JellyBomb 7.0.0 Email crash - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Since I am not allowed to post under the JB thread, I have to here. (newbie rules).
Installed Jelly Bomb Domination 7.0 but the email app crashes when loading every time.
Any thought to fix it or maybe a bug?

wc4r said:
Since I am not allowed to post under the JB thread, I have to here. (newbie rules).
Installed Jelly Bomb Domination 7.0 but the email app crashes when loading every time.
Any thought to fix it or maybe a bug?
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How about a little more info? Coming from a different ROM?
[JellyBombed 7.0 S3 via XDA Premium]

iamdestruktor said:
How about a little more info? Coming from a different ROM?
[JellyBombed 7.0 S3 via XDA Premium]
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Don't know what else you could need. I used JB Domination ROM v 4 & 5 before with no issues. This version of that popular ROM does not allow the email app to run. Came from a rooted Sprint JB 4.1.1
Update: Re-flashed still same issue.

wc4r said:
Don't know what else you could need. I used JB Domination ROM v 4 & 5 before with no issues. This version of that popular ROM does not allow the email app to run. Came from a rooted Sprint JB 4.1.1
Update: Re-flashed still same issue.
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Hmm only other idea I can think of is clearing cache and data in the App Info. I use Gmail and not Email mostly.
[JellyBombed 7.0 S3 via XDA Premium]

iamdestruktor said:
Hmm only other idea I can think of is clearing cache and data in the App Info. I use Gmail and not Email mostly.
[JellyBombed 7.0 S3 via XDA Premium]
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Got it fixed. Beside clearing both cache, I had to do a factory reset All is good again.


Flash Player for jelly bean

flash player not supported on jelly bean? what?​
has anyone found a version that works well with our phone? i know there are other post out the for different devices. ive tried their suggested apks, but have had no real luck. can someone point me in the right direction. any tips or tricks out there that im not aware ?
edit:: confirmed working on eirckwills cm10. imo his rom has been the most stable jb rom. that ive flashed.
superuser696 said:
flash player not supported on jelly bean? what?​
has anyone found a version that work well with our phone? i know there are other post out the for different devices. ive tried their suggested apks, but have had no real luck. can someone point me in the right direction. any tips or tricks out there that im not aware ?
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Have you tried restoring it from a previous back up or nandroid? You can not install it fresh from the playstore anymore because Adobe will no longer support Android past 4.0.4
LoopDoGG79 said:
Have you tried restoring it from a previous back up or nandroid? You can not install it fresh from the playstore anymore because Adobe will no longer support Android past 4.0.4
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yep, the quality sucks. it freezes, fc , and the video quility sucks, but not all the time.
does yours work flawlessly?
superuser696 said:
yep, the quality sucks. it freezes, fc , and the video quility sucks, but not all the time.
does yours work flawlessly?
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I saw someone mention it in the BinaryBishop JB ROM thread, Im still with AOKP 7/15 milestone 6, though im very tempted to flash the Rookie ROM in the Skyrocket forum.
LoopDoGG79 said:
I saw someone mention it in the BinaryBishop JB ROM thread, Im still with AOKP 7/15 milestone 6, though im very tempted to flash the Rookie ROM in the Skyrocket forum.
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Yes, it's on Page 55
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LoopDoGG79 said:
I saw someone mention it in the BinaryBishop JB ROM thread, Im still with AOKP 7/15 milestone 6, though im very tempted to flash the Rookie ROM in the Skyrocket forum.
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if you do pm me and let me know what you think, i flash the the latest cm9 nightly 8/4
player90247 said:
Yes, it's on Page 55
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thanks bro ill hit that up
edit-ye i scoped it out, but i didn't see anything about video quality.
I am trying to find a solution too..nothing has worked :/
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so im not the only one having issues
bubbabfp said:
I am trying to find a solution too..nothing has worked :/
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i dont know if the issue is hit-or-miss but it kinda seems like it. i don't thinks everyone is having this issue. ima wait until the next major release of cm10 and give it anouther shot. reminds me of the camera issue, but my camera is one of the of the first the start working on ics and jb. idont know go figure
Didn't they say the stock Android browser would still support flash if you side load it but Chrome for Android won't?
Beast84 said:
Didn't they say the stock Android browser would still support flash if you side load it but Chrome for Android won't?
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Yes they did give this a try anyone who is looking for flash
playya said:
Yes they did give this a try anyone who is looking for flash
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I just cant get flash to work i ttied this apk and used dolphin and stock browser i go to watch a flash video and it doesnt play is it more to it?
I got working flash on Binary B's. 8-5 Hercules CMX ROM using chrome and stock. No issues so far
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Rememdium said:
I got working flash on Binary B's. 8-5 Hercules CMX ROM using chrome and stock. No issues so far
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I thought chrome doesnt support flash? And how u got it to work on stock like i try to play a flash video but it doesnt play it just sits there?
Might have to eat my words; re wiped and having no luck.
Wont even install
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Rememdium said:
Might have to eat my words; re wiped and having no luck.
Wont even install
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Yea that was not flash but html5 for Chrome.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
superuser696 said:
flash player not supported on jelly bean? what?​
has anyone found a version that works well with our phone? i know there are other post out the for different devices. ive tried their suggested apks, but have had no real luck. can someone point me in the right direction. any tips or tricks out there that im not aware ?
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try this: check on the page towards the top. I installed the flash apk and it works great.. just went to yahoo on stock browser and went to desktop version to check and flash was working. Good luck.
I don't think any form of video is working properly on JB at this moment. Anyone get Netflix to work with flash included? Also try WatchEspn
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playya said:
I don't think any form of video is working properly on JB at this moment. Anyone get Netflix to work with flash included? Also try WatchEspn
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
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I have a Captivate and am on the Helly Bean ROM 4.1.1 and flash player from my previous post lets me watch Netflix and ESPN just fine.
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Yall that are saying flash works can yall watch a video on youtube off the full page? When i try to play one it just stays black?


Here's the link for the new Jelly Bean LEAK: :good:
Edit: Ok I have installed the leak and so far everything is running fine sms/mms over wifi calling works google now works haven't tried calling anyone yet to check for echo.
blesstheattack said:
Here's the link for the new Jelly Bean LEAK: :good:
Edit: Ok I have installed the leak and so far everything is running fine sms/mms over wifi calling works google now works haven't tried calling anyone yet to check for echo.
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May I ask the process to correctly install leaks? Needs root?
Only 323mb?..hmmm how do you install this, via Odin?
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with this leak (like all other OTA leaks before it) you must be on stock uvlh2 with stock recovery to flash. You may or may not lose root, if you have it, so take precautions to keep it. OTA rootkeeper has been mentioned in other threads.
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Someone's down at Samsung!!!!
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Another bug I found is flickering when your on the lock screen it flickers like crazy when you pull down the notification bar (if you have a notification)
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jgalan14 said:
Another bug I found is flickering when your on the lock screen it flickers like crazy when you pull down the notification bar (if you have a notification)
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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Doesnt flicker for me at all when trying this
immunityx said:
Doesnt flicker for me at all when trying this
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Maybe I need a clean install (upgraded from a backup I had cm10 on at first) another thing I'm missing is the gallery
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Is it safe to flash this over the previous leak?
Thank you
Just wanted to say thanks for the updates. Just flashed it, straight up out of the box stock. Downloaded from your link TC and moved the zip with astro, and everything has worked great so far. The only thing I noticed is my keyboard (SwiftKey) seems a little sluggish. Oh well, thanks again.
Edit: just noticed it doesn't say 2GB of ram anymore, but has 1.59GB, maybe the 400MB are for system data. Can anyone confirm this?
Blackninja504 said:
Just wanted to say thanks for the updates. Just flashed it, straight up out of the box stock. Downloaded from your link TC and moved the zip with astro, and everything has worked great so far. The only thing I noticed is my keyboard (SwiftKey) seems a little sluggish. Oh well, thanks again.
Edit: just noticed it doesn't say 2GB of ram anymore, but has 1.59GB, maybe the 400MB are for system data. Can anyone confirm this?
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On stock ICS its only 1.59gb as well.
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I'm guessing you guys are no longer rooted?
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blesstheattack said:
Here's the link for the new Jelly Bean LEAK: :good:
Edit: Ok I have installed the leak and so far everything is running fine sms/mms over wifi calling works google now works haven't tried calling anyone yet to check for echo.
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I could not make any calls or surf the net, though the T-Mobile signal is strong. HOWEVER, my gf's unlock T-Mobile S3 got bump to "4G speed" on AT&T ( It was 3G before)
redhooka said:
Is it safe to flash this over the previous leak?
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Anyone have an answer for this question??
The Real Lucky45 said:
Anyone have an answer for this question??
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No, they are not incremental updates.

[Q] Not receiving text messages on rooted SIII

Hello, I currently have a rooted Galaxy SIII and I and not receiving text messages. I am running the blazer rom also. How can I fix this?
evolane said:
Hello, I currently have a rooted Galaxy SIII and I and not receiving text messages. I am running the blazer rom also. How can I fix this?
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A lot of ROMs(mainly jellybean) have this problem. The official release of jellybean should fix this.
Shouldn't be happening... Try another custom rom. Clear dalvik and cache and clear data too in between your flash.
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Naddict said:
Shouldn't be happening... Try another custom rom. Clear dalvik and cache and clear data too in between your flash.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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I'm good now. I just reset the phone and I'm back good
evolane said:
I'm good now. I just reset the phone and I'm back good
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I've seen plenty of complains of it not working, and I can't even receive picture messages on this rom(black bean 5)

[Q] Skype on Jelly Bean

I flashed a custom ROM (Jelly Bean) on my Samsung, but whenever I try using Skype I only get as far as 2 rings and then a dropped called labeled "Call Failed". The last time I used Skype on my mobile was when I had ICS installed. So, my question is, is anyone else having the same issue as me? Does anyone know if it's ICS to JB issue? Thanks!
Skype works for me and I'm on a JB rom. (PACman).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using xda premium
Then I guess it might be due to the custom ROM. I uninstalled Skype and cleared cache, fixed permissions and re-installed afterwards. But I get the same results. Thanks for the feedback.
Try the tweaked version and see if it makes a difference.
Sent from my SGH-T989D using xda premium
Awesome! I just downloaded it from your suggested link. I'll let you know if it worked. I do appreciate it.
The tweaked version was successful. Thanks again bud!
scampos said:
The tweaked version was successful. Thanks again bud!
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Anytime mate! Glad that it's resolved.
Sent from my SGH-T989D using xda premium
skype is also running funky for me on JB. im using Paranoid Android 2.55.
DupleX01 said:
Try the tweaked version and see if it makes a difference.
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But it doesn't work for me I'm using Qmobile Noir A8 with jelly bean 4.2.2
Some apps just don't play well on anything other than official 4.1.2 touchwiz....or roms based on it.
Sent from my N5, N7, Moto X, G Tab 3 or S2.....
mirzanauman said:
But it doesn't work for me I'm using Qmobile Noir A8 with jelly bean 4.2.2
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did you find any working skype app for Qmobile A8? I tried many but it stop working after some time. Plz let me know if you have.

[Q] Twitter Notifications

I'm on a stock, non rooted, galaxy S3 on jelly bean 4.1.2. Notifications for every other app works except the official twitter app. They just stopped working on their own a few days ago. I've checked the settings, reinstalled the app, restarted my phone, and everything except a hard reset. Anyone know how to fix this?
cboss718 said:
I'm on a stock, non rooted, galaxy S3 on jelly bean 4.1.2. Notifications for every other app works except the official twitter app. They just stopped working on their own a few days ago. I've checked the settings, reinstalled the app, restarted my phone, and everything except a hard reset. Anyone know how to fix this?
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I'm having the same exact problem. I emailed twitter but they really didn't tell me anything important.
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Are you using Greenify?
Aerowinder said:
Are you using Greenify?
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No I am not.
I might suggest trying another Twitter app. Pretty sure the one by Twitter is garbage compared to what is available.
Aerowinder said:
I might suggest trying another Twitter app. Pretty sure the one by Twitter is garbage compared to what is available.
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Falcon Pro.
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Any fix to this? I updated to the latest version and it's still not giving me my notifications...
Have you tried clearing data for it in app management?
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DocHoliday77 said:
Have you tried clearing data for it in app management?
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Yes I tried it. Didn't help, I also cleared the cache to no avail.
Also I tried a new app today, Plume. It wasn't getting any notifications either. This is getting extremely annoying...
Only other things I can think of is to try a factory reset. Backup all you can first though, including your internal sd. Sorry I dont have anything better at this point.
You could try to flash the latest firmware in Odin, but I have a feeling that wont do any good...
Is there a way to clear only dalvik cache without being rooted? If so, thats another thing you can try.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
I had the same problem but was fixed with the new twitter app update
I found the fix. At least for me. On a PC go to twitter > settings > apps and revoke access to all the apps. Worked perfectly for me after restarting my phone and everything.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Androiduser96 said:
I found the fix. At least for me. On a PC go to twitter > settings > apps and revoke access to all the apps. Worked perfectly for me after restarting my phone and everything.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Every app or just the twitter for android one? Because I revoked just the one for android and it didn't help.
I bought falcon pro and it works flawlessly

