[Q] What RUU to downgrade from 2.3.3 - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

anyone know which ruu to use to downgrade from 2.3.3?
my idiot friends updated the phones lost root and are crying about it.
The last 2 I have tried both fail with bootloader errors.
anyone know which one to use?

You say they had root, are they s-on or s-off?

It's S-ON now.
the exe is the best way to do this I take it?
**** wrote off and thought on. I swear my fingers are out to get me!

Disable fast boot, reinstall amon ra from sdcard, then flash superuser. Tried to get you links to everything, but bad coverage over where I'm at.

echarette1 said:
Disable fast boot, reinstall amon ra from sdcard, then flash superuser. Tried to get you links to everything, but bad coverage over where I'm at.
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I should have wrote S-ON.
I have amon ra and the synergy nightly I want. Just need to get it downgraded back!

S-on and updated with the ota, friends are stuck till a new method is developed. This is because the hboot was updated with the ota.

So anyone aware of anyone actively working on a new exploit?

what exactly is the difference between s-on and s-off

Foggie is so Epic said:
what exactly is the difference between s-on and s-off
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s-on = security on, enjoy your factory phone
s-off = security off, flash your own rom's, customize, really enjoy your phone!

Jadigy said:
s-on = not rooted, enjoy your factory phone
s-off = rooted, flash your own rom's, customize, really enjoy your phone!
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This is not correct.
The difference between S-Off and S-On is simply the ability to flash unsigned rom image files. It's a security feature of the bootloader. If it's On, you cannot flash unsigned roms/image files, it checks for a specific file signature and if it doesn't find it, it doesn't allow the flash. When it's S-Off, that signature checking is disabled, so you can flash anything you like.
It has nothing to do with Root. You could be S-On and still have root, or even be S-Off and not have root. Root is on the Android operating system level, S-Off/On is on the bootloader/firmware level.


[Q] Does PC36IMG Also Contain A "Stock" Recovery?

This is a simple question that I have:
If I were to want to return to bone stock -- I mean like, fresh out of the cardboard box -- on my EVO, would using Bootloader to flash PC36IMG.zip replace EVERYTHING, including Amon-Ra's recovery image?
Just curious, and unfortunately there seems to be some FUD in some of the threads I've seen about unrooting and such.
Any knowledgeable folk have an answer?
A "stock" recovery is no recovery. So if you unrooted, ran the ruu, ect, and tried to boot into recovery, you'd be met with the triangle and a ! indicating no recovery.
teh roxxorz said:
A "stock" recovery is no recovery. So if you unrooted, ran the ruu, ect, and tried to boot into recovery, you'd be met with the triangle and a ! indicating no recovery.
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Follow-up Question: I'm on a Mac and the RUU's I've seen are all in .exe files. Assuming I have the latest radios, do I need an RUU or is PC36IMG sufficient?
TonyArmstrong said:
Follow-up Question: I'm on a Mac and the RUU's I've seen are all in .exe files. Assuming I have the latest radios, do I need an RUU or is PC36IMG sufficient?
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PC36IMG is sufficient. Same results as RUU. Just be sure to turn your S-on before running the PC36IMG, using the Unrevoked S on tool (that is if you ever used Unrevoked forever at any point in time)
TonyArmstrong said:
Follow-up Question: I'm on a Mac and the RUU's I've seen are all in .exe files. Assuming I have the latest radios, do I need an RUU or is PC36IMG sufficient?
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I don't know if when you download it, it would change to the correct extension; you could always try changing it. Either way, you're in luck.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19699565/3.70 RUU Zip.zip
A link to my dropbox of a 3.70 RUU in PC36IMG form, just put on your sdcard and flash in the bootloader.
PC3GIMG.zip is just the name of the file that hboot looks for to flash, they are all different! Some PC36IMGs have recoveries, some have radios, some have ROMs, etc... You need to be careful which one you flash, and KNOW for sure whats in it before you do because you run the risk of messing up your phone if you flash the wrong one!
k2buckley said:
PC36IMG is sufficient. Same results as RUU. Just be sure to turn your S-on before running the PC36IMG, using the Unrevoked S on tool (that is if you ever used Unrevoked forever at any point in time)
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Yep, I rooted with unrEVOked, so I'd have to do UnrEVOked S-ON first.
Thank you guys...good stuff here.
TonyArmstrong said:
Yep, I rooted with unrEVOked, so I'd have to do UnrEVOked S-ON first.
Thank you guys...good stuff here.
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Correct, then the PC36IMG and you'll be all set.
So what is the difference between an RUU and a PC36IMG.zip? My hardware 0003 evo has an 2.10 hboot and the baseband of 2.15. 00.11.19
If I want to unroot my phone back to stock out of the box what file do I need? And yes I know to do the s-on first...
Sent from my Evo 3D
.torrented said:
So what is the difference between an RUU and a PC36IMG.zip? My hardware 0003 evo has an 2.10 hboot and the baseband of 2.15. 00.11.19
If I want to unroot my phone back to stock out of the box what file do I need? And yes I know to do the s-on first...
Sent from my Evo 3D
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The RUU (ROM Update Utility) is IN a PC36IMG.zip.
Turn S-ON back on.
Go into Bootloader.
Allow it to detect.
Update (make sure you have the correct PC36IMG.zip).
not to hi-jack the thread but say HTC/Sprint did upgrade to the EVO 4G to GB could i flash the "stock" recovery without running the ruu and wiping everything? i use stock rom but like the features Root and Amon Ra brings havent found a custom rom that like everything seems to be themed and not my style.
cdw9800 said:
not to hi-jack the thread but say HTC/Sprint did upgrade to the EVO 4G to GB could i flash the "stock" recovery without running the ruu and wiping everything? i use stock rom but like the features Root and Amon Ra brings havent found a custom rom that like everything seems to be themed and not my style.
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Again, "stock" recovery is no recovery. And if you were to upgrade, you'd have to root, and you can keep the rooted stock rom. You can flash CM7 which is basically stock android AOSP, not themed. Can always flash back if you don't like it, and everything is working.
Yeah I know about cm used it on pretty much everything g1 nexus mt4g etc I like some stuff sense have to offer over asop I always end up flashing to see the new stuff I prefer stock android but the usb transfer speed is killing me atm waiting for that to get fixed and I understand stock is recovery guess ima have to titanium backup which works but some issues thanks tho I try stuff nandroid is my bestfriend in android
teh roxxorz said:
Again, "stock" recovery is no recovery. And if you were to upgrade, you'd have to root, and you can keep the rooted stock rom. You can flash CM7 which is basically stock android AOSP, not themed. Can always flash back if you don't like it, and everything is working.
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Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Unrooting Revolutionary
So I have an EVO that I want to turn to STOCK...
this is some info on it:
Supersonic EVT3 Ship S-OFF
HBOOT: 6.16
Android version 2.2
kernel version
build number 3.26.651.6
PRI version 215_003
Hardware version 0004
I have no recovery after doing the S-ON tool several times, but it keeps coming back with the Revolutionary on top and S-OFF.
How can I bring my EVO back to stock fresh out of the box?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
spinsat74 said:
So I have an EVO that I want to turn to STOCK...
this is some info on it:
Supersonic EVT3 Ship S-OFF
HBOOT: 6.16
Android version 2.2
kernel version
build number 3.26.651.6
PRI version 215_003
Hardware version 0004
I have no recovery after doing the S-ON tool several times, but it keeps coming back with the Revolutionary on top and S-OFF.
How can I bring my EVO back to stock fresh out of the box?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Did you use unrEVOked to turn S-ON? If so, and please correct me if I'm wrong, to my understanding you can only use that method if you used unrEVOked to root originally. In which case, you may need to use a different method. Perhaps the reason for S-OFF coming back.

{Q} Very Confused. Hboot 2.10 S-on but I'm rooted?

Okay long story short...Replaced my EVO 3 months ago. Used unrevoked to root and have been on Miui for quite some time...
I want to flash the newest radio/wiimax/PRI ect but when I went into Bootloader to flash the PC36img.zip nothing happened. The bootloader finds the img file but nothing else happens. I then noticed that it says S-ON.
I'm confused. I thought in order to be rooted you have to be S-off? If that is the case how can I flash any rom I want? I also have AMON 2.3 recovery flashed as well...
Also, I would like to get to S-off so if I follow this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=829045 Will it work? Can I follow this guide with how my phone is now or do I have to unroot first? Thanks in advance.
Starzboy77 said:
Okay long story short...Replaced my EVO 3 months ago. Used unrevoked to root and have been on Miui for quite some time...
I want to flash the newest radio/wiimax/PRI ect but when I went into Bootloader to flash the PC36img.zip nothing happened. The bootloader finds the img file but nothing else happens. I then noticed that it says S-ON.
I'm confused. I thought in order to be rooted you have to be S-off? If that is the case how can I flash any rom I want? I also have AMON 2.3 recovery flashed as well...
Also, I would like to get to S-off so if I follow this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=829045 Will it work? Can I follow this guide with how my phone is now or do I have to unroot first? Thanks in advance.
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The original Unrevoked 3.1 came out and could root the EVO before they released Unrevoked Forever. I think all you need to do is go check out the Unrevoked Forever site (http://www.unrevoked.com/forever) and you should be able to S-OFF your rooted EVO so that the bootloader will be able to apply the PC36IMG.zip files.
I thought in order to be rooted you have to be S-off?
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Correct. Possibly you got unrooted by trying to flash the new ota.
tpbklake said:
The original Unrevoked 3.1 came out and could root the EVO before they released Unrevoked Forever. I think all you need to do is go check out the Unrevoked Forever site (http://www.unrevoked.com/forever) and you should be able to S-OFF your rooted EVO so that the bootloader will be able to apply the PC36IMG.zip files.
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Thank you so much! I am now S-off by running the Unrevoked Forever.Zip file. Flashing radios now. Thanks again! I assume that I'll have to flash a Sense ROM to update profile after I flash the radios?
I have the same issue. I am fully rooted but s-on. Im guessing it happened when i flashed the latest radio update.
sitlet said:
Correct. Possibly you got unrooted by trying to flash the new ota.
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Wrong. S off is just the security setting. It has no correlation with being rooted. You can be rooted and still be s on like the op.
S off only enables the hboot to flash unsigned/unofficial images to the partitions. S off also allows the system to be written to while android is booted.
The unrevoked forever instructions even state you need to be rooted and have a custom recovery in order to set s off.
lovethyEVO said:
Wrong. S off is just the security setting. It has no correlation with being rooted. You can be rooted and still be s on like the op.
S off only enables the hboot to flash unsigned/unofficial images to the partitions. S off also allows the system to be written to while android is booted.
The unrevoked forever instructions even state you need to be rooted and have a custom recovery in order to set s off.
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Very good post. There is alot of misconception about this. Glad someone cleared it up

[G] having trouble getting s-on

i have tried every method i can find to get s-on after root with revolutionary. i have flashed the s-on zip and all it does is get rid of the red bar that says "revolutionary". it still say s-off. ive done it from a custom rom and a stock rom. done it through flashing and done it buy naming the zip pc36img it installs successfully but still shows s-off. any help is appreciated
#1. The s-on is NOT 4 revolutionary. Search for how 2 unroot revolutionaty root. Its the thread with a whole bunch of ??? at the end of the title. That should lead u toward the light.
Sent From My Pocket
thank you guys for the feedback, i will try that
just tried the method posted, got back to stock rom and what not but still s-off
funny thing is, there is a s-on tool for revolutionary... when i did flash it it got rid of the red bar on the top of the bootloader menu but still had s-off, i think im going to try flashing that hboot version with android flasher tonight. its weird cuz the phone im trying to unroot is not reading pc36img files i pout on it but my own phone will
Downgrade your radio and use the unrevoked method to go s-on..
ca1ne said:
Downgrade your radio and use the unrevoked method to go s-on..
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Depends on what radio version he/she has. If I'm not mistaken the recent radio updates dont allow you to downgrade.
just flashed that hboot file, didnt do anything
my hboot version is 6.17

Do I need s-off to flash roms?

I just unlocked my cousins evo 4g. I was wondering if I need s-off to flash Roms. If so. Can someone give me a link to a tutorial .
Well, you need Clockworkmod but you can't install clockworkmod without S-off, my Evo actually has S-on with clockworkmod and I can install roms no problem I don't even know how S turned back on but it did lol... It's really easy to google and find a guide on rooting/turning s-off but regardless here ya go, it's a list of a ton of guides for the Evo and rooting involves turning s-off.
I did install clockworkmod while on s-on
iTzLOLtrain said:
I just unlocked my cousins evo 4g. I was wondering if I need s-off to flash Roms. If so. Can someone give me a link to a tutorial .
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If you are like me, and would rather visually see it happen, go check out the beloved YouTube. There are lots of videos of people showing you exactly how to do it, step by step.
Hit thanks if I turned you in the right direction!
Good Luck!
Unrevoked rev works well to root it if you didn't take the latest OTA Clockwork mod 4.0 works well for it afterwards to flash and wipe.
If you are s-on (OOW unlocked) on hboot 2.18 u can used fastboot to flash a recovery, you should be using Amon RA on the evo and not cwm or twrp. If you are on hboot 2.15/.16 you need to use revolutionary.io to achieve s-off and gain recovery and the flash SU and SU binaries. Any hboot prior to 2.16 you use unrevoked or one of its variants to get s-off. If you're hboot 2.18 s-on locked you use htcdev.com to unlock the bootloader from there you can use fastboot to flash recovery or you can follow captain throwbacks guide to downgrade your hboot to an earlier version and achieve s-off. With s-on unlocked you can do (almost) anything you can do with s-off except you won't be able to flash PC36IMG.zip files, which include recoveries, radio updates, splashscreens, and RUU files.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
-EViL-KoNCEPTz- said:
If you are s-on (OOW unlocked) on hboot 2.18 u can used fastboot to flash a recovery, you should be using Amon RA on the evo and not cwm or twrp. If you are on hboot 2.15/.16 you need to use revolutionary.io to achieve s-off and gain recovery and the flash SU and SU binaries. Any hboot prior to 2.16 you use unrevoked or one of its variants to get s-off. If you're hboot 2.18 s-on locked you use htcdev.com to unlock the bootloader from there you can use fastboot to flash recovery or you can follow captain throwbacks guide to downgrade your hboot to an earlier version and achieve s-off. With s-on unlocked you can do (almost) anything you can do with s-off except you won't be able to flash PC36IMG.zip files, which include recoveries, radio updates, splashscreens, and RUU files.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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You got me kinda confused now. I thought the new CWM got the problems fixed with clearing the cache? If not, then is the Amon RA safe to use, it hasn't been updated in for ever. If you still recommend Amon RA, how do I change to that?
Also, I still have s-on.
Mine says:
Supersonic EVT3 SHIP S-ON
How do I get it to S-OFF or do I need to?
I've been flashing back and forth to different Roms for a few days now. I'm still trying to find the one I like where everything works.
I'm in the same boat as custm2007 except it's on my friends phone. What would be the best way to get s-off after rooting it or do I even need to? I'll be doing everything for him so he won't be flashing much at all.
Do this
To actually answer the question... No you do not need to be s-off to flash rom's. Once unlocked you can flash a recovery through fastboot and flash rom's to your hearts content. This is currently how my phone is, and I have no complaints. Please see my blog for a tutorial for flashing recovery and su binaries.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
This was how i did it way back when. It was the easiest method for me.

[Q] Wiped phone through clockwork with s-on, cant restore

I made a mistake rooting a friends droid incredible and left s-on, I have clockwork but it cant flash anything, I presume its because of the s-on. I wiped the phone without a backup to install miui, so I now have a droid incredible that can only get into hboot, clockwork, and fastboot. It also will not install 31img.zips, Yes ive renamed them correctly I just call them 31's. Help please?
You need to flash an RUU in the form of PB31IMG.zip. It needs to be named PB31IMG.zip and on the root of a FAT32 formatted sdcard. If you use the froyo RUU on pvillecomp.com you can use unrevoked to root again though your friend will just want it working.
My HBOOT wont give me the option to flash, it finds it and checks it, but wont let me install. im downloading the froyo ruu right now in hopes that it will connect through fastboot and do it.
What is your hboot version?
Tiny you are more knowledgeable at this than I, but I was wondering
1) would using PB31IMG's fail if used on the 1.02 hboot?
2) If they were to use the unrevoked tool to flash s-off, could they install a rom without having to boot into the already wiped phone?
I am on hboot version 1.02. My nexus and optimus s were so simple.
(sorry for double post) RUU's will not work
deathangel1496 said:
I am on hboot version 1.02. My nexus and optimus s were so simple.
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Have you used the htc dev site to unkock the bootloader? If not you need to do that, then fastboot flash cwm recovery, then flash superuser thru cwm recovery.
SlimSnoopOS said:
What is your hboot version?
Tiny you are more knowledgeable at this than I, but I was wondering
1) would using PB31IMG's fail if used on the 1.02 hboot?
2) If they were to use the unrevoked tool to flash s-off, could they install a rom without having to boot into the already wiped phone?
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I would try flashing unrevoked forever before doing anything else. Logically this would get you s-off and allow you to flash a ROM. I wouldn't run straight to unlocking your bootloader because it is a lot harder to reverse that than it is to reverse the effects of unrevoked forever. (in the long run, that is. right now there would be no reason to reverse either)
nschiwy said:
I would try flashing unrevoked forever before doing anything else. Logically this would get you s-off and allow you to flash a ROM. I wouldn't run straight to unlocking your bootloader because it is a lot harder to reverse that than it is to reverse the effects of unrevoked forever. (in the long run, that is. right now there would be no reason to reverse either)
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actually bootloader is easy to lock. I think it's fastboot oem lock. You can unlock it again using the same token you used to unlock before that you should save if you decide to do that. Unrevoked forever only works on certain radio versions. With an unlocked bootloader you should be able to flash any PB31IMG.zip as well as flash with fastboot. With S-OFF I know you can flash custom PB31IMG.zip and also older RUUs.
tiny4579 said:
actually bootloader is easy to lock. I think it's fastboot oem lock. You can unlock it again using the same token you used to unlock before that you should save if you decide to do that. Unrevoked forever only works on certain radio versions. With an unlocked bootloader you should be able to flash any PB31IMG.zip as well as flash with fastboot. With S-OFF I know you can flash custom PB31IMG.zip and also older RUUs.
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Yes, but doesn't it then say 're-locked bootloader' or something to that effect where verizon or whoever else could tell that it has been unlocked before and therefore void any warranty? Whereas the s-off tool can be reversed using the s-on tool and nobody has to know anything was ever there. I don't have any experience in that department, I'm just speculating based on things that I have read.
nschiwy said:
Yes, but doesn't it then say 're-locked bootloader' or something to that effect where verizon or whoever else could tell that it has been unlocked before and therefore void any warranty? Whereas the s-off tool can be reversed using the s-on tool and nobody has to know anything was ever there. I don't have any experience in that department, I'm just speculating based on things that I have read.
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Maybe, but I think when you submit for an unlock token is when HTC knows you unlocked your bootloader.
I have unlocked the bootloader and flashed the stock recovery. where can I go from here? can anyone provide an update.zip? all the links seem to be down for the froyo one
tiny4579 said:
Maybe, but I think when you submit for an unlock token is when HTC knows you unlocked your bootloader.
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That is probably true, I never thought of that. I guess they probably think that I have an unlocked bootloader now too since I made an account and downloaded the tool to help a friend with his phone.
deathangel1496 said:
I have unlocked the bootloader and flashed the stock recovery. where can I go from here? can anyone provide an update.zip? all the links seem to be down for the froyo one
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I may be mistaken, but isn't this what you are looking for?
additionally, why did you flash stock recovery vs. CWM? I don't have any experience with stock but CWM seems to be perfect for anything I've ever needed a recovery for. ie - flashing new ROMs or backing up/ restoring ROMs
deathangel1496 said:
I have unlocked the bootloader and flashed the stock recovery. where can I go from here? can anyone provide an update.zip? all the links seem to be down for the froyo one
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Do steps 6 - 27 of this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1506258 to install cwm recovery and get root. If you want true s-off continue to follow steps 28 - 43.

