[Q] Embarrassed to ask... - Verizon HTC One (M7)

...but is firmware the same as hboot? I know that a new hboot was released but the thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2485319 mentions firmware. Would just like to update to the most recent if there are performance gains from doing it.

Yes and no. Hboot is part of the firmware. Basically the firmware consists of the new hboot, radio, and boot.img. Its a whole package if you will, whereas you can take just a portion of it and have the individual radio, hboot, or boot.img
Sent from my HTC6500LVWBLU using Tapatalk 4
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A few questions

Hello everyone,
I just got my Droid Incredible and have rooted it using Unrevoked3. I'm really enjoying it, but I have a few questions:
Am I correct in thinking that rooting consists entirely of getting su and Superuser.apk on the phone, and the hard part is setuiding and chmodding them?
What exactly is meant by "radio" in "flash a new radio"?
Why is it necessary to flash the stock recovery before applying an OTA update? Shouldn't ClockworkMod be able to do anything the stock recovery can?
(Somewhat related to the previous question) What would happen if one accepted an OTA without unrooting or applying the stock recovery?
Thank you all and sorry for my noobishness.
1. It also consists of replacing the stock recovery with Clockwork. It's ridiculously simple thanks to the unrevoked tool.
2. Radio = Baseband.
3. No, Clockwork cannot currently flash the radio.
4. I doubt anyone could answer for sure until it comes out
tchebb said:
Hello everyone,
I just got my Droid Incredible and have rooted it using Unrevoked3. I'm really enjoying it, but I have a few questions:
Am I correct in thinking that rooting consists entirely of getting su and Superuser.apk on the phone, and the hard part is setuiding and chmodding them?
What exactly is meant by "radio" in "flash a new radio"?
Why is it necessary to flash the stock recovery before applying an OTA update? Shouldn't ClockworkMod be able to do anything the stock recovery can?
(Somewhat related to the previous question) What would happen if one accepted an OTA without unrooting or applying the stock recovery?
Thank you all and sorry for my noobishness.
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1 yes
2 the radio is the thing that gets the signals
3 clockwork can't flash radios
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Thanks for the quick responses.
I'm not trying to criticize Clockwork in any way here, but why can't it flash the radio? Does it need the NAND to be unlocked, and if so, would it be possible to use Unrevoked to put on a new radio?
tchebb said:
Thanks for the quick responses.
I'm not trying to criticize Clockwork in any way here, but why can't it flash the radio? Does it need the NAND to be unlocked, and if so, would it be possible to use Unrevoked to put on a new radio?
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No, koush just didnt put it in for whatever reason.
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jdkoreclipse said:
No, koush just didnt put it in for whatever reason.
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Thanks for the clarification. Are there currently no other suitable recoveries for the Incredible that can flash the radio?
tchebb said:
Thanks for the clarification. Are there currently no other suitable recoveries for the Incredible that can flash the radio?
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No. I tried amonra from the desire, and i nearly broke my recovery.
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One more question: what does PB31IMG.zip do? Is it just the stock recovery, or does it return everything back to stock?
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tchebb said:
One more question: what does PB31IMG.zip do? Is it just the stock recovery, or does it return everything back to stock?
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Yes everything back to stock... if you have upgraded the radio you might get an error sayin something like main version its older.
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tchebb said:
Hello everyone,
I just got my Droid Incredible and have rooted it using Unrevoked3. I'm really enjoying it, but I have a few questions:
Am I correct in thinking that rooting consists entirely of getting su and Superuser.apk on the phone, and the hard part is setuiding and chmodding them?
What exactly is meant by "radio" in "flash a new radio"?
Why is it necessary to flash the stock recovery before applying an OTA update? Shouldn't ClockworkMod be able to do anything the stock recovery can?
(Somewhat related to the previous question) What would happen if one accepted an OTA without unrooting or applying the stock recovery?
Thank you all and sorry for my noobishness.
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1. Root consists of getting the MOST access to the device so things that we're normally out of our privilege range can be accessed... i.e. flashlight/titanium back up etc. It also pushes busybox su and the custom recovery to make ADB easier.
2. Think of the radio as the bios on your PC....very important...mess with it and you can EASILY break your machine of choice.
3. The reason I am sure Koush left radio flashability out is because of the ridiculous amount of noobs that would simply destroy their device by being curious/not reading the giant red letters in most posts/just not paying attention to what they are doing. It is VERY easy to brick a device with access to flashing the radio...dangerous and probably a fail safe to keep as many bricks down as possible.
4. What would probably happen with the OTA is you will either A. Loose root and be completely stock WITH NO WAY of downgrading to gain root. B. Brick Brick Brick. C. Profit? D. It might not let you even continue with the installation because of the custom recovery...not sure though because it hasn't happened yet....just DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OTA REQUESTS.
The PB image is the only way to downgrade back to stock. Completely stock. Out of the box stock. No root...no nothing! BUT it reopens the unrevoked exploits so you can reroot and also allows you to flash the OTA is your version is older...some tricks need to be taken though to get your version older then the ota.
The OTA is said to patch the exploit to RUU to stock. That means no mores roots if you OTA. Wait it out...when it drops it will be rooted and ready for the flashness.

[Q] OTA vs. RUU question

Reading through the forum here I see that using the RUU that ws leaked earlier wipes out your installed apps, and makes you reinstall them. Also.. the RUU is 178MB.. here are my questions:
1) Would the OTA wipe out all my instaleld apps and force me to reinstall them like the RUU apparently does?
2) If I wait for the OTA, is it going to download to internal phone memory or to my SD card? Does it get erased after installation?
3) Since the RUU is a Windows executable file.. and is alledgedly the OTA.. can I just put this on my SD card and execute it somehow without the use of my PC? (Yeah, I'm expecting some flamage for that one.. even sounded stupid to myself as I was typing it.)
Yes, I'm as noob as a noob can be at this stage, so I apologize if this comes off as totally ignorant. I would love to get the best out of my phone, and the big lack of love from Big Red has me seriously considering root even though I am deeply afraid of brickage.
The ota and the leak are the same, I can 100% confirm that. I'd presume if the ruu wipes your info, so will the ota. Just like flashing a Rom or anything else that changes the OS. So be prepared for that.
The ota is not going to your SD, it'll just download into phone memory and install from there, similar to the .exe on a pc.
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patches152 said:
The ota and the leak are the same, I can 100% confirm that. I'd presume if the ruu wipes your info, so will the ota. Just like flashing a Rom or anything else that changes the OS. So be prepared for that.
The ota is not going to your SD, it'll just download into phone memory and install from there, similar to the .exe on a pc.
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1) Cannot confirm until the update is actually pushed; if they decide to fix another bug and not release tomorrow, then I guess it wasn't 100% confirmed.
2) OTA will likely NOT erase your settings/programs; RUU definitely will.
so if im rooted, will the RUU un-root my phone?
If you can get the RUU to run and see your phone; it will unroot your phone. That is why unrEVOked released "forever"
jdmba said:
1) Cannot confirm until the update is actually pushed; if they decide to fix another bug and not release tomorrow, then I guess it wasn't 100% confirmed.
2) OTA will likely NOT erase your settings/programs; RUU definitely will.
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1) the ota is on the servers, its def coming. It's the same ver as the leak, identical in every way.
2) during testing, the builds are pushed to test devices ota, some were at factory defaults after install. So be prepared, just in case. If not, more power to ya.
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i already have forever
my question is, is my current baseband, ",06" supported by unrevoked forever? would it even mater since the ruu will install a new baseband, and will that new baseband be supported by forever?
JorgeNava said:
i already have forever
my question is, is my current baseband, ",06" supported by unrevoked forever? would it even mater since the ruu will install a new baseband, and will that new baseband be supported by forever?
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Yes it will. It updates the radio to an already supported version.
thats all i needed to know. ill start the leaked RUU update right now and report back.
SUCCESS! i still have root and everything seems fine after the leaked RUU
I flashed the leaked ruu over the 8/1 leak. Kept all my apps and homescreen preferences. Just don't wipe data or cache when you flash it
Sent from my Incredible running 8/1 leak with rEVOlution theme using XDA App

Need Help - Manual Upgrade to 2.2

My wife is stuck on 2.1-update1, with baseband I have the manual upgrade update.zip from google code for the Inc, but do I need to update the baseband before I upgrade the OS? If so, does anyone have a link for it? Thanks in advance.
Are you rooted, or talking about the RUU?
If your device is factory, there's no need to do anything but run the RUU. It will upgrade your radio and kernel for you as well.
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It is not rooted. Do you know where I can find the correct RUU? It looks like there was a leaked one before the official release, but the way I remember it there was also an official one that was slightly different after that leaked one.
Okay, I think I found it here : http://droidfiend.com/files/ruu/inc...43351-baseband-
Do I just download the PB31.IMG, put it on root of SD and reboot into recovery?
tehpwnerer1918 said:
It is not rooted. Do you know where I can find the correct RUU? It looks like there was a leaked one before the official release, but the way I remember it there was also an official one that was slightly different after that leaked one.
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[q]remove clockwork recovery

is there a way to remove clockwork recovery? my wife's phone has s-off and recovery, but she wants to keep it stock and use the OTA upgrade.
You should really check this thread:
I just flashed this over my stock froyo. Worked flawlessly, didn't lose any apps or anything. Removes all the VZW bloat and runs perfectly.
One thing to note, I believe you'll have to manually update your radio to the newest version but it's no big deal.
You can find the newest radio here:
From what I've read the radio that comes with the OTA is 20.27W.30.0811U_1.09.01.0622 unless someone can tell me I'm wrong.
i know all about that. but i still would like to know how to go back to stock recovery if possible.
tspderek said:
i know all about that. but i still would like to know how to go back to stock recovery if possible.
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You'll have to reflash the RUU and overwrite CWM with the stock recovery image once more.
If you don't mind me asking is there a reason why?
The only way I'd even consider doing this is if you're going to return the phone or if there's something wrong with it.
Why not just flash the official OTA that RMK put together and then flash the new radio?
It's EXACTLY the same thing minus the verizon bloat apps, heck it even runs faster than the stock OTA.
Do you flash the new radio like you would a new rom?
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barinaman said:
Do you flash the new radio like you would a new rom?
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No, There's a certain way you have to do it. Pretty easy BUT you have to check the MD5 to make sure it's not corrupt, otherwise you'll brick.
put the P32IMG.zip file onto the root of your sd card. Boot into hboot by holding vol down and power on startup.
It'll search your sd card and then ask to update. press power to update. It'll reboot when finished.
tspderek said:
is there a way to remove clockwork recovery? my wife's phone has s-off and recovery, but she wants to keep it stock and use the OTA upgrade.
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The issue is that if you flash the new OTA you'll lose root for the foreseable future. Currently most are unsure if it will undo the s-off and in the process you may lose the ability to root until a new exploit is found.
Read the first thread that is stickied on this forum about the OTA.
barinaman said:
Do you flash the new radio like you would a new rom?
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There's an app in the android market called AFV (android file verifier) that allows you to check the md5 sum of files you download directly on your phone. I would suggest you install that app and make sure the md5 matches the radio file you downloaded before flashing the radio as changing radios has much more potential to brick your phone entirely that traditional rom flashing.
this is for my wife's phone. mine is running CM7. my concern is that if i go forward with a rooted gingerbread, i won't be able to return her to full stock recovery and rom later. i don't want to do anything to her phone i can't undo later. is there a path for that after upgrading to the rooted stock rom?
tspderek said:
this is for my wife's phone. mine is running CM7. my concern is that if i go forward with a rooted gingerbread, i won't be able to return her to full stock recovery and rom later. i don't want to do anything to her phone i can't undo later. is there a path for that after upgrading to the rooted stock rom?
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Of course, it can always be undone later on. However, if you do the OTA update then you will not be able to root until a different exploit has been found.
This is why we're trying to get you to go the route of the rooted stock rom.
Just follow the directions in the first 2 posts of that thread and she'll be as stock as she got the phone (Minus having root, it being faster, etc....)
what's the rollback if we want to go full stock. no root, no CWM - stock enough to send to verizon.
I understand about the wife issues. My widest inc2 arrives in a few day. My plan is root and stock debloated Rom for her. She won't even know its not stock. That way when she wants sense 3.0 I can give it to her. If she knows I never hear the end of it.
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Moved to proper forum.

What will change when an ota update is taken?

So I've been thinking of restoring my stock backup on .10 and updating to .15. If I use ota root keeper can I still keep root and will I still be able to flash the same roms? What determines if roms will still work so I know for later? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, couldn't find it. Thanks!
fatmando2 said:
So I've been thinking of restoring my stock backup on .10 and updating to .15. If I use ota root keeper can I still keep root and will I still be able to flash the same roms? What determines if roms will still work so I know for later? Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, couldn't find it. Thanks!
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I'm new to the HTC game, but does the ROM dictate what firmware/radio its using? So if the ROM is based off .08, .12 or .15 that is what your system will be?
Also if you do go back to stock and take the OTA to the .15 firmware, Rumrunner has already been updated to do its magic changes to .15.
Ahowe125 said:
I'm new to the HTC game, but does the ROM dictate what firmware/radio its using? So if the ROM is based off .08, .12 or .15 that is what your system will be?
Also if you do go back to stock and take the OTA to the .15 firmware, Rumrunner has already been updated to do its magic changes to .15.
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I'm kind of wondering the same as you, I think you remain s-off and unlocked when you update though since verizon didn't patch either I don't think but I'm not positive.
Most of the people you'll find one here (the ones much smarter about all this than me) recommend avoiding the OTA updates from Verizon. The devs will usually get you the same stuff without risk of losing root or s-off or anything like that. Look at Santod's thread here:
He has the updated firmware, radios, etc.
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brholt6 said:
Most of the people you'll find one here (the ones much smarter about all this than me) recommend avoiding the OTA updates from Verizon. The devs will usually get you the same stuff without risk of losing root or s-off or anything like that. Look at Santod's thread here:
He has the updated firmware, radios, etc.
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I did see this thread but I'm not sure if/what I can flash on top of my custom ROM. I know I don't want the recovery because I have TWRP installed, but what about the Kernel and Radio? Can I flash either or both of thous on top of Eclipse GPE ROM?
Does the ROM being flashed normally dictate which of the firmware versions my phone is on? Or do I have to choose a ROM matching the firmware version of my phone?
Ahowe125 said:
I did see this thread but I'm not sure if/what I can flash on top of my custom ROM. I know I don't want the recovery because I have TWRP installed, but what about the Kernel and Radio? Can I flash either or both of thous on top of Eclipse GPE ROM?
Does the ROM being flashed normally dictate which of the firmware versions my phone is on? Or do I have to choose a ROM matching the firmware version of my phone?
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I only flashed the radios. I wouldn't worry about anything else really. The devs will take care of that with ROMs I believe.
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