Okay so i recently got a HTC desire and i tried to root it and failed, so i did some research and found that thanks to the 2.2 OTA it has made the phone unrootable at the moment, Hboot is 0.93 and to downgrade hboot it has to be 0.92. Can somebody point me in the right direction as i am going crazy and going in circles here.
It has nothing to do with hboot. You can follow the same guide to downgrade Anrdoid and root the phone, but if you have an SLCD screen you'll have the same problem with the screen breaking in the process.
No when i went to downgrade hboot it told me it was failed....Dude
Then your software version must be higher than stock froyo, in which case it's not possible to root in any way at the moment.
teppic74 said:
Then your software version must be higher than stock froyo, in which case it's not possible to root in any way at the moment.
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Isnt there a way i can downgrade to 2.1 instead and then root?
Nope. The downgrade works on any software version up to 2.09.405.8 but nothing higher. You can't override that check without rooting, and you can't root without downgrading.
Ahhhhh f**k!!!! >.<
Hey, I'm gonna come with a really noobish question I gues... I've read alot of guides and such about this, but I still don't find anything that states it clearly, and it can get kinda confusing.
I have an HTC Desire that I want to root, it has HBoot 0.92 and OTA Froyo 2.2, I don't think this is a problem anymore though?
Now, I believe my phone is unbranded/unlocked - any way to check?
And what radio would I need to use? I'm from denmark and the tele company is called Telia... Does it matter?
And since I'm from denmark, I can't buy any paid apps off the market, and it pisses me off, rooting will fix that right?
I'd like to use the OpenDesire ROM. But it's a bit confusing with all kinds of topics refering to eachother, and the "Ultimate guide on rooting" says that I need HBoot 0.80 and a current rom of 1.15 (or something like that), I have 2.2 >.<
Thanks in advance.
Go to Settings>About phone>Software information
If your phone has S/W 2.09.405.8 then you're on a generic Desire - which is a good thing!!
Next is to check the box specification - if it says you've got a 3.7" AMOLED screen then you can downgrade the HBOOT and root your phone. If it doesn't say AMOLED then you've got a bit more work involved and the information you need is in the ROM Development forum
Hey, thanks for the quick reply!
I got everything you said.
So that means I can just use Unrevoked?
And how about the market? That's one of the main reasons for me to root, so that I'd be able to access the full market?
Bump? Or something
there's no way to root a Desire with the Bootloader HBoot 0.92 known yet, which you got after you've upgraded to Android 2.2.
This means you have to downgrade the bootloader first, root it with unrevoked, ...
There are several guides out there.
But the important thing is, that you must downgrade the Bootloader in order to root your device.
UpSpin said:
there's no way to root a Desire with the Bootloader HBoot 0.92 known yet, which you got after you've upgraded to Android 2.2.
This means you have to downgrade the bootloader first, root it with unrevoked, ...
There are several guides out there.
But the important thing is, that you must downgrade the Bootloader in order to root your device.
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Aye, I kinda wrote that
I'm interested in the market problem for me.
Hello i have bought new htc desire.. Didnt know that i cant update software.. now my phone is:
Android version 2.2
Baseband version
Kernel version
Builld number 2.10.405.2
Software number 2.10.405.2
HBOOT 0.93.0001
Can you tell me please, can i have root permisions? was trying to do with teppic74 manual(forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=768256) but nothing happends..
That guide works fine IF you have an AMOLED screen...if not, which is likely, you'll need to wait for the final release of unrEVOked to be able to root...a quick search (as per forum rules) would've informed you of this
Why do you need to root anyway?
It works on any screen...
teppic74 said:
It works on any screen...
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Was sure it did but read someone else saying it didn't on Android forums so thought I'd put it on. Seems OP isn't doing it right then
"nothing happends" isn't the best report I've ever had.
The downgrade tool will flash any bootable phone with a 2.1 stock ROM that works on both screens - it doesn't matter if the current ROM is rooted, custom, stock, broken, so long as it is bootable and the sdcard works.
I have the hboot 0.93.0001, can i root it using a goldcard ?
anyone out there knows how to root DHD after downgrade? i downgraded my unit to 1.32 after 2.2.1 update (via OTA) messed with my rooted DHD. i used goldcard. now i cant root using visionary or z4root. just shows "rooting device, please wait" but nothing happens. i even reflashed it thinking that something went wrong with the 1st downgrade.
any idea what to do next? i really need to root my DHD.
i used this downgrade tutorial...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905003
Have you tried to RUU 1.32 and then start over with visionary, you will loose all data again though
i reflashed again using RUU_Ace_hTC_Asia_WWE_1.32.707.1_Radio_12.28a.60.140e_26.03.02.08_M_release_153610_signed.exe but still the same. i think the problem is i already have my DHD S-OFF. My unit is already rooted using visionary before i upgrade via OTA. when i downgraded, my unit is still on S-OFF. i'm trying to find a way to turn it on again without rooting. i even tried manual root but still no luck. any suggestion?
I don't think that it matters that you are already S-OFF, I flashed back to stock with RUU couple of times while my phone is radio S-OFF. Just could root again with visionary with no problems at all.
hmmm.... that is the only reason i can think of that may be causing my DHD not to root. i'm planning to try unrEVOked 3.32. any thoughts on it?
boyoyong1980 said:
hmmm.... that is the only reason i can think of that may be causing my DHD not to root. i'm planning to try unrEVOked 3.32. any thoughts on it?
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No sorry, I'm not familiar with unrEVOked , sorry
everything went well without error with the OTA update, downgrade & reflash. can't seem to find any DHD owner with same problem as i am.
UnrEVOked will not work, it is useless to even try. Try uninstalling Visionary, and install the latest version from MoDaCo forums, you can find an official thread there.
By the way S-OFF does not interfere with the OTA in any way.
We can downgrade the system to a lower version to solve this problem
i'm already using the latest version of visionary (r14). seems odd coz everyone seems able to root after downgrade using visionary except me. it used to work for me before though. duno what went wrong now.
I seem to have the same problem as you. I downgraded due to a problem with my Device not being able to boot up after powering down. It worked perfectly after the downgrade but after that i tried rooting again with the visionary and easy radio tool. Got the same problem. I do achieve permroot. But i cannot Radio S-OFF. when i do that then i get these problems.
Were you able to solve your problem?.
I know this question has been asked a lot of time, but im android noob and i didnt find on google anything simple to me..
Can I root my wildfire 2.2 ?
i was searching and they say i need to downgrade to v2.1 and i found something they say i can root v2.2 . But how to downgrade ?
I want to root him cuzz i want to install v2.3
and sorry for my bad english but i think you can understand...
if u r on android 2.2 with hboot 1.01 then u cannot root by any software method as far as now. A paid, expensive hardware solution (xtc clip) is available presently to root your phone. It not only roots ur phone, but also turns ur phone to S-OFF.
There is a Noobs Guide to downgrade from 2.2 to 2.1
But with that, even if u downgrade to 2.1, ur hboot will remain the same which still makes the phone unrootable. Now make ur choice, do u want unrootable eclair or unrootable froyo on your device. I hope u wont opt for eclair.
just search for a while lol. It has been answered many times here on xda.
sorry, but what is hboot and how can i know is my hboot 1.01 ? :S
najvecafaca said:
sorry, but what is hboot and how can i know is my hboot 1.01 ? :S
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HBOOT of wildfire is similar to the BIOS of a computer motherboard.
to know about ur phone hboot, just switch off the device and then by holding volume down key press the power button. there will be something displayed on the screen like,
it also says ur hboot version. u can root if ur hboot version is 0.80.x but i dont think u have that version.
it says
then,it can not be rooted ?
najvecafaca said:
it says
then,it can not be rooted ?
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yes lol thats all.
wait for some rooting process to arrive. everyone else is waiting for the past 4 months just to do that.
edit: u might have seen this thread relating to downgrade to 2.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=847443
but that one is for cn froyo 2.2
bharatgaddameedi said:
edit: u might have seen this thread relating to downgrade to 2.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=847443
but that one is for cn froyo 2.2
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with that tutorial i can downgrade my froyo to 2.1 and root my phone and then instal v2.3 ?
did you try that ? does it work ?
bharatgaddameedi said:
edit: u might have seen this thread relating to downgrade to 2.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=847443
but that one is for cn froyo 2.2
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najvecafaca said:
with that tutorial i can downgrade my froyo to 2.1 and root my phone and then instal v2.3 ?
did you try that ? does it work ?
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That tutorial in the above link (A solution for downgrade cn froyo2.2) works for those who flashed the previously leaked chinese version of froyo. That chinese version of froyo doesn't have the hboot 1.01 (not to be sure but i think it has the hboot 0.83).
Many people are getting confused with that thread. One thing is pretty sure that, as far as now the hboot 1.01 with s-on cannot be rooted with any software methods [Or even hboot 1.01 cannot be downgraded to 0.80 untill today]
recently @dannyjmcguinness has successfully downgraded the hboot 1.01.0002 to hboot 1.01.0001 with s-on. But it gives nothing to users because both those hboots are unrootable. It might lead to some good news in the future.
link of that thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1037183
hi, I'm new register member here, but i read forum for a long time, and it was very useful. Now i have one question and decide to register and ask.
The thing is, i have wildwire, hboot is 0.80.007, i rooted with unrevoked and i instal RUU_Buzz_HTC_WWE_1.37.405.1_Radio_13.53.55.24H_3.35.19.25_release_151892_signed.
Today i found this thread [ROM]Safe Buzz_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.22.405.1 | No Hboot | No Radio | No Rooted & Rooted and instal rooted version. Now I'm 2.21 software version, i can move apps to sd card, and above all i think I'm still rooted.
My question is how this is possible if they said that froyo can't be rooted, and advice is not to upgrade to 2.2 version.
bokilava said:
The thing is, i have wildwire, hboot is 0.80.007, i rooted with unrevoked and i instal RUU_Buzz_HTC_WWE_1.37.405.1_Radio_13.53.55.24H_3.35.19.25_release_151892_signed.
Today i found this thread [ROM]Safe Buzz_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.22.405.1 | No Hboot | No Radio | No Rooted & Rooted and instal rooted version. Now I'm 2.21 software version, i can move apps to sd card, and above all i think I'm still rooted.
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u said that ur hboot is 0.80.0007 and rooted with unrevoked and then installed the 1st RUU. But installing that official RUU will make ur phone unrooted.
And that [ROM]Safe Buzz_Froyo is a rooted rom with both "no rooted" and "rooted" versions. U said that u installed the rooted version. ok fine.
Actually im on unrootable official froyo with hboot 1.01 and S-ON from the past 4 months. I havent tried any rooted official roms to say whether u r still rooted or not. I have the doubt whether rooted official roms can be installed only in the rooted wildfire or not. I expect they can be installed only in the rooted wildfire (as they are zip files, not exe files). If that is the case, then ur phone is still rooted. I would search and let u know if i got confirmed.
Alternatively, u can check it with "root only" apps like busybox. have a try
bokilava said:
My question is how this is possible if they said that froyo can't be rooted, and advice is not to upgrade to 2.2 version.
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Pretty sure it is possible. Because it is not like, "FROYO CANT BE ROOTED". The point is wildfire HBOOT 1.01 with S-ON can't be rooted. WILDFIRE ROOT depends on hboot and nand security flag. And rooting (in NAND locked devices) has nothing to do with eclair or froyo or gingerbread . And what everyone needs to know here is, "official update not only updates the os to froyo but also updates other things like hboot, radio, recovery (which solely makes the phone unrootable)".
That is the reason why they removed the hboot and radio in the above rooted rom u have mentioned.
thanks for reply, now the things come to a place
something like that was on my mind but i was unsure and confused.
Im installed zip file from sdcard, power on with volume down, etc... now i tried some terminal app where they said that if you type su, it will ask for super user permission and # sign need to appear instead of $ sign. It worked like a charm so i think that im still rooted
So ''don't update to froyo'' thing is only for those users who want OTA update, because of hboot updating, and unable to root new hboot?
Do you know what would be happened that i installed RUU_Buzz_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.22.405.1_Radio_13.55.55.24H_3.35.20.10_release_160191_signed, Will my hboot become 1.xxx?
bokilava said:
thanks for reply, now the things come to a place
something like that was on my mind but i was unsure and confused.
Im installed zip file from sdcard, power on with volume down, etc... now i tried some terminal app where they said that if you type su, it will ask for super user permission and # sign need to appear instead of $ sign. It worked like a charm so i think that im still rooted
So ''don't update to froyo'' thing is only for those users who want OTA update, because of hboot updating, and unable to root new hboot?
Do you know what would be happened that i installed RUU_Buzz_Froyo_HTC_WWE_2.22.405.1_Radio_13.55.55.24H_3.35.20.10_release_160191_signed, Will my hboot become 1.xxx?
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U have got super user permissions. So, yes ur phone is rooted for sure. That is what root means actually (getting su permissions).
Yes, that "don't update to froyo" warning is only for users who wish to make the OTA update (without loosing root) from htc.
And again yes, by installing that RUU, ur HBOOT will become 1.01 because it had the latest Radio_13.55.55.24H_3.35.20.10
--Official ruu / ota updates with Radio_13.55.55.24H_3.35.20.10 will always have the HBOOT 1.01.000x
--And official ruu's with Radio_13.53.55.24H_3.35.19.25 and Radio_13.45.55.24H_3.35.15.31 will have the HBOOT 0.80.000x
I have HTC Desire GSM, rooted, s-off. Because of some issues with the proximity sensor i want to unroot the phone and send it back to HTC for maintenance. Before continue i must say that i have tried to clean the sensor, tried to remove the screen protector but the problem remains
However, i downloaded the hboot downgrade from alpharev site and updated the phone. Now the hboot version is still 6.93.9999 - will it be replaced when i flash the RUU?
Before flash the RUU i want to be sure that i can root the phone again once i get it back from HTC. I used the unrevoked to root my phone but as i see it's for hboot 0.93 and lower. What version of RUU should i use? I prefer to be froyo.
Yes, the bootloader will become S-ON once you use the RUU.
The best option is to use the corresponding RUU to your network provider e.g. my device is branded Vodafone, therefore if I were to send back for warranty purposes I would use the latest Vodafone RUU.
All RUU's are available on www.shipped-roms.com
If you are unable to find the correct RUU for your phone, or are unsure of which one is right for you, simply use the 2.3.3 Gingebread RUU available from htcdev.com (there is also a link available on my guide from #Resources)
Lastly, you can root and S-OFF your phone as many times as you please (Being it is not rooted or S-OFF already)
Thanks for the reply. I have found tha RUU i need
I have read that GB RUU cannot be rooted and i should downgrade to 2.1. So i will use Froyo instead. Thanks a lot
vesheff said:
Thanks for the reply. I have found tha RUU i need
I have read that GB RUU cannot be rooted and i should downgrade to 2.1. So i will use Froyo instead. Thanks a lot
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When you get the phone back you're probably more than likely to get it back with 2.2 anyway, also you have read wrong, in addition to the fact that unrevoked is now pretty much obsolete and it is much easier to S-OFF and flash recovery rather than root the stock system.
There are so many threads and it's easy to get confused
I suppose you are talking about 4ext recovery?
What's the way to s-off the phone? Is it still whit alpharev?
I will search a little bit more thank you very much
vesheff said:
There are so many threads and it's easy to get confused
I suppose you are talking about 4ext recovery?
What's the way to s-off the phone? Is it still whit alpharev?
I will search a little bit more thank you very much
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Wow you really need to do a lot of reading.. you can flash any recovery you want, whatever suits your needs...
Use revolutionary instead, it's a lot quicker and easier.