Do I have to flash a custom kernel before a custom rom. If so I'm thinking of using Arc Knight kernel and Cyanogenmod 10.
Also what is a good alternative to cwm for flashing kernels and roms?
AW: [Q] custom kernel before custom ROM
you unlock your bootloader, download flashtool, flash the kernel, boot your device, enter recovery, wipe data/factory reset and wipe cache partition, choose rom and gapps, flash them via recovery, wipe again, reboot.
regards - Cartman
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using xda premium
You cannot use arcnight with cm10. Arcnight is a stock based kernel and cm10 is a jb Rom. You need a jb kernel for cm10.
Anyway either way is fine. Either flash ROM first (if your previous kernel has recovery) then kernel or vice versa.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium
I flashed CyanogenMod, and now I want to restore my first backup (stock rom 2.3.4)
and I would keep a recovery
could you explain the steps to follow
I have done a restore but could not be started
blocks on the sony icon
I have to change the kernel?
xperia arc s (bl unlocked)
Follow these steps:
- wipe cache
- wipe davilk cache
- make restore from your backup
- flash stock kernel or doom kernel due to CM's kernel is incompatible with stock fw
Sent from my LT18i using XDA App
Sent from my LT18i using XDA App
everythinks works
but no wifi
doomkernel v19
edit ,
flash this
now wifi ok
Hi, I flashed the darkforest ics rom. And now i want to try a GB one.
My question is, how can i procede to do this?
On fastboot I need to erase boot , preinstall, and kernel THEN flash the GB kernel, rom and addons/fix?
Or every rom has an unique install and so differs from others and i need to follow that instructions?
tnx for the answer and sry for my english :v
AkaGrey said:
Hi, I flashed the darkforest ics rom. And now i want to try a GB one.
My question is, how can i procede to do this?
On fastboot I need to erase boot , preinstall, and kernel THEN flash the GB kernel, rom and addons/fix?
Or every rom has an unique install and so differs from others and i need to follow that instructions?
tnx for the answer and sry for my english :v
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Flash a Ginderbread kernel such as DoomKernel. Wipe data/factory reset and Dalvik cache. Then flash a Gingerbread rom
Sent from my Xperia Play using xda premium
CTU_Loscombe said:
Flash a Ginderbread kernel such as DoomKernel. Wipe data/factory reset and Dalvik cache. Then flash a Gingerbread rom
Sent from my Xperia Play using xda premium
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Thank you, always in fastboot mode, or in the CWM for the wipedata etc?
AkaGrey said:
Thank you, always in fastboot mode, or in the CWM for the wipedata etc?
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For the kernel, hold the Search button while connecting to your PC (think that's flash mode) then the usual "fastboot flash boot boot.img" in the command line of the fast boot directory.
Install the rom through CWM
Sent from my Xperia Play using xda premium
Im on an ICS ROM, can I do a directboot with mobile odin to the EG4-EL29-directbootCMW-v3.tar.md5 and Then do a complete wipe and flash the el26.cmw Then Flash the new ICS ROM and gapps? The correct gapps for that specific rom of course.
You can flash from within the direct boot CWM kernel, no need to flash the el26 cwm kernel.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
slick_rick said:
You can flash from within the direct boot CWM kernel, no need to flash the el26 cwm kernel.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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Thanks man
Probably a stupid question, and sorry if it's repetitive, but I would rather be safe then sorry...
I too am on a ICS rom (AOKP), by flashing direct boot CWM in PC odin... I can get to another ICS Rom, but I still need to Wipe Factory/data, cache, and dalvik, before flashing another rom in CWM (i.e. PA 1.3 and hybrid apps), correct?
Or in this case, it's prefered I go to El26
This is a noob question but i'm still very much new to this.
I have aokp 10/8
and i'm running one of simonsimon's kernels
and i need a guide on how to update my kernel to Jellyboot5 and how to update my ROM from the 10/8 nightly build to the 10/17 stable/nightly build. Someone please provide me with a quick explanation on how i should do this. What should i clear? and how do i flash it and which files do i flash first? All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
For kernel you flash it normally you flashed it the first time
For Rom you flash it from recovery and only wipe cache and dalvik cache ..thats it
Sent from my HTC One V using xda
donhashem.dh said:
For kernel you flash it normally you flashed it the first time
For Rom you flash it from recovery and only wipe cache and dalvik cache ..thats it
Sent from my HTC One V using xda
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Which order should I flash it? Like which should I flash first? And where can I get an updated version. Of gaaps?
Sent from my One V using xda premium
same way as u flashed 1st rom
flash kernel
wipe data/cache/dalvik
flash rom
First go into bootloader
Flash kernel
Then enter recovery without doing any reboots ....and flash the new Rom but before wipe cache and dalvik cache
So i'm a newbie here. I've only installed one custom rom so far. I have an R800i with unlocked bootloader, DoomKernel v14 and Auroraplay v0.8. The thing is I want to install Lupus GBv8 kernel and the newest AuroraPlay, but i'm not sure what the steps are. Do i have to reinstall the original .ftf again then flash the kernel in fastboot and then the ROM?
krayzieg said:
Do i have to reinstall the original .ftf again then flash the kernel in fastboot and then the ROM?
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That's the way to clean install (Recommended by me @@!)
Ỏ u can just flash the kernel. Then boot into recovery, and wipe everything. Last, flash the ROM
Flash firmware that have unlocked vendor partition, so you can have 600MB data partition (and you should do only once)
Power off, flash kernel without booting to OS, wipe data and system, and install new rom.
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