Is there a better ROM than modaco? - Desire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have got the modaco ROM and always had them, but is there a better froyo sense ROM out there in terms of speed? Also must have a2sd+

325i. said:
I have got the modaco ROM and always had them, but is there a better froyo sense ROM out there in terms of speed? Also must have a2sd+
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Hi I use the delite rom it's pretty much as standard but with a few extras including a2sd+ & superuser included, this rom works fine for me give it a try.

Try neophyte rom 1.6
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

sbdags said:
Try neophyte rom 1.6
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
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i agree, a great ROM, super fast and battery is pretty good.
i also have alex v's Official FRoyo Ram v 1.3 as a nandroid backup, just in case... as its really stable and fast too.

bob dylan said:
i agree, a great ROM, super fast and battery is pretty good.
i also have alex v's Official FRoyo Ram v 1.3 as a nandroid backup, just in case... as its really stable and fast too.
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I used it and had no signal whatsoever.....Emergency Calls Only even with latest radio....

Try Neophytes NexTSenSe... I've been using it since it started and it just gets better everyday... Now on V5.1

I just tried that one....what's that weird screen on there with the digital clock and gallery button ruins the rom.....apart from that, it was good!

kurtish said:
I used it and had no signal whatsoever.....Emergency Calls Only even with latest radio....
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which one alex or neophyte?
never had a problem with either tbh

The Neo rom.....I had to be outside to get any bars on my Desire.....I have just this minute put DJ Droid 1.2....which is probably the best I've tried over the last 6 Roms I've put on

kurtish said:
The Neo rom.....I had to be outside to get any bars on my Desire.....I have just this minute put DJ Droid 1.2....which is probably the best I've tried over the last 6 Roms I've put on
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same for me actually, until i noticed that the Neo Rom flash had wiped my APN settings, everything was fine after i re inputted them!

I checked the APN settings and they were as they should've been. I couldn't receive mms neither,but I could send it?! lol

LeeDroid is an excellent Desire ROM
and Open desire is another excellent Vanilla ROM.
matter what you want really. I us these two and I've had no problems.


[Q] The best custom ROM for HTC Desire?

Hello everyone!
I am new to android platform, and those days i was reading a lot about custom ROM's. Today i bought new HTC Desire, which comes with Android 2.1. I want to install some custom ROM, which is on Android 2.2. I readed a lot about openDesire, and i want to ask you, can you tell me which ROM is the best?
2.1. on my phone is fast, but i watched some videos on youtube, that is running 2.2, and it seems a lot faster than 2.1.
Btw i would like that custom ROM have HTC Sense.
First of all, OpenDesire doesn't have Sense. There really is no "best" rom. I like Pinky's rom, but others prefer LeeDroid or even different ones. There are a lot of roms with Sense and most are pretty good.
Modaco custom rom by paul new release worth a thought.
I'm flashing my first rom tonight, but unfortunately have to downgrade h boot first
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For me it has to be Pirate Rum rom (download through Rom manager). It has virtually no bugs I can see and a great battery life. A very understated rom in my opinion.
I tried pirate rum last night, froyo sense version, and got stuck in a bootloop.. could be something I'm doing but ill try pink and let you know what I think
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Can someone recommend me a rom, and give a proper guide to it: I want it to have HTC Sense, nice battery life, and that GPU+ hack, there's a thread about it.
Good battery life?
Forget it.
For the rest try Modaco custom rom r9
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Try LeeDroid 2.2e, really good one. Very stable, themeable, see the thred here :
SilverHedgehog said:
Can someone recommend me a rom, and give a proper guide to it: I want it to have HTC Sense, nice battery life, and that GPU+ hack, there's a thread about it.
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Leedroid is the way to go. If only ppl could learn to read for themselfs to form a personal opinion, we wouldn't have the same pointless topic in here every week.
Sent from my Evil Lair using Doomsday Device
I think its all personal opinion depends on what you like to do on your phone.
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lazyeejay said:
For me it has to be Pirate Rum rom (download through Rom manager). It has virtually no bugs I can see and a great battery life. A very understated rom in my opinion.
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I had to download it manually, because ROM manager failed at downloading and flashing...
After using OD, SV nom I'm using DF6 and its very good
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New Pirate Rum !!!
h t t p ://
PS. U need the latest Radio.
The best ROM ever !!! Arrr! )
There is no BEST ROM, only the MOST COMFORTABLE ROM for yourself
Undisputed best ROM for HTC Desire is MiUi
Over last year or more, I have tried several custom ROMs for HTC Desire, from LeeDroid, Cyanogen, ownhere, NeoPhyte and few others, but since I came across MiUi, I have not looked for anything else because this just simply is the BEST ROM for HTC Desire.
Have a look at it for yourself -
Strange that Oxygen has not been mentioned in this thread, it is a really great stable ROM (Battery consumption is good too).
I suggest you to give a try on it.
Note that for the moment the camera recording is not working (have a look at the first 2 posts in the oxygen thread).
I really like the Cyanogenmod 7 (build 25)
Works really good so far.
prosciutboy said:
Strange that Oxygen has not been mentioned in this thread, it is a really great stable ROM (Battery consumption is good too).
I suggest you to give a try on it.
Note that for the moment the camera recording is not working (have a look at the first 2 posts in the oxygen thread).
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I find that Oxygen isn't that stable at all or fast and a little laggy. No idea if it's just my phone but it seems that way with they others as well. I am going to try it again tonight to see if it has been improved since the last time I used it.
MIUI-Au is an extremely fast rom, faster than the other Froyo roms. I guess selecting a rom for yourself you need to test them and see which you like.
GoogleJelly said:
I find that Oxygen isn't that stable at all or fast and a little laggy. No idea if it's just my phone but it seems that way with they others as well. I am going to try it again tonight to see if it has been improved since the last time I used it.
MIUI-Au is an extremely fast rom, faster than the other Froyo roms. I guess selecting a rom for yourself you need to test them and see which you like.
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all ginger roms will remain laggy until right drivers come in.
who ever says its not lagging is blind or is used to lag by using sense rom
I used to use miui, then went to lee droid, then back to miui. I think I have.found perfection in insert coin by baad newz. Best battery for a sense based rom.
Just remembered: used alex hd also for a while but there were way too many lags after a few days. The rom might be in its infancy then
I am using NeoPhyTe Mod (1.8) and this fits the best to my needs and my taste...

[Q] HTC Incredible root decision

So here's my situation.
Saw that Google killed some apps today. Looked on my phone and sure enough I had two games (Chess and Falling Ball). Knowing that a factory reset from the phone settings wouldn't actually erase any rooting that these apps could have done, I decided to install the official HTC RUU. Tried to run it and got an error about the bootloader being incompatible. Tried a few things, but nothing made a difference.
Now I'm at a crossroads. I need to clear off this crap. I figured, ok, let's go ahead and root the phone and maybe even a custom ROM that way I'm sure any remnants of the app are gone. Problem is I haven't found an easy way to tell which ROMs are good, which ones aren't (by that I mean are stable and let me use wifi/bluetooth/gps without issues), and that allow me to use Exchange/activesync still.
I looked at Cyanogenmod, but they are telling my that wifi/bluetooth/gps don't work. I don't care if it has sense or not, but again, I need those things to work as well as exchange.
If all else fails I'll go back to the stock firmware, but I need to be sure that I've cleared off any changes these apps may have caused. Thanks.
Flash virtuous rom, its nearly 100% stock, but rooted, very stable.
Ya gotta root first tho.
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Skyraider Sense is a very stable rom too. Just throwing some options out there for you.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo RLS5.3.
Incredibly Reengineered is awesome. apparently theres an issue with MMS with wifi on or something but I haven't experienced it yet.. Other than that my bluetooth wifi and gps all work flawlessly and super fast. Virtuous is good if you want your phone pretty much stock. Depends on preference.
Most ROMS have a buglist somewhere in the original post that says what the issues are. Cyanogenmod 6.1 is very stable, but it's AOSP not sense.
Many AOSP ROM's lack solid stability, so if I were you I'd try sticking with Sense based ROM's at first- and if you want to venture out a little further then there are some pretty sweet AOSP ROM's that are for the most part quite stable.
I've been sticking with Sky Raider 3.5 for a while now, I've tried a few other ROM's but always came back to good 'ol SR3.5. It's speedy, great battery life, and a couple added features that are very nice to have.
As always, be absolutely sure you make a complete backup of your phone before ever starting to flash anything. Also make sure you read through your ROM thread thoroughly so you won't run into any problems.
As most have said SkyRaider 3.5 is a great first Rom to start with. It was my first. I've since moved to Warm 2.2, and for the most part it is stable and I've had no problems. I really want to move to Warm Z though and test out the new Sense 2.0.
Definitely root. You will be missing out if you don't.
LakesideWiseman said:
As most have said SkyRaider 3.5 is a great first Rom to start with. It was my first. I've since moved to Warm 2.2, and for the most part it is stable and I've had no problems. I really want to move to Warm Z though and test out the new Sense 2.0.
Definitely root. You will be missing out if you don't.
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A previous user posted that the AOSP ROM's tend to have stability issues? I haven't experienced this and to be honest, my favorite ROM used to be Mynn's Warm... LOVED IT!!! That is until I went to CM7 (currently running #11).
Can't go wrong with Skyraider 3.5 or Mynn's Warm. If you want to go with the gingerbread ROM then CM7 has worked VERY well for me.
Good luck !!!
smtom said:
Flash virtuous rom, its nearly 100% stock, but rooted, very stable.
Ya gotta root first tho.
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+ 1...virtuous is a great starting point and extremely stable. Beware...once you acquire a taste for custom roms, you may never be happy with a stock phone again
HTCInc-redibly re-ENGINEERED
Redemption rom is super stable and smooth too.
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Warm Z is super stable
Sent from my Warm Z Incredible
I'm hooked in Incredibly Re-engineered as well. It's gone through several revisions and Chingy051 is very responsive and quick to remedy issues. Also, he's got heaps of mods for his ROM. Once you get used to a 4x5 screen, you won't want to ever go back to 4x4. He also has a new one, Incredibly Re-engineered Z v1.0. It's new, haven't tried it, but its based on the Warm Z ROM.
sent from my Incredibly Re-engineered Incredible
+1 on the skyraider 3.5 I just got my 1sr Droid and read everything and decided to give it a go. It has been great. Solid for last 3 dayd
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give another vote for skyraider sense 3.5. that was the only rom that i used until making the switch to cm7. everything you said that you need you should have no trouble getting to work with either of these roms. as was also mentioned previously make sure you look at the known issues lists for each rom you decide to check out, which should be located in each respective op.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I ended up going with Cyanogenmod7 RC2 afterall. Android 2.3.3 and everything works perfectly as far as I've been able to tell. Better battery life too it seems. Thanks again for the suggestions. I may try a few of them so that I can get a feel for each.
BYUsinger84 said:
Thanks for all the suggestions. I ended up going with Cyanogenmod7 RC2 afterall. Android 2.3.3 and everything works perfectly as far as I've been able to tell. Better battery life too it seems. Thanks again for the suggestions. I may try a few of them so that I can get a feel for each.
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BYUsinger84 did you do anything special in flashing Cyanogenmod7 RC2 or did you just do a factory reset , wipe , cache wipe . then flash .
Good choice with CM7. I flash the nightlies whenever they're released and have yet to have a single problem. It's surprising stable and functional.
Skyraider Sense was my first ROM as well, and I loved it, but I could never get rid of CM7 now. It's just got everything I could want and more.
What kernel are you running? Try out chad's incredikernel, it's rock solid, very quick and great battery life. Good upgrade from stock, at least for me. Give it a try, Nandroid first and you'll have nothing to lose.
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Let me clarify though, if you try a Sense ROM, incredikernel will not work (yet).
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StyrofoamTumor said:
What kernel are you running? Try out chad's incredikernel, it's rock solid, very quick and great battery life. Good upgrade from stock, at least for me. Give it a try, Nandroid first and you'll have nothing to lose.
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How do I flash to a different kernel? is there a list?
jayx4 said:
BYUsinger84 did you do anything special in flashing Cyanogenmod7 RC2 or did you just do a factory reset , wipe , cache wipe . then flash .
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I actually installed RC1 and then RC2 came out, but yes that's how I flashed the first time. I did it all from the clockworkmod recovery screen. I tried to flash from the ROMManager but quickly learned, that doesn't work so well.

Addicted to flashing ROM's ?? LOL

So i probably flash a new ROM maybe every second day at the latest lol, my wife reckons i should just make my office a new bedroom for my and my phone lol. ive tried about all of them i think, except the MIUI versions, tried one, didnt like it at all.
Out of pretty much all of them in the "Desire Index" i think i like Oxygen and ReflexTSense 1.8 the best i've flashed between them both many times...
At one point i had 7 ROM's backed up in clockwork ready to go just incase i had a panic attack (not really) and had to flash another ROM while in the drive through at burger king hahaha.
Any ideas what i can do next? ive tried building one and i got as far as using the kitchen in Ubuntu and a bit of Eclipse but i gave up after not being able to open the android .XML files lol.
SO... what can i flash thats not in the list or who can give me some more ideas about building or creating a theme?
I have flashed about 10 times in the last 2 weeks
currently using leedriod 2.3d and so far this is the one that spends the most time on my phone
Yea i definitely like LeeDroid 2.3d also, very reliable. the only reason i like ReflexTSense over LeeDroid is the HD Rom has a slightly better stock email app, the small fonts are kinda cool i think, and a just a few extra other little things i like about HD roms
I am addicted to SENSE ROMS, right now i am using AuraxTSense and quite happy with it until i find some thing that catches my interest. What would you recommend i try as a SENSE HD ROM.
I have the DESIRE.
3f1f37 said:
I am addicted to SENSE ROMS, right now i am using AuraxTSense and quite happy with it until i find some thing that catches my interest. What would you recommend i try as a SENSE HD ROM.
I have the DESIRE.
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I would recomend either ReflexTSense Or iNsertCoin 2.0.1 For iNsert you need to partition your card using the FAT,1GB EXT4, 300MB EXT4 and 100MB EXT4. so if thats a bit tricky stick with Reflex
I would lean towards Reflex, seems a tiny bit faster and you dont have to partition (apart from the standard FAT then EXT3 which you can do through ROM Manager) and i still have tones of apps installed and still have 127mb internal left
There are other good ones but ive tried about 9 or 10 of them and these 2 are the best IMO
I'm using a MIUI rom just for the folders.
the same to me, I have flashed 6 times between redux, amethyst and oxygen in last two week, finally, I stay on the redux.
Well...Now, I am using InsertCoin 2.0.1 Datas2Ext.
I flashed my Desire only during the search for a ROM that is suitable to my taste and needs.
I have flashed LeeDroids, RCmixHD, RCs Z, and DeFrost before I tried BaadNewz 1.3.
I have also tried one of the MIUIs and I don't like is a bit too..iPhone-ish.
After flashing BaadNewz ROM (now InsertCoin), I know I have found what I have been searching for and decided to stick with the ROM. is not really an addiction for me.
You can flash the new 2.3.3 roms and post your thoughts and result
Which one do you mean?
aca85 said:
You can flash the new 2.3.3 roms and post your thoughts and result
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currently am using OxyGen 2.0.2 by AdamG based on Android 2.3.3 GRI40.
love the simplicity.
I'm using cyanogen 7 nightlies meens I get anew rom every couple of days, then I add the steel blue theme for a fix while waiting for the next nightly.
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lol yah, I was back and forth on leedroid, gingervillan and oxygen for the past few weeks. Finally settled on oxygen mainly because battery life and I like it default, very little configuring needed for me.
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calyco said:
lol yah, I was back and forth on leedroid, gingervillan and oxygen for the past few weeks. Finally settled on oxygen mainly because battery life and I like it default, very little configuring needed for me.
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Definitely has awesome battery life I was having a few issues with wifi on 2.0.2. Giving the latest redux a try tonight seems good so far. But I really like 2.0.1 oxygen. Really well put together ROM and quick as.
Tones of room after flashing the delvik 2sd script also
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I'm a bit of a crackhead-level ROM addict, I tried using RCmixHD DeSenseized 3.5 A2SD+ and then realized that i could not make or recieve phone calls, and so flashed mini-sense only to find that the recommended A2SD+ script doesn't work at all, reverted back to a CM7 RC3 backup to then go to ReflexTsense 8.4 which i decided is the ROM for me(for now at least)....all in one night!!
P.s: is EXT3 better than EXT4 at handling most A2SD+ ROMs? (specifically DHD roms)
EDIT: Just wanna give a shoutout to Rerware's MyBackup Root for being so fast at restoring apps!
Haven't flashed a new ROM in weeks, found Redux 1.1.0 and I've been more than happy, first Gbread rom I've had that's been fault-free so far.
And trackball wake <3
Matty Matt said:
P.s: is EXT3 better than EXT4 at handling most A2SD+ ROMs? (specifically DHD roms)
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I think so, apparently ext4 will shorten the life of your card also
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ext4 shorten card life? why is that?
i used leedroid for awhile but the dsp manager on the mini site doesnt work proeprly for me. it crackles and pops if i even turn on the equaslizer. so i went to cool hd which is by far in my eyes, the best most stable hd rom out there. used it for afew weeks. never had a reboot or fc. just recently changed to cyanogen rc3 to give er a try. the thing u gotta do is find the rom that suits you. gingersense suits me but until shes done, cyanogen rc4 and cool sense hd is where il stay
briga69 said:
ext4 shorten card life? why is that?
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Im a noob so dont take my word on it, but I've heard flash memory becomes slower over time the more you write on it. EXT4 has a feature called journaling that I guess should be relatively similar to indexing service on windows. It will improve performance at the cost of writing data more often, hence the shorter life expectancy.
Now lets see if a real geek feels like showing us some light on this matter so I can eat my words.

Which is Rom better for daily use?

Hi guys, new to the desire community.
Which Rom is better for daily use?
-supernova gb sense Rom
-leedroid hd 3.3.3
-leedroid v2.5
-leedroid v3.0.8.2
Thanks guys! Been thinking which is good.
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Which ROM do you like the most? Which one of them to you works the best? Ask yourself a few questions, and when a specific ROM always comes up first you'll find your answer.
Currently using leedroid hd v3.3.3. But the internal memory seems to go down fast with a2sd++.
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You're gonna get a million different answers because everyone has their own opinion. The only way to find out is to check them out yourself
Swyped from my CM7.1 Desire using XDA Premium App
OK I have a more specific question: which ROM with Sense 2.1 or later and MORE space in internal memory than stock Gingerbread is better for daily use? (apart from Gingerburst with Data2SD because it seems my class 10 SD card doesn't like it ( )
Makinen11 said:
OK I have a more specific question: which ROM with Sense 2.1 or later and MORE space in internal memory than stock Gingerbread is better for daily use? (apart from Gingerburst with Data2SD because it seems my class 10 SD card doesn't like it ( )
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Yes! More internal Memory is needed for desire.
Have you tried any AOSP ROMs yet? (One's without Sense)
Tried those but I prefer ROMS with
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Did you try supernova?
TouchPal-d from my Desire running Starburst Classic Rom - 450 apps and counting. .
Droidzone said:
Did you try supernova?
TouchPal-d from my Desire running Starburst Classic Rom - 450 apps and counting. .
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Whts the diff between gingerburst and supernova?
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Makinen11 said:
OK I have a more specific question: which ROM with Sense 2.1 or later and MORE space in internal memory than stock Gingerbread is better for daily use?
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Thats the same question as the OP but adding an extra variable. See Timmaaa's response
I've found that pretty much any Sense GB ROM has glitches here and there, whether it be MMS not sending, camera flash timing, video playback stuttering etc etc etc.
About 4 days ago, I went back to Leedroid 2.5.0 and although it's only Android 2.2, it just works as it should.
The only thing that bothered me was that there are no toggles for wifi/Bluetooth etc in the notification bar, but there's a little mod to flash that enables that as well, so now it's spot on.
I'd recommend this for daily use.
wildcardspv said:
I've found that pretty much any Sense GB ROM has glitches here and there, whether it be MMS not sending, camera flash timing, video playback stuttering etc etc etc.
About 4 days ago, I went back to Leedroid 2.5.0 and although it's only Android 2.2, it just works as it should.
The only thing that bothered me was that there are no toggles for wifi/Bluetooth etc in the notification bar, but there's a little mod to flash that enables that as well, so now it's spot on.
I'd recommend this for daily use.
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That's because the "any Sense GB ROM" you referred to are all ports! Naturally, there will be bugs. Anything based on official HTC RUU-GB Roms like Supernova, Teppic, Alex-V; or Froyo Roms-StarBurst, old Leedroid shouldnt have issues.
Droidzone said:
That's because the "any Sense GB ROM" you referred to are all ports! Naturally, there will be bugs. Anything based on official HTC RUU-GB Roms like Supernova, Teppic, Alex-V; or Froyo Roms-StarBurst, old Leedroid shouldnt have issues.
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I hear you, and I'd expect glitches in ROMs ported from other devices, but even 2.3 ROMs based on the official update for the Desire from HTC (EG have issues in my experience.
It feels kinda wrong rolling back to 2.2, but it works well, so.........
wildcardspv said:
I hear you, and I'd expect glitches in ROMs ported from other devices, but even 2.3 ROMs based on the official update for the Desire from HTC (EG have issues in my experience.
It feels kinda wrong rolling back to 2.2, but it works well, so.........
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Well, that Rom says "I removed all things that you'll never use and added some other thing like torch. "
Self explanatory, eh?
Droidzone said:
Well, that Rom says "I removed all things that you'll never use and added some other thing like torch. "
Self explanatory, eh?
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Lol, I guess!
My main gripes are:
- Camera capturing images just as the flash is switching off, so pics come out too dark
- Audio and Video being out of sync on videos recorded with the camcorder, when the resolution is set to anything higher than 640x480
(I have a 3 yr old son, so the camera/videocamera gets used a lot!!)
So what about your ROM?
Can you confirm whether these issues are apparent in it?
I've been reading about it and it sounds great, but there's no point flashing it if these issues occur!!
Many thanks
Unfortunately, I've not really tested these details specifically on SuperNova (my work is mainly based on advanced system scripts), and cant test it at the moment, since...wait for it..I'm on my Froyo Rom, StarBurst If I test it out later, I'll update this thread with my results
The reason I switched back to Froyo was the superior network and wifi drivers, which will never be solved on GB Sense without source/a better Ruu..
if you want sense, you should try silky tobasco's
if not oxygen is the best..
tarikg said:
if you want sense, you should try silky tobasco's
if not oxygen is the best..
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tarikg = adamg?
at the moment, GB AOSP ROMs are relatively more stable than the GB Sense ROMs (with Sense 1.9, 2.1, 3.0 and 3.5 or hybrid/2.1+3.0)
GB Sense ROMs are still not yet mature (my opinion) and as usual, maturity increases along with the developing time.
If you want really reliable ROMs, use Froyo Sense ROMs or any other AOSP or MIUI ROMs.
I am now on GB Oxygen (
and waiting for ICS
I really really hope the devs can come up with stable ICS for daily usage.

First ROM ever ... Absolution?

I want to flash my first ROM ever and ive been trying to read a bit and decide on the most appropriate ROM for me. I want something fast and with a good battery life and from what Ive been reading Absolution seems to offer both these things really well. One thing I dont think im willing to give up right now however is the ability to sync facebook images and information onto my contacts. Do Absolution and other Cyanogen based ROMS allow us to do that? Any one with any other suggestions that you think may be easier for me to handle for a first ROM? Also, is there a way for me to backup my current stock rooted ROM so I go back to it in case I dont like CM?
If you want cyanogenmod based ROMs, for me blackICE ROM is the best by far.
If you want to stick to official releases for our DHD, Android Revolution or wait for LeeDroiD to update his ROM
If your want sense 3.5, in my opinion SmartDroiD is my ROM of choice,it really is the best ROM I've ever used, but there is ER3BUS ROM and RcMiX Runny. Currently I'm on ER3BUS as I wanted to test it and I've ended up loosing my USB cable so I'm stuck atm but I will be returning to SmartDroiD soon as I can.
Sent from my ER3BUS Desire HD..
wilkyyyy said:
If you want cyanogenmod based ROMs, for me blackICE ROM is the best by far.
If you want to stick to official releases for our DHD, Android Revolution or wait for LeeDroiD to update his ROM
If your want sense 3.5, in my opinion SmartDroiD is my ROM of choice,it really is the best ROM I've ever used, but there is ER3BUS ROM and RcMiX Runny. Currently I'm on ER3BUS as I wanted to test it and I've ended up loosing my USB cable so I'm stuck atm but I will be returning to SmartDroiD soon as I can.
Sent from my ER3BUS Desire HD..
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Lol, just thinking out of the box here.why not just download the ROM on your phones browser and then flash it? I've had a desire for 2 years and think out of the 1000 times I've flashed, only 3-5 of those roms was put on there from my computer..
Nagelzz said:
Lol, just thinking out of the box here.why not just download the ROM on your phones browser and then flash it? I've had a desire for 2 years and think out of the 1000 times I've flashed, only 3-5 of those roms was put on there from my computer..
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Yeah as said,flash all of them,runny is the best at current but as you can tell its individual loves
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
Yea, when you first install a custom ROM after making your choice, obviously you will have clockwordmod recovery on the phone. From here you can do backups (referred to as nandroid backups) you can also initiate this from ROM manager.
Good luck intrepid Modder.
Also my recommendations are
Sense - Android Revolution HD. It's stock Sense look and feel with good battery life and amazing support, practically 24hour.
AOSP - CM7 - Again amazing support and a great experience. It can link your FB profile pics, but don't expect and decent resolution.
Bleeding Edge - LC ICS Beta 4.5 - Great if you want to try the new flavour of Android but really not for the new modder.
Thanks a lot for the help guys. Knowing that I can back up my stock rom is particularly comforting. Im hoping il have enough time this weekend to get around to doing this. By then Il make sure to look around for some videos of each of those ROMs in order to better choose my first
I feel that Absolution and Blackice are roughly on par with each other, and both are excellent. I'm very curious about Wilkyyy's reasoning...
If your only serious criteria are speed and battery life, the Oxygen 2.3.2 port can't be beaten IMHO. It has far fewer "options" than the former two ROMs though, and there is no CM7-style theming. If you use an alternate launcher like Go, though, then this isn't really an issue or even very relevant.
BenRoark said:
. this isn't really an issue or even very relevant.
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That's possibly one of the funniest things I have read on here for a while
I actually am using golauncher right now and am loving it. In that case you would recomend the oxygen ROM?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
oik01 said:
I actually am using golauncher right now and am loving it. In that case you would recomend the oxygen ROM?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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Everyone will tell you what they think is the best rom out there. It is all a matter of opinion and taste. I would suggest watching the threads and see which ones are up to date with features that are appealing to you and try them each out for a few days/hours/minutes etc until you settle into one that makes you happy. There are tons of quality roms and many that are inactive as far as development too. Just be sure to back up your go to or stock rom before experimenting.
i would say virtuous affinity-v1.48.0 its fast and dont use much battery
i think you can use mybackup pro to backup your stock rom
but i think you need to root it first
Don't think twice, perfect ROM for DHD is Android Revolution HD™ 6.3.1.
wbbigdave said:
That's possibly one of the funniest things I have read on here for a while
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How's that, chief? You can use launcher themes to change the look of your phone interface, if you're really "into" that kind of thing. Yeah, sure, your settings menu won't change, but if you're gonna lose sleep over that, then your problems run much deeper in my opinion.
Another alternative for Oxygen is the kitchen, which has already been done by at least one user.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
oik01 said:
I actually am using golauncher right now and am loving it. In that case you would recomend the oxygen ROM?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
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I think you should try a whole bunch of them. Absolution is awesome IMHO.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Android Revolution and Absolution are my two favorites... Can't go wrong with either and you get a mix of flavors, Sense (ARHD) and CM7 based (Absolution). I randomly switch between these two but Absolution has more development and updates happening than does ARHD.
thanks i tried absolution ... amazing but the one true downfall has been horrible wifi ... will try a new radio and see if that fixes things though
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