GPS receivers for xda exec - General Accessories

There seems to be lots of questions relating to gps receivers not pairing with o2 xda exec especially with tomtom. Most solutions say you must designate com 6 to work. But I am only offered com 4 amd 8 all others unable to connect. Is there a general problem with bluetooth and XDA? When I load up tomtom under GPS it says I must pair first! which I have done. Is there one easy way to pair bluetooth or is it a case of try lots of different ways to see which works. Any thoughts would help. :!:

this always works for my bluetooth gps.
Turn blootooth on.
Start bluetooth manager
Turn on bluetooth GPS
Select NEW from bottom left menu in bluetooth manager
Scroll down to explore Bluetooth device
If keyboard appears type 0000 into keyboard and then Enter.
Once done you should have an icon in BT shortcuts - BUT you need two ICONS so repeat the above actions again.
Now you should have two icons for your BT GPS.
One BT GPS SPP (1)
One BT GPS SPP (slave)
The reason - one is the up channel one is the down channel.
Double tap either one and they go live.
Run TOMTOM and it should work fine.
What a lot of BT GPS users do is establish just one connection Icon which they think will make everything work OK. You actually need two Icons.
This problem drove me nuts for two whole days - my battery went flat and I re-installed Tomtom then the bt gps but didn't realise I only had one BT connection instead of two.
If you have done they above and Tomtom doesn't find the BT GPS try doing a configure within tomtom and select Other BT GPS device - that should fix it.


tomtom 5 & bluetooth gps

just got myself tomtom 5. unfortunately cant hook up my gps which is Altina GBT708. It is a bluetooth gps which i could use successfully with previous versions of tomtom on com port 6 now it dosent work. any tips. tried using com port 5 patch in other forums still no result. tried installing previous version of gps driver over current still nothing.
TomTom5 is a pain in the butt to configure your GPS. I have the NavMan GPS sleeve for the IPAQ and just sleecting NavMan GPS from the settings screen doesn't work. I had to configure a standard NMEA GPS unit and set the baud rate to 38400 and then it worked. Play about with the settings, one will work eventually!
how do you go about doing that.i have been trying to select various options dosent seem to work
I am having the same problems with a Fortuna Clip-on Bluetooth GPS. Worked fine with previous TT3 and works fine with Memory-Map software.
The only thing I noticed is that you can pick com port but not the baud rate.
Any help on this would be appreciated. :?:
Just select standard wired GPS or standard bluetooch GPS (wired in my case). It then asked for baud rate. I searched the web to find the right baud rate to set for my device.
i chose the standard bluetooth gps. then it asked me to selected the port. so i selected com port 6. after that it just doesnt do anything. for tomtom 4.44 it goes to bluetooth manager automatically and asks to confirm the gps device
After selecting Standard bluetooth the next screen asks what the unit is connected too and after selecting com6 nothing happens?
If I select TomTom bluetooth I get some blue light flashes from the GPS unit and that is it.
Mine is wires, not bluetooth so I can't help I'm afraid.
I have Orange SPVm2000, TT5, Fortuna Clip-on Bluetooth GPS, Motorola HS850 Bluetooth Headset and have them all working together.
I had the same problem as reported hear of not being able to setup GPS on com 6, TT5 would either freeze when selecting com 6 or no communication would start between GPS and PDA.
First my observations:-
Always start to configure GPS with a soft reset this is a must as this is the only way I can guarantee a connection now that I have it working.
The only time I could get the blue light to flicker on my GPS was when I selected TomTom GPS receiver
When I select Com6 I am not given the option to select baud rate?
The sequence of events that made the final connecton:-
Do a soft rest.
I selected TomTom Bluetooth GPS and left the PDA and GPS trying to communicate for 5mins. During this time the blue light on the GPS flashes at different rates.
I then selected "Other Bluetooth GPS" then Com6 and it sprang into life.
This is not a guaranteed solution, but it worked for me. Why?
The problem is clearly with TT5, as I have no problems with this setup with other navigation software.
Remember in TT5 if it fails to connect once it will not connect at all until you do a soft reset of your PDA.
Hope this helps.
Daron at Tekguru seems to have solved this problem:
"...I've resolved the issue, which stems I think from the BT GPS unit I use (Emtec as supplied with CoPilot Live).
It seems that TTN5 has decided it is not a valid BT unit, which is a major grr.....
But in the end after a good hour of hard resetting the machine to give me a clean platform I've found the following works (assuming BT is on and the GPS already paired):
- Tap on the screen and select Change Preferences (big spanner)
- Tap the black triangle until it says Preferences 4 of 6
- Select Configure
- Select 'Another cabled NMEA GPS' set the GPS Baud Rate at 38400 and select DONE.
The BT wizard will then allow you to select the correct bluetooth port, for my machine it was the top of the two BT ports (COM 8 - if you tap and hold).
You will notice a small orange and black circle at the top right of the screen this will start to spin if you are connected to the GPS if it does not spin then soft reset the PDA and try again.
This did take three tries before it connected for me but it worked beautifully.
TTN5 uses a superb VGA graphics set and it looks damned beautiful! Worth the effort but by God TT could have made it less painful!"
Hi, might be worht giving my post here a look
Might be able to help you.... James
I was a bit sceptical at first but xda-rocks found the solution from us. he might not be the one to find it but atleast brought it to our attention. im sure a lot of people were suffering with this problem and will be pleased that they can use their tt5 at last. i had almost given up hope at one point and move back to tt4.44 as i find tt3.07 utterly rubbish, slow and without features.
i can now start playing round with the gps once again like when i first got my m2000...
TT5 & Blutooth
Hi Guys
I thought I would post this. I had the same problem with TT5 and it not connecting to my BT gps until I installed 5.10 . The only problem is that I already got my refund from TT due to lack of functionality. I had to install a cracked ver off of the net and Piratebay has a 5.10 hack on there now. I think I will reorder my TT5 as it seems to work great now.

BT 338 on TOMTOM 5

Ok this might sound a bit dumb to you guys but I'm having a little situation here.
I got tomtom 5.1 and just got the glabalsat bt338 receiver.
I have paired the device with my xda as I have paired a nokia BT headset.
When I switch on the nokia headset and bluetooth, the pda and headset establish a connection automatically.
I would like to do the same for the bt338. As soon as the bluetooth is on, it should establish a connection.
I am not able to do this. I have to click on the bluetooth manager, double click the bt338 for it to establish the connection. Then I have to exit bt manager and turn on tom tom. Still tomtom does not detect the GPS receiver until I click on the GPS device settings and select OTHER BT RECEIVER and then select Blutooth receiver on COM5.
Only then does the GPS show any life.
I would like to know how to get the BT338 to work by just turning on TOMTOM.
It should authenticate and establish the connection on its own, and by the time its up, i should be able to input a destination.
Confusing? No?
easy there mate, give it time....once you have the BT338 paired with your handset, switch everything off.
then 1st switch on your BT338, then switch on your PDA...start up TomTom and leave it for at least 1 should switch on Bluetooth automatically and connect to the BT338, i had this issue and the 5.1 update solved it...let us know if successful.

XDA Exec and Holox BT-321 GPS Receiver

hi there
new to this forum which looks very interesting. Hence asking answer for a problem.
i have bought a Holox BT-321 gps receiver which is blue tooth enabled and i am trying my xda exec to recognise it. aftre turning both devices on xda can see the receiver but puts a yellow question mark before its name.
when turn the gps software on ((Medion Navigator) it does not recognise presence of the gps receiver.
i have great hopes that out there some one does know the answer to this.
to me it appears a software conflict as xda can not install this receiver.
i have tried O2 but they politely refused and asked me to contact gps receiver makers who in turn say the receiver is working fine!!
i was about to pay for a software pathway for sale at ebay but it had been banned by the ebay.
so help please
mohammad asif
Assuming that you did set a port for it (not sure whether it's incoming or outgoing) on the Exec for the GPS unit, you'll probably have to set the port to see the GPS unit on the software also.
That's how I got my GPS unit to work with my software. Please note that the software and the GPS unit that I'm using are not the same as yours. So results might vary.
I too am having exactly the same issues with the Holox 321 and o2 Exec. If anyone has had success pairing a using these two devices and can post a step-by-step walkthrough on how to do it I'd be very grateful.
MDA Pro and BT321
I have got exactly the same problem. It seem that the bluetooth works but the GPS receiver is not recognised. I was thinking of it could be missing drivers or something along those lines
I'm seeing a trend...
hi all,
My m8 has one of them on an XDA2i and the only way we could get it working with TT5 was to set it up as other NMEA GPS on com 6, that did the trick
hope that helps
Thanks BBD, that may help. Trouble is though, I can't even get it to pair correctly. The Exec seems to go through the motions, but the blue light that's meant to flash whenpairing is successful just stays solid.
I also get the question mark appear next to the device in the list of BT devices. What OS is your friend using? WM5 or PPC2003?
hi m8,
he is using WM2003SE, he two has the question mark beside his device I think that just means it does not have a Windows Certificate nothing more, just cheked my TOMTOM device has the question mark too and that works fine
just double checked and this is how it worked, pair the GPS receiver up, then go into TomTom and use the NMEA devices with baud rate of 38400 then select bluetooth on com6 and bingo bango your off
I think my problem occurs before TT5 is even invloved. From what I've seen WM2005 is very different from PPC2003 as far as BT goes.
I search for a new device and the BT-321 is seen as normal. I select it then enter the sec. key; ok so far. then I'm ask what services I want to use (only "serial port" is available). I select this, then finish. At this point I expect the blue BT light to start flashing telling me I have a successful pairing, but it stays solid. I have tried creating a new outgoing port, but no change.
Until I can get a successful pairing my BT port doesn't appear in the list in TT5, so I can't select it.
I wish I could find someone who has successfully paired these two devices...
I can pair my mini s to the bluetooth reciever, but not tt5
i have paired my bluetooth reciever with my xda mini s but when i go to select it in tt5 none of the comports correspond with any i can pair the reciever with. I have installed bttools but this hasnt helped either. someone suggested i needed to build a com port but i dont know where to start, and they also said its because its an xda that theres comport problems, i donubt im the first one with this issue. i pray someone can help me out, would be much appriciated.
email [email protected]
Same problem on my Wizard with the Gpslim 236. However, my fiend brought over his rikaline last night and it worked very quickly. Go figure. I think I'll be exchanging today.
I got the BT321 working with the Universal no problem.
It paired okay, gave me the COM Port option which I took, showed the icon with ? on it.
Going to the COM Ports tab, I created an outgoing port (COM0).
In TT5.21 (I think you need the latest version of TT5) I selected COM0 and after a while it found it no problem..
paring xda exec + gps holux 236
i did pare the 2 after updating tomtom to 5.21 free from tomtom web site then u get com 8 were u can set the outgoing port from the xda ,voila
I have XDA EXEC and have successfully installed the Holux BT-321 Bluetooth GPS. It runs perfectly with a number of GPS applications - so I know the port/Bluetooth configuration is ok. I had to choose an unused com port (0 or 4 work fine). (Ports 1,2,3,6,7,and 9 seem to be already used by the XDA EXEC - so could not be seleted).
BUT (going back to the first post) Medion Navigator (4.2) does NOT recognise the new GPS port. Instead it has options to select ports com1,2,3,6,7,9 but not the "new" port where the GPS is actually configured!
Does anyone have any ideas about this?
After several hours trawling forums and trying lots of things here's what worked for me on an XDA Exec running WM5. In fact I was shocked when it worked! In return for this can someone please think up the next thing after Toothache! The WM5 bluetooth connection thing could also do with a re-write - as could the WM5/XDA Exec instructions/FAQs/help, etc... on BT:
If your aim is to get TomTom working AND you're using a non-TomTom BT GPS, try this (the TomTom GPS seems to install itself without much problem):
1. Pair the GPS with your device BEFORE installing TomTom, because the GPS port needs to be already setup on your device for TomTom to recognise when installed.
2. Then install TomTom
3. Launch the BT connection thing in WM5. Make sure the BT is discoverable (first tab). Select 'Security' tab and ensure 'Authentication (Passkey) required is checked.
4. Go to 'Devices' tab and select 'new partnership...' The pairing thing should find your GPS and will then ask for the passkey - select next WITHOUT entering anything even if there's a passkey. If you enter the passkey now you will not get step 5 which is a crucial milestone.
5. The device should now ask if you want to add the GPS to your list, select yes
6. The name of the GPS is shown. Ensure 'serial' port is checked and hit next
7. You will be asked for the passkey again - enter it this time
8. At this point the GPS may look like it's not paired. The lights may flash as if unpaired. You'll also get a question mark icon next to the GPS in your list. Not to worry.
9. Select 'com ports' tab and select 'new outgoing port'. You should see your GPS listed. Select it and hit next. From the list of ports select COM8. Make sure the 'Secure connection' is UNCHECKED - otherwise you'll be pairing everytime you start TomTom! Select Finish. You should see your GPS (COM8) listed in 'COM ports' tab.
10. Turn off 'device is discoverable' (first tab).
11. Now install TomTom. Having installed the GPS as above, TomTom will now know about COM8 i.e. where your GPS is to be found. If you hadn't done that first there would be no COM8 and no GPS connected to it as far as TomTom is concerned.
12. Turn on the GPS
13. Launch TomTom and go to 'preferences/ GPS Settings'. Select 'configure'. Select 'Other bluetooth GPS'
14. You should get a list of ports and with any luck you should see 'COM8' - select it and hit 'done'.
15. I think at this point the GPS page in TomTom came alive, or maybe I had to restart TomTom - can't remember. And it works thus far!
Toothache - what a palaver!
BT/GPS Problems
I have a program that can sort out the com port problems between the bluetooth and gps software.
I have included the program as an attachment, just unzip it into your PC, make sure you reboot your PDA, sync your PDA to the PC and run setup.
Problems solved.
bigbird49 said:
I have a program that can sort out the com port problems between the bluetooth and gps software.
I have included the program as an attachment, just unzip it into your PC, make sure you reboot your PDA, sync your PDA to the PC and run setup.
Problems solved.
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I`m a new member.After installing your litle tool i can`t start this application and also can`t find it under programs or anywhere else?
I`m using a T-Mobile MDA Compact II with WM5 latest ROM, a Holux BT321 and TomTom6. `have expierences with BT and XDA`s using TT5 for a long time.
After upgrading to new devices and new sw i have the following problems:
I can connect the BT321 as a BT Mouse and get a good signal.Using TomTom6 the navigation works with a delay of round about 100 meter. I`m looking for a resolution to connect the BT321 via the NMEA Interface.
Britishbulldog said:
hi all,
My m8 has one of them on an XDA2i and the only way we could get it working with TT5 was to set it up as other NMEA GPS on com 6, that did the trick
hope that helps
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I have tried your advice and it works a treat, thanks to you and everybody else who contribute to this forum

com ports and Bluetooth GPS settings

can some one here please help me this is driving me mad for days now i have been looking thro the forums at some of the posts how to set up tomtom 5 and how to setup the gps bluetooth receiver i have followed all instructions how to but iam not getting any where tomtom is installed Ok the gps control panel is installed but i cant seem to get any blue tooth com ports to show up in tomtom apart from
qct data interface
RIL on com6
serial cable on com1
Ir on com3
if i rember when i had it installed on my xda2i when i went to tomtom and
bluetooth other then com ports i could pick from tow bluetooth coms 5 & 6
this really is getting to me now i do believe it possible to do it there guys selling the info on ebay with pictures of it running on the XDA exec but i just cant seem to do it
please i would be so greatfull for any help i only got the phone last week i like it
TomTom & Bluetooth GPS
Hi there,
I am just guessing but give it a try, as i am using a cradle based GPS device bcs i wanna use the bluetooth headset as well during drive.
1. Try to first pair your Bluetooth GPS device with ur phone.
2. Once pairing is done, start TomTom
3. Goto ""ChangePreference->ShowGPS Status->Configure->Other Bluetooth GPS.
(Com1 is for the wired NMEA GPS device)
Your phone must within the connection of ur Bluetooth GPS device, now try BLUETOOTH SERIAL PORT Com5.
Try if its help
Re: TomTom & Bluetooth GPS
sidd said:
Hi there,
I am just guessing but give it a try, as i am using a cradle based GPS device bcs i wanna use the bluetooth headset as well during drive.
1. Try to first pair your Bluetooth GPS device with ur phone.
2. Once pairing is done, start TomTom
3. Goto ""ChangePreference->ShowGPS Status->Configure->Other Bluetooth GPS.
(Com1 is for the wired NMEA GPS device)
Your phone must within the connection of ur Bluetooth GPS device, now try BLUETOOTH SERIAL PORT Com5.
Try if its help
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Hi Sidd,
I have tried that. The problem is that the phone won't allow me to connect to any other port than 8, 4 and 0 and in the Tom Tom menu there is no option of chosing those ports.
Thanks for advice anyway.
Hi Rob,
Make sure ur Beam is OFF
(By the way I am in London, where r u?)
One more idea :idea:
1. Pair ur GPS
2. Once pairing is done, switch OFF ur phone's bluetooth (bcs ur phone is engaging the com ports), do not switch OFF ur GPS.
3. Now soft reset ur phone, make sure the Bluetooth is still ON
4. Start TomTom, see if there are more ports now. Try 5 or 6
Hi Sidd,
Thanks for another piece of advice but unfortunately that did not help either My Beam is OFF and I've tried the way with soft reset but that did not work either. I am getting desperate here
My device is XDA Exec and I am using (or at least trying to use) a BT GPS receiver with it. After pairing devices everything seems to be all right except the fact that I am not able to assign any other ports than 0, 4 and 8 to be used with GPS receiver. As I mentioned earlier there is no option of choosing any of these ports in TomTom5 software with the only options as follows:
qct data interface
RIL on com6
serial cable on com1
Ir on com3
Maybe you know any ComPort Manager software I could use to assign the Bluetooth connection to a specific port?
As far as my location is concerned I am in Hayes - that's Zone5 near Heathrow airport.
Which TomTom u using, is it the legal version or ****. Do u wanna meet, so we can try my version?
I am in Pinner, do u drive?
Hi all,
I have exactaly the same message and problem.
Please if you found a solution help me. i installed my tom tom today so I expect that you may solved your problem by now.
please help me you have been in this situation and you know what i am through.
Hi all,
I had exactly the same problem than you guys...
But first of all I couldn't even install tomtom5.
The version 5.0 crashed in every attempt to install and version 5.21, simply crashed when choosing the map.
Well, I'll try to put every step I did to get it working.
First of all, had the BT GPS paired with K-JAM and set new outgoing port COM6 to it. (in my case I only had COM6 or COM7).
1 - With the full copy of 5.0 version on HDD, replaced setup.exe with the one from the 5.21 update (this allowed the setup for 5.0 to run, and is the one that has the file);
2 - Updated with version 5.21;
3 - Copied the map to \Storage Card\
4 - In Windows created the file CurrentMap.dat using Notepad containing: & \Storage Card\XXXX-Map\ (where XXXX is the map name. the final \ is mandatory);
5 - Copied the to device and run it;
At this point I was having the same problem (both COM6 nor COM7 appears in tomtom)
6 - Downloaded the attached here and installed it;
7 - Executed this program, configured it to COM6 (port I had configured BT GPS to work with) selected the correct baud rate (very important, it's on the user's manual of the BT GPS) and click Start GPS to check it's response to the program;
8 - Click Close GPS so that the COM port was not in use;
9 - Started tomtom, edit the settings and chose Other Bluetooth GPS.
Now the ports COM6 and COM7 was there!!!!
10 - Chose COM6 and in 10 seconds tomtom was trying to aquire satelites.
I hope this helps you all. I spent weeks trying to make tomtom work and I got it working yesterday.
BTW, excellent forum. If it wasn't this forum (and another one only in portuguese I was still mad with this thing.
Good luck in your adventures.
I installed the gpsinf but it did not solve anything
Thanx for the help
Pairing a GPS with XDA Exec to get TomTom working
After several hours trawling forums and trying lots of things here's what worked for me on an XDA Exec running WM5. In fact I was shocked when it worked! In return for this can someone please think up the next thing after Toothache! The WM5 bluetooth connection thing could also do with a re-write - as could the WM5/XDA Exec instructions/FAQs/help, etc... on BT:
If your aim is to get TomTom working AND you're using a non-TomTom BT GPS, try this (the TomTom GPS seems to install itself without much problem):
1. Pair the GPS with your device BEFORE installing TomTom, because the GPS port needs to be already setup on your device for TomTom to recognise when installed.
2. Then install TomTom
3. Launch the BT connection thing in WM5. Make sure the BT is discoverable (first tab). Select 'Security' tab and ensure 'Authentication (Passkey) required is checked.
4. Go to 'Devices' tab and select 'new partnership...' The pairing thing should find your GPS and will then ask for the passkey - select next WITHOUT entering anything even if there's a passkey. If you enter the passkey now you will not get step 5 which is a crucial milestone.
5. The device should now ask if you want to add the GPS to your list, select yes
6. The name of the GPS is shown. Ensure 'serial' port is checked and hit next
7. You will be asked for the passkey again - enter it this time
8. At this point the GPS may look like it's not paired. The lights may flash as if unpaired. You'll also get a question mark icon next to the GPS in your list. Not to worry.
9. Select 'com ports' tab and select 'new outgoing port'. You should see your GPS listed. Select it and hit next. From the list of ports select COM8. Make sure the 'Secure connection' is UNCHECKED - otherwise you'll be pairing everytime you start TomTom! Select Finish. You should see your GPS (COM8) listed in 'COM ports' tab.
10. Turn off 'device is discoverable' (first tab).
11. Now install TomTom. Having installed the GPS as above, TomTom will now know about COM8 i.e. where your GPS is to be found. If you hadn't done that first there would be no COM8 and no GPS connected to it as far as TomTom is concerned.
12. Turn on the GPS
13. Launch TomTom and go to 'preferences/ GPS Settings'. Select 'configure'. Select 'Other bluetooth GPS'
14. You should get a list of ports and with any luck you should see 'COM8' - select it and hit 'done'.
15. I think at this point the GPS page in TomTom came alive, or maybe I had to restart TomTom - can't remember. And it works thus far!
Toothache - what a palaver!


Hi all, awesome forum by the way, helped me out a lot.
I had Tomtom navigator 5 working on my BA fine, but fiddled too much and now it doesnt. Ive hard reset the BA and re-installed Tomtom (ver 5.00), as well as the Char recognition tool and the Pocket bluetooth tools (recommended on these forums) that helped make the thing work in the first place. Now Tomtom doesnt recognise hte GPS module and, when paired, when i quit out of Tomtom either there is no data sent/recieved from the paried Navman connection or BT just turns itself off.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as its drivin me nuts.
Make sure you have the GPS paired with the BA, make sure its using the Bluetooth OutGoing connection port, and that the serial port profile is selected, once this is done go to BT manager tap and hold the GPS icon from the pop-up select connect.
Then run up TomTom, select other cable NMEA GPS, set the Baud rate and Com Port, take i toutside and wait for it to start up, if the little black/ Yellow disk isn't spinning (top rh corner of the GPS page in TT) then you have a setting wrong somewhere, one other thing is to consider upgrading to vs5,1 or 5,21 otherwise you are forced to use the inbuilt hardware keyboard, the new versions give you an on screen keyboard, its just easier to use - Mike

