[Q] Kernel Recompiler for splash screen? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I'm trying to change the splash screen on the Galaxy S3. I was told I would have to recompile the kernel I was using,compiling it with a different splash screen lre file. I really don't know what that means. If possible is there some software that I could download to do this? If anyone has any information about this, would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you for your time.
[SOLVED] A XDA member (mnhertz26), sent me this link:http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1928751 which was EXACTLY what I was trying to do.


[Q] Honeycomb Boot image as Live wallpaper?

Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this has been brought up in the G2/Vision forum but, Can or has anyone made the honeycomb boot image into a live wallpaper? i think that would be pretty wicked. If so know where i can find it? Ive done a search but couldn't find it.
Thanks for the help.
....of course.
As soon as i post this i find the link..
lol Well for anyone else that wants it.
lags the phone to hell sadly D:
i haven't noticed that except if i swipe through the screens quick. Maybe someone will better it?

[Q] Change google splash image

Coming from the Incredible I was able to change the splash screen image with a custom picture, is there any way to do this with the Galaxy Nexus?
dawynkoop said:
Coming from the Incredible I was able to change the splash screen image with a custom picture, is there any way to do this with the Galaxy Nexus?
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I'll bump that... Anyone, anyone... I havent found the logo file to screw with it yet but its the only thing left stock and I just want to tweak it with a bit of Personalization...
Bump. Not interested in all the glitz,
I guess someone will come up with a guide soon enough. I know I want one too.
Dig around in here. A simple and Lots of different splashes, go all the way through it.

[Q] Changing Boot Logo? (READ: not animation)

Can anybody help put me on the right track? I'm trying to find information on location/storage/source code/replacement for the boot logo? i'm not looking for boot animation info, just the logo (in the case of my phone, just says 'google')
I've spent the better part of today searching the xda forums and caverns , and spent time trying to dig through the sourcecode for my answer, but no leads yet, maybe someone who knows better could enlighten me. I imagined looking at the source would get me there faster, but i can't seem to find anything
i knew how to do this on my og droid (sbf)
Thanks ahead for any leads
-logos are in 565 rgb format converted to RLE
1/4/12 - on hold until i learn more how the gnex bootloader works. been out of coding/computers for so long have a lot to catch up on and learn
1/19/12 - filename "/initlogo.rle", is packed into ramdisk boot.img - i know nothing about this yet, gonna start reading tonight. although if it were that simple, i'm surprised kernel devs haven't introduced their own yet
Sorry for the bump, but anyone?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus Bugless Beast 4.0.3 lte +franco#5
bencozzy said:
well in the Xoom development area they figured out how to write to the logo.bin not sure if that will help.
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Thanks Buddy!
XDA member Kalico has a linux script, and working on a windows app:
Any luck on actually getting the Galaxy Nexus boot logo changed? I cannot find one topic anywhere that addresses this other than this post, and it switched to a Xoom topic.
batkevn said:
Any luck on actually getting the Galaxy Nexus boot logo changed? I cannot find one topic anywhere that addresses this other than this post, and it switched to a Xoom topic.
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i have had no luck. only thing i can find out so far, is the filename is "initlogo.rle", and its stored in the boot.img ramdisk, which i have no clue how to unpack, etc. yet. gonna start reading.
if you find anything please share. i feel there are some dev's reading this chuckling at the newbs : )

boot animation request or help

Hey guys, I was hoping someone could make me an awesome Penn state boot animation. Maybe something with the lion logo that glows up and twists and turns and stuff. Or if you could point me in the right direction if it doesnt take too much graphic design skills lol. I'm willing to learn!
Also does anyone know a way of changing the boot sound as well to go along with the lion?
Thanks a ton in advance!

[Q] Ink Effect Lockscreen

Hello everyone Does anyone have a link the MOD itself or know where I can get the ink effect lockscreen?? Im on the SPH-L710 4.3 MK3 ROOTED/DEODEXED by the greatest Cnexus. I have done alot of searching before deciding to post. I have bout 4 different downloads n have checked them out by looking thru all the files first and none of them look promising. ... so before I brick my phone trying these out I have to ask if anyone has some good insight or direction for me. Much appreciated for any help Thank you

