Hello everyone, So i have a note 3 thats about 3 weeks old. Never dropped, never wet, perfect condition in its case. Today after charging i took if off the charger and realized that the lower half of the screen no longer recognized my finger. It works fine with the s pen though, the dot is followed with the pen, and the screen responds to the pen, but not my finger. So I factory reset, still doesnt work with my finger on the lower half of the screen. Any one ever have this issue/ have any ideas on what to do? Not sure what to do/try.
Since i'm out of my 14 day window, if I cant figure out how to fix it..... and I going to get screwed with a refurb phone since im out of the 14 day window? Or can I still exchange it because its still within 30 days? I dont want a refurb on something 700 dollars thats 3 weeks old.
Please help! and thanks!!
From what I understand the 14 days is a buyers remorse period and not a warranty period. You should be ok to exchange it on the basis of defect.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk 2
You can only exchange it in-store within the first 14 days. After that, it's done as a warranty exchange and shipped out to you. Warranty exchanges are almost always refurbished.
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
It stopped doing it for a few days and now did it again today , took it to the stores and they are ordering me a replacement. Which sucks because the phone is new and perfect and now I have to accept most likely a refurbished phone. Ugh
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dandan112988 said:
It stopped doing it for a few days and now did it again today , took it to the stores and they are ordering me a replacement. Which sucks because the phone is new and perfect and now I have to accept most likely a refurbished phone. Ugh
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nope u ordered one and they sent a brand new 1
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No, it was a refurbished I received
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk
Does the new one work right. I have seen this on my device once then it went away
Ok so tmobile was called and a warranty exchange will be done. The whole phone including the battery cover and all that were taken to ups to ship to wherever it needs to be. This is much different from when I had my mytouch slide warranty exchange. I used to get the new/refurbished phone first and then have the messed up one shipped back later (back cover of the messed up phone was transfered to the new/refurbished one). Why is it not the same anymore? Is it because its a white galaxy s2? Or has tmobile changed the warranty exchange process?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
Only time I've done a warranty exchange was on my Sensation back in August. T-Mobile shipped me the replacement phone and I shipped them mine in that same packaging. Not sure if they have changed things. You may want to call them and ask to make sure. Unless you are doing the warranty through Samsung. They would require you to send in your phone.
Pretty much how it was done with the mytouch slide I'm using now. Maybe its a different process since I've only had the galaxy s2 for 3 days?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
That's weird when I bought my g2x I did an exchange like the next day because of reboot issues and I did it like u said they send replacement then u send faulty device I would call and check
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Maybe because the white galaxy s2 is limited? When I got the phone it had to be back ordered and it took a whole week to get in stock. Its probably effecting the way warranty exchange works on this phone. I can't contact tmobile myself because my dad is the one who did the warranty exchange for me. I asked him why the exchange is being done that way and according to him, he said tmobile asked him to ship the phone then when they get it, ill get the replacement and I know that's not how it worked when I had other tmobile smartphones exchanged.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
agentg1001 said:
Maybe because the white galaxy s2 is limited? When I got the phone it had to be back ordered and it took a whole week to get in stock. Its probably effecting the way warranty exchange works on this phone. I can't contact tmobile myself because my dad is the one who did the warranty exchange for me. I asked him why the exchange is being done that way and according to him, he said tmobile asked him to ship the phone then when they get it, ill get the replacement and I know that's not how it worked when I had other tmobile smartphones exchanged.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
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Think yo daddy either did it wrong or got bamboozled.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
If you've only had the phone for 3 days, why not take it back to where you bought it from and exchange it?
shorty87 said:
If you've only had the phone for 3 days, why not take it back to where you bought it from and exchange it?
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It was purchased online, so that was really the only way to do it. It is a warranty exchange (just seems to be a different way than usual), so he did not mess up, I know that for sure cuz I've had phones screw up many times in the past and they were successfully replaced. I'm gonna wait for the replacement to get here hoping it doesn't take too long.
Edit: maybe it wasn't a warranty exchange being done? Could probably be somethin different since it was only 3 days old, who knows haha, whatever I put up here is all I was told.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
If the phone is only 3 days old, you aren't doing a warranty exchange. You are swapping the phone via the return period. Especially if they had you send the back cover and battery back...warranty exchange never includes the back cover (sometimes the battery ).
So the up side is that you'll get a brand new phone back. Downside is that you have to send yours first, and wait for one to be sent back after.
Thanks! That's most likely what's being done
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
This is why I always just buy phones in the store. During the return period you just take it in and swap it out on the spot.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
The white Galaxy S II isn't offered in stores...
Stores also have 50 dollar restocking fees if they don't find anything wrong with the phone that isn't a known issue or if you try to get a different color or device.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
diazjohn is right. your doing a return and getting another new white one... a much better way than them sending you a refurb....
diazjohn said:
The white Galaxy S II isn't offered in stores...
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It is to offered in stores. When i bought this last week they asked which one i wanted...
Yeah over here in midlothian, va only the black gs2 is offered in stores. The white gs2 is only available online
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
agentg1001 said:
Ok so tmobile was called and a warranty exchange will be done. The whole phone including the battery cover and all that were taken to ups to ship to wherever it needs to be. This is much different from when I had my mytouch slide warranty exchange. I used to get the new/refurbished phone first and then have the messed up one shipped back later (back cover of the messed up phone was transfered to the new/refurbished one). Why is it not the same anymore? Is it because its a white galaxy s2? Or has tmobile changed the warranty exchange process?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
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Stock of refurbished ones. When you keep your old back cover, etc, it's a refurbished one that they've put into a new box [labeled or unlabeled]. If it's a REALLY new phone, then they often don't have very many if any refurbished ones in stock so they send out a new one. and eventually.. someone gets yours without a back cover
MrMalone said:
It is to offered in stores. When i bought this last week they asked which one i wanted...
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What store did you go to?
Corporate and Branded Third Party Retailers do not carry the white one.
Technically, the small independent retailers are in charge of buying their own stock, so they could carry it...and I'm not sure of National Retailers/Big Box...
Did you buy the white one or see it displayed on the floor?
I got insurance from AT&T on day 1 and cracked my phone about a week ago. I went to a relatives recently and somehow misplaced my phone at their house. They still haven't managed to find it.
If I submit a claim with AT&T, can I report the phone as lost instead of just cracked? From what I understand, I will still only have to pay $190 in a deductable. If I find the phone later on, would I have to send it to them or could I keep it as a backup?
I really need a phone and from what I understand, a lost phone's deductable is the same as a cracked phone (where you send it in), correct?
The deductible is the same price as the phone ($199) but you only have to pay this once so, you could break your phone many times and still get another one. It takes them about two or three days to send the replacement device. Then you have ten days to send in your broken device or the charge your bill for like $550.
biggangsta1212 said:
The deductible is the same price as the phone ($199) but you only have to pay this once so, you could break your phone many times and still get another one. It takes them about two or three days to send the replacement device. Then you have ten days to send in your broken device or the charge your bill for like $550.
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Yes you are correct. That's the only thing I hate about insurance
Sent from my SGH-I747
It says it covers a lost phone, so would a lost phone be $550 or $199? (Not sending in the lost phone)
crewxp said:
It says it covers a lost phone, so would a lost phone be $550 or $199? (Not sending in the lost phone)
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Sent from my SGH-I747
Okay thanks! I'm so confused now though lol.
If you select broken damage and don't send in your phone, it's $550 total. But if you select lost and dont send in your phone, it's $199?
Just making sure it's okay to select lost and not wait until I file the claim once we see if we can still find the phone.
If its broken you have to send it in..or you'll be charged the full amount...if reported lost....well you can't really send it in can you. Just report it lost and pay the $199.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
defnow said:
If its broken you have to send it in..or you'll be charged the full amount...if reported lost....well you can't really send it in can you. Just report it lost and pay the $199.
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alright, thanks!!! Just worried that I would get charged more by selecting Lost. So frustrated. We were looking forever and couldn't find anything.
"IF" they managed to find it later on, who am I supposed to send the phone to?
If reported lost the imei of that phone will be blacklisted ...meaning it may no longer work for At&t. So if you end up finding it later....you have a cool music player, paper weight, sell for parts or even sell for use on a 3rd party carrier.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
I managed to shatter my screen and found the whole insurance process frustrating and annoying. But for $199 I got my replacement phone in any color i wanted as long as it was white. I had and and wanted blue, but ce la vie.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Did you not install mobile locate on the phone?
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I've lost a phone before, was the same deductible and I got a new phone instead of a refurbished one. Just say you lost it which is completely true. If you find it later, I wouldn't recommend using it on your line since att will detect the imei.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
U can claim ins 2x a yr the 2nd time they dump u
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
So I recently dropped my sgs3... bottom of my screen cracked boo hoo.. so sad but whatever. . I went through phoneclaim dot com from asurion.. ordering went well and pretty easy... got the phone today and went through a hour of setting up the phone and downloading apps. Then decided to see how much memory the phone had left. It had 11.5gb total.. the phone I have is a 32gb, the phone I ordered was supposed to be 32gb the sicker in the back of the phone said 32gb. But internal was a 16gb. Called customer care from asurion and was told that I have to wait 3 hours till they're systems updates...
By now I was thinking that they tried to scam me.. not sure it could of been a honest mistake, don't they check the devices before they ship these out.. what ever happened to quality control.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
With my personal experience with T-Mobile and dealing with assurion, things just never work out right.
I had the G1 pre-ordered back in 2008, my friend got his 2 weeks before me. Thing was, we lived in the same apartment complex. 2 weeks after owning my G1 I dropped it and cracked the screen, assurion sent me a Windows Mobile 6 phone instead of my G1. Did the whole calling and being transfered 5 times thing and after an additional 2 weeks I got my G1 back...
Just be patient, they just seem to be very unorganized.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Ok so They sent me a New Phone I mean a New phone. yesterday looked like a refurbished one. the one sent today was in a sealed original box they come in. Now here is where I'm a bit lost. the guy i spoke to yesterday told me to send my old phone back and when the new one arrives it should have it's own return box to send the 16gb refurbish back. the one sent today was a sealed new one without a return box. What do I do with it? keep it or sell it?
Call them and send it back or they'll charge you like $400
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I had no issue when i did my Claim with Asurion. I kept the Spare Battery, charger, USB Cable and headphones. Now i have two of each. They never said anything or billed me for it.
As bfranklin stated above: Call them and get a way to send the other phone back or you possibly will be charged for it.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I went to my local T-Mobile store and asked the rep there if they will take it back. Of course they said no.. he told me to send both phones back in the one box and called asurion and ket them know.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
iGoOsE76 said:
So I recently dropped my sgs3... bottom of my screen cracked boo hoo.. so sad but whatever. . I went through phoneclaim dot com from asurion.. ordering went well and pretty easy... got the phone today and went through a hour of setting up the phone and downloading apps. Then decided to see how much memory the phone had left. It had 11.5gb total.. the phone I have is a 32gb, the phone I ordered was supposed to be 32gb the sicker in the back of the phone said 32gb. But internal was a 16gb. Called customer care from asurion and was told that I have to wait 3 hours till they're systems updates...
By now I was thinking that they tried to scam me.. not sure it could of been a honest mistake, don't they check the devices before they ship these out.. what ever happened to quality control.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Ha this is why I refuse to have ASSurion. I had this same issue, with quality insurance, when I had my touch pro 2. I went through 7 devices with asurion. They do not check devices before sending them out. I'm 100 percent certain of this.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I returned my GS4 to T-Mobile's Return Center in Fort Worth, TX two weeks ago. They received the package last Tuesday (9 days ago).
I still have not received any confirmation that they received the phone. All I get is that they were unable to locate my phone yet.
I do have a tracking number that shows the package was delivered, but they still insist they don't have it.
Does anyone know how long it can actually take for them to find the phone, process the return, and issue refund.
I would like to order a replacement, but I want to make sure they received the old one first.
ferganer said:
I returned my GS4 to T-Mobile's Return Center in Fort Worth, TX two weeks ago. They received the package last Tuesday (9 days ago).
I still have not received any confirmation that they received the phone. All I get is that they were unable to locate my phone yet.
I do have a tracking number that shows the package was delivered, but they still insist they don't have it.
Does anyone know how long it can actually take for them to find the phone, process the return, and issue refund.
I would like to order a replacement, but I want to make sure they received the old one first.
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I hope you got signature confirmation for it.
I just sent mine off today too. Did you fill out the return form and include it with the device? I wonder if that would make a difference. I will let you know how mine goes.
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aznmode said:
I just sent mine off today too. Did you fill out the return form and include it with the device? I wonder if that would make a difference. I will let you know how mine goes.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
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Just cirious, How did you ship it? Original box? Did you ship the battery? Include accessories? Just wondering im shipping mine out in the morning. Thanks
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
If I were you I will just sell it than to return it to tmobile. The whole process will take a long time and it will take 1-2 billing cycle(1-2 months) to get your money back
mjhay19 said:
If I were you I will just sell it than to return it to tmobile. The whole process will take a long time and it will take 1-2 billing cycle(1-2 months) to get your money back
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Wow really? That's pretty bad. I assume you went through this? Mine is still in transit and i can have it returned back to me.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
Hey whats up I exchange my phone once and got the new device and now I noticed it has this pinkish glare on the bottom half of the screen. It's not all that noticeable but it's definitely there and comparing to other s4s you can tell mind gets darker towards the bottom of the screen and greys our little purple pink ish. What I want to know is if I have a buyer's remorse. With this new exchanged device. Do I get another 14 days because this is a new phone or does it only allow me to exchange previous within the first 14 days of the initial purchase?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
im pretty sure the pinkish tint is a known issue with some units and im pretty sure its a hardware issue (someone please correct me if im wrong) which means you would in fact, have to do another exchange for a better unit,
though i can tell you once you get a fully functional unit, you will not regret anything
The pink tint is a hardware issue and is pretty widespread. The buyer's remorse goes from the purchase date of your first phone. If you did installments on the phone, you get 14 days. If you bought it outright, you get 30 days. If you're past your buyer's remorse period, your only option is a warranty exchange through customer care.
Towle said:
The pink tint is a hardware issue and is pretty widespread. The buyer's remorse goes from the purchase date of your first phone. If you did installments on the phone, you get 14 days. If you bought it outright, you get 30 days. If you're past your buyer's remorse period, your only option is a warranty exchange through customer care.
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OK but would I have to be phone less for the warranty exchange? Or do they send me one and then I send mine?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
Funny thing is my first unit didn't have this issue.. Now this one does. And now it bothers the hell outta me
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
No. They send you the replacement via next day air shipping, then you send the defective phone back in the same box with the provided prepaid shipping label.
pezlomd said:
Hey whats up I exchange my phone once and got the new device and now I noticed it has this pinkish glare on the bottom half of the screen. It's not all that noticeable but it's definitely there and comparing to other s4s you can tell mind gets darker towards the bottom of the screen and greys our little purple pink ish. What I want to know is if I have a buyer's remorse. With this new exchanged device. Do I get another 14 days because this is a new phone or does it only allow me to exchange previous within the first 14 days of the initial purchase?
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
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in california they give you 30days.
Razzzzer said:
in california they give you 30days.
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If you but in store it's 30 days. If you buy online it's 20 days. It's on tmobile return exchange page.
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