Knox mode not working after software upgrade - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

hello brother,
I have a N9005 variant Galaxy Note 3. I recently updated its software (not rooted). It now shows only a shortcut sort of icon. don't really know what it is. But I have some really important files inside Knox can anyone please tell me how I can gain access to my Knox again??? really appreciate the help
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Man why is there no reply on my post??? Even the admins. come on man, really need some help here
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LJ4 UPDATE via kies

Hi there.I've searched for this and on the forum and had no luck.
I updated kies to the latest firmware and then tells me I have update for my phone.the update will download fine.once it gets to 100% kies then closes
I've retried it several times and still doesn't far as I no I've done everything correct
Enabled usb debugging
Installed drivers
I'm not sure what else to if anyone can help me out and point me in the rite direction that would be great.Thank you
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
candyman993 said:
Hi there.I've searched for this and on the forum and had no luck.
I updated kies to the latest firmware and then tells me I have update for my phone.the update will download fine.once it gets to 100% kies then closes
I've retried it several times and still doesn't far as I no I've done everything correct
Enabled usb debugging
Installed drivers
I'm not sure what else to if anyone can help me out and point me in the rite direction that would be great.Thank you
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What is your CSC ?
Hi.says csc ~LJ4(BTU) if that helps
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Sorry about that I typed it wrong
My current firmware=phone(LIH)
So sorry for the mistake I only just realised
Can someone please help me
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Well this isn't a very helpful forum.because no one seems to help each other out around here and the sgs 3 forum was a lot more willing to help people and get things sorted.....
Or maybe there is hardly anyone who has this phone
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candyman993 said:
Well this isn't a very helpful forum.because no one seems to help each other out around here and the sgs 3 forum was a lot more willing to help people and get things sorted.....
Or maybe there is hardly anyone who has this phone
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lol dont compare s3 community with note 2. There are much more s3 owners than note2.... And if noone knows how to help, they just dont reply to thread where they cant help... ^^

Benefits of rooting?

Hey guys I am a non rooted user..m curious to know that what all benefits or new features I wil get if I root my phone..rit now m happy with my phone..its just I will root if there will b vry gd benefit..plzz help me..thank you
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Akshaysh said:
Hey guys I am a non rooted user..m curious to know that what all benefits or new features I wil get if I root my phone..rit now m happy with my phone..its just I will root if there will b vry gd benefit..plzz help me..thank you
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You can install very useful apps that require root access for example like titanium backup, better battery stats, rom manager, root explorer.....
And also you can install roms and kernels.
Akshaysh said:
Hey guys I am a non rooted user..m curious to know that what all benefits or new features I wil get if I root my phone..rit now m happy with my phone..its just I will root if there will b vry gd benefit..plzz help me..thank you
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If you root your phone it will be a problem.....................YOU WILL FLASH APP<ROM'S>KERNEL>THEME.......... EVERY DAY, YOU WILL NOT GET ENOUGH:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Haha oki...but any feature or nyting which is vry unique n gd that I wont b getng in my unrooted phone
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Wrong thread.
This is not the Q&A thread.
A new post here on this topic should tell people what the pros and cons of rooting are not ask them.
All the information you want is available already and you asking us to put it all in one thread at your beck and call is rather lazy.
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EmptyArea said:
Wrong thread.
This is not the Q&A thread.
A new post here on this topic should tell people what the pros and cons of rooting are not ask them.
All the information you want is available already and you asking us to put it all in one thread at your beck and call is rather lazy.
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Yawn. Stop talking like you're God. Its XDA not the centre of the whole world. He asked a question, get a grip and a girlfriend.
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Akshaysh said:
Hey guys I am a non rooted user..m curious to know that what all benefits or new features I wil get if I root my phone..rit now m happy with my phone..its just I will root if there will b vry gd benefit..plzz help me..thank you
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Dont bother. Rooting is over rated and causes more problems than its worth!
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adinfsfocus said:
If you root your phone it will be a problem.....................YOU WILL FLASH APP<ROM'S>KERNEL>THEME.......... EVERY DAY, YOU WILL NOT GET ENOUGH:laugh::laugh::laugh:
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+1 on that lol
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---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------
fach1708 said:
Yawn. Stop talking like you're God. Its XDA not the centre of the whole world. He asked a question, get a grip and a girlfriend.
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+1 on that.. newbs will soon get the hang of where and when to post
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda premium
your phone your choice
Benefits of rooting? Basically none for me. Yeah sure you can play with stuff. Install custom roms... void your warranty etc
I always rooted and installed custom roms but decided to go stock and only bother updating roms when updates are officially released and havent missed root one little bit.
It greatly depends on what your trying to achieve. If getting stuff done with no disruption, stability and an intact warranty are important to you then stay stock. If you enjoying tinkering, flashing "new" roms etc then go for it!
I was burned though, i got the complete piece of crap that is the htc one x last year. Voided my warranty with htc dev unlock THEN found out the phone had many issues due to awful build and quality control. I then vowed to never buy htc again. Bought an s3 then an lte note 2 and wont be looking back
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda premium
So your phone can grow when added to water.
AW: Benefits of rooting?
I will have the full controll over my Device.
Gesendet von meinem GT-P3110 mit Tapatalk 2
You can make the phone you just paid £100's for, yours. i.e, getting rid of bloatware, unused apps that came on the phone.
I'm new to rooting/flashing roms, kernels etc but i can tell you... Do your research before thinking you're god. If you're unsure how to do it, research it.
When you 'think' you know how to do it, read more. Only do things when you are 100% sure you can.
I've fully customized my Galaxy s3 and never looked back. My phone is MINE
Search before asking, Ask before acting and you will succeed.
Full control of your device, sixaxis, themese, mods
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Get rid of bloatware
Block ads
Install anti-theft apps which survive a phone format
Sent from my GT-I9000
K..thnk u guys for telling me....n which is the best rom rit now?
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Akshaysh said:
K..thnk u guys for telling me....n which is the best rom rit now?
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liquidsmooth is what i use ... good battery and you can custumize alot!! .. its android 4.2.2
sorry for my english
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Glad that you realize theres nothing like a good root.
I wouldn't sweat rooting until you find an app that you want that requires root.
There are plenty though. My root apps:
Afwall+ - firewall
catlog - browse logcat (for debugging apps)
cerberus - security program
LBE security master - block apps from using various permissions
multi window manager - use any app in multiwindow
quickboot - nice boot program, makes it easy to boot into recovery mode.
titanium backup - backup/restore your phone or programs
xposed installer/settings - change dpi for individual programs
directory bind - Put game data on external SD card so they don't fill your phone up.
And of course, install roms and junk.
Changing/randomly adding things is more customizable if you have root - cool bootup movie, lightsaber sound when you pull out the stylus, etc etc.
- Frank


so I'm going to root my note3 now (cfauto) and I think I read somewhere Sammy changed there counter and there's no way of Going back to zero, is this true? That they made some kinda different counter? Thnx guyz, coming from an s4 and was hopping it was the same old same ol, bow what recovery is more stable at the minute?
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spodie said:
so I'm going to root my note3 now (cfauto) and I think I read somewhere Sammy changed there counter and there's no way of Going back to zero, is this true? That they made some kinda different counter? Thnx guyz, coming from an s4 and was hopping it was the same old same ol, bow what recovery is more stable at the minute?
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Yes, you will trip the Knox flag, currently no method to reset it. TWRP is fine, just do some reading about restoring backups.. If done incorrectly, you will experience what's been coined "The Brickloop"
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Steve Lazarus said:
Yes, you will trip the Knox flag, currently no method to reset it. TWRP is fine, just do some reading about restoring backups.. If done incorrectly, you will experience what's been called the "Brickloop"
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Thanx , what will this take away besides warrenty? Anything of use? Is there a chance chain fire could fix it in the long run? Sorry just so used to my s4, main question is should I root or hold out??
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So I flash root, then install a cutom kernel then make a back uP?
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spodie said:
So I flash root, then install a cutom kernel then make a back uP?
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Just root it using Odin and Chainfires auto-root method, I'm not familiar with the custom kernel as yet, so I won't comment on that. Once you root, you still keep all stock functionality, just have administrative rights, so to speak. If you're not too familiar with rooting, flashing, etc.. I wouldn't recommend starting right now with the Note 3, still early in the aftermarket development stage..
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Steve Lazarus said:
Yes, you will trip the Knox flag, currently no method to reset it. TWRP is fine, just do some reading about restoring backups.. If done incorrectly, you will experience what's been coined "The Brickloop"
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There is a rooting method without triggering the Knox.
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Read. All you questions are answered here in the thread about such matters.
googlephone said:
There is a rooting method without triggering the Knox.
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i believe it gives you root access only. As soon as you flash a custom recovery it trips it
googlephone said:
There is a rooting method without triggering the Knox.
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Post a link?
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googlephone said:
There is a rooting method without triggering the Knox.
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I believe your referring to the note 3 on AT&T. If this is available for the T-Mobile model,please provide a link.
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I believe your referring to the note 3 on AT&T. If this is available for the T-Mobile model,please provide a link.
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The thread is right here
I just rooted through this method and it doesn't trigger Knox
djtheraven said:
Post a link?
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Considering all of the challenges that people have faced with Fierce bootloops - and for a while no way way to fix them, this is a situation where you would do very well to do some reading before you do anything. There are two root methods currently both are outlined in the Original Android Development Section for the TMOBILE NOte 3 - you can download everything you need from there - and I think it would be very helpful for you to read thru what others have done and experienced before you do anything - then you can make your own decision about which root method is best for your needs.
I don't mean to sound sanctimonious or anything but if there ever was a time that reading thoroughly first was a good thing to do - this is one of those times..good luck
mocsab said:
Considering all of the challenges that people have faced with Fierce bootloops - and for a while no way way to fix them, this is a situation where you would do very well to do some reading before you do anything. There are two root methods currently both are outlined in the Original Android Development Section for the TMOBILE NOte 3 - you can download everything you need from there - and I think it would be very helpful for you to read thru what others have done and experienced before you do anything - then you can make your own decision about which root method is best for your needs.
I don't mean to sound sanctimonious or anything but if there ever was a time that reading thoroughly first was a good thing to do - this is one of those times..good luck
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I don't understand what this had to do with asking for a link, but thanx to the post above this I am now rooted without tripping the knox counter. ...
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djtheraven said:
I don't understand what this had to do with asking for a link, but thanx to the post above this I am now rooted without tripping the knox counter. ...
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What did my post have to do with your asking for a link? Well, I didn't want to be this direct but If you simply opened the Original Android Development thread and took less than a minute to read, you wouldn't need to ask for a link. You would see that there were two threads available that offered details that would give you exactly what you wanted. Two different ways to root.
In fact, in less time than it took you to write your post and wait for an answer, you would have had exactly what you were looking for.
My response to you was a gentle reminder that reading is a good thing.
mocsab said:
What did my post have to do with your asking for a link? Well, I didn't want to be this direct but If you simply opened the Original Android Development thread and took less than a minute to read, you wouldn't need to ask for a link. You would see that there were two threads available that offered details that would give you exactly what you wanted. Two different ways to root.
In fact, in less time than it took you to write your post and wait for an answer, you would have had exactly what you were looking for.
My response to you was a gentle reminder that reading is a good thing.
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The fact that you took all this time to write all that and ridicule me is ridiculous when it would have been easier for you to have just been nice and post the link like the last guy did. .. Sorry I didn't see it however easy it was, but that's why we are here to help one another. please next time either don't comment at all and let someone else who wants to help, help, or just help someone out. ..It goes a long way and makes this place more civil. ..
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djtheraven said:
The fact that you took all this time to write all that and ridicule me is ridiculous when it would have been easier for you to have just been nice and post the link like the last guy did. .. Sorry I didn't see it however easy it was, but that's why we are here to help one another. please next time either don't comment at all and let someone else who wants to help, help, or just help someone out. ..It goes a long way and makes this place more civil. ..
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I am sorry you felt I was ridiculing you. That was not my intent at all. THis forum is loaded with people who have have had major issues when flashing a recovery which is often the next step after rooting - there are more reports of people who have had to return their note 3 to TMOBILE than I can remember seeing on a single phone in a very long time. My Suggestion for you to read was purely intended to help you - it is easy to let others do the work for you - when often trouble could have been avoided by being more educated. What struck me as odd was the fact that it was so easy to find the link you were looking for - if you only opened one section of the forum in the Original Android Development you would have found it. But that is besides the point.
My comments were always supportive - and intended to help you. Period. I am sorry that you are so caught up in the " I want what I want when I want it "- that you can't see that. XDA is a forum designed for people to learn more about their phones and to ultimately try to get more out of them than you can get in a Stock phone...I have been in your shoes before and done exactly what you did when asking for a link - and have gotten a similar reply to the one I gave you. I am grateful it happened to me because it forced me to take a step back - do a little reading - learn more about the challenges others have faced and in the end, avoid those same problems myself.
Once more, I am Sorry you feel I was ridiculing you - couldn't be farther from the truth - I wish you well and hope you enjoy your NOTE3. Have a nice day my friend.
mocsab said:
I am sorry you felt I was ridiculing you. That was not my intent at all. THis forum is loaded with people who have have had major issues when flashing a recovery which is often the next step after rooting - there are more reports of people who have had to return their note 3 to TMOBILE than I can remember seeing on a single phone in a very long time. My Suggestion for you to read was purely intended to help you - it is easy to let others do the work for you - when often trouble could have been avoided by being more educated. What struck me as odd was the fact that it was so easy to find the link you were looking for - if you only opened one section of the forum in the Original Android Development you would have found it. But that is besides the point.
My comments were always supportive - and intended to help you. Period. I am sorry that you are so caught up in the " I want what I want when I want it "- that you can't see that. XDA is a forum designed for people to learn more about their phones and to ultimately try to get more out of them than you can get in a Stock phone...I have been in your shoes before and done exactly what you did when asking for a link - and have gotten a similar reply to the one I gave you. I am grateful it happened to me because it forced me to take a step back - do a little reading - learn more about the challenges others have faced and in the end, avoid those same problems myself.
Once more, I am Sorry you feel I was ridiculing you - couldn't be farther from the truth - I wish you well and hope you enjoy your NOTE3. Have a nice day my friend.
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No problem. .. Just to let you know that thread doesn't show up in my app which I always use.. It only showed up on my computer. .. That's why I didn't see it. ..
After I rooted the system it said modified and ota wouldn't work. .. so I installed xposed framework and then wanam xposed module and there is a setting to set system to original and that works for ota...
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djtheraven said:
No problem. .. Just to let you know that thread doesn't show up in my app which I always use.. It only showed up on my computer. .. That's why I didn't see it. ..
After I rooted the system it said modified and ota wouldn't work. .. so I installed xposed framework and then wanam xposed module and there is a setting to set system to original and that works for ota...
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I may be wrong but I thought that using that option in Wanam Exposed was cosmetic only. It changes that to Official in Settings - but doesn't really effect how your phone is recognized as being 'altered" - LIke I said, I might be wrong, but that is what I heard. You might check with someone who knows more about this than I do
Good luck
mocsab said:
I may be wrong but I thought that using that option in Wanam Exposed was cosmetic only. It changes that to Official in Settings - but doesn't really effect how your phone is recognized as being 'altered" - LIke I said, I might be wrong, but that is what I heard. You might check with someone who knows more about this than I do
Good luck
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That's what I thought also but when I tried to go to the ota update setting it told me that this is a modified system and when I use that module then it told me that there was no further updates... so I guess that made it work. ..
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Help.Root without USB - need help At&T i747 (4.1.2 stock rom)

i am having issues with the usb connectivity in my unlocked AT&T I747 with 4.1.2 and now i want to root my phone .. is there any possible manner to root my phone i tried framaroot 1.9 version and failed with it.. can any one help me with this plzzz
rpavan18 said:
i am having issues with the usb connectivity in my unlocked AT&T I747 with 4.1.2 and now i want to root my phone .. is there any possible manner to root my phone i tried framaroot 1.9 version and failed with it.. can any one help me with this plzzz
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no one replied yet ..
Can't say that I know of a way, and that's probably the reason no one has replied yet, didn't just want to answer "no" or"not that I know of" etc. But if I find a way I'll let you know
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deathblade said:
Can't say that I know of a way, and that's probably the reason no one has replied yet, didn't just want to answer "no" or"not that I know of" etc. But if I find a way I'll let you know
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Oh thanq deathblade..hope someone solve my problem ..
deathblade said:
Can't say that I know of a way, and that's probably the reason no one has replied yet, didn't just want to answer "no" or"not that I know of" etc. But if I find a way I'll let you know
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There is no way. This has been asked and answered before, and will probably be asked again.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

needing rom help

just want to say ty for all who reply with their knowledge. I am having trouble installing roms on my sprint galaxy note 2 (sph-L900) i have only found one that has completly worked and that rom is rwilcos12 mostly stock, If anyone can tell me what roms would work with my device please let me know what i am doing wrong. thank you
soleil0524 said:
just want to say ty for all who reply with their knowledge. I am having trouble installing roms on my sprint galaxy note 2 (sph-L900) i have only found one that has completly worked and that rom is rwilcos12 mostly stock, If anyone can tell me what roms would work with my device please let me know what i am doing wrong. thank you
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You are way far away from your forum, you need to ask the question in
Two days and still no help on this yet. Someone gotta know something.
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soleil0524 said:
Two days and still no help on this yet. Someone gotta know something.
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If rwilcos works than any of the custom 4.4.2 tw roms should work. For help maybe give some real info about the issue.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

