Please see attached screen shots. Why would this be happening? When I go under spare parts and check the network usage it shows "0" taking up all the time??? Any help would be be much appreciated! Also when I click on the "0" to see what it is it just brings up a dialog box that says sorry! The application settings ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again...WTF?
Dude! I am having the same exact problem and I have no idea why!! We need to figure this out! Try playing Pandora and let me know if it sounds okay. Mine sounds terrible.
jhoffy22 said:
Dude! I am having the same exact problem and I have no idea why!! We need to figure this out! Try playing Pandora and let me know if it sounds okay. Mine sounds terrible.
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My Pandora sounds fine!
Does pri 1.9 sound familiar? It may be the culprit.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
RTC88 said:
Does pri 1.9 sound familiar? It may be the culprit.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Same issue here. I was losing 1% of Batt live every 2 min and try everything from diff roms, Radios and kernels combinations. I gave up few days ago end up un-rooting the phone and took it to sprint store. Now I’m just waiting on my replacement phone from sprint
This post is combined with the post below!!!
EDIT: No need to respond to this post!!!! Please send any helpful comments to the post above.
Anyone know of an application that analyses how much battery apps and services are using and at what rate? Tried looking at "batterydog" and "drain-o-meter", the latter seems to be what I'm looking for, but the output isn't friendly enough for me to interpret.
Does the community have any ideas?
Settings --> About Phone --> Battery Use ???
tof9 said:
Settings --> About Phone --> Battery Use ???
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Does that tell you which app is using what percentage of battery? I don't think so, please read the question properly before answring!
Tundraswan said:
Does that tell you which app is using what percentage of battery? I don't think so, please read the question properly before answring!
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Erm... Actually it does.
Tundraswan said:
Does that tell you which app is using what percentage of battery? I don't think so, please read the question properly before answring!
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Please check twice the reply you got before you make fool of yourself.
Kind regards,
Aylarth said:
Please check twice the reply you got before you make fool of yourself.
Kind regards,
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That is good advice!
I apologise tof9, sorry, you were right. I've looked at the Battery Usage screen a number of times and have never seen marketplace applications listed. I looked again and found Maps at 25%! So Maps is definitely a hog. I would like to get historic analysis of these stats, will look on marketplace now if something exists which does that...
Actually I have all apps there, including xda app
Sent from my GT-I9000
Just flashed to Evozone-Riptide and its showing my texts in the wrong order. If the person im texting replys within 5 minutes or so, it shows the message I sent after the reply. Nothing major, but its inconvenient.
In your messagin app, are you set to recieve a copy of your sent message?
Lots of people have been complaining about this issue.
_MetalHead_ said:
Lots of people have been complaining about this issue.
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For some reason I had a feeling you'd post that. I shall celebrate with an oreo.
teh roxxorz said:
For some reason I had a feeling you'd post that. I shall celebrate with an oreo.
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Somebody had to. Double stuff?
mine was doing this but it was a timestamp issue i downloaded sms time fix and set it to use the phones local time
_MetalHead_ said:
Somebody had to. Double stuff?
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True enough. And we both know that is the only acceptable oreo.
teh roxxorz said:
True enough. And we both know that is the only acceptable oreo.
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I wish I had some double stuff oreos. And milk. Gotta have the milk.
chadm424 said:
mine was doing this but it was a timestamp issue i downloaded sms time fix and set it to use the phones local time
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where can i get this
ewingt22 said:
where can i get this
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i found it in the market
downloaded that, it didnt work for me. it looks like that fixes hourly problems, mine is off by minutes, and therefor it changes the order they appear in conversations.
ewingt22 said:
downloaded that, it didnt work for me. it looks like that fixes hourly problems, mine is off by minutes, and therefor it changes the order they appear in conversations.
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Happens to me as well. It's annoying
Just started having this happen after installing the inverted messaging apk. Matter of minutes not hours as well, just dealing with it as it isn't a huge deal.
_MetalHead_ said:
Lots of people have been complaining about this issue.
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LMFAO awesome haha you win @ life lol
Trying out a new Rom and I love it. But my friends are only getting low quality picture messages from me...and this can't fly.
I sent myself a picture in an email and it was high quality just as it shows in my gallery. Grr...
Any remedies?
Check the format of the picture, pngs have better quality of jpegs from what I know.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
death-by-soap said:
Check the format of the picture, pngs have better quality of jpegs from what I know.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
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Thanks but when I mean low I mean low. Like all pixelated.
And it wasn't a problem until I changed Roms. But I HAD to change. And aside from this issue its awesome. It's definitely high quality and 8m in my camera settings. I even tried sending pics I took with the last Rom that I knew were high quality and the same problem occured.
Okay.. hmm... I'm thinking if the problem persists, you could try a fresh install of the Rom. Restart entirely. Sometimes that helps. If that doesn't help, you could talk to the Rom developer himself and discuss it.
death-by-soap said:
Okay.. hmm... I'm thinking if the problem persists, you could try a fresh install of the Rom. Restart entirely. Sometimes that helps. If that doesn't help, you could talk to the Rom developer himself and discuss it.
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Tried both, still waiting on a second reply from the dev but his first response he had never heard of that problem.
I use my phone to send higher res pictures all the time. This is kinda torquing my banana. Haha
Hi guys!
I have been reading the posts here for the past week now and some of the things i read are like disabling some sync to prevent lag in note II.
So i was hoping if anyone could reply to this thread on guiding what should i do when i first get my note II
First thing to do is look at it and Masturbate LOL
Sorry couldnt resist.
Visit this youtube channel for some inspiration:
He also has a thread here:
aussiesuree said:
First thing to do is look at it and Masturbate LOL
Sorry couldnt resist.
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You should buy an app called Better Battery Stats from Play Store. It will monitor your battery life so that if you do encounter problems with drain, you can identify which app or process causes it.
I say just use your phone normally at first. I haven't had any lagging with this phone. Then if you do have problems, post on XDA about it. Of course minimizing sync settings is always a good idea. Apps that constantly monitor for updates do cause battery drain and use the cpu. I mean things like facebook, google+ and so on. If you have those set to push updates and alerts to your phone live as they happen, you might experience battery drain and maybe lagging too.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
Kiahnlliya said:
You should buy an app called Better Battery Stats from Play Store. It will monitor your battery life so that if you do encounter problems with drain, you can identify which app or process causes it.
I say just use your phone normally at first. I haven't had any lagging with this phone. Then if you do have problems, post on XDA about it. Of course minimizing sync settings is always a good idea. Apps that constantly monitor for updates do cause battery drain and use the cpu. I mean things like facebook, google+ and so on. If you have those set to push updates and alerts to your phone live as they happen, you might experience battery drain and maybe lagging too.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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drahmed86 said:
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Gnarfsan said:
Visit this youtube channel for some inspiration:
He also has a thread here:
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aussiesuree said:
First thing to do is look at it and Masturbate LOL
Sorry couldnt resist.
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Thanks thanks thanks!!
So my niece is using to much data data and although I can easily just shut it off I'd rather get to the root of the problem. Are there any apps that allow me to see what they download that take a running tally of what access data and also maybe how much ?
She says it's just doing reading homework for school and APUSH notes... that doesn't use 3 gig in 2 weeks.
Any idea of something anyone has heard of or tried ? It's an Atrix HD and not rooted and I'd rather not root since I have no desire to mess with Motorola stuff . I know I'm in the GS3 area but this is where I hang out haha.
Thank you !
hednik said:
So my niece is using to much data data and although I can easily just shut it off I'd rather get to the root of the problem. Are there any apps that allow me to see what they download that take a running tally of what access data and also maybe how much ?
She says it's just doing reading homework for school and APUSH notes... that doesn't use 3 gig in 2 weeks.
Any idea of something anyone has heard of or tried ? It's an Atrix HD and not rooted and I'd rather not root since I have no desire to mess with Motorola stuff . I know I'm in the GS3 area but this is where I hang out haha.
Thank you !
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No idea about the Atrix HD but under settings on the S3, there's Data Usage.
what are your thoughts on this, buddy?
BWolf56 said:
No idea about the Atrix HD but under settings on the S3, there's Data Usage.
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Wow... i shouldn't be allowed to help anyone else...ever. I completely forgot about that thing as I know what uses mine and I'm usually on wi-fi so I don't care for myself. Thanks Bwolf
xBeerdroiDx said:
what are your thoughts on this, buddy?
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Good find. I'm going to try that and see
EDIT: Found this related to that one
Can set a pop up when she uses something that is hogging data and doesn't know it... Thanks !
hednik said:
Wow... i shouldn't be allowed to help anyone else...ever. I completely forgot about that thing as I know what uses mine and I'm usually on wi-fi so I don't care for myself. Thanks Bwolf
Good find. I'm going to try that and see
EDIT: Found this related to that one
Can set a pop up when she uses something that is hogging data and doesn't know it... Thanks !
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ya, i think i like that onavo one you found better. might have to try that with the teenager...
xBeerdroiDx said:
ya, i think i like that onavo one you found better. might have to try that with the teenager...
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Ended up being stupid Facebook... 2 GB in 7 days of background activity. Used the app and set it up easy to let her known and restrict background data.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
hednik said:
Wow... i shouldn't be allowed to help anyone else...ever. I completely forgot about that thing as I know what uses mine and I'm usually on wi-fi so I don't care for myself. Thanks Bwolf
Good find. I'm going to try that and see
EDIT: Found this related to that one
Can set a pop up when she uses something that is hogging data and doesn't know it... Thanks !
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Haha it happens man, we all have our derp moments. I've seen you help quite a few users, keep it up :highfive: