Pleade help me and my old lg3 - G3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, please someone help me. It says cant be rooted, which I have no clue what that is. Just trying to upgrade my lg3_E980 to next vetsion up. This phone was given to me. Have college kid, and would love to be updated, I cant afford to buy a nicer phone. Thank you so much, u/name lowmantracy

E980 is LG Oprimus G Pro not LG G3 you asking in wrong forum


[Q] How to root Verizon G Pad?

Hi! I was wondering if anybody had found a method to root the G Pad on Verizon Wireless. I've searched everywhere and apparently the methods for the standard version won't work but I've also not seen methods for the Verizon model. Thanks for your help!,,try this out before the mods flush us out,,lol
mongonexus said:,,try this out before the mods flush us out,,lol
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had actually read this thread before. Do you think that Kingo is legit or are they just trying to hijack my tablet?
lol, ive been using kingo since the note 3 came out in october, no complaints from me, it could molest you while your asleep but thats okay to get root,,steve
Omg help me!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I am having a BIG!!! Problem With the ****ing Debugging connect with MTP IT just turn OFF or doesn't work Only on Internet connection but It wont send file to the Tablet
I really need Help
LG G Pad 8.3 from Verizon
Android Version 4.2.2
LG VK810
Software version: VK81011A
4/18/2014 On that day no New Updates
Please Help me!

Advice on ROM/Development for F400L please

I have the F400L model, and its driving me mad with its lag and general slowness.
I have noticed there has been a lot of development for the D855 and I was wondering if roms such as cyanogen mod etc or just plain android are ever going to be made for the F400L? Bought it months ago hoping this would of happened by now, but I think I'll sell it if its not on the horizon!

Any working ROMs for Korean G-PAD? (v507)

Hi guys, I just got an LGU+ G-Pad. (LGU+ is one of the service providers in Korea)
I have TWRP installed, and was wondering if there are any ROMs out there that will work on my tablet? I have done some research (spend around 3 hours on Google and Korean portal sites), and the general consensus seems to indicate that the LGU+ G-Pad is different from the v500 and v510 models, in that it has an internet phone utility, although I have no idea if that's the reason why most of the G-Pad ROMs will not work?
Sorry for that long wall of text, I just want to know if there are any ROMs that will work.
Thanks x1,000,000 !!
Looks like the answer to my question is a "no", in case anybody else is interested...
The only thing I could do was root using Towel root and/or Kingo root.
Maybe you can have a try to flash v507l to v500.
You can search "LG G PAD 8.3 홈보이(V507) 을 GPAD 8.3(V500) 으로 바꾸기" at google.
Waitting for your good anews.

G4 beat downgrade

Hi all, I recently got marshmallow update for my LG G4 beat (H735ar). It's been a pain, memory gets full very easily and I can't use any apps. I would really like to go back to previous Lollipop, but I'm not sure how should I do it. I can't find very much information about the G4 beat.
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me. Thanks in advance!

Where to start to learn to part Lineage?

Hi there.
So I have an optimus G as my backup phone to my V20. But, my V20 is being a massive pain in the **** right now and I'm not going to be able to mend it unless either A: the root comes out or B: LG stops being retarded.
Neither oof these are going to happen any time soon, or at least till august, so I am going to swap to my rooted and unlocked Optimus G for a while. Yeah the decrease in storage will hurt, but nothing I can't live with as it is.
Now, Android 7, at least, runs on this thing perfectly fine. There was a port of Oxygen for the G3 and G4, and someone at some point tried to port it to the Optimus G with limited success. Mostly its just that the radio's aren't configured correctly. But, I want Lineage. I don't really know where to start with porting Lineage other than trying to blindly follow documentation. Is there anywhere I can go to start learning HOW to port it? I'm only going to use the phone for 2 or 3 months, sure, but being off kit kat would be nice. And 5 does NOT run nicely on the phone at all. It lags and crashes constantly. 7, however, runs like you would think its a brand new phone.
So, any help is nice.
Thank you!

