so i got a wildfire s free from bryter reasearch and as i didnt return it to have the software removed that i was testing they stopped me using the net altogether how the hell do i get around this?
Im guessing im gonna have to install a new rom or something along those lines.
any help you guys have would be greatly appreciated
hey guys,
I have been using leedroid for sometime now. But I upgraded to a certain version, cant remember which. But now my paid apps dont appear in the market under downloads.
Not quite sure what is wrong, ive tried re flashing etc with still no joy.
Fortunately I have backups with titanium. But when I try and update them it takes me to the purchase screen again!!
Much appreciated if anyone has any ideas or knows of a fix
Come to think of it was around the time Lee added market enabler. Could this possibly be the issue?
I A few days ago I installed the CyanogenMod rom and it was all working fine.
This morning I noticed I wasnt getting ANY mobile data and I cant seem to use the phone either.
Can anyone please suggest a fix? I am happy to change modems/kernels/roms.
I would like to say im fairly experienced at this stuff (being hacking around with my own roms for a few years) but im am stumped
Thanks for any help
not trying to be an arse, but you could try posting in the QandA forum - this is for dev. prob get more help there.
cminion said:
I A few days ago I installed the CyanogenMod rom and it was all working fine.
This morning I noticed I wasnt getting ANY mobile data and I cant seem to use the phone either.
Can anyone please suggest a fix? I am happy to change modems/kernels/roms.
I would like to say im fairly experienced at this stuff (being hacking around with my own roms for a few years) but im am stumped
Thanks for any help
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And when you do, how about adding some details, what rom, baseband, and stuff from the phone info
You need the JK5 modem if youre on CM7.
I had the same issue yesterday and it scared the hell out of me haha.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA Premium App
You should also read this sticky topic.
How can i get the epst dialer codes to work on the e4gt? I've placed the epst.apk and epst.odex files into the system apps folder set permissions and installed them then reboot and get force close on initial boot then only force closes when I try one of the dialer codes for example ##prl# but does nothing. What do I have to do to be able to get this working so I dont have to plug my phone into my computer to change prls which is a daily thing for me between work and home. I'm a firm believer anything is possible and will help get this going anyway I can just need some help from a more knowledgable person also Im currently running team venums boa rom and would like to keep it that way due to the tremendous improvement I experiance in battery life.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
I'm only aware that the PRL code works on HTC phones.
Im wanting to get it working or something like it working on the epic
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
anyone help me?
EPST is HTC only, and thus by definition will not work on a Samsung phone. Near as I can tell it has something to with changing settings on the radio itself(Anyone want to confirm/deny this?). If that is really what it does, then you are probably going to need to know something about reversing modems to get it working. Why would you want something like this anyways?
Im tired of hooking my phone to my laptop to change prls wanting to do it without doing so. Any tips on how i can get this to work or pointers to aomeone who can do it. Ive been contacting lots of app developers but none want the task of attempting and wont give me a quote considering i waste 20 min a day changing them on the laptop its well worth payin a dev
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
sedds89 said:
Im tired of hooking my phone to my laptop to change prls wanting to do it without doing so. Any tips on how i can get this to work or pointers to aomeone who can do it. Ive been contacting lots of app developers but none want the task of attempting and wont give me a quote considering i waste 20 min a day changing them on the laptop its well worth payin a dev
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
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So is it possible to force it to roam? I just grabbed a e4gt from wirefly to replace my evo4g that I cracked my screen on earlier today and right now I am forcing it to roam while I am at home so I get 3g instead of 1x will I be able to do the same with the e4gt?
I have a samsung Galaxy note 2 (sprint) got it flashed to metro PCs everything was OK for about a month.. now I can't get picture mail send or receive I can't get on the play store my internet goes in an out and my phone keeps saying com.Google something.. I'm really frustrated with it can someone please walk me through what I need to do to fix this please!? When I asked the person who flashed it he said it sounds like my os is corrupted please help I'm a beginner but I would like to learn how to do this!
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Still in need of some help please!!!!!
Thank you for responding. I have read alot of posts on here trying to find out which one will help me most but i guess my real problem is that when he flashed the phone i dont know what he did or didnt do so when i read some of these post im lost because i dont know where to start. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO GIVE ME STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON WHAT TO DO PLEASE? I really want to use all the functions on my phone. Im a dummy when it comes to this thats why i want to learn......[
Thanks to the beautiful works of s0be, to whom I owe a working phone, I'm back up and running. However, getting his ROM working on my device was only half the battle. Unfortunately I still don't have a baseband to use. EDIT: I just realised my brother has the same phone as me. Could one of you guys tell me how to extract the modem from his phone? Thanks in advance. EDIT 2: I'm freaking slow today... Just looked up "How to back up modem" and got like 20 different hits on Google.