Am I late on this news or what? - T-Mobile, Samsung Galaxy SIII

Developer interest in Android has decreased
Administrator | 09/28/2012 | 16:12
Android logoDespite its continued increase in the mainstream consciousness, Android has seen a decrease in developer interest. A new survey from Appcelerator found that 76% of mobile developers are "very interested" in creating apps for Android. 85% said they were very interested in the iPhone.
Last year at this time, both of those numbers were closer to 90%.
So interest among all platforms has deen a drop-off, but Android is showing the starkest decline, especially in comparison to its relative growth in the market.
The survey didn't provide much in the way of qualitative information to figure out why this is. In fact, one of the results of the survey found that developers see a large installed base as one of the key factors when deciding which platform to develop for - something that Android obviously has.
This survey comes just as Google announced that Google Play app downloads have exceeded 25 billion. The total number of apps in Google Play now stands at around 675,000. So it seems very odd that interest in these platforms has declined.
Maybe it's just due to the changing tide of the industry right now, and hopefully interest in development will start climbing back up.
As Phandroid's Kevin Krause points out, it’s important to note a trend common among nearly all platforms in Appcelerators Q3 survey.
"All platforms, including iOS, saw a drop off from the previous quarter except for Windows 8 Tablets. While developer interest still remains higher for Apple’s iPhone and iPad, it too has declined since the middle of 2011, though to a lesser degree than Google’s Android platform," he explained.
"As such, the figure could be easily attributed to the introduction of new platforms such as Windows Phone or to a general shift towards HTML5 over native mobile apps."
Source: TGDaily
found here on this site-

please post in the right section. development is for roms/mods/kernels. all questions belong in Q&A. an this will be moved to general

i think people are running out of creativity and are just working on improvement of what is already out. windows platform are increasing because they lack in apps... so developers are obviously flocking over there to try to be the first at something that is already made for android and ios.

Op despite copy pasting something from somewhere can you also let us know what did you understand from the stuff u copy pasted? Cuz i personally do not see how it affects us, since there already are all kind of apps one can need

It was just kind of a shock. Personally I'm pretty new at all this and am surprised at the strength of the Android OS community. That "copy and paste" seemed to me as if they were trying to say Android is a thing of the past and will soon be forgotten. It was really meant to be a post along the "informative" lines or to help others involved in the Android OS community remain up to date on the current events unfolding around us, and/or to see what others may think of the statements made in the article as well. So as far as learning something goes............nah, I didn't learn a single thing that I probably couldn't have figured out on my own. Thanks for askin' there though buddy!

countryboy092782 said:
It was just kind of a shock. Personally I'm pretty new at all this and am surprised at the strength of the Android OS community. That "copy and paste" seemed to me as if they were trying to say Android is a thing of the past and will soon be forgotten. It was really meant to be a post along the "informative" lines or to help others involved in the Android OS community remain up to date on the current events unfolding around us, and/or to see what others may think of the statements made in the article as well. So as far as learning something goes............nah, I didn't learn a single thing that I probably couldn't have figured out on my own. Thanks for askin' there though buddy!
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The problem with stories like this are that people don't look at all the facts, just the ones that help prove their point (not talking about anyone in particular, more of a generalization).
Yeah, there's been a 15% drop in interest in app development, 20% total if you include iOS.
Things that weren't taken into account:
1. There are 1 in 5 people who aren't interested in mobile app development anymore...that means there is still (on average) about 4 out of 5 people who are interested. 4 out of 5 is about 4 times bigger than 1 out of 5. Which means 4 times as many people are still interested than those who aren't interested. Sounds pretty healthy to me.
2. The Play Store and the App Store have something like 1.3 million application between Android and iOS. People who "lost interest" very likely had interest, developed their application, and are no longer interested in developing any more applications. 1.3 million is a very crowded app market. It's not like Pokemon where there's a chance you can catch em all if you play long enough. You'll never use every app in Android or iOS. So is it really that big of a deal if app development slows down a little bit?
3. As others have mentioned, Windows 8 is about to launch. Windows 8 has like no applications (very few, I've looked) devs could be looking for greener pastures. It doesn't mean they won't come back if they have a great idea for Android or iOS, it just means they don't have any now.
For every negative thing you can think of about there being a 20% drop in app dev interest over 2 mobile platforms, there are still just as many (if not more) positive things you can counter it this isn't a statistic really worth worrying about.

I really just kinda threw it out there to see folks thoughts on it. Thank you for your take on it all Mr. Poor College Guy, and thank you for the rescue. I thought I was about to be tied up in a political pissin' contest there for a moment


Microsoft $5000 idea competition

Hi guys before some hours Microsoft announce a $5000 competition where they call us to submit and vote an idea for a windows phone 7 which will take place on the real devices with all others Microsoft apps free...
No development skills needed!!! you should just text your idea and describe it correctly and your idea will instantly complete other ideas for the best place. The inventor of the 1st idea will be prized $5000 for a nice holiday...
check out mine...
have a nice day...
check out mine
its so you can send & receive text & voice messages to & from the xbox to the phone
edit: dont forget to vote..for mine that is
nice idea
nice idea, do you do interesting my idea?
An Open Letter to Smartphone Users from the founders of appubator, inc.
appubator, inc. Suggests That Users Think Twice Before Participating In Microsoft 'App' Contest
This week, Microsoft announced a contest called "Hey Windows Phone, I Need This App". This contest offers a $5,000 prize to the person whose idea for a new Windows Phone application receives the most votes from the general public.
We at appubator, inc. want to suggest that people think twice before participating in this contest. While a $5,000 prize sounds attractive, there are many drawbacks to your participation.
1) Your great idea for a new smartphone app is no longer yours and out in the open for people to copy.
2) Microsoft is only commiting to develop one mobile app from the hundreds or thousands submitted.
3) No matter how successful your idea is, you will not participate in the revenue that your app provides above the $5,000 prize.
4) Your idea is limited to a single smartphone platform. More than 80% of US smartphone users are on other devices than Windows Phone and you're now missing the opportunity to make money from an app idea for those platforms.
We'd like to suggest instead that you visit our website at appubator develops new mobile apps for the leading smartphone platforms based on ideas submitted from the general public. Unlike the Windows Phone contest:
1) appubator allows you to keep control of your 'app ideas' by keeping them confidential. Just register at and securely submit your idea to our evaluation team where it remains yours regardless if it is accepted for development.
2) appubator will develop as many apps as there are commercially viable ideas submitted. With appubator, we develop a significant % of the apps that are submitted (not just one as MS suggests in their contest). We've had over 300 submissions so far and have 35 apps under contract / development.
3) While appubator cannot pay $5,000 upfront to one lucky winner, we fund 100% of the app's development and sign a contract that gives each submitter 30% of future revenues.
4) We look to release apps based on approved ideas for all major smartphone platforms in addtion to Windows Phone. This increases the chances for the app to succeed and generate more money for you.
The Microsoft contest is certainly fun and a great way to see your name in lights.
On the other hand, if you'd prefer to have more control of how your ideas are used and want to make real money from the exploiding economy around mobile software and smartphones, be sure to come and visit apppubator at
thanks igolfchip i will take a look...
thank you all
thank you all who supported me (rank 32 of 264)
keep voting...thank you all
That submission system is horrible, in every way possible.
I think that the one who developed it was TRYING to make is as bad, irritating and un user-friendly as possible.
Why the **** would you block the browsers back function AND open in new tab function. Also, the UI makes no sense at all. It took me several minutes to realize that there actually was a way to step back to the enteries list.
And. The idea at first place is horrible. Who the **** would use that?
a lot of people apparently. I found it pretty confusing as well...anyway heres my idea
sorry re did the link
style1 said:
a lot of people apparently. I found it pretty confusing as well...anyway heres my idea
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you link doesnt lead to your idea try redoing it plz...thanks
Location based reminder
How about a Location based reminder application? it should be really usefull
Support my Idea
thats a great idea, similar the the Else phone prototype I've been playing with for the past couple days.
igolfchip said:
appubator, inc. Suggests That Users Think Twice Before Participating In Microsoft 'App' Contest
This week, Microsoft announced a contest called "Hey Windows Phone, I Need This App". This contest offers a $5,000 prize to the person whose idea for a new Windows Phone application receives the most votes from the general public.
We at appubator, inc. want to suggest that people think twice before participating in this contest. While a $5,000 prize sounds attractive, there are many drawbacks to your participation.
1) Your great idea for a new smartphone app is no longer yours and out in the open for people to copy.
2) Microsoft is only commiting to develop one mobile app from the hundreds or thousands submitted.
3) No matter how successful your idea is, you will not participate in the revenue that your app provides above the $5,000 prize.
4) Your idea is limited to a single smartphone platform. More than 80% of US smartphone users are on other devices than Windows Phone and you're now missing the opportunity to make money from an app idea for those platforms.
We'd like to suggest instead that you visit our website at appubator develops new mobile apps for the leading smartphone platforms based on ideas submitted from the general public. Unlike the Windows Phone contest:
1) appubator allows you to keep control of your 'app ideas' by keeping them confidential. Just register at [removed] and securely submit your idea to our evaluation team where it remains yours regardless if it is accepted for development.
2) appubator will develop as many apps as there are commercially viable ideas submitted. With appubator, we develop a significant % of the apps that are submitted (not just one as MS suggests in their contest). We've had over 300 submissions so far and have 35 apps under contract / development.
3) While appubator cannot pay $5,000 upfront to one lucky winner, we fund 100% of the app's development and sign a contract that gives each submitter 30% of future revenues.
4) We look to release apps based on approved ideas for all major smartphone platforms in addtion to Windows Phone. This increases the chances for the app to succeed and generate more money for you.
The Microsoft contest is certainly fun and a great way to see your name in lights.
On the other hand, if you'd prefer to have more control of how your ideas are used and want to make real money from the exploiding economy around mobile software and smartphones, be sure to come and visit apppubator at [removed - new user].
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I think the main point of this Microsoft initiative is to allow regular users (not power enthusiasts) to get their ideas out and there and iterate in a community fashion. Already, I've been threads pop up on the site, with people contributing new features and fleshing out applications. Sure, the idea gets out there and is essentially public domain, but if the user truly believes in the idea, perhaps someone else, not necessarily Microsoft will pick it up.
Appubator sounds like a pretty neat business model, but the apps that do get submitted seem to go into a deep, dark hole. There's no visibility into how the final application will develop from the initial kickoff idea. And to play devil's advocate, there's little to stop you from 'rejecting' an idea, only to come up with another application that is but a variation on a theme. I am in no way saying that you have, or will do this.
Both models are valid, I'd just like to throw a somewhat counter-argument out there for people to consider as well. No offence intended at all, Appubator!
anaadoul said:
How about a Location based reminder application? it should be really usefull
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Hey lol, your idea is like mine!! hahaha its the same concept! only problem is that I put it first XD
chuck232 said:
I think the main point of this Microsoft initiative is to allow regular users (not power enthusiasts) to get their ideas out and there and iterate in a community fashion. Already, I've been threads pop up on the site, with people contributing new features and fleshing out applications. Sure, the idea gets out there and is essentially public domain, but if the user truly believes in the idea, perhaps someone else, not necessarily Microsoft will pick it up.
Appubator sounds like a pretty neat business model, but the apps that do get submitted seem to go into a deep, dark hole. There's no visibility into how the final application will develop from the initial kickoff idea. And to play devil's advocate, there's little to stop you from 'rejecting' an idea, only to come up with another application that is but a variation on a theme. I am in no way saying that you have, or will do this.
Both models are valid, I'd just like to throw a somewhat counter-argument out there for people to consider as well. No offence intended at all, Appubator!
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Thanks for replying to my posts! No offense taken at all.
You bring up few interesting points and since this is out in the public, I'd like to clarify a few things:
appubator isn't intended for power users. Its more for the 'average joe' who uses smartphones and might have a great idea but no understanding or resources to make it happen. By submitting an idea and our current high rate of approvals, they have a real chance of their app making its way to market.
As for your 'black hole' comment, we've worked hard to build a system that's based on secure submission of the idea and to provide timely feedback to the user. When submitted, we score the idea (which the user can see) and look to provide approval / rejection for most ideas within 30 days.
Your point about rejecting then doing variations is the farthest from our minds. We don't believe our business will work f we did not treat submitters fairly and regard their submissions with the highest levels of integrity. There's actually been a case where we independently had an idea prior to a submission, but to ensure that there were not concerns, we recognized the submitter's idea anyway and executed our rev. share agreement.
Basically, we at appubator think that throwing all these ideas out into the public domain is wasteful. There would likely be a dozen or more commercially viable concepts within and folks have better odds of making their $5,000 by working with appubator or other app development houses than this contest.
This is my idea, please comment, thanks!
heres my Automotive/nav App
Weather Alarm for Windows Phone
How about supporting my idea?
Weather Alarm is an app that checks your current location via my location service and then checks accuweather or other weather service for upcoming weather changes.
Just before the regular alarm clock ring time, the weather alarm checks the weather. If the forecast is significantly different from what it was the last couple of days, the screen flashes at the time of the alarm notifying the user of clothing/accessories he/she must carry for this day (ie. take the umbrella, take a hat and sunglasses, take water with you, take your coat, use non slippy shoes, wear sun lotion etc.)
How do you find my idea? If you like it, please follow the above link. Don't forget to click on that green button on that page saying: "Vote for this entry"
Thanks so much for your support!!!
I'm supporting everyone who posts here. I truely hope someone from XDA wins. Microsoft owes its existence to this site, we've been fixing WM since forever, give us some love. I honestly think we should all get together, choose the best idea and have everyone we know vote for that one idea. We might be salting the waters but its for a good cause.
Created this one before the job posting for MS Game Studios for Mobile was even found. Now that we know there's a chance, let's boost it higher!
Just a reminder to all members deciding to vote for the ideas in this thread...
You can vote once per day until the end of the competition, ie July 8th, 2010.
So if you want to support us (and if you have the time of course while checking out XDA developer forums ), you can click on each of our idea links on this thread once a day.
Here is my idea for the Weather Alarm app..
PS: Don't forget to click on the green "Vote for this Entry" button of the idea pages

WP7 is easy coding!!

Coding wars: iOS vs Android vs Windows Phone 7
Just saw this one getting RT on twitter. we need more discussions here. so i brought it over to see what you all thinks.
The gist of the competition is that the Windows Phone 7 trounced everyone. Whereas the iOS and Android groups had created one page of the app, the WP7 team created "...a mostly working application with most features implemented". In addition, the Androiders had problems with Compiz (a Linux window manager), which kept crashing.
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sadoway said:
Coding wars: iOS vs Android vs Windows Phone 7
Just saw this one getting RT on twitter. we need more discussions here. so i brought it over to see what you all thinks.
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I don't know why, but that set me in fits of laughter XD
Back when the WP7 SDK was still in beta Microsoft held a competition to see who could write the best app. The person who won wrote a streaming music application that he spent less than a day coding on with no prior WP7 experience. He said the same app with a few more features on it took him over 2 weeks to develop on android.
From everything I've been reading. I actually think wp7 sounds like a good platform for beginners. I used to do some coding in highschool. Nothing to advanced, but forgot most everything except maybe logical thinking. Just need a few days to research some resources. Been on xda for a couple years. Might be time to become a contributed
Sent from my LG Optimus 7
I'd prefer World War 3 being a Coding war. quick and painless.
To bad the wp7 user base can't be considered a nation yet.
WP7's design/api is very good for consuming data, this is why the majority of apps are just "lists of something", however it's not good at anything else...
id have to argue that. ive had mine for a week. sure some of the apps are super simple "lists"
but there are a handfull of other apps that the UI is not even close to metro and completely custom. and there are a bunch of games already that are more than simple puzzle games, doodle. like the iphone. im personally really bored with puzzle games, bejewled exluded because i love that game.
it really is a matter of developers making the software. its coming. i had android when it first came out. and aside from the apps that came from the google contest. if was ****. and honestly. most of the apps on android are **** still. so much spam apps. like 200 are just flags. they have so many repative apps that just have maybe one tiny thing changed. where all of those 200 flag apps. could be 1. its an imflated app system. demo and full apps. microsoft was smart where these demo and full apps are typicaly concidered 1 app.
who cares about how many apps each OS has. android is mega inflated and not at all realistic. microsft WILL have a "smaller" number. simoply because demo and full apps are the same.
honestly. how many apps do u scroll thru till you find one you download? 3? 11? 157?
WP7 barely has ANY apps yet. so of course the first ones out of the gate are going to be simple lists. give it 3 months at least. there will be ports of everyones favourits from other platforms. and probably a few new ones that people will drool over wp7.
not a fan with the quick judgments on this platform. i follow my phone closely, the trends, yeah microsoft does have alot of work ahead of them. but it has to start somewhere.
nobody knew about android when it came out. Microsoft does have a larger base. they just need to win everyone back. and IMO it wont be that hard once you use the platform for a couple hours.
I have pc/mac/android/iphone/ipad/WP7
each have there advantages. and not even close to the end of the game for WP7. they really are just getting warmed up.
sorry. went on a rant
though i agree with sadoway, this is also evident in windows phone marketplace (as is iTunes). You can't really get around it unless they really do enforce it's use. Though in some cases I wish they did. I saw like 20 apps a few days ago all from the same company, with the same logo, just different title. I didn't even bother to see what it was, but yea, it's existant in windows phone as well.
im just happy to see that at least the "trial" button. it makes market a bit user friendly. it will cut down on the amount of apps they say they have... (for the people who actualy care but dont know what it means) imo its just a number
its like saying u have 6gb or ram on a winxp computer. most of it is useless anyways, it just sounds impressive when its not.
Once you're doing something else than hammering simple data into lists, it'll show whether you can code your way out of a wet paper bag or not.
Certain limitations in .NET like lack of union structures or pointers (pinning objects will automatically fail certification, due to unsafe code) requires people to get creative to squeeze performance out of algorithms.

No mention of WP7, but lack of apps not a weak point

It has been another extraordinary year for technology products, with companies trying to gain the upper hand in an evolving market.
Smartphones, e-readers, apps and tablets have all been vying for our attention.
Rory Cellan-Jones reviews the gadgets that made waves in 2011, with bloggers Stuart Miles of Pocket-lint and Kat Hannaford of Gizmodo UK, at London's Olympic Park.
She said, she only uses about 3 apps on any single day. Windows has nearly 75,000 now! - Just a thought.
Please don't flame this!
But the speed at which new apps are being published.. marketplace is sure going the good way
drupad2drupad said:
It has been another extraordinary year for technology products, with companies trying to gain the upper hand in an evolving market.
Smartphones, e-readers, apps and tablets have all been vying for our attention.
Rory Cellan-Jones reviews the gadgets that made waves in 2011, with bloggers Stuart Miles of Pocket-lint and Kat Hannaford of Gizmodo UK, at London's Olympic Park.
She said, she only uses about 3 apps on any single day. Windows has nearly 75,000 now! - Just a thought.
Please don't flame this!
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i'm not flaming... your article has no mention of wp7 at all (as you stated), and that puts wp7's presence in perspective for calendar year 2011. A quick search of the comments also showed no references to "wp7" for me. Maybe the fans haven't woken up yet for commenting, or don't care about the 'year in review' or overview, if you will.
A more focused user-based collective opinion about wp7's success or lack of it via adoption numbers is on slashdot, this morning:
there are the usual trolls and fans, but the consensus is what we've all seen debated here on xda before. give the comments a read after the 'article' and you may get some more insight as to why there was no mention of wp7 in your linked article.
happy early new year !
To be fair, he said "no mention of WP7".
ohgood said:
i'm not flaming... your article has no mention of wp7 at all (as you stated), and that puts wp7's presence in perspective for calendar year 2011. A quick search of the comments also showed no references to "wp7" for me. Maybe the fans haven't woken up yet for commenting, or don't care about the 'year in review' or overview, if you will.
A more focused user-based collective opinion about wp7's success or lack of it via adoption numbers is on slashdot, this morning:
there are the usual trolls and fans, but the consensus is what we've all seen debated here on xda before. give the comments a read after the 'article' and you may get some more insight as to why there was no mention of wp7 in your linked article.
happy early new year !
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vetvito said:
To be fair, he said "no mention of WP7".
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LOL why did I just know you guys will comment
Yeah, the only reason to share the video was to show that even though they accept the fact or millions of apps on different platforms, they do acknowledge like most of us that daily we only need 3 apps or so. That is what I mentioned somewhere else in the forum saying - after I moved from android, I thought with only a few thousand apps I will never find apps I used on android, but to my surprise I found everything apart from SMSbackup+ and Titanium back up. But turns out we dont have back up facility yet and hence no apps of that kind. Again my 'need' of app on day to day basis was very little so I might have found the transition easier.
amritpal2489 said:
But the speed at which new apps are being published.. marketplace is sure going the good way
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this i feel is also their downfall, most apps are crap. there is like 25 kama sutra apps, but only 2 google talk apps...
how many HD babe apps does one market place need anyhow?
The quality of apps is an issue though. My nephews got an ipod touchand frankly i was shocked how lame the games on windows phone were compared to ios ones. I think developers need to concentrate on making quality apps.
drupad2drupad said:
Windows has nearly 75,000 now! - Just a thought.
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You keep saying this, but it is simply not true. WP7 just passed the 45000 app mark a couple of weeks ago. And, depending on which site you query, the current total is somewhere between 47000 and 50000.
RoboDad said:
You keep saying this, but it is simply not true. WP7 just passed the 45000 app mark a couple of weeks ago. And, depending on which site you query, the current total is somewhere between 47000 and 50000.
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Lol sorry I keep doing that I know! I think it follows some tweet prediction when it hit 40,000 in November saying with Lumia's launch around end of Dec-early weeks of Jan it will steep to 75,000 (speculation, I know!). But again I think pocketnow tweeted recently of it crossing 50,000 mark this month? Not sure :s
i would rather have 500 QUALITY apps over the 50,000 HD Babes and kama sutra apps that the marketplace now has.
devs are waay too interested in making a quick buck with tons of low quality simpleton apps that took them 1 day to develop that they throw on the market for 99cents. when they could spend some time on making 1 really good app and selling it for $4.99 and they would probably make a lot more money. but instead, they are just looking for a quick buck.
huge problem with windows marketplace. they need to do some app house cleaning instead of just inviting anyone with $99 to put whatever app they want on the market. sure it drives up app numbers, but seriously attracts crappy apps.
look how the itunes app store was. you had to apply for an sdk license, only so many were given out and apps had to be approved. they still had a huge increase in app numbers, but the apps were a lot better quality.
I think it's not a number of apps which is the problem
It's the lack of important ones.
Skype, Opera, Google.... To name just a few.
I'm not sure I understand what makes these big names make apps for certain platforms? Is it solely market shares?
drupad2drupad said:
I'm not sure I understand what makes these big names make apps for certain platforms? Is it solely market shares?
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And quality.
doministry said:
And quality.
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quality of what?
drupad2drupad said:
quality of what?
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I think I misunderstood your previous answer.
I think those big names make apps for the platforms which they perceive as successful and profit making plus they receive all the needed dev tools.
And reach agreements..
svtfmook said:
look how the itunes app store was. you had to apply for an sdk license, only so many were given out and apps had to be approved. they still had a huge increase in app numbers, but the apps were a lot better quality.
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JFYI, WP's developers need to pay an annual fees of 99 USD to be able to submit apps to marketplace, and MS DID make some checking before the apps approved.
And I believe that either Android market or iOS appstore had the same problems with thousands (or maybe millions) of crapwares and only hundred (to thousands) of quality apps. I think you should see the whole picture by refering the ratio of good apps vs bad/crapwares then you might be able to figure out that WP is actually doing quite OK for now.
And maybe my statement is wrong because I'm not some kind of app whore (no offense means).
Anyone seen NBA game time? This is really pushing it, and very frustrating... :/
Lack of apps is a huge weakpoint for many people. I don't care what people say about "quality" being the issue. Most people don't even KNOW what quality even means and they use their slow Facebook and Twitter apps anyway. It's simply the lack of choices involved. If there was simply an app for nearly everything people use, people would happily switch, regardless of app quality. Once people start owning the devices and complain about quality, THEN you'll see the quality go up.
The biggest issues keeping WP down are the lack of marketing here in the US, the lack of quality handsets, and the lack of API's available to developers, who would happily make apps for a platform like Windows.
MrGaius said:
Lack of apps is a huge weakpoint for many people. I don't care what people say about "quality" being the issue. Most people don't even KNOW what quality even means and they use their slow Facebook and Twitter apps anyway. It's simply the lack of choices involved. If there was simply an app for nearly everything people use, people would happily switch, regardless of app quality. Once people start owning the devices and complain about quality, THEN you'll see the quality go up.
The biggest issues keeping WP down are the lack of marketing here in the US, the lack of quality handsets, and the lack of API's available to developers, who would happily make apps for a platform like Windows.
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There is such a discrepency with opinions about wp7. One side says they don't need apps, because wp7 has them all at the core. The other side says apps are needed and will come if/when the platform comes mainstream... but its often the same people saying both.
I've seen wp7 commercials on tv, the internet, stores, billboards, even flashing jumbotron-like LED signs on the way home from work. What I haven't seen is interest from folks. The occasional person using a wp7/zune device in the wild is so rare.
In my opinion WP7 doesn't only need apps. It sure does, but there's way more than that. Since it's a Microsoft product, WP7 should tie in deeper Windows 7, XBox, Skydrive and such. WP7 has to have more "uniqueness" than the UI.

Apps - A Coordinated Effort?

We all know one of the biggest gripes about Windows Phone is the lack of a few key apps. I know that I frequently contact a few companies to let them know that I am looking forward to a Windows Phone version of their existing apps and I’m sure others do as well. So companies get a smattering of requests from some users here and there.
Just wondering if perhaps we focus on one or a few particular apps at a time with many people emailing, tweeting, comments on Facebook etc in a sustained way to let them see that there is actual interest from a large number of users in the Windows Phone community. Who knows, maybe if there is enough noise, some of them will rethink their stand.
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but seemed like good place to see what people think.
Bad idea. Software business works by different way. No one cares about your tweets or fb posts or forum noise - it's just a children game.
I agree that it may not make a difference, however companies often do actually listen to what people are saying. If it sounds like there is a demand, some companies who have been on the fence, may well pull the trigger and make something happen.
I've had luck getting companies to do things when I ask publicly that they wouldn't do when I asked privately. So it seems like getting more people asking publicly may well help in some instances.
willp2 said:
I agree that it may not make a difference, however companies often do actually listen to what people are saying. If it sounds like there is a demand, some companies who have been on the fence, may well pull the trigger and make something happen.
I've had luck getting companies to do things when I ask publicly that they wouldn't do when I asked privately. So it seems like getting more people asking publicly may well help in some instances.
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Other than XDA, if you also post this on WPCentral forum, you will get much much much better and enthusiastic response for such requests. There is a list of app-requests somwhere in this forum too, if you wanted a place to pick apps-in-demand from.
I'm afraid you are mistaken. Companies are "listening" their marketing stuff, investors and personal CEO/chairman opinions. Neither facebook posts nor tweets can change company budget, marketing strategy or development roadmap. In fact, the most companies are controlled by the intelligent and informed people, so you may be sure they already knew about WP7 platform
P.S. Let me guess: you've never worked in software industry, don't you?
Thanks for the comments on WPCentral forum, good point. More regular users over there.
sensboston - You made my point exactly. Companies are listening to marketing staff, investors and personal CEO/chairman opinions. Those people, especially the marketing types pay attention to what the outside world is saying. If they see noise about a particular topic, it gets their attention.
For instance, if that company releases a new version of an app that has big problems, they'll hear about it first from all those social sources and they will generally try to react quickly to quite down the noise.
Not that it matters or even relevant to what I'm talking about here, but I've been in the software industry for over 20 years.
willp2 said:
For instance, if that company releases a new version of an app that has big problems, they'll hear about it first from all those social sources and they will generally try to react quickly to quite down the noise.
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It's a completely different case. Yes, I agree - huge noise/rumors about critical bug in popular app/software can push (some) companies to force fix or workaround immediately (good example is a Nokia representatives, who's - I believe - are monitoring XDA forums daily)
But porting app to the different platform (especially to WP7!) is very complicated. Most primary titles are written on C++ and uses native code/API calls. "Porting" C++ code to C#/Silverlight isn't just "porting"; it's much more close to complete rewrite. Also WP7 platform support means an additional tier of Q&A and etc. and so on (if you are really worked more than 20 years in industry you can easily extend these requirements).
100 or even 1000 facebook posts and forum requests can't show you a real app demand but statistics can. Unfortunately WP7 market share currently is too small (at the end of 2011 it was about 2%).
I thought there was a similar thread already, but if not then perhaps we can do that. I heard a company saying, they'll port it to windows phone if they enough demands.
I do get that it's not a trivial task.
Again I was really just getting at the many companies who are already considering moving to Windows Phone but are on the fence.
As we know more and more apps are being ported every week so many companies already have been thinking about, planning or are already doing it. In some cases a little public pressure may at least confirm to them that people are interested and perhaps move things along.
lamborg - sorry if someone else already brought this up in another thread, I did search around first.
willp2 said:
I do get that it's not a trivial task.
Again I was really just getting at the many companies who are already considering moving to Windows Phone but are on the fence.
As we know more and more apps are being ported every week so many companies already have been thinking about, planning or are already doing it. In some cases a little public pressure may at least confirm to them that people are interested and perhaps move things along.
lamborg - sorry if someone else already brought this up in another thread, I did search around first.
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I am not sure either but I think I have seen a similar thread, Anyway, if that cannot be found.
BTW it was I think Draw Something which said about the enough demand.
Maybe try crowd funding
Maybe this is an area where crowd funding could help.
I mean, people can make noise about want for a particular WP7 app as much as they like, but at the end of the day somebody has to pay for development, in some way, either directly or indirectly.
A successful crowd funding campaign for an app would probably prove much more that there really is demand than just so many Facebook postings.
Of course there is also the danger that such a campaign fails miserably and shows that there isn't real demand, just a very vocal but small minority wanting the app...
rbrunner7 said:
Maybe this is an area where crowd funding could help.
I mean, people can make noise about want for a particular WP7 app as much as they like, but at the end of the day somebody has to pay for development, in some way, either directly or indirectly.
A successful crowd funding campaign for an app would probably prove much more that there really is demand than just so many Facebook postings.
Of course there is also the danger that such a campaign fails miserably and shows that there isn't real demand, just a very vocal but small minority wanting the app...
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Guarantee this would not get noticed. Most users on the site don't even donate to the devs that post apps here that they use, let alone donate to some fund for the possibility of an app being ported.
Standard contractor rates for a software engineer are about $100 to $150 per hour. Salaried devs make less, but the cost is close to the same for companies because of benefits packages. So, 1 day of dev time for 1 developer is going to cost around $1000. My guess is a crowd fund would not even reach $100. But even if $10000 were collected, that would only cover a team of 5 for 2 days. And, 5 days for 20 business days would cost $100000. And this is is exactly why companies have been slow to bring apps over. It's expensive.
The other aspect is that although the syntax is similar in C#, Java, and C++; there are enough differences to make it less than a simple task to just switch over. Most devs with experience have been doing either C# or Java or C++. Most have not been doing all 3. This means paying money and taking time to get the existing devs trained or hire additional devs and transfering domain knowledge to them. Both have costs. (Note: iPhone is Objective C, which is different, but also has similarities. Same issues though)
Many companies just don't have the resources to spend when the return on investment is not short term. Long term as more consumers buy Windows Phones, it will be more economically viable for companies to invest in porting the applications.
JVH3 said:
Guarantee this would not get noticed. Most users on the site don't even donate to the devs that post apps here that they use
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He-he... Most users on the site are too lazy, greedy and irresponsible not even for donation but just for vote and review published here on XDA apps And some are so ungrateful that they forget just to say "Thanks"... Don't tell me about donations: I've collected money for Cotulla, for the Samsung's first freedom ROM for WP7... From hundreds of Focus owners here only 13 or 14 people are donated.
As for your arguments: it's 100% true for an adult professionals but of course not for 12-14 years old teens who "has over 20 years of software industry experience"
Yeah, I am myself a professional developer at day time, and I know how much it costs my company to employ me
But still, I think not all hope is lost. Some people may read this thread and just maybe change their attitude against devs that offer "free" things a little to the better - good that we talked about it, then!
And as I program in my free time anyway, just for fun, even a crowdsourced 1000 dollars could nudge me in a direction that I would not take otherwise, and people get the app they like. Of course only if the right APIs and server permissions are there to build it in the first place which of course is not always the case - many apps can only be built by the companies who own the corresponding server infrastructure.
rbrunner7 said:
Yeah, I am myself a professional developer at day time, and I know how much it costs my company to employ me
But still, I think not all hope is lost. Some people may read this thread and just maybe change their attitude against devs that offer "free" things a little to the better - good that we talked about it, then!
And as I program in my free time anyway, just for fun, even a crowdsourced 1000 dollars could nudge me in a direction that I would not take otherwise, and people get the app they like. Of course only if the right APIs and server permissions are there to build it in the first place which of course is not always the case - many apps can only be built by the companies who own the corresponding server infrastructure.
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Not to be discouraging, but it is pretty unlikely to get $1000 in donation from users here. It you look at the weather city editor that I wrote (link to thread in signature) for Windows Mobile, I got maybe close to $500 in donations from the time I created it through the entire time I worked on it, supported it, and enhanced it. I created it because I needed it and turned it into more than I needed so others could easily use it. The donations came from maybe 20 to 30 users. It was downloaded by well over 10000 users.
If looking for money as the reward, you are much better off paying Microsoft the $100 and putting the app on the marketplace and charging a dollar or making it be ad supported.
You'll still get respect for making cool things and posting them here, but it's not going to make you rich. It's a great place to learn and get some experience making apps though. Lots of people are willing to help if you get stuck on something.
It's a nice thought but, in reality it wont work
I thought about doing this too...
If you got everyone to attempt to do it, it might but, if you only get 50 people to do it(and that would be a lot in a fourm to request something they might not be interested in) that is a little bit compared to their marketplace with iOS or Android.
I personally really want Cut the Rope but, after posting a handfull of times on their facebook page and even emailing customer service, no luck

Anyone tried j2objc yet?

Wondering if it's worthwhile before I invest time in creating a Mac OS X VM + Xcode to port my android apps to iOS.
lapucele said:
Wondering if it's worthwhile before I invest time in creating a Mac OS X VM + Xcode to port my android apps to iOS.
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just realised this may be the wrong subforum to post the above question. Could this thread be moved?
lapucele said:
just realised this may be the wrong subforum to post the above question. Could this thread be moved?
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Actually I clicked on here thinking myself that this was for "application porting" as I came from the front page, and then it wasn't till I saw you replied to your own thread with the above that I realised? I think there is a bug in the forums, not you posting in the incorrect location?
Anyway to discuss your topic, I have recently downloaded all the necessary stuff to do as you are considering. One thing to be careful of is the fact that Apple from my understanding will give you their wrath if they find out.
Apple software is ONLY to be run on Apple hardware, If they find out (and they have their ways from what I have heard) you instantly banned for life. I guess nothing stopping you starting again, but remember your app is pulled and you kind of couldn't get away with releasing it under a different name account again later on without them knowing?
There's always the cydia market place which I hear is still fairly profitable...up until recently I wasn't even aware that is was a paid market place, I had always been of the impression that it was a hackers market for people who 1) mod their device tweak it like us android users 2) jailbroken (but stock and no alternative to iTunes) 3) People who pirate apps.
However i have learned that it has quite a following an even some developers release on both iTunes and Cydia.
Anyway just my thoughts. I am in contact with a developer that is into the whole cydia thing so if you have any questions you want answers for give me a holla
Jarmezrocks said:
Actually I clicked on here thinking myself that this was for "application porting" as I came from the front page, and then it wasn't till I saw you replied to your own thread with the above that I realised? I think there is a bug in the forums, not you posting in the incorrect location?
Anyway to discuss your topic, I have recently downloaded all the necessary stuff to do as you are considering. One thing to be careful of is the fact that Apple from my understanding will give you their wrath if they find out.
Apple software is ONLY to be run on Apple hardware, If they find out (and they have their ways from what I have heard) you instantly banned for life. I guess nothing stopping you starting again, but remember your app is pulled and you kind of couldn't get away with releasing it under a different name account again later on without them knowing?
There's always the cydia market place which I hear is still fairly profitable...up until recently I wasn't even aware that is was a paid market place, I had always been of the impression that it was a hackers market for people who 1) mod their device tweak it like us android users 2) jailbroken (but stock and no alternative to iTunes) 3) People who pirate apps.
However i have learned that it has quite a following an even some developers release on both iTunes and Cydia.
Anyway just my thoughts. I am in contact with a developer that is into the whole cydia thing so if you have any questions you want answers for give me a holla
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wow thanks for the heads up! i've heard varying stories too. i totally didn't think of the 3rd party app stores.
lapucele said:
wow thanks for the heads up! i've heard varying stories too. i totally didn't think of the 3rd party app stores.
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Just thought I'd mention as I only heard yesterday, but the newest edition of the app store for Apple is called AppCake for Apple. Apparently Apple is now going about systematically shutting down every 3rd party non-apple owned store including the non so legitimate suppliers of of Apple after market hardware products. That means everyone with anything that connects to an apple product that isn't apple or made by apple is a target. Geeese they don't let up do they? Developers mention that Apple will never be able to shut them down :silly: that they can and will do what they like with their iDevices cause they own them.
Oh and other thing to look out for if you go to Apple/iTunes, is this company Lodsys who are world renowned for being patent trolls who are systematically targeting individual developers for breaches in copy right for, get this......'in app purchasing' they claim that they invented it and are now suing several developers from iTunes (them personally) for using the iTunes supplied SDK for in app purchasing. Apple is doing the right thing and trying to defend these developers but the World IP org and US patents office can't do a god damned thing about it until things hurry up and get pushed through a ballot of senators to have groups like them shut down. Until then they are working their best and fastest with trying to sue as many people as they can! Unfortunately for most its a loosing battle as they don't have the money or resources to fight these bastards so they end up paying up. In an new interview I heard one company claimed it was cheeper to settle for 100K out of court than what it was to commit to defending them selves even though this group targeting them was 100% wrong.
But not meaning to scare you...or anything just keeping you filled in. Me personally I would write them a letter saying 4 words on one line followed by 4 words on a second line "Go f*%# your self" "See you in court" and go seek one of my dad's barrister friends to do it no win no fee. Screw that. I would be flaunting that I have in app purchasing sayin come at me bro
Jarmezrocks said:
Actually I clicked on here thinking myself that this was for "application porting" as I came from the front page, and then it wasn't till I saw you replied to your own thread with the above that I realised? I think there is a bug in the forums, not you posting in the incorrect location?
Anyway to discuss your topic, I have recently downloaded all the necessary stuff to do as you are considering. One thing to be careful of is the fact that Apple from my understanding will give you their wrath if they find out.
Apple software is ONLY to be run on Apple hardware, If they find out (and they have their ways from what I have heard) you instantly banned for life. I guess nothing stopping you starting again, but remember your app is pulled and you kind of couldn't get away with releasing it under a different name account again later on without them knowing?
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No you guys are right. This is for porting apps across platforms, but people seem to confuse it with ROM porting.
Q. I know pretty much zero about iOS, and generally have always been anti apple. Are you trying to say that using something like j2 on lets say a virtual box on windows, is somehow a detectable and bannable offense in apple land? It's late and i might be just be misreading, but would like to know.
Mostly because i picked up a job on an Android app, and have been talking a bit about putting the app out for iphones after I finish up the android version, but don't really know where to begin.
out of ideas said:
No you guys are right. This is for porting apps across platforms, but people seem to confuse it with ROM porting.
Q. I know pretty much zero about iOS, and generally have always been anti apple. Are you trying to say that using something like j2 on lets say a virtual box on windows, is somehow a detectable and bannable offense in apple land? It's late and i might be just be misreading, but would like to know.
Mostly because i picked up a job on an Android app, and have been talking a bit about putting the app out for iphones after I finish up the android version, but don't really know where to begin.
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My Research and Understanding
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. To run Apple in a VM is in breach of their TOS and Usage policy. It also entitles them to seek prosecution also; so not just a ban from iTunes. Going by Apples past history I wouldn't put it past them? Although now with Tim Cook in charge of things I think Apple is going about things a bit more differently now? For better or worse (people had their opinions of Steve Jobs - personally I disliked him but did appreciate his success and achievements for what they stacked up to be, personal opinions aside it takes a great person to do such) Apple is starting to become a bit more valued in collaborations as this is what Tim Cook always wanted working for Apple that he was never able to have whilst Steve was the master of the helm. Tim Cook was more about getting the job done and sharing. Steve's ongoing vendetta litigations were not Tim Cooks choice and/or advice. He didn't want such things from what I have read? More recently his involvement in legal matters has been observed as retracted and no confronting; he has proceeded to do these actions as part of Steve Jobs dying wishes and nothing more.
As far as I can tell he wants to nothing more than to get things out of the way and over and done with so that he and his company can move on.
My thoughts on this as an observer in the mobile tech industry is that I think Apple has dropped the ball a bit, and it is probably far too little far too late. However with a company with that much money behind it? There's only speculations about what holds in the future of Apple? They are certainly not going away or going to fall in to ruins that's for certain.
What I mean is that, yes there has been a heap of legal stuff seen by Apple and most of it very negative, but my feeling is that this won't be the case here on into the future, so the likelihood of facing a court for breach of Terms of Use are likely to be very small. I am sure that editing a build.prop is considered a breach of Google's TOS for use of a device in their Playstore?
My suggestion is to give it a try I have had some issues setting up my VM but have got all the necessary resources including all the software. I have just become too busy and it is not high on the priority list at the moment. I wanted to try gain an understanding of how Apple detects it's visitors. I mean iTunes is cross platform Windows and Mac (There is no release for Ubuntu or Linux AFAIK? only Wine type hacks) I know when I visit the iTunes webpage I am automatically prompted to download a Windows installer package. So they must have some form of automatic detection? Being that the likes of Virtualbox uses a shared internet connection I would speculate that you would need to choose the correct adapter settings so that your VM is seen to be a running physical machine and not a able to be identified as a shared connection or virtualised connection?
I didn't get this far as my installation has many issues. I still have the VM though for future interest. Feel free to PM me if you give it a try and don't succeed and I am happy to share what things I discovered in my problem solving.
Understanding Limitations for Cross Platform Mobile Development
As for the porting to OS's I believe there are many offerings around now that provide developers with a cross platform arrangement. Essentially only the UI resources need to change and then that plugs into a framework structure for your application to run in. You compile the code individual applications that are specific to the platform but you ARE able to develop your main code independent of the platforms. Languages such as Flex or Rubi on rails are going to be your best bet from my research?
Things You Should Consider
1. Single code repository
2. Individual application frameworks - compilation of application runtime for independent OS type
3. Limitations are stipulated and governed by what is allow at the lowest possible denominator. i.e. You can only build code into your single code repository that can accessed by the functionality of both(or all) platforms. What I mean is that there is no use building a single code repository that uses a function that is limited on one platform and not the other, another example is restrictions dictated to you by the likes of such companies like Apple. They have a strict guidelines and what is potentially available to you may not be in its context. Just because certain functionality is available to you in the Apple platform and you have even seen it in use on Apple devices does not necessarily mean that you can build and release it. In it's context Apple may not like what you are doing with your app and not approve it.
Your single point of code and it entirety has just shrunk in functionality to both devices now. So be careful and Anticipate what you might think the outcome is for your Application facing such scrutinisation and what it could possibly mean for your project as a whole?
On this note I have heard of developers making scripts and add-ons for their said central repository that allows them to restrict things ats compile time. For instance having greyed out selections in menus and a toast like notification to users like "Sorry this functionality is only available to Android users" and things like that.
Hope this helps contribute towards people considering on such ventures. Do your research. Find out what types of apps have been rejected from being published and find the reasons for why?
lapucele said:
Wondering if it's worthwhile before I invest time in creating a Mac OS X VM + Xcode to port my android apps to iOS.
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I will check it in next week

