[Q] Help unlocking an already rooted Incredible? - Droid Incredible Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Here's what hboot looks like:
July 23, 2010, 18:06:51
It has ClockworkMod Recovery running and I was able to take a Nandoid backup, but it's at 2 something, not 5. something like i've seen many people's at.
And here's what internal phone info says on the version currently running:
Android version 2.2
Basebad version same a radio
Build Number: 3.26.605.1
My understanding is that the first thing I need to do is to unlock the phone by upgrading hboot first. ADB does not generate an unock code at this version I do not think of hboot. However, I've copied the zip file for the newer version of hboot to what I think is the root of my SD card, and I'm still getting no luck, it won't recognize it or flash it.
I see people refer to an RUU, and I'm a complete dummy. Is there another way to upgrade hboot besides the zip file on the root of the SD card? If so, can someone point me to a walk-through that tells me what software to download and exactly what to do? I am sorry to be silly, but I am rather new at this and don't want to break the phone. It's just at an ancient build, and I'd like to upgrade it to the Touch of Blue custom ROM, or to the newest Stock rom.
Edit to add: Found the executable RUU, finally, for 1.2, and got it unlocked. Woot!
Still getting eerrors attempting to install Touch of Blue (set_paras, some things cannot be changed, error 7 or something like that). I at least want to get it updated to the newest stock ROM, so I think I can manage that, and if I can't, I'll re-edit.
I promise I worked on this all night last night before posting a question... hehehehe. I also updated Clockwork Recovery to


[Q] Which root method to use?

I just upgraded to the Evo 4G.
It came stock with the Froyo Sprint 3.30.651.2
I was told by a friend that its hard to root the 3.30 builds, and I couldn't find reference to that on here.
Just want to make sure T_T
it is HARD to root 3.30 build. what is your hardware? i am willing to help you command by command (because i am nice?) do you have adb installed? pc or mac? first step is install adb. then i can help you more.
uhm, did i forget to say i am very noob at this T_T what is adb?
and in terms of hardware,. did you mean..
Hardware version 0003?
I was in the same boat as you last week. I had WM for years and was familiar with unlocking and flashing things, had to learn quite a bit of new stuff moving to android. These two threads helped me immensely.
I am not sure how well the first one works, but would be easier. Personally I used the 2nd link and followed the manual method, not only to make sure every step was correct, but it also taught me quite a bit about android.
Let me, the other gentleman in this post, or someone in one of those posts if you need an assistance.
wow both those tutorials root while turning s-off?!?!? i guess i haven't been reading up on those enough. i thought that they were to turn s-off once shell permissions were gained. if you want to do it manually, you still can, but the first link seems the best since it somehow magically downgrades you to .76.2 hboot. i'm not sure if anybody else has been able to do this in hboot 2.02. or maybe i'm wrong. maybe you just have to flash a pc36img.zip after s-off.
answering your question: adb is the driver that allows for your phone and your computer to talk. it was developed by google to help app developers, so it is perfectly safe and legal. it is used for just about every manual hack/mod on these forums. really, it is the most useful tool you can have. once again, pc or mac?
pc =]
either one running xp x32 or one running 7 x64
dkdude36 said:
wow both those tutorials root while turning s-off?!?!?
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Yea I had read up all on rooting, flashing, etc before getting my Evo last week only to have to search more when none of the other methods worked. Fortunately those posts got me everything I needed.
Maybe you guys can shed some light for me on this issue. I attempted to root my phone using the tutrial on this site named How to root evo 2.2. Everything went well got into bootloader and when it was time to load the image files from the pc36img.zip it would never load the files. My guess is because the hboot file in the zip is hboot 0.93.0000 and i have hboot 0.97.0000. All the info i see about rooting is relating to hboot 2.0.2 which is not the hboot on my evo. Any ideas? Thanks
Android Version
Baseband Version
Kernel Version
[email protected] #11
Build Number
3.29.651.5 CL252548 release-keys
Software Number
Browser Version
Webkit 3.1
PRI Version
PRL Version
supersonic evt2-3 ship s-on
touch panel-atmelc03_16ac
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Stroid01 said:
Maybe you guys can shed some light for me on this issue. I attempted to root my phone using the tutrial on this site named How to root evo 2.2. Everything went well got into bootloader and when it was time to load the image files from the pc36img.zip it would never load the files. My guess is because the hboot file in the zip is hboot 0.93.0000 and i have hboot 0.97.0000. All the info i see about rooting is relating to hboot 2.0.2 which is not the hboot on my evo. Any ideas? Thanks
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The hboot 2.0.2 like we have is the one that is more difficult to root. I have mine rooted, but I did not downgrade it like some have tried or possibly have done. If you have an older hboot and are on the 3.29 stock rom you shouldn't have too much problem following the basic guides, or even many of the 1-click root options. I personally don't know which to recommend because none of them worked for me, I would read through the android development subforum and see what has worked for others though.
hah ya you need to redo the mtd-eng.img step. that is why it wasn't accepted. i sort of went off on my own boat last night and rooted 3.29 flawlessly by running 4 pc36img.zips (from 3.29 to 1.47 to 1.32 to rooted 1.32 to eng spl 1.32) and 3 different exploits (mtd-eng exploit, flash lite exploit, no security exploit, and simple mtd-eng exploit). it really worked well, but took hours of downloading. thats like over half a gig of files. if you have questios about my method just ask.
where does it say what hboot you have?
boot into bootloader (turn phone off. once fully down, hold power and volume down) should say hboot-(version) or something like that.
I, too am confused as to what method to use or if I have to wait.
My hboot version is 0.97.0000
Hardware is 004
Software 3.29.651.5
PRI 1.77_003
Has anyone applied the unrevoked3 method for this config? Also, if 3.30x is a new release, it's weird why my "System Update" does not find any new OTA updates.
That is the weirdest verson combo I have ever seen. really no idea.

[Q] Rooting and Unbranding first timer

Hey, i have a UK htc desire branded to the Orange network and i've spent all week reading and reading about how to root and unbrand it. I feel i've learnt most of the ins and outs of it and want to finally attempt it, but i was wondering if just to put my mind at rest someone could give me a thumbs up to what i think needs to be done?
First off my phone details as of now..
Aug 10 2010, 17:52:18
Android version: 2.2
Baseband version:
Kernel version: htc-kernel and18-2 #1
Biuld number: CL274424 release-keys
Software number:
Browser version: WebKit 3.1
The UK network Orange doesn't have a provider RUU, i'm not bothered about being in warranty as i got this phone second hand but if for some reason i wanted to unroot etc can someone point me to a similar unbranded stock one that has the same versions of things as above? That seems to be the main thing worrying me at the moment.
So to check i have everything understood..
1.I've installed HTC Sync and uninstalled just the Sync part leaving the drivers, downloaded Unrevoked which i intend to run to root the phone.
2.I've made a bootable USB drive with Alpharev on ready to then sort out S-OFF
3.Will partition my sd card with Gparted, ready to then make a backup of the stock ROM on the phone right now
4.Then install my custom ROM which for my first try i've chosen LeeDroid. However, if i wanted to just put a plain unbranded stock ROM on which would i be looking for?
I'm hoping i've not taken all the information in over the week and come to the wrong conclusion, so just an 'all clear' from someone would be great, thanks
Yeo that's what I did unrevoked phone, s-off then copyed rom I like to memory card and flashed via recovery. And yes lee tom should be good they always are, not using it at mo I'm on miui
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Being a total n00b to Android, I have been doing battle with two since Monday last week. with the HTC, I decided to go with unrevoked and to my consternation found that I couldnt get s-off, and so I was unable to debrand or uninstall the apps I had on board. I had already installed Rom Explorer (free) and wondered if I might be able to use that. I crossed my fingers, and did a backup and wipe and clean cache, along with an install of CyanogenMod 7. I must say I am very impressed with the work gone into these mods. Everything you need and nothing you don't. The install went swimmingly and my fingers are now uncrossed. No more Telstra crud.

[Q] CM7 reboots on app or ROM install, no pc connectivity

Hi there.
First up, apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. I've tried searching and not found anything that I recognise as matching my problem(s).
I have a HTC Desire running Cyanogenmod 7 and clockworkmod recovery v2.5.0.7. I've got myself into a confusing situation and don't properly understand how to get back to square one. I would ideally like to return the phone to a standard HTC sense rom and give it to my girlfriend.
- It reboots to the CM7 loading screen when I try to install an app.
- If I try to flash a new rom through Clockworkmod it comes up with a failure message on Clockworkmod recovery.
- When I connect to pc it nothing changes on the phone and HTC sense or Revolutionary cannot detect it.
I got my phone from orange on the day they came out and used a goldcard to flash a standard android build without the orange bloatware. Foolishly, I didn't create a backup of the orange rom. When I installed an OTA uptade it killed wifi, when I installed another stock rom I had to pay to unlock it so I could still use my sim. Eventually I got up to 2.29.405.2, and it kept offering to OTA upgrade me to 2.29.405.5, but didn't complete the install when I tried. I read up on how quick CyanogenMod is, tried following all the instructions and ended up where I am now.
For some reason the forum is blocking me from adding my phone info because it thinks I am posting a link?!
Right, I'll just try to put down all the info I can find....
ClockworkMod Recovery 2. 5. 07
Under 'about phone'
Android Version: 2.3.4
Baseband version: 32. 49.00. 32U_
Kernel version: 2.6. 37.6- cyanogenmod- g37556d9
kali @ giovanni #1
CPU info: ARM v7 processor rev 2 (v7I)
Mod version: CyanogenMod-7.1.0-RC1-Desire
Build number: GRJ22
Under 'Recovery' (I think)
Sorry it's spread across 3 posts. The forum seems to think I was posting links. Mods: Please feel free to edit it into 1 post! Thanks

[Q] Returning from the Dead

Hello Supersonic Community,
I come to you in my time of need, I have spend the last 3 days at work trying to downgrade an Evo 4g to 2.1. from 2.2.
Initially I ran unrEVOked3 reflash package as from what I read it would probably be the easiest place to start from an unrooted 2.2.
Once I was rooted on 2.2 I followed the guide from here
and used the RUU/Zip files from here
I currently have the phone in a state where it will only load into the bootloader and I do have a working amon ra recovery.
When I try flashing the RUU's PC36img.zip file from hboot I see that it "checks" the zip file however I am not prompted to run the update.
and when trying to run the RUU zip file from recover it says there is not update script.
My main question is if anyone knows why I am not prompted for the update from Hboot or if its possible to flash from recovery back to stock 2.1
I come from a Nexus S and HTC Desire background and have a bit of knowledge just kinda stumped right now on this one. I am currently trying different SD cards for the hboot flash as I have read that it can be a bit finicky.
Thanks in advance for any help.
PHone info
Android version 2.2
Baseband version
Kernel version
[email protected] #11
Build number 3.29.651.5 CL252548 release-keys
Software number 3.29.651.5
Browser version Webkit 3.1
PRI version 1.77_003
PRL version 60675
Hardware version 0003
h-boot 0.79.00
It all goes back to the Hboot version you have. I think it's anything over 2.10 you can't downgrade.
I think your best bet is to just flash a stock/Rooted 2.1 ROM or a custom Froyo ROM
Well my HBoot is .79 so I hopefully can recover to 2.1.
I basically can't have a rooted phone, I work in mobile QA and we can't test on devices that are rooted. Which I know is a bit retarded but thats how it works for us right now.
If I flash a stock 2.1 rooted Rom I should be able to unroot.... at the very least uninstalled su and my boss won't know hehe
Thanks for your reply.
Did your phone come with that hboot? If your hboot and radio match the ruu you are trying to flash, then it should be good to go. If you r s-off while trying, even better. Do you have 20k or 40k block sizes?
Sent From My Pocket
{ParanoiA} said:
Did your phone come with that hboot? If your hboot and radio match the ruu you are trying to flash, then it should be good to go. If you r s-off while trying, even better. Do you have 20k or 40k block sizes?
Sent From My Pocket
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**********HBOOT VERSION IS .79 *************** TYPO IN OP
That would be the Hboot it came with these are testing devices at my work. they are ALL STOCK unless i personally change it as no one else here handles the android phones.
I am unsure of the 20/40 k block sizes you are referring too do you mean on my sd card?
So i have successfully flash a rooted 2.1 stock rom and am trying to uninstall super user. If anyone has any tips on this let me know
Issue resolved.
Set phone into recovery and used ADB to remove the Superuser apk
Thanks for the help

[Q] Need HELP Unrooting HTC EVO 4G

I hope I am in the right place, if not please direct me to the correct thread so that I can re-post my inquiry.
I just bought this phone & from all the poking around I'm assuming that my phone is rooted.
I was wondering if anyone can tell me whats up with my phone. I just want to know what's up with it and keep it as up to date as possible.
I noticed my recovery software isn't Nandroid, so how do i get that on my phone or is what i have better?
Is my OS up to date?
Is my HBOOT up to date?
Is everything correct as far as Software, Radio Version, Kernal, PRL Etc.?
I want to use my sprint service, so how do i manually change the "Phones Identity" back to sprint from what it is now? (since "PRL update" & "update profile" doesn't work - I get an Error code 131 then a 1012)
Is it better to leave it the way it is or should i just RUU it and restart a root and flash from scratch?
Here is the data I have collected: (Hope it Helps)
Serial Number: ****
MEID HEX : ****
MEID DEC : ****
WiMAX : 64A769207B92
Model Number : PC36100
MEID : ****
Phone Number : ****
IMSI : ****
Current Username : ****@mymetropcs.com
*** UNLOCKED *** <--(Highlighted in purple)
Dec 21 2011,12:50:32
Android Version
Baseband Version
Kernel Version
[email protected] #1
Wed Dec 2 16:3:11 CST 2011
Build Number
4.67.651.3 CL239674 release-keys
Software Number
Browser Version
PRI Version
PRL Version
from all the poking around I'm assuming that my phone is rooted.
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Assuming? It's either rooted or not, s-off or s-on.
I noticed my recovery software isn't Nandroid, so how do i get that on my phone or is what i have better?
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Umm, nandroid isn't a type of recovery, it's a backup you make in the recovery. The recovery is either ClockworkMod or AmonRa. And since you didn't tell us which one it is, or what version you are on, we can't tell you if it's up to date or not. You could easily do this yourself by checking either of the recovery's sites to see what the latest version is.
Is my OS up to date?
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Looks to be.
Is my HBOOT up to date?
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If your software is up to date, then your hboot likely is too. However if it's not, you don't want to update the hboot, or you will have a hell of a time rooting it back.
Is everything correct as far as Software, Radio Version, Kernal, PRL Etc.?
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Again, if your software is up to date, so are these.
I want to use my sprint service, so how do i manually change the "Phones Identity" back to sprint from what it is now? (since "PRL update" & "update profile" doesn't work - I get an Error code 131 then a 1012)
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Are you not on sprint now?
And if your hboot is saying you are s-on, you are not rooted.
Assuming? It's either rooted or not, s-off or s-on.
If you looked at the info i wrote, It says s-on
Umm, nandroid isn't a type of recovery, it's a backup you make in the recovery. The recovery is either ClockworkMod or AmonRa. And since you didn't tell us which one it is, or what version you are on, we can't tell you if it's up to date or not. You could easily do this yourself by checking either of the recovery's sites to see what the latest version is.
ClockworkMod Recovery v5.0.2.2, which one is better, AmonRa or ClockworkMod?
If your software is up to date, then your hboot likely is too. However if it's not, you don't want to update the hboot, or you will have a hell of a time rooting it back.
like i said before, my HBOOT version is 2.18.001. I want to downgrade it, so how do i do it?
Are you not on sprint now?
No, my EVO is not on sprint, i have another phone on sprint (Optimus S), and i want to do a complete clean & restore on the Sprint HTC EVO 4G so i can use it with my sprint service, THEN re-root it once i have it working.
And if your hboot is saying you are s-on, you are not rooted.
Not necessarily, from what i read, i can be rooted and have s-on at the same time. How can i be unlocked and not be rooted? Don't you have to root in order to unlock WITHOUT taking the device to a dealer
My question is how can i get it to s-off and downgrade the hboot, install a better if not updated recovery and install a stock sprint htc evo 4g rom so that i can do a OTA update and reroot the EVO once i get the phone working with my sprint account? i do not want to have to take the phone to a service center when i know all i have to do is add the MEID info onto MySprint account online and swap phones. I just want to make sure the software is correct and i have the capability to root once i know the phone works properly.
I tried using the "RUU_SuperSonic_GB_Sprint_WWE_4.24.651.1_Radio_2." but it doesnt seem to work. Do i have to have S-OFF in order for it to work? I also read that the *** Unlocked *** high lighted in purple also has something to do with the HBOOT version and the its a watermark of some sort. I just want to unroot, do a OTA update, get the phone working with my account service and re-root. Any ideas? Please share with me any or all the info i may need to do so.
If you just have to downgrade your Hboot:
But you're making unrooting harder than it actually is. You probably do not even need to unroot. Your phone is already up to date. You have the latest everything, but your bootloader is just unlocked. If you need to unroot the phone, all you need to do is run the latest RUU found in this PC36IMG file. It will not relock your bootloader; however, the phone is easily rerooted later with the unlocked bootloader.
The instructions from the first link will also unroot your phone as well as relock your bootloader, but then you will have to re-update the phone, which is currently up to date, re-unlock the bootloader, and then reroot it; if that is what you want to do.

