Hi there,
I hope sombody can help me with any tips to inprove the gps reception on my HTC Desire HD. Now it's not getting a fix at all most times and when it does it's very inaccurate.
Tried diverend ROM's and radio versions with out any luck.
I'm using navigon 3.5 and currendly Coredroid Desire HD V3.1 ROM.
FasterFix works for me.
Check this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=964333
Mgmine did not work too on leedroid rom too. .try faster fix and gps statue result still the same. .
Jimbo267 said:
Hi there,
I hope sombody can help me with any tips to inprove the gps reception on my HTC Desire HD. Now it's not getting a fix at all most times and when it does it's very inaccurate.
Tried diverend ROM's and radio versions with out any luck.
I'm using navigon 3.5 and currendly Coredroid Desire HD V3.1 ROM.
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Have you tried a different radio? I think it helps.
Edit: sorry didn't see you said you tried some radios already. Have you tried the HTC WWE ones?
If you have a case, try remove it and do a fix first?
THX for ur input all. Just installed fasterfix(ROOT), inside it doesn't give any improvemends(it's below 0 degrees outside, i'll give it a try tomorrow ).
If thats not working i'll try out other suggestions.
Trying following OS, radio and Kernel configuration right now:
Coredroid DHD V3.1,, [email protected] #1
It's the fastess config. i had so far. Battery is good for +/- 28 hours with normal use. Few calls/sms and 2 hours of (trying )to navigate and some inet.
Ill give an update asap.
Are you using any sort of cover? I used to have appalling reception until I binned my gel cover.
Sent from my pimped up Desire HD in association with Rcmix HD v3.3.
dr.m0x said:
Are you using any sort of cover? I used to have appalling reception until I binned my gel cover.
Sent from my pimped up Desire HD in association with Rcmix HD v3.3.
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Faster fix n gps status does not work for me too. .using leedroid 2.2.2..anyone have gps issue using leedroid latest version?
download the link at the bottom of the first post. That should fix your issues.
My desire hd is not working with İGO.Gps siganl's could not be found.
If you are using custom rom, look at my thread above and go in it. Bottom of first post, download it and install it.
equlizer said:
If you are using custom rom, look at my thread above and go in it. Bottom of first post, download it and install it.
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Still not working well, i'm thinking to go back to stock config and if it still isn't working i think it's hardware
Jimbo267 said:
Still not working well, i'm thinking to go back to stock config and if it still isn't working i think it's hardware
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It was sofware alltheway......Now running CoreDroid V4 Rom and it ROCKS!!!
Full GPS reception in the house!!
Now using following configuration:
Android Version: 2.3.2
CoreDroid Desire HD V4.0
Keep up the good work u guys of Team CoreDroid!!!
I have got the modaco ROM and always had them, but is there a better froyo sense ROM out there in terms of speed? Also must have a2sd+
325i. said:
I have got the modaco ROM and always had them, but is there a better froyo sense ROM out there in terms of speed? Also must have a2sd+
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Hi I use the delite rom it's pretty much as standard but with a few extras including a2sd+ & superuser included, this rom works fine for me give it a try.
Try neophyte rom 1.6
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
sbdags said:
Try neophyte rom 1.6
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
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i agree, a great ROM, super fast and battery is pretty good.
i also have alex v's Official FRoyo Ram v 1.3 as a nandroid backup, just in case... as its really stable and fast too.
bob dylan said:
i agree, a great ROM, super fast and battery is pretty good.
i also have alex v's Official FRoyo Ram v 1.3 as a nandroid backup, just in case... as its really stable and fast too.
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I used it and had no signal whatsoever.....Emergency Calls Only even with latest radio....
Try Neophytes NexTSenSe... I've been using it since it started and it just gets better everyday... Now on V5.1
I just tried that one....what's that weird screen on there with the digital clock and gallery button etc......it ruins the rom.....apart from that, it was good!
kurtish said:
I used it and had no signal whatsoever.....Emergency Calls Only even with latest radio....
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which one alex or neophyte?
never had a problem with either tbh
The Neo rom.....I had to be outside to get any bars on my Desire.....I have just this minute put DJ Droid 1.2....which is probably the best I've tried over the last 6 Roms I've put on
kurtish said:
The Neo rom.....I had to be outside to get any bars on my Desire.....I have just this minute put DJ Droid 1.2....which is probably the best I've tried over the last 6 Roms I've put on
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same for me actually, until i noticed that the Neo Rom flash had wiped my APN settings, everything was fine after i re inputted them!
I checked the APN settings and they were as they should've been. I couldn't receive mms neither,but I could send it?! lol
LeeDroid is an excellent Desire ROM
and Open desire is another excellent Vanilla ROM.
matter what you want really. I us these two and I've had no problems.
I'm using opendesire for 3 4 months, for a long time.
I'm looking for sense alternative due to problems that i face .
I want to have sense back.
The users who uses froyo sense rom , please tell me your suggestions.
Thank you
wait for the camera fix for HD ROMs ; )
or if you don't use the camera often, than RCMixHD
if you use it, than AuraxTSense
Desire HD port ROM is the best sense rom available but the camera doesn't works.
NextSense(AuraxTSense) & Leedroid are also good and i noticed nextsense ROM gives more battery life.
so it depends on what you need..!
Actualy i'm looking for more battery life and simplicity . Opendesire is best at this matter. But i'm looking for new alternatife because of lock problem
harish.awe said:
Desire HD port ROM is the best sense rom available but the camera doesn't works.
NextSense(AuraxTSense) & Leedroid are also good and i noticed nextsense ROM gives more battery life.
so it depends on what you need..!
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I would say auraxtsense with a richard kernel
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
I'm tempted to try a HD ROM. Whats the battery life like compared to say LeeDroid which is what I use currently?
AdamLC said:
I'm tempted to try a HD ROM. Whats the battery life like compared to say LeeDroid which is what I use currently?
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battry life would probably be shorter because of the new sense
h3llb3nd4 said:
battry life would probably be shorter because of the new sense
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Well thats what I have assumed! Its a bit of a nightmare to keep changing between roms. I guess I could nandroid my current setup and just try it out!
Hi guys a noob here. Be gentle with me!
Just been following this thread as I am considering rooting my unbranded desire. I think I am right in assuming I don't need a Goldcard as it isn't branded? I am only interested in the new HD ROM once the camera issue is fixed. This is my question to you experts.........
If you flashed the HD ROM to Desire, would you still be able to register with HTC Sense.com??? Or, when you register, does the registration process check the IMEI or serial number and sees it as a Classic Desire and refuses?
Interesting question perhaps.......Anyone got an opinion?
Also chaps, once rooted will I be able to permanently disable the annoying startup jingle on the "quietly brilliant" page and also will I be able to change the key to bring the Desire out of sleep from power key to say menu or home key before swiping to unlock??
Looking forward to some good answers.
make a goldcard just in case...
Loaded RCmixHD no probably register for htcsense I was able to use some facilities ie downloading new skins
Trying cynogen 6.0.2 good setup. Auretaxsense has great CPU app. Was getting rediculous high scores on 7.9 using sense is
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Yep, goldcard not needed for unbranded phones. With HD ROM (from RCMixHD) htc hub works and you can create account for yourself at htcsense.com, all these work like a charm. Now don't give ideas to HTC for doing device identification using IMEI or other tricks
Depending on what ROM you chose the splash changes, ofcourse almost all of them get rid of the "quietly brilliant" page.
Menu Key change is again done by the ROM gurus, either you try to cook one per you liking are use whatever you get
Just wondering what roms fellow TELUS Desire HD users are using, and if you're experiencing any mass bugs? I'm currently running ARHD 3 with sense. After install I still needed to install the telus/inspire audio fix because prior to it my calls sounded horrible. I haven't played much with setcpu, but have pushed my CPU up to 1.2ghz for a bit. The first Rom I used was raidroid and as of yet I haven't flashed any custom kernels. I've also flashed the elequant blue theme for a quick change but I'm already becoming restless. For the record though everything seems to be running fine eg. WiFi, video, weather. Also note - before ARHD 3 I did a full wipe. So what are your suggestions for a different kernel or do you think there is a better alternative rom, or ones to stay clear of for now?
My Telus DHD with ARHD 3.0 has one bug in it, It wont let me connect to the mobile network. When I try to turn it on it just gets stuck at "Turning On" and doesn't progress. If anyone knows what i need to do to fix it (other than flashing ARHD 2.1), it would be much appreciated
I'm running CyanogenMod 7 nightly #11 on my Telus desire HD. Been pretty happy with it, no major issues or bugs.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
imptb said:
My Telus DHD with ARHD 3.0 has one bug in it, It wont let me connect to the mobile network. When I try to turn it on it just gets stuck at "Turning On" and doesn't progress. If anyone knows what i need to do to fix it (other than flashing ARHD 2.1), it would be much appreciated
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Did you do a full wipe before flash? Also I flashed Telus Radio_12.35d.60.140f_26.06.03.24_M2 awhile back (via usb/pc not clockwork mod). Lastly I used APN Manager to backup my APN before I ever flashed any roms and then I reinstall and restore my APN backup everytime I flash a new rom. Did you configure your APN?
mysterysnake said:
I'm running CyanogenMod 7 nightly #11 on my Telus desire HD. Been pretty happy with it, no major issues or bugs.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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Nice thats what I want to try next. Any extra effort required eg. Telus Kernal?
The only other thing I had to do was flash the inspire audio fix to get rid of the tinny sound.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Ill wait for #13. They say everything will be fixed in it and nothing more will be needed.
Decided to Try CoreDroid 3.1 Themed
Wow. I'm loving it. Blazing fast great battery life, and love the experience. My favorite so far for the speed and simplicity and the very subtle theme tweaks. You can tell they took their time getting this right. My only 2 beefs are that the home screen launcher bar looks almost like the basic stock one even though its menus are awesome, and I had to select United States english. But damn that's knit picking this rom is awesome. Also I had to flash the Inspire 4G/Telus audio fix for phone calls, and set APN manually. The only downside is when I finished completing a full wipe and flash of the ROM 3.1 they released 3.2 with an updated kernel. 3.2 is based on 1.84.661.1 and the recommended radio is Sounds like a perfect match for me to Telus. I'll let you know how it goes tonight.
I'm trying to give my old Desire (GSM) to my mother as her first smartphone, but I ran into some trouble with her Bluetooth car-kit.
When I scan for Bluetooth devices on any other phone, I see that the Desire is not reported as a phone (while other phones are).
This only happens on ROMs for Android 4 or above (although I didn't test 3).
What I tried:
Stock (2.3) worked
CM7 (2.3) worked
AOKP (4.0) did not work
ICS for Desire (from sandvold) (4.0) did not work
COS Bravo ICS (4.0) did not work
This led me to believe that this was an issue with Android 4.0, so now I'm looking for any pointers that can help me fix this.
I could not find any similar problems, but I guess the Desire is kind of old now and Bluetooth is less used than it was.
Does anyone here have any ideas?
Greatly appreciated, thanks for your attention.
Am I the only one with Bluetooth peril?
Just use a more stable rom
sent from my mildwild desire
sywats said:
Just use a more stable rom
sent from my mildwild desire
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Which rom with version 4+ would you suggest? MidWild seems to be gingerbread.
timvdalen said:
Which rom with version 4+ would you suggest? MidWild seems to be gingerbread.
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The 4 + roms r still a working progress so not everything works as it should just look through the development thread and then u can c wats working and wats not I can say mildwild all working very stable rom
sent from my mildwild desire
Ok, thanks for your input. I might try to add the profile to the bluetooth stack myself.
Well, what do you know! I decided to try a few more and it looks like CronMod is working!
sent from my mildwild desire
hi friends, i m not developer but i tried so much roms for one year so far but i didnt find my five star rom. i need a rom but its must work;
-camcorder, camera, hq youtube playback
additionally, i have been using cm7.2 now. but wifi thethering connection with my smart tv is not possible! wifi thethering so important for this.waiting your valuable suggestions
Mehmet Bayirlik said:
hi friends, i m not developer but i tried so much roms for one year so far but i didnt find my five star rom. i need a rom but its must work;
-camcorder, camera, hq youtube playback
additionally, i have been using cm7.2 now. but wifi thethering connection with my smart tv is not possible! wifi thethering so important for this.waiting your valuable suggestions
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Stock sense 2.1 or 3.5. If you don't like sense then WildChild 3.3 is best. It has amazing performance too.
thehacka1 said:
Stock sense 2.1 or 3.5. If you don't like sense then WildChild 3.3 is best. It has amazing performance too.
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thank you bro, i dont like sense, i will try wildchild 3.3 but waitin for your update to fix mobile network for epic rom miui based on cm7.2. it was the best for me but i dont use for only one reason that is network problem. i will try wildcihld but still will be waiting for your miui v3 with network fix
i have tried wildchild 3.3 its well but i had keyboard problem. when i touch any writeable screen, not opening keyboard, tried to flash stock keyboard same problem existed again. i'm turnin back to stock again..
This one looks promising: Marvellous CM10
However I don't know if it is overclock-able. I'm always weary of overclocking phones as they don't have that much heat dissipation to work with.
Grorbabrag said:
This one looks promising: Marvellous CM10
However I don't know if it is overclock-able. I'm always weary of overclocking phones as they don't have that much heat dissipation to work with.
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I am using it, its over clockable and very smooth.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e
khatodankit said:
I am using it, its over clockable and very smooth.
Sent from my Wildfire S A510e
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i will try it then, thanx for suggestions :good:
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