[Q] No Wifi and no BLUETOOTH - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

My wonder cannot find SSID and Bluetooth doesn't show devices. I have WIFI MAC address but in Bluetooth's MAC is "Not Available". 3G and all other things works. I accidentally flashed ROM via ODIN 1.85 instead of Multi Downloader, but I don't know if it's connected
I tried other ROMS and KERNELS since then and all of them with same problem.
Does anyone have any IDEA?


USB tether under Mac OSX - help needed

Hi everybody!
i've just updated my desire to 2.2, and i've some issues with tethering with my mac.
under 2.1 I got it working using bluetooth DUN under mac, and using pdanet on the desire.
I've read that 2.2 support usb tethering, and I've activated it on the phone, the mac does recognize the "android phone" but even if i fill the required field in the advanced property panel (that is: "general" device, "tre.it" as APN), the mac refuses to connect to the phone. Phone number was either left blank or set to *99#.
I've tried as well the new wifi hot spot and that's working flawlessly.
Bluetooth DUN doesn't work anymore with 2.2 and pdanet, something must have changed in the firmware perhaps?
but please, somebody had managed the usb tether to work?

Defy & Ad-Hoc wifi network

I cant connect to ad-hoc wifi network, it is well known software android problem at all devices but i tried like this links:
when i replace wpa_supplicant, wifi seems doesnt work, i cant find any wifi network (ap or ad-hoc)
please help
I tried creating ad hoc wifi network in my laptop for my defy but failed. The phone did not detect the network. Then I installed connectify instead and it works faultlessly.
Is there any adhoc patch for defy?
*wrong post deleted*
I can connect defy with my laptop without installing any other software. But I'm not sure if it is a ad-hoc network. My laptop wifi driver provide a special ap mode and it can be used to share network.
netten123321 said:
I cant connect to ad-hoc wifi network, it is well known software android problem at all devices but i tried like this links:
when i replace wpa_supplicant, wifi seems doesnt work, i cant find any wifi network (ap or ad-hoc)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here. I tried all the patches of wpa_supplicant given in this thread as well: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=755254 but the wifi just can't search for any network and it turns off itself.
Another member "webvan" tried the above steps on his Milestone and failed(from the above thread).
Seems like Moto has a different hardware config.
FYI, I'm running 2.2.2 custom rom (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1037076)
What a tragedy.
It seems there's no such patch for Defy.
for me it worked with 3.4.2_177-005_NORDIC rom which i used for a very long time.
the problem is, you must manually connect to an ad-hoc network.
if you don't want to do that each time, you can install cyanogenmod by quarx and it will automatically connect to your saved ad-hoc network
Maybe you should try update to 2.2/2.3 based rom.
Fyi, i'm now at MIUI rom & got no problems with ad-hoc wifi network.
Dont forget to activate Internet Connection Sharing (for windows user), just to assure your device got IP Address automatically.
P.S Sorry for my bad english

AdHoc Support & Internet Pass Through

Ok, I know someone will tell me this thread doesn't belong to the dev section, but it does.
There has been adhoc support in CM 7 for the G1 (Htc Dream) I used to own and it worked just fine with my laptop AdHoc connection.
There seems to be a problem with most AOSP and GB STOCK(ish) roms - including Darky and CM 7.1 Stable. They seem to detect the adhoc network when a modded wpa_supplicant is installed (in Darky it's installable by the Darky App and in CM it is included in the stock rom). When trying to connect there are two scenarios :
1. I don't specify IP address and Gateway and rely on the windows DHCP to assign an address.
What happens in most roms is the phone hangs on waiting for IP address and never connects. In MIUI roms the phone connects instantly, so I guess the issue is rom related.
2. I specify IP address (the laptop is, so I choose for the phone, and the laptop IP for DNS and Gateway)
What happens in most roms is the phone just disconnects instantly giving no reason and continues scanning. I've actually managed to connect in some roms (CM 7.1 and Darky) but it happens to be very unstable - the wifi keeps on scanning for new networks and even if the phone is connected, there is no actual internet coming through. [EDIT] I flashed the latest CM Nightly and the connection worked flawlessly.
I have ran some logcats but they don't show significant information on what's actually happening.
My idea is to put some of the MIUI binaries into use, but I don't know which ones, except the wpa_supplicant are responsible for WIFI. Can some of you developers help me and possibly make an All-Types-Of-Roms solution.
[EDIT] The Adhoc Connection seems to beworking in latest CM Nightlies. There seems to be something different in AOSP roms like CM, that makes Adhoc connection work flawlessly. Any idea what is it?

[Q] Wifi tether won't work, rooted KF and Evo 4G

I've searched several threads, but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Both devices definitely 100% rooted with superuser working fine, permissions granted for all apps.
I installed wifi_tether_v3_1-beta14.apk on the phone.
Device Profile: Evo 4G
Setup-Method: Initially I tried Softap (master). That's the same as infrastructure mode, correct?
Default SSID (AndroidTether)
MSS Clamping checked
Routing Fix checked
If I attempt to run it with these settings, I get a popup informing me the wifi hotspot started, but with errors. The log just says most of the wifi steps failed, I can post details if needed. I don't think it's really running - no upload/download indicator showing at the bottom of the app. My PC can't see the hotspot.
If I switch Setup-Method to Ad-hoc, it runs fine, no errors, PC can see it and connect to it. But KF can't connect to Ad-hoc... so lame.
So, I got ZT-180 Adhoc Switcher.apk for the kindle fire, to switch it to ad-hoc mode. Went to settings, told it to connect to AndroidTether. Switched to Ad-Hoc mode. It says "attempting to connect" ... after a minute it gives up and keeps retrying. The hotspot shows in the list of wifi networks, but it's hanging at "Obtaining IP address".
So, what's the issue? Infrastructure mode not working? Need to flash a custom rom? I read something about maybe needing a non-stock kernel? Upgrade or downgrade my radio?
I finally found a method that works, barely.
Wifi Tether (app listed above) failed.
Adhoc Switcher failed.
Wifi Hotspot Widget failed.
Elixir2's hotspot widget failed (connected but no surf).
The one that worked is free and doesn't even need root apparently: Foxfi.
I say it "barely" worked because even this has issues.
When I tried to create a password, it wouldn't connect.
But if I leave the password blank (no password) it does work.
I just told it to start running, and left the SSID at the default (FoxFi98 I believe).

VPN over WIFI fails : stock firmware 4.1.1

hey all,
i am trying to configure vpn to my computer (windows 7) and for some reason connecting through 3G to my computer using pptp works flawlessly.
but when i connect to a WIFI network,Any network it fails to connect giving me an Unsuccessful error.
i searched for a solution : maybe a different VPN client but none i found support pptp like the native one and to a windows 7/etc machine only free/paid services which is not what i want.
if any 1 encountered this kind of a a problem or can help me figure it out ?
thank you very much

