Ohh my god
Thankyou for finding this to fix it alephzain
Sent from my SGH-T889
As far as I know, no fix yet for this device. I will keep eyes peeled tho.
Sent from my SGH-T889
ChainFire has already plugged it.
Hello my xda brothers. I just recently watched a hands on preview for the galaxy note 2 and saw a pretty cool feature; Screen recorder! The feature lets you record audio and video of whatever screen your on and then send it as a MMS! The S3 doesnt have that feature to my knowledge and I know it MAY be apps that allow it to be possible, but I was wondering if there may be someway to create it and mod it to be a feature within a rom? I'm no developer by any means, so excuse my "Noob-nish"
Video link for better idea of what im talking about. Jump to 06:27 in video:
It certainly should be possible! Ill have to look at that when I get home! Thanks for the heads up. I saw something similar but it only took many stills and tried to make it easy to put them together for a video screenshot of sorts. Not worth the effort to me.
Though I doubt I'd be sble yo make it work, Id love to try. And there are some absolute geniuses here so im sure itll happen at some point anyway.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Ask a dev in the galaxy note 2 forum to pull it if possoble
Sent from my SGH-T999 or GT-P3113 using xda premium
ktetreault14 said:
Ask a dev in the galaxy note 2 forum to pull it if possoble
Sent from my SGH-T999 or GT-P3113 using xda premium[/QI
I dont believe there is a forum yet for the note 2, the device wasn't officially released yet. But that is a great idea, I wonder if the note 1 has this feature and it can be "ported over" (dont know if thats the right term tho. LOL)
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DocHoliday77 said:
It certainly should be possible! Ill have to look at that when I get home! Thanks for the heads up. I saw something similar but it only took many stills and tried to make it easy to put them together for a video screenshot of sorts. Not worth the effort to me.
Though I doubt I'd be sble yo make it work, Id love to try. And there are some absolute geniuses here so im sure itll happen at some point anyway.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Thank you!! I thought that feature was so cool. The note 2 and S3 will be pretty much distant cousins, so even if It's not possible yet, Im pretty sure some one will cook something up once the device is released in October. If you come up with something, PM me. I will test if needed!!
I've been using this app for a long time.. works on many phones. Need to be rooted of course
I just wanted to thank all the developers here who helped me to make my s2 one of the best phones i ever had. Unforunately, I broke the power button and now the phone isn't start so I'm forced to upgrade to the Note 2. =)
For anyone that might be interested in parts or want to try your luck at repairing the phone:
Good bye.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
May the android gods be with you. You have much to learn, the force in weak in you young androwan.
Don't let the door hit you were the dog could have bit you
Lol jp jp
-TeaM VeNuM Like A Boss
jinwu57 said:
I just wanted to thank all the developers here who helped me to make my s2 one of the best phones i ever had. Unforunately, I broke the power button and now the phone isn't start so I'm forced to upgrade to the Note 2. =)
For anyone that might be interested in parts or want to try your luck at repairing the phone:
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Dont worry your in heaven compare to this phone until development starts its even goingbto get better but im in no rush at all lol.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda premium
I've been looking around for a gamer theme for our phone but I have had no luck! I used to have the Epic 4g Touch along with this rom
I am hoping someone could make a theme like the one used in that rom please!
That is nice i would love something like that
Same here
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
I would also love something like this!
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Just get permission and port it over very simple
jtheis23 said:
Just get permission and port it over very simple
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Then do it lol
Samsung Galaxy S III
Upstreammiami said:
Then do it lol
Samsung Galaxy S III
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I could do it. I'll send a pm and see if it's cool first
Edit: pm sent
Was thinkin bout makin a castlevania rom at some point after I finish my hooligan theme for goodness...that close enough?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Sup dudes. Lick here. Oh... yeah... I made GamerMod.
Here's the thing. I have a Note II now. I am rebuilding GamerMod from the ground up for it. However, since they are basically the same ROM - should be very easy to port over when I am done. So bear with me. You will have your GamerMod.
lickarock said:
Sup dudes. Lick here. Oh... yeah... I made GamerMod.
Here's the thing. I have a Note II now. I am rebuilding GamerMod from the ground up for it. However, since they are basically the same ROM - should be very easy to port over when I am done. So bear with me. You will have your GamerMod.
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Mannnnnnnnn! I just knew you were going to get an s3!! Guess I won't be seeing you around these parts...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Qwallace70129 said:
Mannnnnnnnn! I just knew you were going to get an s3!! Guess I won't be seeing you around these parts...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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My counterpart, Scar, just got an s3 today. I promise this phone will not be forgotten.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Making of GamerMod Video
Look I really appreciate the work all these Devs do on these roms. But why not just all get together and make 1 really solid 4.3 rom where everything works. Every rom I flash has its own perks but also every single rom has something that isnt working.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
All the TW 4.3 roms are broken in some way
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
How about you build your own Rom!!! And then release it with everything working, the way you want it. :what:
And ALL OF us can test it...:what:
PEOPLE are never F***ing happy here with what they get for FREE...
Edit: this thread will most likely be closed soon... fyi
Im gonna release 4 different roms and not finish any of them and make sure they all have fc's and things missing. Since this is what the forums are filled with.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Im just making a point that id rather not have anything to flash than a rom that is 90% done, full of fc's and missing half the functionality and things the phone comes with
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I'm sure anyone that has put in any time to make these wonderful roms for us to use will be glad to tell you you are free to not use them if you are unhappy with them. That or you know, put your money where your mouth is and actually Learn How to Program for yourself and Help to perfect some of the things here that you are so clearly unhappy with.
Did you thank your Developer today?
Bajanman said:
How about you build your own Rom!!! And then release it with everything working, the way you want it. :what:
And ALL OF us can test it...:what:
PEOPLE are never F***ing happy here with what they get for FREE...
Edit: this thread will most likely be closed soon... fyi
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Its Amazing how many ungrateful idiots there are on here
tampaboy1984 said:
Im just making a point that id rather not have anything to flash than a rom that is 90% done, full of fc's and missing half the functionality and things the phone comes with
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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You sir are why devs quit sharing their work with us. You know, the work they do in their spare time after working, spending time with wife/husband/kids etc. Seriously, if you aren't happy with a rom you can fix it yourself, wait for it to be fixed or use another rom. There is no excuse to come here and act like some self-entitled jackwagon.
P.S. Jackwagon was the nicest word I could think of.
No one said "flash my rom or I kill your dog". If you don't like to be a part of a big experiment, go follow a cooking forum.
But to help you understand why a developed rom sometimes has errors:
Developers may get a leaked source and they tinker with it to get it out to us ahead of the official release. Other times they get a rom from a similar device and port it over to our phone, and it takes trial and errors to make the port work.
softballjunkee13 said:
Its Amazing how many ungrateful idiots there are on here
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Check out the guy in the (ROM) Sky Note Air - 4.3 I317UCUBMK6-MJ4 Hybrid 12-25-13 thread, that told Seanz "no rush" when he was told an update was coming.
Dude was up until midnight last time busting it out and went at it again today.
Seanz missed a few things in the first release, but thank the lord, the guy is not in a hurry to get the fixes.
Helluva human being there.
And I was being a **** for pointing out he did not reading ONE fricking page back to see that Seanz was working on a fix.
dicksteele said:
Check out the guy in the (ROM) Sky Note Air - 4.3 I317UCUBMK6-MJ4 Hybrid 12-25-13 thread, that told Seanz "no rush" when he was told an update was coming.
Dude was up until midnight last time busting it out and went at it again today.
Seanz missed a few things in the first release, but thank the lord, the guy is not in a hurry to get the fixes.
Helluva human being there.
And I was being a **** for pointing out he did not reading ONE fricking page back to see that Seanz was working on a fix.
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Ya. Saw tat
softballjunkee13 said:
Ya. Saw tat
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He just flashed the update and killed his keyboard. Doh !
Forgive my negative opinions/views.
Very bad day at work. On top of the bad day my phone borked itself first thing after I got to work after a restart. Everything started falling apart and I knew I wouldnt be able to fix it all till I got home which was barely 30 minutes ago.
As always my gratitude is extended to all the devs of this community! Ive been a happy member since 2009. And XDA has provided me with plenty of ups and downs.
Mods please close/delete this thread.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Try Stainless international 4.3 Rom from Miscon. Let me know if u see anything not working?
Sent from my Samsung Note II using Tapatalk
Hey bro, you asked for forgiveness but you should first apologize; no excuses please. It's the right thing to do.
Shutting this thread for a variety of reasons...the first being XDA is not a support site...if you do not like the work, then move on. No one really will miss those who are ungrateful or self-righteous.
Think I am not serious? reminder here
hello brother,
I have a N9005 variant Galaxy Note 3. I recently updated its software (not rooted). It now shows only a shortcut sort of icon. don't really know what it is. But I have some really important files inside Knox can anyone please tell me how I can gain access to my Knox again??? really appreciate the help
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app
Man why is there no reply on my post??? Even the admins. come on man, really need some help here
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda app-developers app