Hi,is anyone else having problem downloading apps via Market?I've got an unbranded,unrooted Froyo Desire and downloads were fine yesterday but for some reason unknown,Google Market has refuse to complete downloads.Is this issue general?Cheers
Sent from my Archos5 using XDA App
It is driving me crazy all day as well! I got the impression that it was because I installed a new ROM or because I added an EXT partition in Clockworkmod recovery. This was the first time I wanted to try A2SD and it drove me crazy all day not being able to download apps anymore...
Not over Wifi, not over 3G...
And now I have to conclude more people are having this problem today haha
Yer its killing me,
I need to download My Backup Pro
Just flashed rom and cannot restore nothing.
Just noticed the same issue, was trying to update the YouTube app and download failed. Have tried a factory reset and this hasn't worked. There is a list of possible fixes on the Google support forum, just search for marketplace fix.
Seems odd that several people are having the same issue on the same day, perhaps its a marketplace fault?
Yeah the market is not working properly at the moment.
Sent from my Amiga 500 using Workbench
Damn I need my apps!
Alright so it's not just me going nuts...
same for me. been all night. driving me mad.
Someone from an android forum website suggested the following quote and guess what?,it worked! :-
"I know its going to sound daft, but load up Google talk, sign in, and then retry. I had a problem with my Hero back in the day and that worked. My downloads are going through fine atm"
Sent from my Archos5 using XDA App
Market working again
Had the same issue all day yesterday. The Market is working again this morning.
Had the same problem last night. It seems to be working fine today.
Working for me too this morning, tired the Google Talk tip along with many others re: clearing out various caches but none seemed to work. Obviously a fault with the market place than our actual phones.
So is this a common problem then, as I've just recently flashed my phone to 2.2 on the JPM firmware. I was beginning to think it was this, but after I thought about it, it happened to me this morning while I was still running 2.1.
How annoying!
hmm it diden't work yesterday for me but this morning it worked. but now it dosen't :S
I was having the same problem and tried the talk app logging in method which had worked previously in similar circumstances, but this time didn't work yesterday. Later I cleared the cache for the market app via the settings menu and it worked immediately, but was slower than usual.
my unrooted 2.2 desire will not update or download new apps from the market either.
i was thinking it was a memory issue.... had some issues on ota rom upgrade recently and i needed to uninstall 'Google earth' to get it to work despite phone showing ample memory free.
Also I have had the problem since downloading 'voice search' or this could be a coincidence.
So my phone or marketplace fault?
Is everyone else able to download/install again now?
[SOLVED] This is not a market / memory / phone issue
I was having this exact same problem and after doing a bit of searching on the internet I found a solution:
It's something to do with internal phone cookies / tokens. The market depends on two sets of data - the market app and "download manager".
You can fix this problem easily in the future if you force close both, and then clear the cache and the data from both from settings -> applications -> manage apps
The reasons signing into google talk would have worked is that it updated the internal token
It seems the time out is very brief - but this is indeed the issue and its fixed every time using this method.
As far as I can tell there is a bug on Android developers already registered.
Sorry Mate ... doesen't fix the problem for me
make sure you force close the apps, market and download manager. then clear the data.
click on your market download list to rebuild it too. then it should work
I had same problem on my desire, and I looked the way to fix it. On phones memory was just 8% of free space, and I erased some apps. On the end I concluded that phone can't download or update anything if it has less than 10% free memory space. After I erased some apps and on that way make more free space on phones memory I was easy downloaded and updated apps from market. I must say that I have non rooted phone.
I hope so that I help with my thread.
Ok, so in an effort to not waste anymore time searching and reading and getting a tiny bit confused. To all of my rooted Incredible partners who were using 2.2 Froyo before the root, and stuck with HTC Sense after the root. What apps are perfectly fine to get rid of completely and it wont mess up the DInc at all ?
Why stuck with HTC sense? I don't think i understand your question.
As far as removing apps pretty much anything that is not essential and most of the stuff you won't be able to remove.
I just now rooted my DInc but ive had for a few months so I'm just used to Sense. My question was pretty much me just wondering exactly which apps that came with the phone were ok to uninstall with Titanium Backup, like uninstalling them wouldnt mess up my DInc, like cause it to brick, or something to not work properly.
I don't remember stock lol.
Check this out.
I know it says 2.1 but it's a good start.
Did you make a NANDROID backup of your phone? If not do so now. You can do it via rom manager or boot into recovery and create a backup file. So in case you have issues you can restore your phone from an image.
Titanium backup won't be able to bring you back from disaster if your phone won't boot.
Robode said:
I just now rooted my DInc but ive had for a few months so I'm just used to Sense. My question was pretty much me just wondering exactly which apps that came with the phone were ok to uninstall with Titanium Backup, like uninstalling them wouldnt mess up my DInc, like cause it to brick, or something to not work properly.
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Use Titanium Backup and start by freezing the apps first before removing them. If freezing doesn't cause issues, then you can, more than likely, remove the app. I prefer to just freeze them, does basically the same thing.
I would simply freeze them, but TB wont let me. It keeps saying that to be able to freeze, I need to be on the donate version of it, which Im only guessing is the paid version.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Robode said:
I would simply freeze them, but TB wont let me. It keeps saying that to be able to freeze, I need to be on the donate version of it, which Im only guessing is the paid version.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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It is the paid version. It is worth the $ IMO. Safer than deleting something you need.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Robode said:
I just now rooted my DInc but ive had for a few months so I'm just used to Sense. My question was pretty much me just wondering exactly which apps that came with the phone were ok to uninstall with Titanium Backup, like uninstalling them wouldnt mess up my DInc, like cause it to brick, or something to not work properly.
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check you messages...
I agree with trickster. TB is very much worth the money. When I first got it, I had just rooted - deleted an app and restored it with no problem. Then I tried removing a "stock" app. Gone. Can't reinstall... Freezing it is the way to go. Then again, you might want to consider a nandroid backup before doing anything at all.
I have a backup of all of the stock HTC apps somewhere. I had removed one of the stock apps on accident, so I had just used that and restored the apk... worked fine after that.
Did a search but didn't find anything useful.
Recently my apps have been un-installed without me knowing anything about it. The only thing I can think of is I've updated to the NEW android market and Go Launcher ex. This problem started happening soon after these two updates, so I uninstalled the market update and I'll see if it's still a problem.
Anyone else experience this problem?
Btw, I'm on StarBurst v1.8 (didn't have this problem, just recently after market and launcher update)... then again it could be anything???
One of those apps happen to be wireless tether or something similar?
Sent from my SPH-D710
ghostboa said:
One of those apps happen to be wireless tether or something similar?
Sent from my SPH-D710
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Yes! (WiFi Tethering by OpenGarden, Inc) ... ?
Update: I un-installed android market update and to my surprise, my old apps started showing up (before I couldn't find them anywhere, app drawer and application management, now they're back weird).
About that wifi-tether...?
I've been having the same problem, and I'm not even rooted yet. Oh well...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
I have go launcher and the new market as well, and sometimes in my folders an icon will turn generic but still work, sometimes will be generic and say application not installed, check the manage apps page and sure enough they arent listed. reboot the phone and they are usually there. Im gonna go back to the older market and then see if it fixes (one of) my problems...
Just got my HTC One X and have gone through the initial set-up process... I assumed it would auto-restore all the apps I've ever downloaded from the Android/Play store (as it did on my Transformer Prime) but that doesn't seem to have happened with the One X?
Anyone got any ideas?
It did it for me, but only after I first loaded up the Play store and accepted the user agreement.
that's really weird, anyone got any ideas how i can get mine to trigger? i've got over 100 apps and it'll be a nightmare downloading them individually...
I could never figure it out. Some ROMs I would put on my sensation would auto restore apps, some wouldn't. I couldn't figure what affected it. Funnily enough, on my sensation I didn't want the apps to auto download, as I had titanium backup pro.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
I assumed it was because of HTC's Sense custom setup wizard but if Solaris81 didn't have any problems then I guess not... wouldn't be because my phone's carrier-locked would it?
It could be as mine is unlocked.
crimsonnight said:
Just got my HTC One X and have gone through the initial set-up process... I assumed it would auto-restore all the apps I've ever downloaded from the Android/Play store (as it did on my Transformer Prime) but that doesn't seem to have happened with the One X?
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Have you at least tried a factory reset and reinstalling your phone?
mine downloaded about 15 apps - i prob have about 50 - but every custom or even stock rom i have put on either my desire, desire HD, sensation has always been hit and miss on how many it actually downloads. --- Titanium backup all the way
protomanp1 said:
Have you at least tried a factory reset and reinstalling your phone?
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I tried that and it just downloaded the apps I had before factory resetting
@nickhuk they were probably just updates?
Anyone else had this issue/anyone else's previous apps restored successfully, if so at which point during setup did this happen?
Just FYI, I'm coming from an Xperia Play and I also own a Transformer Prime, this is my first HTC device
Is there not any way to force the re-downloading of all previously purchased/downloaded apps as opposed to trying this really fiddly way?
Why is it that even after factory resetting and re-installing CM10 on my SK17i the camera still doesn't work? I thought CM10 was finished? And for some reason it works on my girlfriends phone (exactly the same phone).
Don't want to sound ungrateful ofcourse, these ROMs are fantastic .
Excuse me, this wasn't supposed to be in this thread, but I had to wait to post this for some reason..
I am starting to lose my mind on this one. I know about the whole TB issues when the phone first came out. But I can not get a couple apps to just work. Candy crush, Siriusxm and probably another one somewhere just crashes.
I have completely formatted the phone and started over with fresh downloads from the play store with the same results. Everything else on the phone works fine, just a couple of apps just crash.
Am I missing something? I am about to smash this thing.
sparky79 said:
I am starting to lose my mind on this one. I know about the whole TB issues when the phone first came out. But I can not get a couple apps to just work. Candy crush, Siriusxm and probably another one somewhere just crashes.
I have completely formatted the phone and started over with fresh downloads from the play store with the same results. Everything else on the phone works fine, just a couple of apps just crash.
Am I missing something? I am about to smash this thing.
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This is actually a simplier fix than you think, but still annoying. It's a problem with the old data. THIS is how i fixed it.
Ran TB. Put all my note 2 stuff on my note 3.
Waited for apps to crash and made note of which ones crashed.
Went to the play store, uninstalled and installed the apps one by one.
No more FC's.
Hope this works for you.
dragonstalker said:
This is actually a simplier fix than you think, but still annoying. It's a problem with the old data. THIS is how i fixed it.
Ran TB. Put all my note 2 stuff on my note 3.
Waited for apps to crash and made note of which ones crashed.
Went to the play store, uninstalled and installed the apps one by one.
No more FC's.
Hope this works for you.
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See thats my problem. I have done that. I got so mad about it I formatted the phone completely and installed a new rom, started fresh without TB and only downloaded from play store and still having crashes on the same apps.
sparky79 said:
See thats my problem. I have done that. I got so mad about it I formatted the phone completely and installed a new rom, started fresh without TB and only downloaded from play store and still having crashes on the same apps.
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Ok, now i see why you are so fustrated. Sorry I was of no help. wiped dalvik and the apps are still crashing after dl from the store, shouldn't happen period. Reboot your phone and see if you can get a logcat of the crash.
I have some that crash too. Hanging with Friends is on that always crashes on first open, then I have for FC, and if I open it right away after that it works. I've also noticed that some apps from the Play Store say they are not compatible with the phone. When I go to all apps, and go through my list I can't install some. The strange thing is I know it's not because of 4.3 since I have the same app installed on my GSII running 4.3, so maybe it has something to do with the proccessor, or screen size? Got me, but you're not alone.
Have the apps been updated to support 4.3?
sent from my sm-900t.
sparky79 said:
I am starting to lose my mind on this one. I know about the whole TB issues when the phone first came out. But I can not get a couple apps to just work. Candy crush, Siriusxm and probably another one somewhere just crashes.
I have completely formatted the phone and started over with fresh downloads from the play store with the same results. Everything else on the phone works fine, just a couple of apps just crash.
Am I missing something? I am about to smash this thing.
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I have the Note 3
I am having crashing problems with Google store, FB messenger(aka chat heads),google +,Kingdoms of Camelot and some others but not as much. Cleaared the cache and data and helps for a bit. I really dont want to factory reset this and it ends up doing nothing.
Any suggestions, please
What apps and crashing as in you get notice that the app has crashed?
Xscope Pro browser crashes alot.... its totally random tho, it'll crash on a site but when i visit the same site again its fine. unfortunately it hasn't been updated in a long time so its probably not playing nicely with 4.3.
not really getting any other crashes