[Humor] [HOX EDITION] What dose your username mean? - HTC One X

Just to bring up some fun in the HOX forum. Tell us meaning of your username.
Ok to set the ball rolling, Strip419 was created to trick those bad boys over here. I have had lots of profile views and some people asking if I'm a stripper . Strip=stripper 419= tricked.
Believe it or not it worked , you can't imagine the kind of PMs I've gotten.
Nerds can be silly sometimes.

Thread closed
If you want to be silly and bring some fun somewhere (and really think somebody cares for the origin of your nick), go to off-topic forum please.
If you would care to read the rules that are posted in a sticky at the beginning of this forum, you would see that Off-Topic is not allowed here.


A complaint about this section of XDA-DEVS. (Development and Hacking)

quite simply, the the 'development and hacking' section of xda-devs has a cluelessn00b to developer ratio of about 1000-1. I understand that everyone is excited about some of the stuff that goes on in that section, but its bad for several reasons:
firstly, how can any dev communicate when people are continuously rudely demanding information (in broken english or text speek) which is on the first page of a thread or has been communicated several times since then.
secondly, its not safe for the cluelessn00bs... if i was a bit more evil, i could easily make an app to kill to boot loader and pretend that its the latest manila4d or whatever. real devs would probably think about it before running it, clueless noobs would dive right in and we'd have a wave of bricked devices.
i know its hard to fix this kind of issue, and this post is not meant as any disrespect to any mod or admin of xd.com (its clearly disrespect to the cluelessb00ns who cant read the domain name, the forum section nor the first post)
the only suggestions i can personally make are an allow list on threads - managed by the thread owner (and the ability to pass ownership of the first thread would make sense too) or maybe to post in dev+hacking you have to be a senior member (having said that, ive seen some senior members be as clueless and the n00bs)
i beg that some consideration is placed on this, because, in all reality, ive given up on the manila3d thread. theres just no point in me battling the waves of idiocy any longer. the chance of me actually developing? pffft.
It saddens me
I was a bit disappointed hearing this from a marvelous developer such as you are but I believe you are not evil because you have tried your best to bring us the best out of our devices
Please do reconsider...
I hear what you're saying, mate. I lurked around this place for over six months before making my first post, just reading up and learning. People don't want to read anymore...they think that this place is the instant free tech support center.
djboo, I don't agree! Most of the threads in D&H subforum are developer or constructive threads. This is not an easy thing to accomplish, and I think it shows the quality of the forum. You can't disable access to "noobs", developers make their stuff for everyone, not just other developers or experienced people! I'm glad if other people like something I make.
Partially agree...
djboo said:
quite simply, the the 'development and hacking' section of xda-devs has a cluelessn00b to developer ratio of about 1000-1. I understand that everyone is excited about some of the stuff that goes on in that section, but its bad for several reasons:
firstly, how can any dev communicate when people are continuously rudely demanding information (in broken english or text speek) which is on the first page of a thread or has been communicated several times since then.
secondly, its not safe for the cluelessn00bs... if i was a bit more evil, i could easily make an app to kill to boot loader and pretend that its the latest manila4d or whatever. real devs would probably think about it before running it, clueless noobs would dive right in and we'd have a wave of bricked devices.
i know its hard to fix this kind of issue, and this post is not meant as any disrespect to any mod or admin of xd.com (its clearly disrespect to the cluelessb00ns who cant read the domain name, the forum section nor the first post)
the only suggestions i can personally make are an allow list on threads - managed by the thread owner (and the ability to pass ownership of the first thread would make sense too) or maybe to post in dev+hacking you have to be a senior member (having said that, ive seen some senior members be as clueless and the n00bs)
i beg that some consideration is placed on this, because, in all reality, ive given up on the manila3d thread. theres just no point in me battling the waves of idiocy any longer. the chance of me actually developing? pffft.
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I partially second that, although I think that membership seniority based on number of posts isn't the best practice if to implement what you proposed. As I, for example, don't post a lot but read the forum for almost 2 years, and have dev. background (and I guess there a lot of others like that), there are some that post a lot of questions and/or comments that are not that dev. inclined or do not have the knowledge (yet?).
I do see your point here, and me too stopped following the TF3D thread after tons of non development related issues. Maybe putting Dev/Hack as read-only and people would have to ask a mod / admin for posting rights on it? And then giving full access to the Q&A thread / new section? So devs. could enjoy it more, general community could still get the latest (downloading newer version from Dev/Hack, etc.) and get questions answered in an orderly fashion... BUT, what with those nice little apps people write and post here from time to time, that come from someone that is not THAT involved in the community? They'd simply go elsewhere, and I guess this IS the most valuable asset the community have. With all due respects to the "regulars", I think those that pass by once in a while and contribute are
invaluable too. Guess it's the price to pay for innovation, having to sort through the non-sense to find the gems.
In the end, I think the problem here are the filters we use. Maybe we just need to find a better way to organize the data here, so it's easier to follow... What I do hope, is that whatever is done, doesn't change the essence of this great oasis...
I kinda agree with ur second part but i'm sure someone would have told the mods if it was a "dangerous app", rite?
I am a noob
Ok, I understand quite well what you are saying. Being a noob myself, i am learning as much as i can, slowly but I hope surely.
I try to read thoroughfully each thread that I have interest in.
The only regret I have is the search engine. For example, I'm still searching for a thread where it explains how to modify spb mobile shell files to have PI8 as the default calendar. I know the intel is there somewhere, but I'm having a hard time to find the right post/thread.
So maybe one of the possibilities would be to enhance a little the search engine or the way results are shown => enlighten the searched words...
Please reconsider, don't be to hard on the noobs, I think we aren't so bad, some of us want to learn.
And thank you very much for your patience, talent and ideas.
I do agree too that there is too much "I like that.... whats it for?" when a lot of the time the developers do put the information in their posts. BUT..... sometimes these STUPID, RANDOM comments do contribute by putting an idea out there to be expanded on. Sometimes they provide needed feedback and ideas.
If you restrict access to these areas then you may as well shut down the site.
This is a forum and as such there will ALWAYS be those annoying clueless posts but you have to remember that you were once there yourself...
You have to make allowances for those members who DON'T speak english very well as they may be very tech savy but just have difficulty putting their ideas down in English. They may actually give something back..
And thats my 2 cents
hi all
in fact there was a section missing , here , for asking
seems they are doing something very soon , reading the sticky thread
and so the D&H will come back to be free for real dev
djboo perhaps you are a little hasty in this thread and I agree with some of what you say, however, alot of ppl respect everything you and other developers give us immensely! without ppl like yourself alot of us would never use Windows Mobile devices, instead following the masses of other "mind washed" CrApple iphone uses, anyway please don't stop sharing just because a few mindless teenagers didn't get enough Oxygen at birth!
people make their own choices. if you post something which might trigger a brick and someone uses it you can blame him for either trying something without investigating first or for just being plain stupid (depending on the circumstances).
the fact that this section is a target for terrorist idiots action isn't different from any other internet or real forum in the world. people tend to go wherever's warmer and cuddle there.. and try to suck every little ounce of good they can find in that place.
that's why you can find thousands of stupid posts and questions instead having a clear, professional section. not using search, not being able to read rules before posting.. that's international.
as for restricting... I must disagree to the proposal. it would require more work from the dev to find the members he'd like to share this with instead of just posting his work. and being a senior member on this forum means NOTHING considering it depends on the number of posts you have rather on how long you've been around or how much you have contributed to this community.
but what i do suggest is, that a member will have to be at least X months old in this forum to post. this will make people use search and learn before they come up with stupid questions.
As a link above has p[pointed out, there is a new forum coming for questions. If you really have a problem with some of this noob questions, PM a mod/report the post.
Also, if you want to post a thread as an announcement, rather than a questions/answers thread, PM a mod to get it locked.
If you don't let new members post, they will never find anything out.
One final thing: you yourself have posted this in an area in which it doesn't belong. It has nothing to do with Development or Hacking, it's about what happens in this forum. As such, I'm going to move the thread to the "About xda-devs" section.
Thread's like this always remind me this post by Kyphur: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2031989&postcount=45
i dont beleive personally in censorship of anysort. seriously. im like a big ass hippy and everything.
but some of the people in the developers section of this site have barely developed full sentances let alone developed on an 'xda' phone. the floods of the same people asking the same questions over and over again is just disheartening.
maybe just the ability for the thread owner to delete posts would help. since about post 40 on the manila3d thread, theres been...ooh. 7 maybe 8 relevant posts? the rest have been 'my device wont turn off' which is answered in the first post.
meh. maybe we should just open up a new thread for the real developing. disguise the topic. then we might get some work done.
djboo said:
i dont beleive personally in censorship of anysort. seriously. im like a big ass hippy and everything.
but some of the people in the developers section of this site have barely developed full sentances let alone developed on an 'xda' phone. the floods of the same people asking the same questions over and over again is just disheartening.
maybe just the ability for the thread owner to delete posts would help. since about post 40 on the manila3d thread, theres been...ooh. 7 maybe 8 relevant posts? the rest have been 'my device wont turn off' which is answered in the first post.
meh. maybe we should just open up a new thread for the real developing. disguise the topic. then we might get some work done.
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If you want closed developing, why not do it via e-mail, or PM?
DaveShaw said:
Thread's like this always remind me this post by Kyphur: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2031989&postcount=45
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that man said it better than i ever could.
l3v5y said:
If you want closed developing, why not do it via e-mail, or PM?
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i dont want closed developing. i want developing. currently the main thread in question is more like doing lines for teacher. once a day, log in, "HTC-CA drivers disable shutdown, TF3D uses those drivers. use manilatoggle to disable TF3D before you power down" x10
djboo said:
i dont beleive personally in censorship of anysort. seriously. im like a big ass hippy and everything.
but some of the people in the developers section of this site have barely developed full sentances let alone developed on an 'xda' phone. the floods of the same people asking the same questions over and over again is just disheartening.
maybe just the ability for the thread owner to delete posts would help. since about post 40 on the manila3d thread, theres been...ooh. 7 maybe 8 relevant posts? the rest have been 'my device wont turn off' which is answered in the first post.
meh. maybe we should just open up a new thread for the real developing. disguise the topic. then we might get some work done.
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djboo... I understand where you are coming from, but I also do not totally agree with your comments. Although I may be a noob, I do have a lot ov experiance in computing. I do not have the time to develop of backwords engineer apps. I wish I did. I would enjoy doing it. I agree with you that the thread owner should be able to delete posts that are off topic, but I think the thread owner should also move a question with an answer to the first page if they see multiple posts. This would make it easier to find some of the common answers. I agree that users should use the search, but it does not always return what you are looking for. I have made a post and been berated for not using the search (when in fact I had). I truly enjoy the work you and the rest of the developers are doing. Without you guys, my phone would be quite boring, but because of the work done on this site, I am quite happy with my phone and how it operates. I have friends that think I am a god because I help them with thier phone, but I would not be able to do half of what I do if it were not for the work done here. I hope you go back to work on Manilla3D. We noobs need the knowledge you provide. As for off topic posts such as the nes on the Manilla3D thread, a lot of them go on due to people endulging these people by answering thier post or flaming them. I have seen senior members do this and all it does is fuel a lot of these guys. Ignore them! Geez, I have had my ligidimate questions ignored, why not ignore the non-ligitimate ones? Anyway, I will get off my soap box. I appreciate everthing all of you developers do and I hope one day I will have the time to contribute to the development community. Take care.
It is possible to set up a "thread owner" or thread based permission system but it would take some work and more importantly a Vbulletin developer to iron out the issues that may come up.
I have tried it on one other site but it was a little difficult. Of course I think a more productive idea is to have developer groups. Vbulletin has a group system built in as of 3.7 and it allows for comments and such. In 3.8 it will allow groups to have their own message boards. With a little help you can set up 3.7 to also have message boards controlled by the owner of the group.
DaveShaw said:
Thread's like this always remind me this post by Kyphur: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2031989&postcount=45
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djboo said:
that man said it better than i ever could.
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Yup that's why it's in my signature under XDA Mantra.


Ok first I'm posting this in every forum so that everyone sees it because I personally think its important for the future of this forum.
Seriously people just because you have anonymity behind your user name doesn't give you the right to be rude. Stop jumping on a post and yelling at the poster, if the moderators have a problem they will move the post you are not the police and all you are doing in potentially scaring off help!!! Which correct me if I'm wrong a development, q/a, etc forum is DEPENDENT on.
I for one have been taken aback and offended by some of the blatant rudeness on these forums.
We never know who is new or who is posting something. What if a HTC dev was posting a question with the intent to leak info to us and you blasted him like many of you have because he posted the wrong thing in the wrong place? Do you think he would want to help after that? Or what if someone who was posting a question also happened to be at HTC legal or Sprint and got pissed enough to force all our nice developers to stop using anything HTC with a cease order (which they can legally do whenever they want) all because of some rude poster.
Please people be responsible and think before you speak the world and this forum will be better for it.

[Q] Android News Update for TP2 aka Tilt2 aka PimpTight2 aka Fortress

I went to Android with the sweetest phone on the market (Samsung Galaxy S) and never looked back. However I still have my Tilt and Tilt2 and I thought I might try and install Froyo or something tastly on my old phones...
So here I am, and by the look of it there is nothing going on but people flooding the forum with cries for help and people waving the white flag. I assume the big boi dev's moved on to better devices as I did or they got tired of you clowns flooding this forum. ANYONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT THE DEAL IS. IF THERE IS ANYTHING GOING ON MAYBE WE SHOULD STICKY IT OR MOVE ALL THESE QUESTION THREADS, THIS ONE INCLUDED TO A SUBTHREAD.
If they have it working on my Tilt half way decent I cant belive the Tilt2 is getting ditched.
What are you talking about dude? There's a sticky thread already. There's just too many people who can't read FAQ's and are asking the same questions again and again. As this project gets more popularity, more people flood the forums.
how do you have almost as many posts as I, and not even know about the biggest project on rhodium?
do you even read anything in these forums?
and as far as i know, we have the best devs right here on site giving constant top tier advice, updates, software, hacks and mods.
what white flags do you see, besides "iphone" users who try their hand at a real device.
stick to ur samsung, this is HTC.
kroniced said:
I when to Android with sweetest phone on the market (Samsung Galaxy S) and never looked back. However I still have my Tilt and Tilt2 and I thought I might try and install Froyo or something tastly on my old phones...
So here I am, and by the look of it there is nothing going on but people flooding the forum with cries for help and people waving the white flag. I assume the big boi dev's moved on to better devices as I did or they got tired of you clowns flooding this forum. ANYONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT THE DEAL IS. IF THERE IS ANYTHING GOING ON MAYBE WE SHOULD STICKY IT OR MOVE ALL THESE QUESTION THREADS, THIS ONE INCLUDED TO A SUBTHREAD.
If they have it working on my Tilt half way decent I cant belive the Tilt2 is getting ditched.
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You're dumber than the noobs on here, at least they had the sense to check STICKY at the TOP of the page. And I'm gonna tell you what all the noobs get told...SEARCH!!!
TP2 (XDandroid) XDA App
So, you open a new thread to ask a question which was answered in the very first thread on the forum, that was also stickied. Then you begin to use vulgarities to debase other forum members? I'm glad you use another phone, and don't come to this forum anymore.
Not to pile on but that first stickied thread has over 9,000 posts and 1,000,000 views. Even a noob like me knew to go there first.
Thread cleaned.
Please familiarise yourself with the forum rules regarding flaming, language and respect for other members.
pulser_g2 said:
Thread cleaned.
Please familiarise yourself with the forum rules regarding flaming, language and respect for other members.
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Thanks Senior Mod.
Wondered whom the person was calling clowns. Unless we have an apology, the person should be suspended.

So where in the rules does it say that....

You can't ask questions or say good job to the devs in the Dev section? I see people getting butt hurt to the point of insulting other members for asking questions. The rules clearly state that you shouldn't start a thread that does not pertain directly to development but i have yet to see where the rules say you can't comment or ask questions. I can honestly say that i have rarely seen a response in a Dev thread that was directly related to moving the rom forward from a true development perspective. Most of the guys complaining about the rules don't seem to actually understand the rules themselves. Let me clarify.... Starting a thread is not the same as posting within one. There is one rule that most of the forum police seem to always over look and that is 2.3
"2.3 Flaming: XDA was founded as a group of people sharing information about certain mobile phones. Sharing does not involve virtual yelling (flaming) it does involve working together to solve problems in an environment of mutual respect and understanding. Losing your temper and flaming another member, or group of members, is not acceptable behavior."
So before you jump down someones throat about not following rules maybe try taking a look at the rules and make sure you understand them yourself. I'm sure someone will ask how this relates to our phone and the answer is that it doesn't. It does however relate directly to the e4gt community.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
I think the biggest reason people get flamed for asking questions in the dev thread is that they don't follow rule number 1 of the forum rules...
"1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news."
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Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
The thanks button is there to prevent a ton of low/no content "awesome work" posts. Who wants to wade thru posts like that? I sure don't.
Honestly. Based on the wording of these rules. The dev section should be for releases then locked down. Cause honestly there is very little talk in the dev threads that can be considered development related. Almost everything I have seen in the dev threads since I have been on XDA could really be considered general talk. Let me say too that I'm not opposed to having the dev section only for releases. I think it would be a lot nicer if it was reserved for releases only. Most of the actual dev work takes place on twitter or the IRC from what I've seen. So it wouldn't hender development.
As for people jumping down someones throat for asking a question. Honestly. I think some people just look for a reason to play forum police. I have been called every name in the book. Sometimes I deserved it. Other times I didn't. Just have to ignore it sometimes. If someone sees a post that shouldn't be. Use the report button. If you're happy with a ROM or an answer. Use the thanks button. Google the hell out of ****. Best advice I could give anyone. But I will never agree with someone jumping someones ass for asking a simple question. We were all new to the forums at one time. Unfortunately you can't teach class.
A lot of the flaming, besides chastising outright stupidity, is from these high school aged kids who think of XDA as an extension of their "root cliques" at school. Posting childish memes, and making threads popularity contests.
Your problem is trying to rationalize ignorance.
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Its because your taking valuable space from others that have to let everyone know they are "downloading it now!!" instead of giving useful feedback for the community.
Its the me mentality.... Blame society and the educational system.
azyouthinkeyeiz said:
A lot of the flaming, besides chastising outright stupidity, is from these high school aged kids who think of XDA as an extension of their "root cliques" at school. Posting childish memes, and making threads popularity contests.
Your problem is trying to rationalize ignorance.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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The probem is you are trying to rationalize flaming. I dont care how stupid a post may be, crapping on someone is childish, and flat out against the rules, whereas what is considered development is pretty gray... I agree with the above that if these lil forum nazis want to keep whining, the Mods should lock the Dev threads only to the Devs, and have a general thread for it... as RIDICULOUS as that is, if it drives these kiddie antics back to Facebook where they belong, so be it.
The funny part, when someone like say iSaint posts a funny meme/pic or new sig, I have NEVER seen anyone complain... its just when you see an opportunity to attack a percieved weakness (asking a question, not being completely up to date on a thread) and capitalize on it... that is pathetic. Some kids need affirmation from daddy or something. Go talk smack elsewhere.
I really think the Mods (not just jerdog, I think its obvious there needs to be a group decision) to clarify the Dev thread rules... seems each device develops its own dynamic for the community, this one needs a little structure not just crazy sheriffs who show up a day late guns blazing. Just clarify what you want to see and dont want to see in Dev threads, so this dispute can be over. It will be sad if theres no humor or fun in this forum because a few people cant figure out how to stay updated on their favorite ROM, and learn to skim threads for info they are actually interested in... but its better than lil internet tough guys.
ungovernable1977 said:
The probem is you are trying to rationalize flaming. I dont care how stupid a post may be, crapping on someone is childish, and flat out against the rules, whereas what is considered development is pretty gray... I agree with the above that if these lil forum nazis want to keep whining, the Mods should lock the Dev threads only to the Devs, and have a general thread for it... as RIDICULOUS as that is, if it drives these kiddie antics back to Facebook where they belong, so be it.
The funny part, when someone like say iSaint posts a funny meme/pic or new sig, I have NEVER seen anyone complain... its just when you see an opportunity to attack a percieved weakness (asking a question, not being completely up to date on a thread) and capitalize on it... that is pathetic. Some kids need affirmation from daddy or something. Go talk smack elsewhere.
I really think the Mods (not just jerdog, I think its obvious there needs to be a group decision) to clarify the Dev thread rules... seems each device develops its own dynamic for the community, this one needs a little structure not just crazy sheriffs who show up a day late guns blazing. Just clarify what you want to see and dont want to see in Dev threads, so this dispute can be over. It will be sad if theres no humor or fun in this forum because a few people cant figure out how to stay updated on their favorite ROM, and learn to skim threads for info they are actually interested in... but its better than lil internet tough guys.
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Even I don't post crap in the development section
Must respect it.
And when I was a new member I helped as much as I could answered alotta stuff but it gets repetitive and just ridiculous.
This is a developers site for developers normal people shouldn't even be posting to be honest
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iSaint said:
Even I don't post crap in the development section
Must respect it.
And when I was a new member I helped as much as I could answered alotta stuff but it gets repetitive and just ridiculous.
This is a developers site for developers normal people shouldn't even be posting to be honest
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Dont get me wrong, I dont have any problem with your humor... just saying that when its funny people tend to forgive off topic, but if its phrased as a question, you are told to piss off... its just really vague. I used to rarely post in Dev in the epic4g forums, as for a long time the threads WERE development... but as we all know, the devs tend to IRC or twitter or whatever... its not in the XDA threads like it used to be. I actually really miss that, I could pop in whenever and learn from the ones who know what they're doing... I really feel weird going to a chatroom at 35 years old, and regardless, dont have time, I have my own real world 5 year old to raise. Anyways, maybe they should REALLY crack down, and if its not DEVELOPMENT it goes in the general forum... I asked a question in the dev thread about how to flash CNA, more clarifying what the preferred method is with the devs, as thats who I usually listen to... and it turned into a flamewar... it was stupid... I should have just walked away, but I have just seen a lot of people get blasted with a dozen posts for something really innocuous... so I decided to say something, and actually I should have paid more attention to which CNA thread I was in... they look the same, just different off topic conversation at any given time! But questions pertaining to the ROM... cant have that... cant have that.
The solution?
How about we lock the development threads after the developer has posted what they needed to? Why don't we also close the Q&A section so people don't start
flamewars about questions being asked multiple times? You know what, we might as well just close the entire forum and make it so only developers can join and share their work together.
This should help you out some:
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
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5. Post a message only once.
As a large forum we don't need unnecessary clutter, You're free to edit your message as you like, so if you do not receive an answer revisit your message and see if you can describe your problem better. Not everyone is online at the same time, it might take a while before you receive an answer.
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15. Keep posts/threads on-topic
Whilst a minor amount of off-topic posting may be overlooked, the general rule is your posts / threads must be relevant to the Forum / thread in which you are posting.
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XDA is for development - that's why we exist. We created the extra sections so as to try and head off all the off-topic drivel (and yes, "OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME!" and "I WANT TO HAVE YOUR TWINS!" are off topic) and to try and keep Development as clean as possible. And as is the ongoing nature of the beast, there are people who don't read the rules and go ahead and post anyway. And we can't police everything 24x7 because we are all volunteer.
I think its always gonna be a double edge sword. You need user count to raise value of ads and pay server and any employees Xander may have. But in turn that brings in a lot of non development people.
Now. Since you don't have to have an account to download from the site. That could be good or bad. Good as it gives people a way to download without an account but bad as it keeps user count down and could generate a loss in revenue. I mean something has to pay for all the XDA TV and all the other things that this site has. So I really think that locking Dev sections down to developers only is a good idea. But that brings about another issue. Who qualifies as a dev? What would one have to do. If simply making a ROM and releasing is all one has to do then hell I can do that. It may be stock touchwiz but still it would be a ROM. So there will always be this and that.
I am as guilty as the next guy for posting non dev posts in the development section. That's the one reason I don't flame someone for doing the same.
Any who. That's my thoughts on it.
jerdog said:
This should help you out some:
XDA is for development - that's why we exist. We created the extra sections so as to try and head off all the off-topic drivel (and yes, "OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME!" and "I WANT TO HAVE YOUR TWINS!" are off topic) and to try and keep Development as clean as possible. And as is the ongoing nature of the beast, there are people who don't read the rules and go ahead and post anyway. And we can't police everything 24x7 because we are all volunteer.
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Oh there it is... right in the rules...
scarmon25 said:
I think its always gonna be a double edge sword. You need user count to raise value of ads and pay server and any employees Xander may have. But in turn that brings in a lot of non development people.
Now. Since you don't have to have an account to download from the site. That could be good or bad. Good as it gives people a way to download without an account but bad as it keeps user count down and could generate a loss in revenue. I mean something has to pay for all the XDA TV and all the other things that this site has. So I really think that locking Dev sections down to developers only is a good idea. But that brings about another issue. Who qualifies as a dev? What would one have to do. If simply making a ROM and releasing is all one has to do then hell I can do that. It may be stock touchwiz but still it would be a ROM. So there will always be this and that.
I am as guilty as the next guy for posting non dev posts in the development section. That's the one reason I don't flame someone for doing the same.
Any who. That's my thoughts on it.
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In theory you have a point, but before the users there were developers who wanted to share with other developers. If the users went away then there would still be developers and you wouldn't need as much moolah to run the site so you wouldn't need as much hosting, etc.
my Galaxy Note screen is bigger than yours
jerdog said:
In theory you have a point, but before the users there were developers who wanted to share with other developers. If the users went away then there would still be developers and you wouldn't need as much moolah to run the site so you wouldn't need as much hosting, etc.
my Galaxy Note screen is bigger than yours
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Yep. You are absolutely correct. That's why I say its always gonna be a double edged sword. XDA has grown so big that at this point it would be almost impossible to go back to that point. I honestly think that the best way to eleviate the dev section of BS and such would be to implement a a title other then recognized developer that would be reasonable to obtain. And close off dev section to post. Anyone could browse that section. But only people with the appropriate titles could post. That "may" help bring some of the real development back to XDA and off the IRC, twitter, ect.
Its just an idea. And honestly even if it was implemented with a perfect execution there would still be hiccups and issues. I guess it all boils down to with a huge user base. The percentages of dev,classy people,troll, and straight out dicks are going to go up and sometimes out of proportion. It sucks but its just how it is. All it takes is for us users to use the measures in place.
Use the thanks, report buttons and Google/Search **** before posting. And keep the nonsense post out of the dev section. If someone asks a question. Regardless of how many times its been asked. Give a polite answer and kindly direct them to previous post and about where they should post. If its a repeat offender "someone who never searches and constantly post the same ****" use the report button.
But that would be a perfect XDA environment. And we all know the world isn't perfect.
scarmon25 said:
Yep. You are absolutely correct. That's why I say its always gonna be a double edged sword. XDA has grown so big that at this point it would be almost impossible to go back to that point. I honestly think that the best way to eleviate the dev section of BS and such would be to implement a a title other then recognized developer that would be reasonable to obtain. And close off dev section to post. Anyone could browse that section. But only people with the appropriate titles could post. That "may" help bring some of the real development back to XDA and off the IRC, twitter, ect.
Its just an idea. And honestly even if it was implemented with a perfect execution there would still be hiccups and issues. I guess it all boils down to with a huge user base. The percentages of dev,classy people,troll, and straight out dicks are going to go up and sometimes out of proportion. It sucks but its just how it is. All it takes is for us users to use the measures in place.
Use the thanks, report buttons and Google/Search **** before posting. And keep the nonsense post out of the dev section. If someone asks a question. Regardless of how many times its been asked. Give a polite answer and kindly direct them to previous post and about where they should post. If its a repeat offender "someone who never searches and constantly post the same ****" use the report button.
But that would be a perfect XDA environment. And we all know the world isn't perfect.
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Devi0124 said:
You can't ask questions or say good job to the devs in the Dev section? I see people getting butt hurt to the point of insulting other members for asking questions. The rules clearly state that you shouldn't start a thread that does not pertain directly to development but i have yet to see where the rules say you can't comment or ask questions.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
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Read here please
"Thinking of posting a new thread???
Use the search button on the top bar between "New Posts" and "Quick Links"
If any mod, including myself, continue to find new threads about topics that have threads already existing or [Q] questions in the development forums!
The thread will be locked with no notice and/or up to a temp BAN!!.
Thats the big difference from even a year ago... all the actual development work is being done offsite, either twitter (why I dont know), IRC, or the dev crews own sites. It used to be where the Devs would discuss their work in the Dev thread, and it was totally obvious that if you posted something that wasnt actually developing, you would feel like an ass. But becuase the work has shifted off-site, the dev threads look like ghost towns if everyone follows the rules, AND always errors on the side of not posting... so people not used to this new dynamic start posting 'wheres the update', 'what about adding this feature'..... as they would not be seeing any actual development going on. Just lock down the Dev threads, so theres no debate... if youre actually working on the rom or whatever, the OP/Mods can allow you to post in it... then all the troll minimods get get bent and if they talk **** in general they can get flagged and vacations. If you aren't listen in the OP as a developer working on the project, or maybe beta testing a release for the Devs, no posting! Simple. I think the days of XDA being only devs is long gone, as those devs would move on if they did not have a forum to interact with their userbase... as some have to places where people with bad attitudes get banned before people that god forbid have a question. I agree, do away with Q&A... its more on topic than most crap in general, that way theres a dev (downloads) section, and everything else. they nobody has to worry about 'wah, this thread is cluttered and I wanna vent on people, so im gonna talk **** THEN get the mods to clean it up'. The funny part is the drama is actually being created by those not taking part in these conversations, theyre too busy playing minimod to pay attention. 1 question in a dev thread, directly pertaining to that ROM and that ROM alone, and its answer, even if its and answer and 'search next time' is a lot less than that answer plus 5 different little pricks dictating what they think belongs where.
Your quotes of the rules only highlight the fact that they are vague and outdated, as very little actual development happens here anymore... sorry.
wase4711 said:
If any mod, including myself, continue to find new threads about topics [...] or [Q] questions in the development forums!
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this really can't get any more clear. he is clearly referring to new THREADS, not posts.

all member here please kindly read this

let me be frank. this forum is getting bored lately. a lot of new user has turned this forum into their secondary samsung service centre and repeatedly asked same questions. I don't know what other's feeling but I'm getting tired giving them repeated same answer. when I first came here this forum is a lot more nice and fun. the general section have a lot of information and great discussion about android and our sgy, while all question is placed and answered nicely in FAQ thread. but now, all those usefull information is gone. replaced, and covered by those repeated silly question. please note that I'm not saying that we can't ask question in this forum. sure we can ask any question related our sgy development, but please stop asking any troubleshooting question in general section. you can ask those question on FAQ thread anytime, or you can ask any senior member here via PM. you can even PM me, and I'll sure gladly answer if I can help.
well...please forgive me complaining. I just wanna make this forum as fun and nice as possible to all members. I can't do it by myself. I'll need all your help to keep this forum in order. if you're a new member here, please search and read before ask any question. if you're a senior member, please don't answer any troubleshooting which is not placed on FAQ question. they won't stop asking those question if you continue answer those question.
best regards,
We Need Iron Fist Back
burnt out
i'm getting lazy answering the same questions too bro
clearly, they really need to use that search button, it's getting rusty
ronnieryan said:
We Need Iron Fist Back
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Really we need it back
Don't want ics for y
I want Kelly bean
I agry wth u all ................
Sent from my GT-S6102 using xda premium
Yeah. Totally. For about half a year that i'm here, totally got bored. @[email protected] I'm finding no improvements at all.
We need a Q and A section. Posting in the same thread will only make us stay put in the 'Legacy and Low Activity' devices section. There need to be threads opening up every few seconds for us to get outta this rejected low activity section and into the main frame. Only then will there be real development of this device.
I'd have to agree, especially to those porting and creating ROMs that are left/unstable and thus calling themselves devs. I think the whole forum needs a spring cleaning, and when a thread starter has already a negative reputation, I guess that's when Iron Fist should be hammered down.
Raol Emostar said:
We need a Q and A section. Posting in the same thread will only make us stay put in the 'Legacy and Low Activity' devices section. There need to be threads opening up every few seconds for us to get outta this rejected low activity section and into the main frame. Only then will there be real development of this device.
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True ... !!
Even for a simple question newbie opens a new thread
U r right kuroshi
IMO FAQ thread is more than enough for this moment. if there is new section to be created, I think sgy duos development should prioritized first.
anyway, thanks for your support guys. I hope more member will join us soon.
A Duos sub-forum inside ours? Thats gotta help in our development. More threads are proportional to more development to me. Hope there'll be QnA and other version of Galaxy Y's sections soon.
I just saw two new threads
1st about rooting n
2nd about bricking galaxy y
Don't want ics for y
I want Kelly bean
imo separated sub-forum or faq thread is not effective. the problem is a lot of new member too lazy to use search button. even if we have Q&A section, if nobody give them an answer because similar question again and again, they will try to find other place to ask. we already have some people asking in dev section just because they want answer from a dev.
i agree with kurotsugi. if you are a senior member, ignore that kind of question. and if necessarily ask mod to close or delete. if questioner is a newbie, give him/her an advice to do search and ask mod to close that thread. that will be strong message : if you lazy, nobody here will help you.
irfanbagus said:
imo separated sub-forum or faq thread is not effective. the problem is a lot of new member too lazy to use search button. even if we have Q&A section, if nobody give them an answer because similar question again and again, they will try to find other place to ask. we already have some people asking in dev section just because they want answer from a dev.
i agree with kurotsugi. if you are a senior member, ignore that kind of question. and if necessarily ask mod to close or delete. if questioner is a newbie, give him/her an advice to do search and ask mod to close that thread. that will be strong message : if you lazy, nobody here will help you.
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I was going to report to senior mods but in my phone mode I can't copy threads links it gives me error
And I don't have a PC or laptpp
Can anyone give me link of xda app v2.0.0 so I can report to mods faster
And as I m biggest noob in this field i want to know wat r infractions
Don't want ics for y
I want Kelly bean
yeah.. i have even almost stopped checking the general section.. only check out the development section.
if we assume that all member here are read all the rules and search-read-try before ask any question, FAQ thread or even QA section is not needed. nevertheless, the reality is slightly different. let say, only those the 'more educated' one will do as we assume above. the other new members are usually never read the rules or even use search before post anything. in that case, we still need a FAQ thread to localize those question.
btw, I don't wanna see any harsh things here. not all of us are real devs, most of us here are still considered as newbie (including myself) who want to learn more about android stuff. personally I believe that this forum is not intended only for devs. this is a forum to share, learn, and improve all stuff about android. if you found new member posted those 'junk' question again, just kindly told him to post the question on FAQ thread, or if you don't have time to do that you can simply just ignore it.
Newbies should be responsible to read these 3 most important things
Read And Follow The Rules
Read Before Posting​Common Questions Should Be In FAQ​
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I made our forum little bit clean by pm'ing threads link to mods
My special thanks to everyone in this thread
Keep our forum clean
To keep the section clean, I think admins should:
Close the thread and delete it. If not possible to delete, then we should have a trash bin for those threads.
Also, I agree to have a Q and A section. We all know that almost all of us haven't even seen the FAQ's - count me in.
BTW, I have viewed XDA wiki when I started here.

