Hello everyone!
I am new to android platform, and those days i was reading a lot about custom ROM's. Today i bought new HTC Desire, which comes with Android 2.1. I want to install some custom ROM, which is on Android 2.2. I readed a lot about openDesire, and i want to ask you, can you tell me which ROM is the best?
2.1. on my phone is fast, but i watched some videos on youtube, that is running 2.2, and it seems a lot faster than 2.1.
Btw i would like that custom ROM have HTC Sense.
First of all, OpenDesire doesn't have Sense. There really is no "best" rom. I like Pinky's rom, but others prefer LeeDroid or even different ones. There are a lot of roms with Sense and most are pretty good.
Modaco custom rom by paul new release worth a thought.
I'm flashing my first rom tonight, but unfortunately have to downgrade h boot first
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
For me it has to be Pirate Rum rom (download through Rom manager). It has virtually no bugs I can see and a great battery life. A very understated rom in my opinion.
I tried pirate rum last night, froyo sense version, and got stuck in a bootloop.. could be something I'm doing but ill try pink and let you know what I think
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Can someone recommend me a rom, and give a proper guide to it: I want it to have HTC Sense, nice battery life, and that GPU+ hack, there's a thread about it.
Good battery life?
Forget it.
For the rest try Modaco custom rom r9
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Sent from Desire using Tapatalk
Try LeeDroid 2.2e, really good one. Very stable, themeable, see the thred here :
SilverHedgehog said:
Can someone recommend me a rom, and give a proper guide to it: I want it to have HTC Sense, nice battery life, and that GPU+ hack, there's a thread about it.
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Leedroid is the way to go. If only ppl could learn to read for themselfs to form a personal opinion, we wouldn't have the same pointless topic in here every week.
Sent from my Evil Lair using Doomsday Device
I think its all personal opinion depends on what you like to do on your phone.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
lazyeejay said:
For me it has to be Pirate Rum rom (download through Rom manager). It has virtually no bugs I can see and a great battery life. A very understated rom in my opinion.
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I had to download it manually, because ROM manager failed at downloading and flashing...
After using OD, SV nom I'm using DF6 and its very good
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New Pirate Rum !!!
h t t p ://
PS. U need the latest Radio.
The best ROM ever !!! Arrr! )
There is no BEST ROM, only the MOST COMFORTABLE ROM for yourself
Undisputed best ROM for HTC Desire is MiUi
Over last year or more, I have tried several custom ROMs for HTC Desire, from LeeDroid, Cyanogen, ownhere, NeoPhyte and few others, but since I came across MiUi, I have not looked for anything else because this just simply is the BEST ROM for HTC Desire.
Have a look at it for yourself -
Strange that Oxygen has not been mentioned in this thread, it is a really great stable ROM (Battery consumption is good too).
I suggest you to give a try on it.
Note that for the moment the camera recording is not working (have a look at the first 2 posts in the oxygen thread).
I really like the Cyanogenmod 7 (build 25)
Works really good so far.
prosciutboy said:
Strange that Oxygen has not been mentioned in this thread, it is a really great stable ROM (Battery consumption is good too).
I suggest you to give a try on it.
Note that for the moment the camera recording is not working (have a look at the first 2 posts in the oxygen thread).
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I find that Oxygen isn't that stable at all or fast and a little laggy. No idea if it's just my phone but it seems that way with they others as well. I am going to try it again tonight to see if it has been improved since the last time I used it.
MIUI-Au is an extremely fast rom, faster than the other Froyo roms. I guess selecting a rom for yourself you need to test them and see which you like.
GoogleJelly said:
I find that Oxygen isn't that stable at all or fast and a little laggy. No idea if it's just my phone but it seems that way with they others as well. I am going to try it again tonight to see if it has been improved since the last time I used it.
MIUI-Au is an extremely fast rom, faster than the other Froyo roms. I guess selecting a rom for yourself you need to test them and see which you like.
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all ginger roms will remain laggy until right drivers come in.
who ever says its not lagging is blind or is used to lag by using sense rom
I used to use miui, then went to lee droid, then back to miui. I think I have.found perfection in insert coin by baad newz. Best battery for a sense based rom.
Just remembered: used alex hd also for a while but there were way too many lags after a few days. The rom might be in its infancy then
I am using NeoPhyTe Mod (1.8) and this fits the best to my needs and my taste...
Greetings XDA members,
I bought a desire 3 weeks ago and so far I am really satisfied with it.
After exploring this site, I learned that it is possible to load the new sense on the desire. With the camera working, it becomes even more attractive.
My question is: are the HD sense roms slower than the normal sense roms?
Because this is one thing I really want: a speedy phone (no lag when browsing menus, homescreens, etc...). Is it possible to compare a quadrant score?
I now run stock unrooted 2.2 froyo.
im actually experiencing WAY faster response, the original sense had some lag, the HD does not. but this is my experience.
I Switched from Modaco R9 to RCmixHD yesterday as the Camera fix came out.
My Experience ist that the HD ROM is much faster and more responsive.
Quadrant is about 1650 +-50 points.
The first boot of RCmixHD takes a very long time, but after that it runs like hell!
Yep, HD ROM is noticeably quicker than stock Sense
good ROM, stable, quick, no lag for the moment.
1st boot really long.
Yep, new-Sense seems faster to me despite all the pretty animations. Quadrant confirms this, despite the fact that I'm using the same richardtrip kernel as I was with Auraxt.
westernmg said:
I Switched from Modaco R9 to RCmixHD yesterday as the Camera fix came out.
My Experience ist that the HD ROM is much faster and more responsive.
Quadrant is about 1650 +-50 points.
The first boot of RCmixHD takes a very long time, but after that it runs like hell!
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I have the same quadrant score running aurax so thats not a score. I've been trying RCMixHD but came back to stock sense.. nothing special for now. When the new sense officially appear for desire it will be much more new custom, better roms.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
But the non-HD ROMs are all tweaked up to hell to get them quick. I get 1700+ with NO tweaks made to the ROM and on the stock kernel that it comes with. If I was to play with UVOC and the like we could be over 2000
Nice, i'll try it again if the camera fully work.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Which way to root?
okay, thanks for the quick replies. I'm pretty sure the HD rom is better than what I have now
Second question: What is the best way to root my phone because I find dozens of methods to do it and some say it won't work on 2.2 etc?
I had 2.2 when I bought the phone.
software-number: 2.10.405.2
H-boot: 0.93
Can I use unrevoked 3.21? Or is that not possible because I already have 2.2?
Thank you again for the help!
As I remember you have to downgrade your hboot and then try unrevorked. Best and easy.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Floris2310 said:
okay, thanks for the quick replies. I'm pretty sure the HD rom is better than what I have now
Second question: What is the best way to root my phone because I find dozens of methods to do it and some say it won't work on 2.2 etc?
I had 2.2 when I bought the phone.
software-number: 2.10.405.2
H-boot: 0.93
Can I use unrevoked 3.21? Or is that not possible because I already have 2.2?
Thank you again for the help!
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Just try Unrevoked without downgrading something, it will work
Don't forget to install the modded USB-Drivers...
You don't need to downgrade just run unrevoked and it will work.
after reading HD rom is faster than stock rom, i would love to flash it on my desire....i have a rooted desire running Leedroid 2.2f, what version of HD rom do you suggest ? also how do i back up everything except the system apps etc ? the leedroid i flashed was after i rooted my desire for the first time and i am a newbie at flashing, rooting etc
And my last question...
okay thanks, I just don't want to brick my phone. That's the reason for all my questions...
last question: Today I use HTC Sync to sync playlists with itunes and contacts and agenda with outlook. I now you have to uninstall HTC Sync to perform the rooting and flashing. But can you use it afterwards to sync all that info and media?
Thank you!
I found it is much faster since using the HD rom has anyone signed up to the service? Or are you leaving it incase the desire officially gets the new sense.
i think there faster then ne most sense roms. some of the HD Sense Rom´s are slowly but most of them are fast
You have to uninstall HTC Sync before rooting!
After u can reinstall it again!
Some things in the HD ROMs are definately slower (even if only some) .. for example one important thing: pulling out the notification area lags a bit if you didn't do it for a while. Might sound minor bit annoyed me after some time...
Ge...ta...ta...tapatalked mit meinem Desire
Firstly, Quadrant and such I ignore and they mean nothing to me. Actual usage dictates.
Desire HD Sense is faster/smoother/more responsive overall. It's also more polished up in many areas. I've noticed the speed with certain apps (camera/those using camera) and the browser. I'm saying this with over 20 constantly sync'ing, chunky widgets on the screens which made the HTC Desire 2.2 Sense lag. Especially Pure Messenger.
The only semi-bug I have is network band switching causing a high amount of lag when it occurs. Pretty much everything freezes up for a few seconds at those moments while I don't get that on the typical HTC 2.2 ROM. This still may not be ROM related though.
I sincerely think anyone comfortable with stock 2.2 or a tweaked version of it will love the HD ROM once they've tried it. My experience is only with RCMixHD to make it clear.
- Sent via HTC Desire -
Hey guys.
Im looking for a GOOD Desire HD ROM to use on my Desire.
I want a ROM for ALLDAY not a Benchmark ROM
I want a ROM with as few as possible bugs
I want a ROM which leaves much internal storage for apps
I want a ROM which supports German
Hope u guys can give ma a few good Desire HD ROMS
Or is it better to use LeeDrOiD for now?
Seems to be a very popular ROM for my Desire right?
best hd rom
i recommend baadnwz rom it is the fastest around. it has plenty of memory and it does surport german.
Known bugs:
- 720p recording working now but records green
- Some streaming videos, shows just "audio", no video
- editing personal dictionary causes FC - due to Desire Z IM
it has the least bugs i have seen in all of the hd roms
p.s don't forget you need an ext partition
link -
if you want no bugs at all then use leedroid but the sense experience is no where near as good and in my mind the new sense makes up for the bugs even with the small bugs which will be fixed pretty soon
i use z it super fast
baadnewz rom
FlatOutRU said:
baadnewz rom
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Baadnewz is good rom, but not for allday use.
Take LeeDroid if u like sense or DeFrost if u want vanila.
Sent from my pocket using pen
Baadnewz is excellent for everyday use. Excellent battery life, fast, responsive and has all HD goodies Best ROM for me.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I used both LeeDroid and baadnewz. In my opinion baadnewz is better. I have more space for apps, I like new sence, my battery lasts more...
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
the only way to find out is to try them all , we could say this and that but at the end of the day what works for us might not work for you
i use baadnewz btw
Thank you all for your input.
I wonder why some of you would choose Baadnwz over LeeDrOiD. Some pros and Cons would be highly appreciated
Also wonder if anyone have tried the latest Oxygen 2.3 rom and how it is compared to the previous mentioned once.
The new ROMs from Desire HD and Desire Z have a new launcher, which compared to the old launcher from the original Desire have a few nice additions. For example, you have auto-rotate on your main screens, better browser, more customization options and many other things. What I also noticed is that the new launchers run smoother than the old one.
This was my main reason to switch from LeeDroid (which is great and stable, by the way) to Z.
The best rom if installed yet is the SuperVillanHD Rom! its nice, fast, stable and works perfect (now that they fixed the cam! THANKS!) i recommend it.
PS the only sad thing is that its been a while that they have not brought out a update! but still.... i haven't changed it yet...
I would like to have a rom which doesn't drain battery so much but still enables to integrate facebook into calendar and contacts?
I tried Baadnewz but I like using Swype for input but it doesn't work very well with the new "select text" system. Is it just me or is this a known problem with the Swype/Desire HD combination?
Hey, hope there aren't a lot of threads with the same question but i didn't find one.
I will root my Desire the next days and then want to update to a custom rom.
There are some things i really need:
1. A2SD (that i can store any apps on the SD card)
2. Stable (NO bugs)
3. Sense (maybe normal sense, but might be also a port from the desire HD/Z)
4. Fast-Browser WITH Flash
5. (not so important) a Rom which is not overloaded and themed, i like the way sense looks, with all it's fonts and pictures.
Would ne great if someone could tell my what rom he would suggest for me and my needs.
iNsertCoin HD/Z Port 1.9.5
in the video the menu seems to be a bit laggy. and the equalizer doesnt work. not that i need it but i dont like roms where something doesnt work... why would you recommend this to me?
JonnyZaggi said:
in the video the menu seems to be a bit laggy. and the equalizer doesnt work. not that i need it but i dont like roms where something doesnt work... why would you recommend this to me?
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One more voice for "iNsertCoin HD/Z Port". I am still using older version "1.8f".. No FCs, very nice and smooth. No lags for me.
Cool sense Cool Z v6 (i can't get V7 to work properly(its still in beta))
The HD roms from my pov, the fonts too small for my old eyes
JonnyZaggi said:
Hey, hope there aren't a lot of threads with the same question but i didn't find one.
I will root my Desire the next days and then want to update to a custom rom.
There are some things i really need:
1. A2SD (that i can store any apps on the SD card)
2. Stable (NO bugs)
3. Sense (maybe normal sense, but might be also a port from the desire HD/Z)
4. Fast-Browser WITH Flash
5. (not so important) a Rom which is not overloaded and themed, i like the way sense looks, with all it's fonts and pictures.
Would ne great if someone could tell my what rom he would suggest for me and my needs.
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I have been using the REMIxHD and it all seems to work very well, very fluid lag free flash works standard browser so might give dolphin ago. But then again when I got the LG GT540 on 2.1 thought it was good at the time.
I am using standard leedroid 2.3d. Working great for me and fits into your criteria.
JonnyZaggi said:
in the video the menu seems to be a bit laggy. and the equalizer doesnt work. not that i need it but i dont like roms where something doesnt work... why would you recommend this to me?
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The phone runs an older verison of the ROM in the video, which was laggy. EQ does not work, desire lacks of hardware.
I think you should go with a 2.2 Froyo ROM such as LeeDroid and not the HD/Z ports or Gingerbread.
I used to have RCMIXHD 3.0 A2SD and had a great experience with it. Surprisingly fast.
If Sense is not a priority for you, I'd recommend Oxygen or MIUI XJ, way smoother than any Sense HD port.
I used to love sense too. Sense is lovely.
These days though I realise that it's just eye candy - free yourself and get rid of it.
Go for Redux 1.0.2 (Gingerbread) which is the fastest smoothest ROM I've used (and I've used a lot).
Launcherpro has some god damn accurate Sense style widgets built in, and you can easily mod its dock to look the same as the sense dock, so you can have the sense look and feel, whilst still being able to use all the free space that sense usually takes up
This is what I'm currently running and I'm really happy with it.
free yourself and get rid of it.
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I had a HTC hero before and used Android without sense, but the audio player for example sucks ...
i think i will stick to froyo and sense until the official gingerbread+sense comes out and someone has rooted it and created a custom rom.
Or is there anything in gingerbread that ist better than in froyo?
The phone runs an older verison of the ROM in the video, which was laggy. EQ does not work, desire lacks of hardware.
I think you should go with a 2.2 Froyo ROM such as LeeDroid and not the HD/Z ports or Gingerbread.
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Actually i think LeeDroid is overloaded. The pictures i've seen are full with custom logos, fonts, etc, etc.
I Just want the original sense/sense HD style.
What ROM would you recommend? What about the Rooted Stock Roms?
And another question: Does slowing down the CPU when screen ist of (what is possible in some ROM's) really help for more battery life? I'm not really convinced and afraid of destroying anything on my loved HTC Desire..
JonnyZaggi said:
Actually i think LeeDroid is overloaded. The pictures i've seen are full with custom logos, fonts, etc, etc.
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There is nothing like that in LeeDroid. i think you are getting a wallpaper
confused with the os. or maybe you saw a boot animation and got it
confused either way it is "stock" sense with tweaks and it runs very
nicely. I swear by it anyway and put it on all my friends desires.
I went to HD roms but they either start running slow or take
too long to open things like the music player, this all bugged me so i
ditched it. I got the feeling that it wasnt designed for this hardware.
It might be good by now but who knows.
With leedroid i set the cpu scaling to "smartass" so it dips when nothing
is happening or the screens off and rises back to the top when in use.
"ondemand" does the same i believe but each governor has its advantages.
This all helps battery life but i cant say how much because ive been
running it for so long i dont notice.
Leedroid also has an intergrated fix for the charge issue with sense roms where
the battery is never at 100% when you take it off charge.
Try StarBurst lite is what you are looking for,
its Stock Sense with simple D2Ext. Kernel is LeeDroid 2.3 from snq - major Battery saver.
or try dsixda's Kitchen and cook your own Stock ROM with A2SD and just flash snq's Kernel.
Im using coolexe hd version 7,got a2sd sending apps to memory card. Batterys good,pretty much the same,but this is dependant on the amount of apps and things you get id say, The hd sense is much better in my opinion,more customization. onboard but only some things work,lovely rom though id take that one a go,insertcoins good also,ive tried aurax also.all good.try them all mate,once you know the score test as many as u want!
A simple, stable gingerbread would be Oxygen 2.0.1.
A feature rich, fully customiseable alternative is the Cyanogen ROM (link in signature).
Choose whatever suits your needs.
I found this topic that is what I want to know. I hope it is not wrong to revive this thread.
I would like to root my Desire soon and update it to a custom rom.
There are some things i need:
1. Stable (NO MAJOR bugs -calls, sms, wi-fi, camera and basic functions should be working with no problems)
2. Android 2.3.4 or 2.3.5
3. A2SD (so i can store any apps on the SD card)
Would like to have, but not a must: Only if it works without laggs and buggs.
4. Sense 3.0 or 3.5 (for example like one from the desire HD)
I have htc Desire with official 2.3.3 Android (that I instaled from htc website) and is not rooted yet. I want to root and instal one of the newest android on my phone.
Therefore I would ask for some help, to help me choose the right one for me. I'm considering one of those:
Would be great if someone could tell me which rom would you suggest for me. One of those 3 or perhaps one I misslooked.
I'm sorry for my spelling mistakes...
I'm grateful for any help or suggestion I might get.
Just installed Runnymede AIO V4.0 Special Edition, runs really smooth.
Before i switched to CM7, i used Insert coin and it was really really fast and was stable only reason i switched to CM7 was due to better themes and more settings
This is all really helpful, thanks so much to all you guys for doing this!!
My quick question on this, any of the roms that pretty much emulate a standard experience, e.g. the Starburst, plus app2sd functionality, any of these also support ad hoc wifi?
I believe there are ways of custom installing it, though are there (simple) roms out there which include it already?
Vinneeh said:
Just installed Runnymede AIO V4.0 Special Edition, runs really smooth.
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Me too i have flashed older version of the Runnymede AIO and i am very satisfied ,its stable ,fast ,no laggy ,with htc sense and a lot of updates .The best for me from rom with sense .
I want to flash my first ROM ever and ive been trying to read a bit and decide on the most appropriate ROM for me. I want something fast and with a good battery life and from what Ive been reading Absolution seems to offer both these things really well. One thing I dont think im willing to give up right now however is the ability to sync facebook images and information onto my contacts. Do Absolution and other Cyanogen based ROMS allow us to do that? Any one with any other suggestions that you think may be easier for me to handle for a first ROM? Also, is there a way for me to backup my current stock rooted ROM so I go back to it in case I dont like CM?
If you want cyanogenmod based ROMs, for me blackICE ROM is the best by far.
If you want to stick to official releases for our DHD, Android Revolution or wait for LeeDroiD to update his ROM
If your want sense 3.5, in my opinion SmartDroiD is my ROM of choice,it really is the best ROM I've ever used, but there is ER3BUS ROM and RcMiX Runny. Currently I'm on ER3BUS as I wanted to test it and I've ended up loosing my USB cable so I'm stuck atm but I will be returning to SmartDroiD soon as I can.
Sent from my ER3BUS Desire HD..
wilkyyyy said:
If you want cyanogenmod based ROMs, for me blackICE ROM is the best by far.
If you want to stick to official releases for our DHD, Android Revolution or wait for LeeDroiD to update his ROM
If your want sense 3.5, in my opinion SmartDroiD is my ROM of choice,it really is the best ROM I've ever used, but there is ER3BUS ROM and RcMiX Runny. Currently I'm on ER3BUS as I wanted to test it and I've ended up loosing my USB cable so I'm stuck atm but I will be returning to SmartDroiD soon as I can.
Sent from my ER3BUS Desire HD..
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Lol, just thinking out of the box here.why not just download the ROM on your phones browser and then flash it? I've had a desire for 2 years and think out of the 1000 times I've flashed, only 3-5 of those roms was put on there from my computer..
Nagelzz said:
Lol, just thinking out of the box here.why not just download the ROM on your phones browser and then flash it? I've had a desire for 2 years and think out of the 1000 times I've flashed, only 3-5 of those roms was put on there from my computer..
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Yeah as said,flash all of them,runny is the best at current but as you can tell its individual loves
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Yea, when you first install a custom ROM after making your choice, obviously you will have clockwordmod recovery on the phone. From here you can do backups (referred to as nandroid backups) you can also initiate this from ROM manager.
Good luck intrepid Modder.
Also my recommendations are
Sense - Android Revolution HD. It's stock Sense look and feel with good battery life and amazing support, practically 24hour.
AOSP - CM7 - Again amazing support and a great experience. It can link your FB profile pics, but don't expect and decent resolution.
Bleeding Edge - LC ICS Beta 4.5 - Great if you want to try the new flavour of Android but really not for the new modder.
Thanks a lot for the help guys. Knowing that I can back up my stock rom is particularly comforting. Im hoping il have enough time this weekend to get around to doing this. By then Il make sure to look around for some videos of each of those ROMs in order to better choose my first
I feel that Absolution and Blackice are roughly on par with each other, and both are excellent. I'm very curious about Wilkyyy's reasoning...
If your only serious criteria are speed and battery life, the Oxygen 2.3.2 port can't be beaten IMHO. It has far fewer "options" than the former two ROMs though, and there is no CM7-style theming. If you use an alternate launcher like Go, though, then this isn't really an issue or even very relevant.
BenRoark said:
. this isn't really an issue or even very relevant.
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That's possibly one of the funniest things I have read on here for a while
I actually am using golauncher right now and am loving it. In that case you would recomend the oxygen ROM?
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oik01 said:
I actually am using golauncher right now and am loving it. In that case you would recomend the oxygen ROM?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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Everyone will tell you what they think is the best rom out there. It is all a matter of opinion and taste. I would suggest watching the threads and see which ones are up to date with features that are appealing to you and try them each out for a few days/hours/minutes etc until you settle into one that makes you happy. There are tons of quality roms and many that are inactive as far as development too. Just be sure to back up your go to or stock rom before experimenting.
i would say virtuous affinity-v1.48.0 its fast and dont use much battery
i think you can use mybackup pro to backup your stock rom
but i think you need to root it first
Don't think twice, perfect ROM for DHD is Android Revolution HD™ 6.3.1.
wbbigdave said:
That's possibly one of the funniest things I have read on here for a while
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How's that, chief? You can use launcher themes to change the look of your phone interface, if you're really "into" that kind of thing. Yeah, sure, your settings menu won't change, but if you're gonna lose sleep over that, then your problems run much deeper in my opinion.
Another alternative for Oxygen is the kitchen, which has already been done by at least one user.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
oik01 said:
I actually am using golauncher right now and am loving it. In that case you would recomend the oxygen ROM?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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I think you should try a whole bunch of them. Absolution is awesome IMHO.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Android Revolution and Absolution are my two favorites... Can't go wrong with either and you get a mix of flavors, Sense (ARHD) and CM7 based (Absolution). I randomly switch between these two but Absolution has more development and updates happening than does ARHD.
thanks i tried absolution ... amazing but the one true downfall has been horrible wifi ... will try a new radio and see if that fixes things though
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