Dunno where to put this soooo... My friend tried to root his phone with out asking me and he ****ed it up a bit. It can't connect to anything. If he tries read mail, or if he trys to open market it force quits. The phone is in front of me its running android vs. 2.3.6 model lg-ms840
umm I dunnno its so ... less sophisticated then my S2 or S3 .... I don't want to give him my old S2 he might break it and that would be a sin on the S phones.... so just send me somewhere I can put his phone back to normal any ideas? beside tellling him I can't fix it... I want to help
Help fix my buddys phone.. he works 6 days week and has a kid. guy needs a phone thanks
xxsicknessxx said:
Dunno where to put this soooo... My friend tried to root his phone with out asking me and he ****ed it up a bit. It can't connect to anything. If he tries read mail, or if he trys to open market it force quits. The phone is in front of me its running android vs. 2.3.6 model lg-ms840
umm I dunnno its so ... less sophisticated then my S2 or S3 .... I don't want to give him my old S2 he might break it and that would be a sin on the S phones.... so just send me somewhere I can put his phone back to normal any ideas? beside tellling him I can't fix it... I want to help
Help fix my buddys phone.. he works 6 days week and has a kid. guy needs a phone thanks
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No idea what he did, but why not just try a factory reset?
Find out what the phone is and you can post in the right form of forum for the best help. You're not likely going to do well here.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Is it an LG Connect 4G phone? Try this forum:
Thanks for the link I found a post there with information and I fixed it no problem
Ok guys and gals, this is the deal, i rooted my Note 2 GT-N7100 via Odin around 2 weeks ago, no issue, good stuff, infact the only reason i rooted was for Avast firewall and anti-theft options that come with avast as this was very useful with my last pnone, nexus...
anyhow it seened in the mean-time i was the last to recieve android 4.1.2 here in the uk, now im not useully impatiant, but curiosity got me and so via odin installed 4.1.2, though this was fine onece done it started up with the three logo, the network my sim is on, but the pnone was stock to all networks, so i believe.
A few days later still all is good, i was playing around with some apps such as Go launcher and others as Coldfustions android 3d ui tutorial had suggested on you tube, still no problems, just a little laggy, so i deleted caches as thought this my hep from the recent flash to 4.1.2 a week or so ago, well thats when things whent bad, very bad, cache deleted and pnone switched off and never came back on, just a red light next to the front facing camra, now, my pnone was clearly rooted with custom binary dowload @ 2, but strangly the system status kept switching to official to custom, looks bad right, what should i do...? many thanks ahead...:good:
Sds issue.
Can you tell the exact name of the file you flashed ?
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
Sad to know that.... but have you try to boot it into recovery or download mode? Try to do it fast after you plug in your battery. It might work... Do let us know the update. Thanks
...Well i took it into the city to a local phone tech who will forward it to a samsung tech who doesn't mind a rooted phone, will cost £20 and said 100% fix:laugh: He suggested that it could be related to the s3 problems and had seen a rise in Feb in this strange activity will be around a week. I haven't tried the battery in/out as suggested, will consider in the future.
The file was from sammobile/hotfile (N7100XXDLL4_N7100H3GDLL2_N7100NEDLK1_HOME.tar.md5) will keep you all posted... thanks:good:
Kk you flashed a sds bugged rom .
You should have clarified if it could be booted or not.
Anyways I just wanted to clarify that this didn't happen due to rooting.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
...Once flashed to 4.1.2 it ran about a week, then when cleared caches it died? So to clarify it was a bugged rom or the actual flash/download that was the problem?... infact I remember in odin on pc the usb cable connection icon should be green for good to go, it was yellow as I could not find the solution as to why and still went ahead and flashed, ran like around a week and then died, maybe it was that, im still learning, a hard lessen to learn... im hoping ill get it back by the end of the week still in one piece...
Can you tell the whole name of the file you flashed?
Sent from my GT-N7100
All the information I could get is on this page with all the w's[/url]) Its the 4.1.2 im not to sure if thats what you want, if not could you point me in the right direction... many thanks...
Yeah it is 4.1.2 but does not contain sds patches.
Sent from my GT-N7100
Ok, not to sure what that means entirely, but why not?
I need to fix my wifes T Mobile S3 by tomorrow afternoon. I have to put the stock firmware back on it. Im trying to download the latest but EVERY link for it online is for Hotfile and it always fails said:
There is a temporary problem with accessing this file. Our technical team is resolving the problem right now.
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The file is "". Does anyone have an alternative free download location?
Are you just looking for the modem?
did you try to download the 'T999UVDLJA' file?.. if you are returning to T-Mo they could careless what version as long as official.. I know some people that are still using ICS on GS3..
JDMpire said:
I need to fix my wifes T Mobile S3 by tomorrow afternoon. I have to put the stock firmware back on it. Im trying to download the latest but EVERY link for it online is for Hotfile and it always fails .
The file is "". Does anyone have an alternative free download location?
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You can get the firmwares from there. Just search for your device, and download. This is straight from samsung.
mgbotoe said:
You can get the firmwares from there. Just search for your device, and download. This is straight from samsung.
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If I'm not mistaking all sammobile firmwares are hosted on the hotfile..
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
re: t999 Stock Firmware
JDMpire said:
I need to fix my wifes T Mobile S3 by tomorrow afternoon. I have to put the stock firmware back on it. Im trying to download the latest but EVERY link for it online is for Hotfile and it always fails .
The file is "". Does anyone have an alternative free download location?
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Here is the stock firmware for Samsung Galaxy S3 t999 phone:
I am certain that this will work just fine for you even if you want to do an exchange of phones at Tmobile.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the help, I ended up getting it from Hotfile, I guess they fixed the problem.
And its not going back to stock for a return. Its going back to stock because I'm sick of the wife complaining. Somehow she ALWAYS breaks the phone. What I mean is, I'll put a nice new rom, all customized out just like I do on my S3, SlimBean rom for example. I'll have it working F'ing PERFECTLY, and in less then a week, she'll complain that the battery only lasts for half a day... or she is getting multiple force closes or the signal is bad or internet is to slow... you name it. This is the 3rd time I've fixed the phone (even got her a new battery. This is the LAST TIME I want to have to F with it. She doesn't break it on purpose, she has NO idea how to root the phone or even what root is. All she knows how to do is go on the web, facebook, SMS, calls and basic stuff, and I mean very basic. So for her, stock should be fine.
My S3 is modded out the ass and never gives me issues. Sigh
Technology and women can be a bad mix...and I am a woman so thats saying a lot...
You can just as easily get a stock rooted rom and flash that. Besides being rooted nothing is changed.
The oem firmware would require you to Odin.
Easier to recovery flash then to Odin.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
JDMpire said:
Thanks for the help, I ended up getting it from Hotfile, I guess they fixed the problem.
And its not going back to stock for a return. Its going back to stock because I'm sick of the wife complaining. Somehow she ALWAYS breaks the phone. What I mean is, I'll put a nice new rom, all customized out just like I do on my S3, SlimBean rom for example. I'll have it working F'ing PERFECTLY, and in less then a week, she'll complain that the battery only lasts for half a day... or she is getting multiple force closes or the signal is bad or internet is to slow... you name it. This is the 3rd time I've fixed the phone (even got her a new battery. This is the LAST TIME I want to have to F with it. She doesn't break it on purpose, she has NO idea how to root the phone or even what root is. All she knows how to do is go on the web, facebook, SMS, calls and basic stuff, and I mean very basic. So for her, stock should be fine.
My S3 is modded out the ass and never gives me issues. Sigh
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Dude we are not married to same person do we? that's sounds like someone I wake up with every morning.. He he..
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Ok so first off, been using XDA for a while now to root various things, you guys have always got me what I need to get things figured out on my own, I have never before this day had to request help and for that, you guys are legendary.
Now I am semi newbi here, I know whats what for the most part but I have a hard time holding information in my short term memory so I am sorry if I miss little things
On to the problem!
So I got an AT&T LG Nitro HD P930, on ebay, I then spent the better part of a day rooting it, took me a lot of work but I eventually got it rooted and all that jazz, everything was going great... but everything changed when the fire nation... wait no... when I put CM9 on it, that crashed quite often, so I put on CM11 to check that out, no Data, so I rolled back one to CM10.2, and still no Data.
Could I have missed something?
I thought at one point the ImeI might have gotten pushed out, but I double checked that and it is there, I have noticed at times I look at the service and it says I have 4 bars and an E next to it like back in the 2G days, but rarely and I have not had it stay long enough to test the data but if I get the chance I will edit and leave what happened here.
Also to note, I do still get random crashes but I can live with that.
P.S.S. XDA Devs are the shiznit, thank you guys for many years of amazing rom's and HP Touchpad support, my tablet is nothing without you guys!
Potential fix
Ok so admitadly I may have jumped the gun on not finding anything via the search function, I did find something digging around that might help me out. just incase anyone else checks this thread due to the same issue I will post back here if it worked, I found the fix on this thread
Posted by Kaos420 about half way down.
Now to test it!
Issues "Unbricking"
So my second go around seems to be having trouble taking off, I cant seem to get the V10F to flash to my device following exactly as it is. always just reboots into my old OS. Any advice?
Edit: Noticed I forgot to rename V10F correctly and tried again, seems to be running smoother, feel like a total noob...
Have you checked you apn settings ?
Fixed it
danilo96 said:
Have you checked you apn settings ?
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I had read something about that and had a backup of my APN but it turns out you cant flash APN data after 4.0+ or some such nonsense.
In the end I managed to get the root to take hold after restoring it from unbrick up, now I have CM9 on it and it is working just shiny. so this thread can be deleted or closed or whatnot.
If anyone would like a step by step on what I did I would be glad to post it but I doubt anyone is interested.
Good thing you got it working. And CM9 was so nice and stable for the Nitro. I often think of reverting back to it just for its reliability.
Sent from my LG-P930 using XDA Free mobile app
AlphaD1 said:
If anyone would like a step by step on what I did I would be glad to post it but I doubt anyone is interested.
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I would appreciate you doing that. I'm on CM11 with no data.
ShadowOf said:
I would appreciate you doing that. I'm on CM11 with no data.
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Its been a while since I did it but I will see if I cant gather all the resources I used, but in the end what I had to do was re-brick it, reverted back to stock everything to recover and re-rooted it all again, then I just skipped CM11 and went back to CM10. Now I am in a whole new **** storm haha but thats a story for another time.
I apologize if this subject has already been covered somewhere. I searched and couldn't find anything to help. I updated my S4 this morning to version 4.4.4 through Samsung Kies. It went through the process no problems, no errors. After the phone rebooted, everything came back and seems to be working, however I noticed that my wifi was off. When I slide the wifi switch to on, it automatically slides back to off. No matter what I do, I cannot get it to turn on. Can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me what I need to do to fix this? Thanks.
Download 4.4.4 firmware and flash with Odin. There is a link to it in general
I will give that a shot. Thank you for your help.
Ok. I'm trying to download the 4.4.4 update and Sammobile is slower than molasses in January. Is there another link somewhere that will work better? I tried the mega link that was in the thread about 4.4.4 in General, but it doesn't work. I think its awesome that they release and update and it jacks your phone all up. Then you contact them, and they got not clue on how to fix it. Don't they bother to test these things before they release them? When did Sammobile become Microsoft?!?!?!?! I'm not the brightest bulb in the box, but I have flashed before and rooted previous phones so I'm confident I can eventually get it going, but nothing like being without your phone for hours on end..........
Mega is working for me
Crazy. I click the link and all i get is a blank page. Tried 2 different computers. Same on both. Sammobile download has 4 hours left before complete.
raceman1972 said:
Crazy. I click the link and all i get is a blank page. Tried 2 different computers. Same on both. Sammobile download has 4 hours left before complete.
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Did you try a different browser? I used the mobile app, so that's also an option, then you can just transfer it to your PC and flash it
Wifi and modem help
raceman1972 said:
I apologize if this subject has already been covered somewhere. I searched and couldn't find anything to help. I updated my S4 this morning to version 4.4.4 through Samsung Kies. It went through the process no problems, no errors. After the phone rebooted, everything came back and seems to be working, however I noticed that my wifi was off. When I slide the wifi switch to on, it automatically slides back to off. No matter what I do, I cannot get it to turn on. Can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me what I need to do to fix this? Thanks.
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Got this from one of the developers in android development. Worked for me, courtesy of SHINY SIDE.
T/ROC said:
Got this from one of the developers in android development. Worked for me, courtesy of SHINY SIDE.
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Yeah, I got some assistance from Shiny Side as well. Flash, pull battery, directly back to download, flash again. Worked like a charm. Thanks for the help all.