Wi-Fi, Bluetooth On/Off Mapped to Button - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I have searched the forums for anything that might allow a one-touch bluetooth or wi-fi on/off switch. I have seen some solutions for devices using MS Bluetooth stack but none for Widcomm (for my SX66). And I have seen nothing for wi-fi. I know I am being a little bit lazy, but does anything like this exist? Thanks

CicleBT for Bluetooth. It is program that switches it on or off with one icon. Then you can map it to a button on your device. |Dunno if it is MS BT Stack or Widcom stack based.


Bluetooth Versions - General

Seems to be a lot of problems/issues spread across the forums concerning bluetooth and XDA2/XDA2i in general. :?
Would a specific Bluetooth Forum be an idea, to try and zero in on some of these issues? :idea:
Now that there are an increasing number of BT devices/uses - GPS, headsets, headphones, cameras, laptops, fridges, car setups etc.. it would be good to be able to share info on those uses that actually work well .... and those that don't.
As a starter .....
What is considered the best and most stable BT setup for XDA2 and XDA2i? Does this vary depending on what you are using it for - handsfree, TomTom, or built-in carphone ?
For my own setup, I am using an XDA2i (Bluetooth v1.0.0-3900 by Broadcom) - this works about 75% of the time with my JabraBT250v.
I also have bluetooth factory-fitted by Audi in my car - but as yet it is intermittent when connecting to the XDA2i and will not recognise the SIM addressbook like it is supposed to do.
The car makes the bluetooth link OK, and I can make calls (even using Audi's Voicedial 8) ) but it then drops out/reconnects every four minutes :evil: Very annoying, but suppose it keeps the call costs down :roll: Is this likely to be the car dropping the phone or the phone dropping the car? Any fixes or hints ?
I have a spare XDA2 that I will happily use as a testbed to try and get different Bluetooth versions working - just be patient with me as I'm a novice !
as far as i know then which bluetooth version is supported is in the Hardware and can never be altered
but what you can do is to change bluetooth stack from MS to vidcomm / broadcom
it solves some issues but creates others try doing a search for vidcomm OR broadcom

GPS receivers for xda exec

There seems to be lots of questions relating to gps receivers not pairing with o2 xda exec especially with tomtom. Most solutions say you must designate com 6 to work. But I am only offered com 4 amd 8 all others unable to connect. Is there a general problem with bluetooth and XDA? When I load up tomtom under GPS it says I must pair first! which I have done. Is there one easy way to pair bluetooth or is it a case of try lots of different ways to see which works. Any thoughts would help. :!:
this always works for my bluetooth gps.
Turn blootooth on.
Start bluetooth manager
Turn on bluetooth GPS
Select NEW from bottom left menu in bluetooth manager
Scroll down to explore Bluetooth device
If keyboard appears type 0000 into keyboard and then Enter.
Once done you should have an icon in BT shortcuts - BUT you need two ICONS so repeat the above actions again.
Now you should have two icons for your BT GPS.
One BT GPS SPP (1)
One BT GPS SPP (slave)
The reason - one is the up channel one is the down channel.
Double tap either one and they go live.
Run TOMTOM and it should work fine.
What a lot of BT GPS users do is establish just one connection Icon which they think will make everything work OK. You actually need two Icons.
This problem drove me nuts for two whole days - my battery went flat and I re-installed Tomtom then the bt gps but didn't realise I only had one BT connection instead of two.
If you have done they above and Tomtom doesn't find the BT GPS try doing a configure within tomtom and select Other BT GPS device - that should fix it.

Trouble with Wifi and Bluetooth at same time

I've searched around for this and can't find anything, so maybe someone can help to point me in the right direction or let me know that at least the problem is known but not fixed yet.
I can't get Wifi and Bluetooth to work on my 8525 with WM6, currently using Schap's 3.54c rom and radio version 1.48.
I have motorola s805 stereo bluetooth headphones and would like to stream radio over my work's wifi and hear it on my headphones.
The problem is Neither wifi or bluetooth work reliably when used at the same time, (no problems individually). I have even tried reducing the bit pool, but can't take it below 24 because it sounds to bad then, but it still doesn't work.
Anyone have any ideas or can at least verify you have the same problem?
I have the same issue when trying to play internet radio over wifi with my ht820 a2dp linked to the jasjam (Sleuths v2 rom). The only time i ever got a2dp and wifi streaming to work was with the widcomm bt driver that is now extinct.
Thus i have come to the conclusion that the problem is not with the hw but has more to do with the standard ms bt stack.
If anyone has found a workaround please do share
Thats a start
Thanks, that is helpful.
I remember seeing a widcomm stack thread....
I'm going to check that out, also if there is a specific rom that comes with the widcomm stack I'd be interested to know.
I find that with bluetooth turned on I can associate to my Cisco AP at all. As soon as I turn Bluetooth off it works fine.
I had hoped my issue was due to the way the particular WM6 was put together but now Im using offical Dopod and it is the same.
Widcomm stack
Well I found this
at the end of the Widcomm stack for Hermes development thread.
I'm not sure where it came from, but I installed it and so far I can use IE while connected to my home wireless network, and listen to music on my headphones.
The com manager will not show bluetooth as being on, but go to settings-bluetooth and you can re-pair.
Currently I'm getting some hiccups, but its working at least. I'll keep you updated and I would still like to see a rom that incorporates this stack so that the com manager works right.
It also changes the headset icon on the top bar.
I'm streaming SomaFM with no problems!
AVRCP problems
I didn't notice this at first, but after the widcomm stack has been installed the AVRCP functions don't work... so Im going back.
It works in WMP, just not audiomanager anymore.
Bricking Blog
Pretty much what this thread has turned into.
If you install that cab above, don't uninstall it, you'll get bricked.
helpful reading

Bluetooth problems (profile switching)

I have a problem with my bluetooth.
In general BT functions ok, but none of the profile switching programs (Phonealarm, G-Profile, SPB Phone Suite) iv'e tried can switch bluetooth on and off automatically.
I always use that kind of program for use with a carkit while driving and stuff.
My guess it has something to do with the bluetooth stack used in the TP2, but I'm not sure.
Can someone tell me more about this?
Or maybe a workaround?
Is there a way to start/stop bluetooth by code?
Your guessing is right.
HTC switched from the WM BT-stack, to the WidComm BT-stack.
So if a BT program doesn't work, they'll have to fix it, so it talks with de WidComm stack.

Can't pair my BA with GPS Navigator

I have a car GPS Navigator which has a feature to pair with a mobile phone or PDA via bluetooth to use it as handsfree, view contacts, make calls from GPS screen ans so on. Both devices can see each other via bluetooth but the problem is that they can't pair. My BA has WM6.1 installed, I haven't any problems with bluetooth yet. May be BA does't support this functionality or it does'n have appropriate Bluetooth Profile ?
May be it would be useful to someone with similar issue. My bluetooth problem has been resolved just by installing WM6.5 ROM ! I've tried almost all versions of WM6.5 located on xda-developers and every one has the bt stack much better than WM6.1 has.

