My son always does my computer/cell phone fixes, but he just got out of major surgery and will be mentally and physically out of it for a while and I need help. I have a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4G (Epic) , Gingerbread.EI22 2.3.5. --- Sprint recently forced an auto upgrade on it and unrooted my tethering program. I have looked on all sorts of websites and don't understand their instructions. You geniuses speak a different language than I do. Could someone provide, or point me to, simple step by step instructions to get back my Wireless Tether?
From one dad to another here you go, easy to follow videos by qbking77:
DIrect video link to root EI22:
Curse you kenny what happened to company xD just kidding he's in good hands.
Sent from my OG Epic
Biggoron said:
Curse you kenny what happened to company xD just kidding he's in good hands.
Sent from my OG Epic
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Sorry B...LOL! Been sneaking in here and there and seeing you do a great job with the advice. This was one dad to another so had to help. Plus had time during football today. Keep up the great work!
Feel free to ask questions about any steps you get hung up on.
James.e.campbell said:
My son always does my computer/cell phone fixes, but he just got out of major surgery and will be mentally and physically out of it for a while and I need help. I have a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4G (Epic) , Gingerbread.EI22 2.3.5. --- Sprint recently forced an auto upgrade on it and unrooted my tethering program. I have looked on all sorts of websites and don't understand their instructions. You geniuses speak a different language than I do. Could someone provide, or point me to, simple step by step instructions to get back my Wireless Tether?
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Kenny, I'm just now saying thanks because I couldn't figure out how to do it before. And, to everyone else that commented, "Thanks". But, I still don't understand about the thanks button.
James.e.campbell said:
Kenny, I'm just now saying thanks because I couldn't figure out how to do it before. And, to everyone else that commented, "Thanks". But, I still don't understand about the thanks button.
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It is just a little gratitude button to make us helpful people feel appreciated..LOL. Hope your son is recovering nicely and that you got your tethering working again.
Not that nobody here needs my help but just in case.....I'm here to help too lol man its tuff being new but you have come to the right place. Although qbking makes an AWESOME video....ill make another if you need some more guidence. Also I hope your son starts feeling better
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Hi everyone.... ok this is the process I recommend. Write down in order the files and steps needed and to be performed. Its actually simple. To start u off, u turn the phone off. give the phone about 30 seconds to completely power off. The with the keyboard open, u press and hold. The "1" button and press power button at the same time. This gets u into download mode. Then just proceed with the rest of the process.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
androidmaster1 said:
Hi everyone.... ok this is the process I recommend. Write down in order the files and steps needed and to be performed. Its actually simple. To start u off, u turn the phone off. give the phone about 30 seconds to completely power off. The with the keyboard open, u press and hold. The "1" button and press power button at the same time. This gets u into download mode. Then just proceed with the rest of the process.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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wth does the u button do for you? and if i am feeding into a troll slap me!!!!!!!
Oh sorry...I accidentally misspelled. I ment to say, u turn off.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
tazfanatic said:
wth does the u button do for you? and if i am feeding into a troll slap me!!!!!!!
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FAIL!!! Reread he meant u as in you... lol
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
So I am not allowed to use "u". For in terms of "you"?...ok... by the way, show me exactly where it states than in forum policies.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
I am here to help people to the best of my abilities and knowledge...not be corrected on my forms of grammar...cuz I will have no problem displaying half the forums iwth improper text book grammer. "So BACKOFF". And focus what the actual issue is.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Dude, calm the f down. really bothers me when members worry about other things than what the thead is about. That's all. Anyways..continue with the business at hand.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
androidmaster1 said:
So I am not allowed to use "u". For in terms of "you"?...ok... by the way, show me exactly where it states than in forum policies.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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I was telling him to reread that you meant u as in you... trying to help you out... ;-)
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
androidmaster1 said: really bothers me when members worry about other things than what the thead is about. That's all. Anyways..continue with the business at hand.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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That's cool AM and I see you helping out a lot. However if you read back this question was solved and did not need any further replies so we can let it drop so new questions can stay at the top with people that need more immediate help. Thanks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Her phone will not stay connected on a call for more than 5 minutes at a time. It constantly goes into Airplane mode, and she randomly has data drops.
I've put her on AOKP 4, Liquid smooth & Android Rev HD 3.0, with Stock & Franco #2 milestone. NOTHING WORKS.
It sucks because I have no problems with mine, other than a bit of lag here and there (which may have been fixed with the Trinity Kernel).
So shes done. Already up and purchased an HTC one S. I really want her to stay in the GN but I think its just left a bad taste in her mouth.
I'm just really trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with her phone.
I haven't tried the newest 4.0.4 that was released a few days ago, but I honestly doubt its gonna do anything. Suggestions???
Stock anybody? All the way stock with ugla4 or uglc1 radio? Trying to force roms perpetually in progress is a bad idea and your desire to force customization on her left her with a bad phone.
teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. teach a man to fastboot, and you create competency. and less threads on xda.
It's probably defective, especially if you've tried the plethora of software options that people are likely to suggest. Careful buying things out of frustration, though, especially things that are brand new to the market. The One S is not immune to QC defects and such. For instace:
Get her GNex replaced. Or let her just go with the One S, I'm sure it's a solid phone. There are tradeoffs that she may or may not care about when one decides to use a non-Nexus phone. Just make sure she knows.
Why would you buy your wife a Galaxy Nexus and unlock it? I'm going to assume she's not Android savy or knows what you're doing, but seriously a bad idea just asking for trouble.
Just saying.
Also, that's a hard issue.
Let her keep the One S and keep it Stock. Its a good UX and won't break on her. Personally, I wouldn't recommend a Nexus phone to someone such as your wife.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
Smokeey said:
Why would you buy your wife a Galaxy Nexus and unlock it? I'm going to assume she's not Android savy or knows what you're doing, but seriously a bad idea just asking for trouble.
Just saying.
Also, that's a hard issue.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
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He may have unlocked it just to try some different solutions to fix or alleviate the problems they were having.
But yeah, I think the more appropriate thing to have done is just take it back and get a new one. You paid for a working phone, don't ever hesitate to keep taking it back until you get one that works as it should!
I have heard that several people with that problem have had their GN replaced and fixed the problem. When I got mine, the verizon rep specifically told
me that if I had that problem to bring it back to get replaced. I think they had a bad batch of phones....
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
@rbiter said:
teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. teach a man to fastboot, and you create competency. and less threads on xda.
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i simply love this line. i would like to place this on my signature but out of respect i'll ask first. may i?
thephantom said:
i simply love this line. i would like to place this on my signature but out of respect i'll ask first. may i?
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me too
Did you try just ... stock? If that's doesn't work, then it is clearly a hardware issue.
Normal users should use stock IMHO. It's can be frustrating hobby otherwise
mcgon1979 said:
Normal users should use stock IMHO. It's can be frustrating hobby otherwise
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So damn true. Never rooting for a friend again. Ever.
Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk
overthinkingme said:
So damn true. Never rooting for a friend again. Ever.
Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk
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Me too
Sent from my Sensation 4G using xda premium
overthinkingme said:
So damn true. Never rooting for a friend again. Ever.
Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk
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That's like the first rule about "mod-club" never mod your friends phone, unless you want to trade him yours when his/hers brakes.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Tjotte said:
That's like the first rule about "mod-club" never mod your friends phone, unless you want to trade him yours when his/hers brakes.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Or be his/her tech support forever, even with things not related to the mod you did
Originally Posted by thephantom<br />
i simply love this line. i would like to place this on my signature but out of respect i'll ask first. may i?
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<br />
<br />
me too
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Go for it, no copyrights, trademarks or patents on it. Might want to double check with apple though. Lol.
teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. teach a man to fastboot, and you create competency. and less threads on xda.
harveydent said:
Or be his/her tech support forever, even with things not related to the mod you did
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So true
Sent from my i9250 using Forum Runner
Agreed. Let people figure out root for themselves. ESPECIALLY WIVES AND GIRLFRIENDS.!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Like what others said just flash stock 4.0.4 for your wife and leave modding to your phone. I'm running stock and it's fast and stable.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Sneak a root and turn off super user global notifications. Just like horse back riding without a saddle.
teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. teach a man to fastboot, and you create competency. and less threads on xda.
Stock ICS is just so damn good too. Shes not gonna be getting a bad experience.
1kds over at droidx forums has been kind enough to make us nexus users a iso disc with everything u need to return back to stock is any of you ever owned a DX u should now what I'm talking about it was a god send for some of u who were not able to connected to rsdlight to be able to sbf or should I say unbrick or phones the awesome thing about it u r able to return back to stock on any computer every thing u need is already there now need to install drivers or anything else I for one live in a hotel and if I brick my phone there is nothing I can do about it till I get home because the hotel and other pleases like this were u can use public computers restrict u from installing hardware on there computers but with this its possible becase u have it all burned on a iso file and no connection is need to me its the best thing made since crust less bread so head over to the original thread and check it out and hit the thanks button for him donating his time giving us this awesome tool
If this has helped any on I would appreciate if u hit thanks .
I would also like to now others opinion on what they think about it
Now u don't have to worry about flashing that new ROM or mod because u are on the road or any thing else as long as u have this CD with u u will always be able to recover this is also good for people who r having trouble installing fast boot drivers and adb this eliminates that problem for u
There is no such English word spelled "u". Time to start spelling like a big boy, ok?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
rynosaur said:
There is no such English word spelled "u". Time to start spelling like a big boy, ok?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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And maybe he could find those punctuation keys that are on keyboards. It would be easier to read and comprehend.
rynosaur said:
There is no such English word spelled "u". Time to start spelling like a big boy, ok?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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First off is this how y'all get your rocks off roming forum trying to find people to insult so what I can't spell good I don't give a damn about grammar that is the least of my worry I've been out of school for 16years I a redneck from Alabama I build power lines for a living and I just happen to like messing with my phone so I'm sorry if I don't give 2shits about grammer I asked 1kds if he could put this together for me and I thought I would share with xda y'all r the reason this site has a bad name cause of people like y'all and why many great dev want post here so if u read this and I now there grammar ant right I don't give a sh-t and go f- ck ur self HAVE A NICE DAY
I actually used that method to restore my Droid X at one point and I must say it was AWESOME! Granted this phone is much easier to monkey with but either way I am grateful for developers taking the time to help out in any way possible.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
z06mike said:
I actually used that method to restore my Droid X at one point and I must say it was AWESOME! Granted this phone is much easier to monkey with but either way I am grateful for developers taking the time to help out in any way possible.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Ya but those other tools u can't just take out of a CD case and u on any computer any where restricted or not this tool u can
Thank you to 1kds for making this and thank you gator79 for sharing. I don't mind you being a red neck
Travisdroidx2 said:
Thank you to 1kds for making this and thank you gator79 for sharing. I don't mind you being a red neck
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Thank u some people hate there self so much that they insult other people to make there self feel better
Travisdroidx2 I remember u from the x2 forums did u finally give up on it r u with the nexus now and one more thing did DK get cm9 porter that guy is a beast I would love to see what he could do with a unlocked bootloader
I'm a redneck too!!!!!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
nothing but awesome
tyler1234567 said:
nothing but awesome
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Welcome to my circus the thread name should be if u r a redneck and don't give a damn about grammer check me out
I'm qualified.
dpeppe01 said:
I'm qualified.
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LOL welcome aboard
I'm a redneck and I care about punctuation and grammer...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
silverramsrt said:
I'm a redneck and I care about punctuation and grammer...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Obviously not that much or you would have spelled grammar correctly
i will MAYBE giveaway my Original Samsung Galaxy W for free i will choose randomly
i giveaway this phone cuz im getting Iphone 5:good:
Why move to ios?
Sent from my GT-I9001 using xda app-developers app
Wow. I'm giving away an iPhone 5 for free.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
You should've moved on to a Galaxy S3 instead of the icrap but thats your choice I suppose but just trying to help you save money.
i arleadyvhave galaxy sIII
Wow rich
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
soraxsnow said:
i arleadyvhave galaxy sIII
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Whats wrong with it that you decided to join those horrible icults.
I would be eternally grateful if you were to give it to me because my home button is getting screwed up. however, if i could make a suggestion, you could donate the phone to one of the developers who do not have a wonder so that they can develop new roms better, faster and bug-free. Sorry to hear that you will be leaving the wonder community bro.
soraxsnow said:
i will MAYBE giveaway my Original Samsung Galaxy W for free i will choose randomly
i giveaway this phone cuz im getting Iphone 5:good:
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WoW You're generous
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
soraxsnow said:
i will MAYBE giveaway my Original Samsung Galaxy W for free i will choose randomly
i giveaway this phone cuz im getting Iphone 5:good:
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If you're really gonna give your Wonder away, might I suggest giving it to Arco instead. It would serve him well as his "developer's device".
And as for your move to iPhone 5... well, let's just say it didn't bring anything new to the table. I'm actually disappointed with it.
Good luck with your move. :fingers-crossed:
Yeah I recommend you to pass it to one of the dev who do not have a galaxy w but it's your choice
cooltrix said:
If you're really gonna give your Wonder away, might I suggest giving it to Arco instead. It would serve him well as his "developer's device".
And as for your move to iPhone 5... well, let's just say it didn't bring anything new to the table. I'm actually disappointed with it.
Good luck with your move. :fingers-crossed:
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Agreed, I'm a bit disappointed with iPhone 5, especially with the.. Maps..
Give it to someone here, maybe to yourself, or who says you are generous, or you can give it to me
it'll be nice
soraxsnow said:
i will MAYBE giveaway my Original Samsung Galaxy W for free i will choose randomly
i giveaway this phone cuz im getting Iphone 5:good:
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Nice bro. Hope u'll enjoy it (iphone5). And as opinion it would be great if u donate it to arco68. Reason. U'll not only help 1 or 2 ppl butbthousand will gratefull for ur donation. Cz he'll make a better use of it. Just an opinion tho. Cheers for ur new phone
cooltrix said:
If you're really gonna give your Wonder away, might I suggest giving it to Arco instead. It would serve him well as his "developer's device"
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Have Fun with the iOS6 & Iphone5!
and may the person who recieves the, also enjoy it to the fullest!
Long time lurker here...
I think you should give it to a Dev. This is the most logic thing to do (in my humble point of view lol) and more people will benefit of your giveaway!
thats good donate it to mr acro. :good:
or maybe you can give it to gokhanmoral (you probably know him it if you SIII user) so he can develop something for our phone X)
soraxsnow said:
i will MAYBE giveaway my Original Samsung Galaxy W for free i will choose randomly
i giveaway this phone cuz im getting Iphone 5:good:
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just like others said..if you wanna give your wonder for free then choose can donate it to one of our dev to help us in here or maybe to one of us who get so many times bricking their phone or maybe to one of your family,,it is your choice but why iP5?
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda
Well lets just wish its our lucky day. Anyway bro have fun with ur new iphone5. Crossing my fingers hoping im the lucky one who will take good care of ur phone.
First of all this is a project im looking for any help to get our devices to boot sense please refrain for telling me it is not possible that i sould have gotten an htc phone if i wanted sense. I wanna live in the xda way and develop for our phones which have better internal specs then the htc phones for our carrier. Also i would like to see our phones run diffident flavors of android. Please don't tell me its not possible i have a ics rom port in alpha already i've gotten to the boot animation and it locks up i have both the logcat and rom to prove it. Im looking for help within my forum to get it running.
Tactic13 said:
First of all this is a project im looking for any help to get our devices to boot sense please refrain for telling me it is not possible that i sould have gotten an htc phone if i wanted sense. I wanna live in the xda way and develop for our phones which have better internal specs then the htc phones for our carrier. Also i would like to see our phones run diffident flavors of android. Please don't tell me its not possible i have a ics rom port in alpha already i've gotten to the boot animation and it locks up i have both the logcat and rom to prove it. Im looking for help within my forum to get it running.
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So, what exactly do you need?
Any help im a complete noob on how to develop im learning as i go along see if someone can kinda help me kinda understand the logcat im honestly surprised ive gotten to this point.
Have you look the sense4all projet? There is already a rom working for the internationnal GS3 (SO DON'T FLASH THIS ROM). Maybe you can try to port that one.
Also our phone have the same processor than the canadian HTC One X, maybe you can go in that direction.
Max) said:
Have you look the sense4all projet? There is already a rom working for the internationnal GS3 (SO DON'T FLASH THIS ROM). Maybe you can try to port that one.
Also our phone have the same processor than the canadian HTC One X, maybe you can go in that direction.
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Actually that is what i was waiting for. Then i got impatient so i thought to try my luck im actually using the att one x as a base same proccesor
If youre a "complete noob" as you stated, might not be the best idea to start with a project like this...just saying
Sent from my SGH-T999
Lol if your a noob your not going to be able to port anything. Even with help
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
EclipzeRemix said:
Lol if your a noob your not going to be able to port anything. Even with help
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Cmon man. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Let him try . Whoever decides to flash it should be smart enough to think before flashing. Nothing gets done by being pessimistic.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
EclipzeRemix said:
Lol if your a noob your not going to be able to port anything. Even with help
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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BaconStep said:
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At least hes trying to do something relevant not like you bashing some new devs...
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
And we wonder why new devs don't get far.. Seriously people, I remember when this forum was a place to get help, not flamed =/ Dang I feel old, and im only 21, lol
Truth might hurt, people. Honesty is the best way harsh or not. He should start some where else with stuff that's easier.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
This should help
mt3g said:
Truth might hurt, people. Honesty is the best way harsh or not. He should start some where else with stuff that's easier.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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If he feels up for it it might be a good idea we cheer him up ? Who knows what can happen ?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
EclipzeRemix said:
Lol if your a noob your not going to be able to port anything. Even with help
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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I'm sure Thomas Edison got some good laughs when talking about the light bulb too. You don't know him or know what he's capable of; nor will you ever find out with this attitude. I envy his will to learn, and to take on a big challenge like this. I don't envy, I even despise attitudes like this that try to put people down who are attempting to do great things. To OP: even if you do fail at this, with the attitude you have, you will do great things.
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Towle said:
I'm sure Thomas Edison got some good laughs when talking about the light bulb too. You don't know him or know what he's capable of; nor will you ever find out with this attitude. I envy his will to learn, and to take on a big challenge like this. I don't envy, I even despise attitudes like this that try to put people down who are attempting to do great things. To OP: even if you do fail at this, with the attitude you have, you will do great things.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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I agree. Even though I'm having some troubles with my own personal ROMs builds I haven't given up. I don't care what people say.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
EclipzeRemix said:
Lol if your a noob your not going to be able to port anything. Even with help
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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...prideful much?
One has gotta start somewhere, I started with ports.
To OP, try porting AOSP/AOKP ROMs from a similar device (like the other SGS3 variants). Those are way easier to port and will give you a chance to learn the basics.
Sent from my SGH-T999
Op, talk to this guy
He's on the international version, but he has a WIP and its coming along, albeit slowly..
Also, here's a good guide to help get u started...episode 27 specifically...good luck bro!!
sent from GS3 disguised as a GNote2
In the same way guys... There's a learning curve. It could have been approached differently. But speaking from the position as he stated that he is completely new to this... If I was a sherpa and someone who had spent their life on a couch says they're interested in rock climbing, I'm not going to say, 'awesome, next week when your equipment arrives go to mount Everest and have fun!' There are ways to train and become better at things. Would suggestions have been better than simply stating that it'd not go well... Yes. And coming here to help where there are experienced devs is good hopefully their guidance will be enough to get him on the right track with this project and if not maybe he can start out smaller and build to this project.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I mean lets be realistic has sense ever been ported completly stable to a non htc device before? Dont go swimming in deep waters if you dont know how to, start off shallow then work your way up.
Being real about the situation might seem harsh but it is what it is......but if he does have some sort of coding skills than by all means do whatever
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