need help - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

whenever i flash other roms when i want to start a gameloft game it will show INVALID LICENSE any can help me?


MDA Pro update with qtek rom is not posible???

when i start the update with the qtek rom, my notebook says: " The Rom image that you are trying to use is not designed to work on your device. Please check the vender Web site and download the correct Rom update" can anybody help me??
all the time i became error 120 i used the method with MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe, but it not works, wat can i do?
Is that the Country ID error? The 120?
If it is, right after you get the error, run it again at once, it should go thru

Cannot open help

'The file cannot be found'
symptoms - help opens, but when clicking on a help link the file comes up with above error. Any path information that can be suggested to fix this?
O/S upgraded BA wm6
As I can understand your flashed ROM version is non original so the Developer has just deleted the Help,Info data from the ROM,probably to achieve some more free space and let install other more useful applications.
Have a good day

No GSMFFS Error!!! Plz Help

Every time I try a Firmware upgrade my P320 I get the "No GSMFFS" error and the installation stops.
Can someone help me understand what GSMFFS is???
Also is there a way to fix this error??? I am getting the Bootloader prompt. It is even finding the image files. But then it says " No GSMFFS. 3 images found" and stops executing.
On a related topic. There seems to be an option to Upgrade the firmware using USB... Has anyone successfully done that???
Please advice!
Someone Anyone???

Fail to Create Transport Error - Please HELP!

I purchased my DHD a couple of days ago and rooted it last evening with the LeeDroid HD 2.2.2 ROM
I have installed a few applications - incase you want me to list them please let me know.
In case you require any logs as well do tell me how to generate those logs.
I randomly get "Fail to Create Transport" Error and sometimes there are some characters after the word "....transport" ..
Its very random so I cannot tell you in which program it occurs the most etc.
Please help! this is driving me crazy and I hope its not something that cannot be resolved.

can someone explain why I can't get port.bat to recognize what com # is??

Guys I have a pic of the screen showing error message about port not being recognized can someone help me figure this out so I can root device and allow hotspot tethering????? Please anyone??? Thank you if you decide to help it will be much appreciated!!!!!!!

