Question Maybe simple idk - T-Mobile REVVL V+ 5G

No matter what I do after I set any ringtone or sound, go back a day later and find always that it resets itself back to saying no ringtone


phone keeps ringing

Well, When I get a msg or two in the same time, my phone does not stop playing the msg tone, its crazy, if I receive a msg I dont read it inmediatly and I get another one, my phone plays the same two in different time and It does not stop even if I read the msg right away..
Do you understand?
What's wrong with it???
Try a hard reset
Here how to:
Hope it helped,
Mine did the same thing, the solution...turn it on silent and vibrate. I never did find a fix for it. You must be running kavana 6.1.
phatmanxxl said:
Mine did the same thing, the solution...turn it on silent and vibrate. I never did find a fix for it. You must be running kavana 6.1.
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That just happen to me when I put a mp3 ringtone, when It's windows' default tones that does not happen... I was running kavana but now I'm running EVO WM6.5
Is there anyway to set a mp3 as msg tone properly????
Jimmythebest said:
That just happen to me when I put a mp3 ringtone, when It's windows' default tones that does not happen... I was running kavana but now I'm running EVO WM6.5
Is there anyway to set a mp3 as msg tone properly????
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If useing an .mp3 for message tone then you will have to edit it as WM devices play the whole tone on message...
How do I do that stylez???
Jimmythebest said:
How do I do that stylez???
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With an Audio Editor a good free one Audacity so what you want to do is cut the sound down to a more reasonable time
Thanks... ah, I forgot to say that I kept repeting the tone many times, for me to stop that I had to turn the phone off...
It is probably due to Notifications from the AutoKeylock program that is installed by default.
Go to
Start-> All Programs -> Tools -> Auto Keylock
and uncheck Notifications.
This is basically a way to remind you repeatedly of any missed calls/messages/etc. If you like the idea of being notified, you can press the right soft-key for Options, and select Notifiications to configure them as you want.
Hope this helps

[Q] No alarm-sound after deep-sleep?

since a few weeks i have the problem, that when i set an alarm and go to bed, the alarm-notification will show up the next morning, but i dont hear any sound. the phone is in airplane- and vibrate-only-mode at night, but the setting that alarmsound should be played even while in silent/vibrate-only is ticked.
When i set the alarm to test it in the near future, it always works as it should (with the same settings (airplane+vibrateonly)).
I'm on cm7.1 final with lordmodue-v8.0 kernel and using the default clock-app with an mp3 put into the media-folder on my sd.
Did anyone experiance similar problems before? I cant remember any significant changes to my phone before this problem first occured.
I did the same thing as you once, the alarm indeed did not ring. Solution: Change the profile form Vibrate/Silent --> Normal. it worked for me
Thx for the respons, but didnt work for me
Additionaly i noticed, that when i charge or have charged absolutly no sound is alarm, no ring and not even a voicecall (the other person seems to her me, but i can not hear them). Damit
Have you seen an app called "volume control" from the market? There's an option to change alarm volume, it might have somehow been turned down?
The volume level itselfe is definitivly not changed, this shouldnt be the problem...
perhaps you are a deep sleeper like my sis? xD
Haha, i wish it would be that easy. I have a light sleep and have always wake to the alarms befor this problem.
i discovered, that when i change to silent and back to loud after charging sounds work as normal. I"m gona try this with tasker for the alarm, maybe it'll help too.
Still didnt work
switched to black ice 1.23....everything serms to work fine now

silencing issues?

Hi everyone,
I've searched the web and cannot find an answer to this, so looking for help...
My X10 had a sound option, vibrate option and silence option. This worked for me because I set all my email to vibrate when the phone was on vibrate only, and at night I'd easily switch it silent so there would be no noise, period.
The Ion vibrate options are "always, only when silent, and never". I don't want the email to vibrate always, and if I silence the phone, it vibrates which causes the phone to go off at night when I get emails internationally. I don't want to set it to "never" because there are times when I'm in a meeting I just want to be alerted to an email without a notification sound.
Am I missing something here? Sorry about the basic question, but I cannot for the life of me figure this out!
saggybaggy said:
Hi everyone,
I've searched the web and cannot find an answer to this, so looking for help...
My X10 had a sound option, vibrate option and silence option. This worked for me because I set all my email to vibrate when the phone was on vibrate only, and at night I'd easily switch it silent so there would be no noise, period.
The Ion vibrate options are "always, only when silent, and never". I don't want the email to vibrate always, and if I silence the phone, it vibrates which causes the phone to go off at night when I get emails internationally. I don't want to set it to "never" because there are times when I'm in a meeting I just want to be alerted to an email without a notification sound.
Am I missing something here? Sorry about the basic question, but I cannot for the life of me figure this out!
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Ah, found out it's a thing from 2.2 on. I downloaded some apps that work around the issue. Thanks!

Notifications Stuck on Silent

I have an incredibly annoying problem I can't resolve. I'm running Launcherpro and I also use Gosms, stock otherwise but obviously rooted. So anyway, my notification ringer keeps going silent with sound on, but worse is it gets stuck and I can't increase it no matter how I try without resetting. I literally can't do anything to it, the volume slider grays out. I've tried going through settings, using audio manager, and all have the ability to change the notification volume disabled. . Once I reset it it goes back to normal, but eventually and randomly goes back to silent and gets stuck. I have no clue what to do but it's obviously infuriating. I'd appreciate any help and I'm sorry my initial thread was in the wrong place. If any other info is needed please let me know. This is just an awful problem, really frustrating.
Is your notification volume linked to one of the others? Grab audio manager or similar from the play store. .. It shows linked volume controls and gives the option to un link
Sent from my SPH-L900
Figured it out... I had a Profile called "Night" selected under Profiles in the system settings. I toggled profiles off, and voila, I've got sounds again! Hope this helps!

HELP! Phone plays phantom ringtone but no call!

Hey guys my brand new phone has done this 3 times now. It randomly plays a ringtone that came with the phone but there is no call, the screen stays off when its playing unless i unlock it, the sound doesnt go away, theres nothing in the notifications panel, and the ringtone it's playing is not even the ringtone set on my phone. The only I can get it to stop is by restarting the phone. I really don't want to have to return it and get a new phone and go through setup again. Any advise guys?
found the problem. It was due to GO SMS Pro settings after their recent update. Seems like they broke the app and the way it works with the note 4.

