I just picked up the HTC One today, and instantly attempted to root it.
After I finally rooted it, I made a stupid mistake of wiping all data prior to flashing a custom rom, and with no SD card, I figured I was screwed.
I'm still able to access TWRP recovery.
I read this article http://htconeroot.com/htc-one-tutorials/how-to-copy-files-to-htc-one-using-twrp-mount-and-adb/#comment-436 attempting to explain how to mount my htc one and eventually flash a custom rom over. And following his instructions I am able to see "ROM.zip" in TWRP however when I try to flash the rom (which is CM11), it get an error and in red letters I read FAILED.
Any ideas? Thanks guys
kaiokimoto said:
I just picked up the HTC One today, and instantly attempted to root it.
After I finally rooted it, I made a stupid mistake of wiping all data prior to flashing a custom rom, and with no SD card, I figured I was screwed.
I'm still able to access TWRP recovery.
I read this article http://htconeroot.com/htc-one-tutorials/how-to-copy-files-to-htc-one-using-twrp-mount-and-adb/#comment-436 attempting to explain how to mount my htc one and eventually flash a custom rom over. And following his instructions I am able to see "ROM.zip" in TWRP however when I try to flash the rom (which is CM11), it get an error and in red letters I read FAILED.
Any ideas? Thanks guys
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i would suggest following this same procedure, but also check the md5 of the file on your computer / on the phone to make sure it downloaded/transferred correctly.
i'd also recommend flashing a sense based rom initially, stock or maybe bonestock. this only because they'll give you the least compatibility issues when flashing, and also because if you flash directly to cm11 you'll most likely have problems getting a gps lock.
Thanks I'll give it a shot again. Wish me luck
UPDATE: So it still doesn't work, I've tried using adb sideload with no luck either. Here's what it says:
set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E: Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/'
Error flashing zip '/sdcard/M7WLVCOO.zip'
Also when rebooting in recovery it says my device is not rooted (it was prior to this) and now its asking to install SuperSU, but when I reboot, of course it doesn't install it since I have no OS. How do I reroot with only twrp recovery?
Any idea what this means?
Have you tried using the fastboot options for flashing
there are some links here to doing the fastboot flashing I believe you reboot into bootloader holding the power and vol down keys when you get to the menu 1st option is fastboot hit power button and your in fastboot mode pleae anyone correct me if i am wrong but you should be able to type fastboot oem_RUU this will reboot your phone and you will get a htc with a green bar then type fastboot flash zip imagename.zip and hit enter that should flash the rom onto your system but please please please do a search and just double check the fastboot commands
bregga said:
there are some links here to doing the fastboot flashing I believe you reboot into bootloader holding the power and vol down keys when you get to the menu 1st option is fastboot hit power button and your in fastboot mode pleae anyone correct me if i am wrong but you should be able to type fastboot oem_RUU this will reboot your phone and you will get a htc with a green bar then type fastboot flash zip imagename.zip and hit enter that should flash the rom onto your system but please please please do a search and just double check the fastboot commands
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+1^^^ do an RUU. I suggest RUU'ing the .15 stock image. Then root again. Flash a recovery. Make a nandroid. Copy a Rom. Wipe and flash.
Sent from my Oney Bone.
So, I tried to get the latest Cyanogenmod on my phone.
Resulted in the the process com.android.phone has stopped issue.
FInally managed to get around that but no my phone is stuck with no CWM, no USB Windows fileshare and a HTC bootscreen.
I have searched, and read a lot of posts and the closes thing to recovery is a post on putting on a Nandroid backup for my Y13 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1975140)
But, since I have no USB fileshare I am unable to get it on the phone and start the process.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
I need to completely wipe and reinstall everything but has no access other that fastboot USB.
What info should I post and how do I find it if more is needed.
smurf69 said:
So, I tried to get the latest Cyanogenmod on my phone.
Resulted in the the process com.android.phone has stopped issue.
FInally managed to get around that but no my phone is stuck with no CWM, no USB Windows fileshare and a HTC bootscreen.
I have searched, and read a lot of posts and the closes thing to recovery is a post on putting on a Nandroid backup for my Y13 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1975140)
But, since I have no USB fileshare I am unable to get it on the phone and start the process.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
I need to completely wipe and reinstall everything but has no access other that fastboot USB.
What info should I post and how do I find it if more is needed.
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Download Philz recovery and flash via fastboot. After this go in recovery and mound the sd card and wait 3-4 min. copy your rom on SD card flash the rom and flash the boot.img!
Thant said:
Download Philz recovery and flash via fastboot. After this go in recovery and mound the sd card and wait 3-4 min. copy your rom on SD card flash the rom and flash the boot.img!
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Thanks Thant!
So, I have downloaded Philz, I think I have flashed the recovery.img file over to the phone from CMD shell window.
I have rebooted my phone to fastboot menu and selectet recovery.
The result is still the same. Just the htc boot screen.
I`m sure I`m doing something wrong but cant figure out how. Philz How to uses USB / PC file transfer so I`m unable to use it as a step by step.
Would really appreciate a step by step command overview. If possible with an explanation so that I learn why I do the different commands. Then I wont be so f.. ignorant about these things anymore. Hopefully
smurf69 said:
Thanks Thant!
So, I have downloaded Philz, I think I have flashed the recovery.img file over to the phone from CMD shell window.
I have rebooted my phone to fastboot menu and selectet recovery.
The result is still the same. Just the htc boot screen.
I`m sure I`m doing something wrong but cant figure out how. Philz How to uses USB / PC file transfer so I`m unable to use it as a step by step.
Would really appreciate a step by step command overview. If possible with an explanation so that I learn why I do the different commands. Then I wont be so f.. ignorant about these things anymore. Hopefully
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The command to flash the recovery is fastboot flash recovery recovery.img you must to put recovery.img in your fastboot directory and you can run the command fastboot erase cache after this go in bootloader and choice the recovery this is all
Thant said:
The command to flash the recovery is fastboot flash recovery recovery.img you must to put recovery.img in your fastboot directory and you can run the command fastboot erase cache after this go in bootloader and choice the recovery this is all
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Again, thanks!!
Forgot my phone at work so I`ll have a go tomorrow!
This issue will remain unsolved.
The phone no longer charges so I am unable to start any process what so ever.
Thank you so much for the help I got
smurf69 said:
This issue will remain unsolved.
The phone no longer charges so I am unable to start any process what so ever.
Thank you so much for the help I got
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there is also a zip with a .bat file to charge in fastboot ...it should all work...as it was said before fastboot flash recovery recovery.img and fastboot erase cache...if nothng works then do the factory reset through bootloader helps often...if not working...hm try to find latest RUU for your CID which ould work...if already on hboot 1.7x only RUU from 3.14 and up would work
One-X-master said:
there is also a zip with a .bat file to charge in fastboot ...it should all work...as it was said before fastboot flash recovery recovery.img and fastboot erase cache...if nothng works then do the factory reset through bootloader helps often...if not working...hm try to find latest RUU for your CID which ould work...if already on hboot 1.7x only RUU from 3.14 and up would work
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Thanks, but the phone is completely dead and unable to boot.
There is no power and the phone won`t charge so I guess it`s a gonner.
smurf69 said:
Thanks, but the phone is completely dead and unable to boot.
There is no power and the phone won`t charge so I guess it`s a gonner.
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Search the forums, there are answers to get your device back to live. Like the charging script.
Please help! I am new to this and am worried I bricked my phone.
I successfully rooted my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus using a toolkit. It was then working fine with 4.2.2. I wanted to install Shiny Rom 4.4.2. I thought I successfully backed up apps and data using Titanium Backup.
I successfully moved the correct zip files to my phone, and realized I needed Clockworkmod recovery. I followed a procedure to get this on my phone by using my computer's command prompt. I successfully booted into Clockworkmod recovery and followed the process of wiping data/factory reset, successfully installed radio and bootloader recommended to install with ShinyROM but got stuck and could not install the ShinyROM itself. I think it is because it requires a later version of Clockworkmod. The one I downloaded using the procedure was, but I think I need a later version. I tried following the same procedure using my computer's command prompt and it got stuck at "waiting for device". I cannot get out of Clockworkmod recovery now (even battery pull, etc.). I then found some threads saying I need to restore my old ROM first. (I think) the only ROM on my phone is ShinyROM. I am stuck and stressed out because I do not know of a way of "pushing" the new version of Clockworkmod to my phone.
Can I fix this, or do I need to start shopping?
[email protected] said:
Please help! I am new to this and am worried I bricked my phone.
Can I fix this, or do I need to start shopping?
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i think u already wiped data partition at first, that why your Rom installation aborted bcoz recovery cant mount any partition.
still got your old system partition here.
from recovery ~ try adb sideload your shinyRom. can your pc detected bootloader (fastboot)/recovery?
memaro_maro said:
i think u already wiped data partition at first, that why your Rom installation aborted bcoz recovery cant mount any partition.
still got your old system partition here.
from recovery ~ try adb sideload your shinyRom. can your pc detected bootloader (fastboot)/recovery?
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Regarding partition, I have an option to wipe cache partition. Should I do this?
Well, I went ahead and tried this, and still could not install ShinyROM.
I tried to follow a procedure in the link to use ADB sideload.
I downloaded (full) SDK and updates and updated the drivers. When I get to the following steps from the procedure...
-Boot your device in recovery mode (Android logo with a exclamation mark) and connect your device to PC
-Hold down "power" button first, followed quickly by "volume up" button. You should now see the recovery menu
I only boot to CWM and there is no Android with Exclamation mark. Holding down power button only selects whichever option is highlighted within CWM.
Also, it seems within CWM, there is supposed to be an option to sideload a zip file. This option does not exist in my version of CWM.
[email protected] said:
Regarding partition, I have an option to wipe cache partition. Should I do this?
Well, I went ahead and tried this, and still could not install ShinyROM.
I tried to follow a procedure in the link to use ADB sideload.
I downloaded (full) SDK and updates and updated the drivers. When I get to the following steps from the procedure...
-Boot your device in recovery mode (Android logo with a exclamation mark) and connect your device to PC
-Hold down "power" button first, followed quickly by "volume up" button. You should now see the recovery menu
I only boot to CWM and there is no Android with Exclamation mark. Holding down power button only selects whichever option is highlighted within CWM.
Also, it seems within CWM, there is supposed to be an option to sideload a zip file. This option does not exist in my version of CWM.
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set up fastboot and flash twrp then.
xzilem said:
set up fastboot and flash twrp then.
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Thanks. I found another thread that led me to the same conclusion, except I was able to do it with CWM and fastboot the latest version using ADB sideload. I still haven't posted enough to link, but here were the details from user camblue.
If you know how to use ADB you can always fastboot a recovery.img,,,,this thing is almost impossible to truly brick. IN order to get into fastboot just connect to your computer and run adb with these commands
adb reboot bootloader
once in fastboot mode write this
fastboot devices
that will tell you if your device is connected and reading in fastboot mode if it is you will see something like fastboot and some numbers next to it. If nothing you do not" have the fastboot drivers installed.
then to fastboot flash a recovery.img write this
fastboot flash recovery r3-recovery-clockwork-touch- (or whatever recovery.img you are using or have in your tools folder of you SDK location).
and in order to get right into CWM if you cant boot write this
fastboot boot r3-recovery-clockwork-touch-
hope that helps
hello android geniuses first of sorry about this once my phone is working again i will not mess with it anymore
okay so i was feeling cool and rooted my htc one m7 from verizon then i turned s-off and unlocked bootloader
then i flashed a custom rom it was paranoid android everything worked except i wasnt getting any service on the phone so i was told to flash a verizon htc one rom so i went and flashed viper 6.2 but the phone got stuck in a bootloop so for some reason i thought that doing a factory reset/wipe from the recovery would fix it....it didnt and now i cant reflash the rom either....i tried to sideload but adb wont recognize my device while fastboot recognizes the phone adb wont
what am i to do?
Well im not sure of any other methods to try but i had loads of problems myself pushing files to the SDcard threw twrp and cwm recoveries, so the way I went about it was doing a decrypted RUU to return the phone to stock then once it loaded up in Android I pushed the Rom to the SDcard card then rebooted and started over.
Goto this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=46506621&postcount=2
All the way at the bottom you should see some links for RUU's, I used the one labeled "1.10.605.15 Decrypted RUU" You will flash this the same way as you would a firmware update, if you dont know how thats done that post will explain it all. After you flash the RUU reboot and it should be back to the day you got it, but you will still be s-off, at that point just put a custom recovery back on and flash away, however that RUU will downgrade your firmware so you might wanna update your firmware after you get the phone booted up and your rom placed back on the sdcard
fLaWx said:
Well im not sure of any other methods to try but i had loads of problems myself pushing files to the SDcard threw twrp and cwm recoveries, so the way I went about it was doing a decrypted RUU to return the phone to stock then once it loaded up in Android I pushed the Rom to the SDcard card then rebooted and started over.
Goto this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=46506621&postcount=2
All the way at the bottom you should see some links for RUU's, I used the one labeled "1.10.605.15 Decrypted RUU" You will flash this the same way as you would a firmware update, if you dont know how thats done that post will explain it all. After you flash the RUU reboot and it should be back to the day you got it, but you will still be s-off, at that point just put a custom recovery back on and flash away, however that RUU will downgrade your firmware so you might wanna update your firmware after you get the phone booted up and your rom placed back on the sdcard
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What he said. Good post dude.
When you enabled adb sideload, what command did you use? Because you don't push files that way. You type "adb sideload Rom.zip", then it will send the file and after it sends immediately start the install. So you will need to wipe in recovery first to make sure it's clean.
Sent from my Lunar Ecliptic One.
i followed your steps i got to the part where fastboot asks to flush the zip again i typed "fastboot flash zip firmware.zip" and it said waiting for device and that never went away so i rebooted into bootloader and now fastboot wont recognize the device however if i go to device manager it says my htc is plugged but has a little yellow icon...the drivers are up to date this is driving me nuts i just want my phone to work
sound like you may need to ruu back to total stock there are instruction on doing it here and I do not want to give you the wrong steps. found this but make sure you have the decrypted ruu
1. Download VZW RUU.zip from the following thread 1. Download VZW RUU.zip from the following thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2428276)
2. Rename to "ruu.zip"
3. Enter fastboot mode
4. enter "fastboot oem rebootRUU" - You should not see a silver HTC logo on your device.
5. enter "fastboot flash zip ruu.zip" - The first time you execute this command, it only prepares the flash
6. As soon as the flash is done preparing, enter the same exact command again "fastboot flash zip ruu.zip"
7. Now you'll see a little green progress bar on your phone. This does not need to reach 100%. As soon as your command window is finished, you can just "fastboot reboot".
8. You should be set back to fully stock HTC One.
I also use cut and paste when doing this as it stops my crappy spelling from getting in the way
The problem now is that fastboot wont recognize the device, when i type "fastboot devices" its blank
i think i screwed up the firmware becouse in fastboot it says in red os-3.11.605.1 (1.10.605.15) in red
before i remember it was green that spot...oh crap i wont be able o buy a new phone in a long time this is terrible....i still have teamwin recovery can i do anything through that?
quadracorn said:
The problem now is that fastboot wont recognize the device, when i type "fastboot devices" its blank
i think i screwed up the firmware becouse in fastboot it says in red os-3.11.605.1 (1.10.605.15) in red
before i remember it was green that spot...oh crap i wont be able o buy a new phone in a long time this is terrible....i still have teamwin recovery can i do anything through that?
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You could always use a USB-OTG, place a rom on a flash drive and try to install that way. There may be a simpler way, but that's all i can think of for now.
i guess i have to order an otg cable....oh well...ill have to live without a phone a bit longer until cable shows up haha XD w
quadracorn said:
The problem now is that fastboot wont recognize the device, when i type "fastboot devices" its blank
i think i screwed up the firmware becouse in fastboot it says in red os-3.11.605.1 (1.10.605.15) in red
before i remember it was green that spot...oh crap i wont be able o buy a new phone in a long time this is terrible....i still have teamwin recovery can i do anything through that?
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Does pc see device in computer?if so down load room onto pc place Rom on root of ad card or in download and reboot phone into recovery ahs flash zip..I also had problem where adb would not see devices cause I had miniadb and the full version of adb and it was a conflict,just my two cents
I don't know if this will help, but I had an issue of my devices not being found so I followed this guy's guide: http://zacktutorials.blogspot.com/2013/04/adb-is-not-recognized-as-internal-or.html
and was able to get my device recognized. Also which recovery are you using? I don't know if it's still an issue but when I was on viper I got stuck in a bootloop with TWRP so I switched to Philz.
If you're able to get into fastboot, follow post #4 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2677015 and basically start from the beginning.
Make sure you have the latest recovery, the latest firmware (radios and such), and the correct ROM..
good luck
bregga said:
sound like you may need to ruu back to total stock there are instruction on doing it here and I do not want to give you the wrong steps. found this but make sure you have the decrypted ruu
1. Download VZW RUU.zip from the following thread 1. Download VZW RUU.zip from the following thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2428276)
2. Rename to "ruu.zip"
3. Enter fastboot mode
4. enter "fastboot oem rebootRUU" - You should not see a silver HTC logo on your device.
5. enter "fastboot flash zip ruu.zip" - The first time you execute this command, it only prepares the flash
6. As soon as the flash is done preparing, enter the same exact command again "fastboot flash zip ruu.zip"
7. Now you'll see a little green progress bar on your phone. This does not need to reach 100%. As soon as your command window is finished, you can just "fastboot reboot".
8. You should be set back to fully stock HTC One.
I also use cut and paste when doing this as it stops my crappy spelling from getting in the way
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Hi All,
Do you know is RUU 4.4 has surfaced? please help
after i failed to root my phone
everytime i try to put it in recovery mode it goes back to fastboot mode ..
even if i tried to flash a recovery on it , it would boot to fastboot mode
even when trying to install a official htc software update it just boots into fastboot ..
now i want to get it back to stock..
can you please help me !!
if someone would like to help me .. i can open teamviewer and he can do it for me ..
zsnorow said:
after i failed to root my phone
everytime i try to put it in recovery mode it goes back to fastboot mode ..
even if i tried to flash a recovery on it , it would boot to fastboot mode
even when trying to install a official htc software update it just boots into fastboot ..
now i want to get it back to stock..
can you please help me !!
if someone would like to help me .. i can open teamviewer and he can do it for me ..
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If you are able to boot into fastboot, search the latest TWRP and flash it via adb. Connect your device while in fastboot mode and see if it recognize it.
If it does put the recovery file you have downloaded on your desktop and open a command window, press shift and right click at the same time and click on Open command window here.
Type adb devices, if you see a serial number go on and type adb reboot bootloader, then type fastboot flash recovery [ the name of the recovery file you have just downloaded ]
You can do this just by powering on your phone, no need to be already in fastboot mode, just follow the commands.
Press shift and right click : open command window here : adb devices : adb reboot bootloader : fastboot flash recovery [ the name of the recovery file you have just downloaded, do not forget the .img extension ]
fastboot reboot
Once you have a working TWRP you can flash your corresponding backup and go back to stock. The backup will be flashed from TWRP, search for instructions.
XSL-FO said:
If you are able to boot into fastboot, search the latest TWRP and flash it via adb. Connect your device while in fastboot mode and see if it recognize it.
If it does put the recovery file you have downloaded on your desktop and open a command window, press shift and right click at the same time and click on Open command window here.
Type adb devices, if you see a serial number go on and type adb reboot bootloader, then type fastboot flash recovery [ the name of the recovery file you have just downloaded ]
You can do this just by powering on your phone, no need to be already in fastboot mode, just follow the commands.
Press shift and right click : open command window here : adb devices : adb reboot bootloader : fastboot flash recovery [ the name of the recovery file you have just downloaded, do not forget the .img extension ]
fastboot reboot
Once you have a working TWRP you can flash your corresponding backup and go back to stock. The backup will be flashed from TWRP, search for instructions.
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can you sir please give me a link for the TWRP and teach em how to flash it ? it would be much appreciated..
zsnorow said:
can you sir please give me a link for the TWRP and teach em how to flash it ? it would be much appreciated..
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http://teamw.in/project/twrp2 and click on the upper right Get TWRP for your device.
Choose your device recovery and download the adb version. That is the .img
Once you have downloaded TWRP put it on your desktop.
Connect your device with your laptop/pc with the unknown sources checked also the usb debugging checked.
Move your mouse over a free space on your desktop, click once just to be sure there is no app or file clicked.
Then press shift and keep it pressed while you right click your mouse.
Press open command window here
in that command window type : adb devices
if you see a serial number type : adb reboot bootloader
then type : fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-
fastboot reboot
openrecovery-twrp- : This is an example, you will write the name of your recovery but it should be pretty much the same.
Good luck.
Are you familiar with
adb/fastboot commands?
It's a bad idea to mess with your phone if you don't know how to repair it if something goes wrong
spinninbsod said:
It's a bad idea to mess with your phone if you don't know how to repair it if something goes wrong
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I agree with you but maybe he has done some reading and has fixed it sense he hasn't given us an update
ive tried everything
jball said:
I agree with you but maybe he has done some reading and has fixed it sense he hasn't given us an update
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i tried everything to fix my phone like sideloading (my phone doesent get recognised when in sideload mode) , pushing a ROM and the flashing it with TWRP (it says that its completed but it doesent work)..
what else can i do .. cant someone do it for me via teamviewer ..
zsnorow said:
i tried everything to fix my phone like sideloading (my phone doesent get recognised when in sideload mode) , pushing a ROM and the flashing it with TWRP (it says that its completed but it doesent work)..
what else can i do .. cant someone do it for me via teamviewer ..
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What guides/tutorials have you followed to get to the point you are at now.I'm sure someone wouldn't mind teamviewing the whole process but what would you learn by having that done .
From start to finish what have you used?
i honestly cant remember everything i did
jball said:
What guides/tutorials have you followed to get to the point you are at now.I'm sure someone wouldn't mind teamviewing the whole process but what would you learn by having that done .
From start to finish what have you used?
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i cant remember everything i did but im sure that i followed the tutorials that are on youtube/XDA/android forums correctly
zsnorow said:
i tried everything to fix my phone like sideloading (my phone doesent get recognised when in sideload mode) , pushing a ROM and the flashing it with TWRP (it says that its completed but it doesent work)..
what else can i do .. cant someone do it for me via teamviewer ..
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You say "pushing a ROM" with what?
You don't push a ROM with TWRP you just flash it.
Or are you talking about pushing the ROM with fastboot?
If you have TWRP than download a stock backup and flash it.
Take a long look at my profile man and if you look just right you will see I've done and asked some stupid things in my travels here on XDA.I can tell you I remember every phone and ridiculous thing I've done to each of them,I still feel crunchy when I think of the mistakes.
We really need more info about the full process.please I'm not trying to offend you and I'm trying to help
zsnorow said:
i cant remember everything i did but im sure that i followed the tutorials that are on youtube/XDA/android forums correctly
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If you can't remember what you did, or at least even try to list in detail the steps you did as best you can remember; it makes it very hard for anyone to help.
Saying you followed some tutorials on an entire website (3 websites actually) doesn't tell us jack, and isn't any better than telling us nothing.
Its not even clear the current condition of the phone. Your OP says TWRP doesn't work, then a later post says you are trying things with TWRP, so presumably you have TWRP. But since you never stated that, we can only guess.
What happens when you try to adb push or sideload? What error messages, does it make the phone reboot, stuck on boot screen, etc?
TWRP working? Bootloader is unlocked? If yes to both of those, you should be able to just adb push a ROM, or put one on removable SD with a card reader attached to your computer. Than flash the ROM in TWRP.
same thing happened with me but i remember what i did
redpoint73 said:
If you can't remember what you did, or at least even try to list in detail the steps you did as best you can remember; it makes it very hard for anyone to help.
Saying you followed some tutorials on an entire website (3 websites actually) doesn't tell us jack, and isn't any better than telling us nothing.
Its not even clear the current condition of the phone. Your OP says TWRP doesn't work, then a later post says you are trying things with TWRP, so presumably you have TWRP. But since you never stated that, we can only guess.
What happens when you try to adb push or sideload? What error messages, does it make the phone reboot, stuck on boot screen, etc?
TWRP working? Bootloader is unlocked? If yes to both of those, you should be able to just adb push a ROM, or put one on removable SD with a card reader attached to your computer. Than flash the ROM in TWRP.
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firstly i unlocked my bootloader via htcdev website then i installed twrp recovery successfully and then when i tried to root my phone by installing two zip files (mm-su-boot. & beta super su) i installed these two files and then tried to reboot my phone it opened in fastboot mode only . then i read here about the revolution hd rom installed it successfully but it does not reboot . help needed
farhanakhtar39 said:
firstly i unlocked my bootloader via htcdev website then i installed twrp recovery successfully and then when i tried to root my phone by installing two zip files (mm-su-boot. & beta super su) i installed these two files and then tried to reboot my phone it opened in fastboot mode only . then i read here about the revolution hd rom installed it successfully but it does not reboot . help needed
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Your device is M8 dual SIM .. mm-su-boot is for M8 single SIM, won't work on your device.
Install custom ROM with support for Dual SIM or restore your stock ROM backup
please can you provide any link of the rom for dual sim addition
farhanakhtar39 said:
please can you provide any link of the rom for dual sim addition
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Not so sure,
if Sense ROM - https://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/development/rom-sense-6-12-401-4-mra58k-stock-t3296066
maybe S.ROM too has dual SIM support, you need to ask in their thread
if non-Sense ROM
CM13 ROM - https://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/development/rom-cyanogenmod-13-0-experimental-t3259068
Nougat ROM -
There are a few more that support Dual SIM but you have to check & ask in their development thread as I'm not familiar with most of the available custom ROMs .. I don't try most of them
Thanks buddy it worked
cm 13 worked for me !
God bless you
If I may jump in on this post and ask some advise my m8s is only booting to fastboot screen it has never been flashed, have tried recovery: nothing just goes back to fastboot, also wiped cache and factory reset: same result..... It has done this 2 times previous but only after restarting phone, usually repeatedly doing reboot it loads but it's been 2 days now and still only getting fastboot screen...plez help
My phone is having similar issues
Stanna16 said:
If I may jump in on this post and ask some advise my m8s is only booting to fastboot screen it has never been flashed, have tried recovery: nothing just goes back to fastboot, also wiped cache and factory reset: same result..... It has done this 2 times previous but only after restarting phone, usually repeatedly doing reboot it loads but it's been 2 days now and still only getting fastboot screen...plez help
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I recently decided to root and install a custom rom on my old stock sprint HTC one m8. I unlocked the boot loader via HTC Dev website. I then flashed the TWRP recovery. Since doing the latter step, it's been booting into fast boot all the time! Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your phone?
pancho2009 said:
I recently decided to root and install a custom rom on my old stock sprint HTC one m8. I unlocked the boot loader via HTC Dev website. I then flashed the TWRP recovery. Since doing the latter step, it's been booting into fast boot all the time! Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your phone?
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You only flashed TWRP onto the phone? Or did you root also?
Not nearly enough info to provide the proper help.
Please do fastboot getvar all, and post the results (delete IMEI and serial number before posting).
What version TWRP?
What version SuperSU did you flash (if you got that far)?
[Q] fastboot flash system system.img FAILED <remote: Permission denied>, need fix
I have a ZE551ML and want to install CM. I am following the guide here. I have run into a problem on the first step which points to the guide here. At step 7 of this guide it has me use the command: fastboot flash system system.img. This fails with the error in the title of this post: FAILED <remote: Permission denied>. I have been googling this and no one has a concrete solution. Currently my phone will not even boot as the three fastboot commands before this one worked just fine and replaced the files. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Even though it'll say permission denied, flashing recovery WILL work. From there you can either flash a custom ROM (from twrp) or reflash stock firmware (through stock recovery).
That's the only fix I've found. To flash a usable ROM and boot into it. May need to turn on USB debugging in dev options. But after doing those two things, fastboot will stop with the permission denied issues.
Hey, thanks for the quick reply.
Currently the phone does not boot at all.
What do you mean by flashing recovery?
When I enter recovery mode at the moment it says applying update and then gives me the android on its side with the red triangle and error! below it.
So i can't currently flash though recovery mode as far as I can tell.
eric_lensherr said:
Hey, thanks for the quick reply.
Currently the phone does not boot at all.
What do you mean by flashing recovery?
When I enter recovery mode at the moment it says applying update and then gives me the android on its side with the red triangle and error! below it.
So i can't currently flash though recovery mode as far as I can tell.
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Found a guide here dealing with this error, working on it.
So I got my phone unbricked by flashing the recovery with the stock ASUS firmware "ASUS ZenFone 2=ZE551ML(Z00AD/Z00ADA/Z00ADB/Z00ADC) software Image: V2.19.40.22 for WW SKU only" available at the ASUS official website and following a guide at an outside link that I can't post.
Now, I have enabled developer mode and turned on USB debugging but am now getting the permission denied on all fastboot commands of the OTA guide, step 7.
Does anyone know a good next step?
Hey, managed to root the phone with: Temporary CWM
After setting USB debug on did you connect the phone to PC via USB and authenticated the PC? When you connect the phone to PC via USB with debugging on, it should pop up a window on the phone after a few seconds asking you for permission for the PC. You can checkmark the box that says always trust this computer's RSA fingerprints or something along those lines.
Hope this helps!
rlaw said:
After setting USB debug on did you connect the phone to PC via USB and authenticated the PC? When you connect the phone to PC via USB with debugging on, it should pop up a window on the phone after a few seconds asking you for permission for the PC. You can checkmark the box that says always trust this computer's RSA fingerprints or something along those lines.
Hope this helps!
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Yes, I did do this but I have now checked the check mark to make it always trust my computer. I then booted into fastboot but still get permission denied despite having root through CWM and having this checked off.
When I got root through CWM by the fastboot tethered recovery it gave me permission denied on all steps but it still booted into CWM recovery. I was then able to install SuperSU to root it, though it gave me an error, and I used Root Checkerr to see if the phone was rooted. It says it is but I am still unable to flash any images onto the phone since I re-installed the stock firmware.
I'm super confused about this whole thing, IDK what to do now.
Flash stock recovery again and adb sideload the stock firmware all over.
This is the latest up-to-date firmware: http://dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/ZenFone/ZE551ML/UL-Z00A-WW-
If that doesn't work then idk. You can Google the permission denied errors for fastboot like I did and there are various possible problems/solutions.
So, none of this is working.
I installed the latest firmware as you suggested and got root again by using Temporary CWM. However despite anything I try (been googling for hours with little help found) I cannot get the phone to let me flash anything I always get the permission denied error.
eric_lensherr said:
So, none of this is working.
I installed the latest firmware as you suggested and got root again by using Temporary CWM. However despite anything I try (been googling for hours with little help found) I cannot get the phone to let me flash anything I always get the permission denied error.
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You can still flash recovery via fastboot even though it'll say permission denied it works. That's all you really need to do as you can install stock firmware via stock recovery or flash ROMs and whatever else through twrp recovery.
rlaw said:
You can still flash recovery via fastboot even though it'll say permission denied it works. That's all you really need to do as you can install stock firmware via stock recovery or flash ROMs and whatever else through twrp recovery.
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How can i tell if twrp recovery is successfully installed?
Hey, took a few days to cool off.
So it does seem I can replace recovery even though it says permission denied. I do this by using fastboot to flash the recovery, then from the bootloader on the phone I select restart bootloader and then when the bootloader re-appears I enter recovery mode ( I do this to prevent the possible replacing of the custom recovery by the stock OS). However recovery mode never boots when the latest twrp recovery is on the phone, I just end up back in the bootloader. When I flash the stock recovery back on this method successfully enters recovery mode. This also occurs if I just directly enter recovery mode after flashing twrp recovery.
Any thoughts?
eric_lensherr said:
So, none of this is working.
I installed the latest firmware as you suggested and got root again by using Temporary CWM. However despite anything I try (been googling for hours with little help found) I cannot get the phone to let me flash anything I always get the permission denied error.
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Same here. I'm using elevated cmd, and fastboot is recognizing my device. But I can't flash anything, can't erase cahce, can't reformat partitions. Always failed due to permissions. And I'm stuck in a bootloop, and can't get to recovery (it just goes back into the bootloop when I try). Literally the only avenue I have to interact with this phone is fastboot, and I can't do anything with it.