (if not hundreds) of messages in a short period of time.
Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, i am a huge texter and i am loving the TP2. I could practically write an essay on it, and i won't feel like it is bogging me down.
Hence why i had "ignored" so many messages lol
With my Vodafone brnaded Touch Pro2 the left soft key is programmed to show "all messages" guess this is what you want but not sure how they managed it, I presume it is a reg edit. Maybe someone else knows which one.
This is an interesting thread, as it highlights the design vs. functionality features of TF3D. As the author of this thread, me too would like to be able to see more than one message on the SMS tab and also have the option to have the reply go to the standard WM6.1 windows instead of the TF3D reply.
improwise said:
...and also have the option to have the reply go to the standard WM6.1 windows instead of the TF3D reply.
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You can already do this... kind of. When you go to the SMS tab, click left softkey for "All Messages." This will take you to the default SMS program you have on your phone (in my case, it will launch the Palm Threaded SMS). From here you can reply to any messages you have received. It takes a little longer to reply because you have to open the default SMS program then click the thread you want to reply to. Either way, it works.
Hope this helps!
Yeah I do heavy texting and emails but the touch flow 2d is really crappy. You can't even copy and paste!
I know I shouldn't say it but just simple think like the the safari web browser, sms messaging and big onscreen keypad is being missed on my iphone.
Maric said:
Yeah I do heavy texting and emails but the touch flow 2d is really crappy. You can't even copy and paste!
I know I shouldn't say it but just simple think like the the safari web browser, sms messaging and big onscreen keypad is being missed on my iphone.
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You can't copy and paste in the TP2 text program? Something I do every day on my Mogul? Geez, I really want this phone when it comes to Sprint, but that doesn't sound to good
TheBundo said:
You can't copy and paste in the TP2 text program? Something I do every day on my Mogul? Geez, I really want this phone when it comes to Sprint, but that doesn't sound to good
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Yeah it SMS on touchflo sucks bad. I am little weary with my purchase so far since I don't know I've run into a lot these little disappointments.
I guess I was spoiled by the iphone simple and clean interface. Even the dialpad seems kind of small and awkward to use. I am just hoping for some hardspl mods so I can see if this device can still woo me.
You CAN copy & paste from any SMS. Just open the message, or scroll down (if in threaded mode) to the item you want to copy, tap MENU, check SELECT TEXT, highlight the text, tap & hold then select copy.
It's 1 more step than before when I can simply highlight the text or number directly without having to tap menu. I guess the new TouchFlo 3D will have problems guessing if we want to highlight some text or scroll left/right when we slide our fingers across.
Putra said:
You CAN copy & paste from any SMS. Just open the message, or scroll down (if in threaded mode) to the item you want to copy, tap MENU, check SELECT TEXT, highlight the text, tap & hold then select copy.
It's 1 more step than before when I can simply highlight the text or number directly without having to tap menu. I guess the new TouchFlo 3D will have problems guessing if we want to highlight some text or scroll left/right when we slide our fingers across.
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When you said threaded mode, i am assuming you meant the Windows Mobile SMS app right ?
This is to clarify that the TF3D doesn't have the select text->cut and paste functionality but the Windows Mobile app does. You need to click on the left soft key "All messages" to bring up the Windows Mobile SMS screen, select the conversation, and you can then use Putra's instructions for text selection, copy and paste functionality.
Yes, in TF3D (or manila 2d), you can only read 1 sms at a time and limited to reply, forward & delete.
If you want to copy & paste, you need to open the Win Mob SMS application as outlined by btong1978

Tweeks Questions!!

Hi guys .. I just updated my htc from the old great tytn to the tp2
and I LOVE it
but i have some questions.
I tried the search as the seniors adviced but i didnt find an answer , hope u forgive me if my search was not that good.
my questions so far are:
1- in the call history there is no colour diff between miss calls or incoming or outgoing calls...all in black and white ..just the arrows to diff them..
is there a way to make them with colours using the defult theme?
2- in the new start there is some icons can not be removed or even moved to another place ( home , people , Calender and setting )
is there a way to change that ? even just to move them below only?
3- to answer the phone we must slide the button to the grean area, which i find silly why i can't just tap the great area to answer, is there a way to modify that ?
4- i found a way here in another thread to stop the new useless notification area, and i can tab the battery, volum and the network provider as in the old versions.
but is there a way to make the new notification area usefull and keep it rather than just disable it?
5- is there away to see my inbox sms's in the normal fashion not in the conversations way ?? i noticed that i cant know from that conversation after that the time of each sms that person sent me.
sorry if my questions were silly
and i hope some one have answers for me
2. check the sticky at the top of the thread, there should be a registry hack to fix this
3. just hit the Send key on the phone & it'll answer
4. I installed Topaz Notification Manager & it adds the Battery Status to the notification area & if you select the button it'll bring up the Power settings. Don't care about the volume since thats what the volume rocker is for. You may want to give it a try.
5. download Advanced Config 3.3 (& .NetCF 3.5) & disable threaded SMS.
For 4 & 5 check the Cabs, tricks, yada, yada, etc sticky at the top.
xnifex said:
2. check the sticky at the top of the thread, there should be a registry hack to fix this
3. just hit the Send key on the phone & it'll answer
4. I installed Topaz Notification Manager & it adds the Battery Status to the notification area & if you select the button it'll bring up the Power settings. Don't care about the volume since thats what the volume rocker is for. You may want to give it a try.
5. download Advanced Config 3.3 (& .NetCF 3.5) & disable threaded SMS.
For 4 & 5 check the Cabs, tricks, yada, yada, etc sticky at the top.
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thanx for the fast reply my friend
and sorry if my question seem stupid ..but what is the sticky at the top of the thread ?
and for the Topaz , will it make me able to check wifi status and the phone network status ?
and thanx for the sms conversation mode tip i will do it right away
oh that sticky !
ya ya i did check that before posting .. but i was not lucky or it was long thread or i didn't really understand it.
i remember another question
when sms comes in , the mob do not turn on from the sleep mode like it was on my tytn, it make the sound notification but do not that fixabel ?
I have another problems guys
i searched again for answer but can't find any although i remember i saw something about it
when i reply to an sms in the flow mode i receive no delivery report
and when i go to all messeges and see the inbox ..i see the sms i sent without the name of the recipiant but instead is his number and the (+)
also when the mob in sleep mode..some times it dose not recieve the sms till i wake it up again
some times
also in the call history ..some times when i go back to check i number i found it under known called !!! while its known and when i received that call it was under the correct name !!
whats going on guyzzzzzz
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help meeeeeeee
where is the powerful guys in the HTC world
help guyz
Colored Dialer History
Colored Call History
inspireqc said:
Colored Dialer History
Colored Call History
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this is great
thanxxxxxxxxx my friend

