Got my Evo today - what fun! Its my very first smartphone and so far I think its great. With 4 bars on 3G I get 2.0-2.4 mbps down. With 1 bar on 4G I get about the same speed. I'll need to hunt around and see how 4G signal strength varies with position. My neighbor 1 block away gets at least 4 mbps. I guess this variability is the nature of Sprint's WiMax network?
I've seen lots of posts with people reporting statistics on time spent on/off, awake/asleep, amount of data downloaded, what apps are using what resources, etc. What tool does one use to collect this information?
You can get some information through the about phone; up time, awake time, battery use etc etc.
As far as the 4G, I think it's more of it being such a new network. Was just out back taking a breather and I can get 1 bar of 4G. 2-4 Mb pretty consistently ... sometimes it drops, pulled in 5 on a couple speedtests. The 3G though, it's weird because I'm lucky if I can even get 2 Mb. Dunno though, gotta assume the stability of the 4G will only get better. Figure I'm right on the brink even though the coverage map appears to have it bleeding out past me. In time I suppose.
Baltimore is the oldest (and I assume most built-out) 4G market area that Sprint has in the US. I was able to connect to 4G on the first day I had the Evo. Then did the OTA update. I've been unable to connect to 4G ever since. I switch the 4G radio on and wait, the icon at the top of the screen always says 3G. Am I doing something wrong? Is there somewhere else where I need to enable 4G? Anyone else having trouble accessing 4G since the OTA update?
I have also been having some problems with my 4g. I had no problems with 4g until the update.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Curious, 4G still works with my phone after the OTA.
I see B-More has been up since 2008 or something? First city! Whoa. But strange none the less. Your buddy, whom you referenced in the original post, still able to connect?
I've had my EVO in Baltimore since Launch Day - have not done the OTA yet (rooted) and my 4G was working fine until this morning. Wonder if there is some sort of outage today.
All I get is Scanning -> Connecting to Sprint -> Obtaining IP -> Scanning.
This has happened in Baltimore and Annapolis.
Also, I have hit 5mbps download near the Beltway and I-95.
Dude!? Where in Bmore? I'm over in Ellicott City and I get maybe 600kbps on 3g or 1200 in Samsclub Catonsville and at BWI...
4000-5000 on 4g
Oddly though I've been getting "network connection lost" and google maps just stops and refuses to download any tiles. Pandora freezes too...
You started having these problems today?
I've searched the web and this seems to be the only place that 4G problems have been reported in Baltimore.
Also, are you pre or post OTA?
willfck4beer said:
Dude!? Where in Bmore? I'm over in Ellicott City and I get maybe 600kbps on 3g or 1200 in Samsclub Catonsville and at BWI...
4000-5000 on 4g
Oddly though I've been getting "network connection lost" and google maps just stops and refuses to download any tiles. Pandora freezes too...
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I'm downtown. This morning (7/2) I checked (outdoors) near Camden Yards and at the Inner Harbor. No 4G. Maybe its just coincidence that there's a network problem just after the OTA? I'll keep checking....
So, I called Sprint. As expected, they claimed maintenance in my "neighborhood". As I mentioned above, I've been in Baltimore and Annapolis today with no 4g. I have a hard time believing that they took out the whole area for maintenance. However, he did claim that it should be back up by 7pm.
I'm in Ellicott City and get about 4.5 on 4G and 600-1.0 on 3G.
I work right on the edge of the 4G coverage (Clarks Ace Hardware) so I'm usually at 1-2 bars. If I go 1 block east I get full reception, but if I go 100ft. west it completely drops 4G (route 144 & 40).
Checked for 4G connectivity this morning (inside my brick rowhouse, near the baseball stadium in Baltimore). I've got a weak 4G signal again - and measured 4 mbps bandwidth down. Good enough for me. I'll take some more measurements around town and see if there's any place with a stronger signal.
I spent the whole day yesterday at the harbor, 4G never connected once. Fail :/
Went to Sprint at Inner Harbor. They were getting 2 bars of 4G in the store, and I was getting none. The tech there noticed that I had turned off the "Location" switch (which allows GPS to update applications of phone's location). I did that because I didn't want GPS radio on all the time (save battery), and because I thought it would give me a bit more privacy. Tech said for 4G to work at its best - need to turn Location -ON. Reluctantly I turned it on, and now I'm consistently getting 1 or 2 bars of 4G around the Baltimore downtown area, with 3.8 - 4.5 mbps bandwidth down.
SO - in order to use that battery hogging 4G radio, one needs to turn on yet another battery sucking radio? Wow - are others in 4G markets finding that 4G works better with GPS on and Location on? Or was that tech just grasping for straws...?
i've always had the gps on. no luck
interesting! Don't know if any of you have tried sensorly map... kinda sweet... it signal strength maps 4G and 3g and 1xrtt via crowdsourcing... and lets you compare coverage btw sprint/att/vzw/tmob...
But I'm worried how accurate it is due to several issues:
1) I contributed data and never saw the map update
2) data will be skewed as GPS needs to be ON for map to work - so it should report better 4g coverage than actually exists AND
3) Most people who contributed seemed to be wardriving (or just leaving it on while driving)... and from what I've read wimax isn't that good at mobile or handoffs...
If it is accurate... this is not going to be a fun 2 years... SPRINT coverage looks like ****! even compared to tmob...
Any input from anyone smarter?
btw - I'm moving to a boat down in inner harbor... anyone have any results from the water?
I'm wondering how accurate it is too. Wasn't there some kind of radio problem with 4g not connecting? Wouldn't that skew the results?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
so im in downtown baltimore (otterbein area, right off the inner harbor), and both my wife and i just got evo's on friday. neither of us can get a 4g signal anywhere, unless we're standing literally across the street from the sprint store in the inner harbor. is this usual? is there some kind of outage right now? sprint was entirely useless when i called tech support, and i got transferred around about 11 times before being told they'll look into it and call me back tomorrow.
pjh410 said:
so im in downtown baltimore (otterbein area, right off the inner harbor), and both my wife and i just got evo's on friday. neither of us can get a 4g signal anywhere, unless we're standing literally across the street from the sprint store in the inner harbor. is this usual? is there some kind of outage right now? sprint was entirely useless when i called tech support, and i got transferred around about 11 times before being told they'll look into it and call me back tomorrow.
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Make an appointment to speak with a tech at the Inner Harbor store - sounds like there's something wrong with your phone or settings. Coverage in downtown Baltimore can vary a lot with location. I'm in Ridgely's Delight (less than a mile from you) - and I've been getting between 3.5 and 5.0 mbps down.
Been running speed tests around Austin/san Marcos/san Antonio and noticed that 4g only reaches 2.5 megs, whereas in those areas was able to reach anywhere from 5 to 8 meg speeds.
From what I see the test fluttered at 2.5 which is one of the symptoms of a cap.
I live between Austin and San Marcos on 183 and I have gotten up to around 5.5mbps on 4g a couple times. It is always faster at work (near the airport) than at home. Home is usually around 2.5mbps
Not capped
double post
DaWhip said:
I live between Austin and San Marcos on 183 and I have gotten up to around 5.5mbps on 4g a couple times. It is always faster at work (near the airport) than at home. Home is usually around 2.5mbps
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That is what I usually get as well, but just today I was in all 3 cities and got capped at 2.5
I have got up to 12mbps
Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk
It all depends on the server location you run the speed test on. I live in TN, and for some reason when I do a speedtest to Clarvsville, TN I only get around 3mb a sec.
Now, if I set it to test on a server in witchita KS, I get 7-8mbps.
So, try different server locations. I use the app since it seems to actually work correctly now.
first if anybody is going off the results of the app, dont put too much trust in those results, that app isnt very accurate, go to the actual site from the phone...anyways i noticed the same symptoms (capping) but im thinking that sprint is throttling the speeds in certain markets to help off-load the strain which alot of providers do, nothing new, whats disappointing is that what ever they are doing to regulate their speeds seems to affect the coverage, some days i get 1 bar 2Mbps some days i get 2bars 500kpbs and somedays i get 3 bars 1.5Mbps and my area is SATURATED in 4g coverage
Ive ran speed test 50 times in Nashville, and I've only seen 3 mb (even with full bars). Of course, Nashville isnt official yet.
After the 2.2 update I went from average 2-3mbps to 6-7 mbps. I live in San Marcos by the way, so I would think in SA or Austin the speeds would just be a bit faster. My 3g speeds also increased after the update but those have been piss poor since I've had a treo 700wx....
And hello xda, been lurking around since I've had a mogul. Thanks to all those who have contributed to this wonderful place of knowledge.
supdawg said:
Ive ran speed test 50 times in Nashville, and I've only seen 3 mb (even with full bars). Of course, Nashville isnt official yet.
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3 is about my max as well in Nashville
zackhow said:
That is what I usually get as well, but just today I was in all 3 cities and got capped at 2.5
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I stepped outside at work today (71 & riverside) and got 3.2mbps.
I bought my S2 yesterday and so far I love it. I came from an HTC Sensation and what a difference! Nevertheless, I must say I was expecting a little bit more out of the data connection. I'm constantly getting 3 -5 MB/s nothing close to what done reviewers were claiming (9-18+) on I live in Houston and believe to be inside the 42mbps spectrum. Should I be concerned about this?
What kind of speeds is everyone getting?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
There are a lot of factors that make up your realized data speeds. Being in a 42mbps coverage area means you have the potential to see the highest data speeds offered by T-Mobile. However the actual performance you experience is based on amount of back haul (fiber optic connectivity) coming into the cell site you are connected to and how much demand is on that tower at any given time. I work in a densely populated 42mbps coverage area in central Maryland where the tower I connect to at work also serves two neighboring Colleges. Ever since school went back in session I have been getting ~3mbps data speeds on average during the day. A week ago T-Mobile saw the spike in data demand on that site and brought more back haul into the cell site. Now I get ~15mbps regularly. Now as more people start to use data on that tower it will start to go down again and at some point in the future if the demand gets high enough and speeds slow down enough T-Mobile will presumably have to bring in more back haul to keep up with the demand.
What you can do is call T-Mobile Customer Care and let them know where you are experiencing the slower speeds and they can forward it over to the engineering team. If there is enough demand on that site they will add it to their list of sites to be back hauled.
Your issue is not your phone and most likely not even your coverage it is probably just a cell site that needs more pipe coming into it to serve the demand in that area.
Hope that helps.
Yes it does help, and thanks for clearing this up for me. Undoubtedly, this is the "elephant in the room" spec although the processor isn't bad either. Time to make some phone calls.
Appreciate it mate!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using XDA App
Honestly if you aren't seeing at least 6-8Mbps during peak usage times the cell site you are on does NOT have dual cell HSPA deployed on it.
I'm in SW Houston. Both my ex-Vibrant and my TMO Galaxy Tab 7 had between just sub-par and plain horrible (read: 4.5 Mbps ... 160kbps) performance. Same results both home and work (inner SW and inner NW respectively).
My SGS II gets about twice or three times as fast (8-10 MBPS, peaks at 14Mbps) at work (NW Houston) but still bad on SW.
Now, here is the kicker: Sometime last week when I got the SGSII I confirmed what I had suspected... The speed test servers we have here (comcast, other) either have very low bandwidth or are bogged down.
So, go and pick another server. I have tried a couple in KY, Lawrence KS and my favorite at Cincinnati OH (that one as given me up to 14Mbps at NW Houston), as well as some random others.
Some conclusions I have to come based on my experiences:
SGSII has a better radio than the SGS (the least they could do?)
Using your local/nearest server is not always optimal.
All Galaxyes (y?) I own are super sensitive when running a speed test. Its 3D orientation as well as where your hand* and even yourself are, make major differences. Try and see while running a test to see numbers change and find your perfect "position".
[*] Brings to memory -respectfully- Mr. Jobs' famous response: "You are holding it wrong."
I have had the T-Mo-SGS2 for a while using just Wi-Fi and VoIP. I just signed up for the 30$ a month plan. Here is what I am seeing @ my desk, indoors near Chicago. I was quite impressed, it was faster than what I was seeing with Verizon 4G on a MiFi I was borrowing in LA. Not sure about the upload, I have seen it as high as 4-5Mbps but it is pretty inconsistent. Down has been consistently 10-12Mbps +. Only had it for a little bit but I guess I am in a sweet spot.
23.23Mbps down & 2Mbps up was the fastest down speed after <10 speed tests
(was going to post a screenshot but I only have 6 posts after 8 years)
I don't even know what to say here. I have a Epic 4G Touch and the speeds suck.
I can barely use the 3G data services. Things simply do not load when I'm on 3G.
An average speed test for me is roughly 900~1000 Ping, 7~13kbps down and maybe 40~70kbps upload.
4G is fine but we only have 4G in ONE small area of the city. When I'm on 4G, I see like 10~12Mbit easy.
I use my phone for work. I need to be able to tether or load pages on the phone when I'm on the go and this just doesn't work for me.
Normally when I'm running these tests, I have 4 or 5 bars. I also work about 45 minutes from home and I experience these speeds in BOTH areas and everywhere in between.
Would calling Sprint and complaining be worth while? Any fixes?
kdoggy said:
Normally when I'm running these tests, I have 4 or 5 bars. I also work about 45 minutes from home and I experience these speeds in BOTH areas and everywhere in between.
Would calling Sprint and complaining be worth while? Any fixes?
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It is sad right?.....I been dealing with 50k-maybe break 100k for a long time in my area. That is just the way it is in "your area" at this time for 3G. Maybe when they start upgrading their tower things will get better. The reason I say it is their network "Area", is that I can go to San Antonio and 3g works great nice speed..etc., but every time I go back to my GF house in South Texas 4-5hrs away I can't break 100k download on 3g again that has been going on for 1yr or more.
There is a link floating around that will give you info on towers being upgraded.
I agree, in Chicago 3G speeds suck worse than my first internet computer in mid 1990's.
I have had the EVO 4G and now the Galaxy SII. Both get 50-75k/sec download. Searching web sites is insanely slow. YouTube is a joke buffering non stop.
4G. LOL. What a gimmick. Very spotty hard to hold a connection which always drops. And big baggy drainer. I never use 4G.
Sprint Galaxy S2 w/ Calk's 1.5a + ICS 1.6
Welcome to the club. I came from T-Mobile where I was enjoying download speeds that are 10x faster then I get now with Sprint's 3G.
4G in my area is not bad ~1MB/sec but I don't get it consistently..
3G upgrades are badly needed, the Sprint tower upgrade site says the towers in my area were already upgraded within the past 6 months, I'd hate to know what it was like before those upgrades..
Zorachus said:
I agree, in Chicago 3G speeds suck worse than my first internet computer in mid 1990's.
I have had the EVO 4G and now the Galaxy SII. Both get 50-75k/sec download. Searching web sites is insanely slow. YouTube is a joke buffering non stop.
4G. LOL. What a gimmick. Very spotty hard to hold a connection which always drops. And big baggy drainer. I never use 4G.
Sprint Galaxy S2 w/ Calk's 1.5a + ICS 1.6
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LOL, I visited Chicago for 4 days over Veteran's Day and thought to myself "Wow, these speeds are awesome!" I was getting >1 MBit on 3G and 5-8 MBit on 4G in the center of town.
I live in Vegas and thought Chicago was at least twice as fast as here...
I hear you!
I live in the SLC area of Utah and came from T-mobile. With T-mobile I could get 1-3MB with a low 3G signal on my Vibrant, now on Sprint I get much lower than that with full 3G bars and WiMax is a joke in UT still..
Memphis Tn and I am getting speeds like the OP is getting. I have tried three modems and they are all the same. I am hoping it is due to something with Sprint going on right now. Before this weekend I was getting some where near 900 down and 400 up going over 1000 at times. This is really BAD.
Yeah it does suck. We have such a nice phone but its pretty much all data driven. I don't even like to usr y phone unless I can connect to wifi cause 3g is so slow. Sprint needs to do something fast. I can't take it.
Sent From My Evo Killer!!!
kdoggy said:
I don't even know what to say here. I have a Epic 4G Touch and the speeds suck.
I can barely use the 3G data services. Things simply do not load when I'm on 3G.
An average speed test for me is roughly 900~1000 Ping, 7~13kbps down and maybe 40~70kbps upload.
4G is fine but we only have 4G in ONE small area of the city. When I'm on 4G, I see like 10~12Mbit easy.
I use my phone for work. I need to be able to tether or load pages on the phone when I'm on the go and this just doesn't work for me.
Normally when I'm running these tests, I have 4 or 5 bars. I also work about 45 minutes from home and I experience these speeds in BOTH areas and everywhere in between.
Would calling Sprint and complaining be worth while? Any fixes?
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It might be the towers.
Guess what me too lol. The tower I use from my house is less than 50 kbits anytime of the day no matter how close I am. And thats 3g not 1x.. Even better they say theres no tower upgrades planned and the tower functions just fine
Yet, everyone else with sprint here has the same results.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Just ran a speed from around Allentown, PA. 5 bars, ping 86ms, 958kbps down, 701kbps up. Fairly typical for this area, however no 4G here. Generally I've had pretty good luck with 3G.
3g and 4g in SoCal..
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I Get 2-3mbps on the down and 1-2mbps on the up here in Salem, NH and its a heavily populated area....Might just be your towers
I remember back when I was using an HTC Mogul and they first turned on EvDO Rev. A. I was getting maybe 600-800k/sec down and honestly that was fine. I would *still* be fine if I could get 600-800k down on 3g. The problem is that my speeds are now somewhere around 10-20k/sec down if is to be trusted. I broke my launch day Evo and upgraded to the e4gt about a week and a half ago. I hoped that would fix things but so far it's just as bad. I think the highest I've gotten on any speed test this past week is still under 50k/sec with more typical speeds around the 15-20k mark.
I just did a backup so I can restore this phone back to stock and stop by the Sprint store tonight. I'm curious as to their explanation. I'd also like to see if their demo units and personal units have this issue. Honestly if they can show me that it's a defective phone I will be thrilled because I am still in my 14 days and can have it swapped out. If it turns out to be a software bug endemic to the phone then I'm in a less pleasant spot. I could wait to see if the rumors of the new ICS build pan out and fix anything but by then I am past my 14-day window.
If I'm stuck waiting around for a newer phone down the line I might just have to suck it up and swap for an iPhone since I can sell it for more in 6-8 months. I just don't really want an iPhone. I use my girlfriend's and it's pretty well built but the screen is so tiny and I hate losing built in Google Talk, Nav, etc.
Freaking annoying.
I live in Aurora, CO and work in Broomfield, CO (approx 50 miles away). Between the two, I'm lucky if I'm able to get 350kbps down. Worst of all is the inconsistency. Connections drop constantly, making it impossible to stream music.
I remember when I first came to Sprint, I could stream music almost non-stop on my 700wx from the time I left my house till I got back home. Those days are loooooong gone.
I don't understand how Sprint stays in business with such a low speed 3G network. I also get VERY slow data in my area and was very close to leaving Sprint, but they offered me an airave, so I can now use my phone in my house. 90% of the time, the data speed is terrible anywhere I travel. I like to stream some music (foreign radios) on my way to and from work and it is terrible: constant buffering. I was tempted to switch to T-Mobile since they have great coverage in my area, still thinking about it...
Very frustrating!
Welcome to Sprint, the Now Our 3G is SCREWED Network.
ok, i live in nj area, about 5 min away from samsung headquarters. i've heard people in CA area go up in speed of internet with fc 24 modem, but for me, the speed has decreased alot. It went from my usual 600-700 kbps, to 100-250 kbps.. less than half the speed. my 4g went from 3.5 mbps, to 5 mbps. so kudos on that.. and my gps works great! I know that the samsung developers come here to research and etc..
can you guys make the internet speed more bearable for people living around nj. i know you guys have two buildings, one is texas and one in nj. it's weird because one time, i had over 1 mbps 3g speed, but with gps issues, but on this one gps is fixed but internet speed is horrible..
do i really have to give up one, in order to use the other? i love all the hard work you guys do, but let's make sure it works great near the samsung headquarters! yay! my rant for today.
oh and also, call quality went up as well. I wasn't able to get a reception at my work place, but i get two bars now.. that was amazing, since no other modems did that.
I have the same experience in NJ.
mx499 said:
ok, i live in nj area, about 5 min away from samsung headquarters. i've heard people in CA area go up in speed of internet with fc 24 modem, but for me, the speed has decreased alot. It went from my usual 600-700 kbps, to 100-250 kbps.. less than half the speed. my 4g went from 3.5 mbps, to 5 mbps. so kudos on that.. and my gps works great! I know that the samsung developers come here to research and etc..
can you guys make the internet speed more bearable for people living around nj. i know you guys have two buildings, one is texas and one in nj. it's weird because one time, i had over 1 mbps 3g speed, but with gps issues, but on this one gps is fixed but internet speed is horrible..
do i really have to give up one, in order to use the other? i love all the hard work you guys do, but let's make sure it works great near the samsung headquarters! yay! my rant for today.
oh and also, call quality went up as well. I wasn't able to get a reception at my work place, but i get two bars now.. that was amazing, since no other modems did that.
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In Orange County and indeed my speeds went up!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
OK, you must be literally right down the street from where I am right now. I was actually running some speedtests on both of my phones and the past couple of days the speed has been in the toilet! Lol. I was getting 1.5Mbps down on 3g and the past few days I am right where you are. I am off of Patterson Ave. I was shocked because I didn't change anything on my Epic Touch at all. Maybe it is due to other factors.
Now if people are reporting better speeds in SoCal, I can't wait to get back because my speeds are always good there...well at least the 4g speeds are
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I noticed the reduction in speeds as well on FC24, 350DL and 100 UL and just to make sure I wasnt losing my mind, I flashed back to EL29 and ran it again. Speeds went back up where they used to be at 1100DL 500UL. So I think I'll stick with that until we all know for sure what the real deal is.
JohnCorleone said:
OK, you must be literally right down the street from where I am right now. I was actually running some speedtests on both of my phones and the past couple of days the speed has been in the toilet! Lol. I was getting 1.5Mbps down on 3g and the past few days I am right where you are. I am off of Patterson Ave. I was shocked because I didn't change anything on my Epic Touch at all. Maybe it is due to other factors.
Now if people are reporting better speeds in SoCal, I can't wait to get back because my speeds are always good there...well at least the 4g speeds are
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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yea i live about 5 min from you as well. i live in little ferry.. (yes feel free to laugh at the name..)