sound-feedback lag still present in replacement Note 7 (see videos) - Note 7 Questions & Answers

I'm sad to discover that after working fine for the first 60 hours, my post-recall Note 7 is showing the same sound-feedback lag as my original Note 7 did.
Every few hours, my phone goes into a mode where there's a one or two second lag before the sound and vibration feedback for typing and for icon or button tapping. Even the (stock) phone-dialer keypad has a one or two second lag before it plays a tone when a key is tapped. However, visual responses (e.g. when typing) remain instantaneous--it's just the sound and vibration that lag.
After it goes into lag mode, the phone stays that way until it's rebooted. Then it's ok until the lag resumes in another few hours. I haven't identified any specific triggers. Here's a video that demonstrates the lag: This video, in contrast, shows the phone when it's working properly, with no lag:
The phone is completely stock (AT&T N930AUCS2APHE), no esoteric apps or settings, no package disabler, no third-party antivirus.
When the phone is in lag mode, the lag occurs in all apps, for multiple launchers (Google Now, Touchwiz), multiple keyboards (Samsung, Google), for all icon/button-taps as well as typing. The lag continues despite clearing the keyboard/launcher caches, closing all open apps, clearing the clipboard, using Device Maintenance|Optimize (which reports no problems), or engaging Airplane Mode or Power Saving. The lag also persists despite enabling Developer Options, turning off Window Animations, and forcing GPU rendering.
I booted into recovery and reset the system cache, but the lag still resumed a few hours later. I haven't tried a factory reset, but other users with the same problem have reported that factory reset does not fix it.
When the phone is in lag mode, if I turn off keyboard sounds but leave keyboard vibrations enabled, the keyboard vibrations no longer lag (until I re-enable the keyboard sounds). But with keyboard sounds and vibrations both enabled, the sounds and vibrations both lag.
When the phone is in lag mode, if I start using BT earphones, the lag stops (or rather is replaced by a uniform ~100ms lag, which is less annoying). When I disconnect my BT earphones and go back to speaker sound, the sound and vibration lag both resume. Wired earphones, unlike BT earphones, do not affect the lag at all.
When the phone is not in lag mode, the sound-feedback is instantaneous no matter how heavily the phone is being used, no matter how many apps I have open. When the phone is in lag mode, it lags even with all apps closed (but the vibration-feedback lag can be temporarily stopped by turning off the sound-feedback); the lag is not accompanied by any unusual heat or battery drain. So the lag is not caused by the phone being overloaded (and certainly not by bloatware, which imposes a negligible load). Rather, it's clearly a software bug, such as a memory leak in the sound-feedback drivers.

Another clue: when the phone is in lag mode (as described above), the volume buttons bring up the media slider instead of the ringtone slider, even though no media app is running. This incorrect slider comes up whenever, and only when, the phone is in lag mode, so presumably the media-slider mode and the feedback-lag mode have the same cause.
With the phone in media/lag mode, I've tried force-closing every app (including system apps) that seemed like it might grab a media resource, but the phone remained in media/lag mode.
Is there some direct way to monitor what app may have grabbed a media resource to put the phone in this mode? The media/lag mode starts at seemingly random times, with no obvious correlation with any app that I'm running (or have recently run) .

Have the same problem. And then have notification sounds that play over and over and over and over and over... only to be stopped "most of the time" by hitting the power button. Quite annoying.

that's terrible i hope it gets well soon
hugs and kisses

i killed tupac said:
these phones are crap. I can't think of a product that disappointed me as badly as this, at least in recent times.
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Please respect the purpose of this thread, which is to share useful technical information about a specific technical problem.

I think I've found a workaround. The lag-mode problem appears to have been caused by turning on the "Records audio through Bluetooth headset if available" setting in Google Now. ...
UPDATE: I was wrong. The problem occurs even with that setting turned off (it just took 20 hours for the problem to start again).
So I really have no clue what might be causing the serious lag.


[Q] Random slowdown/WiFi freezing

Hi guys, hopefully someone can acknowledge if this is a common problem or not.
Basically when playing games (all games), does anyone get random slowdowns? Like the game becomes super laggy for maybe 3-6 seconds?
Using System Monitor, I don't see anything happening with the CPU such as hitting 100% or anything like that, so it's doesnt seem to be the CPU working on anything else. As said, it happens randomly but will always happen if playing. This doesn't seem to to happen in any non-gaming apps or the homescreen.
Secondly, another random issue seems to be toggling WiFi on. Basically when turning on WiFi from the Notification Bar, it will just sit there and then eventually the phone will freeze. I can still press lock button (on the right of the phone) which will put the srceen off and on as if it was locking and it even makes the locking noise. However the screen will be completely unresponsive, completely unable to interact with the phone.
Again, this is random and doesn't seem to be brought on by anything I can see.
Holding the lock button to restart the phone still works.
Running completely stock. (GT9190) on stock firmware for South Africa. No root, nothing.
So guys, does this happen to anyone else? Hopefully this is normal and will be fixed by Samsung with 4.3/4.4 or something.
S4 mini lags
I had the same problem but when i install New software update XXUBML4 it gone

[Q] A Couple VERY Weird Glitches Occuring (Need help!)

Hey all,
So I'm posting this thread regarding a couple pretty weird glitches and bugs occurring on my G3, 3 specific ones.
The first: (Probably the least serious but still REALLY annoying) At EXACTLY 12:00AM every night no matter what timezone I set the phone to (I'm in AU on the AEST GMT+10 timezone but it does this at the same time on any timezone) the phone will switch it's WiFi off automatically without warning, reason or explanation. It just goes off and then I have to manually turn it back on. Sure I could use an app such as Tasker or AutomateIt to turn it back on but I don't see why this is occurring in the first place?
The second issue (Most recent): Lately after updating to the V20E firmware for my D855 I've noticed that a graphical glitch (Specifically related to the colour Blue) occurs when there are fast moving elements on my phone's screen (Such as when I move a chat head around on my phone from Messenger, or when I'm scrolling Facebook or my App Drawer fast, there's just a blue box around whatever object/s appear to be moving on my phone's screen. I've not dropped the phone at all, and it has only been present since updating from the V20D ROM. Not sure what could be causing it.
The third and by far the MOST ANNOYING of the issues I'm having, is that for no apparent reason, whenever I am listening to Music with the stock Music player, and I lock the screen (The screen goes off) about 5 seconds later weird stuff starts to happen..
The song will pause, play or even stop completely, seemingly on its own. The "phone" will change songs, artists and sometimes complete albums and playlists completely by itself, with me doing nothing but staring at the lock screen (It keeps doing it until I re-enter the Music app, then when I lock the phone the whole cycle just repeats itself.)
I've done some looking around and careful observations on the phone itself, and it seems that before the weird stuff starts happening to my music, the phone opens Voice Mate by itself, and then if I'm not present, it apparently closes it and then that's when the stuff happens. I've tried everything I can on a non-rooted phone to stop this. I've tried re-installing the Music app, Uninstalling all updates to the Voice Mate and it's packages to the factory version, force-stopping Voice Mate, everything and no matter what I do the phone still opens Voice Mate and the weird stuff starts happening (It's like it's taking commands from Voice Mate to do something but I'm not even doing anything ) It's been doing this since I got my phone when it came with Android KitKat 4.4 (I was on the D10M ROM until I moved to the D20D Android L ROM) and I moved ROMs doing a completely fresh start ( I factory wiped the phone and then upgraded via a CSE flash and put all my stuff back on it manually) and I would've thought a completely fresh start would have fixed it but apparently not... Either it's a bug that's been present for a while, or it's something deeper than the ROM.
So yeah some pretty weird issues, if someone knows what could be causing them, please let me know, especially if you know a way to solve them.
Cheers guys.
I'm having a very similar problem with regards to #1 but it's doing it with Bluetooth for me!
At midnight on the dot, it will disconnect my connected Bluetooth devices. It doesn't shut Bluetooth off, it just drops the connection. I posted about it here:
Your phone sound possessed! Call 1-800-Exorcism now.
You right, weird/unusual.

Note 4 Suddenly Having a Multitude of problems. Hardware Issue?

Hello, I have had my Note 4 for quite some time now and have not had any issues with it up until the last month or so.
At first it started out as just a hiccup every now and then, an example would be when I play music via bluetooth to my Jeep CD Player, I would sometimes have to turn bluetooth off then back on to get it to connect or reconnect.
Now things are getting out of hand. Here is a list of problems I have on a daily/hourly basis and seemingly at random times. I cannot reproduce any of these problems (except the NFC problem) on demand.
I have noticed that rebooting the phone will clear up these issues (except NFC) for a short time, SOMETIMES. Other times a reboot does nothing to help the situation.
Keyboard Lag
Sometimes when I press the keys the phone vibrates indicating a key press and magnifies the key that is being pressed, but fails to enter anything in the text box/input field. For the record I am using Swiftkey. I have noticed that this happens most often when I open an app via "popup notification." For example, if I were to receive an IM or SMS I would tap on the notification that pops up, which then switches to/opens the corresponding app. It is then I will more often than not have this issue. To remedy this I have to close and re-open the app, sometimes several times causing the keyboard to open and close, several times... Sometimes when I TAP a key, the phone will behave as though I have held the key down or performed a "long press." This issue is not exclusive to the keyboard, it often happens anywhere on the screen and with any app, usually indicating that I have been "long pressing" for about 1-2sec at a time.
NFC Does Not Work
One day while I was at work I attempted to add the office printer via NFC. To my surprise I was unable to turn on NFC via the "quick settings" drawer. In the quick settings panel the NFC icon would light up, as if it were turning on, and then just turn right back off again, this happens consistently. I went into setting to enable NFC that way and I am stuck with a slider that is actually in the "on" position but greyed out, I am unable to interact with it.
Bluetooth Connectivity
I have a JVC CD player in my Jeep, I often use YouTube or Google Play Music when I drive. Usually I do not have any problems connecting to the CD player at first, but after about 30-60sec of playback the audio goes blank. The app says that it is still playing however no audio can be heard. Then it will suddenly come back on after about 5-10sec, and here is where it gets strange. After the audio comes back on after this "hiccup" the playback is fast, as in it is playing at 2X's it's normal speed, makes the vocals sound like chipmunks. This will continue indefinitely until I turn on the screen, unlock the phone, then shut the screen off. Then the audio goes on playing fine. This happens with both YouTube and Play Music, while using YouTube the video gets sped up as well. I also experience issues with connectivity where sometimes at random the phone will just disconnect from the CD player, and refuse to reconnect until I have rebooted the phone, or if it does reconnect I get no audio until the phone is rebooted. I notice that this ONLY happens when connected via bluetooth. If I turn bluetooth off while this is happening music will play over the phone's speaker perfectly normal. My CD player has a hands free feature, and I do not seem to have any issues with phone calls, it's only with music playback do I have problems.
Originally I thought it was my CD player acting up, however in light of the other problems, and the fact that I tested it with my tablet and two of my friend's phones without issue, I don't think the CD player is the problem.
Sluggish/Glitchy UI
Sometimes when the phone really freaks out, the UI behaves very strangely. Sometimes notification Icons will hover above the running app, other times the whole screen will lock in place for a few seconds. Sometimes if the screen is locked up, I will shut it off, then turn it on, shut it off, turn it on. However as I press the power button to turn the screen on and off, nothing is happening, the screen just stays black while the "back" and "recent apps" buttons light up at the bottom. Then when the screen does finally come back in it will flash on and off quickly in accordance with how many times I pressed the power button. While all this is happening, if I hold the power button to turn the phone off, the power/reboot menu will appear without incident. Sometimes when I am swiping to unlock the phone, it does not register the full swipe. Basically it acts/appears as though I lightly touched the screen and moved my finger a half inch even though I have drug my finger all the way across the screen. To remedy that issue I have to SLOWLY drag my finger across the screen and then it unlocks without incident. I have also noticed that when I go to "swipe away" a notification, especially one that has "information" in it, it will swipe off the information but leave the notification there and display the app name the notification was from. An example would be, if I just installed an app (for example YouTube) from the Play Store, the notification will say "YouTube has been successfully installed." When I swipe either left or right to remove that notification, a "white ghost box" or "overlaying top layer" with the "successfully installed" text in it will slide away. However it leaves behind a green box/notification that says "Google Play Store" and that remains until I shut the screen off and turn it back on.
NFC Will Not Turn On
I simply cannot get NFC to turn on, the slider is in the ON position but is greyed out as I mentioned earlier. I would post a picture but I guess there is a 10post rule before I can do that. I have given up on NFC, mostly because I rarely use it, so it's really not that big of a deal.
Initializing the Camera
I use an app called "Telegram" instead of SMS messaging, thus I use Telegram to share pictures with friends. Sometimes, again I am not able to reproduce this problem on demand, the problem comes and goes seemingly at random. The camera will take more than 30-60sec to initialize, while I am waiting for it I am stuck with a black screen. If the camera doesn't initialize, shutting the screen on then off will take me back to the telegram app. I never get an error message or anything. Other times when I try to use the camera it pops on instantly and works flawlessly. Originally I thought this was a problem specific to telegram, however in the name of science I tested it with the default camera app and get the same results.
USB File Transfers
I'm not really sure this is specific to my phone, but whenever I transfer files from my PC to the phone or from the phone to PC, it is PAINFULLY slow. It's even painfully slow when the PC just displays what is in the folder. However I can't say for sure this is related because I never attempted to transfer files until I started having these issues, at which point I thought it would be a good idea to start backing things up.
Gets Stuck in 3G Mode
This happens rarely, not even sure that it's related but I felt that it was worth mention.
What have I done to try to remedy this problem you ask?
So far I have performed a non-root ADB nandroid backup, just in case factory resetting the phone didn't work.
I have factory reset the phone 2 times, I see no improvements.
I have cleared out my SD card/removed SD card
I removed and/or shut off bloatware apps (Yes I tested the phone without removing/disabling bloatware, still having the same issues)
Wiped cache via Recovery
I am not sure what else I can really do to fix the phone, I am starting to think that this is a hardware issue. I should mention that there was no significant event that I feel would cause these malfunctions. System update installed and worked perfectly up until this last month, I have not dropped the phone from significant height, the phone has an otterbox anyway. I have not gotten the phone wet, it has not been left outside, this phone has not seen any abuse what-so-ever. I just started having these problems out of the blue and they seem to be getting progressively more frequent and longer lasting. If I don't get any ideas from here I am going to try to get Verizon to replace the phone via insurance, however I don't have high hopes for that because I have grandfathered unlimited data and this is not the "original" phone that I had when I added the insurance option, so I am not sure it's covered.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this or anything I can do to correct it or try to troubleshoot it?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Phone Information is as follows:
Samsung Galaxy Note4
Model: SM-N910V
Android Ver: 5.0.1
Baseband Ver: N910VVRU2BOG5
Build#: LRX22C.N910VVRU2BOG5
HW Ver: N910V.05
Verizon Wireless
Non-Root, Default Launcher, Not modified in any way.
I realize that this is a long post but whenever I ask for help I like to be detailed. If I left out any information that might be helpful please let me know.
Unfortunately, it looks very much like components on your logic board are going bad. Sometimes a few specific things will go bad that don't actually make the phone unusable, but make it act similar to what you are explaining. It wouldn't be worth the money you'd have to pay someone to track down the bad components and replace them. If you really like the note 4, I would just make a full backup with kies while you can, buy a new phone and restore your backup.
All of Kies backups do NOT restore to a new phone! Only contacts, messages and call logs will restore on a new phone. Use Samsung Smart Switch or Helium. Good luck
Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
outcasted2003 said:
All of Kies backups do NOT restore to a new phone! Only contacts, messages and call logs will restore on a new phone. Use Samsung Smart Switch or Helium. Good luck
Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
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I see. I didn't know that because I've always restored my backups to the same phone. Thanks for the info.

Several sound issues, I believe they are related. Welp!

Some info: Pixel XL, one-year-old, rooted with Magisk, android up-to-date version 9, Build number PPR2.181005.003
Some weeks ago I started to see some weird behaviour related to sound. First, while listening to Spotify and Google Podcasts (from now on called "The Apps"), the phone would simply stop producing any sound through the headphone (or speakers when the headphones are then unplugged). A restart would fix it until the next random time it would happen again.
After a while, I've decided to factory reset the phone and reinstall the Android system from scratch and root it again (I've been doing this kind of stuff for years now, so I'm pretty knowledgeable about these procedures), to no avail. The problem was still there.
I've started to try to pinpoint what the main problem would be, and then I've started debugging other stuff. What I've found is:
- If I restart the phone and immediately try to play Spotify or Google Podcasts, it will not work and only a restart will fix it.
- If I restart the phone and wait a few minutes (around 5 minutes) everything works, until the next random failure.
- After a restart, my widgets on the home screen will take a few minutes to load (Google Calendar and The Weather Network)-- if I try The Apps before that, no sound will come out through the headphones (or speakers if I disconnect the headphones)
- Sometimes the sound will come out through the phone's speakers, even if the headphones are connected. Only a restart will fix this.
- Sometimes a loud cracking sound will come through the headphones and after that, no sound is played whatsoever by the phone -- a restart fixes this.
- Both The Apps would randomly stop playing (as if the pause button is pressed). Pressing the Play button again restores the sound, but with different volume level. If it was lower, it will become louder, and vice versa. I didn't test this without the headphones as I would need to isolate myself from the world LOL.
- No sound is produced during phone calls either. A restart fixes this until the next random failure.
- The volume indicator will randomly lag to display after pressing the volume buttons.
- The volume indicator will appear randomly and change small amounts (up or down) while I'm using the phone.
I am slowly removing less-used apps to try to pinpoint which one could be the offending factor, with no luck so far.
I've unrooted my phone today to try and see if this has any effect on those problems (no effect).
Any ideas what I can try next? Any idea what can cause these problems?
daniel3ub said:
Some info: Pixel XL, one-year-old, rooted with Magisk, android up-to-date version 9, Build number PPR2.181005.003
Some weeks ago I started to see some weird behaviour related to sound. First, while listening to Spotify and Google Podcasts (from now on called "The Apps"), the phone would simply stop producing any sound through the headphone (or speakers when the headphones are then unplugged). A restart would fix it until the next random time it would happen again.
After a while, I've decided to factory reset the phone and reinstall the Android system from scratch and root it again (I've been doing this kind of stuff for years now, so I'm pretty knowledgeable about these procedures), to no avail. The problem was still there.
I've started to try to pinpoint what the main problem would be, and then I've started debugging other stuff. What I've found is:
- If I restart the phone and immediately try to play Spotify or Google Podcasts, it will not work and only a restart will fix it.
- If I restart the phone and wait a few minutes (around 5 minutes) everything works, until the next random failure.
- After a restart, my widgets on the home screen will take a few minutes to load (Google Calendar and The Weather Network)-- if I try The Apps before that, no sound will come out through the headphones (or speakers if I disconnect the headphones)
- Sometimes the sound will come out through the phone's speakers, even if the headphones are connected. Only a restart will fix this.
- Sometimes a loud cracking sound will come through the headphones and after that, no sound is played whatsoever by the phone -- a restart fixes this.
- Both The Apps would randomly stop playing (as if the pause button is pressed). Pressing the Play button again restores the sound, but with different volume level. If it was lower, it will become louder, and vice versa. I didn't test this without the headphones as I would need to isolate myself from the world LOL.
- No sound is produced during phone calls either. A restart fixes this until the next random failure.
- The volume indicator will randomly lag to display after pressing the volume buttons.
- The volume indicator will appear randomly and change small amounts (up or down) while I'm using the phone.
I am slowly removing less-used apps to try to pinpoint which one could be the offending factor, with no luck so far.
I've unrooted my phone today to try and see if this has any effect on those problems (no effect).
Any ideas what I can try next? Any idea what can cause these problems?
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I'm sure you have already looked into this - but just in case....make sure that the "Apps" are NOT set to Optimize Battery nor to Restrict Background Usage. There was another thread recently about a user having Spotify stop playing randomly for them and the issue was the app was set to Restrict Background Activity. Good luck!
sb1893 said:
I'm sure you have already looked into this - but just in case....make sure that the "Apps" are NOT set to Optimize Battery nor to Restrict Background Usage. There was another thread recently about a user having Spotify stop playing randomly for them and the issue was the app was set to Restrict Background Activity. Good luck!
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Thanks for the confidence you projected on me LOL, I had NOT looked at it! Indeed, both apps are set to "optimize battery". I'll change this setting and give it a go.
sb1893 said:
I'm sure you have already looked into this - but just in case....make sure that the "Apps" are NOT set to Optimize Battery nor to Restrict Background Usage. There was another thread recently about a user having Spotify stop playing randomly for them and the issue was the app was set to Restrict Background Activity. Good luck!
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I must say a LOT of the related problems are, if not completely, at least partially solved. I've seen way less problems since I disabled the battery optimization for Spotify and Google Podcasts.
Thank you so much!
I'll keep tracking them and running some more tests just to be sure, but it seems this was the main issue here.
Amazing how one single app and setting can bring a phone to an almost useless state!

Strange edge lighting behaviour

So I have a really strange thing going on with edge lighting which is driving me crazy.
Whenever I play Elder Scrolls Blades the edge lighting appears but only in the bottom of the screen. As far as I been able to tell this only happens in this app though I can't be 100% sure.
Now what is strange other than it happens only in the bottom of the screen is that it keeps happening every few seconds, there is no notifications received and it happens, if I disable edge lighting it still happens, no matter to what effect I set the lighting it always happens in stock blue.
I can't possibly figure out what is this and I tried everything, any ideas would be appreciated.
Same thing here, in at least 2 games...
Thought it was related to spen, but it seems not...
Tried to disable Game Launcher but still got these random bottom screen notification pulse... And stock blue aswell. Got no clue atm
Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one experiencing this. I tried literally everything and nothing seems to fix it. What's also weird is that the lighting comes in irregular intervals, sometimes just going crazy and sometimes appearing much less.
I have just discovered this issue appears in all games so it's a bigger problem then I originally thought. If disabling the game launcher does nothing then it makes it even more strange and annoying.
Yeah, same here, happens on basically all the games.
Maybe related to game booster?
Let's try to compare our setup : are you using any notification enhancement app? (like aodNotify)
Are you using your spen while playing?
But yeah, this random glow line **** is driving me crazy too!
Currently I am using aodNotify though I tried uninstalling it and the problem persists, I also have goodlock installed and the edgeslighting+, same thing with and without it. I am not using the spen, but I have tried just taking it out while the game is running and leaving it out for 5 mins, no change. I have disabled and enabled the stock edge lighting as well and the problem is still there. Nothing seems to effect it. Its ridiculous
i tried on mobile legend adventure, no problem on it, perhaps a scaling issue?
Will try to tweak full screen mode.
Increasing dpi doesn't change the weird thing, neither switching from Samsung stock launcher to Nova...
Also I'm using gestures based navbar, but I also tried with or without tips display, standard navbar... Still occurring.
Did you go from a scratch Note 10+ or used SideSync to switch? (I was coming from a Note 8)
I don't think it has anything to do with scaling, I tried setting the game on full screen and automatic, both giving the same results.
I used Smartswitch from Note 9.
Later today the camera effect from aodnotify started appearing in the game aswell (landscape mode), along with the edge lighting.?
I uninstalled aodnotify afterwards, found out there is a aodnotify Manager plugin which stays after uninstalling the main app.
Uninstalled the plugin aswell, opened edgescreen from the system app and cleared cache.
It was showing the app was using RAM with high frequency.
I don't have the time to check now does this fix the problem but will let you know once I do.
The only other thing left to do if this doesn't work is to clear edge screen data.
Will try this aswell, and restore all the notifications and edge lightning settings...
What I wrote above didn't work so I disabled the option for edge screen to show on top of other apps, so far this seems to fix the problem.
Unfortunately I was wrong and nothing above fixes the problem. I also wiped the entire edge screen memory, no effect. This is the weirdest thing I ever encountered in my years of Samsung phones and it's extremely annoying that there is no fix.
Strange, I don't have any issue.
Did you try with and without locking the screen orientation to see if edge lightning follows settings as it should?
I personally only use auto orientation.
I also use auto rotation and it happens the same way in landscape and portrait, the most annoying thing is that it happens really much, like 2-3 times in 10 seconds, or sometimes doesn't happen for few minutes then starts going like crazy, and as I said before there is no notifications or anything.
Same here, auto rotate on, only occurring during games.
I don't even know if I can debug which process is running these random edge notifications, without dig into tons of log files...
And if not, I guess I'll try to factory reset and re-sync again..
Its incredible that a factory reset seems like only possible solution left but I hope maybe some future update will fix it since I hate doing factory reset. Please keep me posted if you discover anything new.
Hating doing it aswell but this is too damn annoying..
If no clue, I'll go for a restore without restoring system settings... Maybe some notifications behaviors have been messed up
I'll keep you in touch for sure
Tried to wipe cache partition, still no clues...
Did this also got triggered in portrait mode game?
So confusing...
Yes it happens in all games no matter of the screen orientation. I really have no more ideas aswell
Got some news, another post is talking about this :
Seems related to the new game booster feature "temp and cpu monitoring"
Will try to disable this for a specific game and see...

