Display phone numbers without spaces? - Galaxy Note II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a way to display the phone number without spaces? For example, my area code is 210 followed by 7 numbers. So we have numbers like:
2105555555. When I get missed calls or when dialing numbers The phone separates the numbers in a form like this:
21 0555 5555 so it gets a bit confusing. Is there a way to remove those spaces or at least make the phone appear like this? 210 555 5555?

Tried changing language to UK English?
Sent from my GT-N7100

Just did, numer is stil 21 0555 5555

Some answer would be helpful...Same prob here


number format

another little annoyance.
sorry about all these but I think I've finally got everything installed the way I like it and now trying to iron out a few niggles.
is there any way to change the format of a phone number shown when I get called.
it always seems to be in the US format of xxx-xxxx-xxx-xx or something like that.
I always remember numbers as dialling code then number as in xxxxx-xxxxxx (UK format) 5 digits in the prefix and 6 in the number
which works for mobiles 07xxx-xxxxxx or (most) landlines 01xxx-xxxxxx
is this a change in the registry perhaps??

Call Forwarding/Voicemail

Hey everyone
(i'm new here so sorry if this isn't the correct area to post)
Anyhow i'm having trouble with my call forward/voicemail setting.
When i go to input my voice number it's 1 digit too long to fit into the field. So i'm unable to forward calls to my voicemail..
Has anyone else has this problem? Anyone know a work around for it? Any help/advice would be great.
carrier is MobileWorld
Phone is: HTC P3300
here's a picture of the problem
notice how the phone number is there, it will only allow so many numbers. Well its just 1 number too short.
Anyone know if there's a fix for it?
Thanks in advance
hi, at work at the moment so its blocking the picture for me too see, have you tried +44 and taking out a "0"?? this might work?
KevandLynds said:
hi, at work at the moment so its blocking the picture for me too see, have you tried +44 and taking out a "0"?? this might work?
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the number is +4405 etc, the total amount of number is 17
the + symbol seems to take 2 characters up so i'm only able to enter 15 numbers.
so say if the number is +4405 123 456 789 101
i can only enter +4405 123 456 789 1
i'm not able to enter the last 2 numbers because i'm out of space
mine is set like this and it works:
your number should only be 13 digits long with the +44 on it,
sorry just noticed your post hadn't refreshed the page, never seen a number 17 digits long so i'm not sure, sorry!
KevandLynds said:
mine is set like this and it works:
your number should only be 13 digits long with the +44 on it,
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ahh thanks dude its fixed now
i think the problem was that they gave me the incorrect number to check my voicemail. They told me to enter +44 059 07942 XXX XXX
I called back and they told me to use this +44 059 7942 XXX XXX
So i entered that number and i hold 1 but it doesn't work
However when i try your method +44 then my number it worked!
Some weird settings...anyways its sorted now, thanks a lot for your help, saved me from getting a new phone

Removing area code on BA

THis may be a newb question, and i had it set up somehow while running WM2003 but i cant seem to remove the brackets on the numbers that are calling me, so i have to redo about 400 contacts just so that i can get their name on screen while they are calling me
The phone now whenever someone is calling me it shows (697)6767676 and i want to make it 6976767676,
dont fret and worry about it...
it's just a display (it's hardcoded in Windows to show the first three in parenthesis) ... the real numbers dont have the any special chars aside from p w +, et. al.
Yes i know its only a display thingamajig, although whenever i get a call from someone it wont show me their name unless i have altered the actual number with so that it contains the brackets in the contact itself :S
dumraden said:
Yes i know its only a display thingamajig, although whenever i get a call from someone it wont show me their name unless i have altered the actual number with so that it contains the brackets in the contact itself :S
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None of my contacts have ( ) stored in their numbers, The format I used is +country_code number and every time someone calls me with or without the country code showing it displays the name that corresponds. Example: I have have a contact named Fred Murphy with the number +965 1234567 when he calls if I am in Kuwait it shows only as 123-4567 if I am overseas it shows as +965 123-4567 both times I see his name Fred Murphy on my screen. It has always been this way for me no matter which version of windows I have run. I was not aware that it worked any other way.
You have to choose your regional settings correctly and it will disappear.
settings > system > regional settings.
check for duplicate phone number entries...
even though you have the name in the sim and the phone, the phone cant decide which name to show, so our phone shows only the number.

Edit before Dial

Anyone knows of any utility that will allow me to edit a phone number before dialing? For example, when in my home country, I need to dial a prefix of 1551 while in overseas, I need to dial *121*xxxxxxxx#. I can't do it easily now unless I create multiple repetitive phone numbers with different dialling prefix. Thanks.
Try Magicall.
hi im looking for the same software i was using sony ericsson and nokia and they all had this function taking a dialled number and then edit it before calling i think magicall wont do it for me there is so many stuff to do. just wonder if there is a simple way of doing this as in editing a phone number or saving a number option
dont know if i make myself clear enogh
guid2002 said:
Try Magicall.
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Thanks. I just needed a simple utility where I can opt to manually change the numbers before I dial. For example, numbers are stored in my contacts with the country code: +62 XXXXXXX. While roaming, I just need to prefix *121* followed by the country code (without the + sign) and number and append a # sign at the end.

[Q] Can not dial numbers based on pattern XXX555500X on ARC S ICS 4.0.4 4.1.B.0.431 ?

I enter number 097 5555 002 and press call and nothing happens.
Later I figured out I can not dial any number based on pattern XXX555500X, or any number that has 555500X included.
Other number I can call normally.
Can somebody check is it up to me or ICS?
CORRECTION: Can't dial numbers that have 555XXXX at the end. When I enter any number that ends with 555XXXX and press CALL nothing happens, number just dissapears from input box and it is not shown in log....
I tested it. It works after 5 sec
Free Space for you and me: redir.ec/dbalexs
I can't dial anything that has 555XXXX at the end of the number no matter how long I wait...
Maybe I messed up something after rooting, but I didn't touch system apps, only removed bloatware...
Updated to .587
Still I can't dial numbers with 555XXXX at the end, for example 0800 555 1234 or 0800 555 0000.
This is so annoying, i can't call two of my contacts....
Please HELP!!!
I still have the bug but have found a workaround.
When I try to make call to e.g. 0800555XXXX I add 00 to the end, and then phone starts calling.
So instead 0800555XXXX I call 0800555XXXX00.
...And I get the right person on the other side =)

