[Q] Changing Boot Logo? (READ: not animation) - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Can anybody help put me on the right track? I'm trying to find information on location/storage/source code/replacement for the boot logo? i'm not looking for boot animation info, just the logo (in the case of my phone, just says 'google')
I've spent the better part of today searching the xda forums and caverns , and spent time trying to dig through the sourcecode for my answer, but no leads yet, maybe someone who knows better could enlighten me. I imagined looking at the source would get me there faster, but i can't seem to find anything
i knew how to do this on my og droid (sbf)
Thanks ahead for any leads
-logos are in 565 rgb format converted to RLE
1/4/12 - on hold until i learn more how the gnex bootloader works. been out of coding/computers for so long have a lot to catch up on and learn
1/19/12 - filename "/initlogo.rle", is packed into ramdisk boot.img - i know nothing about this yet, gonna start reading tonight. although if it were that simple, i'm surprised kernel devs haven't introduced their own yet

Sorry for the bump, but anyone?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus Bugless Beast 4.0.3 lte +franco#5

bencozzy said:
well in the Xoom development area they figured out how to write to the logo.bin not sure if that will help.
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Thanks Buddy!
XDA member Kalico has a linux script, and working on a windows app:

Any luck on actually getting the Galaxy Nexus boot logo changed? I cannot find one topic anywhere that addresses this other than this post, and it switched to a Xoom topic.

batkevn said:
Any luck on actually getting the Galaxy Nexus boot logo changed? I cannot find one topic anywhere that addresses this other than this post, and it switched to a Xoom topic.
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i have had no luck. only thing i can find out so far, is the filename is "initlogo.rle", and its stored in the boot.img ramdisk, which i have no clue how to unpack, etc. yet. gonna start reading.
if you find anything please share. i feel there are some dev's reading this chuckling at the newbs : )


Compiling Android for the Epic.

Hey Guys,
I've noticed many other phones have guides explaining how to download and compile Android for their phones including proprietary drivers and misc files. I know CM6/CM7 and MIUI all are very clearly doing this but I was wondering if we could get any kind of documentation like that for the Epic? It doesn't have to include any super detailed coding information other then how to download AOSP, Samsungs required drivers, and build them into a "working" rom of some kind..
The drivers and kernels you guys have been using so far must be available via some kind of git command..
I'd love to be able to compile a ROM just to learn about it lol.
Think a quick and dirty write up for compiling a rom could happen? I think it would really help incoming developers and newbies alike.
+1 on this.
+1 as I would like a good starting point...
Samsung Epic using Team Viper's latest ROM and kernel
I'm glad to see some support for this. I sincerely hope a developer takes this seriously enough to help us out!
I'm answering my own question here
Check it out... it's how to build CM for the epic. Anyone interested in learning the process could probably follow this guide and accomplish it. Took it from the CM post in General.
Thank you! That is very interesting. I must try it!
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
mxcoldhit said:
Thank you! That is very interesting. I must try it!
Sent from my Shoe.... I mean my Samsung Epic
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I'm trying it now for fun... still downloading the source... the first repo sync takes a while, I believe it's a few GB's in size..
I don't believe this includes the kernel though... I'm sure it's posted somewhere for those interested in looking at it.. just gotta dig around.
TheDub said:
I'm trying it now for fun... still downloading the source... the first repo sync takes a while, I believe it's a few GB's in size..
I don't believe this includes the kernel though... I'm sure it's posted somewhere for those interested in looking at it.. just gotta dig around.
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way to go, man. keep us posted...
yogi2010 said:
way to go, man. keep us posted...
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Steps seem to be broken.. the ./get-rommanager and ./getgooglefiles -v HDPI or whatever both don't work because of broken web links.
Seems this hasn't been updated in a while..
I tried to go on without them following the directions but it doesn't work, says something about the vibrant? idk.. I think the directions would need updating to work properly.. at least the code was fun to look at.
Still hoping a developer can teach us how to compile lets say just 100% AOSP for our phones using our progress so far with the drivers.. i think the drivers need to be their own branch of code so all devs can use them for their own roms.. maybe it's already like this? Idk pretty new to rom compiling.

A little help!

Hey folks, I was told there was a thread with bootanimations for the GB ROMs located in here and I can't find it to save my life. Yes I've tried search but it just isn't giving me squat. I just need a pointer.
I'm not a noob by any means and usually have no problems finding what I need but this is driving me nuts. Please don't blast.
There are bootanimations all through here that should work for you. What rom are you running and what kind of animation you looking for, that will help someone give you a better idea where to start.
Brought to you by the little voices in my head
dased14 said:
There are bootanimations all through here that should work for you. What rom are you running and what kind of animation you looking for, that will help someone give you a better idea where to start.
Brought to you by the little voices in my head
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I haven't found a single one. Maybe I didn't go deep enough or something. I'm running a blue themed version of MikG 1.03 that someone has been kind enough to let me test so I would say MikG 1.03.
Before running this I was running King Cocoa with a blue honeycomb animation that I was quite fond of but I tend to change around a lot when I get free time. I would like to find as wide of a variety that I can just to keep in my library for those FLASH ATTACK days, lol.
I'm gonna keep looking but if anyone comes across one in the meantime and could send me the link, it would be very much appreciated.
so your just looking to collect some animations for later or your have a hard time finding some to flash to that rom(in recovery)?
none in the splash and animation collect thread appeal to you? any certain kind you like.
did you look here
dased14 said:
did you look here
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I'm not a noob, I have practically all of the animations prior to the GB update, flashable and others. I was told those bootanimations will NOT work with the new ROMs. I looked through root explorer and couldn't find the animation file anywhere which leads me to believe this to be true. I was told to look in the Themes and Apps forum and there was a thread with some new ones.
If not, most of my animations you had to replace the existing one in system with root explorer. So how would I go about changing it because the file doesn't go into the same place.
sorry if i implied that. in that rom did you look in data\syscustomize\resource and i think the bootanime is called SPC_bootanimaton.zip and i think you can replace with root explorer same as before. as for a thread for just gb animations i dont remember seeing one just for that.
dased14 said:
sorry if i implied that. in that rom did you look in data\syscustomize\resource and i think the bootanime is called SPC_bootanimaton.zip and i think you can replace with root explorer same as before. as for a thread for just gb animations i dont remember seeing one just for that.
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No worries, I see where you're talking about. Now one question , can you use the older animations and just name them as they are in that folder. ? Will they still work?
I just realized that the folder you're talking about is where it has always been, you just took another route to get to it. You can also go through system/customize/resource, same thing. That's the way I always took to replace them before. So they just started renaming the file then.
I'd really like to know if the older files, renamed to spc_bootanimation.zip, would work. I'm going to be changing roms either tonight or tomorrow so maybe, before I do, I will try it and see what happens.
yes the should work just fine. just make sure it is named exactly as they have it. for example "SPC_bootanimation.zip"(or whatever rom your using has it named as)with caps and underscore. hope that helps

Unfinished Business - I'm done, have at it.

Ok, I've come to realise, after some prodding from my wife, that I've been just way to focused on all of these projects I've begun, searching for a way to create that next great thing, and always managing to fall just short of achieving it. At this point, I've decided to take a step back, and calm down on working with my A100.
So, I put everything I've been working on into 1 zip file, so anyone who wishes may begin their own work on anything in there.
The projects that are currently in there in various forms:
Jellybean ROM, yeah, I was working on getting a jellybean ROM for us A100 users. Never got it to boot all the way, worked on it for probably 6 hours yesterday. Thanks to randomblame for this.
AOKP A500 port, also semi completed, it never booted all the way, stuck on boot animation.
Extracted A100 CM9 boot.img folder, with the ramdisk and kernel, for use with the above two projects, or any other porting you wish to do.
DSIXDA Kitchen for linux, useful abilities include extracting and building boot.img files. Can be used for any number of things that I never used it for, however its included anyways. Try out modding some stock ROMs or something, just play around with it.
Morfic's Bin Tools, a full set of every tool you could ever want, for use with ADB or any number of things, if you can think of it, Morfic included it. Huge thanks to Morfic for this.
CWM Touch Recovery .img I created this as an experiment for/with another user, and its actually posted up in my Nightly Builds posting, however its been reported SD card doesn't mount on it. The partitions are all correct so it won't brick, but enjoy playing with it. Includes all of the files for it, as well as the ready to flash .img file.
Couple of documents, 1 being a complete partition map as reported by TWRP Recovery, useful for knowing which device blocks are which partition.
Other document is cat /proc/partitions and cat /proc/cmdline, output is from my working device, and can be used to verify bootloader information as well as raw partition information, if available. Comes from my bootloader flashed and unlocked A100, and as you can see, reports A200, and as far as I can tell, the wrong CPUID.
Anyone can feel free to take a look, and see what they may want to finish, or not. I give full consent to use anything in this zip file, as I didn't really create it, but I give it anyways. Anything in this zip is, I think, GPL compliant (such as the CM9 kernel and aokp with CM9 kernel, jellybean with CM9 kernel, etc).
CWM Touch was created by the bot, so I hold no credit for this either, only the 2 document files are truly created by me, and I give full consent for their use.
If you do manage to create something out of any of this, all I ask is a thanks somewhere in the post :good:
So whats next for me?
Well, I'm taking a break for awhile. I'll continue the Nightly CM9 Builds until official nightlies begin, and I'll keep updating the Guides as I have the time, and I'll fix any releases (like my scripts) as I find issues or issues are reported. The only thing I am actively pursuing is the bricking issue. I'm still looking for, and hoping to get, a bricked A100 for testing, as my request post mentions, I would love a donated unit (or loaned) for some testing. Also, the battery issue, as it does occur somewhat often, I would love a chance to work on one of the A100s with the battery charge issue.
Oh, and I'll still be around XDA, helping where I can as always. Anyone can feel free to add me for gtalk, twitter, google+ or whatever else, and feel free to ask questions, for help, or just say what's up and chat! I also tend to visit #iconia-dev on freenode.
Ok enough blabbing gimme your shiz!
Unfinished Business 421 MB zip file, with zips and random ish inside.
Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for all the hard work, man. I've seen soo many posts from you helping people on here.
I see where your coming from, sometimes I get sucked into what I'm doing too, whether it be mobile, or desktop pc's. I hear about it too from the wife too, and like you said you have to step back and enjoy the little things..
Romman0 said:
Thanks for all the hard work, man. I've seen soo many posts from you helping people on here.
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Thank you for noticing but I do intend to keep helping on the forums, I'm just not doing anymore projects for awhile.
Tapatalked from my A100 - CM9 unsecured tester.
Thanks for your effort and work to bring custom ROM and lots of support on this tablet. Life always comes first. Good luck to you pio.
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
Thanks for all your efforts. They are greatly appreciated.
You have helped the community in tremendous amounts. Hopefully someone takes up these projects.
Sent from my A100 using xda app-developers app
You have been a huge contribution to the A100 scene. Thank you so much.
Sent from my A100 using Tapatalk 2

[REQ] The white Google logo at bootup.

768x1280 please, thank you!
I don't understand... What do you want from me???? Lol
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
bigwilly90210 said:
I don't understand... What do you want from me???? Lol
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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The white Google logo at the beginning when you turn the phone on.
All the other images I found are not of high enough quality.
Yes. But the original one from the phone.
What's different about it?
The logo is bigger, and the resolution is 768x1280.
Is there anyway to extract the original one from the phone? I need it to be exact.
I don't think you wanna mess around with this since the so called boot splash is built in to the kernel. If you know this stuff, change it in your kernel at the high risk of a brick and if you're a noob like me, just let it be.
balducien said:
I don't think you wanna mess around with this since the so called boot splash is built in to the kernel. If you know this stuff, change it in your kernel at the high risk of a brick and if you're a noob like me, just let it be.
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I think he just wants to make it his bootanimation
realfelix said:
I think he just wants to make it his bootanimation
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So by replacing this image with the same file name out will boot the new image?
Does file size matter?
Yes, I just want to make it part of my boot animation. I need the actual image so I can mess around with it and add new things to it.
leejonnymr said:
Yes, I just want to make it part of my boot animation. I need the actual image so I can mess around with it and add new things to it.
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You should also find out if the size of the image makes a difference with noting or is updates
I tried other images I found on Google Images but the resolution are too small.
I enlarged and expanded to size but it makes the Google Logo blurry and the detail deteriorates extremely.
Is there a way I can extract the original image?
I don't understand... Why don't you just get the highest res Google logo you can find on Google images and put it against a 768x1280 background?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Wow. You're like one of those people that call tech support and give the most vague answers and descriptions turning what could have been a 10 minute call into a 2 hour call. It took two pages just to understand what you were wanting, lol. Ok, ok...now that i've picked on you, i'll be serious. To help you out in future requests, it's always best to give out as much info as possible. What is the request, what is it for. It's always best to give out too much information rather than too little.
I agree with another poster here. Just download a high res google logo and slap it onto a background the size you need. Gimp is free and can do just this.
Oh, also found this (just happened to be browsing in the boot animations thread. I haven't seen the animation itself, but it's the logo from the splash screen with 2 gears under it. I'm sure with a small amount of editing, you can get this to do what you want.
The Google logo is built Into the boot loader. Good lick extracting it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 @1.5 GHz on Stock 4.2.1
leejonnymr said:
Yes, I just want to make it part of my boot animation. I need the actual image so I can mess around with it and add new things to it.
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here you go.
matrix0886 said:
Wow. You're like one of those people that call tech support and give the most vague answers and descriptions turning what could have been a 10 minute call into a 2 hour call. It took two pages just to understand what you were wanting, lol. Ok, ok...now that i've picked on you, i'll be serious. To help you out in future requests, it's always best to give out as much info as possible. What is the request, what is it for. It's always best to give out too much information rather than too little.
I agree with another poster here. Just download a high res google logo and slap it onto a background the size you need. Gimp is free and can do just this.
Oh, also found this (just happened to be browsing in the boot animations thread. I haven't seen the animation itself, but it's the logo from the splash screen with 2 gears under it. I'm sure with a small amount of editing, you can get this to do what you want.
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I don't see what the big deal is. He asked for an image and you guys all get into his business as,img what it's for. It doesn't matter, he just asked for the image.. you are the one making this complicated.
Now, OP you can probably find an image on google images or try to figure out how to extract it rom the splash image

[Bootsplash] Not Dead...Just Grateful

For all my fellow Deadheads out there - boot splash image for AT&T Galaxy SIII - Not Dead....Just Grateful.
I have only the AT&T Galaxy SIII to test with, but should in theory work on any device with a 720x1280 screen size.
Image by me.
Many thanks to con247 for creating the tool that I used to create the flashable zip.
Preview (Dropbox): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/204816/Galaxy%20SIII%20Bootsplash.bmp
1. Download attached zip file, or via Dropbox.
2. Flash in CWM or TWRP.
3. Reboot and enjoy!
Questions or problems? Send me a message.
Like it? You're welcome already!
Love it! I miss Jerry.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
I was listening to the dead when I found this. Awesome. However I was also partaking in a popular deadhead hobby, so is this a boot animation? I made a dancing bear battery for my wife's vivid awhile back. If I still have it ill get it flashable for us and post a link if you want to try it.
Boot animation
Bubba Fett said:
I was listening to the dead when I found this. Awesome. However I was also partaking in a popular deadhead hobby, so is this a boot animation? I made a dancing bear battery for my wife's vivid awhile back. If I still have it ill get it flashable for us and post a link if you want to try it.
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This is just a bootsplash, however, I had started to work on one using screen caps from the Grateful Dead Movie, but I never really got it finished up. I originally developed this splash and the animation for my old HTC Inspire 4G, so I'll need to do some resizing/reworking to make it compatible with the SGS3.
Previously, I was using a tool called Boot Animation Factory (see this post) which made the process super simple, but I'll have to do some research into the process for SGS3.
I'd love to see what you've got. Get it flashable and I'll give it a spin!
Ill get that converted over and post it probably tomorrow.
Edit: Bad things. My wifes sd card is 99% dead. The bad kind. Know any tricks for recovering data? While you're thinking, I've heard just about all of them done 50 different ways, but this is my all time favorite.(I'm not starting an off topic here, just what Jerry would have wanted me to do. Share!) Sorry for mp3. Lost the original show.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tzr5xvow1cfd6tw/03-Track 3.mp3
Sorry bro I lost it. Love the splash screen though. Thanks.

