Hi All,
Had my HOX about a week. I have rooted my previous phones, but the current state of unlocking / rooting / CWM makes me a little nervous this time round.
Losing the ability to get OTA updates, along with the issues about getting root / installing CWM / custom roms and the number of bricked phones / issues still prevalent is giving me second thoughts.
I'm curious as to how many people think the same or how many have jumped all in!
Am I being a chicken and should I wait for the process of Unlocking/Rooting/CWM/Custom Roms to stabilize, or should I man up?
I love the XDA forums and the Rom developers, but don't want to risk my brand new HOX!
Im currently stock and waiting for s-off to be done without the need for htcdev.
agento said:
Hi All,
Had my HOX about a week. I have rooted my previous phones, but the current state of unlocking / rooting / CWM makes me a little nervous this time round.
Losing the ability to get OTA updates, along with the issues about getting root / installing CWM / custom roms and the number of bricked phones / issues still prevalent is giving me second thoughts.
I'm curious as to how many people think the same or how many have jumped all in!
Am I being a chicken and should I wait for the process of Unlocking/Rooting/CWM/Custom Roms to stabilize, or should I man up?
I love the XDA forums and the Rom developers, but don't want to risk my brand new HOX!
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If YOU are confident then you unlock the bootloader and start tweaking your device. I have rooted and unlocked the device now trying out different ROM's. I for one is flash junk. So if you think you can void your warranty then go ahead have fun. Or wait until S-OFF comes. I suspect it's gonna be sooner than we think because last I heard someone is already working on it.
Staying Stock for now
Im unlooked rooted have custom rom plus touch recovery. Did everything in under half an hour. Everything works like with other phones (as far as the mass of users are concerned) but yeah you can flash everything backup and restore if anything goes wrong.. There are pleanty of instructions for windows or mac on this forum also ways for unbricking. I was worried that it was too early for this stuff yet too but everything is fine.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
agento said:
Hi All,
Had my HOX about a week. I have rooted my previous phones, but the current state of unlocking / rooting / CWM makes me a little nervous this time round.
Losing the ability to get OTA updates, along with the issues about getting root / installing CWM / custom roms and the number of bricked phones / issues still prevalent is giving me second thoughts.
I'm curious as to how many people think the same or how many have jumped all in!
Am I being a chicken and should I wait for the process of Unlocking/Rooting/CWM/Custom Roms to stabilize, or should I man up?
I love the XDA forums and the Rom developers, but don't want to risk my brand new HOX!
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I'm totally with you on that. I'm hanging fire to check out the OTA and see if it brings better stability, battery etc. I will root eventually, especially if a really sound vanilla ROM comes along and I don't have to lose the camera features.
Of HOX users in my Google+ circles, I think about 50% have rooted, the remainder sticking with stock for now...
I rooted and went custom Rom mainly because I'm a lefty and reaching to the top right corner for settings and/or menu was a pain in the bum.
At least that's how I'm justifying it to my girlfriend
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Stock, waiting for S-OFF and also want the banding issues on my screen fixed. Thus I don't want to void my warranty and need 1.28...
Normally root on day one bit still on stock at the mo
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
i was the biggest flashaholic when i had my galaxy was so easy to root as well. just flash the cf-root kernel through odin and voila that was it job is my god so more for now staying stock and enjoying sense..i just disable loads of crapware and that is it just enjoy my phone as stock...but i do miss flashing and trying different roms so i might wait for a few more weeks till i do that....wish we can get a AOKP rom though
NoobTerminator said:
i was the biggest flashaholic when i had my galaxy was so easy to root as well. just flash the cf-root kernel through odin and voila that was it job is my god so more for now staying stock and enjoying sense..i just disable loads of crapware and that is it just enjoy my phone as stock...but i do miss flashing and trying different roms so i might wait for a few more weeks till i do that....wish we can get a AOKP rom though
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lol you should've seen the crap we went thorugh with the desire z / G2 with the gold cards and stuff lol.
as for me, I want to wait for the OTA patch
gdelrosario said:
lol you should've seen the crap we went thorugh with the desire z / G2 with the gold cards and stuff lol.
as for me, I want to wait for the OTA patch
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yeah i heard and read that the next OTA patch will help resolve some of the issues that we are facing...still like this phone though but i do not understand why they do not just release phones with an unlocked bootloader like sammy did with the s2
Guys its really not hard at all to unlock bootloader flash recovery and root this phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
I will wait for a more reliable rooting and uprooting method before switching.
My biggest reasons for rooting my last two phones was:
Internal space,
Latest software,
However on this device, I have plenty of space, ability to disable bloatware and up-to-date with the latest software.
NoobTerminator said:
i was the biggest flashaholic when i had my galaxy was so easy to root as well. just flash the cf-root kernel through odin and voila that was it job is my god so more for now staying stock and enjoying sense..i just disable loads of crapware and that is it just enjoy my phone as stock...but i do miss flashing and trying different roms so i might wait for a few more weeks till i do that....wish we can get a AOKP rom though
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What are you disabling and how ?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
I'm just waiting for my HOX to get it's scratched screen replaced and a stable, official CM9. For now I'm leaving it completely stock unrooted.
combat goofwing said:
Way are you disabling and how ?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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Setting apps and select what you want to disable
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
NoobTerminator said:
Setting apps and select what you want to disable
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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I know with apps what I want running etc but what sort of background services is it ok to disable or is it best not to tinker
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
combat goofwing said:
I know with apps what I want running etc but what sort of background services is it ok to disable or is it best not to tinker
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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i basically disabled all 3 apps. do not use them so i just disabled them. then google books i do not use and the same with google movies. everything else i left it as it is
so i would presume it would be the same with t-mobile apps mate
regarding background services i would not tinker with if i was you..only disable google apps like google plus or google messenger if you do not use them and the same goes for google books and movies if you do not use that either....anything else just leave it as it is...and disable any tmobile crap
Looks like I'm in the majority, then.
Just waiting (fingers crossed) for S-Off or some other exploit from the Revolutionary team to get things going.
Well, I'm sold. Those are the two magic words I needed to hear. Can't wait for that bad boy.
Even though the incredible 4G seems to have a few things that it lacks compared to the One X, it does have an unlocked bootloader which the One X does not. It seems that there was quite following of fans that wouldn’t have it any other way. This small group of android nerds is extremely passionate about the capability to tweak and change their devices. For those of you that are unfamiliar with what an unlocked bootloader does, it allows you somewhat endless possibilities to customize the firmware (or OS) on your device. Which can enhance its user experience, looks, features and the like. This move by HTC to keep the bootloader unlocked is because HTC says they fully support the ability to keep things open and customizable.
HTC is fully committed to the bootloader unlocking program and that Verizon is also completely behind it. Ultimately leading to its choice to make the incredible 4G LTE with this feature. While Verizon is behind the idea now. They could of course change their mind at any time.
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I'm very surprised by this news and very happy at the same time. This might bring some additional devs to the phone. Thanks for the news. You may want to post this in the Incredible 4G sub forum if its not already there.
That's great news and really cool to see that Htc is still going to be allowing the unlocked bootloader.
I'm sure this will be a big plus for me when it comes time to try out a new phone in the future
PacerguyDon said:
That's great news and really cool to see that Htc is still going to be allowing the unlocked bootloader.
I'm sure this will be a big plus for me when it comes time to try out a new phone in the future
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But still, the fact remains that it will be unlocked by HTC's online unlock tool. Which does not grant S-OFF. Granted that this is better than nothing, but I really want to know how much can be done without S-OFF. I mean, S-OFF was a huge thing for rezound, which recently got it. And I heard, until S-OFF was achieved, AOSP ROMs were impossible on Rezound. So, how much can be done by simply unlocking it by HTC's tool and not getting S-OFF? What is the difference between unlocked bootloader with S-ON (i.e. HTC's unlock method) and unlocked Bootloader via S-OFF like I did for the Dinc2? That is my basic question.
litetaker said:
But still, the fact remains that it will be unlocked by HTC's online unlock tool. Which does not grant S-OFF. Granted that this is better than nothing, but I really want to know how much can be done without S-OFF. I mean, S-OFF was a huge thing for rezound, which recently got it. And I heard, until S-OFF was achieved, AOSP ROMs were impossible on Rezound. So, how much can be done by simply unlocking it by HTC's tool and not getting S-OFF? What is the difference between unlocked bootloader with S-ON (i.e. HTC's unlock method) and unlocked Bootloader via S-OFF like I did for the Dinc2? That is my basic question.
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SON and SOFF has nothing todo with getting AOSP. The main problems with aosp on our phones is getting the RIL to work with aosp. Our devs have said the ril is the most complicated theyve seen.
Anyway, when we were just s on we can still have perm root, the thing is kernels werent able to flash in recovery, was flashed in bootloader. We couldnt flash radios, or change firmwares. But it was just fine. Now that we have soff everythings easier to flash. Though getting soff required a wire trick to short out the motherboard to acquire it.
So having just an unlocked bootloader will just mean 1 more step flashing roms, thats all.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
slacka-vt said:
Well, I'm sold. Those are the two magic words I needed to hear. Can't wait for that bad boy.
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I can't understand how Verizon can play double standards like this. On the one side, they say they are 100% behind unlocking bootloaders for HTC and on the other hand they don't allow Motorola phones like the Droid X2, etc. to have unlocked bootloaders... unimpressed :/
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA
litetaker said:
I can't understand how Verizon can play double standards like this. On the one side, they say they are 100% behind unlocking bootloaders for HTC and on the other hand they don't allow Motorola phones like the Droid X2, etc. to have unlocked bootloaders... unimpressed :/
Sent from my Incredible 2 using XDA
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i do think its htc dev unlock for the inc lte (not a completely unlocked b/l)
but in (slight) defense of vzw...its not all on them
for example samsung just makes their devices unlocked by default and offers them to carriers so no issue there
htc has their unlock program and i imagine offers the devices with it built in to carriers, and unless one of them threatens to not carry it as is (like possibly att did) then thats how it comes
moto encrypts (which is much stricter than s-on btw) its devices and then asks the carriers if they want them to then unlock it...none of them are gonna say yes
Hopefully we'll be able to get root with s-off... I want this phone.. 4" screen, step ups in hardware... Hopefully all the great devs will follow from the dinc 1 and 2...
well, the rezound had htc-dev-unlock and just got s-off finally after what 8 months?
s-off is always a possibility.
but htc unlock to me, is still very nice, as we can root, and do just about everything we can with s-off, it's just a little getting used to.
htc unlock may infact even make it so some dev wont want to "waste" time for s-off as the phone is already rooted
andybones said:
well, the rezound had htc-dev-unlock and just got s-off finally after what 8 months?
s-off is always a possibility.
but htc unlock to me, is still very nice, as we can root, and do just about everything we can with s-off, it's just a little getting used to.
htc unlock may infact even make it so some dev wont want to "waste" time for s-off as the phone is already rooted
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yeah personally i dont care about having to flash kernels through wouldnt prevent me from getting the phone...and im imagine much like the rezound and other s3 phones got s-off from the same project, the inc lte would benefit from work on the one series
Still a little bummed about the camera but this is definitely good news. Thanks for the heads up!
ello guys.
going from my 2 year old htc desire to this....
so...what are the first things to do with this galaxy nexus?
Vital apps needed?
specific things to do in the settings to make it run better?
it would be nice to make a guide to follow.
first thing ive done so far is buy a TPU S line case, and Expertshield screen protector.
If the battery life is rubbish i'll have to get the extension pack....but hardly anyone in the UK seems to sell them...lots of korea sales for genuine ones on ebay.
would a non-genuine thing still be as good?
heard of this dodgy issue with a 'yellowy' tint screen - what to do there? have to root the phone?
Fast boot OEM unlock
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
Unlock the phone a root it first because unlocking it will wipe the phone clean of EVERYTHING. So get that done first and the rest is up to you stay stock or flash a rom.
Sent From My Sprint Galaxy Nexus via XDA Premium
Here are my favorite apps on my Galaxy Nexus
-Chrome Beta
-Boid (Twitter)
-Tasks (Google Tasks)
-Weather Flow
-Wolfram Alpha
-Icy Time (Timer and Stopwatch)
-Wallbase (Wallpapers)
Now that you have Android 4.0 you'll most likely fall in love with the Holo design guidelines. A list of some of the apps that use these guidelines can be found here and some good looking apps in general can here.
If you plan on rooting your phone or think you might want to in the future Unlock the bootloader, if you don't you will regret it, trust me. As for the battery life, I can get through the whole day with no problems while others complain that the battery life is bad, I suggest that you use the phone for a week before you get an extended battery.
There's a forum about the yellow screen issue here if you experience this at all then send it back as soon as possible despite the desire to play with your brand new toy.
If you have more questions just ask.
Sign for it
Take it out the box
Charge it
Press power
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
If you like miui and don't want to root. Miui launcher is now available as an apk. That's one of the first things I installed when I got mine. The stock launcher is pretty good too.
Mi Launcher
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
try ur phone with everything stock for a few days, see if everything works, no reboots, overheating etc etc (might want to check if u got an OTA update though, coz there's a big difference for example between 4.0.1 and 4.0.4 in terms of stability)... if u're satisfied with stock , there is no need to root then , if u want to play around a lil u'll figure what to do urself.
p.s. i also owned a desire, but went through some devices in the middle before the gnex, nways, the desire can't be even mentioned in the same sentence with what u're getting now. welcome aboard
First things to do:
1) Unlock your bootloader, even if you never plan on rooting or flashing a custom ROM. Do this even before booting Android for the first time.
2) Check to see if you are running yakju or takju. If you are running a build other than those two (for GSM devices), flash one of them (by following the link in my signature). Run one of those two builds for a while, so that you get a feel for what a stock ROM is.
3) Everything else.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Keep it stock for at least a week, get to know the phone. Saves having to post about problems you're having on a custom rom just to find out its not the roms fault. This will also allow you to give real feedback when comparing roms as a opposed to these douches who flashed on day one n insist that rom x is better than stock
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
i will definitely run stock for a few weeks and get used to it all.
however i am one to fiddle, but im totally new to this phone world in terms of rooting, custom ROMS etc, never bothered before.
put it this way though......i dont own any apple products
can anyone point me to the best guide for rooting, and installing custom Roms?
also can anyone link me to a list of custom roms for the gnex, that are either finished or in development?
im just asking for the links because im very sure the question 'how do you root' has been asked a hundred times - i could google it - but i presume you guys will immediately know a link to the best and safest guide.
having a read through, it seems people have already tweaked the gnex for better things - better kernels? to get better battery life? etc.etc...
is that part of the firmware? is that what you get with custom roms?
i need to understand the basics first.
(im buying the phone sim free unlocked)
Everything you need is in the q&a and development sub forums where you found this one
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
schueyisking said:
i will definitely run stock for a few weeks and get used to it all.
however i am one to fiddle, but im totally new to this phone world in terms of rooting, custom ROMS etc, never bothered before.
put it this way though......i dont own any apple products
can anyone point me to the best guide for rooting, and installing custom Roms?
also can anyone link me to a list of custom roms for the gnex, that are either finished or in development?
im just asking for the links because im very sure the question 'how do you root' has been asked a hundred times - i could google it - but i presume you guys will immediately know a link to the best and safest guide.
having a read through, it seems people have already tweaked the gnex for better things - better kernels? to get better battery life? etc.etc...
is that part of the firmware? is that what you get with custom roms?
i need to understand the basics first.
(im buying the phone sim free unlocked)
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HERE you go
Galaxy Nexus AOKP m5 Franco kernel m3
doesnt rooting or installing a new kernel void the warranty?
schueyisking said:
doesnt rooting or installing a new kernel void the warranty?
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You can always flash back to stock.
No warranty problems.
Backup your /efs partition... =o)
a week of stock? i don't last more than 3 hours, and that's if i'm trying to really be patient. within an hour of getting mine i had flashed the radios, bootloader, rom, and the kernel.
tspderek said:
a week of stock? i don't last more than 3 hours, and that's if i'm trying to really be patient. within an hour of getting mine i had flashed the radios, bootloader, rom, and the kernel.
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How do you even know what stock ICS is if you only use it for 3 hours?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I just got my GN directly from Google and didn't do any unlocking of any sort. Just turned it on and added some apps I plan on using. Changed my homescreen and other screens/settings to fit my personal use and etc.
The phone is amazing without the need of unlocking.
Not really sure... the phone is already unlocked -.- (SIM wise)
pinoyplaya4life said:
The phone is amazing without the need of unlocking.
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Do you understand what unlocking means? We are talking about unlocking the bootloader. Unlocking the bootloader does NOT mean that you are changing anything related to the ROM. I does NOT mean that you are "rooting", and it does not mean you are planning to use a custom ROM.
All it means is that it gives you the ability to use fastboot commands. With this ability, you may be able to save some data off your device in case something happens and your devices' OS crashes. There have been a few reports on these forums of users who kept their bootloaders locked, then something happened and they couldn't boot their device. If their bootloaders had been unlocked, they could have at least saved their personal files (photos, music, etc) from the /sdcard directory. But, because their bootloaders were locked, too bad so sad, photos gone (they were not auto-backup to the cloud).
Definitely unlock the bootloader - I learned the hard way on my N1 that getting an 'unlocked phone' is different from having a phone with an unlocked bootloader. (hunting down a bootloader locked root method so I can Titanium Backup 2 years of apps and data is a PIA).
Unlocking the bootloader on a brand new phone will not outwardly do anything to your phone other than add a little unlocked padlock to the bottom of your startup screen (the one with Google written on it).
I did 2 weeks ago what you're talking about doing now. It's super easy with the Galaxy Nexus Toolkit that mskip has created.
[EDIT] P.S. - don't worry about losing warranty when unlocking the bootloader - the above GNex Toolkit can get your phone back to stock and then re-lock the bootloader for you if you ever need to use the warranty.
efrant said:
First things to do:
1) Unlock your bootloader, even if you never plan on rooting or flashing a custom ROM. Do this even before booting Android for the first time.
2) Check to see if you are running yakju or takju. If you are running a build other than those two (for GSM devices), flash one of them (by following the link in my signature). Run one of those two builds for a while, so that you get a feel for what a stock ROM is.
3) Everything else.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I wanted to just add a comment to a thread somewhere expressing a valid point in regards to s-off.....but it should almost be said in all of them so here it is.
A lot of people have growing concerns regarding s-off ever being re-accomplished with the new hboot versions (1.54 etc). People say that when the VZW S4 can't even get unlocked, how do we expect this to ever happen for HTC? An extremely large oversight that people are missing here is that yes, the VZW S4 community is very large. And with regards to unlocking the bootloader, you could also include the AT&T crowd into the mix as its kinda a dual deal. But these are the only two carrier devices being effected by the bootloader issue. Both carriers xda communities combined. However, when it comes to s-off for our device, you're not just involving VZW users. Or just adding another carrier to the mix. You literally have EVERY HTC One around the globe effected by this circumstance. So not only do you have vzw devs working on it, but at&t, tmo, sprint, rogers, bell, etc etc etc etc etc.....all of am around the globe. There are FAR FAR FAR more people interested in this than there are people for other bootloaders for other devices. This is the advantage of owning a worldwide single-product release.
So yes, I say there is a significantly larger hope for s-off being achieved than most people give credit for.
EXAMPLE - look at how many devices were effected by moonshine/revone and tell me how many phones/carriers were obtainable through this....:good:
TechSavvy2 said:
I wanted to just add a comment to a thread somewhere expressing a valid point in regards to s-off.....but it should almost be said in all of them so here it is.
A lot of people have growing concerns regarding s-off ever being re-accomplished with the new hboot versions (1.54 etc). People say that when the VZW S4 can't even get unlocked, how do we expect this to ever happen for HTC? An extremely large oversight that people are missing here is that yes, the VZW S4 community is very large. And with regards to unlocking the bootloader, you could also include the AT&T crowd into the mix as its kinda a dual deal. But these are the only two carrier devices being effected by the bootloader issue. Both carriers xda communities combined. However, when it comes to s-off for our device, you're not just involving VZW users. Or just adding another carrier to the mix. You literally have EVERY HTC One around the globe effected by this circumstance. So not only do you have vzw devs working on it, but at&t, tmo, sprint, rogers, bell, etc etc etc etc etc.....all of am around the globe. There are FAR FAR FAR more people interested in this than there are people for other bootloaders for other devices. This is the advantage of owning a worldwide single-product release.
So yes, I say there is a significantly larger hope for s-off being achieved than most people give credit for.
EXAMPLE - look at how many devices were effected by moonshine/revone and tell me how many phones/carriers were obtainable through this....:good:
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Boy I hope you're right lol
Didn't really think about it this way, +1 for I hope you're right.
The problem is that when the bootloader isn't locked down, there's very little reason for people to really get S-OFF
S-off shouldn't be our concern. Unlocking the bootloader should be our main concern, along with root. In all honesty, s-off isn't even necessary and most people don't even know what it actually does. It could cause more harm than good.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
S-Off is fun though, I used to love being able to flash radios whenever I wanted on my Thunderbolt without an RUU. Flashing custom splash screens was fun too.
Sent from my HTC6500LVW using Tapatalk 4
All I want is the Google Edition rom, or as close as we can get to it.
If s-off isn't necessary for that, then I'm not concerned about s-off. I mean I hope it happens for the people who want it though
Sent from my HTC One.
josh995 said:
All I want is the Google Edition rom, or as close as we can get to it.
If s-off isn't necessary for that, then I'm not concerned about s-off. I mean I hope it happens for the people who want it though
Sent from my HTC One.
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You can install newts Google edition with an unlocked bootloader, s-off not necessary.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
do you need s-off for boot animations? I want that google play edition animation
crazyg0od33 said:
do you need s-off for boot animations? I want that google play edition animation
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Nope. Just root. Splash screens need s-off.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
S-OFF is nice if we can't get an unlocked bootloader through HTCDEV. At this point, I'll take what I can get. I am waiting to pull the trigger on the phone now that HTC shut off the unlocking option. There might be a step where we can:
1- get s-off
2- unlock bootloader / load custom recovery
3- disable s-off (s-on again)
squabbi has built a nice AIO toolkit and I suspect when something is found for our hboot (or another attack vector is found) the toolkit can be modified to include the verizon version. I think once we (verizon people) can change the CID, we will be able to unlock the bootloader and it will be a non-issue.
MajikUF said:
S-OFF is nice if we can't get an unlocked bootloader through HTCDEV. At this point, I'll take what I can get. I am waiting to pull the trigger on the phone now that HTC shut off the unlocking option. There might be a step where we can:
1- get s-off
2- unlock bootloader
3- disable s-off (s-on again)
squabbi has built a nice AIO toolkit and I suspect when something is found for our hboot (or another attack vector is found) the toolkit can be modified to include the verizon version. I think once we (verizon people) can change the CID, we will be able to unlock the bootloader and it will be a non-issue.
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If we got s-off then the bootloader wouldn't even matter.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
antp121 said:
If we got s-off then the bootloader wouldn't even matter.
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I updated my #2 to add flashing custom recovery.. I currently have my rezound s-off, but I never liked it being s-off. I always prefer being s-on for extra protection. (a phone condom if you will)
Take from a someone who owed a ONE from various carriers, S-off is overrated.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
MajikUF said:
I updated my #2 to add flashing custom recovery.. I currently have my rezound s-off, but I never liked it being s-off. I always prefer being s-on for extra protection. (a phone condom if you will)
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Yeah. I remember when I screwed up my rezound. Then I fixed it, put up a guide and got hated on lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
shook187 said:
Take from a someone who owed a ONE from various carriers, S-off is overrated.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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This^ I tell everyone this. They think they need s-off when really they are just too lazy to flash a boot img.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
antp121 said:
Yeah. I remember when I screwed up my rezound. Then I fixed it, put up a guide and got hated on lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
This^ I tell everyone this. They think they need s-off when really they are just too lazy to flash a boot img.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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What about aroma kernels? It is not overrated. Sometimes a boot img cannot be extracted and like I said it makes aroma flashing impossible (maybe TWRP dumlock supports it not sure). Even so, its nice knowing the carrier can never lock my device or unroot it. And as of now, no one else can unlock their device. So no, S-off is not overrated. Just so everyone knows, s-off will not be achieved until the newest hboot is cracked. I am not sure if its possible but if it is, it will probably take a few months. Good luck to everyone working on it
S-Off is kind of a big deal. You can remove that tampered flag when you unlock your boot loader. Hell you can unlock your phone without losing all your data and flagging that tampered line. Most people enjoy peace of mind of being able to relock the bootloader without tampered so the factory warranty and other securities are still available to them.
Syn Ack said:
S-Off is kind of a big deal. You can remove that tampered flag when you unlock your boot loader. Hell you can unlock your phone without losing all your data and flagging that tampered line. Most people enjoy peace of mind of being able to relock the bootloader without tampered so the factory warranty and other securities are still available to them.
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As much as I want s-off, these are definitely not the reasons why.... I'm contempt with what I'm doing to my warranty.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Syn Ack said:
S-Off is kind of a big deal. You can remove that tampered flag when you unlock your boot loader. Hell you can unlock your phone without losing all your data and flagging that tampered line. Most people enjoy peace of mind of being able to relock the bootloader without tampered so the factory warranty and other securities are still available to them.
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But there is also a risk you could ruin your phone if you do something wrong. I enjoy s-off but people need to understand what they are truly doing to their phones before they do something they can't undo.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
shook187 said:
Take from a someone who owed a ONE from various carriers, S-off is overrated.
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Take it from someone whom also owned a HTC One that was s-off on other carriers.... you are completely wrong.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Just a friendly reminder that there aren't many of us smart enough to figure out how to root this beast. If we throw a bunch of cash at them that might motivate them to work even harder. Plus, it's totally worth it! What's $50? Too much? Fine, give $5. Whatever you can afford! I bet if we got that pot up to 100k it would get solved pretty darned quick. Let's do it! Don't be a cheapskate!
Thanks for reading. I promise not to tell you what to do other than this one time. Ha!
I agree man
Just sucks so sad that ATT screwing us like this, while T-Mobile gets all the root Recovery love they want, and even Sprint is better, and dare I say Verizon not as bad as ATT is lately
I remember just two years ago, the ATT Note 2 had root and Recovery immediately after release, and the ATT XDA Note 2 forums were jammed packed with ROM's and kernels. Why did ATT make such a drastic change to lock it down so hard now ? Where as T-Mobile allows it to be unlocked with ease ?
ATT allows HTC to still be unlocked, you can buy the ATT One M8 and root it and install custom Recovery out of the box with ease. But no way is that possible with the ATT S5 or Note 4, but why ATT ?
tfpHumorBlog said:
Just a friendly reminder that there aren't many of us smart enough to figure out how to root this beast. If we throw a bunch of cash at them that might motivate them to work even harder. Plus, it's totally worth it! What's $50? Too much? Fine, give $5. Whatever you can afford! I bet if we got that pot up to 100k it would get solved pretty darned quick. Let's do it! Don't be a cheapskate!
Thanks for reading. I promise not to tell you what to do other than this one time. Ha!
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Just thinking out loud...but at this time shouldn't you all wait for Lollipop to be released on this beast? Word is that it has more security and will be even tougher to root. So say someone roots the Bounty, then Lollipop comes along and kills root again and those buying new phones with Lollipop preinstalled would be SOL. JM2C...but I also know it takes time to build up pledges.
Umm.. iiif we gain root I'm sure people would be smart enough not to upgrade to Lollipop but wait for a dev to make a Lollipop ROM.
Android300ZX said:
Umm.. iiif we gain root I'm sure people would be smart enough not to upgrade to Lollipop but wait for a dev to make a Lollipop ROM.
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That won't help people buying phones after the update with Lollipop preinstalled though. They will be stuck without root and have to start another bounty...just thinking out loud. And you would be surprised how many just hit that "update" button while rooted and get stuck in a boot loop.
Assuming root is achieved and someone bought a new note4 it came w 5.0.. couldnt one of those just take the official NIE firmware and flash it via odin.. then they could root and install a 5.0 custom rom?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using XDA Free mobile app
xlr8shun said:
Assuming root is achieved and someone bought a new note4 it came w 5.0.. couldnt one of those just take the official NIE firmware and flash it via odin.. then they could root and install a 5.0 custom rom?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using XDA Free mobile app
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In theory..however Samsung has been matching bootloaders, basebands and OS release. So as seen on other models not having the 5.0 bootloader and baseband will cause the 5.0 ROM to be stuck in a boot loop. So it may be some time before developers crack that. Even an unlocked rootable phone like the Sprint S3 required you to Odin 4.4 before running any stock 4.4 ROMs...the wrong baseband there caused a hard brick. So it is not as simple as it sounds.
Zorachus said:
I agree man
Just sucks so sad that ATT screwing us like this, while T-Mobile gets all the root Recovery love they want, and even Sprint is better, and dare I say Verizon not as bad as ATT is lately
I remember just two years ago, the ATT Note 2 had root and Recovery immediately after release, and the ATT XDA Note 2 forums were jammed packed with ROM's and kernels. Why did ATT make such a drastic change to lock it down so hard now ? Where as T-Mobile allows it to be unlocked with ease ?
ATT allows HTC to still be unlocked, you can buy the ATT One M8 and root it and install custom Recovery out of the box with ease. But no way is that possible with the ATT S5 or Note 4, but why ATT ?
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Probably has everything to do with Gov't contracts... Samsung has been singing the praises of it's KNOX system to businesses and the Gov't, to to truly make KNOX effective, it needs to be locked so that you can't disable or remove it. This way if one of their phones gets lost or stolen (and they are using the enterprise security packages) it is even more difficult to get to the data.
Why not allow the folks who want them locked and secure buy special ones so the rest of us can have free and open devices you ask? Because it costs more (time as well as money) to divide up your inventory that way. you'd have to forecast how many of the secured phones you will need and order them that way. But what if that big gov't contract falls through? you are now sitting on potentially thousands of phones that your general users won't want given that they can choose to get the unlocked version. OEM won't simply take them back, unless you pay some sort of restock fee. You could re-flash them yourself with the unlocked ROM, but now you are talking about manually unboxing, flashing and then re-sealing thousands of phones. (Not optimal,)
In the end, you're better off buying an unlocked device up front as opposed to hoping that someone can crack the bootloader later on after the release. It's obviously getting harder and harder for even the truly talented DEVs to crack these bootloaders. I honestly doubt that root will be achieved on this thing prior to Lollipop beginning it rollout. There is a build for it being tested right now with very few issues remaining.
Clock is ticking.... Me? I personally could care less for root at this point. I get un-Godly battery life and performance as it is based upon my usage. Not a popular view with many in this forum, I know. I used to long for root and flash ROMs like crazy myself. It was almost like an addiction.