[Q] Engineering Hboot and Installing a Custom Rom? - G2 and Desire Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello. I am going to root my phone but I am really scared to make a mistake, especially in the step 4.a in XDA Wiki 's rooting guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/wik...sion#Rooting_the_Vision_.28G2.2FDZ.29_and_DHD) It says that part is optional and I can choose not to install Eng Hboot. But if I skip that part and don't install the Eng Hboot, will I be able to install a custom Rom? And how can I install a Custom Rom, I really dig fot it but can't find a guide? I am a professional noob and I really need help about rooting and installing a Custom Rom

TRFFTR said:
Hello. I am going to root my phone but I am really scared to make a mistake, especially in the step 4.a in XDA Wiki 's rooting guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/wik...sion#Rooting_the_Vision_.28G2.2FDZ.29_and_DHD) It says that part is optional and I can choose not to install Eng Hboot. But if I skip that part and don't install the Eng Hboot, will I be able to install a custom Rom? And how can I install a Custom Rom, I really dig fot it but can't find a guide? I am a professional noob and I really need help about rooting and installing a Custom Rom
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It is now recommended to install the eng hboot when you first root. Just follow the guide to the letter. If you have a G2 I would recommend flashing the DZ hboot so you can use the newer virtuous Rom's
I'll do you a quick guide to flashing roms
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

Thank you so much Just out of curiosity, is the """"If md5_3 does not match md5_1 and md5_3 does not match md5_2"""" thing ever happened to anyone? The only thing that makes me scared is this sentence

I skipped the eng hboot when I rooted but I managed to flash it afterwards thanks to Nipqer.
But yes you should go with the eng hboot from the start!

TRFFTR said:
Thank you so much Just out of curiosity, is the """"If md5_3 does not match md5_1 and md5_3 does not match md5_2"""" thing ever happened to anyone? The only thing that makes me scared is this sentence
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Just follow the guide word by word and you should be fine. You just have to make sure the md5 of the eng hboot you just flashed on the phone matches the one you got from the guide.

If you need help rooting or you are unsure about anything head over to the g2root irc.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

Like everyone said, follow it to the letter (and number) ... all the places where you can seriously do damage it states to double check your typing.
As far as the DZ HBOOT, that is only needed for newer Sense based ROMs, if you're going to stay with vanilla AOSP ROMs, then that HBOOT isn't needed.
As far as flashing ROMs, the easiest way is to download ROM Manager from the Market, follow it's prompts to install ClockworkMod Recovery and flash ROMs via ROM Manager. First and foremost, make a Nandroid backup of your current ROM (once rooted) in case anything goes wrong, you can make the backup via ROM Manager.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App


How to upgrade HBOOT and RADIO (S-OFF)

Dear all,
i hope you not hate me because this noobs question...
i use ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.0.5
and already S-OFF.
now i want to upgrade my Radio and Hboot.
what should i do..?
is it just the same like flashing the ROM..?
download the radio & hboot files that you would like to upgrade to.
rename it to PB31IMG.zip and place on the root of your sd card.
boot into bootloader and it will ask you if you want to update, press up to confirm.
Quoted from another thread...
willhill said:
FYI, the hboot loop occurs because installing hboot wipes your kernel. Install a kernal and you'll be good to go, no nandroid required.
Sent from my DInc using XDA App
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So make sure you have a kernel or an entire rom ready to flash, as you probably will be looping without it.
thx for your helping answer ...
is there anything else that might change if i upgrade HBOOT or RADIO ? (besides kernel).
Im having a problem updating my radio. Everytime I boot into bootloader it tells me that there is No/Wrong Image
Bump need help solving this
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Radios and HBoot images are not to play around with. If you don't know what you are doing this is the EASY way to brick your phone. Read, read, and read some more on what you are doing before you just go screwing with critical elements of your phone.

[Q] Simplest way to upgrade rooted 1.32 to latest update

I've read around the forums and seen some somewhat odd solutions to this problem, and wondered if I've simply missed something or it's the only solution to this problem.
Simply, I have a 1.32 perm-rooted phone and I would like to upgrade to the latest update (rom and radio) while keeping my root access. I don't want any of the custom roms, I just want the plain vanilla update plus the latest radio updates because they seem to improve things (being with Vodafone in Australia I need all the improvements I can get!).
Alternatively, what is the custom ROM that is closest to the standard one which meets the above requirements (latest update, latest radio while keeping root access)?
As I said, I already have root access, ClockMod recovery plus S-OFF. Do I need the ENG one to do what I need to do? I've seen the one-click tool for this but haven't bothered because I wasn't sure it was entirely necessary.
Get ENG S-OFF using my tool, flash Raidroid stockify series ROM via ClockworkMod and flash the radio you want using radio flash guide instructions.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
jkoljo said:
Get ENG S-OFF using my tool, flash Raidroid stockify series ROM via ClockworkMod and flash the radio you want using radio flash guide instructions.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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+1. Very easy to do.
jkoljo said:
Get ENG S-OFF using my tool, flash Raidroid stockify series ROM via ClockworkMod and flash the radio you want using radio flash guide instructions.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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Had looked for a "plain" ROM that didn't have any change to it, this set slipped under my radar. Thanks for the pointers, will do those things when I get a chance.

[Q]How to quit the DHD without roots and s-off and with the original rom?

Hello, I am new to Android, but still decided to risk installing a rom, I did create all the procedures from a gold card after downgrade, root, then do the s-off and finally install the rom Android Revolution HD 3.3. Thank God everything worked out.
Now I have a huge doubt, if I sell my phone and want to leave it "raw" or how he came to Fabricated without root, without s-off, and no custom rom what should I do?
Sorry for my english, but I live in Brazil and I'm using Google translator. I thank you all.
To get back to stock:
- Please search the forum
- Find one of the numerous posts about the subject
- Follow the instructions
there are SEVERAL topics about it, to make it short:
-flash the original RUU
-achieve s-on by same tool you s-offed your device
Guess Shortest procedure should be
1 . Radio S-Off using Jkolijo's tool
2. Install latest official Ruu
you should be good to go
v6kgang said:
Guess Shortest procedure should be
1 . Radio S-Off using Jkolijo's tool
2. Install latest official Ruu
you should be good to go
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You should do s-on, not off and thiagodark already posted the instructions even though they can easily be found by searching.
Sent from my Leedroid powered pocketsized supercomputer using XDA App

[Q] Getting S-Off via flash of stock+root rom

Hi, I've been a lurker of these forums for a long time, ever since I had a Samsung T939. I've been able to manage things on my own by searching and reading and applying the helpful tips offered but this time I'm facing a wall.
I currently have my HTC Expresso running CyanogenMod 7.0.3-Slide. I tried the instructions for S-off using the resources by AlphaRev and I get that my HBOOT 1.0+ is not supported. One recommendation says to flash back to stock rom and re-root. I was wondering if I could just flash Stock Rom with Root Access found at theunlocker.com: How To: Root the HTC MyTouch Slide (Exploid Method) (Updated 01.26.11) with ROM Manager to go back to the stock rom with root access integrated and then try the s-off procedure again and Flash CM7 again.
To get S-off you need to have 0.52 h-boot, so you need to downgrade unless you had S-off before I think. There's a thread but I'm not sure if it works. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1277266
SKAm69 said:
To get S-off you need to have 0.52 h-boot, so you need to downgrade unless you had S-off before I think. There's a thread but I'm not sure if it works. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1277266
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It doesn't work. I followed the instructions carefully and got the same result as the other person that tried. I guess I won't be able to use custom fonts and splash screens. Why do some Mytouch have different HBOOT then? Grrrr.
iniara said:
It doesn't work. I followed the instructions carefully and got the same result as the other person that tried. I guess I won't be able to use custom fonts and splash screens. Why do some Mytouch have different HBOOT then? Grrrr.
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Because Froyo OTA brings that 1.02 hboot
Is there a flash file for S-off?
No, there's special Alpharev utility.
Were can I find a s-off flash file?
mistaa_skee said:
Were can I find a s-off flash file?
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You can't. Alpharev is the ONLY way to get S-OFF for the HTC Slide.

Can't flash roms on Incredible

I'm trying to flash roms on an Incredible which has a locked bootloader. I tried unrevoked3 to unlock the bootloader but it tells me my firmware is too new.
Currently the phone has
Android 2.3.4 (stock)
Baseband 2.15.10.-7.07
Build 4.08.605.2
Pri 1.28_002
Is there any way to get this done?
Try this: http://androidforums.com/incredible-all-things-root/427344-how-root-2-3-4-downgrade-get-s-off.html
This is what I used to root an S-OFF my dinc awhile back.
It requires having (with drivers installed) adb, grabbing a copy of an older unrevoked, downgrading, rooting/gaining s-off, then finally flashing a custom recovery (thus being able to install a rom such as cyanogen, my fav (for the moment)), among other things.
Its a process, but trust me, its worth it. As far as I know this is the only way to Root ans S-OFF a dinc w/ the latest firmware. You'll probably want to set aside a day for this. (mostly because you'll be having way to much fun flashing different roms, I know I did).
Just make sure to read the thread, to make sure you know exactly what your doing.
Actually if your on the new 1.02 hboot follow this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1506258
cmlusco said:
Actually if your on the new 1.02 hboot follow this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1506258
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That guide is based off the one I posted by scotty85 over at android fourms. Same thing, execpt scotty gave much more through instructions.
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