Well this is happening and its draining my battery quite significantly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
I'm a little confused here. You have 57% left after 9hrs 20min on battery and what looks like all sorts of things running in the back ground. From what I can see there doesn't seem to be an issue?
You need to post the usage stats.
vaibhavbhatter said:
Well this is happening and its draining my battery quite significantly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
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how many hours can you manage to do with your device fully charged?
I tend to get around nine hours with a fair amount of usage and around fourteen hours with standby give or take. I could extract a couple of hours more if the phone would stop using wifi in the background which is driving me crazy since I can't get to the source of the problem as to why the wifi is still running even when I've closed it from the settings. Any insight would be appreciated.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
The phone was on standby for six hours or so. With the wifi off from the settings and I don't know as to Why it was even awake??!! Anyhow if you can help me out I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for replying.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
The attached screen shots will give u an idea of what m talking about.
Sent from my SM-N7505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hahhahahahahha lol
fahad5596 said:
Hahhahahahahha lol
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Again increasing by itself. Makes me happy though lol
Sent from my SM-N7505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Ok what I'm intrigue about is how did you manage to get 1 full day worth of battery?
Sent from my SM-N7502 using XDA Free mobile app
bOkz said:
Ok what I'm intrigue about is how did you manage to get 1 full day worth of battery?
Sent from my SM-N7502 using XDA Free mobile app
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Its easily achievable on this phone. Also the screenshot lacks screen on time which determines overall battery life
bOkz said:
Ok what I'm intrigue about is how did you manage to get 1 full day worth of battery?
Sent from my SM-N7502 using XDA Free mobile app
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The battery life itself is just amazing on this guy!
rakeshishere said:
Its easily achievable on this phone. Also the screenshot lacks screen on time which determines overall battery life
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Here you go bro..
Get 1 day with 7 hr SOT on an average pretty much every day which is same battery life as yours. [emoji3]
rakeshishere said:
Get 1 day with 7 hr SOT on an average pretty much every day which is same battery life as yours. [emoji3]
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The battery life on this guy is heaven on earth seriously
Don't want to be a smart arse but it looks to me that each time you battery is going up your phone was switched off or in flight mode. Voltage on your battery is slowly recovering as the load eg. Screen, wifi, network is switched off. It make sense to me
Sent from my SM-N7505 using XDA Free mobile app
djlech said:
Don't want to be a smart arse but it looks to me that each time you battery is going up your phone was switched off or in flight mode. Voltage on your battery is slowly recovering as the load eg. Screen, wifi, network is switched off. It make sense to me
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Emmm nop. Except for, may be at 1 or 2 places, it may seem like that. However if u look at the screen shots, almost all of them have the battery life bar increasing with my phone in normal/sim working mode. Don't know whats casuing this. And bdw yesterday I reached 6h 49m SOT with 17% remaining. This means it would have easily given over 7.5 and under 8 hours SOT. Toooooo good battery life on stock kernel.
Sent from my SM-N7505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Same on my phone. But as I said before it is normal ocassionaly
Sent from my SM-N7505 using XDA Free mobile app
djlech said:
Same on my phone. But as I said before it is normal ocassionaly
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Ahan. May be your back-to-life-from-sleep-mode logic does apply to your SC but not mine. See my SC. It's increasing regardless of flight mode on or off.
P.S: I am not whining. I am enjoying it..but just wanted the reason behind this fun thing.. haha
it does the same to me seems normal
Im getting worse battery life after update any sugestions?
licjesusr said:
Im getting worse battery life after update any sugestions?
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Same here, root and kill carrier IQ, won't be the same but relatively close
It is have to be kernel? Basebands?
Note after the update IQ_TOGGLE and IQ_OOB have been removed from system/priv-app/ and combined into the first apk so don't be suprised if you don't see them. Follow that and you'll go a lot farther.
I've had the opposite. My battery life seems to be MUCH better after the update. Getting over 4 hours of SOT as opposed to 3 before the update.
InsaneJester17 said:
I've had the opposite. My battery life seems to be MUCH better after the update. Getting over 4 hours of SOT as opposed to 3 before the update.
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I've got awesome battery life now.
What update? I just got my g3 last Friday and updated then. Do I need this? D85110m is what I have.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Free mobile app
You are on the correct version. I've noticed no change
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Free mobile app
I have a question to the folks experiencing battery drain. Do any of you have viper installed?
Swizzle82 said:
I have a question to the folks experiencing battery drain. Do any of you have viper installed?
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Never heard of it.
You mean Viber?
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Free mobile app
Richieboy67 said:
Never heard of it.
You mean Viber?
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Viper4android sound mod...
---------- Post added at 01:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 AM ----------
I got my tone infinums the other day and I wanted to unlock some potential so I installed viper sound mod. It works great and they sound great, but I noticed my phone started getting warm and battery started going faster even when not doing anything. I went to the viper settings app and turned it off. I stsrted noticing better battery and my phone stayed cool. I now only turn it on if I'm listening to music or whatever.. I have no more issues now and wanted to see if maybe others might be experiencing these problems and give them a possible reason as to why..
Battery has improved
Great, what is it now?
Mine has gone down since the first day but is still pretty good. Right now I have just over 5 hours screen time and about 15% left.
A couple days ago though it seemed like the battery would last forever.
I'm going to run it low tonight though for a full charge. I'm going to run it down to about 5%.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Free mobile app
IF YOU PLAY ANY GAME YOU ARE SCREWED. if i dont play a game i get a little over 4 hours screen time.
I have almost 6 hours screen time and 7% left..
Ytube, tune in, pocket caster, gmail and other stuff.. Bluetooth for hours and stuff running while screen was off
And of course if you play games you will kill the battery quicker.
I think it is pretty good..
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Free mobile app
IF YOU PLAY ANY GAME YOU ARE SCREWED. if i dont play a game i get a little over 4 hours screen time.
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I play games and get 5-6 hours of screen time all the time
CheesyNutz said:
I play games and get 5-6 hours of screen time all the time
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Then you would be the only one.
Then you would be the only one.
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I don't think he is saying he can play games that entire time.
Sent from my LG-D851 using XDA Free mobile app
Richieboy67 said:
I don't think he is saying he can play games that entire time.
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OK let's put it this way I played angry birds epic for 20 min and clash of clans for 5min and Fromm a full charge I am at 81%
What's the best app to use to determine what's draining your battery? I took my phone off the charger and within 15 mins it's down 6%
Sent from my SGH-T999 using XDA Free mobile app
Supamike88 said:
What's the best app to use to determine what's draining your battery? I took my phone off the charger and within 15 mins it's down 6%
Sent from my SGH-T999 using XDA Free mobile app
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Wake Lock Detector.. but it needs root access.
Never tried WLD, but hear of it being used more and more. I've always used Better Battery Stats. I imagine either one will work just fine.
Batteries do go bad though. So if it's been in use for over a year, might be time to look into a replacement.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
DocHoliday77 said:
Never tried WLD, but hear of it being used more and more. I've always used Better Battery Stats. I imagine either one will work just fine.
Batteries do go bad though. So if it's been in use for over a year, might be time to look into a replacement.
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u r the pro man! I will give your suggestion a try as well.. WLD lacks much information but still is the better one if u r looking for a free one
I used Advanced Battery Calibrator, Battery Life Repair, and Unbounce. I seem to be getting much better battery life
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YPG70 said:
u r the pro man! I will give your suggestion a try as well.. WLD lacks much information but still is the better one if u r looking for a free one
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There's an xda edition of BBS too. It's the full version, free for xda members.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
Supamike88 said:
What's the best app to use to determine what's draining your battery? I took my phone off the charger and within 15 mins it's down 6%
Sent from my SGH-T999 using XDA Free mobile app
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Using WLD because BBS is pretty damn confusing.
So this has been bugging me for a while now. Even though I'm using the original accessories this message keeps popping up and it takes more than six to eight hours to charge completely! Is this hardware or software? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Also my battery is draining quite frequently and I get a backup of eight hours with fair usage don't know what to do?
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
vaibhavbhatter said:
So this has been bugging me for a while now. Even though I'm using the original accessories this message keeps popping up and it takes more than six to eight hours to charge completely! Is this hardware or software? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Also my battery is draining quite frequently and I get a backup of eight hours with fair usage don't know what to do?
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The only time I get that message is when I'm charging with my computer. I'd say your wall charger is pooched. You probably need a new one, or you could use one from your last device, or any any other device for that matter. Or try a different wall socket. If that doesn't fix it, take your phone back for repairs or replacement. It should be covered under warranty.
Yea I was thinking of doing the same, it's just that I've been stalling going to their service center cuz they provide the most horrible support possible. Thanks for replying.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA Free mobile app
What kind of battery life are you tmobile variant users typically getting? Thanks
Sent from my SM-G920T using XDA-Developers mobile app
I know you asked for T-Mobile variant but it is the same model as the US unlocked and I am using it on T-Mobile network, so I'll just tell you what I see. I usually get through a full 24 hours without having to do any bump charging. I am averaging between 5 and a half and 7 hours screen on time. Really see 6 hrs the most, 7 would be the best-case scenario. That being said I don't make very many phone calls which tend to truly chew through the battery. I'll go through a full cycle in the next day and post screenshots showing my stats.
Cool thanks bud.Is the htc m10 alot better than the m9? Because battery life on the m9 sucked for me. Thanks.
Sent from my SM-G920T using XDA-Developers mobile app
xda23 said:
Cool thanks bud.Is the htc m10 alot better than the m9? Because battery life on the m9 sucked for me. Thanks.
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All I can speak for is myself. Personally I'm seeing about an hour more screen on time than with the M9. Nothing to write home about but it is better.