[Q] restore my nandroid backup (stock rom) after flash cm7 - Xperia Arc Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I flashed CyanogenMod, and now I want to restore my first backup (stock rom 2.3.4)
and I would keep a recovery
could you explain the steps to follow
I have done a restore but could not be started
blocks on the sony icon
I have to change the kernel?
xperia arc s (bl unlocked)

Follow these steps:
- wipe cache
- wipe davilk cache
- make restore from your backup
- flash stock kernel or doom kernel due to CM's kernel is incompatible with stock fw
Sent from my LT18i using XDA App

Sent from my LT18i using XDA App

everythinks works
but no wifi
doomkernel v19
edit ,
flash this ARC-DooMKernel-v15-modules_CWM.zip
now wifi ok


Xperia NXT 1.3 upgrade from Xperia NXT 1.2?

Is it possible to upgrade Xperia NXT 1.2 to Xperia NXT 1.3 without having to re-flash the Enhanced .58 firmware? I'm guessing that it should be possible to upgrade by simply booting into CWM, since DoomKernel v14 is already installed, and performing the usual wipes before installing the new zip file.
So far, it seems to work after upgrading (CWM factory reset, followed by the cache wipe, then the installation) to 1.3 ... haven't experienced any weirdness yet.
NashBlade said:
Is it possible to upgrade Xperia NXT 1.2 to Xperia NXT 1.3 without having to re-flash the Enhanced .58 firmware? I'm guessing that it should be possible to upgrade by simply booting into CWM, since DoomKernel v14 is already installed, and performing the usual wipes before installing the new zip file.
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I did not re-flash .58 FW. I just took a backup of v1.2 and installed v.1.3. I then went back & did Advanced restore of Data only which brought all my apps back. I guess you can flash the lockscreen mod zip after the first boot also.
Sent from my R800i using xda premium
Just factory reset in CWM, Clear dalvik cache then flash v1.3 rom over v1.2, reboot, turn off, flash lockscreen, reboot, do setup, reboot, flash wifi modules (if needed) reboot, play for about 5-10 minutes, then reboot one more time
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[Q] uninstal a rom

hello i just installed wildchild 3.0 on my wfs and i didn't quite like it is there a way to uninstal it ?
You have to flash your backup of last rom or flash other rom u like..
If u didnt backed up and want latest stockrom without moded, pure sense thanit is..
Flash it by cwm recovery.
Plz hit thanx
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S A510e using xda app-developers app
Couple ways to answer your question
Download a new ROM or a stock ROM and flash that in cwm or flash your back up if you made one.
To flash a new rom
Download new ROM
Boot into cwm
Wipe cache, data and system
Install zip from SD card (install your ROM)
To flash a backup
Boot into cwm
wipe cache, data and system
Flash backup
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Android311 said:
Couple ways to answer your question
Download a new ROM or a stock ROM and flash that in cwm or flash your back up if you made one.
To flash a new rom
Download new ROM
Boot into cwm
Wipe cache, data and system
Install zip from SD card (install your ROM)
To flash a backup
Boot into cwm
wipe cache, data and system
Flash backup
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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thank's guys . i have more questions
what would you sggest me like a rom ? i already have wildchild 3 what else is there ?
and also i have a friend who have galaxy S3 rooted and he can hack into a rooter ( wifi) with his phone like if someone conects on the same wifi he can see what this persone is doing ... is it an app or something ?
jokyness said:
thank's guys . i have more questions
what would you sggest me like a rom ? i already have wildchild 3 what else is there ?
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I use CM9 for regular use. ICS + Fast. Maybe you should give it a go. If you wanna go for GB go for EQDKP one.

[Q] custom kernel before custom ROM

Do I have to flash a custom kernel before a custom rom. If so I'm thinking of using Arc Knight kernel and Cyanogenmod 10.
Also what is a good alternative to cwm for flashing kernels and roms?
AW: [Q] custom kernel before custom ROM
you unlock your bootloader, download flashtool, flash the kernel, boot your device, enter recovery, wipe data/factory reset and wipe cache partition, choose rom and gapps, flash them via recovery, wipe again, reboot.
regards - Cartman
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using xda premium
You cannot use arcnight with cm10. Arcnight is a stock based kernel and cm10 is a jb Rom. You need a jb kernel for cm10.
Anyway either way is fine. Either flash ROM first (if your previous kernel has recovery) then kernel or vice versa.
Sent from my LT18i using xda premium

[Q] Help with custom ROM on locked bootloader.xperia arc

Hi All,
I have xperia arc rooted with locked bootloader.
I have installed Xperia arc s .431 ROM to increase memory.
and now i want to install custom ROM which can be installed on locked bootloader.
I have tried following ROMS
Viper ROM :-
URL:- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2128642
Xperia T ICS Rom V6.9.2 For Arc / Arc-S, Based on (4.0.4) 587 [15th-Feb-2013
URL:- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1746508
Racing Bean v2.2
URL:- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2093720
Every time i followed their process.and stuck up at sony logo...
Every time it stucks up at sony logo and phone doesnt shut down.... SONY logo displays until we take out battery.
Phone gets soft bricked .....
I have tried with flashing stock kernel but nothing happens please help... i want to install custom ROM
Have you formatted system, data, cache partitions? I had similar problem with flashing a stock based rom because of such a stupid mistake.
pypcier said:
Have you formatted system, data, cache partitions? I had similar problem with flashing a stock based rom because of such a stupid mistake.
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Formatting /system on locked bootloader is the stupidest thing to do (I guess). You basically delete the Recovery and get in trouble.
You guessed wrong because some stock based roms require system partition to be formatted and not doing this caused some serious problems for me also flashing back to stock with flashtool is like pushing one button and then waiting for 5 minutes for flashing to complete so I don't see a problem here.
pypcier said:
You guessed wrong because some stock based roms require system partition to be formatted and not doing this caused some serious problems for me also flashing back to stock with flashtool is like pushing one button and then waiting for 5 minutes for flashing to complete so I don't see a problem here.
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I have done every time these steps.
Factory reset
Wipe cache
Wipe delvik cache
Format system
Install rom from cwm.
Again clear cache and reboot gives me stuck at sony logo
I take it your phone as it should if you install stock ftf try ultimate hd just out of curiosity
Sent from my LT15i using xda premium
I think I see a cause of your problems now... your rom is .431 but two of these roms base on .587 firmware and third one requires a custom kernel so try again with .587 kernel and report if this helped.
pypcier said:
I think I see a cause of your problems now... your rom is .431 but two of these roms base on .587 firmware and third one requires a custom kernel so try again with .587 kernel and report if this helped.
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So please can you tell me the correct sequence to put custom rom....?
1st install kernel and then rom or or install the rom and then kernel?
It would be the best if you could unlock your bootloader but if you can't or don't want to then:
Download and flash this https://www.dropbox.com/s/957gfo1kaf7pefe/LT18i_4.1.B.0.587_(1254-2716).ftf (its stock untouched .587 ftf for arc s that I've used many times)
Root then install CWM with x-parts
Reboot to CWM format data cache system and dalvik cache
Install your rom
And remember that you can use only stock based roms so racing bean wont work.

[Q] A little help here

So i'm a newbie here. I've only installed one custom rom so far. I have an R800i with unlocked bootloader, DoomKernel v14 and Auroraplay v0.8. The thing is I want to install Lupus GBv8 kernel and the newest AuroraPlay, but i'm not sure what the steps are. Do i have to reinstall the original .ftf again then flash the kernel in fastboot and then the ROM?
krayzieg said:
Do i have to reinstall the original .ftf again then flash the kernel in fastboot and then the ROM?
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That's the way to clean install (Recommended by me @@!)
Ỏ u can just flash the kernel. Then boot into recovery, and wipe everything. Last, flash the ROM
Flash firmware that have unlocked vendor partition, so you can have 600MB data partition (and you should do only once)
Power off, flash kernel without booting to OS, wipe data and system, and install new rom.
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