boot animation request or help - HTC One X

Hey guys, I was hoping someone could make me an awesome Penn state boot animation. Maybe something with the lion logo that glows up and twists and turns and stuff. Or if you could point me in the right direction if it doesnt take too much graphic design skills lol. I'm willing to learn!
Also does anyone know a way of changing the boot sound as well to go along with the lion?
Thanks a ton in advance!


XDANDROID wallpaper | boot Animation contest :)

Its time that XDANDROID was properly branded. jk
I'd like to incorporate some creative works from themers and users on xda-developers. And so if you've always wanted to contribute to XDANDROID but didn't have the technical knowledge well nows your chance.
Anyone can participate and i'm hoping to see alot of creative work. I'll be setting up a pole from a weeks time and will let you the user's decide which artworks are best and will be incorporated in the next build.
Here are some details:
Submit your wallpapers | boot animations for XDANDROID here
Must contain the text "XDANDROID" (lowercase accepted)
640x480 dimensions
800x480 dimensions
png, jpeg format
Boot Animation
256x512 dimensions LANDSCAPE
Contain text "XDANDROID" (lowercase accepted)
Unlimited frames. Though try not too much
png format
Provide all frames. Do not merge into one file!
Top 5 wallpapers will be incorporated into next XDANDROID AOSP release and 1 boot animation will be replacing the current Nexus one boot Animation.
Please consider a donation to the XDANDROID project. We work on this on our spare time, even not on our spare times and every little bit gives us more inspiration and motivation to continue providing you our friends awww* great builds and support ​
Good luck guys, I will try post something too but I have to enhance my photoshop skills
Because of my lack of photoshop skills here's an idea someone might want to try:
The Android droid actualy looks somewhat like a rounded capital A...
If you draw an XD emoticon on it's face, you have an XD Android
I think that this is a fantastic idea.
Comon peeps
We need some of your help guys.
I hate stock and we need cooler mods from a great community on xda
ill try to do something cool, but boot animation, what format should it be in? GIF? Flash format?
Cool idea!
Which resolution do you want for the boot animation?
samizzlah said:
ill try to do something cool, but boot animation, what format should it be in? GIF? Flash format?
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The resolution is 512x256 and if possible provide each frame in png format. As the boot animation reads each image separately. The maximum amount of frames are 60 but you can do less than that.
Can't wait to see what you guys have to offer
You can provide a GIF image too, as i'll just rip it but it would be much easier if you provided the images separate instead of merged into a GIF
This is probably a stupid question but do the wallpaper sizes you asked for allow for the multiple-home-screen sliding of Android to work? They're the same size as the devices' screens, and I don't know if that means that it would only be big enough to cover one home screen without being stretched, or if Android does something differently with regard to setting wallpapers.
Also, the Hero boot animation is 217 frames long, does this matter?
And finally, I guess the animation should be able to loop (?).
Hmm, hard to do anything on only 60 frames. But here's a first draft at a boot animation. Any suggestions for improvements are most welcome.
I'll probably add another animation tomorrow when I have had time to get some better ideas.
At what fps does the animation play back by the way?
And would it be hard to replace the current bootanimation with a custom one? It would be nice to test the animation before submitting it to you.
That one looks great! If I had to be critical I'd say you could make the text colour more distinct from that of the background, but I love the Android
It's much better than anything I would have done... Do you have professional experience in graphics/rendering?
@lugiber: that's funny Good job
It's too bad I don't have skills in this area because I have a great idea. Something like an Android(pretty much pac-man) eating a windows mobile sign and leaving behind the xd-android sign behind.
Thanks for the positive reponses guys! I'll make "xdandroid" stick out more and update the animation.
Hehe, i like the idea about the android eating windows. I'll see what i can do.
I had some ideas in that direction but I wasn't shure if people would respond well to "windows bashing".
Here's an XDAndroid wallpaper idea I made - I know that it's pretty basic but I wouldn't mind some feedback
lugiber said:
Hmm, hard to do anything on only 60 frames. But here's a first draft at a boot animation. Any suggestions for improvements are most welcome.
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Nice one! How about making the background black? It's not filling the whole screen, (since that's how Android does it) So I think whatever's on the outside of the animation is black.
ben_duder said:
Here's an XDAndroid wallpaper idea I made - I know that it's pretty basic but I wouldn't mind some feedback
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Nice! I like it simple and basic!
Here's my idea of simple boot animation.
TheDeadCpu said:
Nice! I like it simple and basic!
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mkmatis said:
Here's my idea of simple boot animation.
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Nice! If you don't mind me asking, how exactly do you do that sort of thing? The only way I can think of is by lightening each frame separately, which would be both time consuming and probably quite messy.
ben_duder said:
Here's an XDAndroid wallpaper idea I made - I know that it's pretty basic but I wouldn't mind some feedback
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i like it
nice and simple!
mkmatis said:
Here's my idea of simple boot animation.
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lugiber said:
Hmm, hard to do anything on only 60 frames. But here's a first draft at a boot animation. Any suggestions for improvements are most welcome.
I'll probably add another animation tomorrow when I have had time to get some better ideas.
At what fps does the animation play back by the way?
And would it be hard to replace the current bootanimation with a custom one? It would be nice to test the animation before submitting it to you.
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haha looks like you both interpreted the requirements wrong or i wrote them wrong :S
I'd like it to be 512 width and 256 in height.
But other than that it looks good. If possible add some android in there doing something humourous ( not necessary but would be greatly appreciated )

Boot Anim help...

I have a boot anim I put together that is attached. First I take NOOOOOOOOOO credit what so ever. Just pieces from other roms that I put to how I want it to look. Problem is that it won't boot up on my EVO. All I get is a black screen and then after about 10 seconds my phone loads to home screen. NO BOOT I know I jacked it up somewhere but since I haven't the slightest what I'm doing, I was hoping one of you more talented members could take a look at it for me.
I looked a few places but nothin really helped at all. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Sooooo attachments aren't working, huh? Well nevermind then...
newdey said:
I have a boot anim I put together that is attached. First I take NOOOOOOOOOO credit what so ever. Just pieces from other roms that I put to how I want it to look. Problem is that it won't boot up on my EVO. All I get is a black screen and then after about 10 seconds my phone loads to home screen. NO BOOT I know I jacked it up somewhere but since I haven't the slightest what I'm doing, I was hoping one of you more talented members could take a look at it for me.
I looked a few places but nothin really helped at all. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Sooooo attachments aren't working, huh? Well nevermind then...
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Are you pushing it via adb, or are you using root explorer?
Root explorer. I've been reading about pushing files (a lil bit) but I get I've changed boot anim b4 with just using root explorer but this time it just didn't work. I'm guessing that may need to be the way to go?!?!?
Reboot just incase somebody has some other info or suggestion. Not a big deal but this anim I put together kicks @$$. Can't attach bcuz of the file size tho. Really hope you guys can help.
PS. I did see this post on boot animations but it kinda confuses me. Sorry if the explanation by this guy was str8 foward and I'm an idiot but I just don't get it. And I'm "smart" I thought. Any help would be a blessing!!!

[REQ] Thundercats Splash_img + bootanimation?

I was hoping that someone has or can make a thundercats splash_img + bootanimation to go with it? U GUYS ROCK!
alakai81 said:
I was hoping that someone has or can make a thundercats splash_img + bootanimation to go with it? U GUYS ROCK!
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Take the image you want, make sure it's 480 X 800, save it in png format, and follow this page.
I see how to do that... but I was asking for someone with experience doing it to assist. Plus, there's no information on creating in that thread. I appreciate you re-directing me to another thread, however, I simply was wondering if anyone had this already ready?
If you can make sound work with it and have it say "THUNDERCATS HOOO!!", I am so flashing it.
I cant make a bootanim, but there are a couple splashes in the second post here:
BOOM! There it is! Sweet. That's half of the request filled. I'll be trying to work on making my own boot animation from one of these. I want to make the "eye of thundera" zoom in, and then back out so u see the sword... and it flashing and growing like in the tv show... or something like that! If I get all of the right sized graphics, i'll try and modify em and string em together and compile em. If I get it done... I'll post. If anyone else has some cool THUNDERCATS either 480x800 images, png, or even (crossing my fingers) boot animations... PLEASE share with us!!!
doing a bootanim isnt hard... just VERY VERY VERY time consuming. I have tried in the past and just get frustrated lol.
codenomics said:
doing a bootanim isnt hard... just VERY VERY VERY time consuming. I have tried in the past and just get frustrated lol.
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Yah, I had forseen this much and have been reluctant to try because of this. Hence the post asking if anyone else had bled from their fingertips so I could enjoy the cool boot ani. Plus, I'm not a great artist, and if I wanted patience... I would've been a doctor. Keep it real, e-world!
It's since been discontinued, but I made a Thundercats bootanimation for the G2.

[BOOTANIMATION] Nexium Boot animation, basis of new rom Updated!

Here is my new boot animation I have created to go along with the rom I am building. Please let me know what you think. This is just a zip to be renamed and placed in place. This is a full 720x1280 boot animation.
Updated! I redesigned to make it much more crisp and less cheesy! Thanks for you input! Please let me know if you like the new animation!
Any screenies?
Just tried this out and while I and others surely appreciate your effort in creating this, its just doesn't look good on this device, the animation resolution looks really low. It kinda reminds me of the splash screens from old school keygen apps.
sluflyer06 said:
Just tried this out and while I and others surely appreciate your effort in creating this, its just doesn't look good on this device, the animation resolution looks really low. It kinda reminds me of the splash screens from old school keygen apps.
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Thanks for your input, I have updated the boot animation so please give it another try. I agree after looking at it some more I wasn't able to get the quality I wanted so I abandoned the original design.


This is just a bootanimation I made for myself, but then I thought others might like it. Also thought it was about time I make my first post
I tried to replicate the boot screen at the start of Sonic the Hedgehog. I've attached the and the PSD in case you want to make your own changes to it, as it is far from perfect.
Looks good for a first try. Too bad Samsung and Google haven't seen fit to let us know about enabling boot sounds, because this is crying out for someone saying "ANDROID" in the same style as they did on the Genesis boot.
zombieflanders said:
Looks good for a first try. Too bad Samsung and Google haven't seen fit to let us know about enabling boot sounds, because this is crying out for someone saying "ANDROID" in the same style as they did on the Genesis boot.
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Sorry for the thread from the dead, but I've got some pertinent information...
I'm running BAMF, and it supports boot sounds. I've only come across one person even attempting to take advantage of this, however. If you read forward in that thread, you can see that I flashed his Xbox boot animation CWM script and verified that it did indeed have sound. The technology is out there, now we just have to take hold and put it to good use...

