Display problem - who can help - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Hello everybody,
-3 weeks ago a had the first problem with my display: it was gone and when i tried to reset the screen was almost un-alignable. only after a lot of resets it worked again!
-now since yesterday my screen stopped working. All the other functions work like phone etc., but I only see the backlight of the screen and nothing else. I tried to reset, hard-reset and took the whole artemis apart. Only saw a little black spot on the displayconnector (can it overheat?!)
When trying to reset for a hundred times it worked three times! I was able to do a hard-reset with screen, but that's it.
-Another thing I notice is that when I try to charge my artemis it takes longer then normal for the orange charging-light to light-up. Also after 10-15 seconds it starts to blink in stead of constant-lighting-up.
I'm running Artemis touch 4.02 with battery status on 201 mhz (was running 247 mhz until hard reset yesterday). Radiorom: 3.21.90. Accesoires: sandisk 8gb sdhc.
Who can help??? Will fitting a new display do the job?

What a coincidence, my screen also stopped functioning yesterday for several hours and I was forced to use mouse mode, until it just started working again but needed to be aligned several times over 20mins of use.
Today, same problem. It comes and goes, needs constant realigning...
I'll be doing some surgery again when I get home tomorrow, dunno about black spots yet.
I've just replaced the digitizer on it and I suspect a contact has come loose on the back of the LCD (I hope!).
Anybody else have any ideas?

so you think it's a problem of the display, rather then the main board or something like that? because I don't get a view on the display at all, only backlight.
I'm doubting on buying a new screen for about 40 US dollar. Would be sore if that didn't solve the problem.
p.s. took the artemis apart again yesterday: saw a minor damage on the display's connector. If that can cause all this, then a new screen would be the solution I think. But how does the connector get damaged???

bought new screen. problem fixed.

Did you buy just the digitizer or the whole screen?
I think by buying the cheapest digitizer I could find is where I went wrong, looks like I'm shopping for another one...


[Q] Time to say goodbye to BA ?

Hi all,
my BA and me spent 5 nice years together, during that period I have changed 3 screens and had no other problems but recently BA suprised me (just few months after the last screen replacement) with weird problem.
Screen work, digitizer work but funny, it usually miss the place where I touch the screen 5 around 5 mm to the right, then I draw a note for eg and moving right line I draw lags after the stylus, after I start to draw to the left everything is fine. Up and down is fine too. If I align everything is fine for a some time but when I try it later its messed up again.
I tought that its software problem but after the hard reset nothing changed.
Is this problem familiar to anyone? Is it a time to change a screen again?
I dont believe that its worth, BA is rather old phone but I have previous screen with good digitizer and if you say that I should try to change a digitizer I ll try it (any manual for that? I saw just 4 contacts but covered with plastic and digitizer seems to be glued to the screen)...
Any ideas before I burry my beloved BA
thanks, best regards to BA community and special greetz to Chef Tony
used to try to disassemble it, checked the cables - everything is fine (as long as I can see), they are connected nicely, beside that phone work fine, only problem is with the digitizer
Hello...friend, i got the same problem wit my Himalaya last time n guess what it works fine again after i put a small piece of paper between the phone n the battery..but unfortunately the charging port broken..
but i still have Blue Angel wit me wit no GSM problem..

[Q] Display nearly dead

Hi, I have a HTC Desire for 8 months and everything was working well.
But yesterday something went wrong with the display : it's like there is a bright filter on the screen. Then it get worse during the day : there was lines nearly everywhere but all horizontal and it was hard to see something on the phone (but everything working well I took control from my laptop and the only problem is the display). This morning, the screen was flashing, and sometimes all black so unusable. And now it's like yesterday morning, everything is bright (see the file attahed).
The phone felt a couple of times during his life, but nothing is broken cause I have a case to protect it. The last fall was two weeks ago so I don't understand.
So I looked for it on the forum but I'm not really sure : I heard about a Digitizer. Is it my problem ? Where can I buy something like this to replace it ? Is there another solution ?
Thanks for your help !

Random restarting and freezing [PICS ADDED]

Hi all, just want to describe some problems I've been having over the last week or so.
Basically, my Orbit suddenly developed the habit of randomly freezing and displaying wierd patterns on the screen and requiring a soft reset and also just randomly restarting.
I first noticed this about a week ago, the phone did fall out onto the driveway a few days ago but it wasn't nothing it hasn't been through before and the screen is FINE, no dead pixels nothing. This is the ROM I had on it when it first started happening: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=912989
My initial thought that it was something do with something installed on it, perhaps a software issue so I did a hard reset but same problems. I changed the ROM a few times but same problems. It's getting to the point where I have to look to buy a new phone.
It's quite difficult to describe what happens when the device freezes. I will try and get a picture or video but it's at random . The best way I can describe it is that it the device freezes, a section of the screen goes black slowly before the remaining section fades to black completely sometimes showing white lines. Moreoever, when I say the screen goes black, I don't mean that it goes off, the screen remains on but black.
Perhaps it is a hardware issue with a loose/faulty connection somewhere? My first thought was that it could be down to the screen connection but when the phone is working, the screen is absolutely normal.
Any suggestions are welcome. Please bear in mind that I've got no trouble in opening the device if needs be (had to change the LCD screen myself, I know, I know, go me! ). Thanks in advance!
Just noticed something. I've had it lying around re-filling up the inbox from a backup but as soon as I attached the charger, the problem occured, so could it be down to something from that as a result?
I've just managed to take a few pics. Theres quite a bit of glare unfortunately however this type of pattern doesn't always occur, sometimes it's less noticable than that.
hi dude,
my first thought was battery but now thinking you might have a loose connection with the motherboard and lcd.
i would check lcd ribbon that connects to motherboard first, obviously you know exacly what i meen, if that is not the problem i would buy a new battery (charge while off, do not turn on untill fully charged new battery)
if both of these do not do the trick then i would consider buying a new device. (unless anyone else has any ideas??)

Screen died?

Last night I was out and during the night I pulled my desire z out of my pocket to find that the screen was dead, the soft touch buttons were still lit up and working but no display. I pulled the battery and tried to reboot and no luck, you can hear it booting and even unlock/receive calls and txts etc once it has booted up just the screen stays blank the whole time so have to do everything on feel.
Essentially does this just mean my screen has a hardware fault? is it worth trying to fix? I assume the only option would be to purchase a replacement screen and dissemble and reassemble it?
(warranty is not worth it as I live in New Zealand and would have to send my phone back to the UK where I bought it from, also I have dropped it quite a few times so probably voided anyway...)
Thanks in advance for any input
Does it never display anything? So not even a flash during boot or something?
Because then it is probably a hardware problem.
Since the soft touch buttons do still work I think there might be a little crack or something in the flat cable that connects the bottom half with the top.
Maybe you could check whether you can see if the cable is broken or not?
The best thing to do then is to look for a replacement and try to fix it yourself or bring it to a shop where they can do it for you.
No it never displays anything, completely dead the whole time. The touch input is still working though as I answered a phone call this morning on it by making the usual gesture just without being able to see anything. Doesnt seem to be anything wrong with the cable itself as far as I can see. Yea might have to get someone to have a look at it.
My phone is acting the same. I dropped my phone in the pond before, but pulled battery out on time and had it in rice for a day. My phone was still working for about two weeks after that incident. I dropped it and had one little crack at the top of the screen and about a week after that it died when I had a water balloon fight with the phone in my pocket. D;
Do any of you know if the replacement lcd screen/digitizer for the Desire Z would work for the G2?
I had the same thing happening to my G2 screen, only it was intermittently working for a little while, then just completely died and wouldn't work. It was doing this crazy flickering thing then the back light wouldn't go on at all. If I held the phone at a certain angle in the sun, I could see that the pixels were indeed working on the display, but there was no backlight to make them normally visible.
So I purchased a replacement screen from ebay and carefully followed the directions on a youtube video for a G2 take apart. Its not a hard task to take apart and get down to the screen itself. It was rather easy. After putting it back together the screen still didn't work! Sounds work, i can also receive calls etc. But the screen still doesn't work!
Is there any way that this could be a software issue?
Oh and PS, I believe the LCD replacement would work for both the desire Z and the G2. They are identical phones after all right? I'd say its a safe bet. The screen I bought was only 35 bucks. Didn't think that was a bad deal.
Another dead screen or something else?
Few days ago my phone fell of the couch onto a rug - no big deal, so far it has survived much worse, but when I picked it up, the colors were all messed up - overly green and red. Tried restarting - no luck. Everything worked fine, except the colors, but then the screen turned of completely. I could hear notifications, phonecalls, but the screen was dead. After some tapping on the screen, it turned on again - with ****ed up colors. Then started flickering and was gone again. Few more times I could turn it on by tapping before it was dead for good.
Figured, after all these drops it survived, maybe the screen connector is a bit loose. I mean, I could sometime get a contact when tapping it, so I dissasambled it completely, secured all the connection, put it all back tougether and fired up - same thing: dead screen, phone working.
Has anyone had such problem before? Is it screen that is dead, or connector or... I have no clue... I would like try to fix it on my own, with some replacement parts I could get on ebay - but, what gave?

HTC 10 Half of Display Not Working After Screen Replacement

The battery on my HTC 10 was completely shot and needed to be replaced. I'm a careful person by nature and this being my first phone repair, I bought an extra screen just in case something happened getting it apart. Followed a guide by jerryrigeverything on how to take apart the phone, got the battery replaced, everything seemed to go smoothly. When I went to test the display before screwing everything together, the new screen I installed lit up, but the right half of the display only showed as a repeating segment from the middle of the screen. Thinking the connector was loose, I disconnected and reconnected the display and made sure everything was tight: same problem. I reinstalled the original display, which I made sure had worked after cutting through the adhesive before I disconnected it, and now the old display is also showing the same issue.
The touch screen on the broken side of the display still works, I'm able to type PIN numbers and whatnot even though I can't see them properly. Only thing I can think of is maybe the connection actually got some debris or something inside of it? I don't think I damaged anything, as I was super careful, but it was also my first time opening up a phone.
Sorry for the inefficiently worded post. Any help would be really appreciated.
Did you resolve this?
I have exactly the same issue you describe after my screen replacement (with two new screens) Believing the first was a dud.
I have done many screens/batteries on my m7, m8's previously never having a problem.
I'm currently back to running my M8 and miss my 10!
Anyone reading this and has any suggestions they are all welcome!!
Thank you in advance
Exactly the same issue this guy has
I'm now wondering if it is just bad aftermarket screens?
Has anyone else replaced their screen successfully, if so where did you get the screen?
Thanks Rory
I have been having the same problem. I just tested screen number 4 that has the same exact problem. Is there a specific brand that is known to test well?
I dropped my 10 in water at work...believe it was a salty water at that. It stopped working completely. I opened the phone to check the internal components for damage and I broke the LCD doing so. I replaced the battery and the screen at almost the same time. I think it may have been a week or two apart.
The battery is still working. The screen worked initially but the phone kept getting really hot and the heat kills the phone. I tried keeping it cool at all times which kept it operational. It hasn't been activated since I quickly replaced the phone with another of my lines upgrades. I went back to the phone to check it out and try using it as a replacement for my daughter but the screen no longer works.
The battery charges just fine...the led light indicates that well. I've tried reinstalling it several times with no success getting the screen working again. I tried the original screen to check and I could see light and it was responding but its not usable so I'm stuck with a phone that has a new non-working display. I think the brand was called DIYRepair or similar.
If anyone has encountered this and has advice...I'd be happy to try anything.

